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The Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) parent interview was used to assess psychiatric symptoms in children and adolescents with higher functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (n = 60; age range 6.5–16.7) and in typically developing (TD) children and adolescents (n = 60; age range 6.9–16.2). Psychiatric symptoms were reported in the ASD group (68%) significantly more compared to the TD group (12%). Specifically, emotional disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/hyperkinesis, and tic disorders were significantly more frequent in the ASD group compared to the TD group. Routine screening and early identification of these symptoms could have important implications for planning interventions and thus outcome in individuals with higher functioning ASD. The DAWBA would be a useful interview for this purpose, since it can also be easily and quickly administered in clinics not specialized in psychiatry.  相似文献   

Seven autistic children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) received a neurofeedback treatment that aimed to improve their level of executive control. Neurofeedback successfully reduced children's heightened theta/beta ratio by inhibiting theta activation and enhancing beta activation over sessions. Following treatment, children's executive capacities were found to have improved greatly relative to pre-treatment assessment on a range of executive function tasks. Additional improvements were found in children's social, communicative and typical behavior, relative to a waiting list control group. These findings suggest a basic executive function impairment in ASD that can be alleviated through specific neurofeedback treatment. Possible neural mechanisms that may underlie neurofeedback mediated improvement in executive functioning in autistic children are discussed.  相似文献   

Asperger Syndrome (AS) and High Functioning Autism (HFA) are psychiatric conditions belonging to the Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), characterized by social dysfunction and focused interest, in the absence of mental retardation. Previous reports suggest that AS/HFA may be associated with important psychiatric comorbidities. Among the psychiatric internalizing disorders, depression and anxiety are probably the most common disorders. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of mood disorders and identifying peculiar clinical features in subjects suffering from AS and HFA. 30 male patients with AS/HFA, 30 male patients affected by Major Depression (MD) and 35 male Typically Developing (TD) comparison were assessed with the CDI and the CDRS-R. Participants’ parents were invited to complete the CBCL and the P-YMRS. Moreover, the CGAS was rated by the clinicians. The evaluation of depressive symptoms showed that AS/HFA group reported higher depressive symptoms, as showed by CDI total, CBCL internalizing and CDRS-R total, compared to the TD group. No significant difference of depressive symptoms was found between the AS/HFA and the MD group, with the exception of CDRS-R total score. Moreover, linear regression analysis in the AS/HFA group between CGAS and depressive symptoms revealed that a higher level of depressive symptoms increased the risk of poorer global functioning. These results suggest that the depressive symptoms in AS/HFA patients may be associated with poorer global functioning, with a consequent impairment in their psychological profile and social adjustment, and should alert clinicians to the importance of assessing mood disorders in order to choose the appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents with autism have increased prevalence of psychosocial disabilities. Studies in autism indicate that key psychosocial factors including adaptive functioning, school absence, special needs education, frequency of peer socialization and participation in organized leisure activities may differ in their relationship with autistic, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, but the findings are so far mixed. Therefore, we examined if these measures of psychosocial functioning displayed specific associations with autistic, internalizing and/or externalizing symptoms in 61 children with autism aged 7–14 years compared to 61 typically developing controls. Multiple linear regression analyses across all participants showed that lower adaptive functioning, frequency of peer socialization and participation in leisure activities were driven by more social communication problems and not internalizing, externalizing or autistic-like symptoms including rigidity, stereotypy and sensory sensitivity. Notably, increased school absence was specifically driven by more internalizing symptoms and not autistic or externalizing symptoms. These associations were observed across all participants, both children with autism and their typically developing peers, and therefore appear to be dimensional and general in nature. Within the autism group, children who received special needs education displayed fewer social communication problems compared to those who attended regular education, while a developmental history of social interaction problems was related to lower adaptive functioning. Our findings suggest that social communication problems are more critical for psychosocial functioning than other autistic-like behaviors, internalizing or externalizing symptoms but that efforts to reduce school absence specifically need to target internalizing symptoms and not autistic-like or externalizing symptoms.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined features of early language and motor milestones in children with fragile X syndrome (FXS) and contrasted these features with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) later in life in these children.

Methods: We retrospectively examined parental report of age of onset for walking and first words for primarily boys with FXS, both with ASD (FXS?+?ASD) and FXS-only. The diagnosis of ASD was established by DSM-IV criteria, which were complemented by the ADOS. The age of onset was analyzed as a continuous and categorical variable, which were compared to the upper limit of typically developing children.

Results: Individuals with FXS-only are more delayed in the onset of first words than first walks. The finding represents a pattern suggesting a continuum as robustly demonstrated in individuals with FXS?+?ASD vs. FXS-only.

Conclusion: Our results support validity of FXS?+?ASD co-morbidity as a distinct phenotype in individuals with FXS.  相似文献   

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have higher rates of depressive symptoms than parents of typically developing (TD) children or parents of children with other developmental disorders. The purpose of this study was to examine child and parent sleep as factors associated with depressive symptoms in parents of children with ASDs. Participants included 34 families (17 ASD, 17 TD, 17 mothers and 11 fathers per group). Both objective sleep quantity (actigraphy) and subjective sleep quality were obtained, along with measures of parent depressive symptoms and child daytime behavior. Child sleep quantity was a significant predictor of maternal depressive symptoms, controlling for group and child behavior. Fathers sleep quality was a significant predictor of paternal depressive symptoms, controlling for child behavior and child sleep disturbances. This study suggests that along with child behavior, parent and child sleep variables are associated with parental depressive symptoms. Future studies should continue to use a multi-method measurement approach for sleep, and interventions that target child sleep should include parent sleep and parent daytime functioning as outcome variables.  相似文献   

Research indicates the presence of macrocephaly or abnormally large head circumferences in children with autism and spectrum-related disorders, compared with their typically developing peers. Previous research, however, centered on non-nationally representative, clinic-based samples of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Moreover, these samples were typically small. The present study represents results of a nationally representative, community-based sample of children with and without autism spectrum disorders, derived from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Birth Cohort. Results reveal statistically nonsignificant differences in the head circumferences of children with autism spectrum disorders across three time points, compared with children without autism spectrum disorders. These results may be considered highly generalizable, because they are derived from a nationally representative, community-based sample of children with and without autism spectrum disorders from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Birth Cohort.  相似文献   

The amount of research conducted on sleep in children and adolescents has increased dramatically over the past decade due to the recognition that many children have significant sleep problems leading to daytime dysfunction. Approximately one third of typically developing children have sleep difficulties at some point, and a similar percentage of adolescents have impaired or insufficient sleep leading to daytime impairments. Sleep problems are known to occur at even greater rates in children with special needs, such as those with developmental disabilities, psychiatric conditions, and medical illnesses. The recognition that interventions can improve sleep and may result in better daytime functioning has fueled a growing interest in more fully characterizing the sleep problems in children with special needs. This article presents a discussion of the sleep problems experienced by children with one particular group of developmental disorders—the autism spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that families of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at risk for increased stress and other problems, little is known about what child characteristics may mediate that risk. To address the impact of child behavior problems on family health, we examined data collected from 136 families raising children with ASD. Children were divided into groups based on parent responses to the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): low versus high internalizing and low versus high externalizing behavior problems. Family functioning was measured using the Family Impact Questionnaire, Revised (FIQ-R). Results of ANCOVA analyses indicated significant group differences in FIQ-R domains of Negative Attitudes About Parenting, Social Relationships, Sibling Impact, and Impact to Marriage when comparing externalizing behaviors. None of the FIQ-R domains demonstrated group differences when comparing internalizing behaviors. Correlation coefficients indicated moderately strong associations between higher externalizing behaviors and poorer family functioning, with the most significant associations among child behavior and increased negativity in parenting perceptions and poorer social functioning. This study provides information regarding co-occurring behaviors that have the strongest negative association with family functioning and the domains of family functioning most vulnerable to the severity of such behaviors.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of cognitive function, severity of autism, and adaptive functioning to the variability in language and communication skills in 129 preschool children (aged 24-63 months) with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Participants were selected from a representative research cohort of 208 preschool children on the basis of caregiver completion of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDI). The children were classified into three cognitive groups: (a) Normal intelligence; (b) Developmental delay; and (c) Intellectual disability. Autism symptom severity was measured by the Autistic Behavior Checklist (ABC), and adaptive functioning by the Daily Living Skills (DLS) and Socialization (Soc) subscales from the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. For each of five CDI variables (Phrases understood, Words understood, Words produced, Gestures and actions, and Language use), the contribution of cognition, severity of autism symptoms, and adaptive functioning to the variability was examined. Cognition and age explained about half or more of the variance in the four verbal language CDI variables, but only about one fourth of the variance in the non-verbal communication variable Gestures and actions. Severity of autism symptoms and the two adaptive measures (DLS and Soc) each only accounted for a few percent more of the variance in the four CDI language variables; however, for Gestures and actions, an additional 11-21% of the variance was accounted for. In conclusion, for children with ASD, receptive and expressive language is mainly related to cognitive level, whereas non-verbal communication skills seem to also be related to severity of autism symptoms and adaptive functioning.  相似文献   

Children with a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder (RAD) appear to show difficulties in social understanding. We aimed to compare the pragmatic language functioning of children with (RAD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Assessments were made in three groups of children aged 5–8 years, with verbal IQ estimates in the normal range: 35 with a RAD diagnosis, 52 with an ASD diagnosis and 39 with typical development. The Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC) was used to compare their pragmatic language skills, and ADI-R algorithms were used to compare autistic symptomatology, according to parent report. According to the CCC, the RAD group demonstrated significant problems in their use of context, rapport and social relationships with a degree of severity equivalent to children in the ASD comparison group. More than 60% of the group with RAD met ADI-R clinical criteria on the Use of Language and Other Social Communication Skills subscale, 46% on the Reciprocal Social Interaction subscale, and 20% had significant repetitive and stereotyped behaviours. Children with RAD appear to be at least as impaired as children with ASD in certain domains of social relatedness, particularly in their pragmatic language skills.  相似文献   

Although a small number of studies have investigated sex differences in the associated features of high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASDs), they have failed to provide consistent findings. We sought to examine sex differences in 5–9-year-old females and males with HFASDs within a narrow range of ages before adolescence in order to identify the noticeable autistic profile of females compared to males. Using the Japanese version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale-Tokyo Version (CARS-TV), 20 females with HFASDs were compared with 26 males with HFASDs. Although females and males with HFASDs share similar cognitive profiles in WISC-III, females demonstrated a different symptom profile from males in CARS-TV. Although the female subjects scored significantly lower than the male subjects on “Body Use,” “Object Use,” and “Activity Level,” female subjects scored significantly higher than males on “Taste, Smell, and Touch Response and Use” in the CARS-TV. This finding can be useful for the early identification of females with HFASDs who have typically been underdiagnosed. Future research should focus on elucidating the possible behavioral, neurological, and genetic links to these sex differences.  相似文献   



Broad autism phenotype (BAP) is a milder expression of the social and communication impairments seen in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). While prior studies characterized the BAP in unaffected family members of probands with ASD, the relationship between parental BAP traits and proband symptomatology remains poorly understood. This study utilizes the Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ) in parents and the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) in children to examine this connection. We hypothesized that in families affected by ASD, elevated maternal and paternal BAPQ scores would correlate with greater autism symptomatology in diagnosed children. In an extension of prior research, we also explored this relationship in families with typically developing children (TDC).


Two hundred and forty-five children with ASD, 129 TDC and all parents were recruited as part of a larger study investigating relationships between genes, brain and behavior. The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and expert clinical judgment confirmed ASD diagnoses in children. SRS was collected for all children. Parents completed a self-report BAPQ and an informant report BAPQ for their spouse; an average of self-report and informant report for each parent was used in all analyses.


Mothers and fathers of children with ASD had significantly higher rates of BAP traits as compared to parents of TDC. Maternal and paternal BAPQ total scores were not correlated with child IQ in either group. In the ASD group, 10% of mothers and 21% of fathers scored above the established BAP threshold compared to 4% of TDC parents. Crude regression analyses showed that maternal and paternal BAPQ total scores accounted for significant variance in child SRS scores in both ASD (17.1%) and TDC (19.8%) families.


Our results suggest that broad autism symptomatology in parents is moderately associated with their child’s autism symptomatology. This result extended to TDC families, suggesting that the BAPQ and SRS capture subtle, subclinical social variation in both children and adults. These findings could help define multi-generational social impairments in future phenotypic and genetic studies.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study examines the relationship between social competence and sensory processing in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders.MethodologyChildren, ages 6–10 (N = 36), with high functioning autism spectrum disorders were assessed using the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) and the Sensory Profile (SP). A bivariate correlational design was used to compare the scores (Spearman Rank Correlational Coefficient).ResultsSignificant differences were seen between mild to moderate and severe categories of SRS scores, based on Mann–Whitney U test (p < .05). Moderate to strong correlations were found between the SRS scores and all four sensory processing quadrant scores.ConclusionsThis study adds a clearer understanding of the relationship between sensory processing and social competence for children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders. The degree of correlation indicates that sensory processing is a function of severity within autism spectrum disorders and may be an important factor to consider when addressing the social performance of these children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the outcome in early adulthood of males who met criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and mania, ADHD alone, or no psychiatric disorder when aged 9-13 years. METHOD: Males who met criteria at baseline assessment conducted in the period 1992-1994 for mania+ADHD (n = 15), ADHD without mania (n = 65), or no psychiatric diagnosis (n = 17) were reevaluated after 6 years using computer-assisted structured interviews for Axis I and Axis II disorders, questionnaires about functioning and service utilization, and a clinician-rated assessment of global functioning. RESULTS: There were no group differences in the prevalence of Axis I or Axis II disorders, with the exception of alcohol abuse, which was higher in controls. Manic symptoms persisted in only one mania+ADHD subject, while three (5%) of the ADHD subjects had new-onset manic symptoms. There were no clear cases of bipolar disorder. The groups were not distinguished on levels of service utilization or criminal behavior, but global functioning was significantly lower at follow-up in the mania+ADHD group compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Although a pilot study in scope, the findings cast doubt on a link between mania symptoms associated with ADHD in childhood and later bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

It has been consistently reported that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) show considerable handwriting difficulties, specifically relating to accurate and consistent letter formation, and maintaining appropriate letter size. The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying factors that contribute to these difficulties, specifically relating to motor control. We examined the integrity of fundamental handwriting movements and contributions of neuromotor noise in 26 children with ASD aged 8–13 years (IQ > 75), and 17 typically developing controls. Children wrote a series of four cursive letter l's using a graphics tablet and stylus. Children with ASD had significantly larger stroke height and width, more variable movement trajectory, and higher movement velocities. The absolute level of neuromotor noise in the velocity profiles, as measured by power spectral density analysis, was significantly higher in children with ASD; relatively higher neuromotor noise was found in bands >3 Hz. Our findings suggest that significant instability of fundamental handwriting movements, in combination with atypical biomechanical strategies, contribute to larger and less consistent handwriting in children with ASD.  相似文献   

An important factor in the diagnosis and treatment of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is prescribed Electroencephalography (EEG). EEG changes may show the following: slowing, asymmetry, sharp waves or spikes, sharp and slow waves, generalized sharp and slow waves, or generalized polyspikes in a distributed or general area, multifocal or focal, unilateral or bilateral, and they may be located in many different areas of the brain. There is a need to look for a EEG phenotype typical of patients with ASD. The importance of gamma waves, rhythm mu, mirror neurons, and their role in patients with ASD was discussed. Epilepsy is reported to occur in one third of ASD patients. In ASD, seizures and EEG paroxysmal abnormalities could represent an epiphenomenon of a cerebral dysfunction independent of apparent lesions. This article reviews ASD and EEG abnormalities and discusses the interaction between epileptiform abnormalities and cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   

The relation between level of intellectual functioning and risk for associated symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was investigated. Cognitive ability and associated symptoms were assessed directly and/or via parent report in 74 children with ASD at 6 and 9 years of age. Participants were classified as lower and higher functioning using Nonverbal and Verbal IQ and Communication scores on the Vineland at age 6. Children with higher functioning at age 6 displayed increased internalizing symptoms by age 9, whereas children with lower functioning displayed higher hyperactivity, attention problems, and irritability by age 9. Results suggest that level of intellectual functioning may be a risk factor for different patterns of associated symptoms by later childhood.  相似文献   

Impaired imitation of skilled gestures is commonly reported in autism. Questions, however, remain as to whether impaired imitation is associated with a more generalized deficit in performance of gestures consistent with a dyspraxia and whether the pattern of errors differs from that observed in typically developing children. To address these questions, praxis in 21 high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) was compared with 24 typically developing controls using a traditional approach in which performance was evaluated through detailed examination of error types. Children with ASD produced significantly fewer correct responses not only during Gesture to Imitation, but also during Gesture to Command and with Tool Use. The pattern of errors in ASD was similar to that of controls with spatial errors being most common in both groups; however, body-part-for-tool errors were more common in children with ASD, suggesting dyspraxia is not entirely attributable to motor deficits. The findings suggest that autism is associated with a generalized praxis deficit, rather than a deficit specific to imitation. In a developmental disorder such as autism, the findings may reflect abnormalities in frontal/parietal-subcortical circuits important for acquisition (i.e., learning) of sensory representations of movement and/or the motor sequence programs necessary to execute them.  相似文献   

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