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Kaposi sarcoma (SK) is characterized by proliferation of vascular and spindle-shaped cells with variable clinical presentations. The association with AIDS modifies the profile of this disease. The pathophysiology seems to be based on the major role HHV-8. The goal of this work was to specify the profile of this disease in our region through a retrospective study of 65 cases of SK over a 23-year period (1981-2003). In our series, the classic form prevailed 163 cases (96.9%)]. One patient had a secondary form due to steroid therapy and another patient had a KS associated with AIDS. A male prevalence was noticed (M/F: 2.8). Cutaneous lesions were dominated by papulo-nodular lesions (90.9%) of the lower limbs (92.3% of the cases). Mucous lesions were present in 15.4% of the cases. Therapeutic abstention was decided in 38.4%. Surgical excision was indicated in 35.4% of cases, radiotherapy in 4.6% of the cases and chemotherapy in 23% of the cases. The classic form of KS is the most frequent in our area; the other forms remaining rare.  相似文献   

Opportunistic infections are one of the major problem among HIV infected patients still connected with high mortality. The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the incidence and mortality from opportunistic infections in HIV infected population in Pomeranian region of Poland. The paper presents analysis of incidence of opportunistic infections among 141 AIDS patients hospitalised in Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Gdańsk from 1988 to 2001/June/. In examined group 179 opportunistic infections were diagnosed. Most frequent was oesophageal candidiasis 58%, tuberculosis 29%, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 21% and central nervous system toxoplasmosis 13%. The occurrence of opportunistic infections depends on CD4 count and rises with CD4 decline. Opportunistic infections were the reason of death in 33 from 74 cases/45%/. CONCLUSIONS: In examined group 28% of patients did not know about HIV infection when first opportunistic infection was diagnosed. Most frequent opportunistic infections in AIDS patients were oesophageal candidiasis, tuberculosis, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and toxoplasmosis. In 98% of cases opportunistic infection developed when no HAART nor infection prophylaxis was administered. Opportunistic infection was the reason of death in 45% of cases, the most frequent were PCP and CNS toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

Within 1 year of the initial report in 1981 of a deadly new disease that occurred predominantly in previously healthy persons and was manifested by Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma, the disease had a name: acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Within 2 years, the causative agent had been identified: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). On the 30th anniversary of the epidemic, to characterize trends in HIV infection and AIDS in the United States during 1981-2008, CDC analyzed data from the National HIV Surveillance System. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated that, in the first 14 years, sharp increases were reported in the number of new AIDS diagnoses and deaths among persons aged≥13 years, reaching highs of 75,457 in 1992 and 50,628 in 1995, respectively. With introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy, AIDS diagnoses and deaths declined substantially from 1995 to 1998 and remained stable from 1999 to 2008 at an average of 38,279 AIDS diagnoses and 17,489 deaths per year, respectively. Despite the decline in AIDS cases and deaths, at the end of 2008 an estimated 1,178,350 persons were living with HIV, including 236,400 (20.1%) whose infection was undiagnosed. These findings underscore the importance of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy focus on reducing HIV risk behaviors, increasing opportunities for routine testing, and enhancing use of care (1).  相似文献   

艾滋病肺部并发症与CD4+T淋巴细胞水平的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨艾滋病常见肺部并发症与CD4 T淋巴细胞的相关性。方法收集非洲博茨瓦纳Nyangabgwe医院>1万例HIV/AIDS患者的胸部平片,电脑随机抽取300例作为样本,根据CD4 T淋巴细胞计数,以200/mm3为界,将该样本分为两组,分析两组肺部并发症发病的情况,并以最具有特征性的卡氏肺囊虫性肺炎(PCP)为例,观察PCP治疗效果及其随访进行比较分析。结果HIV/AIDS最常见的肺部并发症有肺结核(PTB)、PCP、细菌性肺炎、肺门纵隔淋巴结肿大和卡波济肉瘤(KS)肺侵犯;当CD4 T淋巴细胞计数>200/mm3时肺部并发症少;当CD4 T淋巴细胞计数下降到≤200/mm3时,肺部并发症明显增多,且治疗效果差;两组之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论艾滋病肺部并发症的发生发展及治疗效果与CD4 T淋巴细胞水平密切相关。  相似文献   

This study presents information on AIDS patients in Puerto Rico, including their general sociodemographic profile, some risk-related parameters, characteristics of vulnerable groups, and elements of the clinical spectrum of the disease. Data were analyzed from the Puerto Rico AIDS Surveillance Program and available studies about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Puerto Rico. A total of 23,089 AIDS cases was reported to the Puerto Rico AIDS Surveillance Program from January 1981 through February 1999. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected mostly males and females between the ages of 30 and 49, though cases have also been reported for other age groups. The cumulative proportion of persons with AIDS who are women has increased tremendously, from 11.4% for the 1981-1986 period to 21.6% for the entire 1981-1999 period. In Puerto Rico the category of injecting drug users (IDUs) accounts for the majority of the AIDS cases (52%), followed by heterosexual contact (22%), and men who have sex with men (17%). The three main diagnoses for AIDS on the island are wasting syndrome (30.7%); esophageal, bronchial, and lung candidiasis (29.4%); and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (26.8%). According to 1994 vital statistics for Puerto Rico, AIDS was the fourth-leading cause of death. The overall reported AIDS mortality rate was 42.0 per 100,000 persons, with the rate for males, 67.8, much higher than it was for females, 17.4. AIDS is the first cause of death among persons between 30 and 39 years old. Intense efforts are needed to better understand the epidemic in Puerto Rico and its biology, social and family impacts, and financial costs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate time trends of the spectrum of AIDS-defining diseases in Italy, 1982-1996. METHODS: Surveillance data from the Italian National AIDS Registry were used to assess temporal patterns of all AIDS-defining diseases diagnosed among adults as of December 1996. Twenty-six initial clinical manifestations of AIDS were grouped into 12 categories. Relative frequencies were calculated by year of diagnosis and stratified by age, gender, HIV-exposure category, and CD4+ cell count. A multivariate polychotomous logistic model was used to estimate the proportions of each diagnostic category over time, adjusting simultaneously for the remaining diagnostic categories and for variables of interest. RESULTS: This analysis was based on 41772 diagnoses of AIDS-defining diseases among 36 638 reported cases. Mycoses represented the most frequent condition (27.3%), followed by Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) (21.4%) and viral infections (8.9%). Cancers accounted for less than 10% of diseases. Downward trends were observed for mycoses, PCP (in the last part of the study period), Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL). Upward trends were observed for mycobacterioses, and bacterial and protozoal infections. Brain toxoplasmosis increased up to 1994, and, thereafter, it appeared to decrease. These trends were less marked when the analysis was restricted to the diseases included in the pre- 1987 AIDS definition. Trends stratified by CD4+ cell count for the period 1990-1996 were substantially consistent with the above-reported results. CONCLUSIONS: The downward temporal trends in the most recent years of the study period for PCP and for brain toxoplasmosis are likely to be related to the use of prophylactic treatment. This analysis confirms a decline in KS but suggests that this was largely over by 1990.  相似文献   

[目的]分析云南省红河州艾滋病(AIDS)机会性感染的临床特点。[方法]回顾性分析本院1998年6月~2007年6月收治的132例艾滋病病例的临床资料,总结艾滋病机会性感染的临床特点。[结果]132艾滋病病例中,机会性感染结核病84例,占63.6%,真菌感染58例,占40.9%,HIV/HCV合并感染46例,占34.8%,带状疱疹、沙门氏茵感染、致病性大肠埃希杆菌肠炎、金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎、弓形虫脑病亦有发病。[结论]艾滋病机会性感染临床表现复杂多样,结核病是最常见的机会感染,其次是真菌感染,HIV/HCV合并感染率高。  相似文献   

A study on AIDS subjects carried out at the Calmette Hospital in Phnom-Penh between the 1st January 97 and the 30th December 98. The objective of this study was to describe the most frequent clinical manifestations as well as the opportunistic infections according to the 1993 CDC classification (purely clinical classification). Three hundred and fifty six AIDS patients hospitalized in medicine B were included in our study. A complete file was prepared for each subject, specifying his/her social and family situation, profession, sexual behavior and history. The clinical condition was specified and the paraclinical examinations were recorded. The average age was 35 years with 250 men and 106 women, i.e. a M/F sex ratio of 2.4. The majority of male contaminations were due to sexual relationships with multiple partners, 82%, and women with a single partner was of 78%. The use of condoms was of 60% (versus 40% occasional); the extent of drug-addiction was 1.12% (4 cases). A history of STD was found in 56% of cases. The presenting symptoms most frequently found were asthenia, anorexia, fever and weight-loss. In decreasing order, the clinical manifestations often associated were: weight-loss > 10% or a catechetic condition 58.70% (209/356), fever > 38 degrees C >1 month 53% (189/356), diarrhea (> one month) 41.60% (148/356). The most frequent opportunistic infections were: oral candidiasis 51.40% (183/356) and 40% are oro-oesophageal (oral candidiasis + dysphagia or odynphagia), pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculoses (TB) 43.50% (155/356) (pulmonary TB in 65.16%, TB of the lymph nodes 23.22% and disseminated TB and cerebral TB 11.61%), cryptococcal meningitis 11.80% (42/356) and pneumocystosis 6.50% (23/356), CMV retinitis 1.12% (4/356). The other opportunistic manifestations such as toxoplasmosis and Kaposis sarcoma are much more rarely encountered due to the difficulties of the paraclinical diagnosis. The mortality in the department was of 17.40% (62/356). In conclusions, tuberculosis is the most frequent of the opportunistic infections in Cambodia. Cryptococcal meningitis is in 3rd place for opportunistic infections. It is the first diagnosis that should be evoked in a meningeal irritation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The long average incubation time from HIV infection to AIDS makes it difficult to estimate recent HIV transmission from AIDS incidence data. Age-period-cohort (APC) analysis can separate out the effects of age, calendar time and birth cohort to provide a clearer picture of transmission trends. METHODS: AIDS incidence data from 1981 to 1994 among intravenous drug users (IDU) for 12 Western European countries were used. Yearly incidences per 100,000 population or 100,000 person-years were calculated by age at diagnosis and 5-year birth cohort (1950-1954, 1955-1959, 1960-1964, 1965-1969 and 1970-1974), and corrected for reporting delay. Incidence patterns were compared between birth cohorts and countries. RESULTS: For most countries the impact was greatest on the cohort born 1960-1964. Comparing incidence patterns in the 1965-1969 to 1960-1964 cohorts suggest the epidemic has plateaued at low to intermediate levels in Austria, Greece and the North-Western European countries, and at high levels in France, Italy and Switzerland. For most countries transmission amongst the 1970-1974 as compared to the 1965-1969 cohorts could not be assessed due to small numbers and short follow-up time. In Spain the epidemic was uncontrolled with a high incidence among recent birth cohorts. In Portugal the epidemic was still at an early and expanding phase. CONCLUSIONS: The APC analysis revealed large country differences in the dynamics of the HIV/AIDS epidemic among IDU. Full interpretation of these differences is dependent on information from other sources about the local public health response and trends in drug injecting behaviours. Earlier introduction of the virus and higher prevalence of injecting drug use may explain some of the generally higher incidence in Southern European countries, but the larger part of it is most likely explained by local characteristics of drug users, such as younger age and more frequent sharing of needles and syringes, and a less effective public health response.  相似文献   

Nowadays, Kaposi sarcoma is a multidisciplinary condition, not only observed by dermatologists. Since the HIV epidemic in the 80s and 90s of the last century, more insight into the aetiology of Kaposi sarcoma has been acquired. However, this sarcoma had already been described in 1872 by a Hungarian dermatologist named Moritz Kaposi (1832-1902). Kaposi described the entity as 'idiopathic multiple pigmented sarcoma of the skin'. This entity was an extraordinary diagnosis at that time, mostly observed in Jewish or Mediterranean men. In 1912, 10 years after the death of Moritz Kaposi, the entity name was changed to Kaposi sarcoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Immigrants are a growing segment of the US population. In 2003, there were 33.5 million immigrants, accounting for 12% of the total US population. Despite a rapid increase in their numbers, little information exists as to how immigrants' health and mortality profile has changed over time. In this study, we analysed trends in social and behavioural characteristics, life expectancy, and mortality patterns of immigrants and the US-born from 1979 to 2003. METHODS: We used national mortality and census data (1979-2003) and 1993 and 2003 National Health Interview Surveys to examine nativity differentials over time in health and social characteristics. Life tables, age-adjusted death rates, and logistic regression were used to examine nativity differentials. RESULTS: During 1979-81, immigrants had 2.3 years longer life expectancy than the US-born (76.2 vs 73.9 years). The difference increased to 3.4 years in 1999-2001 (80.0 vs 76.6 years). Nativity differentials in mortality increased over time for major cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases, unintentional injuries, and suicide, with immigrants experiencing generally lower mortality than the US-born in each period. Specifically, in 1999-2001, immigrants had at least 30% lower mortality from lung and oesophageal cancer, COPD, suicide, and HIV/AIDS, but at least 50% higher mortality from stomach and liver cancer than the US-born. Nativity differentials in mortality, health, and behavioural characteristics varied substantially by ethnicity. CONCLUSIONS: Growing ethnic heterogeneity of the immigrant population, and its migration selectivity and continuing advantages in behavioural characteristics may partly explain the overall widening health gaps between immigrants and the US-born.  相似文献   

Review of death certificates to assess completeness of AIDS case reporting   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
To assess the level of reporting of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases, the authors reviewed death certificates for periods of 3 months during July through December 1985 in each of four cities: Washington, DC, New York City, Boston, and Chicago. Since reporting began in 1981, these cities have reported 38 percent of all AIDS cases in the United States. Death certificates were selected and matched to the AIDS surveillance registries in each city, and medical records of those not on the AIDS registry were reviewed to determine if AIDS had been diagnosed. The estimated completeness of AIDS case reporting to AIDS surveillance systems was high in all four cities (ranging from 83 percent to 100 percent). The unreported cases were similar to reported cases with respect to sex, race, risk factor, and specific diagnosis. Of the causes of death examined, AIDS, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and Kaposi's sarcoma were predictive of AIDS as defined by the CDC case definition. However, 77 of 588 deaths (13 percent) attributed to 1 of these 3 causes occurred in cases that were presumptively AIDS but did not meet the diagnostic requirements to be classified as AIDS for reporting purposes. A review of death certificates provides an easy and rapid means of evaluating surveillance efforts and can be a useful adjunct to other methods of surveillance for AIDS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the factors associated with the development of tuberculosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and to identify the most frequent symptoms and signs of tuberculosis in this group of patients. METHODS: This retrospective observational case-control study was carried out with 143 patients diagnosed with AIDS who were discharged from the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine, which is in the city of Havana, Cuba, between January 1997 and March 2001. The cases were 72 patients with AIDS and some clinical form of tuberculosis, while the control group was made up of the first 71 AIDS patients without tuberculosis who were discharged. The following variables were evaluated: AIDS stage before the study, serious opportunistic infections suffered before the diagnosis of tuberculosis (pulmonary pneumocystosis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, systemic candidiasis, isosporiasis, and recurrent pneumonia), concentration of CD4+ T lymphocytes, and clinical symptoms and signs of tuberculosis. The primary data were taken from the clinical files of the patients. We calculated the frequency of the nominal qualitative variables and the crude odd ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The statistical association among the variables was determined with the chi-square test with Yates correction. The individual effect of each variable was assessed through multivariate logistic regression analysis. The level of statistical significance was 0.05. RESULTS: Tuberculosis in this group of patients showed a statistically significant association with: being ill with AIDS before the study (OR = 3.57; 95% CI: 1.78 to 7.17); a history of pulmonary pneumocystosis (OR = 4.73; 95% CI: 1.51 to 15.76), cerebral toxoplasmosis (OR = 6.22; 95% CI: 1.21 to 42.99), or systemic candidiasis (OR = 11.29; 95% CI: 1.40 to 246.5); and having CD4+ T lymphocyte concentrations lower than 200 cells/mm(3). However, the logistic regression showed a significant association only with the history of systemic candidiasis (OR = 10.47; 95% CI: 1.06 to 103.5; P = 0.0446). The symptoms associated with the clinical diagnosis of tuberculosis were hemoptysis (OR = 7.54; 95% CI: 1.88 to 170.34), fever of unknown origin (OR = 13.38; 95% CI: 5.55 to 32.96), night sweats (OR = 21.95; 95% CI: 4.66 to 142.43), and weight loss (OR = 3.52; 95% CI: 1.65 to 7.55). The associated signs were regional lymphadenopathies (OR = 10.00; 95% CI: 1.22 to 220.3), hepatomegaly (OR = 5.44; 95% CI: 1.76 to 17.95), and splenomegaly (OR = 5.08; 95% CI: 1.63 to 16.83). CONCLUSIONS: The symptoms and signs seen most frequently in the patients with AIDS and tuberculosis are the characteristics of tuberculosis in patients without AIDS. In patients with AIDS, tuberculosis can be associated with other diseases whose symptoms are similar to those of tuberculosis. Nevertheless, these results indicate that the traditional symptoms of tuberculosis can help diagnose tuberculosis in this group of patients.  相似文献   

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) surveillance data for both the United States and San Francisco indicate that Kaposi's sarcoma is more common in homosexual and bisexual men with AIDS than in other adults with AIDS, and that the proportion of newly diagnosed AIDS cases presenting with Kaposi's sarcoma has been significantly declining over time. The changing epidemiology of Kaposi's sarcoma was analyzed in a well-characterized cohort of homosexual and bisexual men; laboratory and interview data from a sample of these men were evaluated for determinants of and cofactors associated with Kaposi's sarcoma. Among 1,341 men with AIDS, the proportion presenting with Kaposi's sarcoma declined from 79% in 1981 to 25% in 1989. Compared with other men with AIDS, men with Kaposi's sarcoma had a shorter interval from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroconversion to AIDS diagnosis (median, 77 vs. 86 months). Men with and without Kaposi's sarcoma did not significantly differ with respect to number of sexual partners, history of certain sexually transmitted or enteric diseases, use of certain recreational drugs (including nitrite inhalants), or participation in certain specific sexual practices. The decline in Kaposi's sarcoma may at least partly be due to a shorter latency period from infection to disease. Although cofactors for the development of Kaposi's sarcoma may exist, many previously hypothesized agents were not supported by this analysis.  相似文献   

湖南省艾滋病抗病毒治疗死亡患者相关因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的分析湖南省艾滋病抗病毒治疗死亡患者的相关因素。方法利用国家统一使用的DataFax抗病毒治疗信息收集系统所收集的抗病毒治疗数据资料,对湖南省抗病毒治疗死亡患者的相关情况进行分析。结果2003年9月-2006年10月共有215例艾滋病患者接受治疗,其中有40例抗病毒治疗患者死亡;40例死亡病例中,37例(92.5%)死于艾滋病相关疾病,2例(5%)死亡原因不明,1例(2.5%)意外死亡;接受治疗前CD4细胞计数CD4细胞最小值为2个/μl,最大值为242个/μl,平均为45.5个/μl,并且已经有了机会性感染;从接受治疗到死亡的时间间隔最小3d,最长975d,30例(75.0%)的治疗时间小于180d。结论湖南省艾滋病抗病毒治疗患者的主要死亡原因是艾滋病相关疾病,患者开始治疗时CD4水平过低及严重的机会性感染是造成患者死亡的主要原因。  相似文献   

To better define infectious diseases of concern in Thailand, trends in the mortality rate during 1958–2009 were analyzed by using data from public health statistics reports. From 1958 to the mid-1990s, the rate of infectious disease–associated deaths declined 5-fold (from 163.4 deaths/100,000 population in 1958 to 29.5/100,000 in 1997). This average annual reduction of 3.2 deaths/100,000 population was largely attributed to declines in deaths related to malaria, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and gastrointestinal infections. However, during 1998–2003, the mortality rate increased (peak of 70.0 deaths/100,000 population in 2003), coinciding with increases in mortality rate from AIDS, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. During 2004–2009, the rate declined to 41.0 deaths/100,000 population, coinciding with a decrease in AIDS-related deaths. The emergence of AIDS and the increase in tuberculosis- and pneumonia-related deaths in the late twentieth century emphasize the need to direct resources and efforts to the control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Survival analysis techniques were used in estimating lifetime inpatient utilization among patients diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) using data on 863 members of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program in the Northern California Region diagnosed with AIDS between January 1, 1981 and June 30, 1987. Using information on both deceased and living patients, we estimated means of 40.3 lifetime inpatient days and 3.3 hospitalizations among all AIDS patients. Those presenting with Kaposi's sarcoma experienced a mean of 7.6 fewer lifetime inpatient days than those presenting with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (95% confidence interval = .61, 14.6) and a mean of 11.0 (3.9, 18.6) fewer inpatient days than all other AIDS patients. Older patients had fewer hospital admissions than younger ones. Year of diagnosis does not appear to be related to lifetime utilization, and there is an indication that increased survival has been accompanied by decreased inpatient utilization intensity as measured on a per person-year basis. We recommend the use of survival analysis methods in the study of utilization among groups of patients with incomplete follow-up.  相似文献   

There was a significant change in the histology of oesophageal cancers in the last few decades. The incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma has risen considerably, now it is equally or even more prevalent than squamous cell cancers in some North American and Western European countries. As no Hungarian data is available, the authors' aim was to investigate the prevalence and histology of oesophageal and gastrooesophageal junction cancers in the last decade. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 451 patients diagnosed with oesophageal (n = 371, 296 male/75 female, mean age at diagnosis: 57.9 SD 10.1 years) or cardia (n = 80, 58 male/22 female, mean age at diagnosis: 65.2 SD 13.4 years) cancer between 1st of January 1993 and 31st of December 2003 at the 1st Internal Medicine and 1st Surgery Department of Semmelweis University were enrolled. Pathology and clinical data were analysed retrospectively. RESULTS: 93% (n = 345) of the patients with oesophageal cancer had squamous cell carcinomas, while adenocarcinoma was only diagnosed in 15 (4%) patients. Mean age at diagnosis was lower in patients with squamous cell cancer (57.4 SD 10.0 years) compared to patients with adenocarcinoma (66.9 SD 8.8 years, p = 0.001). Male-to-female ratio was 4:1 in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (277/68) and undifferentiated carcinoma (9/2), while it was 2:1 in patients with adenocarcinoma (10/5). According to the location 1.3% of cancers of the midthoracic oesophagus and 8.6% of the lower oesophagus were adenocarcinoma. The proportion of adenocarcinoma remained stable over the observed period (1993-1997: 3.7% vs. 1998-2003: 4.3%). In contrast, 71.25% (57/80) of the gastrooesophageal junction cancers and overall 15.9% (72/451) of the cancers of the oesophagus and gastrooesophageal junction were adenocarcinoma (1993-1997: 17.2% vs. 1998-2003: 14.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Since only a few percentages of authors patients with oesophageal cancers were diagnosed to have adenocarcinoma and its proportion remained stable over the observed period, it seems that in contrast to North American and Western European countries, adenocarcinoma is still infrequent in Hungary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study had for aim to identify the clinical status and the level of immuno-deficiency of HIV-infected patients on their first visit. METHODS: One hundred and thirty-six HIV+ patients were prospectively evaluated from November 1, 2001 to May 31, 2002. RESULTS: One hundred and thirty-four were infected with HIV1 and two with HIV2. The mean age on the first consultation was 37 +/- 2 years. The m/w sex ratio was 0.9. 46.3% were stage C. The main clinical symptoms were: weight loss (88%), fever (80%), cough (71%), diarrhea (51%). BMI was normal in 70% and KI > or =80% in 57% of the cases but immuno-deficiency was severe with CD4 cells count <200 per mm3 in 69%. The main diseases were digestive candidiasis (53%), pneumonia (18%), tuberculosis (12%), non-determined pneumonia (29%), prurigo (20%), zona (16%), cryptosporidiosis (4%), cerebral toxoplasmosis (3%), and Kaposi's sarcoma (1%).  相似文献   

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