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Summary The outer plexiform layer of the cat retina has been examined by electron microscopy of random and serial ultrathin sections in order that neural profiles might be positively identified and their synaptic relationships studied. Photoreceptors are interconnected by means of gap junctions as are the A horizontal cells. B horizontal cells and axon terminals do not appear to be engaged in any synapses apart from those with photoreceptors, while A horizontal cells make rare junctions with cone bipolars only. Interplexiform cell processes probably account for all the conventional chemical synapses in the outer plexiform layer of cat retina.  相似文献   

Summary Neural connections in the outer plexiform layer of thePseudemys turtle retina have been studied by electron microscopy of serial ultrathin sections. While the distinguishing features of the photoreceptors have been described elsewhere, in this paper we describe the patterns of connectivity between identified second order neurons and identified photoreceptors or amongst second order neurons themselves. Basal telodendria emitted from double cone pedicles interconnect the two members of the double cone. Three morphologically different types of junction are made between bipolar cells and cone pedicles. H1 horizontal cells can be distinguished from H2 horizontal cells and synapses occur between them. Axon terminals of H1 cells are presynaptic to H1 cell bodies. Photoreceptors, H1 cell bodies and H1 axon terminals engage in electrical junctions while chemical synapses occur from both types of horizontal cell to bipolar cells. On rare occasions, bipolar cell dendrites were seen to be presynaptic to other bipolar cell dendrites. The significance of some of these contacts for the electrophysiological findings on the OPL of the turtle retina is discussed.  相似文献   

l-Glutamate, the photoreceptor neurotransmitter, depolarizes horizontal cells and OFF-bipolar cells by ionotropic receptors and hyperpolarizes ON-bipolar cells by metabotropic receptors. Despite extensive light microscopy on the distribution of glutamate receptors in zebrafish retina, there are little ultrastructural data. Given the importance of zebrafish in studies on the genetic manipulation of retinal development and function, precise data on the synaptic neurochemical organization of the zebrafish retina is needed. Immunohistochemical techniques were used to determine the ultrastructural localization of glutamate receptor subunits GluR2, GluR4, NMDA2B (NR2B) and mGluR1α in zebrafish outer plexiform layer (OPL). These antibodies were chosen because of an apparent conservation of localization of GluR2, GluR4 and mGluR1α in the vertebrate OPL, while there is some support for NMDA receptors in the OPL. GluR2-immunoreactivity (IR) was in all horizontal cell dendrites that invaginated cone pedicles and rod spherules. Three arrangements of dendrites contained GluR-IR in rod spherules: classical-type with GluR2-IR on lateral horizontal cell dendrites, a butterfly-shaped horizontal cell dendrite, and a goblet-shaped dendrite, likely of bipolar cell origin. GluR4-IR was restricted to dendrites of OFF-bipolar cells that innervated rod and cone terminals. NR2B-IR was restricted to a subtype of cone ON-bipolar cell. mGluR1α-IR was restricted to ON mixed rod/cone (Mb) bipolar cells whose dendrites innervated rod and cone synaptic terminals. The presence of mGluR1α on Mb bipolar cell dendrites is consistent with a role in retrograde endocannabinoid suppression. The subunit composition of glutamate receptors should affect the kinetics and pharmacology of these cells to glutamate receptor activation.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic morphology and organization of the inner plexiform layer of the salamander retina was examined in serial sections with the electron microscope. Processes were traced, whenever possible, from their cells of origin, and synapses were classified as ribbon or regular (non-ribbon, conventional). Amacrine processes always make regular synapses, while bipolar processes make both ribbon and regular synapses. For this reason, new and decisive criteria based on the differential morphology of synaptic vesicles and junctional membranes were sought to distinguish between the amacrine and bipolar processes in single sections. Amacrine processes contain a relatively uniform population of small round vesicles and they make regular symmetrical synapses. Bipolar processes contain vesicles that are generally larger and more pleomorphic than those of the amacrine processes, and they make ribbon synapses (monads, dyads and triads) and regular synapses of the asymmetrical type. Amacrine processes synapse upon other amacrine processes, bipolar axons, ganglion cell dendrites, and the perikarya of these three types of cells. Amacrine cells also give rise to somatodendritic synapses. Bipolar processes synapse upon amacrine processes, ganglion cell dendrites and other bipolar processes, but they have not been seen to synapse upon the somata of any cell. Both amacrine and bipolar processes engage in serial synapses, and these two groups often make reciprocal synapses with each other. Gap junctions have been found between two bipolar processes, between two amacrine processes, and less frequently, between a bipolar and an amacrine process.  相似文献   

应用闪光视网膜电图(fERG)、细胞色素c氧化酶(CO)组织化学染色及突触囊泡素免疫荧光染色方法检测视神经切断术后,视网膜外网层相关神经元的功能活动及突触可塑性变化。结果显示:fERGb波峰潜伏期在视神经损伤后均显著延长;b波振幅在损伤第3、5d组增高,此后逐渐下降并在7、14、21d组低于正常。外网层CO活性在视神经切断第3、5d上调,此后逐渐下降,至第14、21d低于正常。外网层突触囊泡素阳性颗粒在视神经切断第5d增多,此后逐渐下降,至第14、21d低于正常。本研究结果提示视神经切断后,视网膜内外网层神经元的功能在早期将出现一过性的增强,结构也有相应的代偿性改变,随后即发生跨神经元的逆行性溃变。  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have established that gap junctions between presumptive retinal neurons of the chick retina disappear during the course of embryogenesis. The present study examines the 2–3-week-old chick retina to determine if gap junctions are present in the outer plexiform layer of the more mature animal as would be in accordance with evidence from morphological and physiological studies on a variety of other vertebrates. Thin section and freeze-fracture techniques are used in a complementary manner to demonstrate that gap junctions are present between horizontal cell processes in the distal regions of the outer plexiform layer. These junctions appear to be between axon terminals and between spines that project from axon terminals to rods and double cones. Gap junctions are also observed between photoreceptors. They are seen on the synaptic terminals of all classes of cones and are located between the cone synaptic terminals and cone basal processes. Gap junctions are also seen between unidentified photoreceptor basal processes within the neuropil of both distal and proximal parts of the outer plexiform layer. Gap junctions are also present between cone synaptic terminals and deeply invaginated, vesicle-containing processes the origin of which remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were obtained from amacrine and ganglion cells in the superfused, isolated retina-eyecup of the rabbit. The putative neurotransmitters aspartate, glutamate, and several of their analogues were added to the superfusate while the membrane potential and light-responsiveness of the retinal neurons were monitored. Both L-aspartate and L-glutamate displayed excitatory actions on the activity of the vast majority of amacrine and ganglion cells studied. However, these agents occasionally appeared to inhibit the responses of the inner retinal neurons by producing hyperpolarization of the membrane potential and blockage of the light-evoked responses. In either case, the effects of aspartate and glutamate were indistinguishable. The glutamate analogues kainate and quisqualate produced strong excitatory effects on the responses of amacrine and ganglion cells at concentrations some 200-fold less than those needed to obtain similar effects with aspartate or glutamate. The aspartate analogue, n-methyl DL-aspartate (NMDLA), also produced strong excitatory effects but was approximately three times less potent than kainate or quisqualate. On one occasion, we encountered a ganglion cell that was depolarized by kainate, but hyperpolarized by NMDLA. The glutamate antagonist alpha-methyl glutamate and the aspartate antagonist alpha-amino adipate effectively blocked the responses of amacrine and ganglion cells. However, on any one cell, one antagonist was always clearly more potent than the other. We examined the actions of the glutamate analogue 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (APB) on the responses of inner retinal neurons and found that it selectively abolished all "on" activity in the inner retina. Together with our finding that APB selectively abolishes on-bipolar cell responses (see Ref. 6), these data support the hypothesis that on-bipolar cells subserve the "on" activity of amacrine and ganglion cells. Our data suggest that aspartate and glutamate are excitatory transmitters in the inner retina, possibly being released from bipolar cell axon terminals in the inner plexiform layer.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were obtained from horizontal and bipolar cells of the superfused, isolated retina-eyecup of the rabbit. The putative neurotransmitters aspartate, glutamate, and several analogues were added to the superfusate while the membrane potential and light-responsiveness of the retinal neurons were monitored. Both L-aspartate and L-glutamate mimicked the actions of the endogenous photoreceptor transmitter on horizontal cells, on-bipolar cells, and off-bipolar cells. At applied concentrations of 2.5-20 mM, the actions of L-aspartate and L-glutamate were indistinguishable. D-aspartate potentiated the effects of both L-aspartate and L-glutamate on horizontal cells. This suggests that active uptake systems for these amino acids exist in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of the rabbit retina. The glutamate analogue kainate produced effects similar to those of aspartate and glutamate on second-order neurons, but at concentrations lower by over two orders of magnitude. The glutamate analogue quisqualate had effects similar to kainate but with much less potency. The aspartate analogue n-methyl DL-aspartate (NMDLA) antagonized the effects of the photoreceptor transmitter on horizontal and off-bipolar cells. This action of NMDLA was only observed at low concentrations (50 microM). In addition, NMDLA could block the effects of exogenously applied kainate. The NMDLA had no clear effects on on-bipolar cells. The glutamate analogue 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate reversibly blocked the responses of on-bipolar cells but had no effect on either horizontal or off-bipolar cell responses. This suggests that on-bipolar cells possess a unique synaptic receptor. The aspartate analogue 2-amino-3-phosphonoproprionate did not show this selectivity, suggesting that this unique receptor is a glutamate-preferring receptor. The antagonists alpha-methyl glutamate, alpha-amino adipate, and glutamate diethyl ester all showed only a weak ability to antagonize the actions of the photoreceptor transmitter on second-order neurons. The results of this study indicate that glutamate or a glutamate-like substance is the likely transmitter of rods and cones in the rabbit retina. A comparison of the present findings with those previously obtained in lower vertebrate retinas suggests that the basic pharmacological design of the OPL of all vertebrate retinas is very similar.  相似文献   

Horizontal cells form gap junctions with each other in mammalian retina, and lacZ reporter analyses have recently indicated that these cells express the Cx57 gene, which codes for the corresponding gap junctional protein. Using anti-connexin57 antibodies, we detected connexin57 protein in immunoblots of mouse retina, and found punctate immunolabeling of this connexin co-distributed with calbindin-positive horizontal cells in the retinal outer plexiform layer. Double immunofluorescence labeling was conducted to determine the spatial relationships of connexin36, connexin57, the gap junction-associated protein zonula occludens-1 and the photoreceptor ribbon synapse-associated protein bassoon in the outer plexiform layer. Connexin36 was substantially co-localized with zonula occludens-1 in the outer plexiform layer, and both of these proteins were frequently located in close spatial proximity to bassoon-positive ribbon synapses. Connexin57 was often found adjacent to, but not overlapping with, connexin36-positive and zonula occludens-1-positive puncta, and was also located adjacent to bassoon-positive ribbon synapses at rod spherules, and intermingled with such synapses at cone pedicles. These results suggest zonula occludens-1 interaction with connexin36 but not with Cx57 in the outer plexiform layer, and an absence of connexin57/connexin36 heterotypic gap junctional coupling in mouse retina. Further, an arrangement of synaptic contacts within rod spherules is suggested whereby gap junctions between horizontal cell terminals containing connexin57 occur in very close proximity to ribbon synapses formed by rod photoreceptors, as well as in close proximity to Cx36-containing gap junctions between rods and cones.  相似文献   

Summary Light and electron microscope autoradiography were performed on goldfish (Carassius auratus) retinas incubated in [125I] labelled -bungarotoxin. The toxin was bound preferentially to membrane receptors in the inner and outer plexiform layers. Binding was suppressed by 10–5 M nicotine or 10–5 M native -bungarotoxin. Electron microscopic analysis of the outer plexiform layer (OPL) strongly suggested that -bungarotoxin binding sites were located on small bipolar cell dendritic processes that invaginated rod and cone synaptic terminals, and on large bipolar cell dendritic processes more proximally situated in the OPL. Large horizontal cell processes in the OPL and horizontal cell processes that invaginated rod and cone synaptic terminals did not appear to be labelled.  相似文献   

By comparison of electron micrographs with light microscopical specimens impregnated with the Golgi technique, the large endings of the rod bipolar cells have been identified in the innermost region of the inner plexiform layer of the rabbit retina. The rod bipolar endings contain ribbons and synaptic vesicles, do not synapse with the perikaryon of the ganglion cells, are presynaptic to ganglion cell dendrites and to nerve processes which contain synaptic vesicles but lack ribbons. In these synaptic contacts a ribbon is closely associated with the presynaptic membrane and a dense web of fuzzy material is adherent to the cytoplasmic aspect of the postsynaptic membrane. Commonly, one of these synaptic contacts involves a rod bipolar ending and two postsynaptic processes. The postsynaptic process which is provided with synaptic vesicles is often, in turn, presynaptic to the same rod bipolar ending. This synaptic contact is characterized by the presence of a cluster of vesicles closely related to the presynaptic membrane, whereas the postsynaptic membrane lacks a definite subsynaptic web. In the intermediate and scleral regions of the inner plexiform layer endings containing ribbons and synaptic vesicles show with neighboring nerve processes a synaptic pattern similar to the rod bipolar endings. Nerve processes containing synaptic vesicles but lacking ribbons are presynaptic to the perikaryon and dendrites of the ganglion cells; the synaptic contact shows a cluster of vesicles adherent to the presynaptic membrane. Bipolar cells are proposed as the source of the ribbon containing processes while amacrine cells are proposed as the source of the processes devoid of ribbons and presynaptic to both bipolar endings and ganglion cell dendrites and perikarya.  相似文献   

Summary Neural connections of cells ramifying in the inner plexiform layer of the cat retina have been studied by serial section electron microscopy. Flat cone bipolars and invaginating cone bipolars segregate their axon terminals to different sublaminae of the IPL (sublaminaa and sublaminab, respectively) where they relate to different subtypes of the same class of ganglion cell (a andb types respectively).Rod bipolar axon terminals end solely in sublaminab and synapse with amacrine cells (AI and AII). AI provides reciprocal synapses to clusters of rod bipolar axon terminals. The AII amacrine provides rod input toa type ganglion cells by means of chemical synapses and tob type ganglion cells through gap junctions with invaginating cone bipolar terminals.Amacrine cells exist which interconnect rod and cone bipolars, but some amacrines appear to be related specifically to neurons branching in particular sublaminae. Both large- and small-bodied ganglion cells have amacrine-dominated input while the medium-bodied ganglion cells with small dendritic trees have cone bipolar-dominated input.  相似文献   

Dp260 is a C-terminal isoform of dystrophin and is expressed specifically in the retina. Abnormal electroretinograms (ERG) in some Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) patients are likely linked to a disruption of Dp260. To clarify the importance of Dp260 in the retina, we examined dystrophin exon 52 knock- out mice, whose expression of Dp260 is impaired. We also confirmed the localization of Dp260 in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of the retina. Disruption of Dp260 causes a change in the localization of beta- dystroglycan, which is normally found in the OPL of the retina. This suggests a requirement for Dp260 for normal formation of the dystrophin- dystroglycan complex in the retina. Dp71, also expressed in the retina, was, however, not detected in the OPL. The difference in localization of Dp260 and Dp71 implies that the two isoforms have different functions. The dystrophin exon 52 knock-out mice had a prolonged implicit time of the b-wave in ERG, although no significant change was observed in amplitude. These ERG findings differed from those of DMD and BMD patients, especially with regard to amplitude of the b-wave, but make it clear that Dp260 is required for normal electrophysiology.   相似文献   

Summary The dopaminergic amacrine cells of the cat retina have been stained by immunocytochemistry using an antibody to tyrosine hydroxylase (Toh). The complete population of Toh+cells has been studied by light microscopy of retinal wholemounts to evaluate morphological details of dendritic structure and branching patterns. Selected Toh+amacrine cells have been studied by serial-section electron microscopy to analyse synaptic input and output relationships. The majority of Toh+amacrine cells occur in the amacrine cell layer of the retina and have their dendrites ramifying and forming the characteristic rings in stratum 1 of the inner plexiform layer. A minority of Toh+cells have cell bodies displaced to the ganglion cell layer but their dendrites also stratify in stratum 1. All Toh+cells have some dendritic branches running in stratum 2 as well as in stratum 1, and frequently they have long axon-like processes (500–1000 m long) dipping down to run in stratum 5 before passing up to rejoin the major dendritic arbors in stratum 1. In addition Toh+stained processes follow blood vessels in the inner plexiform layer and in the ganglion cell layer. A population of Toh+cells found in the inferior retina appears to give rise to stained processes that pass to the outer plexiform layer and therein to run for as far as one millimeter.Electron microscopy reveals that Toh+amacrine cells are postsynaptic to amacrine cells and a few bipolar cell terminals in stratum 1 of the inner plexiform layer and are primarily presynaptic to All amacrine cell bodies and lobular appendages, and to another type of amacrine cell body and amacrine dendrites hypothesized to be the A17 amacrine cell. The Toh+dendrites in stratum 2 are presynaptic to All lobular appendages primarily. Stained axon-like processes running in stratum 5 prove to be presynaptic to All amacrine dendrites as they approach the rod bipolar axon terminals and they may also be presynaptic to the rod bipolar terminal itself. The Toh+stained dendrites that have been followed in the outer plexiform layer run along the top of the B-type horizontal cell somata and may have small synapses upon them. The only clear synapses seen in the outer plexiform layer are from the Toh+profiles upon vesicle filled amacrine-like profiles that are in turn presynaptic to bipolar cell dendrites in the outer plexiform layer. We presume the cells postsynaptic to the Toh+dendrites in the outer plexiform layer are interplexiform cells. Finally the Toh+profiles that course along blood vessel walls and in the ganglion cell layer appear to end either against the basal lamina of the blood vessel or at intercellular channels of vesicle-laden Muller cell end-feet.  相似文献   

Cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) is a paraneoplastic syndrome that is characterized by degeneration of the retina as a remote effect of cancer outside the eye. The detection of autoantibodies associated with the retinopathy may precede the diagnosis of the underlying cancer. We have examined the sera of two patients with CAR by Western blot analysis. Autoantibodies to a 40kD antigen doublet and a 35 kD antigen were detected. Tissue specificity of the autoantigens was determined by testing several different tissues. The 40 kD antigen doublet was most abundant in retinal extract but was also present in lung and spleen extracts. The 35 kD antigen showed little tissue specificity and was present in all tissues tested. Fractionation of retinal proteins into water-soluble and -insoluble proteins revealed that the 40 kD antigen doublet was highly insoluble and probably represented membrane-associated proteins. Immunohistochemical analysis of the retina showed that the 40 kD antigens locate to the photoreceptors while the 35 kD antigen is located in the outer plexiform layer.  相似文献   

L-glutamate, the main excitatory synaptic transmitter in the retina, is released from photoreceptors and evokes responses in second-order retinal neurons (horizontal, bipolar cells) which utilize both ionotropic and metabotropic types of glutamate receptors. In the present study, to elucidate the functional roles of glutamate receptors in synaptic transmission, we have identified a specific ionotropic receptor subunit (GluR4) and determined its localization with respect to photoreceptor cells in the outer plexiform layer of the goldfish retina by light and pre-embedding electron-microscopical immunocytochemistry. We screened antisera to mammalian AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate)-preferring ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluR 1–4) of goldfish retina by light- and electron-microscopical immunocytochemistry. Only immunoreactive (IR) GluR4 was found in discrete clusters in the outer plexiform layer. The cones contacted in this manner were identified as long-wavelength (red) and intermediate-wavelength (green) cones, which were strongly immunoreactive to monoclonal antibody FRet 43 and antisera to goldfish red and green-cone opsins; and short-wavelength (blue) cones, which were weakly immunoreactive to FRet 43 but strongly immunoreactive with antiserum to blue-cone opsin. Immunoblots of goldfish retinal homogenate with anti-GluR4 revealed a single protein at Mr=110 kDa. Preadsorption of GluR4 antiserum with either the immunizing rat peptide, or its goldfish homolog, reduced or abolished staining in retinal sections and blots. Therefore, we have detected and localized genuine goldfish GluR4 in the outer plexiform layer of the goldfish retina. We characterized contacts between photoreceptor cells and GluR4-IR second-order neurons in the electron microscope. IR-GluR4 was localized to invaginating central dendrites of triads in ribbon synapses of red cones, semi-invaginating dendrites in other cones and rods, and dendrites making wide-cleft basal junctions in rods and cones; the GluR4-IR structures are best identified as dendrites of OFF-bipolar cells. The results of our studies indicate that in goldfish retina GluR4-expressing neurons are postsynaptic to all types of photoreceptors and that transmission from photoreceptors to OFF-bipolars is mediated at least in part by AMPA-sensitive receptors containing GluR4 subunits.  相似文献   

Summary With indirect immunofluorescence, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the GABA synthesizing enzyme, was localized to cell bodies in the inner half of the inner nuclear layer and a few in the outer tier of the ganglion cell layer in the rhesus monkey retina. In the inner plexiform layer there were three strongly GAD-immunoreactive laminae separated by two less immunoreactive laminae. Electron microscopy demonstrated that the GAD was contained in amacrine cells and these GAD-immunoreactive amacrines were primarily pre- and postsynaptic to biopolar cell axon terminals. The GAD-containing processes possessed small synaptic vesicles and formed synapses that could be characterized as symmetrical. Large, dense-cored vesicles were often found in the cell bodies and synaptic processes of the GAD-immunoreactive amacrine cells. As the vast majority of the synaptic input and output of the GAD-containing amacrine cells was to and from bipolar cells and the strongest GAD-immunoreactivity correlated with the endings of bipolar cells that connect with a single cone, the functional effects of GABA in the primate retina are likely to be found in the responses of single cone pathways in the inner plexiform layer.  相似文献   

Summary The proportion and size distribution of ganglion and non-ganglion cells in the ganglion cell layer of different areas of the pigeon retina was examined in whole-mounts of the retina by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) from large brain injections. A maximum of 98% of cells were labelled in the red field and a maximum of 77% in the peripheral yellow field. Unlabelled cell bodies were 30% smaller than labelled ganglion cells and had a mean diameter of 6.2 m and a size range of 4 to 9 m. The morphology of cells in the ganglion cell layer was examined by Golgi staining of retinal whole-mounts. Small glia, displaced amacrine and ganglion cells were found. Displaced amacrine cell bodies were about 30% smaller than ganglion cells and their size distribution was similar to the unlabelled cells in HRP preparations. Displaced amacrine cells had small rounded cell bodies (mean diameter 6.2 m) increasing in size with eccentricity, and a unistratified dendritic tree of fine, nearly radial, varicose dendrites in sublamina 4 of the inner plexiform layer. They had elliptical dendritic fields (mean diameter 66 m) aligned parallel to the retina's horizontal meridian. A population of amacrine cells was found with somas at the inner margin of the inner nuclear layer and soma and dendritic morphology matching those of displaced amacrines. These amacrine cells had unistratified dendritic trees at the junction of sublaminae 1 and 2 of the inner plexiform layer. Pigeon displaced amacrine cells and their matching amacrines are similar to starburst cells of the rabbit retina. They may participate in on and off pathways to ganglion cells and their lamination suggests that they are cholinergic.  相似文献   

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