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宫颈粘液葡萄糖果糖水平与不明原因不孕关系的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对23例不明原因不孕患者的23个月经周期及对照组15名健康妇女20个月经周期的宫颈粘液葡萄糖果糖水平进行测定,并以放射免疫法测定血清黄体生成素(LH)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)、雌二醇和孕酮;阴道B超监测卵泡发育;宫颈粘液改良Insler评分、尿LH酶联免疫测定和基础体温测定综合评价预测和确定排卵日,于围排卵期进行性交后试验(PCT)。结果:43个月经周期均为有排卵周期。不孕组包括PCT正常组7周期及PCT异常组16周期的宫颈粘液改良Insler评分与对照组无显著差异(P均>0.05);不孕组中PCT异常组卵泡期、排卵前、后及黄体期宫颈粘液葡萄糖果糖水平均明显低于对照组(P<0.01),而PCT正常组与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05)。认为:宫颈粘液葡萄糖果糖水平低落可影响精子的穿透和存活,是不明原因性不孕的重要因素之一,  相似文献   

罗库溴铵在老年病人的肌松效应   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:探讨罗库溴铵在老年病人的肌松效应。方法:30 例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级接受芬太尼异丙酚静脉复合麻醉的病人分为老年组( n = 15,年龄72-4 ±4-0 岁) 和青壮年组(n = 15,年龄30-6 ±11-6 岁)。在静脉注射罗库溴铵0-6mg/kg 后用加速度仪检测其起效时间、无反应期、T125 % 恢复时间、T175% 恢复时间及恢复指数。结果:老年组病人与青壮年组病人相比,罗库溴铵的起效时间无明显差别(83-6 ±22-5vs88-1 ±24-0 秒,P> 0-05),但老年组的无反应期(36-3 ±10-6vs20-0 ±6-7 分钟,P< 0-01) 、T125% 恢复时间(52-6 ±17-9vs28-5 ±7-2 分钟,P< 0-01)、T175 % 恢复时间(75-8 ±20-0vs38-9±9-4 分钟,P< 0-01)及恢复指数(33-2 ±9-2vs10-4±5-0 分钟,P< 0-01)均显著延长。结论:在老年病人,罗库溴铵的肌松作用时间延长。  相似文献   

我们对本地区因不孕而就诊的220对夫妇作精子-宫颈粘液穿透试验(SCMPT),同时,作了宫颈粘液涂片并计数每100个鳞状上皮中的白细胞数,观察这两者的相关关系。结论:随着宫颈粘液中的白细胞数增加,穿透优良的比此下降(P〈0.005)。因而体外SCMPT评分结果与宫颈粘液中的白细胞增多相关。  相似文献   

作者进行了抗精浆免疫抑制物抗体(SPIM-Ab)的补体结合功能测定(CFA)和SPIM-Ab对精子凝集、制动、穿透力和杀精子影响的研究。结果表明,SPIM-Ab阳性不育病人(n=29)CFA值为6.47±1.55kU/L,明显低于SPIM-Ab阴性病人(n=7l,8.11±1.62kU/L)和对照组(n=30,8.60±1.80kU/L),P<0.01。经SPIM-Ab阳性血清和SPIM-Ab阴性血清作用后,两组精子凝集、制动和死精子百分率分别为41.4%和21.1%、69.0%和16.9%、62.1%和4.2%,精子穿透高度分别为31.6±13.0mm和38.O±12.9mm,经统计学处理差异显著(P<0.05~p<0.01)。提示SPIM-Ab能够以抗原抗体复合物形式激活补体,其对精子凝集、制动、杀伤和穿透力的影响,可能是干扰生育的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

本文报告了正常生育男性春夏秋冬的精子运动平均速度的正常值范围分别为24.6±2.1,30.9±3.0,31.2±2.7,和23.5±2.2μm/s。探讨了季节(温度)、生育年龄、禁欲时间等因素对精子运动轨迹图像分析的影响。结果表明,冬春与夏秋季节对精子运动轨迹有明显的影响(P<0.01);春季与冬季,夏季与秋季精子运动速度无显著差异;生育年龄和禁欲时间对精子运动轨迹无影响。实验表明男性在生育力旺盛期间(21~48岁),睾丸的功能是相对稳定的,人类的生殖也无季节性变化。  相似文献   

为探索脑脊液容量对脊麻平面的影响,24例拟行下腹部以下手术病人随机分为三组:Ⅰ组(n=8)为CSF自由滴出2~3滴;Ⅱ组(n=7)抽出CSF3ml;Ⅲ组(n=9)抽出CSF5ml。所有病人均接受10mg0.5%布比卡因,推注速度0.5ml/s。结果表明,最高头向感觉阻滞平面分别为T10.6±1.67,T8.6±2.22和T4.2±1.16,Ⅲ组组显著高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ组(P<0.01)。结果提示人为减少CSF容量有助于脊麻头向扩散。  相似文献   

CsA顺序用药对肾移植长期存活的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨CsA顺序用药对肾移植长期存活的影响。方法:随机选择32例肾移植患者术后立即应用OKT3,并以同期56例术后立即应用CsA的患者为对照。结果:OKT3组及CsA组急性排斥反应(AR)发生率分别为34.4%和64.3%(P〈0.01),难治性排斥反应发生率OKT3组为9.1%,CsA组为30.6%(P〈0.05)。术后首次AR发生时间,CsA组为13.1±1.3d,OKT3组为22.5±3  相似文献   

本文总结了用上游精子行宫腔内授精治疗不孕症的结果。受试对象为40对不孕夫妇,年龄26~40岁,不孕年限2~10年。不孕原因为宫颈或宫颈粘液异常,男方精子活力低及不明原因的不孕。共进行126个周期,平均授精周期为3.53±1.06个(x±s),共12例妊娠,其中2例流产,妊娠率30%,流产率16.7%。无一例感染及其它并发症发生。该技术涉及到多方面因素,需临床与实验室结合以提高妊娠率。  相似文献   

本实验以SD雄性大鼠为实验对象,采用碳粒血管内注射的方法,给动物造成一种全身性的非特异性免疫反应状态,以观察在这种状态下睾丸和垂体的激素分泌情况。动物经每天1次,共10天的碳粒鼠尾静脉注射后,血浆睾酮的水平(0.896±0.358ng/dl,n=5)明显低于对照组(2.656±0.993ng/dl,n=7,P<0.005);血浆LH(3.676±1.350mIU/ml,n=9,4.627±2.539mIU/ml,n=10)两组比较无显著差异(P>0.05);FSH实验组(3.362±0.926mIU/ml,n=9)与对照组相比明显降低(4.894±1.236mIU/ml,n=10,P<0.01)。实验组动物睾丸间质内ACP阳性反应细胞增多,而β-羟基甾体脱氢酶反应消失。作者认为全身性的免疫反应既可以通过垂体也可以直接的作用于睾丸内的相关细胞,从而影响睾丸的功能。  相似文献   

阴囊温度升高与男性不育的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对22例生育,44例精索静脉曲张(VC)患者,17例特发性无精子症(IA)患者行远红外阴囊测温,并对无精子者行睾丸活检。结果发现:(1)VC患者阴囊温度显著高于生育者(P〈0.001)而低于IA(P〈0.001)。(2)VC精液正常者阴囊温度与生育者无差异而显著低于VC精液异常者(P〈0.01)。(3)IA与VC合并精子症阴囊温度无显著差异。(4)阴囊温度升高使生精细胞减少,精子成熟障碍,特别是S  相似文献   

Sixty-five infertile women had a conventional postcoital test (PCT), a computerized postcoital test (cPCT), and sperm antibody testing. Twenty-four women had good cervical mucus and good PCT sperm motility (group 1), 23 had poor cervical mucus and poor PCT sperm motility (group 2), and 18 had good cervical mucus but poor PCT sperm motility (group 3). The percentage of motile sperm, mean linearity, and the motility index of sperm by cPCT also were decreased in groups 2 and 3 (p less than 0.001) in contrast to group 1. A reduced PCT sperm count was significantly associated with positive titers of antibodies to autologous sperm in the husbands' serum, whereas a reduced PCT motility correlated with high titers of cytotoxic antibodies to husbands' sperm in the wives' serum and cervical mucus. An increased percentage of vibratory sperm at PCT correlated with elevated titers of cytotoxic antibodies to husbands' sperm in the wives' serum and cervical mucus, and hemagglutinating (r = 0.44; p less than 0.001) and immunofluorescent IgA antibodies to husbands' sperm (r = 0.47; p less than 0.001) in the cervical mucus. Mean swimming speed of sperm by cPCT correlated inversely with cytotoxic and hemagglutinating antibody titers to husbands' sperm, and immunobead-binding IgM and immunofluorescent IgG, IgA, and IgM (r = 0.52; p less than 0.001) antibodies to sperm in the seminal plasma. Motility indices correlated inversely with cytotoxic antibody titers to husbands' sperm in the wives' serum, and hemagglutinating antibody titers to husbands' sperm in cervical mucus. The predictive values of PCT and cPCT for the presence of cytotoxic and immunofluorescent IgA antibodies to autoimmune husbands' sperm were 76% and 71%, respectively, in the serum and 85% and 75%, respectively, in the cervical mucus of the wives. The predictive value of PCT and cPCT for immunobead-binding and immunofluorescent IgM antibodies to sperm in the wives' serum was 71%. Computerized PCT measures more sperm characteristics than PCT, although it is in general agreement with PCT.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the predictive value of the PCT in relation to treatment-independent conception rates, to determine which cutoff point best predicted fertility outcome, and which form of spermatozoal motility on PCT is most significantly related to fertility outcome. A prospective study was undertaken of couples referred for the investigation of "unexplained" infertility. One hundred and twenty six couples were recruited between July 1984 and April 1986. On further investigation female infertility factors were identified in 32 (25%) of couples, who were therefore excluded from the study. All conceptions were treatment independent. The relationship between the result of the postcoital test and the chance of conception was studied using a modification of Cox's regression model of life table analysis. The mean length of involuntary infertility prior to referral was 75 months (range = 18-192, SD = 39.2). The mean length of follow-up was 18 months (range = 1-34, SD = 8.4). A 98% follow-up rate was achieved. Eighteen women conceived, giving a 32-month treatment-independent conception rate of 22%. A cutoff point of one spermatozoon exhibiting sluggish motility per HPF was the most effective method of classifying the results of the postcoital test (X2(1) = 4.28, P = 0.037, RR = 4.7. This would suggest that the most efficient form of spermatozoal motion in cervical mucus is slow or sluggish motility.  相似文献   

Semen from 88 men of infertile couples and 33 fertile donors differed in seminal fluid analysis (sperm density and motility) (SFA) as well as in the penetration of hamster ova (SPA) and bovine cervical mucus (MPT). In the fertile group, significantly more subjects had adequate SFA, SPA, or MPT results than in the infertile group. When the two groups were subdivided into those with normal or those with abnormal SFA, no differences were noted in SPA, MPT, or postcoital test (PCT) scores. The SFA parameter most consistently reflected in the results of the SPA, MPT, and PCT was sperm density. This was most evident when the SFA was poor. The worst prognosticator of fertility was the SFA, with 30% of the fertile donors having an abnormal SFA. The worst prognosticator of infertility was the MPT, with 79% of the patients penetrating in the fertile range. The SPA was a significantly better predictor than either the SFA or MPT. SPA and MPT results were positively correlated only in the overall infertile group. The SPA, MPT, and PCT measure sperm qualities distinct from those revealed by the SFA, and from each other, and in combination provide the best assessment of fertility.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同年龄阶段精子凋亡率、精子DNA完整性及精液基本参数与年龄是否存在相关性。方法:随机选取在我科因女方因素行体外受精-胚胎移植男性精液标本104例,按男方年龄分为3组,年龄<35岁组43例、35~39岁组31例、≥40岁组30例,按WHO手册第4版手工分析精液常规参数,流式细胞术(FCM)结合FITC-Annexin V/PI荧光染色检测精子凋亡率,吖啶橙荧光染色检测精子DNA完整性。结果:①3组精液量[(2.87±0.89)ml vs(2.98±1.09)ml vs(2.65±0.95)ml]、精子浓度[(60.40±25.43)×106/ml vs(69.74±28.33)×106/ml vs(55.97±27.22)×106/ml]无显著性差异(P>0.05),≥40岁组前向运动精子百分率[(39.00±8.35)%]减少,与<35岁组[(48.72±9.89)%]和35~39岁组[(45.65±10.55)%]相比,差异有显著性(P<0.01);≥40岁组正常形态精子百分率[(11.11±8.26)%]与<35岁组[(16.43±8.75)%]相比,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。②精子凋亡在不同年龄组人群均有一定发生率,≥40岁组精子凋亡率为[(11.82±5.77)%],高于<35岁组[(7.04±3.50)%]和35~39岁组[(9.42±4.73)%],与<35岁组相比结果有统计学意义(P<0.01);≥40岁组DNA完整精子百分率降低[(75.52±10.60)%],与<35岁组[(86.55±5.60)%]和35~39岁组[(81.39±8.94)%]相比,差异有显著性(P<0.01);③男性年龄与精子凋亡百分率呈正相关(P<0.01),与前向运动精子、DNA完整精子百分率呈负相关(P<0.01)。结论:男性年龄增加可能导致前向运动精子百分率减少,正常形态精子百分率降低,精子凋亡百分率增加,DNA完整精子百分率性降低,在生育过程中,男性年龄应引起关注。  相似文献   

Homologous artificial insemination (AIH) followed by postinsemination cervical mucus test (PIT) was performed in 100 couples in a prospective study to evaluate suspected cervical or male factor infertility. A portion of the ejaculate was submitted for standard semen analysis as well as turbidimetric analysis of sperm velocity. In a review of 333 cases evaluated for infertility, the average sperm velocity in a normal semen analysis was 96.5 mu/sec, for those with normal postcoital test (PCT) 96.6 mu/sec, and in those that established a pregnancy 91.6 mu/sec. These are significantly higher than the values obtained for abnormal semen analysis and abnormal PCT (64.6 and 63.6 mu/sec, respectively; p less than 0.001). Patients with normal PIT (WHO criteria for normal PCT consisting of greater than or equal to 7 motile sperm/hpf) had sperm velocity of 87 mu/sec compared to velocities of 46 mu/sec for abnormal PIT (p less than 0.001). Four of the five patients with abnormal PIT (in spite of normal semen analysis and normal cervical mucus) had sperm velocities less than 75 mu/sec. Likewise, all 8 patients who had normal PIT in spite of abnormal semen analysis had sperm velocities greater than 75 mu/sec, even though the sperm motility was below normal in 5 of them. Sperm velocity is a more sensitive indicator of sperm function when compared to standard semen analysis results.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty-two females who attended our infertility clinic were selected according to the quality of their cervical mucus. Only mucus of extremely high quality was used in the study to determine the influence of different semen parameters on the postcoital test results. All mucus samples were evaluated 8 h following coitus. The results of the postcoital tests were divided into group I (less than 7 spermatozoa per 400 X magnification) and group II (greater than 7 spermatozoa per 400 X magnification). The results of the statistical analysis indicated the order of importance of the different semen parameters during postcoital testing. By using the stepwise discriminant analyses, it was calculated that the sperm concentration and forward progression rate of the spermatozoa are discriminating factors between the two groups.  相似文献   

目的了解精索静脉曲张(VC)及不明原因不育患者精子DNA碎片的发生比例。方法改进的精子染色质扩散(SCD)实验分析精子DNA碎片。检测VC不育患者39例,不明原因不育患者57例。以生育健康成年男性32例为对照组。结果VC不育患者SCD小光晕和无光晕精子(精子DNA碎片)比值平均为(36.6±18.9)%,VC不育组明显高于对照组(12.1±5.2)%(P<0.001),而大光晕和中光晕精子比值VC不育组明显低于对照组(P<0.01);不明原因不育患者精子DNA碎片比值平均为(26.8±10.2)%,与对照组[(12.1±5.2)%]比较有显著性差异(P<0.001)。结论SCD实验表明,VC及不明原因不育患者精子DNA碎片比值增高。  相似文献   

This study analysed the relationship between semen quality and the postcoital test (PCT) outcome in 616 couples, especially focusing on the interactive effect of semen and cervical mucus quality. When PCTs performed in the presence of unfavourable mucus were excluded, a significant correlation was found between semen parameters and PCT outcome. In oligo/asthenozoospermia, 46.7% of PCT outcomes were negative, while the remaining were positive. Notably, in the presence of an optimal mucus score, 39% of PCT outcomes were good (> or = 7 forward motile spermatozoa/high power field). In normozoospermia, 16% of PCT were negative. A suboptimal cervical mucus quality significantly affected the PCT outcome in the presence of oligo/asthenozoospermia, but not in normozoospermia. In couples with repeated PCT, a better mucus score was associated with a significant improvement of the PCT outcome. When the outcome of two PCTs performed in the same couples with an unmodified mucus score was compared, a good consistency of the results was observed. In conclusion, the PCT can provide information in additional to that obtained from conventional semen analysis, as the interactive effect of semen/cervical mucus cannot be accurately inferred from the separate evaluation of the two members of a couple.  相似文献   

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