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哮喘Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a child with bronchial asthma - ( Brain Dev. 2006 Apr 4) Determinants of airway responsiveness to adenosine 5'- monophosphate in school - age children with asthma - (Pediatr Pulmonol. 2006 Apr 14) Once-daily ciclesonide in children: efficacy and safety in asthma - (J Pediatr. 2006; 148 (3) : 377-383) Relative Corticosteroid Insensitivity of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Severe Asthma - (Am J Respir Crit  相似文献   

.HIV/艾滋病·Immune Reeonstitution and Predietors of Virologie Failure in Adoleseents Infeeted through Risk Behaviors and Initia- ting HAART:Week 60 Resuirs from the PACTG 381 Cohort一(AIDS Res Hum RetrovirUses.2006 Mar;22 (3):2 13一221)·Faetors Assoeiated with Poor Immunologie ResPonse to Virologie SuPpression by Highly Aetive Antiretroviral TheraPy in HIV一Infeeted Women一(AIDS Re,Hum Retroviruses.2006 Mar;22(3):222一231)·Funetional and struetural markers of athero…  相似文献   

心绞痛Chronic nitrate therapy in patients with angina with comorbidity - (Am J Ther. 2006 May; 13 (3): 188 - 191) New results in diagnosis and treatment of stable angina pectoris - (Orv Hetil. 2006 May 21; 147 (20) : 917 -923) Four days of percutaneous cardiopulmonary support and sixteen days of percutaneous left atrium - artery bypass: a case report of survival of acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock and severe rhabdomyolysis - (J Invasive Cardiol. 2006 Jun; 18 (6) : E46 -49) Pronto catheter thrombectomy in acute ST - segment myocardial infarction: a case series - (J Invasive Cardiol.  相似文献   

焦虑与抑郁Clinical correlates and significance of separation anxiety in patients with bipolar disorder-(Bipolar Disord.2005Aug;7(4):370-376)Acute and reversible cardiomyopathy provoked by stress in women from the united States-(Circulation.2005Feb 1;111(4):472-479)Effects of psychotherapy on hippocampal volume in out-patients with post-traumatic stress disorder:a MRI inves-  相似文献   

.临床药理学.A novel methodforseleetivedelive仃ofdrugstothePulmona叮arteries一(DrugDeliv.Zoo5Sep一Oet;12(5): 261一265).Solubility and transdermal permeation Properties of a dehydroepiandrosterone eyelodextrin eomplex from hydrophilie and lipophilie vehieles一(Drug Deliv.2005 Sep一Oet;12(5):275一250)·Charaeterization。f indomethaein一loaded lipid nanopartieles by differential seanning Calorimet叮一(Int J pharm. 2005 Nov4;304(l一2):231一238)·Persistenee of antidepressant treatment effeets…  相似文献   


.阿尔茨海默病.Physieoehemieal eharaeteristies of soluble oligomerie Abeta and their Pathologie role in Alzheimer,s disease- (Neurol Res.2005 De。;27(8):869一881)·Statin ther叩y in the treatment of Alzheimer disease:what 15 the rationale?一(A"tJ翔red月2(X) 5 Dee;118 Suppl 12A) .Apolipoprotein gene E4 allele promoter polymo印hisms as risk faetors for Alzheimer乞disease一(尸砂eh妞tr Genet. 2005 Dec;15(4):271一275)·Capaeity for deeision一making in Alzheimer’5 disease:selfhood,positioni…  相似文献   

口筑血一{{一一一价一一一一:一井一一扛二价一羹:一一。Double一Blind Comparison of Full and partial Anemia Correetion in Ineident Hemodialysis patients without Symp- tomatiC Heart nisease一(JAm SoeN印hrol.2005 May 18)。Effeets of optimized Heart Failure Therapy and Anemia Correetion with Epoetin beta on Left Ventrieular Mass in He- modialysis parients一(Am JN印hrol.2005 May 18;25(3):211一220)。Role of autoimmune gastritis,Helieobaeter Pylori and eeliae disease in refraetory or unexpla…  相似文献   

.通析一_一二一一川一介二一。Global fibrinolytie eaPaeity in ehildren on.Neutral (MMP一pH peritoneal dialysis solutiondialysis一(Thromb Res.imProves Peritoneal funetion2005:1 15(3):185 and deereases matrix一9)metalloproteinase一2一2)in vatients undergoing eontinuous ambulato仃peritoneal dialysis一(ClinNePhrol.2004 Dee;8 (4):339一43)。Observe and be guarded:the development and rupture of an abdominal aortien一yeotie aneu叮smIn anafebrile hemo-dialysis patient with normal angiogram,and CT s…  相似文献   

贫血Body composition and echocardiographic abnormalities associated to anemia and volume overload in heart failure patients - (Clin Nutr. 2006 May 12) Anemia and recovery from disability in activities of daily living in hospitalized older persons - (J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 Apr; 54 (4) : 632 -636) An antecedent diagnosis of refractory anemia with excess blasts has no prognostic relevance in acute myeloid leukemia of older adult patients - (Ann Oncol. 2006 May 10)  相似文献   

函.阿尔茨海默病。Developmental origins of aging in brain and blood vessels:an overview一(Neurobiol Aging.2005 Mar:26(3): 281一91.)。Neurodegenerative diseases:insights into pathogenie meehanisms from atheroselerosis一(Neurobiol Aging.2005 Mar:26(3):293一302.)。Loss of distinetive features and a broader pattern of priming in Alzheimer’5 disease一(Neurop秒eholo舒.2004 Oet:18(4):603一12.)。M itoehondrial failures in Alzheimer‘5 disease一(Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen.2004 Nov一Dec;19(6…  相似文献   

.细菌感染性疾病·Antimierobial resistanee among Streptoeoeeus pneumoniae in the United States:have we begun to turn the eorner on resistance to certain antimierobial classesg一(clin Infeet Dis.2005 Jul 15:41(2):139一145)·Risk faetors for eolonization with methieillin一resistant Staphyloeoeeus aureus(MRSA)in patients admitted ro an urban hospital:eme吧enee of eommunity一assoeiated MRSA nasal earriage一(clin Infeet刀15.2005 Jul 15;41 (2):159一166).15 proealeitonin useful in early diagnosi…  相似文献   


透析Entembacteriaceae peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis:A review of 210 consecutive cases-(Kidney Int.2006 Feb 8) Advanced Glycation End Products Stimulate Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Interleukin-1 Beta'Secretion by Peritoneal Macrophages in Patients on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis-(Isr Med Assoc J.2006 Jan 8  相似文献   

。Hypoxia and anemia:faetors in deereased sensitivity to radiation therapy and ehemotherapy甲一(Oneologist· 2004;95尽pl〕IJ:了1一40.)。Chemoradiation May Prolong Survival of patients with Non一Bulky Unreseetable Extrahepatie Bilia仃Careinoma:A Retrospeetive Analysis一(Strahlenther Onkol.2004 Dee;180(12):7,I一7,7)。Radiation一Indueed Changes of Brain Tissue after Radiosurge仃in Patients with Arteriovenous Malformations:Dose/ Volume一Response Relations一(Strahlenther Onkol.2004 Dee…  相似文献   

.Usefulness ofParametrielmaging一BasedQuantitativeMyoeardialContrastEehoeardiographyinPredietingtheFune- tional Reeove叮of Akinetie Segments Following Prima叮Angioplasty in Aeute Myoeardial Infarction Patients一(Rev EsP CardioL 2005 Jun;58(6):649一656)·Effeet of beta一bloekers on the mortality of Japanese patients with myoeardial infarction一(Int J Cardiol.2005 Jun 18)·Changes in Ventrieular Size and Funetion in Patients Treated With Valsartan,Captopril,or Both After Myoeardi…  相似文献   


.放射医学.C0lddefeetonboneseaninavertebralbodyafterpercutaneousvertebroplasty一(Skele她l双耐勿l.2006Janl4;l一3) .Remote一eontrol percutaneouseorona叮interventions:eoneept,validation,andfirst一in一humanspiloreliniealtrial一(JAm CollCa月五01.2006Janl7;47(2):296一300) .Charaeterizationofradiofrequeneyablationlesionswithgadolinium一enhaneedeardiovaseularmagnetieresonaneeim- aging一(J Am Coll Can打。L 2006 Jan 17;47(2):370一378) .Magnitudeofeombinationtherapyofradiealreseetionandexternalbeam…  相似文献   

.妞和2艾滋清以犷井一价一价--一。Syphilitie uveitis in patients infeeted with human immunodefieieney virus一(Graefes Arch ClinE却OPhthalmol. 2005 Mar;(3):15)。Effeet of high一dose vitamin C on the steady一state pharmaeokineties of the protease inhibitor indinavir in healthy volunteers一(Pha,aeotherapJ,.2005 Feb;25(2):165一70)。Stavudine ent叮into eerebrospinal fluid after single and multiple doses in patients infeeted with human immunodefi- ciency virus一(Pharmaeother’甲y.2005 Jan;25(一):…  相似文献   

眨沉翁与上容二推契井,件墓获犯二二爪-一-一-一-----一-一井.、一__-一_一一一-一·MDMA affeets both error一rate dependent and independenr aspeets of deeision一making in a rwo一ehoiee predietion task一(Journal ofP砂ehopharmaeotogy.2005;19(4):366一374)·patterns of aleohol eonsumption in bipolar patients eomorbid for aleohol abuse or dependenee一(BIPolar Disord. 2005;7(4):377一381)·Subjeetive awareness on the Iowa Gambling Task:the key role of emotional experienee in sehizophrenia一(J Clin E冲…  相似文献   

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