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城镇职工医疗保险制度改革是当前的热门话题。在医疗保险最高支付金额原则上,如何找到一个切实可行的办法解决超最高支付限额医疗费用,是全国各地医改实施城市迫切需要解决的问题。厦门市的做法是:商业补充医疗保险。1 职工发生高额医疗费用趋势逐年上升 这主要表现在两个方面:一是人口老龄化和大病的高发。自1997年7月医保启动以来到1998年12月,厦门市第一医院和中山医院共诊治医保住院病人7426人,超万元的1489人,占20.05%。二是医疗技术的进步。职工对医疗需求和消费的要求越来越高,医疗消费的支出呈迅猛增长的势头,个人和家庭在经济上难以负担,单位特别是企业不堪重负。  相似文献   

医疗保险是社会保障项目中最早立法的 ,在当今世界上医疗保险的普及面仅次于养老保险和工伤保险。医疗保险是当劳动者生病或者受到伤害 (工伤除外 )时 ,由国家和社会提供医疗服务及其费用的一项社会保障制度 ,它作为社会保险项目之一 ,同样具有社会保险的强制性、互济性、福利性和社会性等基本特征。1 我国医保改革的成绩和面临的挑战我国医疗保险制度从上个世纪 50年代初的《中华人民共和国劳动保险条例》到 1 998年国务院颁布的《关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》 ,不断改革摸索 ,已经走过了 50多年的风雨历程。医疗保险涉及到…  相似文献   

福建省商业补充医疗保险情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对福建省10个统筹地区的商业补充医疗保险情况进行分析,发现全省商业补充医疗保险的平均理赔率为1.47‰,各统筹地区理赔率差别有显著性意义(X2=666.82,P<0.01).全省商业补充医疗保险的平均赔付率为103.4%,人均给付金额2.27万元.探讨了部分统筹地区商业补充医疗保险亏损原因及经验教训,提出了做好商业补充医疗保险的几点建议.  相似文献   

法国的补充医疗保险及其借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究了补充医疗保险在法国社会保障制度中的作用,强调了其市场结构和业绩方面的主要特征。首先简要回顾了法国医疗保险制度发展的历史以及补充医疗保险与公共医疗保险的关系,接着介绍了公共医疗保险和补充医疗保险的保障范围和程度,考察了法国补充医疗保险的市场结构、监管法规和市场业绩。最后阐述了法国补充医疗保险对我国发展医疗保险的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

浅析我国商业健康保险对社会医疗保险的补充作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会医疗保险和商业健康保险共同构成了我国的医疗保障体系,其中社会医疗保险是基础,商业健康保险是必要补充。目前,我国商业健康保险业务量小,覆盖率低,对医疗费用的分担少,因此其对社会医疗保险补充作用的发挥程度较低,这是由医疗保险所针对风险的特殊性所决定的。为了充分发挥商业健康保险对社会医疗保险的补充作用,必须加强政商合作,实行专业化经营,加强人才培养,构建有吸引力的医保合作框架,针对特殊风险进行业务创新等。  相似文献   

补充医疗保险与主体医疗保险的衔接研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对我国补充医疗保险与主体医疗保险(城镇职工基本医疗保险)衔接的基础,衔接的空间,衔接的态势三个方面进行研究论述。  相似文献   

补充医疗保险与主体医疗保险的衔接研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该着重分析了补充医疗保险与主体医疗保险衔接的基础,补充医疗保险与主体医疗保险衔接的空间,补充医疗保险与主体医疗保险衔接的态势。作认为补充医疗保险形式目前没有统一的模式,各地应从实际出发进行探索和试验,不断总结经验和完善提高。  相似文献   

上海市商业补充医疗保险发展方案设计   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据《国务院关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》的有关原则精神,目前,政府的责任是保障城镇职工的基本医疗,其余层次的保障则有待于多种补充保障形式的迅速成长和合理定位。商业医疗保险由于其内在的优势可能成为未来补充保险发展中最为活跃的行业,同时,由于我国商业保险发展尚不完善,正期待着进行前瞻性发展研究。以下结合上海实际,对上海商业补充医疗保险发展作一方案设计,以期有助于社会医疗保险管理部门和用人单位对商业补充医疗保险有较为清晰的认识,亦为商业保险公司发展医疗保险产品提供参考。  相似文献   

The health care system in Greece is financed in almost equal proportions by public and private sources. Private expenditure, consists mostly of out-of-pocket and under-the-table payments. Such payments strongly suggest dissatisfaction with the public system, due to under financing during the last 25 years. This gap has been filled rapidly by the private sector. From this point of view, one might suggest that the flourishing development of private provision may lead in turn to a corresponding growth in private health insurance (PHI). This paper aims to examine the role of PHI in Greece, to identify the factors influencing its development, and to make some suggestions about future policies and trends. In the decade of 1985–1995 PHI show increasing activity, reflecting the intention of some citizens to seek health insurance solutions in the form of supplementary cover in order to ensure faster access, better quality of services, and increased consumer choice. The benefits include programs covering hospital expenses, cash benefits, outpatient care expenses, disability income insurance, as well as limited managed care programs. However, despite recent interest, PHI coverage remains low in Greece compared to other EU countries. Economic, social and cultural factors such as low average household income, high unemployment, obligatory and full coverage by social insurance, lead to reluctance to pay for second-tier insurance. Instead, there is a preference to pay a doctor or hospital directly even in the form of under-the-table payments (which are remarkably high in Greece), when the need arises. There are also factors endogenous to the PHI industry, related to market policies, low organisational capacity, cream skimming, and the absence of insurance products meeting consumer requirements, which explain the relatively low state of development of PHI in Greece.   相似文献   

在我国现行的基本医疗保险体系中,覆盖近11亿人口的新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民基本医疗保险均采取"政府补贴为主、个人缴费为辅"的筹资方式。本文对全国31个地区的医保财政补贴制度现状进行了分析,指出现行财政补贴政策存在缺乏长效机制、政府间责任分摊不明、公平性问题突出和投入绩效低下等问题,并提出了加快基本医疗保险城乡统筹步伐、建立补贴标准的科学测算与动态调整机制、构建合理的政府间责任分摊机制、提高财政补贴资金的绩效、适当增加个人的筹资责任等针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we simulate several scenarios of the potential premium range for voluntary (supplementary) health insurance, covering benefits which might be excluded from mandatory health insurance (MI). Our findings show that, by adding risk-factors, the minimum premium decreases and the maximum increases. The magnitude of the premium range is especially substantial for benefits such as medical devices and drugs. When removing benefits from MI policymakers should be aware of the implications for the potential reduction of affordability of voluntary health insurance coverage in a competitive market.   相似文献   

According to the Health and Medical Services Act (1982:763), those who have the greatest need for healthcare shall be given priority. This is being challenged by the rapid emergence of private health insurance which increases the share of private funding and creates fast-track lanes where some people get faster access to healthcare than others. The Stop Law, implemented by a Social Democratic government in 2006, was generally regarded as a way to put an end to the fast-track lanes in Swedish healthcare. Based on a thorough examination of the law and its legislative history – official reports, propositions, comments on official reports – this article argues that the Stop Law was so full of exceptions and loopholes that it did not threaten the existence of fast-track lanes. The same goes for a similar Social Democratic proposal from 2016, which is also examined in the article. Further, the article analyses centre-right wing positions on fast-track lanes in Swedish healthcare. In summary, it is argued that politicians of all stripes have allowed the development to proceed in spite of unanimous support for the idea that Swedish healthcare shall be provided to all on equal terms.  相似文献   

根据温州市基本医疗保险覆盖范围,该文设计了与之对应的5个补充医疗保险方案,并测算了不同社会经济特征职工对不同方案的意愿参保情况.结果发现,职工对方案A和方案B的意愿参保率较高;高年龄者对所有方案的参保率较低;文化程度较高者和高收入者对所有方案的意愿参保率较高.自认健康状况差的职工关注大病重病费用风险,对方案A意愿参保率较高.  相似文献   

In January 2013, within the framework of a National Inter-professional Agreement (NIA), the French government required all employers (irrespective of the size of their business) to offer private complementary health insurance to their employees from January 2016. The generalization of group complementary health insurance to all employees will directly affect insurers, employers and employees, as well as individuals not directly concerned (students, retirees, unemployed and civil servants). In this paper, we present the issues raised by this regulation, the expected consequences and the current debate around this reform. In particular, we argue that this reform may have adverse effects on equity of access to complementary health insurance in France, since the risk structure of the market for individual health insurance will change, potentially increasing inequalities between wage-earners and others. Moreover, tax exemptions given to group contracts are problematic because public funds used to support these contracts can be higher at individual level for high-salary individuals than those allocated to improve access for the poorest. In response to the criticism and with the aim of ensuring equity in the system, the government decided to reconsider some of the fiscal advantages given to group contracts, to enhance programs and aids dedicated to the poorest and to redefine an overall context of incentives.  相似文献   

本文分析了当前我国地方政府融资存在的财政自给率不足、对转移支付依赖加大、土地资源出让收入倾向最大化、地方政府债务隐性化和可持续贷款能力受限等问题,认为应正视未来20年我国地方政府在城市化进程中大规模融资行为的必然性,建议从五个方面入手来规范地方政府的融资行为,即以培育地方主体税种为基石深化分税制改革,以公共服务均等化为导向优化转移支付制度,通过正确处理土地出让金收入改变卖地财政境况,以地方政府债券发行收入来弥补市政建设缺口,以及鼓励符合条件的政府投融资平台上市融资等。  相似文献   

We analyze the effect of an individual insurance mandate (Medicare Levy Surcharge) on the demand for private health insurance (PHI) in Australia. With administrative income tax return data, we show that the mandate has several distinct effects on taxpayers’ behavior. First, despite the large tax penalty for not having PHI coverage relative to the cost of the cheapest eligible insurance policy, compliance with mandate is relatively low: the proportion of the population with PHI coverage increases by 6.5 percentage points (15.6%) at the income threshold where the tax penalty starts to apply. This effect is most pronounced for young taxpayers, while the middle aged seem to be least responsive to this specific tax incentive. Second, the discontinuous increase in the average tax rate at the income threshold created by the policy generates a strong incentive for tax avoidance which manifests itself through bunching in the taxable income distribution below the threshold. Finally, after imposing some plausible assumptions, we extrapolate the effect of the policy to other income levels and show that this policy has not had a significant impact on the overall demand for private health insurance in Australia.  相似文献   

进一步完善医疗保险政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在进行职工基本医疗保险制度改革和进一步完善医疗保险政策的过程中,要注意四个问题;属地原则和“条”、“块”矛盾问题;关于“社会统筹”与“个人帐户”结合;关于“基本”与“补充”的关系;关于特困人群的医疗保障。  相似文献   

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