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“在一座城市中,如果只有高楼林立,那么它的建筑和空间是平淡无味的,一个没有欣赏建筑与环境的空间是令人难以想象的。”某国外著名建筑师这样说建筑与环境的关系。  相似文献   

随着医疗保健水平的发展,人们对医院建筑环境在治疗中所起的作用,有了更深一步的认识:有益于情感健康的绿色医疗环境是满足患者精神需要并直接影响医疗效果.文章从医院建筑总体规划和绿色环境营造两个方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

关于绿色医院的设计,应重点考虑两方面的问题:一是医院对内外环境的影响;二是适当地减少能耗。  相似文献   

在医院建筑的总体规划及外部空间环境设计上,人性化应体现医院建筑对环境的尊重,与周边建筑“和谐共处”。同时,还应该有对历史文脉、地域文化、民族文化的尊重。尤其是医院改扩建工程规划当中,对不同历史时期的建筑及具有代表性的构筑物等,是“留”是“拆”.需慎重取舍。因为它们是一种历史的积淀。如一幢年代久远的老房子,或是一棵古树等等,往往有人们对历史的记忆。因此.医院建筑设计对历史文脉等的尊重.体现的是一种更高层次的“人性化”。  相似文献   

通过对医院基建项目可行性研究及前期策划准备工作,探讨医院建筑规划、设计与建设 的科学性、经济性、实用性。医院建筑规划、设计与建设应“以病人为中心、以员工为本”,实施“人性 化”规划、设计与建设,符合医疗流程,满足医院对安全与感染的控制和管理。  相似文献   

文章以医院建设者和管理者的工作实践为切入点,在广泛调研的基础上,总结了我国城市医院建设中在规划、设计方面存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的思路与具体措施。  相似文献   

景观环境设计,不仅是小空间的景观唯美,更是与周围环境的完美协调。怎样营造绿色、人文的医院外景观环境是医院管理者关注的一个重要方面。做到四季有景解放军第九八医院在最初设计时,就考虑到住院部主要是满足患者治疗、生活及休闲等需求。因此,在总体景观设计上以自然形式为主,根据具体的功能要求来设计绿化环境,要添加更具审美和趣味化的园  相似文献   

<正>各级医院及有关单位:医院建设是集城市规划、城市设计、项目策划、土地利用规划、医疗空间规划、工艺流程设计、建筑工程设计、机电工程设计、绿色建筑(节能降耗)、医疗设施设计、医疗设备配置、室内设计、景观设  相似文献   

围绕西安市红会医院高铁新城院区项目,从规划布局、建筑设计、景观设计、节能设计、智慧系统应用等维度详细阐述了其设计策略,并介绍了每个维度的设计理念及手法,为超大型医院建筑设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

现代化绿色医院建筑设计不仅仅是美化环境的设计,还包含安全环境、有益于医疗康复环境、人性化环境、节能环保环境等方面的设计。  相似文献   

医疗建筑外部环境的营造是医疗建筑设计的重要内容之一。积极健康的外部环境不仅可以起到辅助治疗帮助患者康复的作用,同时还可以提高医护人员工作环境的质量。良好的外部环境能够促进医患和谐、提升医院信赖度、增强医院竞争力,对医院的发展具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

在一座城市中,如果只有高楼林立,那么它的建筑和空间是平淡无味的,一个没有欣赏建筑与环境的空间是令人难以想象的。某国外著名建筑师这样说建筑与环境的关系。医院建筑作为民用建筑中最复杂的建筑更关心外部环境的塑造。对于拥有土地的医院来说,郁郁葱葱且有章有法的环境不是那么容易就打造出来的,尤其是刚刚要做外部环境的医院,更别  相似文献   

Proxies and Other External Raters: Methodological Considerations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Objective. The purpose of this paper is to introduce researchers to the measurement and subsequent analysis considerations involved when using externally rated data. We will define and describe two categories of externally rated data, recommend methodological approaches for analyzing and interpreting data in these two categories, and explore factors affecting agreement between self-rated and externally rated reports. We conclude with a discussion of needs for future research.
Data Sources/Study Setting. Data sources for this paper are previous published studies and reviews comparing self-rated with externally rated data.
Study Design/Data Collection/Extraction Methods. This is a psychometric conceptual paper.
Principal Findings. We define two types of externally rated data: proxy data and other-rated data. Proxy data refer to those collected from someone who speaks for a patient who cannot, will not, or is unavailable to speak for him or herself, whereas we use the term other-rater data to refer to situations in which the researcher collects ratings from a person other than the patient to gain multiple perspectives on the assessed construct. These two types of data differ in the way the measurement model is defined, the definition of the gold standard against which the measurements are validated, the analysis strategies appropriately used, and how the analyses are interpreted. There are many factors affecting the discrepancies between self- and external ratings, including characteristics of the patient, the proxy, and of the rated construct. Several psychological theories can be helpful in predicting such discrepancies.
Conclusions. Externally rated data have an important place in health services research, but use of such data requires careful consideration of the nature of the data and how it will be analyzed and interpreted.  相似文献   

Public health registries can provide valuable information when health consequences of environmental exposures are uncertain or will likely take long to develop. They can also aid research on diseases that may have environmental causes that are not completely well defined.We discuss factors to consider when deciding whether to create an environmental health registry. Those factors include public health significance, purpose and outcomes, duration and scope of data collection and availability of alternative data sources, timeliness, availability of funding and administrative capabilities, and whether the establishment of a registry can adequately address specific health concerns.We also discuss difficulties, limitations, and benefits of exposure and disease registries, based on the experience of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.The use of public health registries has become increasingly common in the past 2 decades.1,2 Although they are widespread in the context of immunizations, cancer epidemiology, and drug development research,3 the field of environmental health has also benefited from the establishment of a number of disease and exposure registries.A registry is generally defined as a set of records containing systematically collected, standardized data about individual people.4 These data are typically acquired, maintained, and updated over a prolonged period, usually years. Registries range from only a listing of exposed individuals with associated contact information to a research repository of information that includes demographics, exposure data, and health information. A public health registry is set up to accomplish a public health goal or activity. It might be used to obtain information on people who have a particular disease, a condition or a risk factor that predisposes them to illness from a health-related event, or previous exposure to substances or circumstances known or suspected to cause adverse health effects. The particular data assembled are a function of the purpose of the registry. The variables might be chosen to help study or detect specific health problems or to study treatments in specific individuals or disorders. In the context of environmental health, registries include information regarding individual exposures to chemical or physical environmental agents or the known or potential consequences of such exposures.The central purpose of a registry is to facilitate epidemiological research or provide information to registrants about a certain disease, exposure, or event. Registries are also used to generate relevant statistics about the group of registered people. We discuss the main factors to consider when deciding whether to create an environmental health registry. We also discuss some of the difficulties, limitations, and benefits of registries, based on the experience of their use by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in the United States.  相似文献   

介绍了在心电图机设计过程中应注意的问题和要点,通过对GB9706.1—2007以及YY1139—2000标准的研究,检查心电图机的电路图以及内部结构,纠正并改进其设计中的不足,从而达到国家标准和医疗器械行业标准的双重要求。为心电图机从设计出厂到检测上市,节省了资源和大量时间,提高了工作效率和产品质量。  相似文献   

〔目的〕了解温州口岸外环境水体中致病性弧菌的分布情况,为预测霍乱疫情以及制定防治策略和措施提供科学依据。〔方法〕收集口岸内有代表性的外环境水样(包括淡水、沿海水域、下水道排放口和集中式供水网点),进行弧菌科的分离鉴定,并对调查资料进行统计分析。〔结果〕(1)96份样品中55份检出了弧菌科,总检出率为57.3%。检出弧菌共分2属7种85株,其中弧菌属68株(80%);气单胞菌属17株(20%);优势菌为溶藻弧菌、河流弧菌和创伤弧菌。(2)4类外环境水样中弧菌检出率由高到低顺序为:淡水、海域水、下水道排放口、集中式供水网点,其中集中式供水网点无致病性弧菌检出。淡水、海域水、下水道排放口3类水的检出率和构成比之间差异无显著性(P检出率=0.37,P构成比=0.99);(3)6个月中,共检出2株非O1、非O139群霍乱弧菌。〔结论〕在温州口岸外环境水体中未检出所监测的O1群O139群霍乱弧菌,但检出了非O1/非O139群霍乱弧菌。  相似文献   

现有模拟整序折叠技术,对超声信号有衰减,而且在彩超中难以实现声束偏转。该文提出一种实现动态聚焦数据数字整序的设计方法。数字整序由两部分组成,即采用乘法器实现的位整序和用开关选择实现的字节整序。结果表明,在满足设计要求的同时,占用资源较少。  相似文献   

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