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传统玻璃离子水门汀、树脂增强型玻璃离子水门汀、聚酸改性复合树脂、Giomer等牙科充填修复材料具有氟离子释放和再充氟能力,被认为可以预防或减缓龋病的进展。释氟充填材料的释氟能力、抗菌性、力学特性及抗老化特性都是评价其防龋能力的重要指标,材料的防龋作用主要依赖于氟离子对矿化的影响。但是,释氟能力强的材料如传统玻璃离子水门汀因力学性能欠佳等劣势主要用于儿童牙科及暂时修复,材料的氟离子释放潜力和机械强度很难两全,尚未有材料可以在提供理想机械强度的同时释放大量氟离子。传统玻璃离子水门汀、树脂增强型玻璃离子水门汀、聚酸改性复合树脂、Giomer的氟离子释放和再充氟能力依次递减,材料改性的趋势倾向于为维持理想的机械强度,一定程度上牺牲材料释放氟离子的能力。目前研究者们尝试通过添加多种无机填料进一步增强材料的抗折裂能力,通过添加抗菌剂补偿材料因氟离子释放减少损失的防龋作用。  相似文献   

含氟牙釉质粘接剂释氟的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究国产含氟牙釉质粘接剂的释氟性能。方法:制备含氟牙釉质粘接剂I型和Ⅱ型的测试标本,以ORION720型离子选择性氟电极、参比电极测试氟离子浓度。结果:I型及Ⅱ型含氟牙釉质粘接剂均有氟离子释放,且在第一个24h后氟离子浓度下降显著,可维持21d左右;Ⅱ型含氟牙釉质粘接剂初始状态释放氟离子水平较高。结论:I型及Ⅱ型含氟牙釉质粘接剂均有释氟性能,而以Ⅱ型含氟牙质粘接剂较佳。  相似文献   

目的 研究含氟复合树脂释氟及释氟后对材料本身性能的影响。方法 用氟电极法测定释氟量、重量体积法测定吸水值和溶解值。结果 含氟复合树脂累积释氟曲线表现出快速释放期(约7d)和缓慢释放期(7d以后),复合体累积释氟曲线与时间呈直线关系,含氟材料吸水植(13.05~31.64μg/mm^3)和溶解植(5.88~24.80μg/mm^3)大于对照材料。结论 复合树脂释氟可能会对材料的物理机械性能有一定影响  相似文献   

牙科充填材料镓合金   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
银汞合金作为充填材料,由于其操作简单,机械强度大等优点,至今仍在口腔治疗中占主要地位。但其对环境污染及对人体毒害作用一直未得到有效解决,近几年来,一种瓣型金属充填材料-镓合金已经研制出来,并已通过一系列动物,毒性检测,目前正逐步被推荐至临床应用,该文主要对近几年来有关镓合金充填材料的理化特性,临床应用及临床操作要点等方面的研究情况进行综合报道。  相似文献   

目的:体外比较2种含氟流动树脂Beautifil Flow Plus F00和Dyad Flow的短期释氟量,以探讨2种材料释氟能力的差异。方法选取含氟流动树脂F00、DF和不含氟树脂Valux,制备直径10mm,厚1mm的样本,每组10个。将样本分别浸泡于5ml去离子水,第1、2、3、7、14、21、28d使用氟离子选择电极测量去离子水中的氟离子浓度,Va组为对照,比较F00和DF组前3d的单日氟释放及28d内各时间点的累积氟释放情况。结果 F00和Dyad Flow的释氟浓度均第1d最高;前3d单日释氟浓度呈下降趋势,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);28d内2实验组均有缓慢持续的氟释放,随着时间延长累积释氟量增加;各个时间点,Dyad Flow组累积释氟量高于F00组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论2种含氟流动树脂F00和Dyad Flow第1d氟释放最多,在测试时间内均有低量但持续的释氟能力,Dyad Flow释氟量略高于F00。  相似文献   

林芳 《口腔材料器械杂志》1995,4(4):180-180,193
临床上对乳牙龋坏的充填治疗,最为多见的是采用汞合金、GI—1型国产玻璃离子粘固剂以及日本产第二代玻璃离子ShofuGlass Ionomer Cemant Type Ⅱ).有关这三种材料的临床运用的相互比较报道较少.本文通过235例300个乳牙治疗的跟踪观察,从而对这三种材料的临床效果进行比较、评估.  相似文献   

目的比较不同含氟试剂的热凝树脂释氟率,为寻找适宜的预防义齿基牙龋的氟试剂和氟含量提供理论依据。方法将NaF、Na2PO3F、CaF23种试剂分别制成含氟5%、10%、15%、20%的热凝树脂块(聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯),于100ml去离子水中浸泡。选择电极法测定各浸泡液中氟释放量。结果同浓度下各含氟试剂块氟释放量为NaF>Na2PO3F>CaF2,且含氟浓度越高氟释放量也越大。结论各含氟树脂块均能释放氟离子。  相似文献   

89—1后牙充填材料的密合度——扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在离体牙上充填89-1后牙充填材料及其它后牙充填材料,利用扫描电镜观察充填材料与牙体之间的粘连情况,并将图像进行计算机处理,分别计算不同材料与牙体之间的缝隙,了解89-1材料的密合度,结果表明:89-1材料与牙体间的缝隙最小,证明该材料的线膨胀系数小于目前常用的后牙充填材料。而牙体酸蚀后,粘连效果更佳,提示在临床应用时,尽可能先对牙体作酸蚀处理。  相似文献   

含氟牙膏中氟离子测定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着我国口腔保健新产品的不断开发,含氟牙膏日渐增多。离子态的氟是含氟牙膏中的有效防龋成分,因此准确、迅速地测定牙膏中的氟离子含量,对评价含氟牙膏的效果是非常必要的。现行的中华人民共和国国家标准(GB8372—87)在关于牙膏测定中规定用硝酸钍...  相似文献   

磁性胶体根管充填材料临床疗效的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
门诊选择需要作根管治疗术的病例,用磁胶根充料和常规材料充填根管,经1年后发现磁胶根充的有效率为69.23%,比常规材料83。33%的疗效低(P<0.01)。并对磁胶根充料充填根管的原理、特点、现存不足以及对磁胶组失败病例进行了阐述和分析。  相似文献   

Abstract – Test specimens of seven different glass ionomer filling materials and one fissure sealant were exposed to running water for 2 yr. One amalgam and one composite, both containing fluoride, were included for comparison. The fluoride release from the specimens was measured periodically after storing the specimens for 24 h or 1 wk in a small amount of water. The fluoride release From the glass ionomers decreased with time and a constant level was reached for most products during the 2-yr period. The release was increased by lowering the pH of the storage solution. The release from the glass ionomers was clearly greater than from the amalgam and the composite.  相似文献   

Lim BS  Lee SJ  Lim YJ  Ahn SJ 《Journal of dentistry》2011,39(11):788-794


Periodic fluoride treatment may contribute to the ability of fresh orthodontic adhesives to provide long-term F release. The effects of periodic fluoride treatment on the amount of F release from fresh orthodontic adhesives was investigated.


F release was measured from a nonfluoride-releasing composite, a fluoride-releasing composite, a polyacid-modified composite (compomer), and two resin-modified glass-ionomer cements (RMGICs) at 1, 2, and 5 days after one of the following treatments: 225 ppm F solution, 900 ppm F solution, acidulated phosphate fluoride gel (APF), fluoridated dentifrice, and deionised water (control). F release was measured in a 5-day cycle, which was repeated 9 consecutive times. The amount of F release for each group was analysed using the repeated measures analysis of variance. Statistical significance was set at a level of α = 0.05.


Periodic fluoride treatment temporarily increased F release in fresh fluoride-releasing orthodontic adhesives, but not in fresh nonfluoride-releasing composite. The order of effective fluoride-release was RMGICs > compomer > fluoride-releasing composite > nonfluoride-releasing composite. The application of APF or 900 ppm F solution was the most effective way to maintain F release from fresh orthodontic adhesives. However, the amount of F release gradually decreased with increasing specimen age.


Given the difficulty of routine use of APF at home, the results of this study show that a combination of RMGICs and high-dose fluoride mouth rinse is the most effective protocol to maintain F release from fresh orthodontic adhesives.

Clinical significance

Most studies have investigated fluoride-uptake abilities using aged materials in which fluoride had been lost for at least 1 month. This study has found that periodic fluoride treatment altered the conventional F release pattern of fresh fluoride-releasing materials and type of fluoride-containing medium plays a more critical role in fluoride recharging of the materials than fluoride concentration. This study will help clinicians to find the most effective fluoride treatment protocol of fresh materials.  相似文献   

目的本实验评估体外脱矿环境中几种氟制剂对牙本质的脱钙作用。方法20个标本随机分成5组:0.1%氟保护漆组,0.5%氟保护漆组,0.6%氟化泡沫组,1.23%氟化泡沫组,空白对照组。用钙体外临床诊断试剂盒检测龋蚀液中Ca2 浓度值,计算出每组在各时间点牙本质钙溶出的总量。并将标本制成磨片,在体视显微镜下观察龋损情况。结果氟制剂组抑制钙溶出效果明显优于空白对照组,氟保护漆组优于氟化泡沫组,氟保护漆组之间无显著性差异,氟化泡沫组之间无显著性差异。结论各种氟制剂均有防止牙本质脱钙作用,0.1%氟保护漆抑制牙本质脱钙作用最显著。  相似文献   

美观充填材料氟离子释放的体外研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:分析3种传统玻璃离子水门汀、4种玻璃离子树脂复合体和1种树 脂的释氟能力。方法:在体外测量每一个材料应用含氟凝胶前后各6周的氟离子释放量。结果:部分材料在测量初2d释氟水平高,之后迅速下降,在3-5周内维持于稳定水平。用含氟凝胶进行氟再吸收后。所有材料均有短暂而显著的释氟增加。结论:新型的复保体同玻璃离子水门汀一样,起氟储存库的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract – The aim was to study the fluoride release 1) from 7 and 15-month-old glass ionomer specimens after treating them with fluoride; 2) from fresh compared with matured material; and 3) from specimens stored for 29 months in running water. Glass ionomer test specimens which had been in running water for first 7 then 15 months were treated with a 50 ppm fluoride solution after which the specimens were again exposed to running water for first 24 h and then 1 wk. The fluoride release was measured after each of the two periods of time. The fluoride treated specimens released more fluoride than the nontreated ones. This effect was not observed with composite resin specimens which were studied for comparison. Fluoride release from fresh glass ionomer specimens was observed to be 3–10 fold compared to specimens that had matured for 3 days. The release of fluoride from specimens that had been in running water for 29 months was measured and the results were compared with those of earlier measurements. It was found that the release reached a constant level for all tested glass ionomers during the second year.  相似文献   

The present study compared the initial fluoride release and release following refluoridation of a conventional glass-ionomer Ketac-Molar (ESPE), a resin-modified glass-ionomer, Vitremer (3M), and two compomers F-2000 (3M) and Hytac (ESPE). Fifteen test specimens were prepared for each brand and immersed in deionized water. The fluoride released was measured every 2 days for 22 days. Refluoridation of the test specimens was done with solutions of 0.02, 0.04 and 0.2% NaF for 5 min on days 22, 30, 38 and 46. The fluoride released from recharged specimens was measured every 2 days until day 54. The fluoride release was highest during the first days after preparation, after which it decreased sharply and then more slowly. The four materials became 'recharged' with fluoride following repeated fluoride exposure in solution, the 0.2% solution being the most effective. From a clinical point of view, the results from this study imply that all the restorative materials tested may act as intra-oral devices for the controlled slow release of fluoride at sites at risk of recurrent caries. Fluoride release and uptake by four new fluoride releasing restorative materials.  相似文献   

牙膏氟含量对学龄前儿童氟摄入影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 通过检测使用3种不同氟含量含氟牙膏后24小时尿氟排泄的变化。观察含氟牙膏氟含量及年龄对3个年龄组学龄前儿童氟化物摄入水平的影响,推测学龄前儿童使用含氟牙膏较为安全的氟含量,方法 采用离子选择性氟电极测定使用不同氟含量含氟牙膏后24小时尿氟排泄量,以使用含氟牙膏前尿氟排泄量作为自身对照,结果 含氟牙膏氟含量及年龄对学龄前儿童24小时尿氟排泄有显著影响,结论 学龄前儿童刷牙时因误咽部分含氟牙膏引起机体氟化物摄入水平的变化,含氟牙膏氟含量等于或超过1000μg/g时,可致每日总摄氟量超过产生氟牙症的域值,因此对于6岁以下的儿童要选用低氟含量牙膏,使用500μg/g含氟牙膏较为安全。  相似文献   

目的:观察含氟涂料与含氟牙膏对釉质表面再矿化和抗酸作用。方法:取牛恒切牙制备釉质片;统一酸蚀脱矿后随机分为4组(n=3);分别为生理盐水(A组对照)、Duraphat含氟涂料(B组)、Fluor Protector含氟涂料(C组)、含氟牙膏规律处理(D组);处理期间标本置于人工唾液孵育2周;再次酸蚀;各阶段均用显微硬度仪测定釉面显微硬度、扫描电镜观察釉面,图像分析电镜下釉面微孔隙面积差异;统计分析。结果:首次酸蚀后釉面明显脱矿。分组处理2周,A组釉面再矿化不明显;B组和C组釉面形成涂料保护层;D组釉面可见明显再矿化。再次酸蚀后:A组和D组显微硬度下降,B组和C组涂料保护层有明显抗酸作用。再次酸蚀后,A组和D组釉面微孔隙面积增加(P<0.05),但D组小于A组(P<0.05);B组、C组无显著变化(P>0.05)。结论:含氟涂料在釉面形成保护层,具有抗酸蚀和促进釉面再矿化作用;含氟牙膏能促进脱矿釉面再矿化,抗酸作用较弱。  相似文献   

《Pediatric Dental Journal》2005,15(2):165-170
This study is to compare the fluoride uptake of three fluoride agents and the effect of remineralization on artificial enamel lesions. Eight human third molars were all divided into four slabs. The slabs were randomly assigned to the following four groups: group A (9,040 ppm F, APF gel), group B (968 ppm F, SnF2 home gel), group C (22,600 ppm F, fluoride varnish, FV) and a control group. After 72-hour demineralizing and 10-day pH-cycling period with the application of corresponding fluorides. The distribution of fluoride and mineral change was analyzed with EPMA and CMR respectively. There was a significant increase in the amount of F uptake after the application of the three fluoride agents compared to the control group. Group A showed an extremely greater F uptake compared to group C and B. The amount of F uptake from group C was greater than that of group B. The three tested groups showed signs of significantly greater amounts of remineralization as compared to the control group. Remineralization of group C was detected to be the greatest, followed by group A and group B, but there was no significant difference in them under statistical analysis. It can be concluded that all of the tested agents were effective in regaining mineral loss. FV may be recommended as a professional topical fluoride. It is as effective, if not more so, as traditionally used APF gel. Also 0.4% SnF2 home gel is an efficient self-applied topical fluoride for daily use.  相似文献   

含氟牙膏刷牙后菌斑和唾液中氟离子浓度的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :测定正常人使用含氟牙膏刷牙后 ,菌斑及唾液中氟离子浓度 ,并探讨其对龋病预防的意义。方法 :选择 16名自愿者 ,用离子选择性氟电极测定含氟牙膏刷牙后 2小时菌斑及唾液中氟离子浓度 ,并与基线水平相比较。结果 :含氟牙膏刷牙后 2小时 ,牙菌斑及唾液中氟浓度分别为 5 1.5 5± 14.15 μg/g菌斑湿重和 13.36± 3.81μmol/L ,较基线水平有显著性提高 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :用含氟牙膏刷牙后使菌斑和唾液达到并维持的氟浓度 ,尤其是菌斑中氟浓度 ,可有效地抑制菌斑细菌的糖酵解过程 ,从而起到预防龋病发生的作用  相似文献   

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