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玉丹 《中国医药指南》2009,7(21):128-129
目的探讨妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)对围生结局的影响及防治。方法2004年1月至2009年6月平果县妇幼保健院妊娠分娩的GDM80例(作为观察组),按照1∶4比例选择正常的孕妇320例作为对照组,两组孕妇在年龄、孕周、孕产次等方面差异比较均无显著性(P>0.05),具有可比性,比较两组间母婴结局、分娩方式差异,并进行统计学处理。结果与对照组比较观察组妊娠高血压疾病、产后出血、羊水过多、念珠菌性阴道炎发生率高;分娩方式以剖宫产为主;新生儿体质量、呼吸窘迫综合征、死亡例数(P<0.05)。结论GDM是一种严重威胁母儿健康的疾病,必须重视GDM的早期诊断,确诊为GDM的孕妇应加强胎儿监测,产前正确估计胎儿体质量,适当放宽剖宫产指征。  相似文献   

目的分析妊娠期糖尿病(G D M)对妊娠结局的影响。方法选择在本院进行分娩、临产前确诊为G D M的60例设为GDM组,同期基本资料接近的正常孕妇80例作为对照组。比较两组妊娠期疾病,分娩方式,以及新生儿结局等指标。结果 G D M组中妊娠期高血压疾病、子痫前期、胎儿窘迫、胎膜早破、泌尿系感染发生率及剖宫产率,巨大儿和新生儿低血糖发生率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义。结论妊娠期糖尿病孕妇并发症较多,妊娠结局也较差,需加以重视并采取相应措施进行干预。  相似文献   

张文香 《中国当代医药》2014,21(15):44-45,48
目的 分析血糖控制与妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)产妇围生期结局之间的关系.方法 选取本院2012年1月~2013年6月收治的60例妊娠期糖尿病孕妇为研究对象,依照入院顺序随机分为观察组和对照组,对照组早晚餐前混合胰岛素皮下注射,观察组三餐前及睡前分别皮下注射短效和长效胰岛素,参照30例健康孕妇的相关资料,对比两组血糖控制效果及围生结局.结果 观察组血糖控制效果更佳、新生儿体重优于对照组(P<0.05),巨大儿比率与对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组均顺利分娩,围生结局优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 三餐前及睡前分别皮下注射短效和长效胰岛素血糖控制效果更佳,同时产妇围生结局更理想,此种治疗方案可作为妊娠期糖尿病的首选血糖控制途径.  相似文献   

熊春香 《中国医药指南》2012,10(22):195-196
目的探讨妊娠羊水过少对围生结局的影响及处理方法。方法 2008年1月至2012年2月妊娠并发羊水过少50例,按照1∶1比例抽取出50例同期妊娠分娩羊水正常孕妇为对照研究病例,比较两组围生结局的差异。结果羊水过少组宫内窘迫34.00%、吸入性肺炎14.00%、窒息12.00%、羊水污染36.00%、产程(12.87±3.10)h、产后出血12.00%、剖宫产74.00%均高于羊水正常组的2.00%、2.00%、0.00%、2.00%、(9.22±2.23)h、1.25%、46.00%(P<0.05)。结论羊水过少是由母体、胎儿及胎盘之间的平衡遭到破坏所致,对围生结局有不良影响,实施妇幼保健宣教减少羊水过少的发生率。通过产前检查的完善、B超等诊断技术提高,胎儿监护水平的提高以及剖宫产术的选择,可以降低羊水过少围生儿危险度。  相似文献   

目的观察妊娠合并羊水过少产妇资料,探讨诊断及处理。方法选择住院分娩的羊水过少42例产妇作为观察组,按照1∶1比例选择42例同期确诊羊水量正常的产妇作为对照组,入组病例均给予产前监护;分娩中及分娩后密切检测产妇和胎儿生命体征和生存状态,并详细记录产妇的分娩方式、实测羊水量、羊水性质、围生儿情况等。结果观察组胎儿合并宫内窘迫发生率30.95%、窒息21.43%、羊水污染45.24%、产程(12.13±2.23)h、产后出血19.5%、剖宫产88.10%均高于对照组的4.76%、2.38%、4.76%、(9.34±1.85)h、4.76%、59.52%,新生儿Apgar评分(8.51±0.76)低于对照组的(9.40±0.19)(P<0.05)。结论羊水过少对围生儿危害大,要做到早诊断、早处理。  相似文献   

目的观察羊水过少围生结局,探讨临床处理对策。方法 2007年1月至2010年l2月羊水过少病例106例作为对照组,按照1∶1比例选择同期羊水正常的孕妇106例作为对照组,比较两组围生儿结局及分娩情况上的差异。结果观察组围生儿宫内窘迫发生率29.25%、吸入性肺炎12.26%、窒息18.86%、羊水污染30.19%高、产程(13.45±2.34)h、产后出血13.21%、剖宫产86.79%均高(长)于对照组的2.83%、0.94%、1.88%、3.77%、(9.23±2.03)h、1.88%、42.45%(P<0.05)。结论羊水过少是围生结局不良的高危因素,羊水过少的冶疗目的主要是避免胎儿窘迫,减少围生儿并发症,对5.0cm<羊水指数≤8.0cm者,严密监护人工破膜阴道试产,对于羊水指数≤5cm者,大多数考虑剖宫产终止妊娠。  相似文献   

目的探讨妊娠期糖尿病对母婴健康的影响,及如何减少母婴并发症的发生。方法对161例GDM孕妇和161例健康孕妇的妊娠结局进行分析。结果GDM孕妇手术分娩率、妊娠高血压综合征、巨大儿发生率及新生儿并发症发生率都较对照组高。GDM的及早诊断和及时治疗可使巨大儿、妊高征发生率和手术产率降低,减少新生儿并发症。结论妊娠期糖尿病严重影响母婴健康,早期诊断GDM及控制血糖是减少母婴并发症的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨和研究妊娠期糖尿病治疗对妊娠结局的改善结果。方法选取2012年8月至2014年5月就诊于我院妊娠期糖尿病孕妇98例为研究对象,随机分为A组50例和B组48例;A组进行规范治疗,B组给予常规护理,未干预治疗;观察两组患者的妊娠结局。结果通过不同的干预治疗,B组出现妊娠期高血压疾病,羊水过多,胎儿窘迫新生儿窒息,新生儿低血糖,巨大胎儿的发病率明显高于A组,两组指标对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论妊娠期糖尿病患者将血糖控制在正常范围内对围生期母婴正常有重要意义,及早干预治疗,控制血糖,能有效改善妊娠结局。  相似文献   

目的 分析妊娠期糖尿病护理干预对孕妇及围产儿结局的影响。方法 选择2016年2月至2019年2月在我院就诊的60例妊娠期糖尿病患者。通过数字抽签分组方法分为干预组和对照组,两组各30例,对照组实施常规护理,干预组实施针对性护理干预。观察护理前后两组产妇的血糖水平,自我效能(GSES)和焦虑(HAMA)评分,两组产妇的分娩方式和妊娠结局,以及围产儿结局。结果 护理后,两组患者空腹和餐后2 h血糖水平均下降,且干预组空腹和餐后2 h血糖水平均低于对照组(P <0.05);两组患者的GSES和HAMA评分均改善,且干预组护理后的GSES评分高于对照组,HAMA评分低于对照组(P <0.05)。干预组自然分娩率高于对照组(P <0.05);干预组不良妊娠结局发生率低于对照组(P <0.05);干预组围产儿不良结局发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 妊娠期糖尿病护理干预能够提高孕妇的血糖控制效率,改善患者的心理状态,让孕妇或围产儿获得更良好的结局。  相似文献   

严勤  张红燕 《现代医药卫生》2006,22(13):1970-1971
目的:探讨地中海贫血筛查的方法及其临床意议。方法:选择2000-2004年在本院系统产前检查并住院分娩的孕妇资料5428例,回顾性分析妊娠合并地中海贫血的筛查方法及围生结局。结果:5428例孕妇中,地中海贫血组300例,占5.5%。地中海贫血组红细胞平均体积(MCV)及红细胞平均血红蛋白(MCH)含量均明显低于另外两组(P〈0.01),而RBC计数则明显高于另外两组(P〈O.01)。地中海贫血组和非地中海贫血组的异常围生结局明显高于对照组(P〈0.05),但3组新生儿体重的平均值差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论:建议首次产前检查的孕妇做血常规检查,MCV、MCH、RBC计数可作为地中海贫血筛查的指征。如果夫妇双方携带了相同类型的地中海贫血基因,建议做产前诊断,如果确诊为重型地贫胎儿,建议终止妊娠。  相似文献   

妊娠期糖尿病与妊娠结局的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
林小兵 《中国基层医药》2009,16(6):1005-1006
目的探讨妊娠期糖尿病对妊娠结局的影响。方法对84例经糖尿病筛查并确诊的GDM患者临床资料作回顾性分析,按治疗方式分为未治疗组42例(A组),饮食控制加胰岛素治疗组45例(B组),对比2组的妊娠结局。结果B组妊娠期高血压、胎盘早剥、羊水过多、产时出血、产后感染(19.6%、0%、0%、2.0%、3.9%)均低于A组(42.9%、7.1%、4.8%、7.1%、9.5%)(t=2.123,t=2.241,t=2.135,t=2.312,t=2.309,P〈0.05);B组孕周(33.3%)明显低于A组(23.8%)(X2=3.95,P〈0.05);A组剖宫产率(69.0%)明显高于B组(22.2%)(X2=4.01,P〈0.05);B组死胎死产(0%)明显低于A组(9.5%)X2=7.89,P〈0.01);B组新生儿体重高于A组(t=2.209,P〈0.05),新生儿合并症均低于A组(X2=6.89,X2=7.09,X2=7.49,X2=6.99,X2=7.29,X2=7.39,P均〈0.01)。结论妊娠期糖尿病对母婴危害大。及早诊断和治疗妊娠期糖尿病,可减少母婴并发症,降低围产儿死亡率。  相似文献   

段晓义 《现代医药卫生》2005,21(11):1343-1344
目的:探讨妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)对母婴健康的影响,减少母婴并发症的发生。方法:对161例GDM孕妇和161例健康孕妇的妊娠结局进行分析。结果:GDM孕妇手术分娩率、妊娠高血压综合征、巨大儿发生率及新生儿并发症发生率都较对照组高。GDM的及早诊断和及时治疗可使巨大儿、妊高征发生率和手术产率降低,减少新生儿并发症。结论:GDM严重影响母婴健康,早期诊断GDM及控制血糖是减少母婴并发症的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨加强孕期管理对妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)妊娠结局的影响.方法 对115例GDM孕妇加强孕期管理,有效控制血糖,并与正常妊娠组进行对照,观察两组妊娠结局.结果 GDM孕妇经过饮食、运动疗法,孕期加强母婴监护,剖宫产率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但羊水过多、妊娠高血压、早产、产后出血、胎儿窘迫、巨大儿,新生儿低血糖、窒息及病理性黄疸等妊娠并发症与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 对GDM孕妇加强孕期管理可有效控制血糖,明显改善妊娠结局.  相似文献   

林小兵 《中国基层医药》2001,16(1):1005-1006
Objective To evaluate the influence of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) on the pregnancy outcome. Methods 84 cases with GDM by the clinical data of patients with GDM were analyzed retrospectively;84 cases were divided into untreated group(A group)42 cases and diet plus insulin treatment group(B group)45 cases, compared 2 groups of pregnancy outcome. Results In B group of pregnancy - induced hypertension, placental abrup-tion, polyhydranmios,when the middle class bleeding, puerperal infection (19.6%, 0%, 0%, 2.0%, 3.9%) were lower than A group (42.9%, 7.1% ,4.8% ,7.1%, 9.5%) (t=2.123,t =2.241,t =2.135,t =2. 312,t =2.309,P <0.05) ;In B group of gestational age(33.3%) was significantly lower than A group(23.8%) (χ2 = 3.95, P <0.05) ; In A group of cesarean section rate (69.0%) was significantly higher than the B group (22.2%) (χ2=4.01, P <0.05) ;in B group of stillbirth group (0%) was significantly lower than A group (9.5 %) (χ2= 7.89, P <0.01) ;In B group of birth weight was higher than A group(t = 2.209, P < 0.05), neonatal complications was lower than A group(χ2 =6.89,χ2 =7.09,χ2 =7.49,χ2=6.99,χ2 =7.29,χ2=7.39,P <0.01). Conclusion Pregnan-cy with diabetes is harmful to mother and infant. Diagnosing and treating the eases earlier can decrease the complica-tions of mother and infant as well as the death rate of perinatal fetus.  相似文献   

目的探讨与分析妊娠期糖尿病对妊娠结局所产生的影响。方法对收治的妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)患者58例(分析组),并对比本院同期收治58例正常孕妇(比较组),对两组孕妇的妊娠结局进行观察。结果在剖宫产率和产后并发症发生率上,分析组要显著高于比较组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);在新生儿症状和低血糖发生率上,分析组要显著高于比较组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论对于母婴来说,妊娠期糖尿病的影响非常大,引发并发症的几率很高,临床上要早干预,及时对血糖进行控制,以此使并发症发生率得到减少,从而提高新生儿的生长发育质量。  相似文献   

林小兵 《中国基层医药》2008,16(1):1005-1006
Objective To evaluate the influence of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) on the pregnancy outcome. Methods 84 cases with GDM by the clinical data of patients with GDM were analyzed retrospectively;84 cases were divided into untreated group(A group)42 cases and diet plus insulin treatment group(B group)45 cases, compared 2 groups of pregnancy outcome. Results In B group of pregnancy - induced hypertension, placental abrup-tion, polyhydranmios,when the middle class bleeding, puerperal infection (19.6%, 0%, 0%, 2.0%, 3.9%) were lower than A group (42.9%, 7.1% ,4.8% ,7.1%, 9.5%) (t=2.123,t =2.241,t =2.135,t =2. 312,t =2.309,P <0.05) ;In B group of gestational age(33.3%) was significantly lower than A group(23.8%) (χ2 = 3.95, P <0.05) ; In A group of cesarean section rate (69.0%) was significantly higher than the B group (22.2%) (χ2=4.01, P <0.05) ;in B group of stillbirth group (0%) was significantly lower than A group (9.5 %) (χ2= 7.89, P <0.01) ;In B group of birth weight was higher than A group(t = 2.209, P < 0.05), neonatal complications was lower than A group(χ2 =6.89,χ2 =7.09,χ2 =7.49,χ2=6.99,χ2 =7.29,χ2=7.39,P <0.01). Conclusion Pregnan-cy with diabetes is harmful to mother and infant. Diagnosing and treating the eases earlier can decrease the complica-tions of mother and infant as well as the death rate of perinatal fetus.  相似文献   

林小兵 《中国基层医药》2009,16(1):1005-1006
Objective To evaluate the influence of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) on the pregnancy outcome. Methods 84 cases with GDM by the clinical data of patients with GDM were analyzed retrospectively;84 cases were divided into untreated group(A group)42 cases and diet plus insulin treatment group(B group)45 cases, compared 2 groups of pregnancy outcome. Results In B group of pregnancy - induced hypertension, placental abrup-tion, polyhydranmios,when the middle class bleeding, puerperal infection (19.6%, 0%, 0%, 2.0%, 3.9%) were lower than A group (42.9%, 7.1% ,4.8% ,7.1%, 9.5%) (t=2.123,t =2.241,t =2.135,t =2. 312,t =2.309,P <0.05) ;In B group of gestational age(33.3%) was significantly lower than A group(23.8%) (χ2 = 3.95, P <0.05) ; In A group of cesarean section rate (69.0%) was significantly higher than the B group (22.2%) (χ2=4.01, P <0.05) ;in B group of stillbirth group (0%) was significantly lower than A group (9.5 %) (χ2= 7.89, P <0.01) ;In B group of birth weight was higher than A group(t = 2.209, P < 0.05), neonatal complications was lower than A group(χ2 =6.89,χ2 =7.09,χ2 =7.49,χ2=6.99,χ2 =7.29,χ2=7.39,P <0.01). Conclusion Pregnan-cy with diabetes is harmful to mother and infant. Diagnosing and treating the eases earlier can decrease the complica-tions of mother and infant as well as the death rate of perinatal fetus.  相似文献   

林小兵 《中国基层医药》2004,16(1):1005-1006
Objective To evaluate the influence of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) on the pregnancy outcome. Methods 84 cases with GDM by the clinical data of patients with GDM were analyzed retrospectively;84 cases were divided into untreated group(A group)42 cases and diet plus insulin treatment group(B group)45 cases, compared 2 groups of pregnancy outcome. Results In B group of pregnancy - induced hypertension, placental abrup-tion, polyhydranmios,when the middle class bleeding, puerperal infection (19.6%, 0%, 0%, 2.0%, 3.9%) were lower than A group (42.9%, 7.1% ,4.8% ,7.1%, 9.5%) (t=2.123,t =2.241,t =2.135,t =2. 312,t =2.309,P <0.05) ;In B group of gestational age(33.3%) was significantly lower than A group(23.8%) (χ2 = 3.95, P <0.05) ; In A group of cesarean section rate (69.0%) was significantly higher than the B group (22.2%) (χ2=4.01, P <0.05) ;in B group of stillbirth group (0%) was significantly lower than A group (9.5 %) (χ2= 7.89, P <0.01) ;In B group of birth weight was higher than A group(t = 2.209, P < 0.05), neonatal complications was lower than A group(χ2 =6.89,χ2 =7.09,χ2 =7.49,χ2=6.99,χ2 =7.29,χ2=7.39,P <0.01). Conclusion Pregnan-cy with diabetes is harmful to mother and infant. Diagnosing and treating the eases earlier can decrease the complica-tions of mother and infant as well as the death rate of perinatal fetus.  相似文献   

林小兵 《中国基层医药》2005,16(1):1005-1006
Objective To evaluate the influence of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) on the pregnancy outcome. Methods 84 cases with GDM by the clinical data of patients with GDM were analyzed retrospectively;84 cases were divided into untreated group(A group)42 cases and diet plus insulin treatment group(B group)45 cases, compared 2 groups of pregnancy outcome. Results In B group of pregnancy - induced hypertension, placental abrup-tion, polyhydranmios,when the middle class bleeding, puerperal infection (19.6%, 0%, 0%, 2.0%, 3.9%) were lower than A group (42.9%, 7.1% ,4.8% ,7.1%, 9.5%) (t=2.123,t =2.241,t =2.135,t =2. 312,t =2.309,P <0.05) ;In B group of gestational age(33.3%) was significantly lower than A group(23.8%) (χ2 = 3.95, P <0.05) ; In A group of cesarean section rate (69.0%) was significantly higher than the B group (22.2%) (χ2=4.01, P <0.05) ;in B group of stillbirth group (0%) was significantly lower than A group (9.5 %) (χ2= 7.89, P <0.01) ;In B group of birth weight was higher than A group(t = 2.209, P < 0.05), neonatal complications was lower than A group(χ2 =6.89,χ2 =7.09,χ2 =7.49,χ2=6.99,χ2 =7.29,χ2=7.39,P <0.01). Conclusion Pregnan-cy with diabetes is harmful to mother and infant. Diagnosing and treating the eases earlier can decrease the complica-tions of mother and infant as well as the death rate of perinatal fetus.  相似文献   

林小兵 《中国基层医药》2002,16(1):1005-1006
Objective To evaluate the influence of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) on the pregnancy outcome. Methods 84 cases with GDM by the clinical data of patients with GDM were analyzed retrospectively;84 cases were divided into untreated group(A group)42 cases and diet plus insulin treatment group(B group)45 cases, compared 2 groups of pregnancy outcome. Results In B group of pregnancy - induced hypertension, placental abrup-tion, polyhydranmios,when the middle class bleeding, puerperal infection (19.6%, 0%, 0%, 2.0%, 3.9%) were lower than A group (42.9%, 7.1% ,4.8% ,7.1%, 9.5%) (t=2.123,t =2.241,t =2.135,t =2. 312,t =2.309,P <0.05) ;In B group of gestational age(33.3%) was significantly lower than A group(23.8%) (χ2 = 3.95, P <0.05) ; In A group of cesarean section rate (69.0%) was significantly higher than the B group (22.2%) (χ2=4.01, P <0.05) ;in B group of stillbirth group (0%) was significantly lower than A group (9.5 %) (χ2= 7.89, P <0.01) ;In B group of birth weight was higher than A group(t = 2.209, P < 0.05), neonatal complications was lower than A group(χ2 =6.89,χ2 =7.09,χ2 =7.49,χ2=6.99,χ2 =7.29,χ2=7.39,P <0.01). Conclusion Pregnan-cy with diabetes is harmful to mother and infant. Diagnosing and treating the eases earlier can decrease the complica-tions of mother and infant as well as the death rate of perinatal fetus.  相似文献   

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