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Extracellular recordings were made from mitral cells, tufted cells, and presumed glomerular layer and external plexiform layer interneurons of the olfactory bulb of anesthetized rats during odor stimulation. Intensity responses of these cells were studied by presenting a series of six or seven concentrations, spanning a range greater than two log units, in a cyclic artificial sniff paradigm, which produced repeated response measures at each concentration. Experiments focused on obtaining a complete intensity series, including interspersed unstimulated spontaneous activity records, for a single odorant (usually amyl acetate), but concentration responses to other odorants were tested when possible. Odor responses of 46 cells were studied with two approaches. Response form was examined in an attempt to define response classes based on qualitative characteristics of the temporal pattern of response. Assessment of response magnitude was attempted, in order to construct stimulus-response functions for each cell, independent of response form. As previously reported for olfactory bulb cells, the cells in our sample responded to odor stimulation with spike trains of a variety of temporal patterns, consisting of excitatory and inhibitory components that were frequently recognizable in the responses of a cell across a range of concentrations. However, response patterns usually changed significantly with concentration, such that response form across the concentration range could not be predicted from the response at any one concentration. Responses of different cells were sometimes similar to each other in form at one concentration and quite different from each other in the rest of their concentration-response profiles. Classification of response profiles into discrete types, based on consistency of response form throughout the profile, was therefore not feasible. In agreement with other reports, response of a single cell to different odorants sometimes showed similar forms and sometimes showed very different forms across the concentration-response profiles. Since the response form depends on the stimulus intensity as well as the stimulus quality, characterization of response magnitude and of the pattern of response to different odors require testing with a series of stimulus concentrations. Because odor responses consisted of temporally patterned spike trains, whose components changed in complex ways with stimulus intensity, it was not possible to quantify response magnitude by measuring characteristics of particular response components or counting mean frequency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mammals generally have the ability to extract odor information contained in complex mixtures of molecular components. However, odor mixture processing has been studied electrophysiologically only in insects, crustaceans, and fish. As a first step toward a better understanding of this processing in high vertebrates, we studied the representation of odor mixtures in the rat olfactory bulb, i.e., the second-order level of the olfactory pathways. We compared the single-unit responses of mitral cells, the main cells of the olfactory bulb, to pure odors and to their binary mixtures. Eighty-six mitral cells were recorded in anesthetized freely breathing rats stimulated with five odorants and their 10 binary mixtures. The spontaneous activity and the odor-evoked responses were characterized by their temporal distribution of activity along the respiratory cycle, i.e., by cycle-triggered histograms. Ninety percent of the mixtures were found to evoke a response when at least one of their two components evoked a response. Mixture-evoked patterns were analyzed to describe the modalities of the combination of patterns evoked by the two components. In most of the cases, the mixture pattern was closely similar to one of the component patterns. This dominance of a component over the other one was related to the responsiveness of the cell to the individual components of the mixture, to the molecular nature of the stimulus, and to the coarse shape of individual response patterns. This suggests that the components of binary mixtures may be encoded simultaneously by different odor-specific temporal distributions of activity.  相似文献   

Synaptic organization of the mammalian olfactory bulb   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Although it has been known for decades that the mammalian olfactory bulb receives a substantial number of centrifugal inputs from other regions of the brain, relatively few data have been available on the function of the centrifugal olfactory system. Knowing the role of the centrifugal projection and how it works is of critical importance to fully understanding olfaction. The centrifugal fibers can be classified into two groups, a group that release neuromodulators, such as noradrenaiine, serotonin, or acetylcholine, and a group originating in the olfactory cortex. Accumulating evidence suggests that centrifugal neuromodulatory inputs are associated with acquisition of odor memory. Because the distribution of the terminals on these fibers is diffuse and widespread, the neuromodulatory inputs must affect diverse subsets of bulbar neurons at the same time. In contrast, knowledge of the role of centrifugal fibers from the olfactory cortical areas is limited. Judging from recent morphological evidence, these fibers may modify the activity of neurons located in sparse and discrete loci in the olfactory bulb. Given the modular organization of the olfactory bulb, centrifugal fibers from the olfactory cortex may help coordinate the activities of restricted subsets of neurons belonging to distinct functional modules in an odor-specific manner. Because the olfactory cortex receives inputs from limbic and neocortical areas in addition to inputs from the bulb, the centrifugal inputs from the cortex can modulate odor processing in the bulb in response to non-olfactory as well as olfactory cues.  相似文献   

Early olfactory preference learning in rat pups occurs when novel odors are paired with reinforcing tactile stimulation that activate the noradrenergic locus coeruleus. Pairing of odor and a noradrenergic agonist in the olfactory bulb is both necessary and sufficient for odor preference learning. This suggests the memory change occurs in the olfactory bulb. Previous electrophysiological experiments demonstrated that odor preference training induces an increase in the field excitatory postsynaptic potential to olfactory nerve input and an alteration, after training, in glomerular [14C]2- deoxyglucose uptake and in single-unit responses of principal cells. We investigate here whether, 24 h after olfactory preference training, there is an alteration in intrinsic optical signals at the glomerular level. Six-day-old rat pups were trained, as previously, for a peppermint odor preference. Trained pups and control littermates were subjected to imaging of odor-induced intrinsic optical signals 1 day after the training session. Trained pups exhibited significantly larger responses to the peppermint compared with untrained littermates previously exposed to the same odor. The response of trained pups to a control odor (amyl acetate) was, however, not significantly different from that of untrained littermates. These observations demonstrate that odor preference memory can be read-out by optical imaging techniques.  相似文献   

In the olfactory system, the contribution of dynamical properties such as neuronal oscillations and spike synchronization to the representation of odor stimuli is a matter of substantial debate. While relatively simple computational models have sufficed to guide current research in large-scale network dynamics, less attention has been paid to modeling the membrane dynamics in bulbar neurons that may be equally essential to sensory processing. We here present a reduced, conductance-based compartmental model of olfactory bulb mitral cells that exhibits the complex dynamical properties observed in these neurons. Specifically, model neurons exhibit intrinsic subthreshold oscillations with voltage-dependent frequencies that shape the timing of stimulus-evoked action potentials. These oscillations rely on a persistent sodium conductance, an inactivating potassium conductance, and a calcium-dependent potassium conductance and are reset via inhibitory input such as that delivered by periglomerular cell shunt inhibition. Mitral cells fire bursts, or clusters, of spikes when continuously stimulated. Burst properties depend critically on multiple currents, but a progressive deinactivation of I(A) over the course of a burst is an important regulator of burst termination. Each of these complex properties exhibits appropriate dynamics and pharmacology as determined by electrophysiological studies. Additionally, we propose that a second, inconsistently observed form of infrathreshold bistability in mitral cells may derive from the activation of ATP-activated potassium currents responding to hypoxic conditions. We discuss the integration of these cellular properties in the larger context of olfactory bulb network operations.  相似文献   

Thirty-one olfactory bulb neurons were recorded in the olfactory bulbs of unanaesthetized rabbits during repeated stimulations. Their single-unit activity associated with the inspiratory phases of the respiratory cycles and that associated with the expiratory phases were processed separately. When responses were classified into 3 types, i.e., excitation, inhibition and null, it was found that a large number of neurons presented variable responses to repeated stimulations with the same stimulus. However, the passage from one type to another was found to be limited: responses by excitation or inhibition to the first stimulation turned into null responses only; null responses turned into either excitation or inhibition. Inspiration- and expiration-related responses were also subjected to a principal component analysis in order to determine whether changes in responses were compatible with a reliable coding of the qualitative properties of a stimulus. The results indicated that the repeated presentations of an odorant induced fairly similar profiles of activity across the set of neurons while different odorants induced clearly discriminable profiles. It is concluded that repeated stimulations do not blur the characteristic features of the across-neuron profile of response of an odorant in the olfactory bulb despite the variability of the responses of the neurons which compose the profile.  相似文献   

Noradrenergic projections from the locus coeruleus (LC) project to the olfactory bulb (OB), a cortical structure implicated in odor learning and perceptual differentiation among similar odorants. The authors tested the role of OB noradrenaline (NA) in short-term olfactory memory using an animal model of LC degeneration coupled with intrabulbar infusions of NA. Specifically, the authors lesioned cortical noradrenergic fibers in mice with the noradrenergic neurotoxin N-Ethyl-N-(2-chloroethyl)-2-bromobenzylamine hydrochloride (DSP4) and measured the effects on an olfactory habituation/spontaneous discrimination task. DSP4-treated mice failed to habituate to repeated odor presentations, indicating that they could not remember odors over the 5-min intertrial interval. The authors then infused NA bilaterally into the OBs of both DSP4-treated and nonlesioned control animals at two concentrations (10(-3)M and 10(-5)M, 2 microl/side). In DSP4-treated animals, NA administration at either concentration restored normal habituation and spontaneous discrimination performance, indicating that noradrenergic neuromodulation mediates these aspects of perceptual learning and that its efficacy does not require activity-dependent local regulation of NA release. Functional OB learning mechanisms may be necessary for normal odor recognition and differentiation among physically similar odorants.  相似文献   

Rabbits with chronically implanted electrodes in olfactory bulb and cortex were classically conditioned to give an increase in relative frequency of sniffing to odor stimuli (CS+) reinforced with mild electric shock. Electroencephalographic high-frequency (35-85 Hz) bursts were recorded from an ensemble of nine bulbar depth electrodes and a second ensemble of 50 cortical surface electrodes. The olfactory cortex responded to the CS+ with sustained elevation of burst amplitude even though the olfactory bulb, from which it receives its primary centripetal input, underwent a marked decline in burst amplitude during the same time period. The amplitude reduction was not spatially uniform: The burst of the bulbar region that declined most in amplitude had the greatest phase lag with respect to the bulbar ensemble average burst. These effects were learning related because they did not occur for CS+ trials at the beginning of conditioning or for unreinforced control trials at any time.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made from 28 granule cells and 6 periglomerular cells of the rat olfactory bulb during odor stimulation and electrical stimulation of the olfactory nerve layer (ONL) and lateral olfactory tract (LOT). Neurons were identified by injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or biocytin and/or intracellular response characteristics. Odorants were presented in a cyclic sniff paradigm, as reported previously. 2. All interneurons could be activated from a wide number of stimulation sites on the ONL, with distances exceeding their known dendritic spreads and the dispersion of nerve fibers within the ONL, indicating that multisynaptic pathways must also exist at the glomerular region. All types of interneurons also responded to odorant stimulation, showing a variety of responses. 3. Granule cells responded to electrical stimulation of the LOT and ONL as reported previously. However, intracellular potential, excitability, and conductance analysis suggested that the mitral cell-mediated excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is followed by a long inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP). An early negative potential, before the EPSP, was also observed in every granule cell and correlated with component I of the extracellular LOT-induced field potential. We have interpreted this negativity as a "field effect," that may be diagnostic of granule cells. 4. Most granule cells exhibited excitatory responses to odorant stimulation. Odors could produce spiking responses that were either nonhabituating (response to every sniff) or rapidly habituating (response to first sniff only). Other granule cells, while spiking to electrical stimulation, showed depolarizations that did not evoke spikes to odor stimulation. These depolarizations were transient with each sniff or sustained across a series of sniffs. These physiological differences to odor stimulation correlated with granule cell position beneath the mitral cell layer for 12 cells, suggesting that morphological subtypes of granule cells may show physiological differences. Some features of the granule cell odor responses seem to correlate with some of the features we have observed in mitral/tufted cell intracellular recordings. Only one cell showed inhibition to odors. 5. Periglomerular (PG) cells showed a response to ONL stimulation that was unlike that found in other olfactory bulb neurons. There was a long-duration hyperpolarization after a spike and large depolarization or burst of spikes (20-30 ms in duration). Odor stimulation produced simple bursts of action potentials, Odor stimulation produced simple bursts of action potentials, suggesting that PG cells may simply follow input from the olfactory nerve.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Primary olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) impart both molecular and functional organization to the olfactory bulb. Because OSNs can be selectively activated by odorants in vivo, we sought to determine whether odorant experience alters the cellular dynamics of specific OSNs or their axonal projections. Using mice, we found that odorant stimulation associated with behavioral conditioning influenced OSN wiring by accelerating glomerular refinement independent of OSN number; furthermore, this wiring was strongly associated with olfactory learning.  相似文献   

The processing of odor-evoked activity in the olfactory bulb (OB) of zebrafish was studied by extracellular single unit recordings from the input and output neurons, i.e., olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and mitral cells (MCs), respectively. A panel of 16 natural amino acid odors was used as stimuli. Responses of MCs, but not ORNs, changed profoundly during the first few hundred milliseconds after response onset. In MCs, but not ORNs, the total evoked excitatory activity in the population was initially odor-dependent but subsequently converged to a common level. Hence, the overall population activity is regulated by network interactions in the OB. The tuning widths of both ORN and MC response profiles were similar and, on average, stable over time. However, when analyzed for individual neurons, MC response profiles could sharpen (excitatory response to fewer odors) or broaden (excitatory response to more odors), whereas ORN response profiles remained nearly unchanged. Several observations indicate that dynamic inhibition plays an important role in this remodeling. Finally, the reliability of odor identification based on MC population activity patterns improved over time, whereas odor identification based on ORN activity patterns was most reliable early in the odor response. These results demonstrate that several properties of MC, but not ORN, activity change during the initial phase of the odor response with important consequences for odor-encoding activity patterns. Furthermore, our data indicate that inhibitory interactions in the OB are important in dynamically shaping the activity of OB output neurons.  相似文献   

Psychophysical studies indicate that structural features of odorants differentially influence their perceived odor. In the olfactory bulb (OB), odorants are represented by ensembles of activated glomeruli. Here we used optical imaging of intrinsic signals to examine how these structural features are represented spatially in the sensory map of the rat OB. We found that the dorsal OB contained two topographically fixed domains; constituent glomeruli in each domain could be activated by odorants with particular functional groups. Within each domain, other structural features such as carbon chain length and branching were represented by local differences in patterns. These results suggest that structural features are categorized into two classes, primary features (functional groups) that characterize each domain, and secondary features that are represented by local positions within each domain. Such hierarchical representations of different structural features correlate well with psychophysical structure-odor relationships.  相似文献   

In the olfactory bulb, both the spatial distribution and the temporal structure of neuronal activity appear to be important for processing odor information, but it is currently impossible to measure both of these simultaneously with high resolution and in all layers of the bulb. We have developed a biologically realistic model of the mammalian olfactory bulb, incorporating the mitral and granule cells and the dendrodendritic synapses between them, which allows us to observe the network behavior in detail. The cell models were based on previously published work. The attributes of the synapses were obtained from the literature. The pattern of synaptic connections was based on the limited experimental data in the literature on the statistics of connections between neurons in the bulb. The results of simulation experiments with electrical stimulation agree closely in most details with published experimental data. This gives confidence that the model is capturing features of network interactions in the real olfactory bulb. The model predicts that the time course of dendrodendritic inhibition is dependent on the network connectivity as well as on the intrinsic parameters of the synapses. In response to simulated odor stimulation, strongly activated mitral cells tend to suppress neighboring cells, the mitral cells readily synchronize their firing, and increasing the stimulus intensity increases the degree of synchronization. Preliminary experiments suggest that slow temporal changes in the degree of synchronization are more useful in distinguishing between very similar odorants than is the spatial distribution of mean firing rate.  相似文献   

Recent work in the anterior piriform cortex (aPCX) has demonstrated that cortical odor receptive fields are highly dynamic, showing rapid changes of both firing rate and temporal patterning within relatively few inhalations of an odor, despite relatively maintained, patterned input from olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells. The present experiment examined the precision (odor-specificity) of this receptive field plasticity and compared it with the primary cortical afferent, olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells. Adult Long-Evans hooded rats, urethan anesthetized and freely breathing, were used for single-unit recording from mitral/tufted and aPCX layer II/III neurons. Partial mapping of receptive fields to alkane odors (pentane, heptane, and nonane) was performed before and immediately after habituation (50-s exposure) to one of the alkanes. The results demonstrated that odor habituation of aPCX responses was odor specific, with minimal cross-habituation between alkanes differing by as few as two carbons. Mitral/tufted cells, however, showed strong cross-habituation within the odor set with the most profound cross effects to carbon chains shorter than the habituating stimulus. The results suggest that although mitral/tufted cells and aPCX neurons have roughly similar odor receptive fields, aPCX neurons have significantly better odor discrimination within their receptive field. The results have important implications for understanding the underlying bases of receptive fields in olfactory system neurons and the mechanisms of odor discrimination and memory.  相似文献   

A chemotopic map of biologically relevant odorants (that include amino acids, bile salts, and nucleotides) exists in the olfactory bulb (OB) of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Neurons processing bile salt odorant information lie medially within this OB map; however, information as to how single neurons process bile salt odorant information is lacking. In the present report, recordings were obtained from 51 OB neurons from 30 channel catfish to determine the excitatory molecular receptive range (EMRR) of bile salt responsive neurons. All recordings were performed in vivo within the medial portions of the OB using extracellular electrophysiological techniques. Excitatory thresholds to bile salts typically ranged between 0.1 and 10 muM. The bile salt specificity of OB neurons were divided into three groups: neurons excited by taurine-conjugated bile salts only (group T), neurons excited by nonconjugated bile salts only (group N), and neurons excited by at least one member of each of the three classes of bile salts tested (group G). In addition to the conjugating group at C24 of the side-chain, OB neurons discriminated bile salts by the molecular features present at three other carbon positions (C3, C7, and C12) along the steroid backbone. These data suggest that OB neurons are selectively excited by combinations of molecular features found on the side-chain and along the steroid nucleus of bile salt molecules.  相似文献   

Early-life environmental events, such as the handling procedure, can induce long-lasting alterations upon several behavioral and neuroendocrine systems. However, the changes within the pups that could be causally related to the effects in adulthood are still poorly understood. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of neonatal handling on behavioral (maternal odor preference) and biochemical (cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation, noradrenaline (NA), and serotonin (5-HT) levels in the olfactory bulb (OB)) parameters in 7-day-old male and female rat pups. Repeated handling (RH) abolished preference for the maternal odor in female pups compared with nonhandled (NH) and the single-handled (SH) ones, while in RH males the preference was not different than NH and SH groups. In both male and female pups, RH decreased NA activity in the OB, but 5-HT activity increased only in males. Since preference for the maternal odor involves the synergic action of NA and 5-HT in the OB, the maintenance of the behavior in RH males could be related to the increased 5-HT activity, in spite of reduction in the NA activity in the OB. RH did not alter CREB phosphorylation in the OB of both male and females compared with NH pups. The repeated handling procedure can affect the behavior of rat pups in response to the maternal odor and biochemical parameters related to the olfactory learning mechanism. Sex differences were already detected in 7-day-old pups. Although the responsiveness of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis to stressors is reduced in the neonatal period, environmental interventions may impact behavioral and biochemical mechanisms relevant to the animal at that early age.  相似文献   

Mitral and tufted cells in the mammalian olfactory bulb are principal neurons, each type having distinct projection pattern of their dendrites and axons. The morphological difference suggests that mitral and tufted cells are functionally distinct and may process different aspects of olfactory information. To examine this possibility, we recorded odorant-evoked spike responses from mitral and middle tufted cells in the aliphatic acid- and aldehyde-responsive cluster at the dorsomedial part of the rat olfactory bulb. Homologous series of aliphatic acids and aldehydes were used for odorant stimulation. In response to adequate odorants, mitral cells showed spike responses with relatively low firing rates, whereas middle tufted cells responded with higher firing rates. Examination of the molecular receptive range (MRR) indicated that most mitral cells exhibited a robust inhibitory MRR, whereas a majority of middle tufted cells showed no or only a weak inhibitory MRR. In addition, structurally different odorants that activated neighboring clusters inhibited the spike activity of mitral cells, whereas they caused no or only a weak inhibition in the middle tufted cells. Furthermore, responses of mitral cells to an adequate excitatory odorant were greatly inhibited by mixing the odorant with other odorants that activated neighboring glomeruli. In contrast, odorants that activated neighboring glomeruli did not significantly inhibit the responses of middle tufted cells to the adequate excitatory odorant. These results indicate a clear difference between mitral and middle tufted cells in the manner of decoding the glomerular odor maps.  相似文献   

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