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额叶皮质损伤对大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本实验探讨了前额叶皮质局限性损伤对大鼠学习、记忆功能及基底前脑胆碱能神经元的影响。用外科手术造成大鼠一侧前额叶皮质局限性损伤后不同时间、用Y型迷宫检测学习、记忆功能、用组织化学技术检测基底前脑含乙酰胆碱酸酶(AChE)活性神经元。实验观察到前额叶皮质损伤后1周,动物学习,记忆功能有所障碍,损伤同侧的基底前脑胆碱能神经元有所减少,但均无统计学意义,损伤后2,3,4周,动物学习、记忆障碍明显,损伤同侧基底前脑胆碱能神经元明显减少(P<0.05),且两者变化相平行。结果表明单侧前额叶皮质局限性损伤不仅可引起动物学习、记忆功能障碍,且可引起同侧基底前脑胆碱能神经元丢失,且两者发展相平行,提示基底前脑胆碱能神经元逆行性变性在动物额叶皮质损伤引起的学习、记忆障碍中起作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同浓发的尼古丁对原代培养的大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元的高亲和力神经生长因子受体(TrkA)表达的影响,结合细胞形态学观察和四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)实验了解TrkA表达变化对细胞生长的影响。方法 运用细胞原代培养的方法培养大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元并进行鉴定,用0.01,0.1,1,10和100μmol/L五个终浓度的尼古丁对原代培养细胞进行干预,观察细胞的形态变化,MTT实验观察细胞的活力.提取细胞总RNA行RT-PCR观察神经元TrkA mRNA表达的变化,免疫细胞学化观察TrkA表达的变化;用10μmol/L终浓度的尼古丁以不同的时间(分别为8,24,48h)进行干预,观察不同时间干预下上述指标的变化。结果 在0.01~10μmol/L浓度范围内的尼古丁呈剂量依赖性地增加神经元TrkA的表达,100μmol/L浓度的尼古丁则引起TrkA表达的下降,前浓度范围的尼古丁可以剂量依赖性地增加原代培养的神经元细胞突起数量、平均突起长度和最长突起长度,增加MTT法测得的OD值,100μmol/L终浓度尼古丁则产生相反的作用。结论 在一定浓度范围内,尼古丁可以增加原代培养的胆碱能神经元TrkA表达,对神经元可能具有营养作用。  相似文献   

GABAergic neurons in the primate basal forebrain magnocellular complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hybridization histochemistry was used to detect messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) coding for glutamic acid decarboxylase, the synthesizing enzyme for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in neurons of the nucleus basalis of Meynert and nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca of one rhesus monkey and 4 baboons. GABAergic neurons were distributed among the unlabeled large, hyperchromic Nissl-stained neurons characteristic of this basal forebrain magnocellular complex, although they were infrequent within the dense islands of large cells. Most GABAergic cells were small to medium in size, but some were large and hyperchromic. These findings demonstrate a heterogeneous population of presumably inhibitory neurons in the basal forebrain magnocellular complex of primates.  相似文献   

Neurons of the medial septum/diagonal band of Broca (MSDB) project to the hippocampus. Muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms within the MSDB are potent modulators of hippocampal functions; intraseptal scopolamine disrupts and intraseptal carbachol facilitates hippocampus-dependent learning and memory tasks, and the associated hippocampal theta rhythm. In earlier work, we demonstrated that, within the MSDB, the septohippocampal GABAergic but not cholinergic neurons are the primary target of muscarinic manipulations and that muscarinic activation of septohippocampal GABAergic neurons is mediated directly via M(3) receptors. In the present study, we examined the ionic mechanism(s) underlying the excitatory actions of muscarine in these neurons. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques in rat brain slices, we demonstrated that M(3) receptor-mediated muscarinic activation of MSDB neurons is dependent on external Na(+) and is also reduced by bath-applied Ni(2+) and KB-R7943 as well as by replacing external Na(+) with Li(+), suggesting a primary involvement of the Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger. We conclude that the M(3) receptor-mediated muscarinic activation of MSDB septohippocampal GABA-type neurons, that is important for cognitive functioning, is mediated via activation of the Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger.  相似文献   

Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons project to diverse cortical and hippocampal areas and receive reciprocal projections therefrom. Maintenance of a fine-tuned synaptic communication between pre- and postsynaptic cells in neuronal circuitries also requires feedback mechanisms to control the probability of neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic terminal. Release of endocannabinoids or glutamate from a postsynaptic neuron has been identified as a means of retrograde synaptic signalling. Presynaptic action of endocannabinoids is largely mediated by type 1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptors, while fatty-acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is involved in inactivating some endocannabinoids postsynaptically. Alternatively, vesicular glutamate transporter 3 (VGLUT3) controls release of glutamate from postsynaptic cells. Here, we studied the distribution of CB1 receptors, FAAH and VGLUT3 in cholinergic basal forebrain nuclei of mouse and rat. Cholinergic neurons were devoid of CB1 receptor immunoreactivity. A fine CB1 receptor-immunoreactive (ir) fibre meshwork was present in medial septum, diagonal bands and nucleus basalis. In contrast, the ventral pallidum and substantia innominata received dense CB1 receptor-ir innervation and cholinergic neurons received CB1 receptor-ir presumed synaptic contacts. Consistent with CB1 receptor distribution, FAAH-ir somata were abundant in basal forebrain and appeared in contact with CB1 receptor-containing terminals. Virtually all cholinergic neurons were immunoreactive for FAAH. A significant proportion of cholinergic cells exhibited VGLUT3 immunoreactivity in medial septum, diagonal bands and nucleus basalis, and were in close apposition to VGLUT3-ir terminals. VGLUT3 immunoreactivity was largely absent in ventral pallidum and substantia innominata. We propose that specific subsets of cholinergic neurons may utilize endocannabinoids or glutamate for retrograde control of the efficacy of input synapses, and the mutually exclusive complementary distribution pattern of CB1 receptor-ir and VGLUT3-ir fibres in basal forebrain suggests segregated input-specific signalling mechanisms by cholinergic neurons.  相似文献   

Neurons expressing neurokinin B (NK3) receptor in the basal forebrain region of rats were characterized histochemically by combining immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization and retrograde labeling, and electrophysiologically by whole-cell clamp recording. NK3 receptor-immunoreactive neurons were found in the basal forebrain region including the substantia innominata, where axon terminals immunoreactive for preprotachykinin B, the precursor peptide of neurokinin B (NKB), were densely distributed. More than 90% of NK3 receptor-expressing neurons in the basal forebrain region showed signals for glutamate decarboxylase mRNA, indicating that almost all NK3 receptor-expressing neurons were gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons. On the other hand, only a few NK3 receptor-immunoreactive neurons showed immunoreactivity for choline acetyltransferase or parvalbumin in the substantia innominata, ventral pallidum, and globus pallidus, although the distribution of NK3 receptor-expressing neurons overlapped with those of cholinergic neurons and parvalbumin-positive neurons. After injection of wheat germ agglutinin into the cerebral cortex, NK3 receptor immunoreactivity was detected in about 25% of retrogradely labeled basal forebrain neurons, indicating that NK3 receptor-expressing neurons send projection fibers to the cerebral cortex. In the whole-cell clamp recording study, a selective NK3 receptor agonist evoked membrane depolarization or inward currents with decrease of input impedance in 10 of 100 cortically projecting neurons recorded in the basal forebrain region. Because NKB-producing striatal neurons send axons selectively to the basal forebrain region, the present results suggest that the release of NKB by those striatal neurons induces an inhibitory effect on cortical neurons via facilitation of GABAergic basal forebrain neurons expressing NK3 receptor.  相似文献   

The central adrenergic neurons have been suggested to play a role in the regulation of arousal and in the neuronal control of the cardiovascular system. To provide morphological evidence that these functions could be mediated via the basal forebrain, we performed correlated light and electron microscopic double-immunolabeling experiments using antibodies against phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) and choline acetyltransferase, the synthesizing enzymes for adrenaline and acetylcholine, respectively. Most adrenergic/cholinergic appositions were located in the horizontal limb of diagonal band of Broca, within the substantia innominata, and in a narrow band bordering the substantia innominata and the globus pallidus. Quantitative analysis indicated that cholinergic neurons of the substantia innominata receive significantly higher numbers of adrenergic appositions than cholinergic cells in the rest of the basal forebrain. In the majority of cases, the ultrastructural analysis revealed axodendritic asymmetric synapses. By comparing the number and distribution of dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH)/cholinergic appositions, described earlier, with those of PNMT/cholinergic interactions in the basal forebrain, it can be concluded that a significant proportion of putative DBH/cholinergic contacts may represent adrenergic input. Our results support the hypothesis that the adrenergic/cholinergic link in the basal forebrain may represent a critical component of a central network coordinating autonomic regulation with cortical activation.  相似文献   

The neuromodulator histamine plays an important role in the regulation of behavioural state and the neocortical electrocorticogram (ECoG). With the present experiments, we characterized the anatomical targets that mediate the cortical-activating effects of histamine. Urethane-anaesthetized rats displayed continuous large-amplitude, low-frequency oscillations with a maximal spectral power in the delta (0.5-3.9 Hz) frequency band. Electrical (100 Hz) stimulation of the pontine-tegmentum suppressed slow, large-amplitude oscillations and induced ECoG activation. Application of histamine (1 mm) into the basal forebrain cholinergic complex by reverse microdialysis enhanced ECoG activation elicited by tegmental stimulation without changing resting ECoG activity. Ventrolateral or central thalamic application of histamine had no effect on resting ECoG activity, and ventrolateral thalamic application produced only a slight enhancement of brainstem-induced activation. Neocortical application of histamine in close proximity (< 500 micro m) to the recording electrode reduced low-frequency delta power in the resting ECoG without affecting stimulation-induced ECoG activation. These data suggest that, under the present experimental conditions, histamine facilitates ECoG activation primarily by potentiating the excitatory influence of brainstem fibers at the level of the basal forebrain. Histamine release in some parts of the thalamus results in a minor enhancement of ECoG activation, and cortical histamine release produces a small but consistent suppression of slow delta oscillations in the resting ECoG. These concurrent subcortical and cortical actions probably permit histamine to effectively modulate cortical activation and excitability across different behavioural states.  相似文献   

The amyloid hypothesis of Alzhemer’s disease(AD)postulates that the generation of amyloid-beta(Aβ)peptide from the amyloid precursor protein(APP)by the action of theγ-secretase complex is one of the principal causes of AD.This idea is supported by the identification of several hereditary mutations in the APP gene or in the PSEN1 and PSEN2 genes that encode Presenilin-1 and Presenilin-2.  相似文献   

The neuronal cell types and their morphology in the nucleus basalis (NB), in the horizontal and vertical limbs of the diagonal band of Broca (NHL and NVL), and in the medial septal nucleus (MSN) were examined in Golgi-impregnated material. Cells appeared as multipolar or oligopolar and displayed a variable dendritic morphology; their somata varied considerably both in shape and size. The dendrites of most cells were restricted within nuclear boundaries, although occasionally neurons located near boundaries, particularly cells in NHL, extended dendritic arbors into neighboring areas. Axons were rarely seen, but when they were found they were generally not impregnated beyond the initial segment and displayed no apparent preferential direction. Three types of cells common to each of the 4 nuclear groups could be identified on the basis of soma shape and dendritic form. The first type included large multipolar neurons with triangular or polygonal perikarya and typically 3-5 dendrites emerging from the poles of each cell. These cells were especially numerous in NB, NHL, and NVL, but were much less frequent in MSN. The second type comprised medium-sized cells with round or oval somata and a small number, usually 2-3, of dendrites. They constituted a large percentage of the cell population in MSN, but were also encountered in NHL and NVL as well as in NB. The third type consisted of cells with fusiform or spindle-shaped somata with usually single dendrites emanating from each pole of the cell. A rare but distinct type of spindle-shaped neuron with dendrites bearing a rich complement of long and thin appendages was observed mainly in the ventral border of NHL. The present observations suggest that although the proportions and sizes of the 3 types of neurons vary between the 4 nuclei, neurons throughout the basal forebrain share common morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

The distribution of neurons expressing the receptor for beta-nerve growth factor has been examined immunohistochemically in serial coronal sections of basal forebrain from aged normal human subjects. Neurons expressing the receptor were observed in the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca and in the anterior, the intermediate, and the posterior portions of the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Neurons could also be seen in the medial septal nucleus and embedded in myelinated fibre tracts such as those of the external capsule, cingulum, medullary laminae of the globus pallidus, ansa penduncularis, ansa lenticularis, and anterior commissure. In situ hybridization with a 35S cDNA probe to the human beta-nerve growth factor receptor confirms a neuronal location as the site of synthesis of beta-nerve growth factor receptors in the nucleus basalis of Meynert in a fifth brain. A high percentage of Nissl-stained hyperchromic magnocellular neurons expressed the receptor for beta-nerve growth factor, suggesting that most neurons in the human cholinergic magnocellular basal forebrain system express these receptors. Recent data suggest that beta-nerve growth factor functions as a neurotrophic factor in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. In Alzheimer's disease there is known to be a reduction in cholinergic function and an apparent loss of neurons in the cholinergic nucleus basalis of Meynert. For this reason we have examined the distribution of receptors for beta-nerve growth factor in the normal human basal forebrain in order to form a basis for comparison to those with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

The cholinergic innervation of the rat's posterior cingulate cortex (Brodmann's area 29) was studied using acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry. Electrolytic lesion of the ipsilateral medial septum and diagonal band region (MS-DB) reduced the diffuse AChE staining in layers I, II, III and V of the cingulate cortex. Kainic acid lesion of the ipsilateral globus pallidus and substantia innominata area (GP-SI) abolished the dense band of AChE stain in layer IV, with small reductions of AChE stain in other layers. The results indicate that the medial cholinergic pathway from MS-DB terminates diffusely in layers I, II, III and V while the lateral cholinergic pathway from the GP-SI predominantly ends in layer IV of the posterior cingulate cortex.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether the activities of the rostral basal forebrain neurons alter the activities of the orexin (also known as hypocretin) neurons in the tuberal part of the hypothalamus in rats. We performed microdialysis perfusion of the ventromedial portion of the rostral basal forebrain with the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol to inhibit focally the neuronal activities in the rostral basal forebrain. Then, we monitored sleep/wake behaviour and investigated the pattern of activities of orexin neurons by examining the expression of FOS as an indicator of cellular activation. Bilateral perfusion with muscimol (5, 15, and 50 micro m) produced a dose-dependent decrease in the amount of sleep. This perfusion with muscimol at 50 micro m produced FOS-like immunoreactivity in 37% of the orexin neurons located in the tuberal part of the hypothalamus, whereas the FOS-like immunoreactivity was sparse in orexin neurons of the sleeping control rats (P = 0.001 by Mann-Whitney U-test). Unilateral perfusion with muscimol (50 micro m) also suppressed sleep. In this case, FOS-like immunoreactivity was seen in 40% of the orexin neurons on the side ipsilateral to the perfusion site but only in 10% of orexin neurons on the contralateral side (P = 0.018 by Wilcoxon signed rank test). These functional data suggested that a sleep-generating element in the ventromedial part of the rostral basal forebrain provides an inhibitory influence on the activities of the orexin neurons in the tuberal part of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Transection of the fimbria-fornix results in a loss of magnocellular neurons in the medial septum and vertical limb of the diagonal band (MS/VDB), possibly due to the deprivation of a retrogradely transported trophic substance, such as nerve growth factor (NGF), derived from the hippocampal formation. We have utilized a transplantation model in which grafts of NGF-rich male mouse submaxillary gland were placed in the lateral ventricle adjacent to the MS/VDB of rats with transections of the fimbria-fornix. At 2-4 weeks following transection, animals with grafted submaxillary glands exhibited enhanced survival of MS/VDB neurons, which stained positive for acetylcholinesterase and were immunoreactive for the NGF receptor. These experiments demonstrate that grafts of male mouse submaxillary gland can facilitate the survival of axotomized MS/VDB cholinergic neurons and may therefore prove beneficial in promoting regeneration of damaged neural systems.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical techniques were used to examine and compare the effects of intracerebroventricular administration of nerve growth factor (NGF) on Fos expression within identified cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons located in different regions of the adult rat basal forebrain. Animals were killed 1, 3, 6, and 12 h after receiving NGF (0.5 or 5.0 μg) or vehicle into the left lateral ventricle and sections through the medial septum, diagonal band of Broca, nucleus basalis magnocellularis, and striatum were processed for the combined immunocytochemical detection of Fos and choline acetyltransferase (a marker for cholinergic neurons), or Fos and parvalbumin (a marker for gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)-containing neurons). NGF produced a significant increase in the percentage of cholinergic neurons containing Fos-like immunoreactivity within all four regions examined. The largest increases were detected in the medial septum (47.8%) and the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (67.7%). In these areas, NGF-mediated induction of Fos-like immunoreactivity was detected as early as 3 h, peaked at 6 h, and was reduced by 12 h, postinfusion. Small but significant increases in the percentage of cholinergic neurons containing Fos-like immunoreactivity were also detected in the striatum (4.2%) and in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (19.2%) 3–12 h following administration of the higher dose of NGF. No evidence for an NGF-mediated induction of Fos within parvalbumin-containing neurons was detected in any of the four regions at any of the time-points examined; however, evidence for an NGF-mediated induction of Fos within epithelial cells lining the lateral ventricle was observed. These data demonstrate that NGF induces Fos expression within cholinergic, and not parvalbumin-containing (GABAergic), neurons in the basal forebrain, and furthermore that intracerebroventricular administration of NGF influences the different subgroups of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons to different degrees. ©1977 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is present both in local neurons as well as in fibers in the basal forebrain (BF), an area that plays an important role in the regulation of cortical activation. In previous studies, NPY axons were found to innervate corticopetal cholinergic cells in this area. In addition, identified NPY positive neurons have been shown to be silent during cortical activation, but active during slow EEG waves. However, no in vivo studies have shown the effect of local NPY release in the BF on the EEG. In the present experiments, the EEG was examined following NPY injection (0.5 microl, 300-500 pmol) into the BF of urethane-anaesthetized rats. Fronto-parietal EEG was recorded on both sides and relative EEG power was calculated in the delta (0-3 Hz), theta (3-9 Hz), alpha (9-16 Hz) and beta (16-48 Hz) frequency bands. We found a significant increase in relative delta power and a decrease in the power of all higher frequency bands (theta, alpha, beta) after NPY injection. These results suggest that NPY can inhibit cortical activation via the BF.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) supports the survival and biosynthetic activities of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and is expressed by neurons within lateral aspects of this system including the horizontal limb of the diagonal bands and magnocellular preoptic areas. In the present study, colormetric and isotopic in situ hybridization techniques were combined to identify the neurotransmitter phenotype of the NGF-producing cells in these two areas. Adult rat forebrain tissue was processed for the colocalization of mRNA for NGF with mRNA for either choline acetyltransferase, a cholinergic cell marker, or glutamic acid decarboxylase, a GABAergic cell marker. In both regions, many neurons were single-labeled for choline acetyltransferase mRNA, but cells containing both choline acetyltransferase and NGF mRNA were not detected. In these fields, virtually all NGF mRNA-positive neurons contained glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA. The double-labeled cells comprised a subpopulation of GABAergic neurons; numerous cells labeled with glutamic acid decarboxylase cRNA alone were codistributed with the double-labeled neurons. These data demonstrate that in basal forebrain GABAergic neurons are the principal source of locally produced NGF. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated the role played by catecholamine-dependent pathways in modulating the ability of the nitric oxide (NO) donor 3-morpholino-sydnonimine (SIN-1) to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) following its intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) or intravenous (i.v.) injection. We first showed that the nonspecific adrenergic agonist noradrenaline, the alpha- or beta-adrenergic agonists phenylephrine or dobutamine, or the noradrenergic uptake inhibitor desipramine, all significantly stimulated ACTH secretion by freely moving, nonanaesthetized rats. We then observed that destruction of noradrenergic nerve endings with the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine, respectively abolished and significantly decreased the ACTH response to the i.c.v. or i.v. administration of SIN-1. Finally, we sought to identify the type of adrenergic receptor(s) mediating the influence of catecholamines. beta-Adrenergic receptors did not appear to be involved in the stimulatory effect of SIN-1 regardless of its route of injection. By contrast, alpha 2-adrenergic receptors played an important role in the ACTH response to i.v. or i.c.v. administered SIN-1. Collectively, these results indicate that while hypothalamic alpha 1- and beta-adrenergic receptors are important for hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, only alpha 2-adrenergic receptors are involved in modulating the ability of NO to release ACTH. Our laboratory and others have previously reported that NO increased hypothalamic noradrenaline levels, while conversely noradrenaline up-regulated levels of NO synthase, the enzyme responsible for NO formation; and that injection of corticotropin-releasing factor into the brain ventricles releases catecholamines and stimulates NO formation. Taken together with these observations, our results point to complex functional relationships between NO, catecholamines and the HPA axis.  相似文献   

Amygdalopetal cholinergic neurons in the ventral pallidum were identified by combining choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry with retrograde tracing of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) following injections of the tracer in the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus. Although ChAT-positive terminals were identified in the ventral pallidum, they were never seen in contact with either immunonegative or ChAT-positive amygdalopetal neurons. In material, in which immunostaining against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the synthesizing enzyme for GABA was combined with retrograde tracing of HRP from the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, GAD-positive terminals were seen to contact immunonegative amygdalopetal neurons. In addition, when sections of the rostral forebrain were processed, first to preserve and identify the transported HRP, and then were sequentially tested for both ChAT and GAD immunohistochemistry with the immunoperoxidase reaction for both tissue antigens, GAD-immunopositive terminals were seen to make synaptic contacts with cholinergic amygdalopetal neurons. These results suggest that amygdalopetal, presumably cholinergic, neurons receive GAD-positive terminals. In separate experiments using immunoperoxidase for ChAT and ferritin-avidin for GAD labeling, we confirmed the presence of GAD-containing terminals on cholinergic neurons. In addition, cholinergic terminals were seen in synaptic contact with GAD-positive cell bodies. These morphological studies suggest that direct GABAergic-cholinergic and cholinergic-GABAergic interactions take place in the rostral forebrain.  相似文献   

The basal forebrain (BF) strongly regulates cortical activation, sleep homeostasis, and attention. Many BF neurons involved in these processes are GABAergic, including a subpopulation of projection neurons containing the calcium‐binding protein, parvalbumin (PV). However, technical difficulties in identification have prevented a precise mapping of the distribution of GABAergic and GABA/PV+ neurons in the mouse or a determination of their intrinsic membrane properties. Here we used mice expressing fluorescent proteins in GABAergic (GAD67‐GFP knock‐in mice) or PV+ neurons (PV‐Tomato mice) to study these neurons. Immunohistochemical staining for GABA in GAD67‐GFP mice confirmed that GFP selectively labeled BF GABAergic neurons. GFP+ neurons and fibers were distributed throughout the BF, with the highest density in the magnocellular preoptic area (MCPO). Immunohistochemistry for PV indicated that the majority of PV+ neurons in the BF were large (>20 μm) or medium‐sized (15–20 μm) GFP+ neurons. Most medium and large‐sized BF GFP+ neurons, including those retrogradely labeled from the neocortex, were fast‐firing and spontaneously active in vitro. They exhibited prominent hyperpolarization‐activated inward currents and subthreshold “spikelets,” suggestive of electrical coupling. PV+ neurons recorded in PV‐Tomato mice had similar properties but had significantly narrower action potentials and a higher maximal firing frequency. Another population of smaller GFP+ neurons had properties similar to striatal projection neurons. The fast firing and electrical coupling of BF GABA/PV+ neurons, together with their projections to cortical interneurons and the thalamic reticular nucleus, suggest a strong and synchronous control of the neocortical fast rhythms typical of wakefulness and REM sleep. J. Comp. Neurol., 521:1225–1250, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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