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糖尿病足部溃疡(diabetic foot ulcer,DFU)是指发生于糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)患者踝关节或踝关节以下足部迁延超过2周的创面,与下肢远端神经异常和不同程度的周围血管病变相关,伴或不伴感染[1]。其发生率随目前糖尿病患者的日益增多而不断上升,成为现今社会的沉重负担。D  相似文献   

In the past few years, a different paradigm for the understanding and treatment of chronic wounds has emerged. The term used to describe this new context in which failure to heal is viewed is "wound bed preparation". This term is revolutionizing the way we approach chronic wounds, and has allowed chronic wounds to gain independence from established models of acute injury. Within the context of wound bed preparation, impaired healing and solutions to it are being addressed in novel ways. In this report, we make use of the diabetic ulcer as an example of a chronic wound, and emphasize the pathophysiological principles, the cellular and molecular abnormalities, and the solutions offered by the new approaches of gene therapy and stem cells. The emerging view is that chronic wounds are characterized by resident cells that have undergone phenotypic changes that need to be corrected for optimal healing to occur. We have established in animal models and in humans that stem cells have the potential to bring about fundamental changes in the repair process and, ultimately, a "quantum" jump in our therapeutic success.  相似文献   

糖尿病足是糖尿病的严重并发症之一.良好的创面治疗可以促进创面愈合,减少截肢风险.糖尿病足溃疡创面的局部治疗主要包括局部减压、清创和敷料及高级伤口愈合产品的应用.近年,新观念、新技术及新材料小断涌现,并且取得了显著的临床疗效.如速成全接触石膏支具在减压中的应用.蛆虫疗法应用于糖尿病足清创日趋成熟,新型敷料及高级愈合产品通过多种生理机制促进糖尿病溃疡的愈合.本文主要对糖尿病足创面的局部治疗及相关研究作一综述.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot ulceration is a major complication of diabetes and afflicts as many as 15 to 25% of type 1 and 2 diabetes patients during their lifetime. If untreated, diabetic foot ulcers may become infected and require total or partial amputation of the affected limb. Early identification of tissue at risk of ulcerating could enable proper preventive care, thereby reducing the incidence of foot ulceration. Furthermore, noninvasive assessment of tissue viability around already formed ulcers could inform the diabetes caregiver about the severity of the wound and help assess the need for amputation. This article reviews how hyperspectral imaging between 450 and 700 nm can be used to assess the risk of diabetic foot ulcer development and to predict the likelihood of healing noninvasively. Two methods are described to analyze the in vivo hyperspectral measurements. The first method is based on the modified Beer-Lambert law and produces a map of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin concentrations in the dermis of the foot. The second is based on a two-layer optical model of skin and can retrieve not only oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin concentrations but also epidermal thickness and melanin concentration along with skin scattering properties. It can detect changes in the diabetic foot and help predict and understand ulceration mechanisms.  相似文献   

糖尿病伤口局部的炎性反应状态表现为炎性反应起始晚、持续时间长、消退障碍,与巨噬细胞对凋亡中性粒细胞的吞噬减少和促炎消退脂类介质分泌减少有关.而炎性反应过程中中性粒细胞数量和功能的异常、不同表型巨噬细胞比例异常、促炎/抗炎因子失平衡、晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)/细胞外新发现的AGEs受体结合蛋白(EN-RAGEs)和AGEs受体相互作用干扰了参与伤口愈合的多种细胞和细胞外基质的功能,导致糖尿病伤口愈合障碍.  相似文献   

糖尿病足创而治疗是一个需要多学科参与的复杂临床课题,敷料在其中的作用不容忽视.理想的敷料应既能够保护伤口、减轻局部症状,又能够维持伤口湿润、促进创面愈合.任何一类敷料都不可能具有伞部功能,但是每一种敷料都具有各自的特点.水凝胶敷料能促进组织自溶,在治疗坏死组织较多的创面时可与外科清创结合使用.藻酸盐和泡沫敷料具有良好的吸收性,适合于渗液量大的伤口.含生长因子敷料和牛物工:程皮肤组织替代物在系统治疗3周以上仍难愈合的创面中疗效显著.感染性伤口应避免使用密闭性敷料,含抗生索的敷料可能有效.对于渗液较多的创面更换次数需要增加,避免周围组织浸渍.总之,敷料的选择应从创面的临床特点、患者自身的需求和成本效益等多方面考虑.  相似文献   

目的 研究糖尿病足溃疡的愈合,并对影响因素进行相关分析.方法 回顾性研究2008年1月至11月我科住院治疗的106例糖尿病足溃疡患者愈合情况及其影响因素.结果 患者年龄、贫血、溃疡深度、感染、骨髓炎、糖尿病外周神经病变、坏疽和血流灌注是影响愈合的危险因素(P均<0.05).回归分析示骨髓炎、血流灌注、坏疽是影响愈合的独立危险因素.对不存在坏疽、骨髓炎和缺血的27例患者溃疡愈合情况研究发现,合并感染的溃疡愈合时间显著延长(P<0.05).结论 无论溃疡是否缺血,感染均是影响溃疡愈合的重要因素,及时就诊可以减少坏疽或骨髓炎的发生.  相似文献   

Aim3D wound imaging has provided clinicians with even greater wound measurement options. No data is available to guide clinicians as to which 3D measurements may yield the most reflective marker of wound progression to healing.MethodA prospective pilot study was undertaken to assess the accuracy of five 3D wound measurements that best reflect metrics of interest to clinicians. Twenty-one diabetic foot ulcers were enrolled from initial ulcer presentation, through to healing. The relationship between mean wound healing measurement variables was examined using linear regression and Pearsons correlation coefficient, in addition to assessing clinician inter-rater reliability of measurements using Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC).ResultsStatistical analysis demonstrated a linear healing slope for each wound measurement as having a value greater than R 0.70 and a statistical significance of p = 0.0001. This suggests that all five wound measurements are useful prognostic markers of wound progression to healing. Low variability of measurements between users indicates good inter-observer reliability.Conclusion3D wound measurements demonstrate a linear correlation between the measurement and time to healing. This suggests they could be effective prognostic markers of a wounds progression to healing and closure. It may also provide important early identification of wounds not responding to standard care. Larger studies are required to validate our results.  相似文献   

Negative pressure therapy is a novel technology used for the promotion of wound healing and has emerged as the standard care in the management of problem wounds. Negative pressure wound therapy has been met with rapid clinical success and widespread acceptance. The literature is replete with case series, small trials, and noncomparative studies; however, there are few prospective, randomized, human trials examining this technology and its ability to promote healing. We review and evaluate the current literature on negative pressure therapy and its efficacy in the healing of complex diabetic wounds.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot problems are responsible for nearly 50% of all diabetes-related hospital bed days. Approximately 10–15% of diabetic patients developed foot ulcers at some state in their life and 15% of all load in amputations are performed in patients with diabetes. There is a need to provide extensive education to both primary care physicians and the patients regarding the relationship between glucose control and complications encountered in the foot and ankle. The management of diabetic foot disease is focussed primarily on avoiding amputation of lower extremities and should be carried out through three main strategies; identification of the “at risk” foot, treatment of acutely diseased foot, and prevention of further problems. These are several obstacles in the management of DFI that include poor knowledge and awareness of diabetes and its complications, lack of appropriate podiatry services. These goals are possible only by the establishment of a dedicated team of podiatrist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon and a pedorthist. The plastic surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons & diabetes teaching nurses/educator dedicated to foot care could be a part of the team. Identifying the patients with diabetes at risk for ulceration requires feet examination, including the vascular & neurological systems, skin conditions, and foot structure. Conservative management of foot problems has dramatically reduced the risk of amputation by simple procedures, such as appropriate foot wear, cleanliness, aggressive surgical debridement, regular wound dressing by simple wet-to-dry saline guage, and ulcer management.  相似文献   

The diabetic foot: pathophysiology and treatment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The diabetic foot can be classified into the neuropathic foot, characterized by the neuropathic ulcer, the Charcot joint and neuropathic oedema associated with a good circulation, in which neuropathy predominates, and the ischaemic foot in which atherosclerosis is the dominant factor leading to a reduction in blood flow with absent pulses. In the neuropathic foot, blood flow is increased, the vessels are still and dilated as a result of medial wall calcification and there is evidence for arteriovenous shunting. The neuropathic ulcer characteristically develops on the plantar surface following inflammatory autolysis and haematoma formation under neglected callosities. Chiropody is therefore the mainstay of treatment and recurrence is prevented by redistribution of weight bearing forces by moulded insoles in special footwear. Charcot osteoarthropathy is often preceded by fracture which is a further complication of diabetic neuropathy and which precipitates the rapid bone and joint destruction of the Charcot joint. Neuropathic oedema responds to ephedrine with a reduction in peripheral flow and an increase in urinary sodium excretion. The ischaemic foot is characterized by rest pain, ulceration and gangrene. Medical management can be successful in up to 72%, the remainder needing arteriography to assess suitability for arterial reconstruction or angioplasty. In the diabetic leg, atherosclerosis is predominant in the branches of the popliteal artery making arterial reconstruction difficult. Optimum care of the diabetic foot is provided in a diabetic foot clinic where the skills of chiropodist, shoe-fitter and nurse receive full support from physician and surgeon. Many lesions of the diabetic foot are avoidable and thus patient education is the cornerstone of prevention.  相似文献   

BackgroundAmino acids are associated with wound healing in traumatic wounds and burns, although their effects on healing in patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are limited. This study aimed to evaluate and identify specific amino acids associated with healing outcomes of patients with DFUs.MethodsSixty-two out of 85 patients who completed the in-hospital treatment for limb-threatening DFUs were enrolled. All ulcers had epithelialization without clinical evidence of infection at discharge. The patients and their families were instructed on foot-care techniques and committed to regular follow-up for 1 year. Baseline characteristics, PEDIS wound classification, laboratory data and serum amino acid levels were used to analyze their predictive power.ResultsFifty-seven patients completed the study in which 38 had healed and 19 had unhealed ulcers. The unhealed group had higher incidence of coronary artery disease and larger wound size. Most patients received endovascular therapy (81.6% healed group; 78.9% unhealed group) before enrollment. Following adjustments for clinical factors, the serum levels of arginine (326.4 μmol/L vs. 245.0 μmol/L, P = 0.045), isoleucine (166.7 μmol/L vs. 130.1 μmol/L, P = 0.019), leucine (325.8 μmol/L vs. 248.9 μmol/L, P = 0.039), and threonine (186.7 μmol/L vs. 152.0 μmol/L, P = 0.019) were significantly higher in the healed group.ConclusionsThe amino acids associated with wound healing in DFUs differ from those reported for traditional traumatic wounds. These findings affirm the necessity for future large-scaled studies for the application of these amino acids in DFU healing, either as prognostic predictors or supplemented regimens.  相似文献   

The diabetic foot is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The present review aims to outline current treatment options for this ghastly diabetic complication. Although considerable progress has been achieved over the past years, there is still a long way to go. Indeed, the International Working Group of the Diabetic Foot reported 2 years ago that a lower extremity was amputated every 30 seconds due to diabetes somewhere in the world. Established therapeutic modalities (revascularisation, casting and debridement) remain the cornerstone of management. At the same time, new treatments (e.g. growth factors, bioengineered skin substitutes, extracellular matrix proteins, etc.) are continuously being developed and explored to improve treatment. Nonetheless, it should not be underestimated that both new and old treatments must be incorporated in a prudent and zealous therapeutic strategy. Essentially, only multidisciplinary foot clinics have demonstrated that the reduction of amputation rates is feasible. The endeavour should be coupled with widespread education on the elementary rules to achieve both primary and secondary prevention.  相似文献   

Foot ulcers are one of the major complications of diabetes. They have a poor tendency to heal, which may result in long-term in-hospital treatment and/or amputation. The foot in diabetic patients is the crossroads of several pathological processes, in which almost all components of the lower extremity are involved: skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, bones, joints, blood vessels, and nerves. An understanding of these processes is necessary for the development and application of preventative and management strategies. In this article the pathogenesis of the major abnormalities in the diabetic foot are described, the pathways to ulceration are summarized, and a systematic evaluation of a diabetic patient with a foot ulcer is given.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot problems are common throughout the world, and result in major medical, social and economic consequences for the patients, their families, and society. Foot ulcers are likely to be of neuropathic origin and, therefore, are eminently preventable. Individuals with the greatest risk of ulceration can easily be identified by careful clinical examination of their feet: education and frequent follow-up is indicated for these patients. When infection complicates a foot ulcer, the combination can be limb-threatening, or life-threatening. Infection is defined clinically, but wound cultures assist in identification of causative pathogens. Tissue specimens are strongly preferred to wound swabs for wound cultures. Antimicrobial therapy should be guided by culture results, and although such therapy may cure the infection, it does not heal the wound. Alleviation of the mechanical load on ulcers (offloading) should always be a part of treatment. Plantar neuropathic ulcers typically heal in 6 weeks with nonremovable casts, because pressure at the ulcer site is mitigated and compliance is enforced. The success of other approaches to offloading similarly depends on the patient's adherence to the strategy used for pressure relief.  相似文献   

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