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为了探讨山羊迷走神经感觉纤维的来源,本文将HRP注入颈迷走神经干后,在结状节出现大量密集的标记细胞,颈静脉节中也有较多的细胞被标记,但其密度和数量远不如结状节。在颈1—8和胸1—3的背根节中出现一定数量的标记细胞。此外,少量的标记细胞见于迷走神经干的纤维束中,这些标记细胞的形态与结状节的基本相同。  相似文献   

支配胸腺的神经纤维起源——HRP逆行传递法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
成年大白鼠13只,HRP水溶液5-20微升注入一侧胸腺后,双侧疑核的咀侧端有大量标记神去元,面神经后核、后疑核和脊上核有少数标记神经元,1-7节颈髓前角也有标记神经元;颈上、下和胸上部交感神经节以及迷走神经结状神经节的标记神经元则较多。进一步证实疑核具有副交感性质。  相似文献   

猫十二指肠的植物神经支配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佟晓杰  于频 《解剖学杂志》1990,13(2):100-103
用HRP逆行标记法研究猫十二指肠的植物神经支配。十二指肠的交感节后神经元位于腹腔神经节、肠系膜前神经节和双侧T_6-L_2交感干神经节。前二者和后者数量之比是18:1.腹腔神经节和肠系膜前神经节内的标记细胞有局部定位分布的特点,即多集中在节的右后半部。交感干神经节的标记细胞较集中分布于 T_8-T_(13),并以右侧占优势(占59.45%)。十二指肠的副交感节前神经元位于双侧的迷走神经背核,平闩上下各1mm范围内较为集中。  相似文献   

本文将HRP注入大白鼠的颈迷走神经干,用TMB成色法追踪颈迷走神经感觉纤维向中枢的投射。于双侧孤束核和迷走运动背核中见到标记终末,以同侧为主。于同侧的孤束内也见到了标记纤维,并可一直追踪至颈1—2髓节。木实验还观察到在延髓的上部迷走神经的感觉根丝与运动根丝相分离的现象。  相似文献   

家兔胸神经腹支与脊髓和交感干的联系——HRP法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨每一胸神经腹支与脊髓和交感干椎旁节的联系,将30%的HRP溶液分别浸渍或注入家兔的Ⅰ—Ⅺ对胸神经腹支,观察了与每一神经相连的及其上下相邻的共五个脊髓节段、脊神经节及交感干椎旁节,将所取材料进行切片、成色、观察。结果:(1)在浸渍或注入侧,可见脊髓前角外侧,第Ⅺ层,出现被标记的运动细胞。标记细胞除存在于与各该胸神经相连的脊髓节段外,在上一髓节的全部或下半部,以及下一髓节的上半部也出现标记细胞。说明参与组成每一胸神经腹支的运动细胞存在于邻接的三个脊髓节段内。(2)每一胸神经腹支的标记的传入神经细胞只存在于浸渍或注入侧的与其相连的同节段脊神经节内。(3)在浸清或注入侧,交感干椎旁节内标记的节后神经细胞,不仅见于浸渍或注入侧的相连的椎旁节,且见于相邻的上一和下一椎劳节内。  相似文献   

将HRP分组给予家兔颈交感干、颈上神经节和部分颈部脏器,观察颈及上胸段脊神经后根节标记神经元胞体分布。结果提示颈段脊神经后根节内有内脏感觉神经元胞体,其周围突可经颈上神经节或颈交感干到达某些颈部脏器。对颈脊神经后根节与颈交感干间内脏传入纤维的可能经行途径进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

家兔副神经外支及其分支的起始核   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验用真成年家兔15只。(1)HRP注入副神经外文,标记细胞出现在注射侧延髓锥体交叉下端和脊髓C_(1-5)节段,88.9%标记细胞分布在C_(1-4)。标记细胞成群或散在地分布在延髓锥体交叉下端中央管的前外、颈髓前角和中间带的各亚核。标记细胞的最大径在30.9-123.5μm之间,41μm以上的占88.8%。在注射侧的C_1、2、3、脊神经节、迷走神经下节和交感神经颈上节观察到标记细胞。(2)HRP注入斜方肌神经,标记细胞分布在同侧脊髓C_(1-8)节段,标记细胞分布在前角的大多数亚核。(3)在胸锁乳突肌神经近侧断端涂HRP结晶,标记细胞出现在同侧延髓锥体交叉下端和脊髓C_(1-3)节段,标记细胞分布在前角的多数亚核。斜方肌神经和胸锁乳突肌神经起始核在脊髓的位置有较多的重叠。  相似文献   

用成年猫15隻,将30~50%的HRP20~30微升注入右侧甲状腺侧叶。结果除在注射侧的颈上节、结状节、疑核、迷走神经背核以及C_(7-8)、T_(1-6)后根节发现标记细胞外,并在对侧疑核也发现少数标记细胞。  相似文献   

HRP 轴突逆行传送的方法用于周围神经研究的历史还不到10年。1971~1973年 Kristen-sson 和 Olsson 等将之用于舌下神经的研究;1975年 Ellison 和 Clark 着眼于自主神经的周围部分对 HRP 摄取状态的研究,将1%的 HRP 溶液分别注入于海猽的前眼房、肾上腺髓质、胃和回肠壁、心壁及颈上节等处,追踪节前神经元的所在,并在迷走神经结状节和胸上段的脊神经节内发现了标记细胞,为用低浓度 HRP 溶液追踪内脏传入途径开创了先例。后来,用 HRP 法进行周围神经的研究逐渐增多,但总的看来,对传出神经研究的较多,而对传入神经的研究较少。内脏的传入冲动随自主神经系向中枢传送的现象,早在 Langley 时代即已被人们所认识。但长期以来由于形态学的方法学的限制,有些问题,例如:每个器官随交感或副交感的  相似文献   

狗肾上腺交感节后神经元的定位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李奎  谢定秦 《解剖学杂志》1993,16(4):357-359
用HRP逆行标记法研究狗肾上腺交感节后神经元的定位.标记细胞见于注射侧L_8-L_4节段的交感干神经节.在注射侧腹腔神经节、肠系膜前神经节和主动脉肾神经节内均见有大量标记细胞,表明支配肾上腺的交感节后神经元分布广泛,动物种间存在差异.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown the existence of a sympathetic component in some cranial nerves including the hypoglossal nerve. In this study, the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tract-tracing retrograde technique and experimental degeneration method were used to elucidate the possible neuroanatomical relationship between the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) and the hypoglossal nerve of hamsters. About 10% of the SCG principal neurons were HRP positive following the tracer application to the trunk of hypoglossal nerve. Most of the HRP-labelled neurons were multipolar and were randomly distributed in the ganglion. When HRP was injected into the medial branch of the hypoglossal nerve, some of the SCG neurons were labelled, but they were not detected when HRP was injected into the lateral branch. The present findings suggest that postganglionic sympathetic fibres from the SCG may travel along the hypoglossal nerve trunk via its medial branch to terminate in visceral targets such as the intralingual glands. By electron microscopy, the HRP reaction product was localised in the neuronal somata and numerous unmyelinated fibres in the SCG. In addition, HRP-labelled axon profiles considered to be the collateral branches of the principal neurons contained numerous clear round and a few dense core vesicles. Besides the above, some HRP-labelled small myelinated fibres, considered to be visceral afferents, were also present. Results of experimental degeneration following the severance of the hypoglossal nerve showed the presence of degenerating neuronal elements both in the hypoglossal nucleus and the SCG. This confirms that the hypoglossal nerve contains sympathetic component from the SCG which may be involved in regulation of the autonomic function of the tongue.  相似文献   

The origin and peripheral distribution of the primary afferent fibers to the cat auricle were studied by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. Following HRP injection into the whole region of the auricle, HRP-labeled cells were found ipsilaterally in the trigeminal ganglion, geniculate ganglion, superior ganglion of the vagus nerve and in the C1 to C4 spinal ganglia. In addition to the ganglia of cranial and spinal nerves, labeled cells were also observed in the facial nerve trunk and in the dorso-lateral portion of the superior cervical ganglion. In the case of HRP injection into the central region of the auricle, labeled cells were principally observed in the ganglia of cranial nerves and to a lesser degree in the spinal ganglia. On the contrary, in the case of HRP injection into the peripheral region of the auricle, labeled cells were principally observed in the spinal ganglia, although some were seen in the ganglia of cranial nerves. This study suggests that the cutaneous innervation of the auricle is supplied by both the cranial and spinal nerves, and that the central region of the auricle is strongly innervated by the cranial nerves and the peripheral region of the auricle is strongly innervated by the spinal nerves.  相似文献   

肾脏的交感神经支配   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用大体解剖学方法和肾内注射HRP逆行标记神经元的方法,研究了猫肾脏的交感神经支配。发现了下述的待点。1.猫左、右侧腹腔神经节相互融合,呈半环状包绕在肠系膜上(前)动脉的起始处,于其融合部,各发出左、右肾支。肠系膜上神经节与右侧腹腔神经节融合。2.肾交感神经节后神经元,分别位于腹腔神轻节,同侧主动脉肾神经节和T_(12)~L~4节段的交感干神经节内,並具有局部定位分布的关系。3.肾交感神经节后纤维主要来自腹腔神经节(82.08%),其次是主动脉肾神经节(12.76%),交感干神经节最少(5.16%)。4.肾交感神经节后神经元,多呈圆形或椭圆形,交感干神经节中有少量呈梭形。5.支配肾周腹膜的交感神经节后神经元与肾交感神经节后神经元存在部位、数量和在各种神经节内分布形式均不相同。  相似文献   

1. A vagus-sympathetic anastomosis was performed in the cat by connecting end to end the cranial trunk of the vagus to the cranial end of the cervical sympathetic trunk, both severed under the ganglia.

2. Forty to sixty days after the anastomosis, the ocular signs of sympathetic paralysis (such as myosis and prolapse of the nictitating membrane) which had developed shortly after the operation, had completely disappeared, thus suggesting the recovery of synaptic transmission in the ganglion. In case of plain preganglionic denervation after the same period the ocular signs of cervical sympathetic paralysis were still present.

3. Contraction of the nictitating membrane could be induced by electrical stimulation of both the vagus preanastomotic and the sympathetic postanastomotic—preganglionic trunks. Ganglionic blocking agents induced the blockade of the `new' ganglionic synaptic function, while nicotine and pilocarpine provoked a marked contraction of the nictitating membrane.

4. Electron microscopy showed that the preganglionic regeneration of vagus fibers resulted in the formation of new synapses, mainly of axodendritic type, identical to normal ganglionic synapses. Moreover, after cutting the preanastomotic trunk of the vagus, these new ganglionic presynaptic profiles degenerated, thus proving their vagal origin.

5. During restoration of the synaptic contacts readjustment of dendritic tips occurred.


用10只约一年龄的白色来杭鸡,将CB-HRP7μl注入颈部迷走神经干内,动物存活48小时,经主动脉弓处灌流固定。取延髓作40μl厚的冰冻连续切片,TMB法成色。光镜观察。标记的神经元主要位于廷髓的迷走神经背核、疑核及中间带。迷走背核及疑核中的树突都呈放射状分布到周围几个方向。  相似文献   

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