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U. Vieweg  G. Rao  J. Stoffel  B. Meyer 《Der Chirurg》2000,71(9):1144-1151
Zusammenfassung: Die eigenen Patienten mit Tumoren der oberen Halswirbels?ule (HWS) werden retrospektiv analysiert, die Indikationen und die operativen Verfahren dargelegt. Zwischen 1/92 und 2/99 wurden 9 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 62 Jahre, Karcinommetastase 4, Plasmocytom 3, Chordom 1, Histiocytose 1) behandelt. Es erfolgten 12 Operationen; einzeitiges Vorgehen (6): extraorale (3), transorale (1), dorsale (1) und kombinierte dorsale und extraorale Tumorresektion (1) mit dorsaler occipitocervicaler bzw. atlantoaxialer Stabilisierung (3), kombinierter ventraler Plattenosteosynthese plus dorsaler 3-Punktefixierung (2) und ventraler Plattenosteosynthese (1) mit Wirbelk?rperersatz (2); zweizeitiges Vorgehen (3): extraorale Tumorresektion (3) mit ventraler Plattenosteosynthese plus dorsaler 3-Punktefixierung (3) mit Wirbelk?rperersatz (2). Der neurologische Status und die Lebensqualit?t (Karnofsky-Performance Status, Schmerzskala) wurden pr?operativ und zur Nachuntersuchung (mean follow-up: 18 Monate) erfa?t und die postoperative Stabilit?t durch Bewegungsaufnahmen nachgewiesen. Die operationsbedingte Mortalit?t lag bei 0 %, die passagere Morbidit?t bei 11 %. Weitere Komplikationen wurden nicht beobachtet. Der operative Eingriff verbesserte bei allen Patienten deutlich die Lebensqualit?t. Drei Patienten sind mittlerweile mit einer durchschnittlichen überlebenszeit von 27 Monaten nach Operation verstorben. Die Tumorchirurgie an der oberen HWS mit Tumorresektion über einem der Tumorl?sion entsprechenden Zugangsweg, osteosynthetischer Stabilisierung und Wirbelk?rperersatz erm?glicht eine signifikante Verl?ngerung der überlebenszeit und Lebensqualit?t bei akzeptablen Operationsrisiken.   相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung (Mit 3 Abbildungen im Text.)  相似文献   

Scholz  M.  Pingel  A.  Kandziora  F. 《Trauma und Berufskrankheit》2016,18(4):250-260
Trauma und Berufskrankheit - Klassifikationen in der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie sind relevant für die Kommunikation zwischen Therapeuten, für die Patientenbehandlung und auch...  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 3 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

Due to the high incidence of concomitant neurological lesions, standardized clinical and radiologic diagnostic procedures in cervical spine injuries are mandatory. Magnetic resonance imaging or a stress X-ray should be performed when discoligamentous injuries are suspected. The three most important pillars in the treatment of cervical spine injuries are the surgical indication, the surgical approach and the choice of implant. However, despite prompt and appropriate therapy many of these injuries lead to permanent functional impairment depending on the type of fracture. This article summarizes the most frequent fracture types of the cervical spine, as well as the corresponding therapeutic options and outcome.  相似文献   

Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery - Fast 40% aller Menschen zeigen an der Halswirbelsäule Randzackenbildung. Die Häufigkeit dieser Knochenwucherungen nimmt von der Jugend bis zum...  相似文献   

In the literature, the association between chronic complaints of the cervical spine and sustained"whiplash trauma" is a matter of controversy. Whiplash trauma is identified as contusion, compression, and/or sprain without definite imaging proof of injury to the bone, disk, or ligaments.However, complex chronic complaints leading to permanent and significant functional limitations in daily living and work may develop. Besides the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for the treating physician, the expert confronted with compensation claims very often must decide whether whiplash trauma of the spine may lead to significant and permanent functional limitations or loss with chronic disorders. The data from the literature dealing with this topic are contradictory and deficient.In this article, based on the present available data from the literature, we critically examine the causality between spinal whiplash trauma and possible permanent chronic complaints in order to support the process of decision making in cases of litigation and controversial compensation claims.  相似文献   

Trauma und Berufskrankheit -  相似文献   

This article for continuing education describes osseous injuries of the upper cervical spine and their treatment. Fractures of the occipital condyles are very rare and mostly result from high-speed traumas. These are usually managed conservatively. Atlas fractures can also usually be treated with immobilization of the cervical spine; in cases of unstable or dislocated injuries, various surgical procedures are employed. Three types of axis fractures can be distinguished: odontoid fractures, traumatic spondylolistheses, which also affect the isthmic region, and atypical fractures in the corpus region. The incidence, classification, diagnostic workup, standard treatment, and characteristics of the fractures mentioned are presented in detail.  相似文献   

This article for continuing education describes ligamentous injuries of the upper cervical spine. Functional radiological imaging studies are particularly important in the diagnostic workup. Computed tomography can serve to visualize additional osseous traumas and magnetic resonance imaging can demonstrate discoligamentous, neuronal, and vascular structures. Traumatic ligamentous instabilities of the upper cervical spine can be categorized into four main groups: occipitocervical dislocation and translational, axial, and rotational atlantoaxial instabilities. The incidence, classification, diagnostic workup, standard treatment, and characteristics of the individual ligamentous injuries are presented. In addition, the topic of combined injuries of the upper cervical spine is addressed.  相似文献   

WHO estimates that worldwide more than 4 million people are infected with tuberculosis (TB), 95% of them living in third world countries. TB is once again the most frequent infectious disease [1, 2, 7]. Extrapulmonary forms (EPTB) frequently appear with HIV-associated TB [3, 4, 6]. We present the case of a 23-year old patient with abscess forming TB of the right apical lung with infiltration and partial osteolytical destruction of the 7th cervical- and the first thoracal vertebral body. Progressive spinal compression lead to partial sensomotorical deficits. Surgical revision of the abscess, an atypical resection of the right apical lung and right wing hemilaminectomy of Th1/2 for spinal decompression became necessary. The spinal stabilisation was achieved by conservative treatment for 6 weeks only by a Minerva cast and for another 8 weeks by a cervical stiffneck. Following mobilisation was without problems and the neurological deficits subsided within 3 months. Clinical examination and functional X-rays analysis proved vertebral stability and good function. The treatment of TB is basically conservative. Surgery is only recommended in case of functional and infectious complications.  相似文献   

Trauma und Berufskrankheit - Relevante Verletzungen der unteren Halswirbelsäule müssen meist operativ stabilisiert werden. Die alleinige ventrale Spondylodese mit...  相似文献   

Expansively growing cervical spine osteoblastomas are rare but can cause severe neurological damage as a result of their anatomical relationship to nerve structures. Also, cerebral vessels, especially the vertebral artery in its transvertebral position, are often covered by tumor tissue. In complete resection of the tumor, it is sometimes possible to retain the affected vessel. In addition to conventional radiographic diagnostics, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging, angiography and Doppler sonography of the intracranial arteries executed in parallel can provide evidence of the dimension of the neurological deficit to be expected during resection. This case report describes the staged diagnostic procedure and successful complete resection, retaining the affected vertebral artery, of an osteoblastoma of the 5th cervical body with massive intraspinal expansion in an 11-year-old child.  相似文献   

Gonschorek  O.  Neufang  J.  Weiß  T.  Bühren  V. 《Trauma und Berufskrankheit》2016,18(4):275-280
Trauma und Berufskrankheit - Instabile Verletzungen an der Halswirbelsäule sind häufig auf zerrissene Bandscheiben zurückzuführen und über einen ventralen Zugang durch...  相似文献   

Notfall + Rettungsmedizin - Um die Immobilisation möglicher Wirbelsäulenverletzungen im Rahmen der prähospitalen Versorgung wird seit Jahren eine kontroverse Diskussion geführt....  相似文献   

R. Kothe 《Der Orthop?de》2018,47(6):489-495


The involvement of the cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) continues to be of clinical importance even in this age of biologics. Pathophysiological changes begin with an isolated atlantoaxial subluxation and may progress to a complex craniocervical and subaxial instability. The onset of cervical myelopathy can occur at any time and leads to a deterioration of the prognosis for the patient.


Treatment of the rheumatoid cervical spine should be aimed at improvement of the symptoms and prevention of further progress of the disease. In the case of instability, this is only possible by surgical treatment. The increasing usage of biological agents has led to a change in the clinical picture of the cervical involvement in RA patients. There are fewer patients presenting with isolated atlantoaxial instability. In contrast, the number of patients with complex craniocervical and/or subaxial instabilities is increasing. Complex cervical instabilities may require a longer fusion from the occiput to the upper thoracic spine. Modern operative techniques make this complex surgery also possible in severely disabled patients with a high comorbidity.

Zusammenfassung Knochenschatten unter dem vorderen Atlasbogen und nicht spondylotische Kantenveränderungen an der oberen Halswirbelsäule lassen sich entwicklungs-geschichtlich von den Intercentra niederer Wirbeltiere (Reptilien) herleiten. Eine klinische Bedeutung kommt beiden nicht zu, sofern die letzteren nicht Anlaß zu einer Verwechslung mit spondylotischen Randzacken geben und dann irrtümlich als Beschwerden auslösend angesehen werden.Mit 8 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

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