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The processing of hierarchical stimuli was examined in patients with lesions in the temporal-parietal junction. In separate blocks of trials, subjects were instructed to identify the letter at the local or the global level of a hierarchical stimulus. Consistent with previous findings, reaction times for controls were faster in the globally than in the locally directed condition and reaction times to the local level were longer when the letters at the two levels were different (e.g. local "S"s forming a global "H") than when they were the same (e.g. local "S"s forming a global "S"). In other words, controls exhibited interference when locally directed. Patients with lesions centered in the rostral inferior parietal lobe (IPL) showed interference effects similar to controls. In contrast, patients with lesions centered in the posterior superior temporal gyrus and adjacent caudal inferior parietal lobe (STG) showed no interference. The data suggest that the posterior superior temporal plane and adjacent caudal inferior parietal lobe plays an important role in the integration of and/or attention to local and global level information.  相似文献   

Visual processing takes place in both retinotopic and spatiotopic frames of reference. Whereas visual perceptual learning is usually specific to the trained retinotopic location, our recent study has shown spatiotopic specificity of learning in motion direction discrimination. To explore the mechanisms underlying spatiotopic processing and learning, and to examine whether similar mechanisms also exist in visual form processing, we trained human subjects to discriminate an orientation difference between two successively displayed stimuli, with a gaze shift in between to manipulate their positional relation in the spatiotopic frame of reference without changing their retinal locations. Training resulted in better orientation discriminability for the trained than for the untrained spatial relation of the two stimuli. This learning‐induced spatiotopic preference was seen only at the trained retinal location and orientation, suggesting experience‐dependent spatiotopic form processing directly based on a retinotopic map. Moreover, a similar but weaker learning‐induced spatiotopic preference was still present even if the first stimulus was rendered irrelevant to the orientation discrimination task by having the subjects judge the orientation of the second stimulus relative to its mean orientation in a block of trials. However, if the first stimulus was absent, and thus no attention was captured before the gaze shift, the learning produced no significant spatiotopic preference, suggesting an important role of attentional remapping in spatiotopic processing and learning. Taken together, our results suggest that spatiotopic visual representation can be mediated by interactions between retinotopic processing and attentional remapping, and can be modified by perceptual training.  相似文献   

Otten LJ  Alain C  Picton TW 《Neuroreport》2000,11(4):875-880
Auditory evoked potentials were recorded while participants attended to visually presented digits. The difficulty of the visual task was manipulated by requiring participants to process only the current digit (0-back) or both the current and the preceding digit (1-back). Tones deviating in frequency from standard tones elicited a frontal mismatch negativity peaking around 200 ms which did not vary with visual task. However, decreasing the visual task load enhanced a right-temporal positive wave peaking around 200 ms when tones were presented slowly, and a frontocentral negative wave peaking around 450 ms when tones were presented more rapidly. The degree to which task-irrelevant sounds are processed therefore depends on the degree to which a visual task engages attentional resources.  相似文献   

Temporal-parietal junction lesions reduce the auditory and upper limb somatosensory P3 event-related potential (ERP) to target and novel stimuli. The current study examined the somatosensory P3 to target and novel stimuli delivered to the sole of the foot in patients with unilateral temporal-parietal lesions (n = 6). Age-matched controls (n = 10) generated a parietal maximal target P3 and a frontal-central maximal novelty P3 ERP to foot stimulation. Unilateral temporal-parietal lesions abolished target and novelty P3 responses over all scalp sites for stimuli delivered contralateral to the lesion. The P3 was also reduced to ipsilateral stimuli at electrodes over the lesioned hemisphere with partial P3 preservation observed at electrode sites over the non-lesioned hemisphere. These results parallel the findings for upper limb stimulation and support the critical role of temporal-parietal cortex in P3 generation.  相似文献   

Contributions of temporal-parietal junction to the human auditory P3   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The P3 component of the event-related potential (ERP) is generated in humans and other mammalian species when attention is drawn to infrequent stimuli. We assessed the role of subregions of human posterior association cortex in auditory P3 generation in groups of patients with focal cortical lesions. Auditory P3s were recorded to target (P3b) and unexpected novel stimuli (P3a) in monaural and dichotic signal detection experiments. Two groups of patients were studied with lesions of: (1) temporal-parietal junction including posterior superior temporal plane and adjacent caudal inferior parietal cortex; and (2) the lateral parietal lobe including the rostral inferior parietal lobe and portions of superior parietal lobe. Extensive lateral parietal cortex lesions had no effect on the P3. In contrast, discrete unilateral lesions centered in the posterior superior temporal plane eliminated both the auditory P3b and P3a at electrodes over the posterior scalp. The results indicate that auditory association cortex in the human temporal-parietal junction is critical for auditory P3 generation.  相似文献   

Neural mechanisms mediating perceptual grouping serve to enhance associations among stimulus elements, thereby establishing unified forms. The goals of the present study were to identify cortical areas necessary to perceptually group spatially isolated elements, and to determine if these areas are distinct from regions necessary for the discrimination of simple, solid forms. Rats were trained to discriminate horizontal and vertical lines that were either solid or composed of disjunct elements in which discrimination required perceptual grouping by proximity. Psychophysical procedures established the limits at which proximity served as a cue for grouping. Following perceptual measurements, ablations were made to selective sites within visual cortex. Lesions within area 17 or area 18A, including their interface, produced nearly complete impairment of solid line discrimination as well as perceptual grouping at all levels of proximity, whereas lesions to areas 18 or the far lateral extent of area 18A no effect on these perceptual capacities. These results indicate that grouping by proximity requires early visual processing areas, and shares cortical areas necessary for simple pattern discrimination. These results suggest that mechanisms of grouping modify primary stimulus representations, constructing a pattern of activity functional similar to that elicited by solid forms.  相似文献   

Shalev L  Chajut E  Humphreys GW 《Neurocase》2005,11(6):452-462
We report a case-study of YE, a 54-year-old person who suffered multiple shell injuries that caused a right-parietal lesion and left hemianopia, almost 30 years ago. We conducted 4 experiments using a basic extinction paradigm in which YE had to report single stimuli presented on the left or right or two stimuli presented simultaneously in both visual fields. We show that extinction was selectively affected both by increasing the relative perceptual salience of the contralesional stimulus and by cueing attention to the contralesional side. The effects of perceptual salience and attentional cueing interacted, with cueing being more effective when the stimuli had relatively high perceptual salience. The data are consistent with attentional and perceptual factors interacting to determine the competition between left and right side stimuli that underlies extinction.  相似文献   

The interaction between goal‐directed and stimulus‐driven attentional control allows humans to rapidly reorient to relevant objects outside the focus of attention—a phenomenon termed contingent reorienting. Neuroimaging studies have observed activation of the ventral and dorsal attentional networks, but specific involvement of each network remains unclear. The present study aimed to determine whether both networks are critical to the processes of top‐down contingent reorienting. To this end, we combined the contingent attentional capture paradigm with the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to interfere with temporoparietal junction (TPJ; ventral network) and frontal eye field (dorsal network) activity. The results showed that only right TPJ (rTPJ) TMS modulated contingent orienting. Furthermore, this modulation was highly dependent on visual fields: rTPJ TMS increased contingent capture in the left visual field and decreased the effect in the right visual field. These results demonstrate a critical involvement of the ventral network in attentional reorienting and reveal the spatial selectivity within such network. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Experiments using chimeric faces, where the left and the right hand side of the face are different, have shown that observers tend to bias their responses toward the information on the left. Here we investigate the effects of aging as well as exposure duration on this leftward bias. Forty female and male blended as well as chimeric faces were presented to 24 young and 23 elderly adults in either sub-saccadic 100 msec, 300 msec or free view conditions. We found firstly that an increase in exposure duration resulted in an increase in the degree of leftward perceptual biases, irrespective of age, in line with hypotheses stressing the contribution of scanning to chimeric face processing. Secondly, fundamental differences in the perceptual biases between the groups were found in so far that the younger subjects demonstrated significant perceptual biases to chimeric face stimuli even at sub-saccadic exposure durations, whilst for older adults this was the case for the 300 msec and free view conditions only. This differential perceptual activity can be viewed in terms of either reduced right hemispheric function, or increased bilateral function as a possible consequence of elderly adults experiencing the task as more effortful.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies suggest that early visual processing is not only affected by low-level perceptual attributes but also by higher order cognitive factors such as attention or emotion. Using high-density electroencephalography, we recently demonstrated that attentional load of a task at fixation reduces the response of primary visual cortex to irrelevant peripheral stimuli, as indexed by the C1 component. In the latter study, peripheral stimuli were always presented during intervals without task-relevant stimuli. Here, we use a similar paradigm but present central task stimuli and irrelevant peripheral stimuli simultaneously while keeping all other stimulus characteristics constant. Results show that rather than to suppress responses to peripheral stimulation, high attentional load elicits higher C1 amplitudes under these conditions. These findings suggest that stimulus timing can profoundly alter the effects of attentional load on the earliest stages of processing in human visual cortex.  相似文献   

Targets presented outside the focus of attention trigger stimulus-driven spatial reorienting and activation of the right temporal-parietal junction (rTPJ). However, event-related functional resonance imaging (fMRI) studies that used task-irrelevant non-predictive cues systematically failed to activate rTPJ, suggesting that this region controls reorienting only when attention is shifted between two task-relevant locations. Here we challenge this view showing that non-predictive peripheral cues can affect activity in rTPJ, but only when they share a feature with the target: i.e. when they are set-relevant. Trials including a set-relevant cue plus a target on the uncued/unattended side produced the slowest reaction times and selective activation of the rTPJ. These findings demonstrate that rTPJ is not involved only in reorienting between two task-relevant locations, but engages also when non-predictive cues are set-relevant, thereby, irrespective of voluntary attention and breaches of task-related expectations.  相似文献   

Working memory involves the short-term storage and manipulation of information necessary for cognitive performance, including comprehension, learning, reasoning and planning. Although electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms are modulated during working memory, the temporal relationship of EEG oscillations with the eliciting event has not been well studied. In particular, the dynamics of the neural network supporting memory processes may be best captured in induced oscillations, characterized by a loose temporal link with the stimulus. In order to differentiate induced from evoked functional processes, the present study proposes a time-frequency analysis of the 3 to 30 Hz EEG oscillatory activity in a verbal n-back working memory paradigm. Control tasks were designed to identify oscillatory activity related to stimulus presentation (passive task) and focused attention to the stimulus (detection task). Evoked theta activity (4-8 Hz) phase-locked to the visual stimulus was evidenced in the parieto-occipital region for all tasks. In parallel, induced theta activity was recorded in the frontal region for detection and n-back memory tasks, but not for the passive task, suggesting its dependency on focused attention to the stimulus. Sustained induced oscillatory activity was identified in relation to working memory in the theta and beta (15-25 Hz) frequency bands, larger for the highest memory load. Its late occurrence limited to nonmatched items suggests that it could be related to item retention and active maintenance for further task requirements. Induced theta and beta activities displayed respectively a frontal and parietal topographical distribution, providing further functional information on the fronto-posterior network supporting working memory.  相似文献   

The relation between a paper-pencil test of sustained attention (d2-letter cancellation test, d2-LCT) and the contingent negative variation (CNV) as a cortical slow potential was calculated in 23 healthy undergraduate students. Both d2-LCT and CNV reflect selective, focussed attention. There was a Pearson correlation coefficient of r = -0.670 between the early component of the CNV and the number of checked letters in d2-LCT, indicating significant differences in early CNV between low and high performance in d2-LCT. The results showed a linear relationship between paper-pencil registered attentional properties and the cortically recorded early component of CNV.  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(6):647-650

The relation between a paper-pencil test of sustained attention (d2-letter cancellation test, d2-LCT) and the contingent negative variation (CNV) as a cortical slow potential was calculated in 23 healthy undergraduate students. Both d2-LCT and CNV reflect selective, focussed attention. There was a Pearson correlation coefficient of r = -0.670 between the early component of the CNV and the number of checked letters in d2-LCT, indicating significant differences in early CNV between low and high performance in d2-LCT. The results showed a linear relationship between paper-pencil registered attentional properties and the cortically recorded early component of CNV. [Neurol Res 2001; 23: 647-650]  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In the schizophrenia spectrum, cognitive functions such as perception, language, and attention have been shown to be adversely influenced by negative affect. The present study addressed three issues of specificity and one issue of mechanism regarding affect-related attentional disruption in schizotypy: (1) Is attentional disturbance from negative affective stimuli specific to positive (PS) but not negative schizotypy (NS)? (2) Do positive affective stimuli also foster attentional disturbance? (3) Are anxiety and depression differentially related to PS and NS? (4) Whatever the degree of specificity in these relationships, does anxiety mediate the relationship between schizotypy and attentional disturbance? METHODS: Nonpatient participants (N=162) provided responses on scales of schizotypy, anxiety, and depression and performed an emotional Stroop task, judging the ink color of positive, neutral, and negative words. RESULTS: PS but not NS was associated with poorer attentional performance. This attentional disturbance was specific to negative words. PS was associated with anxiety and depression, whereas NS was associated only with depression. Finally, anxiety and depression did not fully mediate the relationship between PS and attentional interference related to negative affective stimuli. CONCLUSIONS: Findings of attentional disturbance in the presence of negative affective stimuli, particularly in positive schizotypy, have substantial theoretical implications. They provide a path by which the interplay of cognitive and affective phenomena could lead to the formation, maintenance, and exacerbation of positive symptoms, including delusions and hallucinations. Findings from this study also underscore the importance of examining the differential contribution of comorbid anxiety and depression to cognitive and affective function in the schizophrenia spectrum.  相似文献   

Despite the potential impact on development, few studies have examined the influence of prefrontal lesions occurring prior to maturation of the central nervous system. This study investigates the effect of prefrontal lesions in general, as well as the impact of lesion laterality, with respect to attentional abilities. The sample comprised 36 children with prefrontal lesions and 40 healthy controls. Attentional function was assessed across four domains: selective, shifting and divided attention, and processing speed. Group mean performances for children with prefrontal lesions indicated global attentional deficits, with greatest difficulties for "higher-order" skills including shifting and divided attention. Children with left prefrontal lesions performed similarly to controls, with a specific deficit characterized by difficulties with on-line processing of auditory-verbal information. Right prefrontaj lesions were primarily associated with impairments in day-to-day executive functions, including reduced monitoring, poor shifting attention and disinhibition. Children with bilateral prefrontal lesions performed worse than controls on tasks requiring greater cognitive resources. These results provide evidence of the important role played by prefrontal cortex in the development of attentional skills, and the particular role of the right prefrontal cortex. The pattern of attention deficits observed following early prefrontal lesions suggests some lateralization of function within the frontal lobes, even during childhood.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Chen J  Han S 《Neuroreport》2005,16(6):567-570
Psychophysical research showed that detection of an oriented visual target is facilitated when the target is grouped with collinear visual flankers. However, this collinear grouping effect is evident only when the flankers are attended. This study examined neural mechanisms underlying the interaction between attention and grouping by collinearity. Event-related potentials were recorded from study participants who judged whether oriented Gabor patches (i.e. visual elements consisting of a sinusoidal contrast modulation convolved with a Gaussian function) along the cued orientation were collinear or orthogonal. Event-related potentials showed an enhanced negativity over the posterior occipital cortex at 48-72 ms when collinear patches were congruent rather than incongruent with the cued orientation. A negative shift between 260 and 380 ms was observed over the occipital-parietal areas in the congruent rather than incongruent conditions. The long-latency effect, however, was evident only when the collinear patches were allocated along 45 degrees . The event-related potential results suggest that the interaction between attention and collinear grouping may take place as early as in the primary visual cortex and is independent of global orientations of perceptual groups.  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe investigated effects of attentional dispersion on sensory-motor processing of anticipatory postural control during unilateral arm abduction.MethodsThirteen adults performed arm abduction under two types of attentional dispersion conditions. A target stimulus was presented with 30% probability in two- or three-positions. By cue signal presentation, subjects either focused their attention on one position or divided attention for two or three positions and abducted right arm for target stimulus. Event-related potentials and onset time of postural muscles were measured.ResultsP1-N1 and N2 amplitudes decreased with attentional dispersion in both conditions, but P3 did not change. With attentional dispersion to three-positions, N2 latency increased and start of late CNV was delayed, and also the onset time of gluteus medius was late in correlation to the late CNV changings, with no changings in two-positions.ConclusionsWith attentional dispersion, brain activation decreased in the area related to the sensory processing and especially in the stimulus discrimination area. With increasing attentional dispersion, the delay in motor preparation or anticipatory attention to target stimuli was related to the delay in stimulus discrimination and onset time of postural muscle activation.SignificanceEffects of attentional dispersion on sensory-motor processing of anticipatory postural control were experimentally demonstrated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Alcoholism and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection each can impair components of selective attention, probably through disruption of the integrity of the frontoparietal neural systems that underlie conflict processing, attentional allocation, and perceptual load. METHODS: We studied 18 patients with alcoholism (ALC) alone, 19 with HIV infection alone (HIV), 20 with both disorders (H+A), and 19 healthy control subjects (CTL). We used a novel paradigm (Stroop Match-to-Sample tasks), in which subjects saw either a valid or invalid color cue before a target word, printed in a color that was either congruent or incongruent with the word's meaning. RESULTS: All groups showed a significant Stroop effect, cue-target color Match effect, and interaction between Match and Stroop, with an exaggerated Stroop effect for the Match condition. The HIV patients were comparable to CTL, whereas ALC showed mild delays, with further delays associated with comorbidity with HIV. Although H+A profited from a valid match to Stroop stimuli, they were compromised in disengaging attention from the invalidly cued color. CONCLUSIONS: Impairment in conflict processing and attentional allocation in alcoholism suggests disruption of frontal-parietal attentional systems. Although HIV alone did not demonstrate detectable impairment in performance, HIV conferred liability on attentional processes when combined with alcohol abuse.  相似文献   

When two masked targets are presented in rapid succession, correct identification of the first target (T1) leads to a dramatic impairment in identification of the second target (T2). Several studies of this so-called attentional blink (AB) phenomenon have provided behavioral and physiological evidence that T2 is processed to the semantic level, despite the profound impairment in T2 report. These findings have been interpreted as an example of perception without awareness and have been explained by models that assume that T2 is processed extensively even though it does not gain access into consciousness. The present study reports two experiments that test this assumption. In Experiment 1, the perceptual load of the T1 task was manipulated and T2 was a word that was either related or unrelated to a context word presented at the beginning of each trial. The event-related potential (ERP) technique was used to isolate the context-sensitive N400 component evoked by the T2 word. The ERP data revealed that there was a complete suppression of the N400 during the AB when the perceptual load was high, but not when perceptual load was low. Experiment 2 replicated the high-load condition of Experiment 1 while ruling out two alternative explanations for the reduction of the N400 during the AB. The results of both experiments demonstrate that word meanings are not always accessed during the AB and are consistent with studies that suggest that attention can act to select information at multiple stages of processing depending on concurrent task demands.  相似文献   

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