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李晓  屠乐微  裘如兰  梁廷   《护理与康复》2020,19(5):19-23+27
目的以计划行为理论为框架,了解浙江省家长对女中学生接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种意愿及影响因素。方法采取自行设计的《浙江省家长对女中学生接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接受度调查表》对283名女中学生(12~<18岁)家长进行调查,采用单因素分析、Pearson相关分析及多元Logistic回归分析了解影响接种疫苗意愿的因素。结果 283名家长对女中学生接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗行为意愿得分(4.47±1.23)分,接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗态度、性行为影响态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制、家族中有人曾患妇科肿瘤或妇科感染是影响家长对女中学生接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗意愿的因素。结论家长对女中学生接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗意愿较一般,受多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

目的调查宫颈癌患者直系年轻女性家属人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗接种现状及影响因素分析,为HPV疫苗的推广提供一定的基础。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,调查于2020年2—7月就诊于我院的宫颈癌患者的直系年轻女性家属接种HPV疫苗的现状及影响因素。结果共调查183名宫颈癌患者直系年轻女性家属,其中73.22%(134/183)对人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗有接种意愿,57.92%(106/183)对人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗的预防效果表示非常满意,达到自身的需求,仅17.49%(32/183)已接种疫苗;已接种疫苗的32名受访者,100%(32/32)担心不接种会患宫颈癌;未接种的151名受访者,59.6%(90/151)担心疫苗的安全性,40.39%(62/151)对疫苗的来源不信任,29.8%(45/151)在疫苗的预约阶段。年龄、学历对是否接种HPV疫苗有统计学意义,职业、婚姻状况、家庭收入对接种疫苗无统计学意义。结论宫颈癌患者直系年轻女性家属对HPV疫苗有一定的认知,但不够全面,有接种意愿的较多,但疫苗接种率不高,HPV疫苗的安全性、疫苗来源及接种疫苗可及性的提高是宫颈癌患者直系年轻女性家属接种HPV疫苗的主要促进因素。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市3岁及以下儿童监护人肠道病毒71型(EV71)认知情况及EV71灭活疫苗自费接种意愿、原因及影响因素,为制定EV71灭活疫苗接种策略提供数据参考。方法 采用分层多阶段整群抽样方法,根据广州市2011-2015年全市12个行政区手足口病年均发病水平(按高、中、低划分),随机抽取广州市3个区6家预防接种门诊作为调查点,采用2检验和非条件logistic回归方法对EV71灭活疫苗自愿接种意愿影响因素进行分析。结果 本次共调查946名监护人,有效调查903人。本次调查中21.15%(191/903)的监护人听说过EV71,10.08%(91/903)的监护人知道EV71会引起多种疾病;12.18%(110/903)的监护人听说过EV71灭活疫苗。自费接种EV71灭活疫苗意愿率为76.19%(688/903)。多因素分析结果显示,非父母身份的监护人(OR=6.87)、听说过手足口病者(OR=4.41)、听说过EV71灭活疫苗者(OR=2.44)自费接种疫苗的意 愿率较高。结论 广州市3岁及以下儿童监护人EV71灭活疫苗自费接种意愿率较高,但存在错误认知;监护人对手足口病及EV71灭活疫苗的认知会影响接种意愿;身份为父母的接种意愿较非父母身份的接种意愿低;前一阶段的非法经营疫苗系列案件对本次的意愿调查有一定影响。建议加强手足口病及EV71灭活疫苗的大众宣传,尤其是针对儿童家长要进行精准宣传,并做好疫苗在疾病防控方面的正面宣传。  相似文献   

[目的]调查本科护生对人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)知识及对HPV疫苗的认知、信念及相关行为现状,分析HPV疫苗相关行为的影响因素。[方法]采用自行设计的一般资料问卷、HPV知识问卷和HPV疫苗知信行问卷对某医科大学365名本科护生进行调查。[结果]本科护生HPV知识得分为3 2.8 2分±2 2.1 1分,HPV疫苗认知得分为2 5.4 0分±3.6 6分,HPV疫苗态度得分为20.24分±3.89分,处于较低水平。25名(6.85%)护生既往接种过HPV疫苗,52名(14.25%)护生有主动了解疫苗的行为,67名(18.36%)护生曾有疫苗推荐行为。年级和HPV知识得分是本科护生HPV疫苗相关行为的影响因素,HPV疫苗态度可以影响护生疫苗推荐行为,HPV课堂教育经历可以影响护生主动了解疫苗行为。[结论]学校需进一步加强相关教育,促进本科护生更好地理解HPV及HPV疫苗。  相似文献   

目的了解杭州适龄女性对宫颈癌疫苗的认知度,接种意愿及其影响因素。方法2018年1月至3月,通过实地调查的形式,抽样调查在杭州市内生活的适龄女性对接种宫颈癌疫苗的意愿及影响因素,采用统计描述、χ2检验、二分类logistic回归分析接种意愿的影响因素。结果共计获得384份调查问卷,其中有效问卷384份。77.86%的被调查者在接受调查之前听说过宫颈癌疫苗,52.34%的被调查者愿意接种宫颈癌疫苗,90.36%的女性对宫颈癌疫苗的推广表示支持。年龄、学历、对宫颈癌疫苗的了解程度、医生推荐、亲朋好友有接种经历是影响适龄女性接种宫颈癌疫苗意愿的主要因素。结论杭州市适龄女性对宫颈癌疫苗的知晓率高,但接种意愿不高。需积极开展预防宫颈癌相关知识的健康教育,提高适龄女性对宫颈癌疫苗的认知度及接种意愿,从而推进宫颈癌的防控。  相似文献   

目的了解护理专业女生对人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)的认知现状及其对疫苗的接受程度,为我国下一步开展HPV疫苗接种的推广提供科学依据。方法采用人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗之意见调查问卷对山东某大专院校护理专业1年级、2级和3年级共计374名学生进行HPV及其疫苗认知和态度现状进行调查。结果护理专业学生对HPV及其疫苗的认知及态度水平较低,得分为3~109(78.48±7.97)分。不同年级女性健康知识调查维度、女性健康信念态度调查维度、应接受HPV疫苗人群态度调查维度得分比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),知识水平与态度积极性随着年级的增高而升高。结论应针对影响接种疫苗的重点人群制订全面有效的教育方案,以促进我国下一步开展HPV疫苗接种的工作;学校应该进行一些有关此疾病相关的知识讲座和课程培训,提高他们的知识水平,进而提高疫苗接受度。  相似文献   

杨亚兰  高钰琳  宋意 《护理学报》2019,26(15):55-59
目的 调查深圳市罗湖区糖尿病老年患者流感和肺炎疫苗接种意愿,并探讨其影响因素。方法 采用便利抽样法抽取3家社区健康服务中心,对3家机构在2018年6—9月参加体检的225例糖尿病老年患者进行调查,采取自制调查表对流感和肺炎疫苗的接种意愿、知晓情况、态度、健康意识、行为因素进行调查,分析接种流感和肺炎疫苗的影响因素。结果 225例糖尿病老年患者中,152例表示愿意免费接种流感和肺炎疫苗,愿意接种率为67.6%。有序多分类Logistic回归分析显示,低年龄段(65~69岁组:OR=4.125,P=0.006;70~74岁组:(OR=3.979,P=0.031)、伴糖尿病并发症(OR=2.852,P=0.009)、感知疫苗接种的有效性(OR=4.759,P=0.001)、安全性(OR=3.456,P=0.002)及医务人员的支持(OR=9.631,P<0.001)是促进糖尿病老年患者接种流感和肺炎疫苗的保护因素;吸烟(OR=0.239,P=0.001)是疫苗接种的危险因素。结论 糖尿病老年患者的接种流感和肺炎疫苗意愿中等,医务人员的支持是影响其接种意愿的重要因素,感知疫苗接种的有效性、安全性、伴糖尿病并发症、低龄的老年人更愿意接种疫苗。医务人员应加强流感和肺炎球菌疫苗接种的宣传教育工作。  相似文献   

目的:探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染住院患者疾病防治知识-态度-行为(KAP)现况调查及影响因素,为乙型病毒性肝炎防治健康教育提供科学依据。方法:对148例HBV感染住院患者采用自制KAP调查表进行调查,掌握HBV感染者KAP现况及影响因素。结果:148例HBV感染者乙型病毒性肝炎相关知识平均得分(8.96±1.98)分,总体呈偏低水平;单因素分析显示,年龄、职业、受教育程度是乙型病毒性肝炎相关知识掌握度的影响因素(P0.05);Logistic回归分析,受教育程度、职业是HBV感染者乙型病毒性肝炎相关知识掌握度的影响因素(P0.05);经乙型病毒性肝炎相关态度调查得知,HBV感染者对国家提供免费疫苗愿为孩子接种的应答比例最高;经乙型病毒性肝炎相关行为调查得知,与HBV感染有关行为依次为接种过乙型病毒性肝炎疫苗、做过乙型病毒性肝炎病原学检查、输过血或做过手术、父母是乙型病毒性肝炎患者;148例HBV感染者主要通过网络(78.96%)、医务人员(71.58%)、电视(45.23%)等途径获取疾病相关知识,其次为亲戚朋友(36.85%)、广播(32.12%)、报纸(20.36%)及其他方式(16.10%)。结论:HBV感染者对乙型病毒性肝炎相关知识掌握情况并不理想,疾病防治态度有待提升,相关医务工作者应采取针对性健康教育,协助患者建立科学生活方式,保持健康行为习惯。  相似文献   

选取进行健康体检的女性以及医务人员各300例。调查教育程度、经济收入以及年龄的不同对人乳头瘤病毒及其疫苗认知状况,以及接种意愿和理由。妇产科医务人员对HPV及其疫苗的认知度比其他科室高,地区女性和医务人员对HPV及其疫苗的知晓度在教育程度、经济收入、年龄方面差异显著(P<0.05)。深圳地区女性对HPV及其疫苗的认知度偏低,但医务人员对其有一定的了解,教育程度、经济收入、年龄、疫苗安全性、时间等均为影响因素,应加强宣教,提高地区女性和医务人员认知程度。  相似文献   

宫颈癌是危害全球女性健康的常见妇科恶性肿瘤,高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)持续感染是宫颈癌最主要的致病因素。现对HPV疫苗的研究进展和影响接种疫苗的因素进行综述,以期为HPV疫苗在我国的推广、研发、应用等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

BackgroundCervical cancer is the seventh most common cancer in Korean women. Human papillomavirus infection is the major reason for cervical cancer, which can be prevented by vaccination.AimThe purpose of study was to investigate factors affecting college students’ human papilloma vaccination behaviour.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted. The participants comprised 381 male and 397 female college students. We measured knowledge related to the human papillomavirus, infection prevention behaviour, and the theory of planned behaviour. Data were analysed using Pearson’s correlations and a hierarchical logistic regression.FindingsWomen showed higher scores (mean = 2.56, SD = .41) in infection prevention behaviour than men (mean = 2.49, SD = .47). Self-efficacy and subjective norm, or social pressure and opinions that influence behaviour, positively affected vaccination intentions, whereas positive vaccination attitudes reduced behaviour.DiscussionVaccination intentions were higher when attitude, self-efficacy, and subjective norm were also high. Self-efficacy and subjective norm resulted in increased vaccination behaviour; however, positive vaccination attitudes resulted in decreased vaccination behaviour in college students.ConclusionSelf-efficacy and subjective norm led to increased HPV vaccination behaviour, while positive attitude toward HPV vaccination negatively influenced vaccination behaviour. Self-efficacy is an individual aspect, while attitude and subjective norm relate to culture. Therefore, promoting college students’ self-efficacy regarding vaccination is the most effective way to increase their HPV vaccination behaviour.  相似文献   

National incidence rates of cervical cancer are disproportionately higher in African-American women, and cancers related to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection impose an enormous health burden of over $3.7 billion annually. Current efforts to use Hip Hop culture to address health disparities include disease prevention and health promotion. The use of Hip Hop cultural cues for HPV vaccination uptake and education was developed through an interdisciplinary collaboration. Interventions that incorporate youth values and beliefs are needed to reduce an escalating HPV infection trajectory. Prior research has shown that Hip Hop music has a significant influence on the sexual attitudes and behaviors of African-American emerging young women, providing a context within which to prevent risky behaviors. The current study examines the efficacy of a Hip Hop-based HPV vaccination uptake feasibility project that integrates wireless technology among African-American female college students. Findings suggest that cultural relevance of Hip Hop to the lives of young African-American women increases the acceptability of transmitted health messages. Discussion is centered on implications of wireless technology and Hip Hop as a viable approach to increase HPV vaccination, and a formal randomized control trial is planned.  相似文献   

目的了解影响社区护理工作人员职业压力的主要因素。方法对浙江省内134个社区卫生服务机构中的334名社区护理人员进行问卷调查,运用因子分析方法对调查数据进行主成分提取。结果提取出6项影响社区护理人员职业压力的主成分,其累计方差贡献为63.025%。根据贡献率高低,影响社区护理人员职业压力的因素依次为:社会认同、工作内容与强度、薪资福利、工作环境、护患关系、同事关系。结论社区卫生机构应当重视目前社区护理人员的职业压力及心理健康状况。  相似文献   

Concerns about bioterrorism have prompted a national voluntary smallpox (SP) vaccination program in the United States. Although emergency health care providers are among the first targeted for vaccination, little is known about how these providers view the risks and benefits of SP vaccination. OBJECTIVES: To assess the willingness of emergency health care personnel to receive pre-event SP vaccination prior to the start of the national program. METHODS: The authors conducted a national cross-sectional, anonymous survey of 1,701 emergency physicians, nurses, and mid-level practitioners working full time in 13 adult and pediatric academic emergency departments in large U.S. cities in November and December 2002. The main outcome measure was willingness to be vaccinated against SP. Secondary outcomes included the prevalence of self-reported contraindications, and reasons for and against vaccination. RESULTS: 732 emergency health care providers returned questionnaires (response rate 43%). Overall, 73% (95% CI = 66% to 80%) were willing to receive pre-event SP vaccination. 18% (95% CI = 14% to 23%) reported contraindications to vaccination, and 50% (95% CI = 39% to 61%) of these providers were willing to receive pre-event SP vaccination. Self-protection (72%) was the most common reason cited for desiring vaccination against SP; concern about vaccine-related adverse events (54%) was the most common reason cited for not wanting immunization. CONCLUSIONS: Most emergency health care providers express a willingness to receive pre-event SP immunization; self-protection is a principal motivating reason. A subset of health care providers, however, may place themselves at increased risk by desiring vaccination despite contraindications.  相似文献   

We investigated Turkish emergency physicians' opinions about the threat of smallpox, smallpox vaccination, and the treatment of patients with suspected smallpox, and sought to identify factors that affect willingness to receive smallpox vaccination. Anonymous surveys were sent by mail to university-affiliated Emergency Departments in Turkey. Ten of the 21 university-based Emergency Medicine programs participated in the study, and 125 physicians (48% of all emergency physicians in Turkey) completed the survey. The probability of a bioterror attack using smallpox within Turkish borders was viewed as none or minimal by 43.2% of participants. Only 22.4% of the participants stated that they would agree to be vaccinated. The only factor that affected the rate of participants' willingness to receive smallpox vaccination was the occurrence of a smallpox case within Turkish borders. Decisions about the treatment of patients with suspected smallpox are strongly influenced by whether or not the physician has been vaccinated against smallpox. At the time of the survey, even during the weeks leading up to and during the war in Iraq, Turkish emergency physicians' perceived risk of a bioterror attack using the smallpox virus was low. A significant number of Turkish emergency physicians were unwilling to participate in a hypothetical vaccination program. This study shows that the occurrence of a smallpox case within Turkish borders would significantly increase the willingness of emergency physicians to receive the smallpox vaccine. Decisions about treatment of patients with suspected smallpox are strongly influenced by whether or not the physician has been vaccinated against smallpox.  相似文献   

目的 基于个体为中心的视角探究护理专业学生的人格画像,分析其与专业认同的关系及专业认同的影响因素。方法 采用一般资料问卷、大五人格特质量表和大学生专业认同量表对广东省、山东省某4所大学的1 167名护生进行问卷调查。运用潜在剖面分析识别人格特质的潜在类别。结果 护生的人格特质被识别为三个潜在类别的模型,分别定义为过度敏感型(15.34%)、普通型(63.41%)和灵活适应型(21.25%)。在专业认同得分上,灵活适应型>普通型>过度敏感型。性别、护理榜样、转专业意愿和人格画像在专业认同水平上存在差异(P<0.05)。结论 护生的人格特质呈现类别分布,即过度敏感型、普通型和灵活适应型;过度敏感型者专业认同感最低,需重点关注;性别、护理榜样、转专业意愿和人格画像是护生专业认同感的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to assess knowledge of, perceived susceptibility to, perceived seriousness of, and risk behaviors regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer among female nursing students. DATA SOURCES: A 40-item survey of HPV and cervical cancer was distributed to a convenience sample of 240 female nursing students enrolled in a baccalaureate nursing program. CONCLUSIONS: Female nursing students participate in high-risk sexual behaviors and have a fairly low knowledge level, low perceived susceptibility, and low perceived seriousness regarding HPV and cervical cancer. Knowledge and perceived susceptibility were positively related to number of sexual partners. This may indicate that the women who engage in riskier behavior are more knowledgeable about HPV and their risk of contracting the disease. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Results indicate that all practitioners involved in the care of women should educate them about HPV and its relationship to cervical cancer. Education should include the need to use condoms to prevent HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   

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