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蔡全云  李洁 《临床荟萃》1998,13(22):1038-1039
晕厥是常见的综合征,30%~60%经各方面检查不能明确病因,可能属于神经介导的反射性的,短暂的低血压及心动过缓所致.神经介导的晕厥中常见的为血管迷走性晕厥.有人认为是心源性猝死的一种潜在原因.有报道心源性晕厥一年病死率为30%,非心源性晕厥者为12%,而不明原因者为6%.为了估价这种可能性和检测血管迷走性心源停搏的特征,本试验对32例原因不明晕厥者采用直立倾斜试验方法作诱发试验,以识别恶性血管迷走性晕厥,并进行药物治疗评价.  相似文献   

倾斜训练治疗血管迷走性晕厥的疗效观察和护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倾斜训练是治疗血管迷走性晕厥的有效方法.通过对36例患者的观察和护理,认为:向患者讲明检查和治疗中可能出现的反应,体现人文关怀,做好心理护理,密切监测患者的心率、心律、血压和反应,做好急救准备是治疗成功的保证.  相似文献   

血管迷走性晕厥患者行直立倾斜试验与治疗的护理   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
耿霞 《护理学报》2004,11(9):36-38
总结86例血管迷走性晕厥患者在作直立倾斜试验前后以及治疗过程中的护理经验,以减少意外伤害及再次发作的次数。护理要点:(1)试验前作好准备工作,包括环境、药物、监护仪器、患者的心理准备;(2)试验中密切观察患者的症状及生命体征,出现阳性反应及时处理,鉴别药物反应及阳性反应;(3)试验结束后,指导阳性患者服药或倾斜台治疗。经过有效的护理,本组无1例患者发生意外伤害。  相似文献   

目的观察心脏抑制型血管迷走性晕厥(vasovagal syncope,VVS)病人倾斜试验中的反应模式及自主神经变化.方法分析6例心脏抑制型晕厥(cardioinhibitory vasovagal syncope,CI)病人(平均年龄27岁±11岁)和8名健康者(平均年龄26岁±5岁)倾斜试验过程中的心率、血压及心率变异性功率谱变化.结果CI组病人倾斜后心率达高峰后急剧下降,随之发生晕厥.CI组心率下降百分比显著高于对照组(P<0.01),两组平均动脉压无明显变化.CI组晕厥前低频与高频功率的比值(LF/HF)和低频段功率的标化值(LFnorm)增加,晕厥时两者均显著下降,而高频段功率的标化值(HFnorm)明显增加;而对照组功率谱变化幅度远小于CI组.结论自主神经失调引起的心率急剧改变是心脏抑制型病人发生晕厥的特点.  相似文献   

血管迷走性晕厥 (vascosyncope ,VVS)又称单纯性晕厥或血管抑制性晕厥 ,是常见的一种晕厥类型 ,约占晕厥的 70 %。患者表现为短暂意识丧失伴全身肌张力低下。清醒后虽不遗留神经系统阳性体征 ,但部分患者可导致骨折、颅脑外伤等 ,对从事驾驶、高空作业等行业人员的危害甚大。晕厥的反复发作 ,还可对部分患者产生心理影响 ,严重影响其生活质量和疗效。我们采用综合康复治疗方法 ,与阿替洛尔进行对比观察治疗了血管迷走性晕厥。现将资料及观察研究结果报道如下。资料和方法一、一般资料49例患者 (男性 2 0例 ,女性 2 9例 ) ,年…  相似文献   

目的 探讨舌下含化硝苯地平倾斜试验 (sublingualnifedipinehead uptilttesting ,SNHUT)对血管迷走性晕厥 (vasovagalsyncope ,VVS)的诊断价值。方法  4 8例VVS患者 (VVS组 )及 4 4例无晕厥病史的健康体检者 (对照组 )先进行基础倾斜试验 (baselinghead uptilttesting ,BHUT) ,阴性者再进行舌下含化硝苯地平倾斜试验。 结果 VVS组 4 8例中 ,BHUT阳性 12例 ,阳性率 2 5 % ,而对照组为 0 ,阳性者由平卧位至HUT阳性时心率由 (72 .3± 8.9)次 /min降至 (5 5 .9± 11.4 )次 /min(P <0 .0 1) ,平均动脉压由 (80 .3± 11.5 )mmHg降至 (5 0 .7± 10 .6 )mmHg(P <0 .0 1)。VVS组剩余 36例SNHUT阳性 16例 ,阳性率 4 4 .4 % ,而对照组仅 2例阳性 ,阳性率 4 .6 %。VVS组阳性者由平卧位至HUT阳性时心率明显下降 [(6 5 .8± 7.7)次 /min降至 (5 3.7± 10 .8)次 /min(P <0 .0 1) ,平均动脉压由 (78.3± 10 .9)mmHg降至 (48.6± 11.1)mmHg(P <0 .0 1) ]。SNHUT阳性组从倾斜开始至出现阳性反应的时间比BHUT阳性组明显缩短 ,分别为 (10 .3± 9.8)min与 (19.3± 11.7)min(P <0 .0 5 )。VVS组仅 2例而对照组仅 1例出现头痛、面红等副作用 ,但均能坚持试验。结论 SNHUT方法诊断VVS ,敏感性好 ,特异性高 ,而且操作简便省时  相似文献   

倾斜试验的开展,为血管迷走性晕厥患者提供了一个安全可靠的诊断方法。2004年以来,本院开展了该项工作32例。现总结如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)患者直立倾斜试验(HUTT)反应类型发生转变的机制.方法 2003-06~2008-04在我院晕厥专科门诊就诊或住院的以不明原因晕厥或晕厥先兆为主诉的患者50例,年龄7-53岁[平均(14.82±8.55)岁],男性15例,女性35例,HUTT检查为阳性,诊断为VVS.经健康教育与药物干预治疗后,随诊并追踪复查HUTT.HUTT采用基础直立倾斜试验(BHUT)及舌下含化硝酸甘油直立倾斜试验(SNHUT),比较初诊检查与重复检查的HUTr反应类型.结果 第一次HUTT复查50例中有5例(10%)HUTT反应类型发生改变,第二次HuTT复查10例中有2例(20%)HUTT反应类型发生改变.HUTT反应类型发生转变见于心脏抑制型转变为混合型、血管抑制型转变为混合型、混合型转变为心脏抑制型、混合型转变为血管抑制型.结论 VVS患者随访过程中HUTT反应类型可发生转变,HUTT反应类型转变的机制受患者自主神经功能状态、干预治疗方法及患者的耐受性等多因素影响.  相似文献   

Background: Recurrent vasovagal syncope (VVS) can be a severely disabling disorder that may lead to an important deterioration of quality of life because of the severity and recurrence of episodes. This study sought to investigate the effectiveness of repeated orthostatic self-training in preventing syncope in patients with recurrent VVS.
Methods: Eighty-two consecutive patients (mean age 41 ± 4 years, 37 males) with recurrent VVS episodes and positive head-up tilt testing (HUT) were enrolled in this study. The patients were then randomized (1:1) to conventional therapy or conventional therapy plus additional tilt training sessions. The patients were followed for spontaneous syncope for one year. Primary end-points were the recurrence of syncope, the number of episodes, and the interval of time to the first recurrence.
Results: There were no significant differences of baseline clinical characteristics and parameters of HUT between the tilt training and control groups. The patients had 4 ± 2/year syncopal episodes prior to the HUT. The mean follow-up after randomization was 12 ± 2 months. Spontaneous syncope recurrence during follow-up was 56% (23 patients) versus 37% (15 patients) in the control and tilt training groups, respectively (P = 0.1). Time to first recurrence was also similar in both groups (70 ± 20 days vs 50 ± 15 days, P = 0.09). The frequency of recurrent syncopes was similar in all types of VVSs while the rate of episodes was significantly higher in control group in patients with vasodepressor type during follow-up period (32% vs 10%, P = 0.04). The mean number of recurrent syncope episodes was also similar in both groups (3 ± 1 vs 2 ± 1, P = 0.4).
Conclusions: Tilt training was unable to influence the spontaneous syncope recurrence for recurrent VVS except for vasodepressor type.  相似文献   

不同角度直立倾斜试验对儿童血管迷走性晕厥诊断的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨不同角度直立倾斜试验(HUTT)对儿童血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)诊断的影响。方法2001-01~2005-12在中南大学湘雅二医院晕厥专科门诊就诊或住院的儿童不明原因晕厥(UPS)患者进行HUTT检查226例次,年龄4~18岁,平均(12.12±3.17)岁,男93例,女133例。倾斜角度在2001-01~2005-05采用70°[n=182,平均(12.19±3.20)岁],在2005-06~2005-12采用60°[n=44,平均(11.82±3.02)岁]。根据临床症状分偶发晕厥(n=66,晕厥发作仅1次)与反复晕厥(n=160,晕厥发作≥1次)。HUTT采用基础直立倾斜试验(BHUT)及舌下含服硝酸甘油倾斜试验(SNHUT)。结果倾斜角度、儿童患者性别及试验方式对UPS儿童血流动力学无影响(P>0.05),UPS儿童诊断阳性率及反应类型分布与倾斜角度、儿童患者性别、试验方式及晕厥频次亦无明显关系(P>0.05)。儿童倾斜70°体位感到欠舒适,倾斜60°体位无明显不适感。结论倾斜70°和60°对受试者血流动力学及阳性率无影响,倾斜60°体位较70°感到舒适。推荐临床上在进行儿童HUTT时选择倾斜60°较合适。  相似文献   

目的:探讨直立倾斜试验(HUTT)对血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)反复发作的预测价值。方法:2001年1月-2005年12月在中南大学湘雅二医院晕厥专科门诊就诊或住院的不明原因晕厥患者共429例。根据临床症状分为偶发晕厥组(晕厥发作仅1次,n=112)与反复晕厥组(晕厥发作超过1次,n=317)。HUTT采用基础直立倾斜试验(BHUT)及舌下含服硝酸甘油倾斜试验(SNHUT),观察两组的阳性率与晕厥发作频次的关系。结果:①BHUT+SNHUT阳性率与晕厥发作频次关系:偶发晕厥组阳性率与反复晕厥组未见差异(36.61%比37.22%),各组男女性别分布亦未见差异(P均〉0.05)。②BHUT或SNHUT阳性率与晕厥发作频次关系:在BHUT时偶发晕厥组阳性率低于反复晕厥组(15.09%比33.33%,P〉0.05),女性〉男性(34.25%比14.15%,P〈0.01);在SNHUT时偶发晕厥组阳性率亦低于反复晕厥组(10.69%比40.88%,P〉0.05),男女性别未见差异(50.88%比62.35%,P〉0.05)。结论:BHUT和(或)SNHUT与晕厥发作频次无明显关系,HUTT阳性率不能预测VVS反复晕厥发作。  相似文献   

Among sequential patients with neurally-mediated syncope, we studied the response to head-up tilt test (HUTT) in patients with situational syncope (SS) and their follow-up. Our findings were compared to those in patients with vasovagal syncope (VVS). The response to HUTT in patients with SS has not to date been fully investigated. Additionally, the prognosis of SS patients has not been systematically studied. We studied 162 consecutive patients with recurrent SS or VVS, all free of structural heart disease. Before study inclusion, they underwent an HUTT and were followed up for 12 months. Patients with SS were advised to avoid the trigger event. Patients with VVS were treated with propranolol or fluoxetine. For each patient we compared the number of syncopal spells during the last 12 months before study inclusion with that during follow-up. Among the 162 patients, 36 had SS and 126 had VVS. The response to HUTT and the number of syncopes before and during follow-up were similar in both groups. Among patients with SS, 10 (28%) had also experienced occasional episodes of VVS; however, they had a similar response to HUTT and prognosis to the remaining 26 SS patients without VVS attacks. Patients with SS have a similar response to HUTT and similarly benign clinical course to patients with VVS. The coexistence of occasional VVS episodes in patients with SS is not associated with a higher rate of positive HUTT or worse prognosis.  相似文献   

血管迷走性晕厥的家族遗传特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)患者的家族遗传特征。方法对383例行倾斜试验(HUTT)检查的不明原因晕厥(UPS)患者详细询问晕厥家族史,并记录建档。结果①9.4%(36/383)UPS患者存在晕厥家族史,HUTT阳性且有晕厥家族史者占12.0%(23/191)。②UPS患者女性明显多于男性,男性有晕厥病史者其后代(一级亲属)男性晕厥发病几率增加18.6%,女性有晕厥病史者其后代(一级亲属)发生晕厥比率女性>男性。③UPS患者21.7%(83/383)、有晕厥家族史且HUTT阳性患者39.1%(9/23)晕厥发作时存在诱因。④有晕厥家族史且HUTT阳性患者混合型比率高于全体HUTT阳性患者(34.8%vs27.7%)。⑤HUTT阳性患者有无晕厥家族史在性别及年龄组间(<18岁与≥18岁)比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论VVS存在遗传倾向,尤其是一级亲属有晕厥史者后代晕厥发生几率明显增高,外界因素可促进晕厥发生。  相似文献   

Tilt twining therapy is considered as a first choice treatment for neurocardiogenic syncope in the Department of Cardiology, University of Leuven. However, long-term compliance to therapy may be difficult when patients become asymptomatic. In a single center uncontrolled study, the long-term clinical outcome of 38 patients was studied after a follow-up period of 43 +/- 7.8 months. At the time of assessment 29 patients had abandoned tilt twining therapy, while 9 still continued on a regular basis. In this series, 31 (82%) of 38 patients were free from syncope and 25 (66%) of 38 were completely asymptomatic. During follow-up, seven patients reported the recurrence of at least one syncope. Of these seven patients, six had discontinued tilt training therapy. The number of syncopes after discontinuation was significantly lower as compared with the period before initiation of tilt twining. In only one patient syncope recurrence was observed during rather irregular tilt training therapy. Moreover, in 19 patients who abandoned tilt training after about 1 year, no syncope recurrence was reported during daily life, which suggests that the disturbed autonomic reflex activity in these patients may have been restored.  相似文献   

Nitrates may be used for pharmacological stimulation during tilt testing for the diagnosis of vasovagal syncope. In this study we assessed the diagnostic value of intravenous nitrates during tilt testing in patients with a typical history of vasovagal syncope. Twenty patients and 23 controls were tilted at 700 for a maximum duration of 30 minutes. After a 10-minute baseline supine phase, the test started with a continuous nitrate infusion at 1 microg/kg/min and increased every 5 minutes by 1 microg/kg/min, to a maximum of 6 microg/kg/min at the end of the test. The test was ended if the subjects developed a positive response (syncope or presyncope). Nineteen patients (95%) and 17 (74%) of the controls had a positive response. At test end sensitivity was 95%, but specificity was 26% and accuracy was 58%. Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analysis revealed a maximum accuracy of 79% at 18 minutes, with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 78%. Intravenous nitrates during tilt testing in patients with typical clinical criteria of vasovagal syncope is highly effective in provoking vasovagal syncope. Based on the ROC analysis, a maximum accuracy of 79% was attained at 18 minutes (at a dose of 4 microg/kg/min), suggesting a good diagnostic performance when tilt duration is limited to this point. A positive result requiring more than 18 minutes of stimulated tilting should be interpreted with caution, due to the accompanying considerable decrease of specificity.  相似文献   

儿童血管迷走性晕厥的诱因与先兆分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的探讨儿童血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)诱因与先兆的特点。方法分析55例经直立倾斜试验(HUTT)诊断为VVS儿童的晕厥诱因和先兆症状,对不同性别、不同年龄段(7—11岁及12~18岁)、不同试验方式(BHUT及SNHUT)儿童的晕厥诱固和先兆的有无进行比较。结果74.55%和96.36%的VVS儿童存在晕厥诱因和先兆症状,常见诱固有长久站立(43.64%)、体位改变(20.00%)等;常见先兆症状为头晕(78.18%)、乏力(29.09%)、面色苍白(27.27%)、大汗(27.27%)、心慌(25.45%)、黑朦(23.64%)、胸闷(21.82%)、头痛(21.82%)等。晕厥诱因和先兆的有无在不同性别、年龄段、倾斜试验方式之间比较差异没有显著性(P〉0.05)。结论熟悉儿童VVS诱固和先兆特点将有助于临床诊治。  相似文献   

目的探讨血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)儿童心室晚电位(VLP)的变化。方法直立倾斜试验(HUTT)阳性的VVS儿童45例(研究组),用广东中山SR-1000A心电综合自动分析仪通过体表叠加方法检测VLP。匹配健康儿童45例(对照组)。结果与对照组比较,研究组高频低幅时限(LAS40)明显延长(P〈0.05),心率、总QRS时间(TQRS)、均方根值(RMS40)差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论VVS儿童心肌电活动异常,存在心脏事件发生的危险性。  相似文献   

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