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Variation in virulence of bovine rotaviruses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Forty-six gnotobiotic calves aged less than 16 days or 42-116 days were infected with three strains of bovine rotavirus designated C3-160, CP-1 and PP-1. Each virus was passaged and cloned in cell culture (cloned viruses) but CP-1 and PP-1 were also used before culture (faecal viruses). Infection of calves aged less than 16 days with faecal or cloned CP-1 caused disease whereas cloned C3-160 and faecal or cloned PP-1 caused subclinical infections. The clinical signs of disease were change in faecal colour to pale yellow or cream, increase of 2- to 7-fold in the volume of faecal output and, usually, anorexia. With the virulent CP-1 virus and the avirulent C3-160, similar amounts of virus were excreted in the faeces for 4-6 days. Infection of calves aged 56-116 days with faecal CP-1 produced disease of similar severity to that seen in calves aged 7-10 days infected with the same virus. No differences in clinical signs, virus excretion or levels of convalescent antibody were seen between the two groups. With cloned CP-1, 5 of 8 older calves developed disease but 3 showed only mild signs of infection. It was concluded that two strains of rotavirus caused sub-clinical infections in young calves while a third was virulent in calves up to at least 116 days of age.  相似文献   

Forty-six gnotobiotic calves aged less than 16 days or 42-116 days were infected with three strains of bovine rotavirus designated C3-160, CP-1 and PP-1. Each virus was passaged and cloned in cell culture (cloned viruses) but CP-1 and PP-1 were also used before culture (faecal viruses). Infection of calves aged less than 16 days with faecal or cloned CP-1 caused disease whereas cloned C3-160 and faecal or cloned PP-1 caused subclinical infections. The clinical signs of disease were change in faecal colour to pale yellow or cream, increase of 2- to 7-fold in the volume of faecal output and, usually, anorexia. With the virulent CP-1 virus and the avirulent C3-160, similar amounts of virus were excreted in the faeces for 4-6 days. Infection of calves aged 56-116 days with faecal CP-1 produced disease of similar severity to that seen in calves aged 7-10 days infected with the same virus. No differences in clinical signs, virus excretion or levels of convalescent antibody were seen between the two groups. With cloned CP-1, 5 of 8 older calves developed disease but 3 showed only mild signs of infection. It was concluded that two strains of rotavirus caused sub-clinical infections in young calves while a third was virulent in calves up to at least 116 days of age.  相似文献   

DNA-based vaccines are considered to be potentially revolutionary due to their ease of production, low cost, long shelf life, lack of requirement for a cold chain and ability to induce good T-cell responses. Twenty healthy adult volunteers were enrolled in a Phase I safety and tolerability clinical study of a DNA vaccine encoding a malaria antigen. Volunteers received 3 intramuscular injections of one of four different dosages (20, 100, 500 and 2500 microg) of the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (PfCSP) plasmid DNA at monthly intervals and were followed for up to twelve months. Local reactogenicity and systemic symptoms were few and mild. There were no severe or serious adverse events, clinically significant biochemical or hematologic changes, or detectable anti-dsDNA antibodies. Despite induction of excellent CTL responses, intramuscular DNA vaccination via needle injection failed to induce detectable antigen-specific antibodies in any of the volunteers.  相似文献   

We determined nucleotide sequences and inferred amino acid sequences of viral protein (VP) 4, VP6, VP7, and nonstructural protein 4 genes of a porcine rotavirus strain (SKA-1) from Japan. The strain was closely related to a novel group of human rotavirus strains (B219 and J19).  相似文献   

Group A rotaviruses (RVAs) are 11-segmented, double-stranded RNA viruses and important causes of gastroenteritis in the young of many animal species. Previous studies have suggested that human Wa-like RVAs share a close evolutionary relationship with porcine RVAs. Specifically, the VP1-VP3 and NSP2-5/6 genes of these viruses are usually classified as genotype 1 with > 81% nucleotide sequence identity. Yet, it remains unknown whether the genotype 1 genes and proteins of human Wa-like strains are distinguishable from those of porcine strains. To investigate this, we performed comprehensive bioinformatic analyses using all known genotype 1 gene sequences. The RVAs analyzed represent wildtype strains isolated from humans or pigs at various geographical locations during the years of 2004–2013, including 11 newly-sequenced porcine RVAs from Brazil. We also analyzed archival strains that were isolated during the years of 1977–1992 as well as atypical strains involved in inter-species transmission between humans and pigs. We found that, in general, the genotype 1 genes of typical modern human Wa-like RVAs clustered together in phylogenetic trees and were separate from those of typical modern porcine RVAs. The only exception was for the NSP5/6 gene, which showed no host-specific phylogenetic clustering. Using amino acid sequence alignments, we identified 34 positions that differentiated the VP1-VP3, NSP2, and NSP3 genotype 1 proteins of typical modern human Wa-like RVAs versus typical modern porcine RVAs and documented how these positions vary in the archival/unusual isolates. No host-specific amino acid positions were identified for NSP4, NSP5, or NSP6. Altogether, the results of this study support the notion that human Wa-like RVAs and porcine RVAs are evolutionarily related, but indicate that some of their genotype 1 genes and proteins have diverged over time possibly as a reflection of sequestered replication and protein co-adaptation in their respective hosts.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the concentration of ethinyl estradiol in milk, four fully lactating women were given an oral contraceptive containing 50 μg ethinyl estradiol + 4 mg megestrol acetate, starting two months after delivery, and four women who wanted to stop nursing after a lactation period of 6–18 months were given one tablet of 500 μg ethinyl estradiol. Milk and blood samples were taken simultaneously after 3, 7, 11 and 23 hours. The concentration of ethinyl estradiol in plasma and milk were estimated by radioimmunoassay. The method for the assay of ethinyl estradiol in milk is evaluated in this paper.The concentration of ethinyl estradiol in milk from the women taking the oral contraceptive was below the detection limit of the assay. In the women taking 500 μg of ethinyl estradiol, the plasma:milk ratio of ethinyl estradiol was found to be about 100:25. The relative dose of ethinyl estradiol ingested by a fully nursed baby, when its mother takes an oral contraceptive containing 50 μg of ethinyl estradiol, has been calculated to be about 10 ng per day, which is 0.02 per cent of the dose given to the mother.  相似文献   

Food protein intake interacts with the immune system. In earlier nutritional and immunological studies, nutrients, particularly milk whey proteins, were generally administered in soluble form and by gavage. However, orogastric intubation does not represent a natural way of ingesting nutrients such as lactoferrin (Lf). We examined how different modes of oral administration of Lf could affect the regulatory effect of this molecule on intestinal and systemic immune responses. Groups of 10 female BALB/c mice were administered Lf daily for 6 wk. To address the influence of the oral modes of administration, mice were given Lf either in solution, by gastric intubation or in the drinking water, or as a powder, by buccal deposition or in the diet. Mucosal and systemic immune responses, including specific immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion, cell proliferation, and cytokine production, were analyzed and compared with those of na?ve mice given water under the same conditions or positive control mice that were administered Lf by i.m. injection. The addition of Lf to the drinking water had no visible effect on the immune status. Gastric intubation, single buccal doses, and continuous doses of Lf in the diet stimulated transient systemic and intestinal antibody responses against Lf. All of these oral modes of Lf exposure biased mucosal and systemic T-cell responses toward Thelper (Th)2-types and elevated IgA production by mucosal cells. However, the less natural gastric intubation also promoted Th1-type responses as evidenced by serum IgG(2a) antibodies and the secretion of Th1 cytokine by mucosal and systemic T cells in vitro. Thus, one should carefully consider the oral mode of administration for understanding regulation of immune responses by food proteins such as Lf.  相似文献   

A cold-adapted influenza A virus, CR-37 (H1N1), derived from genetic reassortment between A/Ann Arbor/6/60 (H2N2) cold-adapted variant virus and A/California/10/78 (H1N1) wild-type virus, was tested in Japanese adult volunteer. The CR-37 live virus preparation induced only low-grade clinical reactions in volunteers for the first 3-4 days after inoculation. Two vaccinees who did not show any antibody changes became febrile (over 38.0 degrees C). Skin tests using the vaccine preparation and uninfected allantoic fluid were performed, and indicated that one of these two vaccines was positive for the CR-37 vaccine preparation. A high proportion of the vaccinees whose sera had a haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody titre against the vaccine strain of less than or equal to 64 before inoculation, seroconverted in both HI and neuraminidase-inhibition (NAI) antibody titrations, and only a few seroconverted in the titration of antibody against type-specific internal antigens. The serological examinations against heterotypic H1N1 variants indicated that the cold-adapted live influenza virus vaccine could induce a broad spectrum of HI antibody reactivity and immunity of long duration.  相似文献   

A cold-adapted influenza A virus, CR-37 (H1N1), derived from genetic reassortment between A/Ann Arbor/6/60 (H2N2) cold-adapted variant virus and A/California/10/78 (H1N1) wild-type virus, was tested in Japanese adult volunteer. The CR-37 live virus preparation induced only low-grade clinical reactions in volunteers for the first 3-4 days after inoculation. Two vaccinees who did not show any antibody changes became febrile (over 38.0 degrees C). Skin tests using the vaccine preparation and uninfected allantoic fluid were performed, and indicated that one of these two vaccines was positive for the CR-37 vaccine preparation. A high proportion of the vaccinees whose sera had a haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody titre against the vaccine strain of less than or equal to 64 before inoculation, seroconverted in both HI and neuraminidase-inhibition (NAI) antibody titrations, and only a few seroconverted in the titration of antibody against type-specific internal antigens. The serological examinations against heterotypic H1N1 variants indicated that the cold-adapted live influenza virus vaccine could induce a broad spectrum of HI antibody reactivity and immunity of long duration.  相似文献   

Polymyxin E is frequently used as an oral drug for flora suppression of the gastrointestinal canal. The suppression effect is dose dependent because polymyxin E is moderately inactivated by faecal and food compounds. Three oral polymyxin E doses (150, 300, 600 mg daily) were given to six volunteers for 6 days. The Enterobacteriaceae suppression effect was compared by means of the suppression index i.e. ratio of total number of faecal samples free of Enterobacteriaceae to the total number of faecal samples. The impact on the indigenous (mostly anaerobic) flora was measured in four ways: (i) beta-aspartylglycine content; (ii) volatile fatty acid pattern; (iii) yeast overgrowth and (iv) Streptococcus faecalis decrease. Enterobacteriaceae suppression was most successful during 600 mg oral polymyxin E (suppression indices during 150, 300 and 600 mg were 0.32, 0.55 and 0.89 respectively). None of the four markers of indigenous flora alterations were positive. However, using this dosage half of the volunteers suffered rather severe gastrointestinal side-effects. Oral polymyxin E in a dosage of minimum 600 mg daily seems to possess the ideal properties of a flora suppression agent, if the gastrointestinal side-effects could be mitigated.  相似文献   

The goal of the present work was to compare the plasma glutamine response to exogenous glutamine administration in human volunteers; glutamine was provided as a free amino acid, bound to proteins, or in the form of peptides. Plasma glutamine concentrations were measured in eight human volunteers at 30, 60, 90, 120, and 240 min after receiving a drink containing 30 g of protein from one of the five different proteins tested (sodium caseinate, sodium caseinate + free glutamine, carob germ flour, carob protein concentrate, and carob protein hydrolysate). Peak plasma glutamine concentrations were 42% higher than postabsorptive basal values when exogenous glutamine was administered in the form of free glutamine added to caseinate (925.9 +/- 67.7 versus 651.3 +/- 44.0 micromol/L, respectively). In contrast, when glutamine was offered 100% bound to proteins (carob proteins), peak plasma glutamine concentration increased only between 18% and 23% from basal values, possibly because of the lower digestibility of carob proteins versus that of caseinate + free glutamine, to a different glutamine utilization at the gut level, or to a different response in endogenous glutamine kinetics to enteral administration of glutamine, depending on the molecular form of the glutamine source (free or protein bound).  相似文献   

Based on the specificity of subgroup antigens and serotype antigens which are situated, respectively, in the major inner and outer capsid polypeptides, a new nomenclature for human rotaviruses is proposed. The subgroups are designated as I and II, and the serotypes as 1, 2, 3, 4.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the fate of a single dose of labeled selenium as determined by its route of administration. Thus, the appearance of a stable isotope of selenium, administered as 74-Se-selenite, was measured in plasma, urine, and feces, with neutron activation analysis, following a 81.7 micrograms dose of 74Se-selenite given either intravenously or orally in two groups (n = 4) of healthy, young adult men, who were otherwise maintained on a diet providing a constant and adequate selenium intake. From these isotopic data, measurable parameters of urine excretion, total body retention and selenite-exchangeable metabolic pool (Se-EMP) were defined to provide a quantitative assessment of selenium metabolism in these subjects. The initial 24-hr urine excretion of the label was higher for the intravenously administered label (18.2 +/- 2.1% of dose) compared to the oral dose (11.7 +/- 2.6% absorbed dose). Thereafter, the excretion of isotope was the same for both groups. For equivalent entry of Se into the body, measured total body retention and Se-EMP were the same for both groups. These initial kinetic data suggest that the overall utilization of selenium from a single administration of selenite is comparable for the two routes of intake and that the host's selenium requirement can probably be met adequately via the intravenous administration of selenite.  相似文献   

The ability is reported of a new oral cholera vaccine composed of Vibrio cholerae antigenic fractions to induce a serum and mucosal antibody response after three oral administrations of microgranules to 18 French volunteers according to different protocols of immunization. Specific antibodies were detected in the three different fluids studied (saliva, jejunal fluid, serum) in one third of volunteers before vaccination. An increase of specific IgA antibody level was observed in jejunal fluids of most volunteers after oral vaccination. An augmentation of specific antibodies against vaccine antigenic components was also observed in serum and in saliva after vaccination but in fewer volunteers.  相似文献   

RNA electropherotypes of human rotaviruses from North and South America   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Between April 1979 and December 1982, viral agents were found in 231 of 695 children admitted to the Texas Children''s Hospital with gastroenteritis. Electron microscopic analysis showed that rotaviruses were the most common viral agents, and a seasonal pattern of rotavirus disease was observed. The migration patterns of the RNA segments of these rotaviruses on electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels were compared with those of rotaviruses collected from other areas of the United States of America and from Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. A number of different RNA electropherotypes were found, including some patterns not previously reported.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight volunteers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were exposed to 0.0, 0.18, and 0.25 ppm ozone in purified air for 1-hr periods with light intermittent exercise, with exposure conditions presented in random order at 1-month intervals. No statistically significant changes attributable to ozone were found in forced expiratory performance or percent oxyhemoglobin (measured near the beginning and end of each exposure). No ozone-related changes in clinical status were found by interviews that included the time for 1 wk before to 1 wk after each exposure, except that a moderate increase in lower respiratory symptoms was reported by nonsmokers in 0.18 ppm exposures only. Thus, a slight decrement in hemoglobin saturation with ozone exposure (reported in two previous studies of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease subjects) may not be a common occurrence under typical ambient exposure conditions.  相似文献   

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