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The concentration response for altered gene expression in primary lung epithelial cells was determined following two treatments with arsenicals: (1) a mixture of trivalent arsenic compounds representative of urinary arsenic concentrations in exposed human populations, and (2) arsenite (As2O3) a common form of inhaled arsenic dust that is frequently used in both in vivo and in vitro experimental exposures. Biochemical assays did not detect any evidence of cytotoxicity at the concentrations used, apart from a concentration‐related increase in cellular heme oxygenase that was also indicated by the genomic analysis. Cell signal pathway enrichment analysis indicated similar responses to both treatments, with concentration‐related responses in pathways related to cell adhesion, cytoskeleton remodeling, development (morphogenesis), cell cycle control, and to a lesser extent inflammatory responses. These cellular responses to arsenic were consistent with those observed in a previous study with primary uroepithelial cells. Benchmark dose analysis also demonstrated similar potency of the two treatments as well as comparable sensitivity of the two cell types. A number of genes showing similar concentration‐dependent expression across individuals in both bladder and lung cells were identified, including heme oxygenase 1, thioredoxin reductase, DNA damage binding protein 2, and thrombomodulin. The data on human primary lung cells from this study, together with the data from human primary uroepithelial cells, support a conclusion that biological responses to arsenic by human cells under study conditions are unlikely to occur at concentrations below 0.1 µM. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 56:477–490, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The scaphoid is the most frequently fractured carpal bone and prone to non‐union due to mechanical and biological factors. Whereas the importance of stability is well documented, the evaluation of biological activity is mostly limited to the assessment of vascularity. The purpose of this study was to select histological and immunocytochemical parameters that could be used to assess healing potential after scaphoid fractures and to correlate these findings with time intervals after fracture for the three parts of the scaphoid (distal, gap and proximal). Samples were taken during operative intervention in 33 patients with delayed or non‐union of the scaphoid. Haematoxylin and Eosin (HE ), Azan, Toluidine, von Kossa and Tartrate‐resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP ) staining were used to characterise the samples histologically. We determined distribution of collagen 1 and 2 by immunocytochemistry, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM ) was used to investigate the ultrastructure. To analyse the samples, parameters for biological healing status were defined and grouped according to healing capacity in parameters with high, partial and little biological activity. These findings allowed scoring of biological healing capacity, and the ensuing results were correlated with different time intervals after fracture. The results showed reduced healing capacity over time, but not all parts of the scaphoid were affected in the same way. For the distal fragment, regression analysis showed a statistically significant correlation between summarised healing activity scores and time from initial fracture (r  = ?0.427, P  = 0.026) and decreasing healing activity for the gap region (r  = ?0.339, P  = 0.090). In contrast, the analyses of the proximal parts for all patients did not show a correlation (r  = 0.008, P  = 0.969) or a decrease in healing capacity, with reduced healing capacity already at early stages. The histological and immunocytochemical characterisation of scaphoid non‐unions (SNU s) and the scoring of healing parameters make it possible to analyse the healing capacity of SNU s at certain time points. This information is important as it can assist the surgeon in the selection of the most appropriate SNU treatment.  相似文献   

Aim: This study was carried out to study the prophylactic effects of inhalation of nitric oxide (NO) before and during the induction of endotoxic shock. Methods: Eighteen anaesthetized pigs received an infusion of 10–20 μg kg?1 endotoxin during 2 h after pre‐treatment with the cortisol‐synthesis inhibitor metyrapone. Three groups were tested (n = 6 each) and received 0, 0.2 or 20 ppm inhaled NO from 30 min before start of endotoxin infusion until 4 h after start of endotoxin. Both 0.2 and 20 ppm NO were able to improve blood gas values. Results: Area above curve values of arterial P2/FiO2 from 0 to 4 h were 0.83 ± 0.09 kPa h (control), 0.78 ± 0.22 (0.2 ppm NO, non‐significant) and 0.31 ± 0.06 (20 ppm NO, P < 0.01, Mann–Whitney U‐test, compared to control). Area under curve values of PCO2 from 0 to 4 h were 3.96 ± 0.66 kPa h (control), 1.20 ± 0.46 (0.2 ppm NO, P < 0.05, Mann–Whitney U‐test, compared to control) and 2.78 ± 1.06 (20 ppm NO group, non‐significant). The increase in pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) was partly prevented by 20 ppm NO, but not by 0.2 ppm NO at 4 h. Inhaled NO did not affect the levels of BAL fluid total protein, tumour necrosis factor‐α, interleukin‐8 and neutrophil counts. Conclusions: The addition of a high (20 ppm), but not a low (0.2 ppm), concentration of NO to the inhaled air during endotoxin shock improves arterial oxygen tension and reduces pulmonary artery pressure. Neither dose affects lung mechanics or inflammatory indices, in spite of being given prophylactically.  相似文献   

To describe consumers' perceptions of genetic counseling services in the context of direct‐to‐consumer personal genomic testing is the purpose of this research. Utilizing data from the Scripps Genomic Health Initiative, we assessed direct‐to‐consumer genomic test consumers' utilization and perceptions of genetic counseling services. At long‐term follow‐up, approximately 14 months post‐testing, participants were asked to respond to several items gauging their interactions, if any, with a Navigenics genetic counselor, and their perceptions of those interactions. Out of 1325 individuals who completed long‐term follow‐up, 187 (14.1%) indicated that they had spoken with a genetic counselor. The most commonly given reason for not utilizing the counseling service was a lack of need due to the perception of already understanding one's results (55.6%). The most common reasons for utilizing the service included wanting to take advantage of a free service (43.9%) and wanting more information on risk calculations (42.2%). Among those who utilized the service, a large fraction reported that counseling improved their understanding of their results (54.5%) and genetics in general (43.9%). A relatively small proportion of participants utilized genetic counseling after direct‐to‐consumer personal genomic testing. Among those individuals who did utilize the service, however, a large fraction perceived it to be informative, and thus presumably beneficial.  相似文献   

Furan is a rodent liver carcinogen, but the mode of action for furan hepatocarcinogenicity is unclear. H‐ras codon 61 mutations have been detected in spontaneous liver tumors of B6C3F1 mice, and the fraction of liver tumors carrying H‐ras codon 61 CAA to AAA mutation increased in furan‐treated mice. Allele‐specific competitive blocker PCR (ACB‐PCR) has been used previously to quantify early, carcinogen‐induced increases in tumor‐associated mutations. The present pilot study investigated whether furan drives clonal expansion of pre‐existing H‐ras mutant cells in B6C3F1 mouse liver. H‐ras codon 61 CAA to CTA and CAA to AAA mutations were measured in DNA isolated from liver tissue of female mice treated with 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8 mg furan/kg body weight, five days per week for three weeks, using five mice per treatment group. Spontaneous levels of mutation were low, with two of five control mice having an H‐ras codon 61 CTA or AAA mutant fraction (MF) greater than 10?5. Several furan‐treated mice had H‐ras codon 61 AAA or CTA MFs greater than those measured in control mice and lower bound estimates of induced MF were calculated. However, no statistically‐significant differences were observed between treatment groups. Therefore, while sustained exposure to furan is carcinogenic, at the early stage of carcinogenesis examined in this study (three weeks), there was not a significant expansion of H‐ras mutant cells. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 54:659–667, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Background Cetirizine is a non-sedating H1 antihistamine which is effective in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and urticaria. It inhibits eosinophil and basophil chemotaxis in late cutaneous allergic reactions in skin windows. Its effect on early (EAR) and late asthmatic reactions (LAR) is less certain. Methods We examined the effect on EAR and LAR of 3 days treatment with oral cetirizine (15mg twice daily) compared with a single dose of inhaled beclomethasone 10min prior to allergen challenge in a placebo-controlled (oral and inhaled) doubleblind cross-over design with three treatment arms separated by 14 days. Results Cetirizine did not significantly inhibit either the EAR or LAR documented by maximum percentage fall in FEV1 (0-3 and 6-9h) or as area under the curve (AUC between 0 and 3 and 6–9 h), Beclomethasone inhibited the LAR compared with placebo (P = 0.02) when expressed as AUC (6–9h). This did not quite reach statistical significance (P = 0.06) when expressed as maximal percentage late fall in FEV1 between 6 and 9h. A greater than twofold increase in airways responsiveness to methacholine was observed 3h after challenge which was significantly reduced by beclomethasone compared with placebo (P < 0.02) and cetirizine (P < 0.05). The data suggest that oral cetirizine does not significantly inhibit either the EAR or LAR. Beclomethasone inhibited both the early increase in airways responsiveness and the subsequent LAR. Our study also confirms the view that early increases in airway responsiveness precede the late response and suggests that these associated events are not dissociable by the pharmacological treatments employed in this study.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of the bronchial circulation to acute lung injury and endotoxin shock are largely unexplored territory. This study was carried out to study the responsiveness of the bronchial circulation to nitric oxide (NO) inhalation before and after endotoxaemia, in comparison with the pulmonary circulation, as well as to study changes in bronchial blood flow during endotoxaemia. Six anaesthetized pigs (pre‐treated with the cortisol‐synthesis inhibitor metyrapone) received an infusion of 10 µg/kg endotoxin during 2 h. Absolute bronchial blood flow was measured via an ultrasonic flow probe around the bronchial artery. The pigs received increasing doses of inhaled NO over 5 min each (0, 0.2, 2 and 20 ppm) before and after 4 h of endotoxaemia. The increase in bronchial vascular conductance during 5 min of inhalation of 20 ppm NO before endotoxin shock was significantly higher (area under curve (AUC) 474.2 ± 84.5% change) than after endotoxin shock (AUC 118.2 ± 40.4%, P < 0.05 Mann–Whitney U‐test). The reduction of the pulmonary arterial pressure by 20 ppm NO was not different. A short rebound effect of the pulmonary arterial pressure occurred after discontinuation of inhaled NO before endotoxaemia (AUC values above baseline 54.4 ± 19.7% change), and was virtually abolished after endotoxaemia (AUC 6.1 ± 4.0%, P = 0.052, Mann–Whitney U‐test). Our results indicate that the responsiveness of the bronchial circulation to inhalation of increasing doses of inhaled NO during endotoxin shock clearly differ from the responsiveness of the pulmonary circulation. The reduced responsiveness of the bronchial circulation is probably related to decreased driving pressure for the bronchial blood flow. The absence of the short rebound effect on pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) after induction of shock could be related to maximum constriction of the pulmonary vessels at 4 h.  相似文献   

Mammalian retinal projections are divided into two anatomically and functionally distinct systems: the primary visual system, which mediates conscious visual processing, and the subcortical visual system, which mediates nonconscious responses to light. Light deprivation during a critical period in development alters the anatomy, physiology, and function of the primary visual system in many mammalian species. However, little is known about the influence of dark‐rearing on the development of the subcortical visual system. To evaluate whether the early lighting environment alters the anatomy of the subcortical visual system, we examined the retinas and retinofugal projections of rats reared in a 12:12 light/dark cycle or in constant dark from birth to 4 months of age. We found that dark‐rearing was associated with a reduction in the distribution of retinal fibers in the stratum opticum of the contralateral superior colliculus. In contrast to the plasticity of the retinocollicular projection, retinal input to sleep, circadian, and pupillary control centers in the hypothalamus, pretectum, and lateral geniculate complex was unaffected by dark‐rearing. A decrease in retinal innervation of the stratum opticum and intermediate layers of the superior colliculus may account for some of the deficits in multisensory integration that have been observed in dark‐reared animals of several species. Anat Rec 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ethylene oxide (EO) is a direct acting alkylating agent; in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that it is both a mutagen and a carcinogen. However, it remains unclear whether the mode of action (MOA) for cancer for EO is a mutagenic MOA, specifically via point mutation. To investigate the MOA for EO‐induced mouse lung tumors, male Big Blue (BB) B6C3F1 mice (10/group) were exposed to EO by inhalation, 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 4 (0, 10, 50, 100, or 200 ppm EO), 8, or 12 weeks (0, 100, or 200 ppm EO). Lung DNA samples were analyzed for cII mutant frequency (MF) at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of exposure; the mutation spectrum was analyzed for mutants from control and 200 ppm EO treatments. Although EO‐induced cII MFs were 1.5‐ to 2.7‐fold higher than the concurrent controls at 4 weeks, statistically significant increases in the cII MF were found only after 8 and 12 weeks of exposure and only at 200 ppm EO (P ≤ 0.05), which is twice the highest concentration used in the cancer bioassay. Consistent with the positive response, DNA sequencing of cII mutants showed a significant shift in the mutational spectra between control and 200 ppm EO following 8 and 12 week exposures (P ≤ 0.035), but not at 4 weeks. Thus, EO mutagenic activity in vivo was relatively weak and required higher than tumorigenic concentrations and longer than 4 weeks exposure durations. These data do not follow the classical patterns for a MOA mediated by point mutations. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 58:122–134, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigate the profile of choline metabolites and the expression of the genes of the Kennedy pathway in biopsies of human gliomas (n = 23) using 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR‐MAS, 11.7 Tesla, 277 K, 4000 Hz) and individual genetic assays. 1H HR‐MAS spectra allowed the resolution and relative quantification by the LCModel of the resonances from choline (Cho), phosphocholine (PC) and glycerophosphorylcholine (GPC), the three main components of the combined tCho peak observed in gliomas by in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy. All glioma biopsies depicted a prominent tCho peak. However, the relative contributions of Cho, PC, and GPC to tCho were different for low and high grade gliomas. Whereas GPC is the main component in low grade gliomas, the high grade gliomas show a dominant contribution of PC. This circumstance allowed the discrimination of high and low grade gliomas by 1H HR‐MAS, a result that could not be obtained using the tCho/Cr ratio commonly used by in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy. The expression of the genes involved in choline metabolism has been investigated in the same biopsies. High grade gliomas depict an upregulation of the β gene of choline kinase and phospholipase C, as well as a downregulation of the cytidyltransferase B gene, the balance of these being consistent with the accumulation of PC. In the low grade gliomas, phospholipase A1 and lysophospholypase are upregulated and phospholipase D is downregulated, supporting the accumulation of GPC. The present findings offer a promising procedure that will potentially help to accurately grade glioma tumors using 1H HR‐MAS, providing in addition the genetic background for the alterations of choline metabolism observed in high and low grade gliomas. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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