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Objectifs. – Évaluer la fréquence d’apparition de l’hypoxémie induite par l’exercice (HIE) chez un groupe de rameurs de haut-niveau.Méthodes. – Sept rameurs de haut-niveau ont participé à l’étude (19,14 ± 1,3 ans). Les sujets ont effectué une épreuve d’effort à charge croissante sur un rameur ergométrique lors de laquelle les échanges gazeux et la saturation de l’hémoglobine en oxygène (SpO2) ont été mesurés.Résultats. – Les sujets avaient une VO2max de 61,68 ± 1,65 ml/min par kilogramme. Tous ont présenté une HIE avec des chutes de SpO2 comprises entre 5 et 11 %. Cette chute était significative dès 70 % VO2max. Le volume d’entraînement réduit des athlètes testés par rapport aux autres athlètes endurants semble indiquer que le phénomène est indépendant du volume d’entraînement.Conclusion. – Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence que 100 % des rameurs de haut-niveau présentaient une HIE. La limitation ventilatoire et l’importante masse musculaire mise en jeu spécifiques à l’aviron seraient les hypothèses explicatives.Aim. – To access the frequency of exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH) in elite oarsmen.Method. – Seven elite oarsmen participated (19.14 ± 1.3 year) in this study. Subjects performed an incremental exercise testing on a rowing ergometer. Gas exchanges and pulse oxymetric saturation in oxygen (SpO2) were measured during exercise.Results. – Subjects exhibited a mean of VO2max of 61.68 ± 1.65 ml min–1 kg–1. All rowers showed an EIH with a SpO2 ranging between 5% and 11%. This SpO2 fall was significant from 70% VO2max. The reduced training volume of our athletes compared with others endurance trained athletes seems indicate that phenomenon is not dependent of training volume.Conclusion. – This study showed that 100% of elite oarsmen exhibit EIH. Mechanical limitation in ventilation and great muscle mass involved in rowing could be the explicative hypothesis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the oxidation rates ofisocaloric amounts of glucose (G), of a mixture of glucose and fructose (G+F), and of sucrose (S) ingested during prolonged exercise (120 min, 58 % V02max). The mode of ingestion, that is in a bolus at the onset of exercise or in fractionated doses during the exercise, was also investigated. Six young male subjects ingested a placebo (P), 100 g of G, 50 g of G + 50 g of F, or 95 g of S (13 % concentration) in fractionated doses during exercise, and 100 g of G and 50 g of G + 50 g of F in a bolus at the beginning of exercise. Blood samples were taken before and during the last minute of exercise period. Ingestion of carbohydrates (CHO) does not influence the blood glucose and insulin levels, but decreases by 50% the response of plasma free fatty acid concentration. During the 120-min exercise period, the amounts of ingested carbohydrates which were oxidized were similar for G (53 ± 5 g), G+F (57 ± 6 g) and S (50 ± 7 g). Exogenous CHO oxidation contributed to increasing the total CHO utilization (from 181 to 200 g/120 min) and to reducing fat oxidation (from 86 to 72 g/120 min). Ingestion of CHO as a bolus at the beginning of exercise does not influence G oxidation (58 ± 6 g) but significantly increased the oxidation of the mixture G+F (67 ± 6), probably by favoring fructose utilization which requires a delay. From a practical viewpoint, these results show that the oxidation of S, which is the most widely available oligosaccharide, is similar to that of G or a mixture of G+F. Moreover, in order to maximize exogenous CHO oxidation during exercise, CHO should be ingested early in the exercise period, and not in fractionated doses throughout the exercise period.  相似文献   

Introduction. – A short questionnaire of fatigue, urinary cortisol/cortisone ratio and heart rate variability were measured in 14 elite swimmers during heavy, light and moderate training periods.Results. – The questionnaire was strongly related to the variations of training and performance (r > 0.70). Correlations were lower with the hormonal ratio and insignificant with the heart rate variability.Conclusion. – The questionnaire and the hormonal ratio were good markers of the variations of training and performance contrary to the heart rate variability.  相似文献   

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