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Inkelas M 《Health services research》2005,40(1):79-100
Objective. To evaluate whether a specialty care payment "carve-out" from Medicaid managed care affects caseloads and expenditures for children with chronic conditions.
Data Source. Paid Medicaid claims in California with service dates between 1994 and 1997 that were authorized by the Title V Children with Special Health Needs program for children under age 21.
Study Design. A natural experiment design evaluated the impact of California's Medicaid managed care expansion during the 1990s, which preserved fee-for-service payment for certain complex medical diagnoses. Outcomes in time series regression include Title V program participation and expenditures. Multiple comparison groups include children in managed care counties who were not mandated to enroll, and children in nonmanaged care counties.
Data Collection/Extraction Methods. Data on the study population were obtained from the state health department claims files and from administrative files on enrollment and managed care participation.
Principal Findings. The carve-out policy increased the number of children receiving Title V-authorized services. Recipients and expenditures for some ambulatory services increased, although overall expenditures (driven by inpatient services) did not increase significantly. Cost intensity per Title V recipient generally declined.
Conclusions. The carve-out policy increased identification of children with special health care needs. The policy may have improved children's access to prevailing standards of care by motivating health plans and providers to identify and refer children to an important national program. 相似文献
Data Source. Paid Medicaid claims in California with service dates between 1994 and 1997 that were authorized by the Title V Children with Special Health Needs program for children under age 21.
Study Design. A natural experiment design evaluated the impact of California's Medicaid managed care expansion during the 1990s, which preserved fee-for-service payment for certain complex medical diagnoses. Outcomes in time series regression include Title V program participation and expenditures. Multiple comparison groups include children in managed care counties who were not mandated to enroll, and children in nonmanaged care counties.
Data Collection/Extraction Methods. Data on the study population were obtained from the state health department claims files and from administrative files on enrollment and managed care participation.
Principal Findings. The carve-out policy increased the number of children receiving Title V-authorized services. Recipients and expenditures for some ambulatory services increased, although overall expenditures (driven by inpatient services) did not increase significantly. Cost intensity per Title V recipient generally declined.
Conclusions. The carve-out policy increased identification of children with special health care needs. The policy may have improved children's access to prevailing standards of care by motivating health plans and providers to identify and refer children to an important national program. 相似文献
Roderick A. Rose Susan L. Parish Joan Yoo Melissa D. Grady Sarah E. Powell Tamara K. Hicks-Sangster 《Social science & medicine (1982)》2010
This study examines whether the US public health insurance program Medicaid suppresses racial disparities in parental identification of service needs of their children with special health care needs (CSHCN). We analyze data from the 2001 US National Survey of CSHCN (n = 14,167 children). We examine three outcomes which were parental identification of (a) the child's need for professional care coordination, (b) the child's need for mental health services, and (c) the family's need for mental health services. A suppression analysis, which is a form of mediation analysis, was conducted. Our results show a disparity, reflected in a negative direct effect of race for all three outcomes: Black parents of CSHCN are less likely to report a need for services than White parents of CSHCN and Medicaid coverage was associated with reduced racial disparities in reporting the need for services. These analyses suggest receipt of Medicaid is associated with a suppression of racial disparities in reported need for services. 相似文献
Charles D. Phillips Chau Truong Hye-Chung Kum Obioma Nwaiwu Robert Ohsfeldt 《Disability and health journal》2018,11(1):49-57
Almost all studies of post-acute care (PAC) focus on older persons, frequently those suffering from chronic health problems. Some research is available on PAC for the pediatric population in general. However, very few studies focus on PAC services for children with special health care needs (SHCN).Objective
To investigate factors affecting the provision of PAC to children with SHCN.Methods
Pooled cross-sectional data from Texas Department of State Health Services hospital discharge database from 2011-2014 were analyzed. Publicly available algorithms identified chronic conditions, complex chronic conditions, and the principal problem leading to hospitalization. Analysis involved estimating two logistic regressions, with clustered robust standard errors, concerning the likelihood of receiving PAC and where that PAC was delivered. Models included patient characteristics and conditions, as well as hospital characteristics and location.Results
Only 5.8 percent of discharges for children with SHCN resulted in the provision of PAC. Two-thirds of PAC was provided in a health care facility (HCF). Severity of illness and the number of complex chronic conditions, though not the number of chronic problems, made PAC more likely. Patient demographics had no effect on PAC decisions. Hospital type and location also affected PAC decision-making.Conclusions
PAC was provided to relatively few children with SHCN, which raises questions concerning the potential underutilization of PAC for children with SHCN. Also, the provision of most PAC in a HCF (66%) seems at odds with professional judgment and family preferences indicating that health care for children with SHCN is best provided in the home. 相似文献4.
《Disability and health journal》2014,7(4):426-432
BackgroundThe management of children with special needs can be very challenging and expensive.ObjectiveTo examine direct and indirect cost drivers of home care expenditures for this vulnerable and expensive population.MethodsWe retrospectively assessed secondary data on children, ages 4–20, receiving Medicaid Personal Care Services (PCS) (n = 2760). A structural equation model assessed direct and indirect effects of several child characteristics, clinical conditions and functional measures on Medicaid home care payments.ResultsThe mean age of children was 12.1 years and approximately 60% were female. Almost half of all subjects reported mild, moderate or severe ID diagnosis. The mean ADL score was 5.27 and about 60% of subjects received some type of rehabilitation services. Caseworkers authorized an average of 25.5 h of PCS support per week. The SEM revealed three groups of costs drivers: indirect, direct and direct + indirect. Cognitive problems, health impairments, and age affect expenditures, but they operate completely through other variables. Other elements accumulate effects (externalizing behaviors, PCS hours, and rehabilitation) and send them on a single path to the dependent variable. A few elements exhibit a relatively complex position in the model by having both significant direct and indirect effects on home care expenditures – medical conditions, intellectual disability, region, and ADL function.ConclusionsThe most important drivers of home care expenditures are variables that have both meaningful direct and indirect effects. The only one of these factors that may be within the sphere of policy change is the difference among costs in different regions. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effects of Medicaid managed care (MMC) programs on Medicaid enrollees' access to and use of health care services at the national level. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: 1991-1995 National Health Interview Surveys (NHIS) and a 1998 Urban Institute survey on state Medicaid managed care programs. STUDY DESIGN: Using multivariate regression models, we estimated the effect of living in a county with an MMC program on several access and use measures for nonelderly women who receive Medicaid through AFDC and child Medicaid recipients. We focus on mandatory programs and estimate separate effects for primary care case management (PCCM) programs, health maintenance organization (HMO) programs, and mixed PCCM/HMO programs, relative to fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid. We control for individual and county characteristics, and state and year effects. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHOD: This study uses pooled individual-level data from up to five years of the NHIS (1991-1995), linked to information on Medicaid managed care characteristics at the county level from the 1998 MMC survey. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find virtually no effects of mandatory PCCM programs. For women, mandatory HMO programs reduce some types of non-emergency room (ER) use, and increase reported unmet need for medical care. The PCCM/HMO programs increase access, but had no effects on use. For children, mandatory HMO programs reduce ER visits, and increase the use of specialists. The PCCM/HMO programs reduce ER visits, while increasing other types of use and access. CONCLUSIONS: Mandatory PCCM/HMO programs improved access and utilization relative to traditional FFS Medicaid, primarily for children. Mandatory HMO programs caused some access problems for women. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether managed mental health care for Medicaid enrollees in King County, Washington, has led to indirect cost-shifting to substitute treatments, such as jails and state mental hospitals that are free goods to providers. DATA SOURCES: Complete service records for 47,300 adults who used at least one of the following systems from 1993 to 1998: King County jail system, Medicaid, or the King County mental health system. Data were also obtained from the Washington State Hospital System. STUDY DESIGN: A quasi-experimental analysis that compares the difference in outcomes between the pre- and post-managed care periods for Medicaid enrollees compared to non-Medicaid enrollees. The outcomes-jail costs, state hospital costs, and county outpatient mental health costs-were estimated with two-part difference-in-differences models. The regressions control for person-level fixed effects on up to 66 months of data per person. DATA COLLECTION METHODS: Administrative data were collected from the jail, Medicaid, and mental health systems, then merged and cleaned. Additional data on costs were obtained in interviews. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: There is a striking increase in the probability of jail use for persons on Medicaid following the introduction of managed care. There was a significant decrease in expenditures in the county mental health system for outpatient care. CONCLUSIONS: Managed care led to indirect cost-shifting, probably through poor access to services, which may have led to an increased probability of jail detention. 相似文献
Teresa Scheid 《Sociology of health & illness》2000,22(5):700-719
Managed care represents a response to the wider institutional demand for technical rationality and efficiency. In the US, managed care exemplifies the commodification of health and is governed by a technocratic-rationality that often conflicts with the professionally governed value rationality of providers. Providers must negotiate between contradictory institutional demands for cost containment and quality care in their everyday work practices, and consequently experience a series of ethical dilemmas. This paper examines the effect the commodification of health care has had upon the work of mental health care providers, their loss of professional prerogative, their concrete experience of the ethical dilemmas which result from the commodification of care, and evidence of countervailing power. 相似文献
One in five U.S. households with children has at least one child with a special health care need (USDHHS, 2004). Like most parents, those with children with special health care needs struggle to balance child-rearing responsibilities with employment demands. This research examines factors affecting married parents' and single-mother's employment change decisions focusing specifically on whether having a medical home influences these decisions. This study includes 38,569 children with special health care needs from birth through age 17 surveyed in the 2005–2006 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. The employment model is estimated using multinomial logistic regression with the choice of a parent to maintain their current level of employment, reduce work hours, or stop working as the dependent variable. Independent variables are those characterizing the needs of the child, the resources of the family, and the socio-demographic characteristics of the family. Components of the medical home variable include: 1) having a usual source of care; 2) care provided is “family centered”; 3) receipt of care coordination services; and 4) receipt of needed referrals. Half of the children in our sample met criteria in all four facets. If the child has a medical home, the relative risk of a parent choosing to cut hours rather than not change hours decreases by 51%. The relative risk of choosing to stop working rather than not change hours decreases by an estimated 64%. Care coordination services significantly reduce the odds of changing employment status. Our results suggest that the medical home is a moderating factor in parental decisions concerning change in employment status. 相似文献
The impact of Medicaid managed care on hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether Medicaid managed care is associated with lower hospitalization rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions than Medicaid fee-for-service. We also explored whether there was a differential effect of Medicaid managed care by patient's race or ethnicity on the hospitalization rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Electronic hospital discharge abstracts for all California temporary assistance to needy families (TANF)-eligible Medicaid beneficiaries less than age 65 who were admitted to acute care hospitals in California between 1994 and 1999. STUDY DESIGN: We performed a cross-sectional comparison of average monthly rates of admission for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions among TANF-eligible Medicaid beneficiaries in fee-for-service, voluntary managed care, and mandatory managed care. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: We calculated monthly rates of ambulatory care-sensitive condition admission rates by counting admissions for specified conditions in hospital discharge files and dividing the monthly count of admissions by the size of the at-risk population derived from a separate monthly Medicaid eligibility file. We used multivariate Poisson regression to model monthly hospital admission rates for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions as a function of the Medicaid delivery model controlling for admission month, admission year, patient age, sex, race/ethnicity, and county of residence. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The adjusted average monthly hospitalization rate for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions per 10,000 was 9.36 in fee-for-service, 6.40 in mandatory managed care, and 5.25 in voluntary managed care (p<.0001 for all pairwise comparisons). The difference in hospitalization rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Medicaid fee-for-service versus managed care was significantly larger for patients from minority groups than for whites. CONCLUSIONS: Selection bias in voluntary Medicaid managed care programs exaggerates the differences between managed care and fee-for-service, but the 33 percent lower rate of hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions found in mandatory managed care compared with fee-for-service suggests that Medicaid managed care is associated with a large reduction in hospital utilization, which likely reflects health benefits. The greater effect of Medicaid managed care for minority compared with white beneficiaries is consistent with other findings that suggest that managed care is associated with improvements in access to ambulatory care for those patients who have traditionally faced the greatest barriers to health care. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between the use of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) for determining Medicaid reimbursement to nursing facilities and the MDS Quality Indicators examining nursing facility residents' mental health. DATA SOURCES: The 2004 National MDS facility Quality Indicator reports served as the dependent variables. Explanatory variables were based on the 2004 Online Survey Certification and Reporting system (OSCAR) and an examination of existing reports, a review of the State Medicaid Plans, and State Medicaid personnel. STUDY DESIGN: Multilevel regression models were used to account for the hierarchical structure of the data. DATA COLLECTION: MDS and OSCAR data were linked by facility identifiers and subsequently linked with state-level variables. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The use of the MDS for determining Medicaid reimbursement was associated with higher (poorer) quality indicator values for all four mental health quality indicators examined. This effect was not found in four comparison quality indicators. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that documentation of mental health symptoms may be influenced by economic incentives. Policy makers should be cautioned from using these measures as the basis for decision making, such as with pay-for-performance initiatives. 相似文献
Managed Care Organizational Characteristics and Health Care Use among Children with Special Health Care Needs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Elizabeth Shenkman Samuel S. Wu John Nackashi James Sherman 《Health services research》2003,38(6P1):1599-1624
Objective. To examine the relationship between features of managed care organizations (MCOs) and health care use patterns by children.
Data Sources. Telephone survey data from 2,223 parents of children with special health care needs, MCO-administrator interview data, and health care claims data.
Study Design. Cross-sectional survey data from families about the number of consequences of their children's conditions and from MCO administrators about their plans' organizational features were used. Indices reflecting the MCO characteristics were developed using data reduction techniques. Hierarchical models were developed to examine the relationship between child sociodemographic and health characteristics and the MCO indices labeled: Pediatrician Focused (PF) Index, Specialist Focused (SF) Index, and Fee-for-Service (FFS) Index, and outpatient use rates and charges, inpatient admissions, emergency room (ER) visits, and specialty consultations.
Data Collection/Extraction Methods. The telephone and MCO-administrator survey data were linked to the enrollment and claims files.
Principal Findings. The child's age, gender, and condition consequences were consistent predictor variables related to health care use and charges. The PF Index was associated with decreased outpatient use rates and charges and decreased inpatient admissions. The SF Index was associated with increased ER visits and decreased specialty consultations, while the FFS Index was associated with increased outpatient use rates and charges.
Conclusion. After controlling for sociodemographic and health characteristics, the PF, SF, and FFS indices were significantly associated with children's health care use patterns. 相似文献
Data Sources. Telephone survey data from 2,223 parents of children with special health care needs, MCO-administrator interview data, and health care claims data.
Study Design. Cross-sectional survey data from families about the number of consequences of their children's conditions and from MCO administrators about their plans' organizational features were used. Indices reflecting the MCO characteristics were developed using data reduction techniques. Hierarchical models were developed to examine the relationship between child sociodemographic and health characteristics and the MCO indices labeled: Pediatrician Focused (PF) Index, Specialist Focused (SF) Index, and Fee-for-Service (FFS) Index, and outpatient use rates and charges, inpatient admissions, emergency room (ER) visits, and specialty consultations.
Data Collection/Extraction Methods. The telephone and MCO-administrator survey data were linked to the enrollment and claims files.
Principal Findings. The child's age, gender, and condition consequences were consistent predictor variables related to health care use and charges. The PF Index was associated with decreased outpatient use rates and charges and decreased inpatient admissions. The SF Index was associated with increased ER visits and decreased specialty consultations, while the FFS Index was associated with increased outpatient use rates and charges.
Conclusion. After controlling for sociodemographic and health characteristics, the PF, SF, and FFS indices were significantly associated with children's health care use patterns. 相似文献
Dr. Gerry Fairbrother PhD Dr. Stephen Friedman MD MPH Gary C. Butts MD Judith Cukor MA Anthony Tassi MA 《Journal of urban health》2000,77(4):573-591
The study objective was to examine quality oversight efforts by Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) for children in a sample of ambulatory care institutions and private practices in New York City. This was a cross-sectional study of quality assurance priorities and strategies of MCOs and their impact date in institutions in New York City. Data were from structured interviews administered in 1997 to medical directors in the eight largest MCOs; and medical directors, heads of ambulatory pediatrics, and institutional pediatricians in a random sample of 15 institutions and 20 private office-based providers. Medical directors in MCOs reported that their main priority areas were the preventive care measures (e.g., immunization and lead screening) that they must report to the state. Knowledge of these MCO priority areas and monitoring activities was high for medical directors in the random sample, but decreased from these medical directors to heads of ambulatory pediatrics to institutional pediatricians, with the differences between the medical directors and institutional pediatricians significant (P<.05). However, 96% of the institutional pedians reported knowing their own institution's priorities and monitoring activities. In contrast, most private pediatricians reported they knew MCO priorities and monitoring activities (80%). Less than 33% of any group reported activities as “very effective” or felt any incentive to improve performance. There was a high level of overlap in provider networks, with institutions and private providers having children in many MCOs, and MCOs having children in many sites. This study was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through contract 97B2644 between researchers and the New York City Department of Health. This paper was presented at the 1999 Health Services Research Symposium sponsored by the Greater New York Hospital Association/United Hospital Fund on November 16, 1999. 相似文献
Prasad AN 《Journal of epidemiology and community health》2006,60(1):20-23
This study was conducted at the paediatric emergency department of a tertiary care teaching and referral hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan to assess the morbidity and mortality pattern of illness in paediatric population. Afghanistan has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world, and there is complete breakdown of the health care system in the country because of the continued war. A total of 17,850 children and neonates were seen at the paediatric emergency centre at IGICH, Kabul in one year period from 18 September 2002 to 17 September 2003. The most common illnesses were diarrhoea and respiratory infections. Infectious diseases, neonatal illnesses, and cardiac diseases were other important causes of morbidity. Neonatal deaths formed the major proportion of all deaths. Morbidity and mortality attributable to easily preventable/curable diseases was quite high. There is an urgent need to develop an integrated and effective health care system in the country. 相似文献
Children Who Are Medically Fragile in North Carolina: Using Medicaid Data to Estimate Prevalence and Medical Care Costs in 2004 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Buescher PA Whitmire JT Brunssen S Kluttz-Hile CE 《Maternal and child health journal》2006,10(5):461-466
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a method of using medical insurance paid claims and enrollment data to estimate the prevalence of selected health conditions in a population and to profile associated medical care costs. The examples presented here use North Carolina Medicaid data to produce estimates for children ages 0–19 who are medically fragile. These children with serious health conditions are a small subset of all children with special health care needs. Methods: The children who are medically fragile were identified through selected procedure and durable medical equipment codes. We profiled the expenditures for all medical services provided to these children during 2004. Results: 1,914 children ages 0–19 enrolled in Medicaid were identified as medically fragile (0.22 percent). The amount paid by Medicaid for these children during 2004 for all medical services was $133.8 million, or $69,906 per child. By comparison, the average expenditure by Medicaid during 2004 for a randomly selected group of children receiving well-child care visits was $3,181 per child. The $133.8 million of Medicaid expenditures for the children who are medically fragile represents 6.8 percent of the nearly $2 billion spent by Medicaid in 2004 for all medical services for all children ages 0–19. Conclusions: This study presents a standard methodology to identify children with specific health conditions and describe their medical care costs. Our example uses Medicaid claims and enrollment data to measure prevalence and costs among children who are medically fragile. This approach could be replicated for other health care payer data bases and also in other geographic areas. 相似文献
Specialty health care,treatment patterns,and quality: the impact of a mental health carve-out on care for depression

Busch SH 《Health services research》2002,37(6):1583-1601
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effect of a mental health carve-out on treatment patterns and quality of care for outpatient treatment of depression. DATA SOURCES: Outpatient and pharmaceutical claims from September 1993 through March 1997 for one large managed care organization in the Midwest that carved-out mental health and substance abuse benefits in September 1995. RESEARCH DESIGN: Using the treatment episode as the unit of analysis (n = 1,747), changes in treatment patterns associated with the change to a carve-out were evaluated. Logistic regression was used to assess whether in the postperiod a treatment episode was more likely to be treated with (1) an antidepressant and (2) a type and intensity of treatment with proven efficacy. To strengthen confidence in a causal relationship, I search for structural breaks in treatment patterns across a wide range of dates, assuming no a priori knowledge of the timing of the impact of the carve-out. RESULTS: I find the carve-out to be associated with an increase in the use of drug treatments. Although I find a decrease in the use of guideline-level treatment over the entire study period, there is an increase in the number of episodes treated with guideline-level treatment over what would be the case in the absence of the carve-out. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in the use of drug treatments suggests previous research that excluded these costs may have overestimated the savings attributable to carve-outs. Guideline-level care appeared to increase as a result of carve-out implementation suggesting the use of management and specialization to reduce costs is not antithetical to quality improvement. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: The study examines the association between managed care enrollment and preventable hospitalization patterns of adult Medicaid enrollees hospitalized in four states. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Hospital discharge data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) database of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA), Wisconsin (WI), and Tennessee (TN) residents in the age group 20-64 hospitalized in those states, linked to the Area Resource File (ARF) and American Hospital Association (AHA) survey files for 1997. STUDY DESIGN: The study uses separate logistic models for each state comparing preventable admissions with marker admissions (urgent, insensitive to primary care). The model controls for socioeconomic and demographic variables, and severity of illness. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Consistently in different states, private health maintenance organization (HMO) enrollment was associated with fewer preventable admissions than marker admissions, compared to private fee-for-service (FFS). However, Medicaid managed care enrollment was not associated with a reduction in preventable admissions, compared to Medicaid FFS. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests that the preventable hospitalization pattern for private HMO enrollees differs significantly from that for commercial FFS enrollees. However, little difference is found between Medicaid HMO enrollees and Medicaid FFS patients. The findings did not vary by the level of Medicaid managed care penetration in the study states. 相似文献
《Early child development and care》2012,182(11):1399-1409
There is increasing awareness of mental health problems among young children, and early years settings are encouraged to take a wider family support role in order to prevent mental health difficulties. Local population studies are needed to inform delivery of universal through to targeted services. In the current study, parents and teachers of 2% of early years children in one inner city local authority were contacted. A one-stage survey was undertaken using the Early Years Behaviour Checklist (EYBC) and questions ascertaining services required. Questionnaires were distributed in appropriate languages to parents and teachers of 364 children. About 362 teacher questionnaires and 177 parent questionnaires were returned. Detailed analysis of the teacher questionnaires demonstrated that 11% (40) of the children scored in the abnormal range on the EYBC for possible behaviour problems. Just under half of parents returned questionnaires, and 11.9% (21) of the children were scored in the abnormal range for possible behaviour problems. This study indicates that the mental health needs of children under 5 in this inner city sample were broadly in keeping with the national figures. Implications for service delivery are discussed. 相似文献