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Background Recently there has been an increasing enthusiasm for using natural orifices translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) to perform scarless abdominal procedures. We have previously reported the feasibility and safety of the transvesical endoscopic peritoneoscopy in a long-term survival porcine model as useful for those purposes. Herein, we report our successful experience performing transvesical and transdiaphragmatic endoscopic approach to the thoracic cavity in a long-term survival study in a porcine model. Methods Transvesical and transdiaphragmatic endoscopic thoracoscopy was performed in six anesthetized female pigs. A 5 mm transvesical port was created on the bladder wall and an ureteroscope was advanced into the peritoneal cavity. After diaphragm inspection, we introduced through the left diaphragmatic dome a ureteroscope into the left thoracic cavity. In all animals, we performed thoracoscopy as well as peripheral lung biopsy. Animals were sacrificed by day 15 postoperatively. Results We easily introduced a 9.8 Fr ureteroscope into the thoracic cavity that allowed us to visualize the pleural cavity and to perform simple surgical procedures such as lung biopsies without complications. There were neither respiratory distress episodes nor surgical complications to report. Postmortem examination revealed complete healing of vesical and diaphragmatic holes, whereas no signs of infection or adhesions were observed in the peritoneal or thoracic cavities. Conclusion This study demonstrates the feasibility of transvesical thoracoscopy in porcine model. However, although this study extends the potential applications of NOTES to the thoracic cavity, new instruments and further work are needed to provide evidence that this could be translated to humans and with advantages for patients.  相似文献   

Background  Endoscopic adrenalectomy currently is performed using either a retroperitoneal or transperitoneal approach. The retroperitoneal approach is ideal for patients with small lesions who have undergone previous intraabdominal surgery. This study aimed to explore transvaginal retroperitoneal right and left adrenalectomies in porcine and cadaver models. Methods  Right and left adrenalectomies were performed for two female pigs. With the pig supine under general anaesthesia, the retroperitoneal space was entered with a double-channel endoscope (Storz) through a posterior colpotomy. A retroperitoneal tunnel was fashioned using blunt dissection with the assistance of low carbon dioxide insufflation up to the inferior pole of the kidney. Dissection of the upper renal pole allowed access to the adrenal gland. Using blunt dissection, a plane was created between the aorta on the left and the adrenal gland and inferior vena cava on the right. The left main middle vascular pedicle was identified and taken between clips, whereas an endoloop was used on the right side. The specimen was retrieved intact with a polypectomy snare. The same access then was reproduced with two female cadavers. Results  Transvaginal retroperitoneal adrenalectomies were successfully accomplished with a transvaginal approach using natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). The operative time was 70 min, and there was no injury to the retroperitoneal structures. The access was effectively reproduced in the cadaver model, with prompt identification of the retroperitoneal anatomic landmarks. Conclusion  Transvaginal retroperitoneal NOTES adrenalectomy is feasible in the porcine model. It reaches the adrenal proper anatomic plane with no need for dissection or retraction of the surrounding organs. This technique might be especially valuable for patients with multiple previous abdominal operations and obese patients in that allows direct access to the adrenal gland and minimizes the cardiovascular and pulmonary risk related to carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. Although the operation was successfully validated with cadavers, further experiments and better tools are needed before NOTES transvaginal retroperitoneal access is considered for humans. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Background  Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), an emerging field in minimally invasive surgery, is driving the development of new technology and techniques. The NOTES approach has several proposed benefits including potentially decreased abdominal pain, wound infections, and hernia formation [14]. Cholecystectomy is one of the most commonly performed NOTES procedures to date [57]. To perform a safe cholecystectomy and reduce potential bile duct injuries, the cystic duct and artery must first be identified. Establishing this critical view of safety before ligation and division has been shown to reduce bile duct injuries associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy [8]. This video shows that the critical view of safety can be attained with endoscopic dissection. Methods  In the porcine model, transcolonic peritoneal access is gained using an endoscopic needleknife and balloon dilator. Once orientation is established, the gallbladder is retracted using percutaneous T-tags. The cystic duct and artery bundle are identified and then meticulously dissected using endoscopic graspers, hook cautery, biopsy forceps, and scissors. The individual cystic duct and artery are isolated and identified, establishing the critical view of safety. Endoscopic clip ligation and division are then performed, and the gallbladder is dissected free. Conclusions  Dissection of the critical view of safety can be performed in a completely endoscopic fashion using appropriate instrumentation. By achieving this critical view, the incidence of biliary injury during NOTES should be minimal and similar to the incidence of biliary injury during laparoscopic surgery. While completing this procedure, we identified several remaining technical limitations and deficiencies. Endoscopic retraction of tissue still is challenging with currently available instrumentation. Hemostatic endoscopic clips are not currently available for cystic artery and duct ligation. With the development of such instruments, cholecystectomy and other NOTES procedures will become technically more feasible. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Background Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) provides surgical access to the peritoneal cavity without skin incisions. The NOTES procedure requires pneumoperitoneum for visualization and manipulation of abdominal organs, similar to laparoscopy. Accurate measurement of the pneumoperitoneum pressure is essential to avoid potentially deleterious effects of intraabdominal compartment syndrome. A reliable method for monitoring pneumoperitoneum pressures during NOTES has not been identified. This study evaluated several methods of monitoring intraabdominal pressures with a standard gastroscope during NOTES. Methods Four female pigs (25 kg) were sedated, and a single-channel gastroscope was passed transgastrically into the peritoneal cavity. Pneumoperitoneum was achieved via a pressure insufflator through a percutaneous, intraperitoneal 14-gauge catheter. Three other pressures were recorded via separate catheters. First, a 14-gauge percutaneous catheter passed intraperitoneally measured true intraabdominal pressure. Second, a 14-gauge tube attached to the endoscope was used to measure endoscope tip pressure. The third pressure transducer was connected directly to the accessory channel of the endoscope. The abdomen was insufflated to a range of pressures (10–30 mmHg), and simultaneous pressures were recorded from all three pressure sensors. Results Pressure correlation curves were developed for all animals across all intraperitoneal pressures (mean error, –4.25 to –1 mmHg). Endoscope tip pressures correlated with biopsy channel pressures (R 2 = 0.99). Biopsy channel and endoscope tip pressures fit a least-squares linear model to predict actual intraabdominal pressure (R = 0.99 for both). Both scope tip and biopsy channel port pressures were strongly correlative with true intraabdominal pressures (R 2 = 0.98 and R 2 = 0.99, respectively). Conclusion This study demonstrates that monitoring pressure through an endoscope is reliable and predictive of true intraabdominal pressure. Gastroscope pressure monitoring is a useful adjunct to NOTES. Future NOTES procedures should incorporate continuous intraabdominal pressure monitoring to avoid the potentially deleterious effects of pneumoperitoneum during NOTES. This can be achieved by the integration of pressure-monitoring capabilities into gastroscopes. Presented at the 2006 Scientific Session of Society of American Gastrointestional and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), April 2006, Dallas, TX, USA  相似文献   

Background Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), a recent development in the field of minimally invasive surgery, may offer advantages over open and laparoscopic surgery. Most investigations to date have focused on small end-organ resections, and none have described en bloc regional lymphadenectomy. This study aimed to describe a method of anal transcolonic sigmoid colon resection. Methods A fresh frozen then thawed cadaver model was used. Three male human cadavers were subjected to transanal sigmoid colon mobilization, high vascular ligation, en bloc lymphadenectomy, and stapled end-to-end anastomosis performed by a single operator using transanal endoscopic microsurgery instrumentation. Results The findings showed that NOTES sigmoid colon resection with en bloc lymphadenectomy and primary anastomosis can be performed successfully. The critical steps of the procedure were (1) luminal suture occlusion of the sigmoid colon, (2) transrectal bowel division, (3) entry through the mesorectum into the presacral space, (4) en bloc mobilization of the sigmoid colon mesentery off of the retroperitoneum, (5) high ligation of the superior hemorrhoidal artery, (6) transanal delivery of the intact sigmoid colon specimen, (7) extracorporeal division of the colon, and (8) creation of a stapled end-to-end colorectal anastomosis. Postprocedure laparotomy confirmed adequate lymphadenectomy and anastomosis with no untoward events. Conclusions It is possible to complete the critical steps of a NOTES sigmoid resection, en bloc lymphadenectomy, primary anastomosis, and retrieval of an intact specimen without any incisions using transanal endoscopic microsurgery instrumentation.  相似文献   

The feasibility of a transvaginal hybrid natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) nephrectomy has already been demonstrated using standard laparoscopic ports through the abdominal wall. We evaluated the feasibility of a transvaginal NOTES-assisted minilaparoscopic nephrectomy (mLN).The patient is positioned in a semilumbotomy position with legs separated to allow for vaginal access. A 3.5-mm port is placed at the umbilicus for a 30° laparoscope; two 3.5-mm ports are placed in the flank in the same location as for a standard transperitoneal nephrectomy; and a 12-mm port is placed through the vagina, perforating the vaginal wall. Kidney dissection is performed following the steps of a traditional nephrectomy. The renal pedicle is dissected and secured with Hem-o-Lok clips through the vaginal access port. The specimen is then extracted through an extended incision in the posterior wall of the vagina.We treated five patients. The average operative time was 120 min, blood loss was 160 ml, and no complications were recorded.Our initial experience suggests that transvaginal NOTES-assisted mLN is feasible and appears to be safe. It is simpler than a pure NOTES procedure and ensures excellent cosmetic results.  相似文献   

Background Bowel anastomosis is one of the most challenging and difficult tasks to perform during natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). The difficulty is mainly due to the technical limitations of the endoscopic instruments available. Currently, endoscopic clips, T-bar sutures, or cumbersome suturing devices are used. A dual-lumen NOTES approach can facilitate bowel resection in a pig model by allowing the use of laparoscopic staplers through the rectum. Methods Acute studies were performed on four 40-kg pig models. The dual-lumen NOTES approach was used to perform small bowel resection and anastomosis. An endoscope was passed into the stomach and pushed through the stomach wall into the peritoneal cavity (first lumen), and a 12-mm trocar was placed through the anterior rectal wall, allowing access to the peritoneum (second lumen). Handling of the bowel, resection, and anastomosis were performed using endoscopic instruments through the gastric lumen and laparoscopic instruments through the rectal lumen. The resected small bowel then was removed through the rectum. Results Small bowel resection and anastomosis was successfully completed in all four animals using the dual-lumen NOTES approach. The laparoscopic stapler was used one more time to close the gastrotomy through the rectal port. At autopsy, intact suture lines were noted at the bowel anastomosis and at the stomach, with no evidence of leak from either site. Conclusions Performing a sutured anastomosis in NOTES is complex and time consuming. The use of stapling devices designed for laparoscopic procedures greatly facilitates gastrointestinal tract operations in NOTES. Using both the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract as entry sites for NOTES eliminates some of the current technical limitations of these procedures. Presented at the 2007 society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Meeting.  相似文献   

Introduction  Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) has captured the interest of interventional endoscopists and may represent the next stage of evolution of minimally invasive surgery. It provides the potential for performance of incisionless operations. It is gaining momentum both in the animal laboratory and in human case reports. Developments in the field of NOTES have led to the formation of the Natural Orifice Surgery Consortium for Assessment and Research (NOSCAR) in 2006. Materials and methods  In this special issue, the current trends in NOTES in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery are featured, including NOTES cholecystectomy, hepatectomy splenectomy, pancreatic necrosectomy, and the future of NOTES. In this issue, we discuss the potential benefits of these procedures in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery. Conclusion  We have just started the evaluation process for this new technology. The concept of NOTES is becoming established and is enormously advantageous for the patient. Both the surgeon and gastroenterologist should contribute to developing NOTES in making use of their specialties.  相似文献   

Background/purpose  Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is a novel concept using an endoscope via a translumenal access for abdominal surgery. This study was designed to evaluate the feasibility and technical aspects of NOTES cholecystectomy from our experience on humans and animals. Methods  NOTES cholecystectomies were performed in 12 animal experiments, including 8 pigs (6 by transgastric and 2 by transvaginal accesses) and 4 dogs (4 transvaginal accesses), and a human female cadaver. Results  The entire gallbladder could be removed under direct vision in all experiments. The average time was 60 min by transgastric and 40 min by transvaginal in animals. It was 87 min for human transvaginal cholecystectomy. In all animal and human procedures, there was no major complication concerning the operation. Discussion  The transvaginal route may be the easiest route for abdominal NOTES. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) allowed the safe performance of a controlled gastric perforation and shortened the time. The hybrid method allowed performance of a safe procedure and shortened the time. Conclusions  Transvaginal and transgastric NOTES cholecystectomy is technically feasible and safe in both humans and animals. New instrumentation needs to be developed to perform a pure NOTES cholecystectomy without transabdominal assistance.  相似文献   



To present our laboratory experience with natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) renal cryoablation.


In two female farm pigs, we performed four procedures of NOTES renal cryoablation. In each pig, NOTES was performed through a transgastric approach and a transvaginal approach for each kidney, respectively. The pig was placed in the flank position and pneumoperitoneum obtained using a transabdominal Veress needle. In the first pig, we started with the left kidney with a transgastric approach: a dual‐channel video gastroscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) was used, the stomach wall was punctured using a needle‐knife, a guidewire was passed into the abdominal cavity and the access dilated using a controlled radial expansion balloon. The bowel was mobilized medially and the Gerota’s fascia overlying the upper pole was dissected. Under direct endoscopic vision, a cryoablation probe was introduced percutaneously into the anterior upper pole of the kidney. The pig was then flipped to the right flank position and a transvaginal approach was used: the gastroscope was introduced through the posterior fornix of the vagina. For the second pig, we performed initially a transgastric right‐side cryoablation then a transvaginal left‐side cryoablation as described for the first pig.


All four procedures were performed successfully, with no intraoperative complications. No additional laparoscopic ports or open conversions were necessary. The vision of the kidney and the ice‐ball was adequate for all cases. The mean operative duration was 83 min. Stomach closure was tested watertight, and there were no abdominal or pelvic injuries found at autopsy.


NOTES can provide adequate minimal surgical dissection for safe and effective percutaneous renal cryoablation under direct videoscopic monitoring at kidney locations otherwise not accessible percutaneously. Both transgastric and transvaginal approaches can be used effectively for renal cryoablation providing a minimally invasive scar‐less surgery.  相似文献   

Background  Reliable closure of the translumenal incision is one of the main challenges facing natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). This study aimed to evaluate the use of an automated flexible stapling device (SurgASSIST) for closure of the gastrotomy incision in a porcine model. Methods  A double-channel gastroscope was advanced into the stomach. A gastric wall incision was made, and the endoscope was advanced into the peritoneal cavity. After peritoneoscopy, the endoscope was withdrawn into the stomach. The SurgASSIST stapler was advanced orally into the stomach. The gastrotomy edges were positioned between the opened stapler arms using two endoscopic grasping forceps. Stapler loads with and without a cutting blade were used for gastric closure. After firing of the stapler to close the gastric wall incision, x-ray with contrast was performed to assess for gastric leakage. At the end of the procedure, the animals were killed for a study of closure adequacy. Results  Four acute animal experiments were performed. The delivery and positioning of the stapler were achieved, with technical difficulties mostly due to a short working length (60 cm) of the device. Firing of the staple delivered four rows of staples. Postmortem examination of pig 1 (when a cutting blade was used) demonstrated full-thickness closure of the gastric wall incision, but the cutting blade caused a transmural hole right at the end of the staple line. For this reason, we stopped using stapler loads with a cutting blade. In the three remaining animals (pigs 2–4), we were able to achieve a full-thickness closure of the gastric wall incision without any complications. Conclusions  The flexible stapling device may provide a simple and reliable technique for lumenal closure after NOTES procedures. Further survival studies are currently under way to evaluate the long-term efficacy of gastric closure with the stapler after intraperitoneal interventions. Presented in part at the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2007.  相似文献   

Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)is a surgical technique which is performed with an endoscope passed through a natural orifice,and then through an internal incision in the viscera(stomach,vagina or rectum)to perform intraabdominal operations.Since the first successful transgastric appendectomy performed by Dr.Rao and Reddy in 2004,NOTES is developing rapidly.The advantages of NOTES include no injury and scar in the body surface;lower anesthesia requirements;faster recovery and shorter hospital stays;avoidance of transabdominal wound infections.NOTES can also be applied to patients who are not suitable for open surgery and lapascopic surgery.NOTES has the potential to revolutionize the field of minimally invasive surgery by eliminating abdominal incisions,however,the safety and efficacy of NOTES still needs to be investigated in lhe future.  相似文献   

近年来,经自然腔道内镜手术已在全球取得了长足的发展.目前,已有大量经自然腔道内镜手术应用于实验动物及人体,如经阴道胆囊切除术、经阴道阑尾切除术、经胃阑尾切除术、经膀胱腹腔镜检术等.本文就目前经自然腔道内镜手术的研究进展及面临的挑战作一综述.  相似文献   


Background and Objective:

We are sharing information regarding the surveillance of the first entrance port in laparoscopic and natural orifice transvaginal endoscopy surgeries. However, we are not analyzing techniques or other surgical findings.


In this study, 160 women with previous abdominal pelvic surgeries underwent laparoscopic surgery, 145 patients underwent transvaginal Minilaparoscopy Assisted Natural Orifice Surgery (hybrid), and 3 patients underwent pure natural orifice transvaginal endoscopic surgery (pure). For those patients who had laparoscopy and hybrid procedures, the surveillance was from a laparoscope or gastroscope placed in a secondary port. Surveillance in pure cases was done using a gastroscopic retro view to see the pouch of Douglas.


The laparoscopic procedures were gynecological procedures. The hybrid procedures included gynecological procedures as well as appendectomies and cholecystectomies; the pure procedures were cholecystectomies. There were a few minor vascular and bowel injuries in the laparoscopy group. There were no injuries in the transvaginal hybrid or pure procedures groups.


The surveillance of the first entrance port can be an effective precautionary step. The cumulative experience suggests that using such surveillance in cases involving patients with prior surgery may assist in recognizing complications that might otherwise be missed.  相似文献   

Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is a sophisticated form of endoscopic surgery whose use has recently spread rapidly around the world. Although hundreds of reports of animal studies and clinical cases about NOTES have been published since 2004, NOTES is still in the experimental phase. The formation of an iatrogenic incision in the lumenal wall of intraperitoneal organs is a major disadvantage of NOTES. No reliable technique for complete closure has yet been established, and this problem must be resolved before NOTES can be adopted as a routine clinical practice. Several devices for the closure of lumenal incisions in the stomach or colorectum have been developed, and their safety and usefulness have been examined in animal studies and clinical cases. Kyushu University has been involved in furthering the adoption of NOTES as a routine clinical practice, and the Kyushu University Training Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery holds training sessions on endoscopic surgical techniques for surgeons from all over Japan. Studies to develop a navigation system and robotic technology for use with NOTES are also in progress at Kyushu University. The further development of endoscopy-related technologies and equipment, such as robotic technology, is therefore essential to allow the safe, widespread adoption of pure NOTES.  相似文献   

Background  The indications for natural orifice translumenal surgery (NOTES) are yet to be determined. Morbidly obese patients may be one population that would benefit from this approach due to the elimination of wound complications and possibly a faster recovery. As a bariatric restrictive procedure, sleeve gastrectomy could be one indication for NOTES. To test the feasibility of this procedure with a NOTES approach, a pig model was used. Methods  Acute studies investigated five 40-kg farm pigs. The rectum was used as the port of entry to the peritoneal cavity, and the stomach was manipulated endoluminally using a gastroscope. Vision was acquired through a 5-mm laparoscope introduced transabdominally (i.e. via the hybrid technique). A 10-mm incision was made on the anterior wall of the rectum and dilated to accommodate a 12-mm trocar introduced through the rectal wall into the peritoneal cavity. The greater curvature of the stomach then was divided and detached, starting from the antrum and proceeding to the esophagogastric junction using a laparoscopic stapler. The sleeve gastrectomy was completed by dividing the short gastric vessels with an ultrasonic scalpel. The gastric pouch then was removed through the rectal incision. Results  A NOTES gastric sleeve resection was successfully performed in all five pigs. The technique was developed, and feasibility was determined. After resection, the gastric remnant was inflated, with no evidence of leakage. At autopsy, intact suture lines were noted. Closure of the rectal incision was not attempted. Conclusion  A NOTES sleeve gastrectomy is feasible in porcine animal models. The rectal port of entry allows rigid laparoscopic instruments to be introduced into the peritoneal cavity and enables performance of gastrointestinal procedures the same as in standard laparoscopic surgery. Extra-long instruments are necessary for dissection and division of the stomach at the esophagogastric junction and for accessing the short gastric vessels.  相似文献   

Background  Anecdotal reports of natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) procedures in patients are emerging. Whether the new procedure truly is less invasive is not known. Perioperative hematologic parameters during NOTES was compared with those during standard laparoscopy. Methods  For this study, 12 swine were randomized to transgastric peritoneoscopy with air or diagnostic laparoscopy using carbon dioxide. Arterial and venous catheters provided cardiopulmonary parameters and blood draws at baseline and up to 7 days postoperatively. The animals survived for 14 days. Data were analyzed by an investigator blinded to the procedure performed. Treatments were contrasted in terms of the mean outcome using a repeated measures linear model. Results  All experiments were successfully completed. No gastric leak or peritonitis resulted. One NOTES animal died of hemorrhagic gastritis on postoperative day 3 due to bleeding distant from the gastrotomy site. Two animals in the laparoscopy group and one animal in the endoscopy group experienced respiratory compromise requiring disinflation. A widening pulse pressure and lower bladder pressure were observed in the NOTES group compared with the laparoscopy group (p < 0.001). Pre- and postoperative laboratory results showed an increase in the white blood cell count (1,000/ml) from 16.83 ± 1.94 in the laparoscopy group and 15.17 ± 0.41 in the NOTES group at baseline to 24.17 ± 3.25 and 23.33 ± 3.88, respectively, on postoperative day 7, but no difference between the groups (p = 0.6). The platelet count (1,000/ml) showed a difference between the two groups, changing from 422.5 ± 97.49 to 446.33 ± 89.86 in the laparoscopy group and from 368 ± 105 to 299.5 ± 161.9 in the NOTES group (p = 0.03). Conclusion  Significant differences in measured but not clinically apparent parameters were encountered. A potentially significant thrombocytopenia clinically was encountered in the NOTES group. The physiologic impact of NOTES procedures beyond the absence of abdominal incisions should be investigated further. Presented at the 2nd international conference on NOTES, Boston, MA, 13–14 July, 2007.  相似文献   

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