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试论市场经济条件下医院科研管理任务的重心   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为讨论在市场经济条件下医学科研管理任务的重心,本文简要回顾了在学科建设和人才培养方面的具体做法:1、以市领先学科为龙头,抓住龙头,带动一批;2、结合医院实际制订不同层次的学科建设计划,使市领先学科的带动作用得到扩展辐射到各个层面;3、抓住一切机会鼓励和推荐科研人才参与各类培养计划的竞争;4、努力营造适宜于人才成长的宽松、活跃的学术环境。经几年努力实践,我们认识到医院科研管理的首要任务是把学科建设纳入科研管理的范畴;人才培养是医学科研管理的根本任务;医院科研管理任务的重心要符合市场经济对医院发展的要求。  相似文献   

总结“种子”基金5年成果推进创新型管理理念实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结医院“研究与发展基金”5年成果,持续推进创新型管理理念的实施.方法 通过总结基金2006-2010年的投入和科研产出,分析实施创新型管理理念之后,基金在培养医学科研人才、促进医院学科发展等方面的作用.结果 创新型过程管理理念实施之后,基金产出态势良好,对科研人才培养和学科发展起到了积极的推动作用.结论 应继续推进创新型过程管理理念的实施,以进一步发挥“种子”基金在人才、学科发展等方面的助推作用.  相似文献   

目的 通过分析医院近15年的人才培养情况,阐述医院人才培养的创新性制度.方法 整理15年人才培养的基本情况,运用配对T检验和Wilcoxon秩和检验等统计方法分析培养前后人才医、教、研、管理能力的变化状况.结果 通过培养,人才的医、教、研、管理能力有显著性的提升.结论 只有建立创新性的人才培养制度,才能提升医院的综合竞争力,更好地服务于患者.  相似文献   

论医学科研与创新人才的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院的科研工作要实现跨越式发展,培养创新型医学科研人才是关键。从分析医院科研面临的形势及问题出发,提出培养科研人才的具体措施:端正科研学风;营造整体氛围;完善激励制度;建立保护机制;优化生活环境等。  相似文献   

人才作为医学科研发展的战略资源,是科研医院可持续发展的源动力.医院建立了依托科研管理信息化平台,针对不同年龄阶段、不同发展水平科研人才的发展需求,以青年人才跟踪培养为契机,带动全院学科梯队发展的层次化、立体化科研人才培养模式.并对该模式的实施效果进行评价.  相似文献   

本文以十堰市太和医院为例,探讨了在大型综合性医院开展科技种子人才培养计划的具体做法,包括如何组织申报与遴选、如何进行培养与管理、如何进行考核和奖惩等.通过实证研究证明,综合性医院开展青年科技种子人才的专门培养,是一项有效的人才培养模式,对于加强医院人才队伍建设和提升科研实力都具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

健全和完善人才培养机制的一些思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型医院要在日益激烈的竞争中求发展必须依靠于综合实力的发展,其中,科研是非常重要的内容.科研实力的提升来源于重点学科的建设,而人才培养是学科建设中不容忽视的首要因素,启用高学历、学识渊博、技术精湛、医德高尚的人才将对学科建设起到示范和促进作用.所以,必须建立健全人才选拔和培养机制;从培养和管理两方面人手,选好人才,留住人才,为医院提升科研实力、提升综合竞争力奠定基础.  相似文献   

上海中医药大学附属普陀医院自2004年成为上海中医药大学附属医院以来,总计中标国家自然科学基金11项。在医院科研管理工作中,一贯坚持“院兴科教、科教兴院”宗旨,在营造科技文化氛围、培育严谨科研作风、夯实学科基础、培养精英人才、加强激励机制、打造科研品牌等方面,做了大量工作,取得了一定成绩。本文从医院科研管理的角度,就提高医院国家自然科学基金项目的中标率进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

专科医院的科研管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
专科医院具有规模小、功能专、技术精等特点,其科研方面有专科人才集中,病案集中,典型病例易收集,易总结的优势,也有人员忙于事务,科研局限于临床,不易深化的劣势.通过健全落实制度,强化管理;结合实际情况选拔人才,制定引导性激励机制;搭建科研平台,营造科研氛围;提高管理服务意识,全力为科研保驾护航等措施取得良好效果.  相似文献   

太原市某社区医院2004—2010年卫生人才管理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解2004—2010年期间太原市某基层医院人才建设管理情况,探明作为转型后的社区卫生服务机构在人才、科研与管理方面的发展与变化。方法通过查阅社区医院7年间相关数据资料,采用对比分析法,对医院管理思路、人才培养、职称队伍和科研论文等方面进行统计分析。结论作为转型的社区医院在人才建设的质和量增长尚不稳定,职称结构与科研素质等有待提高,尝试提出社区医院人才挖掘、人才培养和人才管理三步走的战略方针,以此对基层医院的人才管理发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

探讨我国高职院校护理专职教师临床实践的发展路径,研究者结合临床实践的切身体会,提出了当前亟需解决护理专职教师临床实践"学什么"和"如何学"以及怎样保证临床实践路径畅通等问题,并阐述了解决问题的若干具体措施和方法,为高职院校进一步开展护理专职教师临床实践活动,促进高职护理教育发展提供了理论及实践支持。  相似文献   

在系统总结军事医学科学院在蛋白质组学学科创建、发展和创新人才培养体系建立的实践经验和应用成效的基础上,初步探讨了蛋白质组学科研教学培训的新体系和创新人才及团队培养的新模式,为推动我国蛋白质组学发展发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

Bateman H 《Family practice》2002,19(6):691-697
BACKGROUND: Practice teams may receive many requests to become involved in research studies. The information they receive may not necessarily provide the information they need to make a quick and informed decision about participation. Facilitating good decisions about research involvement has potential value for researchers, practitioners and research/development managers. OBJECTIVE: To develop and pilot a template (RISP) for communicating information about research studies to practice teams. METHODS: A participatory approach was used to develop the template involving primary care practitioners, researchers and research/development managers. The process of developing and piloting the template was recorded using an action research approach. Data were derived from documentation about policy, notes from participant observation and evaluation questionnaires. RESULTS: The RISP template was used as a source of reference about practical implications of research and as a means to communicate information about research studies to practice teams. Practice respondents valued its use in enabling members of the practice team to quickly assimilate information about the proposed research study and in providing the basis for a well-informed decision about participation. Its value to record keeping (and to research governance) was anticipated at the planning stage but was not as yet strongly evident in responses from practice. CONCLUSION: The RISP template has been designed to reflect the concerns of researchers, primary care practitioners and research/development managers. It can contribute to the documentation required in support of research governance.  相似文献   



Acquiring the theoretical and practical knowhow of conducting patient and public involvement (PPI) in research is not part of the traditional curriculum of researchers. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Huis voor de Zorg, a regional umbrella patient organization, therefore started a 1.5‐year coaching programme.


To establish a community of practice by developing a PPI coaching programme for senior and junior health services researchers of Zuyd University. The context consisted of research projects conducted by the participants.


A participatory action research methodology. Data were collected from reports of thematic group meetings and individual sessions with participants, field notes and regular reflection meetings with the project team. Data were analysed by reflexive deliberation.


The programme comprised a kick‐off meeting (52 attendees), followed by 7 group meetings with 11 junior and 9 senior researchers. The project team constructed a serious game based on the concept of the participation ladder. Questions and concerns differed for junior and senior researchers, and separate tailored meetings were organized for both groups. Between group meetings, participants received individual assignments. Group meetings were accompanied by individual coaching sessions to provide tailor‐made feedback. The programme concluded with a combined meeting with all stakeholders.


Building a community of PPI practice through action research facilitates the development of a coaching programme that fosters social learning, empowerment and the development of a shared identity concerning PPI. The role and responsibilities of senior researchers should be distinguished from those of junior researchers.  相似文献   

分析了建立临床系列高级职称全行业评审标准的工作趋势,回顾了上海市建立该项标准的工作实践和探索,总结了现有工作的特色,并对未来工作发展进行了前瞻性思考。  相似文献   

【目的】 从选择投稿期刊、阅读文献等维度调查物理学相关领域研究人员对期刊服务的需求,为国内物理类期刊进一步优化工作重点提供帮助。【方法】 设计调查问卷,以《物理学报》采编系统人员库中7000多位活跃作者、专家为主要调查对象,对研究人员投稿和阅读的习惯进行统计分析,结合《物理学报》的办刊实践,总结物理类期刊吸引优质稿源、扩大影响力的有效措施。【结果】 期刊声誉、收录情况、出版周期、评价政策、审稿质量和影响因子是物理类研究人员选择期刊的重要参考因素;文献检索和电子版阅读是研究人员获取学术信息、学习科研成果的主要方式;研究人员普遍认为同行邮件推送和评选封面文章、优秀论文是论文宣传的有效途径。【结论】 物理类期刊应努力缩短出版周期、提高审稿质量;应密切关注检索技术和数字出版的相关动态,积极提升文章显示度和读者阅读体验;需要重视对已发表论文进行分类、遴选和再加工,为研究人员提供精准和个性化的学术服务。  相似文献   

Policy makers, researchers, clinicians, and the public are frustrated that research in the health sciences has not resulted in a greater improvement in patient outcomes. Our experience as clinicians and researchers suggests that this frustration could be reduced if health sciences research were directed by 5 broad principles: (1) the needs of patients and populations determine the research agenda; (2) the research agenda addresses contextual and implementation issues, including the development of delivery and accountability systems; (3) the research agenda determines the research methods rather than methods determines the research agenda; (4) researchers and clinicians collaborate to define the research agenda, allocate resources, and implement findings; and (5) the level of funding for implementation research is commensurate with and proportional to the magnitude of the task. To keep the research agenda focused on the task of improving health and to acknowledge that the effort must be seen as more comprehensive than translating or transferring research into practice (TRIP), we suggest that the task be reframed, using the term optimizing practice through research.  相似文献   

Novice researchers must be trained to be ethical practitioners. This means more than just knowing how to gain ethics approval and being familiar with the codes of ethics. Rather, researchers need to develop their ethical awareness, perception, and judgment, and their capabilities to reflect and act when actually in the field, which we refer to as "situated research ethics." We employ the concept of "formation" as a useful pedagogical frame accentuating the importance of integrating knowledge, research skills, and ethical capabilities in research practice. We suggest that a narrative approach is consistent with formation, and is useful in research ethics training. This approach uses storytelling and engaging with stories to enable the development of ethical know-how in research. We conclude the article by focusing on the benefits and limitations of this approach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In spring 2002, WONCA Europe, the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine and its Network organizations reached consensus on a 'new' European definition of general practice. Subsequently, the European General Practice Research Workshop (EGPRW) started working on a European General Practice Research Agenda. This topic was addressed during the 2002 EGPRW autumn meeting. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to explore the views of European general practice researchers on needs and priorities as well as barriers for general practice research in Europe. METHODS: In seven discussion groups, 43 general practice researchers from 18 European countries had to answer the following questions. (i) What major topics should be included in a research agenda for general practice in your country? (ii) What are the barriers to adequate implementation of general practice research in your country? Group answers were listed and subsequently categorized by two authors. RESULTS: Research on 'clinical issues' (common diseases, chronic diseases, etc.), including diagnostic strategies, was considered to be the core content of general practice research, with primary care-based morbidity registration essential for surveillance of disease, clinical research and teaching in general practice. There was also consensus on the need for research on education and teaching. 'Insufficient funding opportunities' was perceived to be the major barrier to the development of general practice research. CONCLUSIONS: These findings could be used as a basis for national checklists of 'content of' and 'conditions for' general practice research. European general practice research training programmes should be developed further.  相似文献   

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