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Spike-triggered averaging of dorsal and ventral root potentials was used in anesthetized cats to disclose possible synaptic connections of spinal interneurons in the intermediate nucleus with afferent fibers and/or motoneurons. With this method we have been able to document the existence of a distinct group of interneurons whose activity was associated with the recording of inhibitory potentials in the ventral roots (iVRPs), but not with negative dorsal root potentials (nDRPs). The iVRPs had mean durations of 60.8 +/- 22.1 ms and latencies between 1.7 and 5.1 ms relative to the onset of the interneuronal spikes. Within this group of neurons it was possible to characterize two categories depending on their responses to segmental inputs. Most type A interneurons were mono- or disynaptically activated by group I muscle afferents and polysynaptically by low threshold (1.08-1.69 X T) cutaneous fibers. Type B interneurons were instead polysynaptically activated by group II muscle and by cutaneous fibers with thresholds ranging from 1.02 to 3.1 X T. Whenever tested, both type A and B interneurons could be antidromically activated from Clarke's columns. There was a second group of interneurons whose activity was associated with the generation of both iVRPs and nDRPs. These potentials had mean durations of 107.5 +/- 35.6 and 131.5 +/- 32 ms, respectively, and onset latencies between 1.7 and 6.1 ms. The interneurons belonging to this group, which appear not to send axonal projections to Clarke's column, could be classified in three categories depending on their responses to peripheral inputs. Type C interneurons responded mono- or disynaptically to group I muscle volleys and polysynaptically to intermediate threshold (1.22-2.7 X T) cutaneous afferents. Type D interneurons were polysynaptically activated by group II muscle afferents (2.3-8.5 X T) and by intermediate threshold (1.4-3 X T) cutaneous fibers and type E interneurons only by group I muscle afferents with mono- or disynaptic latencies. A third group of interneurons produced nDRPs without iVRPs. The nDRPs had onset latencies varying from 1.9 to 6.2 ms and mean durations of 130.0 +/- 34.6 ms. These neurons (type F) showed spontaneous and evoked bursts of activity and were not antidromically activated from Clarke's column. They responded to stimulation of low- and intermediate-threshold cutaneous fibers (1.04-2.9 X T) with mono- and polysynaptic latencies, but not by group I muscle fibers. Type F interneurons appear to be located in more superficial layers than all the other interneurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

One type of ion-sensitive micro-electrode (K+ ligand Corning 477317) is sensitive to large quaternary ammonium ions such as choline or tetramethylammonium (TMA+). We have now used such electrodes for continuous electrophysiological measurements of changes in cell volume of motoneurons in the isolated frog spinal cord. The electrodes were double-barrelled with tip diameters of 1 m. The reference barrel was filled with 100 mM choline or 100 mM TMA+ in 1 M Mg2+-acetate, the sensitive barrel contained the Corning K+ ligand. After the impalement of a motoneuron, choline or TMA+ diffused into the cell and about 1 h later, a steady-state concentration of these ions in the range of 10–20 mM was reached. Following this period, the motoneurons were activated by repetitive electrical stimulation or by application of amino acids via the bathing solution. All these stimuli led to a transient rise of the intracellular concentrations of choline or TMA+ (indicating a cell shrinkage of 3–10% difference to control volume).  相似文献   

1. The electrical threshold of the terminations of single group Ia and II afferent fibers was transiently reduced by the antidromic discharge of the initial segment of spinal motoneurons in the cat. 2. This depolarization of the terminals of afferent fibers known to synapse on motoneurons confirms previous observations of antidromic electrical interaction between these structures.  相似文献   

1. The organization of primary afferent depolarization (PAD) produced by excitation of peripheral sensory and motor nerves was studied in the frog cord isolated with hind limb nerves.2. Dorsal root potentials from sensory fibres (DR-DRPs) were evoked on stimulation of most sensory nerves, but were largest from cutaneous, joint and flexor muscle afferents. With single shock stimulation the largest cutaneous and joint afferent fibres gave DR-DRPs, but potentials from muscle nerves resulted from activation of sensory fibres with thresholds to electrical stimulation higher than 1.2-1.5 times the threshold of the most excitable fibres in the nerve. This suggests that PAD from muscle afferents is probably due to excitation of extrafusal receptors.3. Dorsal root potentials produced by antidromic activation of motor fibres (VR-DRPs) were larger from extensor muscles and smaller or absent from flexor muscles. The VR-DRPs were produced by activation of the lowest threshold motor fibres.4. Three types of interactions were found between test and conditioning DRPs from the same or different nerves. With maximal responses occlusion was usually pronounced. At submaximal levels linear summation occurred. Near threshold the conditioning stimulus frequently resulted in a large facilitation of the test DRP. All three types of interactions were found with two DR-DRPs, two VR-DRPs or one DR-DRP and one VR-DRP.5. The excitability of sensory nerve terminals from most peripheral nerves was increased during the DR-DRP. The magnitude of the excitability increase varied roughly with the magnitude of the DR-DRP evoked by the conditioning stimulus.6. There was a marked excitability increase of cutaneous and extensor muscle afferent terminals during the VR-DRP. Flexor muscle afferent terminals often showed no excitability changes to ventral root stimulation. In those experiments where afferent terminals from flexor muscles did show an excitability increase, the effects were smaller than those of cutaneous and extensor terminals.7. The VR-DRPs appear to reflect activity of a negative feed-back loop from extensor motoneurones on to sensory fibres from cutaneous and extensor muscles. This system may have a role in modulating the ballistic movement of the frog. DR-DRPs, on the contrary, are widespread in origin and distribution. PAD from sensory fibres may function to sharpen contrast between incoming afferent information.  相似文献   

A recurrent EPSP was observed on antidromic stimulation of motoneurons in the in situ spinal cord of Rana temporaria and R. esculenta at 20-22C. The EPSP was finely graded and not refractory following full or partial antidromic spike components in a given neuron. The EPSP amplitude varied in parallel with the antidromic field potential under different conditions, suggesting transmission of the EPSP to the recorded motoneuron depended on invasion of the somadendritic membrane or neighboring motoneurons by the antidromic spike. The latency of the EPSP with respect to antidromic invasion of the local motoneuron pool was too short for the EPSP to be mediated by chemical transmission. It was concluded the EPSP was electrically transmitted between the somadendritic membranes of the motoneurons. Under certain conditions, the EPSP magnitude could be made to vary with membrane potential in a direction opposite to that expected from a chemical EPSP. Dendritic spikes were sometimes associated with the EPSP.  相似文献   

An extracellular microstimulation technique has been used to investigate and compare the properties of group I primary afferent myelinated fibres in the dorsal column and group Ia unmyelinated terminations in the lumbar spinal cord of cats anaesthetised with pentobarbitone sodium. Fibres were distinguished from terminations on the basis of location, anodic blocking factor and sensitivity to GABAA mimetics. The recovery curves of threshold following an orthodromic impulse provided an estimate of both action potential duration and rate of repolarization. The action potentials of group Ia terminations were of briefer duration (by a factor of approximately 2) with more rapid rates of repolarization (factor of approximately 3) than those of the myelinated fibres. The prolongation of termination but not fibre action potentials by microelectrophoretic tetraethylammonium and 4-aminopyridine indicated the presence of voltage-activated potassium channels in the termination membrane. Differences in the effects on Ia termination action potentials of depolarizations (reductions in threshold) associated with a preceding action potential, synaptically released GABA, microelectrophoretic piperidine-4-sulphonic acid or dl-homocysteic acid suggest that an increase in termination membrane conductance is the major factor in the reduction of transmitter release during the activation of presynaptic GABAA receptors.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of different types of synaptic boutons over the motoneuron cell body and dendrites was studied both in the normal and in the chronically deafferented frog spinal cord. In both preparations, endings with S-type (spherical) vesicles were more numerous than those with F (flat) vesicles, the SF synapse ratio being approximately constant when measured at the soma, the proximal dendrites or the fine dendrites. However, the proportion of S boutons, as well as the proportion of degenerated boutons of afferent fibers in close apposition with other boutons, was higher on the fine dendrites in the lateral neuropile than on the motoneuron cell body and proximal dendrites, and in all cases significantly higher than the proportion of F boutons showing close appositions with other boutons. Degenerated boutons from descending fibers were found to synapse over the motoneuron cell body and proximal dendrites, but these boutons were rarely seen to be closely apposed to other boutons. The possible relation of these findings to the mechanisms generating primary afferent depolarization is discussed.  相似文献   

Electrical properties of the spinal motoneurons of Rana temporaria and R. esculenta were investigated in the in situ spinal cord at 20-22 degrees C by means of intracellular recording and current injection. Input resistance values depended on the method of measurement in a given cell but were generally inversely related to axon conduction velocity. The membrane-potential response to a subthreshold current pulse was composed of at least two exponentials with mean time constants of 2.5 and 20 ms. The membrance potential reached by the peak of a spike depended on the mode of spike initiation and membrane potential. Preceding a suprathreshold depolarization by a hyperpolarizing pulse could delay and eliminate spike initiation, similar to effects reported in certain invertebrate neurons. Antidromic invasion frequently failed in motoneurons of normal resting potential. Antidromic spike components (m,IS, SD) were similar to those of cat motoneurons. The delayed depolarization and the long afterhyperpolarization following an antidromic spike had many properties in common with the analogous afterpotentials of cat motoneurons. The reversal potential of the short afterhyperpolarization occurring immediately after the spike varied with resting potential and could not be used to determine potassium equilibrium potential. Sustained rhythmic firing could be evoked by continuous synaptic drive or long pulses of injected current. The plot of firing rate versus current strength had a substantial linear region. Both steady firing and adaptation properties varied markedly with motoneuron input resistance.  相似文献   

The excitability of single cutaneous primary afferent fibres (sural nerve) was tested by focal stimulation in the dorsal horn of the cat spinal cord, and recording the antidromically conducted action potential in the peripheral nerve. To induce primary afferent depolarization, which is an expression of presynaptic inhibition, the superficial peroneal nerve was stimulated. The primary afferent depolarization was measured as the concomitant excitability change in the antidromically excited sural fibre. This primary afferent depolarization was reduced by 32% during microelectrophoretic release of bicuculline methochloride near the microstimulation electrode in the dorsal horn. Microelectrophoresis of γ-aminobutyrate increased excitability in sural nerve fibres which correlated with the primary afferent depolarization induced by stimulation of the superficial peroneal nerve.The results suggest a possible role for γ-aminobutyrate in presynaptic inhibition of cutaneous afferent fibres in the cat.  相似文献   

1. The electrophysiological properties of alpha-motoneurons in old cats (14-15 yr) were compared with those of adult cats (1-3 yr). These properties were measured utilizing intracellular recording and stimulating techniques. 2. Unaltered in the old cat motoneurons were the membrane potential, action potential amplitude, and slopes of the initial segment (IS) and soma dendritic (SD) spikes, as well as the duration and amplitude of the action potential's afterhyperpolarization. 3. In contrast, the following changes in the electrophysiological properties of lumbar motoneurons were found in the old cats: a decrease in axonal conduction velocity, a shortening of the IS-SD delay, an increase in input resistance, and a decrease in rheobase. 4. In spite of these considerable changes in motoneuron properties in the old cat, normal correlations between different electrophysiological properties were maintained. The following key relationships, among others, were the same in adult and old cat motoneurons: membrane potential polarization versus action potential amplitude, duration of the afterhyperpolarization versus motor axon conduction velocity, and rheobase versus input conductance. 5. A review of the existing literature reveals that neither chronic spinal cord section nor deafferentation (13, 21) in adult animals produce the changes observed in old cats. Thus we consider it unlikely that a loss of synaptic contacts was responsible for the modifications in electrophysiological properties observed in old cat motoneurons. 6. We conclude that during old age there are significant changes in the soma-dendritic portion of cat motoneurons, as indicated by the modifications found in input resistance, rheobase, and IS-SD delay, as well as significant changes in their axons, as indicated by a decrease in conduction velocity.  相似文献   

Lithium sensitive microelectrodes were used to investigate the transmembrane distribution of lithium ions (Li+) in motoneurons of the isolated frog spinal cord. After addition of 5 mmol·l–1 LiCl to the bathing solution the extracellular diffusion of Li+ was measured. At a depth of 500 m, about 60 min elapsed before the extracellular Li+ concentration approached that of the bathing solution. Intracellular measurements revealed that Li+ started to enter the cells soon after reaching the motoneuron pool and after up to 120 min superfusion, an intra — to extracellular concentration ratio of about 0.7 was obtained. The resting membrane potential and height of antidromically evoked action potentials were not altered by 5 mmol·l–1 Li+.  相似文献   

Double-barrelled pH-sensitive micro-electrodes were used to measure changes of intracellular and extracellular pH in and around motoneurons of the isolated frog spinal cord during application of excitatory amino acids. It was found that N-methyl-D-aspartate, quisqualate and kainate produced a concentration-dependent intracellular acidification. Extracellularly, triphasic pH changes (acid-alkaline-acid going pH transients) were observed during the action of these amino acids. The possible significance of such pH changes for the physiological and pathophysiological effects of excitatory amino acids are discussed.  相似文献   

In addition to primary afferent fibres, the dorsal columns of the cat spinal cord contain ascending second-order axons which project to the dorsal column nuclei. The aim of the present study was to obtain morphological evidence that certain primary afferent axons form monosynaptic contacts with cells of origin of this postsynaptic dorsal column pathway. In ten adult cats, neurones with axons ascending the dorsal columns were retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase using a pellet implantation method in the thoracic dorsal columns. In the lumbosacral regions of the same animals, primary afferent fibres were labelled intra-axonally with ionophoretic application of horseradish peroxidase. Tissue containing labelled axons was prepared for light and combined light and electron microscopy. Ultrastructural examination demonstrated that slowly adapting (Type I), hair follicle, Pacinian corpuscle and group Ia muscle spindle afferents formed monosynaptic contacts with labelled cells and light microscopical analysis suggested that they also received monosynaptic input from rapidly adapting (Krause) afferents. This evidence suggests that sensory information from large-diameter cutaneous and muscle spindle afferent fibres is conveyed disynaptically via the postsynaptic dorsal column pathway to the dorsal column nuclei. Some of the input to this pathway is probably modified in the spinal cord as the majority of primary afferent boutons forming monosynaptic contacts were postsynaptic to other axon terminals. The postsynaptic dorsal column system appears to constitute a major somatosensory pathway in the cat.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural characteristics of primary afferent fibres, which express -galactose extended oligosaccharides recognized by LD2 and LA4 monoclonal antibodies, and the subcellular localization of these oligosaccharides were studied. LD2 and LA4 antibodies both label intensely the plasma membrane of primary afferent fibres, and with LD2 antibody all immunoreactive profiles also possessed strong intracellular staining. In contrast, intracellular staining with LA4 antibody was observed in only a subpopulation of stained profiles. LD2-immunoreactive fibres were detected in trigeminal and Lissauer tracts and in lamina I (LI) and lamina II (LII), and appeared as a mixture of unmyelinated and myelinated fibres. The highest density of LD2-immunoreactive synaptic boutons was found in lamina II outer (LIIo). Many of the terminals were simple dome-shaped terminals, making single asymmetric synapses over small and medium-sized dendritic shafts and dendritic spines. All LA4-immunoreactive fibres were unmyelinated. In addition, some small scalloped central-glomerular terminals contacting two or three dendrites were found. LA4-immunoreactive fibres were found more frequently than terminals and appeared most heavily immunostained in trigeminal and Lissauer tracts. In the neuropil of LI and LII, LA4 profiles were generally very weakly immunostained, although a small sample of immunostained synaptic boutons was detected. All LA4-immunoreactive terminals were found in lamina II inner (LIIi) and made simple asymmetric axodendritic synapses. In addition to axons and terminals, some dendrites exhibited LD2 immunoreactivity and this was most intense in the region of synaptic vesicles. In addition to neurons, some endothelial cells were immunostained with LD2 antibody and astrocytes were immunostained with LA4 antibody.  相似文献   

Following high thoracic spinal cord transection (SCT) in rats, abnormal changes in arterial pressure in response to sensory stimulation (autonomic dysreflexia) are correlated with changes in neural circuitry in the injured spinal cord. Anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to Texas Red (WGATR) and confocal microscopy were used to characterize the increased arbourization of Adelta and Abeta fibre populations in laminae III-V of the dorsal horn. In cord-injured animals, significantly greater areas of WGATR-labeled fibres were found in the deeper laminae of the dorsal horn than in control rats. This increased area likely reflects sprouting of the Adelta, Abeta, and possibly C fibre populations. The time course of sprouting matches the onset of autonomic dysreflexia, indicating a possible functional correlation between the two phenomena.  相似文献   

 This study was primarily aimed at investigating the selectivity of the cortico-spinal actions exerted on the pathways mediating primary afferent depolarization (PAD) of muscle spindle and tendon organ afferents ending within the intermediate nucleus at the L6–L7 segmental level. To this end we analyzed, in the anesthetized cat, the effects produced by electrical stimulation of sensory nerves and of the cerebral cortex on (a) the intraspinal threshold of pairs of single group I afferent fibers belonging to the same or to different hindlimb muscles and (b) the intraspinal threshold of two collaterals of the same muscle afferent fiber. Afferent fibers were classified in three categories, according to the effects produced by stimulation of segmental nerves and of the cerebral cortex. Twenty-five of 40 fibers (62.5%) were depolarized by stimulation of group I posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) or tibialis (Tib) fibers, but not by stimulation of the cerebral cortex or of cutaneous and joint nerves, which instead inhibited the PBSt- or Tib-induced PAD (type A PAD pattern, usually seen in Ia fibers). The remaining 15 fibers (37.5%) were all depolarized by stimulation of the PBSt or Tib nerves and the cerebral cortex. Stimulation of cutaneous and joint nerves produced PAD in 10 of those 15 fibers (type B PAD pattern) and inhibited the PBSt- or Tib-induced PAD in the 5 remaining fibers (type C PAD pattern). Fibers with a type B or C PAD pattern are likely to be Ib. Not all sites in the cerebral cortex inhibited with the same effectiveness the segmentally induced PAD of group I fibers with a type A PAD pattern. With the weakest stimulation of the cortical surface, the most effective sites that inhibited the PAD of individual fibers were surrounded by less effective sites, scattered all along the motor cortex (area 4γ and 6) and sensory cortex (areas 3, 2 and 1), far beyond the area of projection of group I fibers from the hindlimb. With higher strengths of cortical stimulation, the magnitude of the inhibition was also increased, and previously ineffective or weakly effective sites became more effective. Maps obtained when using the weakest cortical stimuli have indicated that the most effective regions that produced PAD of group I fibers with a type B or type C PAD pattern were also scattered throughout the sensory-motor cortex, in the same general area as those that inhibited the PAD of group I afferents with a type A PAD pattern. In eight fibers with a type A PAD pattern it was possible to examine the intraspinal threshold of two collaterals of the same single afferent fiber ending within the intermediate nucleus at the L7 segmental level. In six fibers, stimulation of the PBSt nerve with trains of pulses between 1.5 and 1.86 times threshold (×T) produced a larger PAD in one collateral than in the other. In seven fibers, stimulation of the sensory-motor cortex and of cutaneous nerves produced a larger inhibition of the PBSt-induced PAD in one collateral than in the other. The ratio of the cortically induced inhibition of the PAD elicited in the two collaterals could be modified by changing the strength of cortical and of PBSt stimulation. In three fibers it was possible to inhibit almost completely the background PAD elicited in one collateral while having little or no effect on the PAD in the other collateral. Changes in the intraspinal threshold of pairs of collaterals following electrical stimulation of segmental nerves and of the somato-sensory cortex were examined in three fibers with a type B and two fibers with a type C PAD pattern. In four fibers the PAD elicited by stimulation of cutaneous (4–20×T) and muscle nerves (1.54–3.7×T), or by stimulation of the sensory-motor cortex, was of different magnitude in the two collaterals. In two experiments it was possible to find cortical sites in which weak surface stimulation produced PAD in one collateral only. The magnitude of the PAD elicited in pairs of collaterals of group I afferents with a type B or C PAD pattern, or the inhibition of the PAD in pairs of collaterals of fibers with a type A PAD pattern, appeared not to be topographically related to the site of spinal projection of the cutaneous and cortico-spinal fibers used for conditioning stimulation. The present demonstration of a differential control of the PAD exerted on two collaterals of the same afferent fiber suggests that the profuse intraspinal branching of muscle spindle and tendon organs is a potentially rich substrate for information transmission. By means of presynaptic control mechanisms, the terminal arborizations of the afferent fibers could function either as a simple unit or in a fractionated manner, allowing funneling of information to selected groups of central neurons. Received: 18 April 1996 / Accepted: 5 September 1996  相似文献   

Summary Direct intracellular stimulation of amphibian motoneurones can elicit unitary recurrent responses in some individual primary afferent fibres. These effects are probably mediated through GABA-ergic terminals of spinal interneurones.  相似文献   

Spinal serotonin1 (5-HT1)(labelled by [3H]5-HT), 5-HT1A (labelled by [3H]8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin ([3H]8-OH-DPAT)), mu- (labelled by [3H]Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-(Me)Phe-Gly-ol ([3H]DAGO) and [3H]naloxone) and delta-opiate (labelled by [3H]Tyr-D-Ser-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr [( 3H]DSTLE] receptor binding sites were studied in adult rats using quantitative autoradiography after either neonatal treatment with capsaicin or unilateral cervical dorsal rhizotomy. Both treatments produced a significant loss of 5-HT (-20 to -30%) and opiate (-30 to -45%) binding sites within the superficial layers of the dorsal horn, suggesting they are partly located presynaptically on primary afferent fibres. Thus, 5-HT, as well as opiates, might generate analgesia by acting--at least partly--on primary afferent nociceptive fibres at the spinal level.  相似文献   

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