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韦敏  陈沁  余大敏  郭俐麟 《中国药房》2012,(36):3371-3373
目的:为促进社区药学服务的发展提供参考。方法:在广州城区10个不同的药店设立调查点,对进店购药的850名顾客发放调查问卷,调查内容包括用药行为、药品知识及获取药品知识的途径、接受药店药学服务情况、对药店药学服务的评价等。结果:共收回有效问卷687份,有效回收率为80.8%。66.8%的受访者最近3个月曾因治疗疾病应用过药物,药店为主要药品来源;受访者存在多种错误的用药行为,用药后不良反应发生率达10.5%;受访者药品使用常识缺乏,药店店员成为仅次于医师的获得药品知识的主要途径之一;顾客在药店接受的药学服务不足,经常接受店员提供的主要4项服务的平均比例为25.01%。调查还显示,药店工作人员的专业水平不高。结论:广州城区居民对社区药学服务需求巨大,而现阶段接受社会药房药学服务不足,提示药店的社区药学服务有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

目的:调查社区居民的药学知识情况和药学服务需求,探索社区药学服务的开展方法。方法:选择在万寿路社区卫生服务中心就诊的居民及在万寿路辖区内居住的居民,共计对806名居民进行了问卷调查。结果:本辖区66.2%的居民参与基本医疗保险和工伤保险; 86.43%居民家中的常用药物来源于医院,64.33%居民就医首选三级医院;有56.10%的居民对药品不良反应“大概了解”;有52.13%的居民认为社区药学服务非常重要;窗口咨询是最受居民欢迎的药学服务形式。结论:社区居民迫切需要药学服务,社区药师应转变服务观念,提高药学服务能力,开展多种形式的药学服务模式,提高社区居民的合理使用药品水平。  相似文献   

鲁珺  吴跃传  王超 《药品评价》2012,9(20):18-22
目的:了解社区居民的用药知识知晓情况和药学服务需求,探索适合社区居民的药学服务内容和模式。方法:选择双榆树社区卫生服务中心的门诊患者为研究对象,采取问卷的方式进行调查,调查内容包括个人基本情况、个人健康状况、用药常识的知晓情况与希望获得的药学服务。结果:到本社区医院就诊的居民中60岁以上老年人所占比例最大,为57.87%;患有糖尿病、高血压等慢性病的居民比例较高;被调查对象的用药常识知晓率较低,只有19.26%的居民能正确认识药品的不良反应;86.78%的居民家中备有常用药品,对药品的正确贮存方法知晓率不高,46.19%的居民不会定期清理过期与变质药品;大部分居民(63.97%)认为社区药学服务非常重要,健康课堂和窗口咨询是居民获取用药知识最受欢迎的途径。结论:需迫切提高社区医院的药学服务能力,探索适合社区居民的药学服务内容和模式,提高社区居民合理用药水平。  相似文献   

张利 《哈尔滨医药》2006,26(1):13-14
开展社区卫生服务是卫生改革的方向。为了了解社区居民的卫生需求,以提供社区卫生服务工作的依据,我们于2003年6月~2003年11月对乐群社区居民的卫生服务需求及影响因素进行了调查,报道如下。1对象与方法以柳州市所辖乐群社区的18岁以上居民为调查对象,采用广西壮族自治区卫生厅  相似文献   

增强社区居民社区药学服务需求意识之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巢勤华 《中国药业》2009,18(18):2-2
该文阐述了社区药学服务的概念,分析了社区居民缺乏社区药学服务需求意识的原因,并提出了针对性改进建议。  相似文献   

目的 了解社区居民对心理卫生服务的需求,为在社区卫生服务中开展心理卫生服务提供参考性的意见。方法 用自行设计的调查问卷随机抽取社区的居民进行调查,对收集的资料用Excel建立数据库,进行统计分析。结果 有85.26%的人愿意接受心理卫生服务,并且有75.79%的人认为需要心理卫生服务,47%的人选择了心理咨询为心理卫生服务的内容。约67%的人希望社区开展专家咨询和定期讲座。结论 社区居民对社区心理卫生服务的需求比较迫切,社区卫生服务部门应积极开展心理卫生服务,满足居民的需求。  相似文献   

目的:为医院深入、真实了解社区药学服务工作的需求提供参考。方法:通过设计调查问卷对不同社区开展社区药学服务的需求现状调研,并分析调研结果。结果:调查发现社区居民得到的药学服务非常少,亟需了解药品价格、真假等方面内容,其中多数还不知道社区药学服务的重要性和迫切性。结论:可充分利用医院药学部门的专业技术优势,从定点、定期深入社区开展药学服务,对门诊或住院患者延伸社区药学服务,利用现代化通讯工具拓展社区药学服务等角度,进行不同方式、内容和对象的社区药学服务,以建立一个满足需求的社区药学服务模式。  相似文献   

周萍  陈瑞芳  吴明钗  吴放 《海峡药学》2009,21(2):154-155
对500名60岁以上的老年患者采取问卷调查及谈话的形式对社区药学服务需求的内容进行调查分析。显示老年人慢性患病率很高。对社区药学服务的需求较大。有85.6%的老年慢性病患者认为有必要开展社区药学服务.79.2%的老年患者愿意在社区服务站接受药师合理用药的指导。67.2%的老年患者愿意接受电话咨询用药情况,39.6%的老年患者愿意接受药师定期上门开展家庭式的查房。24。3%的老年慢性病患者愿意建立个人药历或药师服务卡等;老年患者接受药师的用药指导中,最希望了解的内容是慢性病的用药知识,其中最需要的内容为“用法用量和用药注意事项”;其次为“适应症和不良反应”。  相似文献   

傅超  贡庆  虞巧先  李妍  乔仪 《中国药房》2013,(44):4145-4148
目的:了解目前上海居民对社区卫生服务机构药学服务的态度和需求,为主管部门和基层医疗卫生机构提供参考。方法:采用问卷和访谈相结合的方法,对上海市静安区、长宁区、黄浦区、松江区等9个行政区内的19个社区的居民进行调查,并就调查结果进行统计和分析。结果:共发放664份问卷,回收658份有效问卷,有效回收率为99.1%;共访谈19人次。547名(83.2%)受访者对于社区药学服务满意;573名(87.1%)受访者清楚所提供有关药物方面的知识;364名(55.4%)受访者认为药学服务帮助一般;受访者希望增加更多的社区药学服务内容。128名(19.5%)受访者已签订家庭医生制服务契约,未签约的受访者中有331名(62.4%)表示愿意或可以考虑签订家庭医生制服务契约。受访者认为社区药学服务的优势是便捷和用药指导及时;不足是服务水平参差不齐,药品品种不全、数量不够。结论:上海社区药学服务质量需要提升,服务仍需多样化,且家庭医生制服务未广泛普及。建议均衡提高社区卫生服务机构医务人员业务素质和服务能力;改善社区卫生服务机构药品配备种类,优化药品配送方式;细化社区药学服务内容,注重服务对象的特殊性;丰富家庭医生制服务中的药学服务内容,增强家庭卫生服务作用。  相似文献   

目的 了解合肥市社区居民对家庭医生服务的需求情况,探讨社区居民签约家庭医生意愿的影响因素,为家庭医生服务的推进提供政策性建议。方法 2016年3月采用多阶段抽样方法,对合肥市480名社区居民进行社会人口学特征、家庭医生签约意愿情况、家庭医生服务内容需求、家庭医生的信任度的调查。结果 46.04%的社区居民不熟悉家庭医生政策;47.50%的社区居民有签约意愿;不同的年龄、婚姻状况、医保类型、月收入、慢性病程间的社区居民对家庭医生的签约意愿差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);52.50%的社区居民对家庭医生信任。结论 合肥市社区居民对家庭医生的认知有待加强;应针对不同人群,制定个性化的服务,对社区居民进行饮食、运动指导,增加对疾病的管理,能提高居民的信任度。  相似文献   

《Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal》2021,29(12):1441-1448
BackgroundPharmacists as a group of health care professionals, face different types of ethical challenges in their everyday routine that may impede pharmaceutical care.ObjectivesIn this study, we aimed at evaluation and recognition of the ethical challenges of pharmacy practice in community pharmacies.MethodsThis exploratory study was conducted as a qualitative study consisting of open-ended in-depth interviews and focus group discussions followed by content analysis. The study participants were chosen from pharmacists with PharmD degree who had at least 4 years work experience and were the founders or technical managers of community pharmacies, either as governmental or private. Interviews continued until data saturation and transcribed verbatim. The content analysis was done by Graneheim and Lundman method. The codes were generated, and categorized. After assessment and final modifications, the results of the study were discussed and confirmed in a focus group discussion conducted by 7 experts who teach medical ethics and/or pharmacy ethics.ResultsOverall, 40 pharmacists were interviewed (mean age 46 ± 11.3 years). The extracted ethical challenges of pharmacy practice were categorized into 3 main themes, 11 subthemes and 102 codes. The themes were achieved as challenges related to professionalism and professional practice, challenges related to professional communications and challenges related to regulations and policies.ConclusionTaken together, it seems that most of the challenges of pharmacy practice are related to professionalism and professional commitment; however, the regulations and policies provide serious obstacles for pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical care. More efforts towards teaching professionalism and modification of regulations and policies are recommended.  相似文献   

高福君  高福东 《齐鲁药事》2013,32(6):365-366
目的呼吁药学实习生积极参与社会药房的药学服务工作,提高药学人员技术服务能力,为实习企业赢得社会信誉。方法通过对部分社区居民的问卷调查,结合淄博市社会药房药学服务的现状,制订实习基地药学服务计划,引导本专业实习生进行多种形式的药学服务活动。结果与结论初步为实习基地确立了有效的药学服务模式,强化了学生的沟通技巧及药学服务知识,培养了药学服务专业人才队伍。为我院开展药学服务活动提供建议和参考依据。  相似文献   

目的 了解东莞市社区居民脑梗塞(cerebral infarction,CI)发病的影响因素,为预防和控制CI的发生提供科学依据.方法 采用1∶1配对病例-对照研究方法,在东莞市社区中收集CI病例和对照各150例,调查既往病史、家族史、环境因素等流行病学方面的资料.采用SPSS13.0软件对CI发病的相关因素进行分析.结果 多因素Logistic回归分析显示体育锻炼、高血压史、经济压力、甘油三酯为影响CI发病的影响因素,其中体育锻炼(OR=0.050)为CI保护性因素,高血压史(OR=4.336)、经济压力(OR=3.516)、甘油三酯(OR=3.787)为危险因素.结论 东莞市社区居民脑梗塞的危险因素主要为高血压史、经济压力和甘油三酯,通过积极预防和治疗原发病,养成良好的生活方式可以有效预防脑梗塞的发生.  相似文献   

目的通过对上海市某社区居民对家庭医师需求调查,了解现状,以便更有效的为社区居民提供医疗服务,改善社区居民的健康状况,提高社区居民对家庭医师的满意度。方法在某社区内随机抽取200户居民,采用自行设计的问卷,对全科医师所承担的医疗责任需求进行调查。结果接受问卷访问的调查者中,依次将"常见病、多发病的诊疗"、"慢性病随访及用药指导"、"社区病房或家庭病房"排在前三位。结论根据调查结果显示,社区居民认为家庭医师能够提供"常见病、多发病的诊疗"是首要的服务内容,故提高常规诊疗能力仍旧是全科医师应接受的培训重点。  相似文献   

BackgroundWith the evolving roles of pharmacy technicians in the United States, the profession has attempted to define a national standard. Community pharmacy employers to-date have preferred on-the-job training to formal, accredited training programs or credentialing, however, limited evidence exists on the perceived needs of pharmacy technicians in the United States compared to those of community pharmacy employers.ObjectivesThe aims of this study were to explore: 1) community pharmacy employer perceptions of associated benefits and perceived value of pharmacy technician certification and 2) needs of employers related to pharmacy technician attitudes and knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs).MethodsUsing a semi-structured interview guide, researchers interviewed 7 community pharmacy employers within top management teams in a variety of community pharmacy settings. The data were analyzed for themes using the human capital vs. signal theory.ResultsEmployers and managers generally saw both attitude and KSAs as vital to success. However, given a choice between experience and attitude, attitude was preferred. There was general agreement that certified technicians offered more value to their organization, however gaps in certified technician KSAs were noted (i.e., lack of day-to-day practical skills, vaccination screening, motivating patients to change behaviors, patient communication and workflow management).ConclusionsNew emerging directions for certification now exist due to the rapidly shifting pharmacy landscape, which is revolves around new and expanded clinical patient care services. This shifting landscape has exposed gaps, reinforced strengths, and uncovered potential new opportunities and needs related to technician certification.  相似文献   

Aim of the review The aim of this review is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the available literature in order to identify and evaluate studies measuring patient satisfaction with pharmacy services delivered by pharmacists in a community setting. Method An extensive literature search was conducted in five databases (Medline, Scopus, Embase, Psychinfo, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts) using the search terms “patient/client/consumer satisfaction” AND “community pharmacy/pharmacies” AND “pharmacy service/pharmaceutical services/pharmacy program/intervention/intervention studies”. Only those articles where the main focus was measuring patient satisfaction with services delivered in community pharmacies were included in the review. Patient satisfaction was explored with three different levels of pharmacy services—general services, intervention services and cognitive services. Results Twenty-four articles measuring patient satisfaction with community pharmacy services were retrieved. Of these, eleven measured patient satisfaction with general services, six measured satisfaction with intervention services and seven measured satisfaction with cognitive services. The majority of studies reviewed had adopted and measured satisfaction as a multidimensional construct. None of the studies reviewed tested any theoretical models of satisfaction. Further a lack of consistent instruments measuring patient satisfaction was observed, with most of the reviewed studies using self developed, non-validated or ad hoc instruments with items from various previously published papers. The review also observed high levels of patient satisfaction with pharmacy services be they general, intervention or cognitive services. Conclusion This review found that patient satisfaction has been measured within the community pharmacy context to a certain degree. Further research is needed to develop and test instruments based on theoretical frameworks, to test satisfaction pre and post hoc and in well designed randomized controlled trials and to measure changes in satisfaction over time. Novel approaches involving an understanding of expectations and preferences of patients and matching these to the services provided also need to be explored.  相似文献   

BackgroundPharmacists played a key role during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: they contributed to preventing transmission and to maintaining continuity of primary care.ObjectivesTo present the contributions of a Swiss pharmacy of an academic outpatient care department (Unisanté) to the prevention of COVID-19 transmission and the precautionary measures plan implemented as well as to evaluate the impact of Swiss semicontainment on its pharmacy services.MethodsContributions to COVID-19 transmission prevention and the precautionary measures plan are described. The impact on pharmacy services was measured by quantitative comparison before, during and after semicontainment.ResultsThe pharmacy supplied protective equipment to the population and to liberal healthcare professionals and provided COVID-19 recommendations to patients and community pharmacies. The precautionary measures plan implemented required a reorganization of the premises, facilities, staff operation and pharmacy services. Semicontainment had a strong impact on pharmacy services; however, clinical bonds with patients and other healthcare professionals were maintained. Unseen negative impacts may exist and need to be investigated.ConclusionsAlthough innovative solutions remain to be developed to guarantee continuous and secure remote communication with patients, this pandemic was an opportunity to demonstrate the versatility, benefit and importance of community pharmacy services.  相似文献   

IntroductionDrug-related problems (DRPs) are events or circumstances involving drug therapy that actually or potentially interferes with desired health outcomes.ObjectivesTo assess community pharmacists’ knowledge and practice regarding DRP-reduction services, as well as the barriers and factors associated with decreased provision of these services.MethodsThis cross-sectional study utilized a validated questionnaire to assess pharmacists’ knowledge, practice, and barriers to the provision of DRP-reduction services in the community pharmacy setting. Binary regression model was used to assess the variables associated with the practice of DRP-reduction services.ResultsA total of 412 pharmacists participated in the study. The pharmacists demonstrated strong knowledge but inadequate practice of DRP-reduction services. The most reported DRPs were inappropriate combination of drugs, or drugs and herbal medications, or drugs and dietary supplements (52.4%), patients’ inability to understand instructions properly (46.1%), inappropriate drug according to guidelines (43.7%), and too high dose (40.3%). The most common barriers to these services were increased workload (60.5%), limited time (53.2%), and lack of good communication skills (49.8%). The presence of a counselling area in the pharmacy increased the practice of DRP-reduction services (OR: 3.532, 95%Cl: 2.010–5.590, P < 0.001), while increased weekly working hours (OR: 0.966, 95%Cl: 0.947–0.986), P < 0.01) and serving < 10 patients daily (OR = 0.208, 95%Cl: 0.072–0.601, P < 0.01) decreased it.ConclusionsCommunity pharmacists’ practice of DRP-reduction services showed a scope for improvement. Future pharmaceutical care initiatives should increase the number of personnel working in the pharmacy and provide them with opportunities for continued education and training in order to improve the provision of DRP services and optimize patients’ outcomes.  相似文献   

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