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目的 以药学服务岗位胜任力评价指标为导向,探讨培养面向社会药房的高职药学专业学生的课程改革。方法 通过检索文献,提炼适合社会药房药师岗位胜任力的相关指标。对接收我校药学专业实习的15家社会药房工作人员,开展药学专业课程重要性评价调查。以及我校在培养学生药学服务岗位胜任力方面开展的实践教学改革。结果 药事管理与法规、药学综合知识与技能、药理学等课程评价分值较高,与化学相关的课程分值较低。增加实践教学有利于培养药学服务能力。结论 减少化学学科课程,增加医学、社会-行为课程的课程体系和实践教学改革有利于培养高职药学专业学生的药学服务能力。  相似文献   

廖俊  何聿娴 《药学教育》2012,28(6):19-22
调研国内外高等院校药学类专业研究生计算思维的课程设置,总结药学类研究生计算机教学的特点与面临问题。针对药学类研究生计算机教学中遇到的问题,提出从课程内容、教学方法和教学环节等方面改革的思路和建设性意见。  相似文献   

通过文献检索、专家访谈、专家函询等方式完善、补充、修订用于提高海战伤救护能力的训练课程,对52名海战伤救护护理梯队队员依照训练课程大纲与方案实施培训,培训后进行理论、技能和综合能力考核评价.与培训前相比,各队员在理论、技能操作成绩等方面均有显著提高,经培训后队员胜任力综合考评成绩优良率达95.56%,标准化伤员对队员胜...  相似文献   

社会与管理药学是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科,目前国内本学科研究生培养工作正在如火如荼的展开。本研究将国内与国外学科研究生培养情况进行比较,发现国外社会药学教育更偏向于药学实践的教育,人文社会科学教育的比例较大,更强调人在药学服务中的主观能动性。由此,笔者提出采取科学定位人才培养目标,完善课程体系,加大教材建设的力度,加强师资队伍建设,引入不同的教学法等一系列措施来保证构建科学合理的学科教学体系,为研究生培养提供思路。  相似文献   

目的设计基于胜任力的调剂药师能力提升体系,提高药学服务能力。方法进行儿科调剂药师的岗位胜任力分析,制定岗位说明书和工作流程。儿科调剂药师的岗位胜任力应包括法律法规知识、药学专业知识和人文素养。结果儿科调剂药师岗位胜任力中,法律法规包括国家和地方法规文件以及本院规章制度。药学专业知识,包括各年龄段儿童用药特点、药物治疗相关指南、处方审核要点和用药交代。人文素养包括人文关怀、药学服务礼仪和沟通技巧。结论本体系值得在调剂药师培训中推广,在教学中应注意理论课和案例教学相结合,并通过继续教育和评估调剂药师工作能力加以完善。  相似文献   

目的:为加强零售药店药师队伍建设、保障公众安全合理用药提供参考。方法:采用简单随机抽样方法确定贵州省18个市(县)为调查地点,对调查区域内的所有零售药店进行逐个走访;根据中国药师协会发布的《药师药学服务胜任力评价标准(试行)》对贵州省零售药店的执业药师开展问卷调查和面对面访谈,并对影响受访药师药学服务胜任力的因素进行多元线性回归分析。结果:共走访了贵州省共943家零售药店,调查执业药师270人,受访药师药学服务的胜任力自我评价总分为(79.62±11.23)分,本科及以上学历的占11.5%,药学相关专业的占53.0%。药学服务胜任力自我评价得分中,外语知识、统计学知识和计算机知识等基本知识得分最低,临床思维能力和药物治疗评价能力得分次之。多元线性回归结果显示,年龄对基本技能和专业知识得分的影响有统计学意义,学历对个人素养、基本知识、基本技能、专业知识和专业技能得分的影响有统计学意义,专业技术职务对总分、个人素养、基本技能和专业技能得分的影响有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:贵州省零售药店执业药师整体学历层次偏低,专业水平有限。建议加强对执业药师的监管,提高执业药师准入条件;强化执业药师药学服务专业能力的教育培训,明确零售药店执业药师功能定位,切实保障公众安全合理用药。  相似文献   

方玲  孙旭群  夏泉  许杜娟 《安徽医药》2017,21(8):1552-1554
为满足医院和社会对临床药学人才的需求,高等医药院校急需培养具有岗位胜任力的毕业生,其中实践教学是整个培养过程的关键阶段之一.该文通过对国内外临床药学教育发展的概述,分析我国临床药学实践教学现状和不足之处,探索新的教学方法和模式,以期为我国建立以岗位胜任力为导向的临床药学实践教学改革提供参考.  相似文献   

采用文献研究、问卷调查、逻辑论证及教学实践等研究方法,对成人药学专升本教育的教学内容和课程设置体系进行探讨。结果表明,准确定位专业培养目标和业务规格是科学设置教学内容和课程体系的前提;补充、增加和强化是教学内容和课程体系设置的基本原则;综合课程体系模块和分类是教学内容和课程设置的有效形式。  相似文献   

目的为相关学者开展药师药学服务胜任力研究和医疗机构开展药学人员的人力资源管理提供借鉴。方法以《药师药学服务胜任力评价标准(试行)》为胜任力评价指标设计调查问卷,采用方便抽样的方法,以哈尔滨市两家三级甲等医院的药学专业技术人员为调查对象。采用探索性因子分析来判断胜任力指标体系各维度以及题项是否需要进行调整;运用层次分析法计算各评价指标的最终权重;运用模糊综合评价法对药师药学服务胜任力进行综合评价。结果累计回收问卷152份,其中有效问卷142份,有效回收率为93.42%。受访者中,女性占76.8%,40岁及以下人员占60.6%,本科及以上学历人员占84.5%,中级职称人员占45.1%,工作10年及以下人员占60.6%。采用探索性因子分析共提取出4个公因子,累计方差贡献率为78.841%,分别命名为知识与技能、动机、个人素养、职业道德。药师药学服务胜任力总均分为(5.884±0.810)分,胜任力各条目发展不平衡,其中诚实守信、认真负责和爱岗敬业得分较高,统计学知识、外语知识、药物治疗评价能力得分较低。根据模糊综合评价法,最终综合评价结果为"符合"。结论药师药学服务胜任力评价指标在医疗机构药师药学服务胜任力评价上具有良好的可行性和有效性。同时,医院药师的基础知识及评价临床合理用药的能力尚需进一步提升。  相似文献   

关于临床药学人才培养课程设置的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国经济的迅速发展和医疗体制改革的深入,临床药师的需求将不断增长。应在我国的主要医药高等院校建立完善的临床药学本科教育体系,建立安全、合理用药的人才体系。临床药学本科的课程应包括生物医学、药学、临床医学和社会管理科学等几方面的内容,教学中应加强临床医药学和医药信息检索知识的学习,并注重临床药学实践、与人沟通能力和获取新知识能力的培养,以使其能适应将来临床药师工作的需要。  相似文献   



To evaluate the curricula content of Thai pharmacy schools based on the Thai pharmacy competency standards.


Course syllabi were collected from 11 pharmacy schools. A questionnaire was developed based on the Thai pharmacy competency standards. Course coordinators completed the questionnaire assessing the curricula content.


The curricula for both the bachelor of science in pharmacy degree (BS Pharm) and doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree programs included the minimum content required by the 8 competency domains. The dominant content area in BS Pharm degree programs was product-oriented material. The content ratio of patient to product to social and administrative pharmacy in the BS Pharm degree programs was 2:3:1, respectively. However, the content ratio suggested by the Thai Pharmacy Council was 3:2:1, respectively. For the PharmD programs, the largest content area was patient-oriented material, which was in agreement with the framework suggested by the Thai Pharmacy Council.


The curricula of all Thai pharmacy schools met the competency standards; however, some patient-oriented material should be expanded and some product-oriented content deleted in order to meet the recommended content ratio.  相似文献   

The origins and advancements of pharmacy, medicinal chemistry, and drug discovery are interwoven in nature. Medicinal chemistry provides pharmacy students with a thorough understanding of drug mechanisms of action, structure-activity relationships (SAR), acid-base and physicochemical properties, and absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) profiles. A comprehensive understanding of the chemical basis of drug action equips pharmacy students with the ability to answer rationally the "why" and "how" questions related to drug action and it sets the pharmacist apart as the chemical expert among health care professionals. By imparting an exclusive knowledge base, medicinal chemistry plays a vital role in providing critical thinking and evidence-based problem-solving skills to pharmacy students, enabling them to make optimal patient-specific therapeutic decisions. This review highlights the parallel nature of the history of pharmacy and medicinal chemistry, as well as the key elements of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery that make it an indispensable component of the pharmacy curriculum.  相似文献   

Objective. To implement and evaluate a curriculum development seminar in which graduate students experienced circumstances that occur when faculty members develop and attempt to secure colleague approval for a curriculum.Design. Learning activities for the graduate seminar included classroom lectures, active learning, and a group project in which simulated faculty committees created new curriculums for the pharmacy practice department''s 3 research areas.Assessment. Responses on pre- and post-seminar surveys indicated that graduate students’ self-confidence in their ability to conduct key curriculum development activities increased (p < 0.05). In a post-seminar focus group, graduate students stated that they valued participating in the faculty simulation, learning about curriculum development and research programs other than their own, and collaborating with their peers.Conclusion. A curriculum development faculty simulation was an effective tool for preparing graduate students for curriculum development responsibilities and generated valuable documents that the department could use in the revision of the 3 pharmacy practice graduate school curricula.  相似文献   



To explore a pharmacy school curriculum for opportunities for student engagement and to determine how these might shape student identity as pharmacists.


The learning aims and objectives and methods of assessment from the curriculum of a bachelor of pharmacy (BPharm) program were collected and a concept map was generated. The concept map was interpreted using Barnett and Coates'' curricular domains of knowing, acting and being.


The key concepts within the intended curriculum that were identified from the concept map were drugs, pharmacy, understanding, practice, and skills. Concepts such as patient and consumer, which would indicate a patient-centered approach to the curriculum, were limited. The main form of assessment used in the curriculum was multiple-choice and short-answer examinations.


There was an emphasis in the curriculum on student acquisition of knowledge and this was reinforced by the use of theoretical examinations. The content of the curriculum was drug-centered rather than patient-centered and the emergence of students'' identity as pharmacists may be fragmented as a result.  相似文献   

Objective. To examine how hidden and informal curricula shaped pharmacy students’ learning about patient safety.Methods. A preliminary study exploring planned patient safety content in pharmacy curricula at 3 UK schools of pharmacy was conducted. In-depth case studies were then carried out at 2 schools of pharmacy to examine patient safety education as delivered.Results. Informal learning from teaching practitioners was assigned high levels of credibility by the students, indicating the importance of role models in practice. Students felt that the hidden lessons received in the form of voluntary work experience compensated for limited practice exposure and elements of patient safety not adequately addressed in the formal curriculum, such as learning about safe systems, errors, and professionalism.Conclusions. Patient safety is a multifaceted concept and the findings from this study highlight the importance of pharmacy students learning in a variety of settings to gain an appreciation of these different facets.  相似文献   

Objective. To determine prospective student pharmacists' interest in a rural pharmacy health curriculum.Methods. All applicants who were selected to interview for fall 2011 enrollment at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy were invited to participate in a Web-based survey. Questions addressed participants' willingness to participate in a rural health pharmacy curriculum, interest in practicing in a rural area, and beliefs regarding patient access to healthcare in rural areas.Results. Of the 250 prospective student pharmacists invited to participate, 91% completed the survey instrument. Respondents agreed that populations living in rural areas may have different health needs, and students were generally interested in a rural pharmacy health curriculum.Conclusions. An online survey of prospective student pharmacists was an effective way to assess their interest in a rural pharmacy program being considered by the study institution. Location of the rural program at a satellite campus and availability of housing were identified as factors that could limit enrollment.  相似文献   

Objective. To describe the integration of science of safety (SoS) topics in doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) curricula of US colleges and schools of pharmacy.Methods. A questionnaire that contained items pertaining to what and how SoS topics are taught in PharmD curricula was e-mailed to representatives at 107 US colleges and schools of pharmacy.Results. The majority of the colleges and schools responding indicated that they had integrated SoS topics into their curriculum, however, some gaps (eg, teaching students about communicating risk, Food and Drug Administration [FDA] Sentinel Initiative, utilizing patient databases) were identified that need to be addressed.Conclusions. The FDA and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) should continue to collaborate to develop resources needed to ensure that topics proposed by the FDA in their SoS framework are taught at all colleges and schools of pharmacy.  相似文献   

Objective. To define current use patterns of Facebook and Twitter among pharmacy preceptors and assess perceptions regarding use of social media within professional practice.Methods. An electronic survey instrument was sent to 315 pharmacists registered as advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) preceptors for Purdue University College of Pharmacy.Results. Approximately 60% of the 155 respondents used a Facebook account and 9% used a Twitter account. Respondents were willing to complete continuing education (CE) credit (46%) using social media, and were interested in following professional organizations (39%) on social media; however, the majority were not interested in obtaining drug or disease-state information, identifying employment opportunities, or participating in clinical discussion forums via social media.Conclusion. Despite the growing popularity of social media across multiple disciplines, the majority of pharmacy preceptors surveyed were not willing to use these venues in professional practice.  相似文献   

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