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目的 分析特发性黄斑裂孔患者手术前后的中心视野改变情况.方法 对2005~2006年在中山大学中山眼科中心接受玻璃体手术联合0.25%ICG辅助内界膜剥离治疗的特发性黄斑裂孔患者共19例(19只眼),用Octopns101全自动视野计M2程序观察手术前及手术后2个月、6个月、1年时患者中心10度视野平均缺损(MD)及中心4度平均敏感度(MS)的改变情况.结果 特发性黄斑裂孔手术后共有16例裂孔闭合(84.21%).经多元方差分析16例裂孔闭合的病人手术前及术后2月、6月、1年10度中心视野MD及4度中心视野MS四次测量结果之间的改变情况,趋势图显示术后2个月视野较术前差,随时间延长逐渐有所恢复.结论 特发性黄斑裂孔患者术后2个月时中心视野较术前变差,随时间延长逐渐接近术前水平.  相似文献   

特发性黄斑裂孔手术治疗前后的视功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨特发性黄斑裂孔手术治疗前后患者的视功能。方法 19例(19只眼)特发性黄斑裂孔患者,其中2期3只眼,3期10只眼,4期6只眼。采用玻璃体视网膜手术治疗黄斑裂孔。术前和术后均进行国际标准视力、激光视网膜视力、明视强度反应ERG和Humphrey 30-2程序视野测定。 结果 (1)国际标准视力:术前视力0.01至0.1,术后视力0.04至0.4,术前术后视力改变差异无显著性的意义(p>0.05)。(2)激光视网膜视力:术前激光视网膜视力0.12至0.4,术后激光视网膜视力 从0.2至0.63。术前和术后激光视网膜视力改变差异有显著性的意义(P<0.05)。(3)ERG明视强度反应曲线:术前和术后b波最大振幅Rmax(μV)和代表曲线斜率的n值的改变差异均无显著性的意义(P>0.05)。术后半饱合光刺激强度K(cd·sec/m2)的对数单位Log值,较术前降低,差异有显著性的意义(P<0.05)。(4)Humphrey视野:术后 0~10° 较术前光阈值提高,差异 有显著性的意义(P<0.05)。术前和术后15~30°光阈值差异无显著性的意义(P>0.05)。 结论 手术治疗IMH能提高视网膜黄斑部视锥细胞功能。(中华眼底病杂志,2000,16:213-284)  相似文献   

特发性黄斑裂孔(IMH)玻璃体视网膜手术治疗后的疗效评价目前多采用光相干断层扫描( OCT)检查所反映的视网膜解剖修复率和患者中心视力的变化来衡量[1],但OCT检查通常只能反映手术后黄斑解剖复位情况,并不能体现其功能的恢复.采用更为精确、客观的功能性指标对其评价有重要意义.微视野检查技术分辨率高,刺激光斑在眼底透射点的空间距离小,较传统视野检查更精确、细致,用于黄斑病变检查随访和治疗效果评价,表现出独特的临床应用价值[2-4].  相似文献   

随着玻璃体手术的飞速发展,特发性黄斑裂孔日益受到重视。另外,以往临床上一直作为评价术后疗效主要指标的裸眼及最佳矫正视力,已很难涵盖视觉质量的全部内容。本文介绍对比敏感度、视野、多焦点视网膜电图、立体视功能等现代视功能检查及其在特发性黄斑裂孔中的应用和临床意义,以及手术对其视功能的影响。这些检查不仅对特发性黄斑裂孔的早期诊断、手术适应证把握及术后视觉质量的评价有重要指导意义,而且有助于客观分析术后患者主观视觉质量差的原因并加以处理。熟悉视功能评价的内容和意义,有助于提高此类黄斑裂孔的手术水平,使患者获得更好的术后视觉质量。  相似文献   

本从基础和临床两方面综述了老年特发性黄斑裂孔的研究近况,重点讨论了本病的视觉电生理、视野、组织病理、病因、预后及治疗。老年特发性黄斑裂孔是常见的黄斑裂孔。玻璃体视网膜关系异常所致的玻璃体黄斑牵拉是其发病的主要因素。局部闪光ERG及PVEP检查有助于了解其视功能改变和预后。本病很少发生视网膜脱离,不必用激光光凝治疗。正确运用玻璃体切除术及生长因子等方法有助于本病的治疗和控制。  相似文献   

目的:探讨特发性黄斑裂孔(IMH)玻璃体切割手术后的视功能状况,方法:复习并总结国内外相关文献资料,综合评述IMH玻璃体切割手术后视功能状况。结果:多数患者术后视力较术前提高2行或2行以上,并且主观感觉的视物变形和暗点,辨色力,双眼融合功能和立体视功能也有所改善,术后视野光敏度较术前有所提高;注视性质由术前的偏心注视多数恢复为主后的中心注视,然后部分患者视力的改善提高不显著甚至出现视力下降,部分患者黄斑裂孔虽然获得解剖愈合,但仍遗留某些视觉缺陷。影响术后视力和其他视功能恢复的因素是复杂的,通常与术前视力和视功能状况的好坏,病程长程,裂孔分期早期、手术方式,裂孔愈合状态以及手术合并症等诸多因素相关。结论:黄斑裂孔一旦发生,其裂孔愈合和视功能稳定的机会极少,因此多数学者主张若诊断明确应早手术封闭裂孔,评价玻璃体切割手术治疗IMH的疗效。应在解决形态愈合的基础上综合患者的视力,主观感觉及临床多项视功能进行全面评估。  相似文献   

特发性黄斑裂孔的玻璃体手术治疗   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自从Gass提出黄斑部玻璃体切线方向的牵引是特发性黄斑裂孔形成的原因,玻璃体手术解除牵引,阻止黄斑裂孔发展,保存黄斑部功能已逐渐被国内外学者采纳,并取得令人鼓舞的结果。本文就玻璃体手术技术,适应证,结果及并发症等作一综述。  相似文献   

夏群  龙力  卢颖毅  戴虹  楮德发 《眼视光学杂志》2004,6(3):172-174,178
目的分析特发性黄斑裂孔患者的双眼视功能状况,探讨其相关影响因素.方法对本组40例(45只眼)患者分别进行视力检测、屈光矫正、眼前节及眼底检查;并且采用Amsler表检查患者的中心10 °视野有无视物变形,用颜少明<立体视觉检查图>检查患眼的抑制性暗点;采用同视机三级画片检查患者的双眼同时视功能、融合功能和远距离立体视功能.21例(25只眼)行SLO微视野检查.9例进行经睫状体平坦部玻璃体切割并裂孔填充手术.检查结果用SPSS 1.0统计软件进行t检验、χ2检验和相关分析.结果患眼矫正视力为0.2~1.0(平均0.41),对侧健康眼的矫正视力为0.3~1.5(平均0.82),患眼的平均矫正视力下降与健眼比较,差异有显著性(P<0.001).Amsler表检测显示82.2%的患眼有视物变形和(或)中心暗点,<立体视觉检查图>和SLO的微视野检查显示分别有71.05%和72.0%的患眼抑制性暗点呈阳性,裂孔分期愈高暗点阳性率愈高(P<0.01).采用同视机检查40例患者中,10例(25.0%)双眼同时视功能丢失,20例患者(50.0%)无中心融合功能或融合不稳定,22例患者(55.0%)的远立体视功能>800".双眼视功能的受损程度除与裂孔分期的早晚有关外,还与视力的良莠、病程的长短及裂孔径的大小显著相关(r=-0.66、-0.57、-0.33,P<0.05).9例行玻璃体切割并裂孔填充术的患者,术后除1例由Ⅳ期裂孔转变为Ⅱ期裂孔外,其余8例裂孔封闭,4例视力提高1~2行,3例视力无变化,1例下降;术前有双眼融合功能者2例,术后增加至4例;有立体视功能者由术前的2例增加至术后3例.结论黄斑裂孔不仅损害患眼中心视力,还严重损害患者的双眼视功能.双眼视功能的受损程度除与视力的好坏有关外,还与裂孔分期的早晚、病程的长短、裂孔直径大小及有无中心抑制性暗点等因素相关.病变早期行玻璃体切割手术有望重建或改善患者的双眼视功能.  相似文献   

苏玉民  孙时英 《眼底病》1991,7(3):174-175

AIM: To evaluate macular function before and after successful surgical closure of idiopathic macular holes using multifocal electroretinogram (ERG). METHODS: 40 patients (40 eyes) with idiopathic macular holes were examined using multifocal ERG both before and after vitreous surgery. The postoperative period was from 1 to 12 months. RESULTS: Preoperatively, the electrical retinal response densities in the foveal and the perifoveal area were apparently decreased. After a mean postoperative period of 3-6 months, the foveal and perifoveal area electrical retinal response densities improved to two to four times the preoperative level and the improvement continued to 1 year after surgery. CONCLUSION: In macular holes, the decrease in retinal electrophysiological response was not limited to the fovea but involved an area of the perifovea of 1.6 disc diameters. The electrical retinal response density of these areas gradually improved after macular hole closure.  相似文献   

目的 观测黄斑中心凹下脉络膜厚度(SFCT)在两种不同类型黄斑裂孔手术前后的变化规律,以探讨SFCT与黄斑裂孔预后的关系。设计 回顾性队列研究。研究对象 2021年8月至2022年1月潍坊医学院附属医院确诊为黄斑裂孔并接受玻璃体视网膜手术治疗的患者50例。方法 将研究对象分为特发性黄斑裂孔(IMH)组、高度近视性黄斑裂孔(HMMH)组、正常对照组。IMH组和HMMH组均在术前、术后1周、1个月、3个月随访。观察SFCT的变化,比较IMH组和HMMH组SFCT值变化的特点。主要指标 SFCT、黄斑裂孔闭合状况。结果 正常人组、术前IMH组和HMMH组SFCT值依次降低(F=71.33,P<0.001)。IMH组术后裂孔闭合良好率为91.4%,好于HMMH组的53.3%。两组中裂孔闭合良好组在各个随访时间点的SFCT值较裂孔闭合不良组的差异均有统计学意义(P=0.001、P<0.001、P<0.001、P<0.001)。IMH组中术后1周、术后1个月、术后3个月、术前SFCT值依次减少,差异有统计学意义(F=37.89,P<0.001)。HMMH组中术后1周、1个月、3个月SFCT值依次减少,术前较术后1周SFCT值小(F=7.828,P=0.002)。其中术后1周至1个月时间范围内,HMMH组的SFCT值变化大于IMH组(P=0.001)。IMH组中,裂孔基底径与术后1个月脉络膜厚度相关(r=-0.345,P=0.043)。在IMH和HMMH组中,裂孔基底径均与裂孔高度均相关(P≤0.001、0.004)。IMH组的裂孔基底径小于HMMH组(P=0.045)。结论 MH术后,SFCT值会短暂性增加,然后逐渐降低。术后2~4周内,HMMH眼较IMH眼的SFCT值降低更显著。SFCT可能是影响黄斑裂孔术后愈合的重要因素。(眼科,2023,32:148-153)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the functional and anatomical results of macular hole surgery and to explore its effect on patients' Health-Related Quality Of Life (HR-QOL) and to investigate the associations between self-reported HR-QOL and conventional measures of visual function. DESIGN: Case series. METHODS: The National Eye Institute 25-Item Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25) and the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) were self-administered by 30 patients before and 4 months after macular hole surgery. Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative clinical data were collected including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and metamorphopsia. Multi-item scales rating different aspects of HR-QOL were compared before and after surgery, and their correlation with traditional methods of outcome evaluation was analyzed. RESULTS: Macular hole closure was achieved in 26 patients (87%). Mean LogMAR visual acuity improved by 6 +/- 10 letters for distance and 7 +/- 12 letters for near. Metamorphopsia was reduced by a mean of 35 +/- 70 squares on Amsler chart, and Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity decreased by a mean of -0.09 +/- 0.3 log units postoperatively. The VFQ-25 composite score as well as scale scores associated with general vision, near vision, vision-related mental health, and role difficulties were significantly improved (P < .05) after successful closure of macular hole. Conversely out of the eight SF-36 health concepts, limitation in usual role activities because of emotional problems was the only one that significantly improved postoperatively. Both baseline and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity significantly correlated with most of the VFQ subscale scores before and after surgery, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In this case-series, macular hole surgery appears to have a beneficial effect on patients' subjective perception of visual function. The use of vision-targeted health status questionnaires in conjunction with detailed clinical examination provides a more comprehensive overview of individuals' daily well-being after surgical intervention. Further controlled studies are required to confirm our findings.  相似文献   

AIM:To evaluate the macular microvasculature before and after surgery for idiopathic macular hole(MH)and the association of preoperative vascular parameters with postoperative recovery of visual acuity and configuration.METHODS:Twenty eyes from 20 patients with idiopathic MH were enrolled.Optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)images were obtained before,2 wk,1,and 3 mo after vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling.Preoperative foveal avascular zone(FAZ)area and perimeter and regional vessel density(VD)in both layers were compared according to the 3-month best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA).RESULTS:The BCVA improved from 0.98±0.59(log MAR,Snellen 20/200)preoperatively to 0.30±0.25(Snellen 20/40)at 3 mo postoperatively.The preoperative deep VD was smaller and the FAZ perimeter was larger in the 3-month BCVA<20/32 group(all P<0.05).A significant reduction was observed in FAZ parameters and all VDs 2 wk postoperatively.Except for deep perifoveal VD,all VDs recovered only to their preoperative values.The postoperative FAZ parameters were lower during follow-up.Decreases in preoperative deep VDs were correlated with worse postoperative BCVA(Pearson’s r=-0.667 and-0.619,respectively).A larger FAZ perimeter(Spearman’s r=-0.524)and a lower deep perifoveal VD preoperatively(Pearson’s r=0.486)were associated with lower healing stage.CONCLUSION:The status of the deep vasculature may be an indicator of visual acuity in patients with a closed MH.Except for the deep perifoveal region,VD recovers only to preoperative levels.  相似文献   

目的 观察特发性黄斑裂孔(IMH)玻璃体切割手术(PPV)联合吲哚青绿(ICG)辅助内界膜剥除治疗前后的矫正视力及多焦视网膜电图(mfERG)的改变.方法 回顾分析我科接受PPV联合0.25%ICG辅助内界膜剥除治疗的特发性黄斑裂孔患者19例19只眼的临床资料.所有患眼手术前裂孔情况和手术后2个月裂孔闭合情况均以OCT检查为依据.采用VERIS Science 4.9视觉诱发反应图像系统观察手术前及手术后2、6、12个月患者mfERG6个环形视网膜区域mfERG的P1波振幅密度,同时分析比较手术前后最佳矫正视力的改变情况.结果 手术后2个月,OCT检查显示16例16只眼黄斑裂孔闭合,占84.21%;3例3只眼黄斑裂孔未闭合,占15.79%.手术后最佳矫正视力较手术前提高,其中以手术后2个月提高幅度最大(F=6.389,P=0.045).手术后2、6、12个月mfERG各环P1波振幅较手术前均明显降低,其差异均有统计学意义(t=6.140,P<0.05).结论 IMH患者手术后最佳矫正视力提高;手术后P1波振幅较手术前降低.  相似文献   

Multifocal ERG changes before and after macular hole surgery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the visual function of 15 eyes suffering from macular hole the multifocal ERG was used pre and postoperatively. In all the cases a successful vitrectomy has been done with macular hole closure in all the eyes. The Multifocal ERG shows an improvement of retinal response density in regions 1 and 2, even in the 2 eyes with unchanged visual acuity postoperatively. Although a relationship exist between the postoperative retinal response density and the visual acuity, the retinal response density varies between eyes with the same visual acuity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate pre- and postoperative visual function in patients with macular hole and those with epiretinal macular membrane (ERM) by means of visual evoked cortical potential (VECP). MATERIAL AND METHODS: VECP was recorded from 15 eyes with macular hole and 9 eyes with ERM prior to and 3 months after surgical treatment. Check sizes of 30' for transient stimulation, and 7.5', 15', 30', 60' and 120' for steady-state stimulation were applied. RESULTS: In transient VECPs, the P 100 component was prolonged and attenuated in both diseases before surgery, and it remained unchanged after surgery. In the eyes with macular hole, the amplitudes of steady-state VECPs showed significant reduction in 15' and 30' check sizes before surgery, and recovered only in 15' check size after surgery. The preoperative spatial frequency curve of ERM was lowered in the whole frequency range measured. CONCLUSIONS: VECP reflected the area of macular hole and ERM. VECP changes after surgery were considered to depend on the degree of surgical invasion.  相似文献   

Prevention of visual field defects after macular hole surgery   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
BACKGROUND/AIM: The pathogenesis of visual field loss associated with macular hole surgery is uncertain but a number of explanations have been proposed, the most convincing of which is the effect of peeling of the posterior hyaloid, causing either direct damage to the nerve fibre layer or to its blood supply at the optic nerve head. The purpose of this preliminary prospective study was to determine the incidence of visual field defects following macular hole surgery in cases in which peeling of the posterior hyaloid was confined only to the area of the macula. METHODS: 102 consecutive eyes that had macular hole surgery had preoperative and postoperative visual field examination using a Humphrey's perimeter. A comparison was made between two groups: I, those treated with vitrectomy with complete posterior cortical vitreous peeling; and II, those treated with a vitrectomy with peeling of the posterior hyaloid in the area of the macula but without attempting a complete posterior vitreous detachment. Specifically, no attempt was made to separate the posterior hyaloid from the optic nerve head. Eyes with stage II or III macular holes were operated. Autologous platelet concentrate and non-expansile gas tamponade was used. Patients were postured prone for 1 week. RESULTS: In group I, 22% of patients were found to have visual field defects. In group II, it was possible to separate the posterior hyaloid from the macula without stripping it from the optic nerve head and in these eyes no pattern of postoperative visual field loss emerged. There were no significant vision threatening complications in this group. The difference in the incidence of visual field loss between group I and group II was significant (p=0.02). The anatomical and visual success rates were comparable between both groups. CONCLUSION: The results from this preliminary study suggest that the complication of visual field loss after macular surgery may be reduced if peeling of the posterior hyaloid is confined to the area of the macula so that the hyaloid remains attached at the optic nerve head. The postoperative clinical course does not appear to differ from eyes in which a complete posterior vitreous detachment has been effected during surgery.  相似文献   

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