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Nucleoside analogs are potential anti-Leishmania agents. To better understand how these compounds might lose their effectiveness, Leishmania were independently selected for resistance to inosine dialdehyde or tubercidin. Each of the resistant cells exhibited resistance to inosine dialdehyde and tubercidin as well as to formycin B and allopurinol ribonucleoside. Resistant cells had a greatly reduced capability of accumulating exogenous adenosine, guanosine, thymidine and guanine. This decreased ability to accumulate nucleosides and at least one nucleobase appeared to be due to reduced activity of a number of distinct purine transporters, as the differences between purine metabolizing enzymes were not sufficiently different to account for the decreased accumulation capability. The resistance to toxic nucleosides and the decreased ability to accumulate purines were due to the presence in the resistant cells of an extrachromosomal DNA approximately 55 kb in size. The extrachromosomal DNA was not detected in wild-type cells or revertants which have lost resistance to toxic nucleosides. Except for a 1.2-kb difference, the extrachromosomal DNA from both independently selected resistant cells appeared to be identical. The resistant cells contained 2–4 times as much DNA homologous to the extrachromosomal DNA as compared to wild type cells. When cloned into an E. coli/Leishmania shuttle vector, a portion of the amplified DNA had the ability to confer upon wild-type cells resistance to the toxic purine nucleoside analogs tubercidin and inosine dialdehyde. These transformed cells also exhibited a decreased ability to accumulate non-toxic purine nucleosides.  相似文献   

Phenazine methosulfate, a cationic electron carrier, inhibits the extracellular growth of promastigotes and the conversion of amastigotes into promastigote forms of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Growth inhibition and damage of extracellular parasites by PMS was counteracted by superoxide dismutase, a scavenger of the superoxide anion (O2), and to a lesser extent, by catalase, a scavenger of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Inactivated dismutase and catalase were ineffective. Thus, damage of isolated L.m. amazonensis by phenazine methosulfate, involves the participation of O2 and H2O2. The role of the oxygen metabolites in the toxicity of phenazine methosulfate remains unknown. That O2 can damage the parasites is supported by the finding that superoxide dismutase also protected promastigotes from damage induced by oxygen intermediates generated by a xanthine-xanthine oxidase system. Killing of the parasites by crystal violet, a triphenylmethane, or basic blue 24, a phenothiazine, was not inhibited by superoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

Leishmania mexicana, like other species of the genus, has a major 63-kDa surface glycoprotein (gp63) that is an active protease. Reports differ as to whether gp63 is a neutral or an acidic protease. Using three radiolabeled synthetic peptide substrates, gp63 purified from L. m. mexicana is most active at pH 6.5–7.5, in three different buffer systems, and appears to be a sequence-specific endopeptidase. The full extent of sequence specificity is undetermined, but these experiments suggest a strong preference for cleavage at serine or threonine residues. In common with other metalloproteases, the cleavage is on the amino side of the recognition residue.  相似文献   

Glucose uptake;and metabolism by Leishmania donovani promastigotes was studied using -[14C]glucose in combination with the silicone oil centrifugation technique on organisms preadapted to different growth rates and glucose availability in the chemostat. The uptake step was differentiated from the subsequent metabolism by separation in time rather than by using non-metabolisable analogues. The uptake of glucose was measured as a function of time and;or the external glucose concentration on cells grown at high or low growth rate with glucose either as growth rate-limiting substrate, or present in excess.Glucose uptake as a function of its external concentration could be described as consisting of two components (1) a rapid equilibration owing to facilitated diffusion, followed by (2) a much slower uptake that involves an enzymatic component. This slower accumulation of label could be explained as the conversion of glucose into metabolites and a storage carbohydrate. Uptake experiments in the presence of inhibitors indicated that the conversion of glucose was an energy dependent process. These experiments indicate that the active uptake of glucose by L donovani, as reported by others does not occur across the plasma membrane and should be reinterpreted as the intracellular conversion of glucose into metabolites and storage carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Protozoan parasites of the genus leishmania are obligate intracellular parasites of monocytes and macrophages. These pathogens have evolved to invade the mammalian immune system and typically survive for long periods of time. Leishmania have developed a variety of remarkable strategies to prevent their elimination by both innate and acquired immune effector mechanisms. One particular strategy of interest involves manipulation of host cell regulatory pathways so as to prevent macrophage activation required for efficient microbicidal activity. These interference mechanisms are the main focus of this review. Several lines of evidence have been developed to show that the Src homology-2 domain containing tyrosine phosphatase-1 (SHP-1) becomes activated in leishmania-infected cells and that this contributes to disease pathogenesis. Recent studies aimed at understanding the mechanism responsible for the change in activation state of SHP-1 led to the identification of leishmania EF-1α as an SHP-1 binding protein and SHP-1 activator. This was a surprising finding given that this ubiquitous and highly conserved protein plays an essential role in protein translation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The role of leishmania EF-1α as an SHP-1 activator and its contribution to pathogenesis are reviewed with particular attention to the properties that distinguish it from host EF-1α.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATPase of Leishmania donovani was characterized using digitonin-permeabilized promastigotes and the results were compared with those from isolated mitochondria. Maximum mitochondrial ATPase activity was obtained in promastigotes permeabilized with digitonin at a final concentration of 20 μM and the specific activity of the enzyme was 46% and 57% higher than that of homogenized and sonicated promastigotes, respectively. At concentrations above 20 μM digitonin inhibited ATPase activity and the degree of inhibition increased with increasing concentrations of the detergent. The ATPase activity of promastigotes remained DCCD-sensitive when permeabilized with digitonin at concentrations up to 120 μM but the enzyme became increasingly resistant to this inhibitor as digitonin concentrations were increased to 140 μM and more, indicating the loss of functional activity of the enzyme. The pH and temperature optima for mitochondrial ATPase were determined to be 7.5 and 30°C, respectively. Mg2+ ions were essential for ATPase activity but free Mg2+ ions were found to be inhibitory. A Mg2+/ATP ratio of 1:3 supported the optimum ATPase activity. Sulfite and hexanol activated the enzyme but failed to prevent the inhibition by free Mg2+ ions. The results indicate that digitonin-permeabilized promastigotes provide an ideal system for studying the mitochondrial ATPase of L. donovani.  相似文献   

Leishmania promastigotes respond to hypotonic challenges by a mechanism of regulatory volume decrease (RVD), whereby anionic amino acid channels (HAAC) are hypotonically-activated and intracellular amino acids are released from the cells. Irrespective of the experimental conditions, restoration of isotonicity triggered an immediate blockage of the amino acid release. Both the speed and amplitude of the response depended on the hypotonic stimulus and on the operation of intracellular signaling mechanisms. The initial (5 s) hypotonic-induced release of amino acids (ri) and the steady state levels of amino acids attained (5 min) or amplitude (A), were markedly affected by modulators of protein kinase C: phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol and phorbol 12,13-diacetate whereas staurosporine and the related analog, bis-indolylmaleimide I (GF-109203.X) inhibited the RVD response. Agonists of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A such as forskolin or (8-(4-chlorophenylthio))-adenosine-3′,5′cyclic-monophosphate enhanced the speed of the response but had little effect on its amplitude. Neither 4-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate,1,9-dideoxyforskolin nor genistein, tamoxifen or thapsigargin had any apparent effect on either parameter tested. The most striking stimulation of hypotonic-induced amino acid release was exerted by arachidonic acid or by its non-metabolizable analog, 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA). These agents caused a major increase in the initial rate of amino acid release as well as a higher amplitude of the response, both of which were markedly inhibited by an anion channel blocker. The present studies indicate not only that hypotonicity is an obligatory and dominant component in HAAC activation, but implicate specific second messengers in the modulation of the RVD response. The modes of activation or attenuation of HAAC activity apparently differ for PKC and PKA modulators as well as for arachidonic acid. The involvement of Ca2+ in HAAC was studied in hypotonic challenged cells which were treated with intracellular Ca2+-chelators or Ca2+-free medium. These cells showed a lag in AA release and a modest inhibition of the amplitude. The inhibition of HAAC was markedly increased when cells were treated with the ionophore A23187 in Ca2+-free media. The HAAC activity was accompanied by a significant increase in internal Ca2+ when performed in Ca2+-containing medium (from 88±9 to 179±22 nM) but by no significant change when measured in Ca2+-free medium. These studies indicate that although Ca2+ might be involved in the early activation phase of HAAC, it is either not absolutely required or its action might be associated with localized events.  相似文献   

The binding of human plasminogen and plasmin to the promastigote form of Leishmania mexicana was investigated. L. mexicana was capable to bind both molecules, the binding being inhibited by -aminocaproic acid. Scatchard plot analysis revealed a dissociation constant (Kd) value of 2.4±0.8 μM and 0.9±0.1×104 binding sites per cell for plasminogen and a Kd value of 1.2±0.4 μM and 1.6±0.2×105 binding sites per cell for plasmin. C-terminal lysine residues are involved in plasminogen binding to cells, since carboxypeptidase B treatment reduced this binding by 34%. Ligand blotting analysis showed a group of proteins, with molecular masses between 105 and 115 kDa, capable to interact with plasminogen. Zymogram analysis showed that the protease activity acquired by L. mexicana, due to the interaction with either plasminogen or plasmin, comprises an important fraction of the total protease activity at pH 7.7. Plasminogen activation by tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) was enhanced by the presence of L. mexicana promastigotes. These results raise the question whether the interaction of L. mexicana with components of the fibrinolytic system is involved in the virulence of the parasite.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to investigate the mechanism of drug resistance in Leishmania enriettii as a model system for drug resistance both in human leishmaniasis and on other parasitic diseases. Parasites were selected in increasing concentrations of vinblastine, an inhibitor of microtubule assembly, and resistant clones were isolated which grew in concentrations 5–30 times the IC50 (30 μg mg ml−1) of parental cells. The vinblastine-resistant parasites were also resistant to promycin, an unrelated drug which inhibits protein synthesis. This cross-resistance to unrelated drugs had previously been observed in mammalian cells and recently in L. donovani. The proposed mechanism for this cross-resistance is drug effiux mediated by increased expression of a P-glycoprotein molecule encoded by a multidrug resistance (mdr) gene. Here we report the identification, cloning and sequencing of an mdr-like gene from L. enriettii, lemdrl, and demonstrate that this gene is amplified on an extrachromosomal circle of 35–40 kb in vinblastine-resistant L. enriettii. The longest open reading frame in the cloned gene is 1280 amino acids with a predicted protein of 140 kDa. The predicted protein has a structure similar to that for all other reported P-glycoproteins namely 12 transmembrane domains and 2 ATP binding sites, arranged in 2 similar half-molecules. Comparison of the primary amino acid sequence with other known mdr gene products demonstrates a significant homology with 37% amino acid identity with human mdr 1 and 83% identity with the L. donovani 1mdr 1 gene. The lemdr 1 gene was cloned in the expression vector pALTNEO and transfected into wild-type L. enriettii and the resulting transfected cells were resistant to vinblastine but at lower levels than in the selected mutant cells.  相似文献   

Lipophosphoglycan (LPG) of Leishmania is a polymorphic molecule comprising an alkylglycerol anchor, a conserved oligosaccharide core and a species-specific polymer of oligosaccharide repeats joined by phosphodiester bonds. This molecule, together with the membrane polypeptide gp63, has been implicated as a parasite receptor for host macrophages. To examine the role of LPG in parasite infectivity glycosylation variants of Leishmania major were generated by chemical mutagenesis of a virulent cloned line V121 and variants with modified LPG selected using the galactose-specific lectin Ricinus communis II (RCA II). Twenty RCA II-resistant primary clones were generated. Analysis of LPG profile by immunoblotting using LPG-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies revealed that some of the clones were LPG-deficient. Three clones that did not bind any LPG-specific antibodies but expressed normal levels of the Mr 63 000 glycoprotein (gp63), a second parasite receptor for host, were chosen for detailed studies.All three clones expressed, at least to some extent, a surface molecule which could be labeled by mild periodate oxidation and sodium borotritide and behaved like LPG by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. All clones also bound a well-characterized monoclonal antibody L157 directed to the core oligosaccharide of LPG, but did not bind another monoclonal antibody, CA7AE, to an epitope on a repeating unit shared by Leishmania donovani and L. major LPG. A third monoclonal antibody, 5E6, recognizing LPG on the surface of wild-type V121 promastigotes bound only to RCA II-resistant clone 3A2-C3 and was restricted to an internal structure. The LPG molecule that this clone expressed was a form of LPG by its chromatographic behavior and by its monosaccharide and alkylglycerol composition. Clone 3A2-C3 was the only one to infect mice in vivo and survive in macrophages in vitro, albeit at a much reduced rate compared to wild-type V121 promastigotes. The data suggest that some form of LPG may be necessary to ensure parasite infectivity.  相似文献   

Ergosterol is an important compound responsible to maintain integrity and fluidity of Leishmania spp. membranes. Starting from an overexpression/selection method, our group has isolated and mapped nine different loci of Leishmania (L.) major related to resistance against two inhibitors of the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, terbinafine (TBF) and itraconazole (ITZ). Individual functional analysis after overexpression induction of these loci in the presence of TBF and/or ITZ [or the ITZ analog ketoconazole (CTZ)] have shown low but significant levels of resistance after transfection into L. major wild-type parasites. In this work, we have shown the insert mapping and chromosomal identification of one of these loci (cosItz2). Functional analysis experiments associated with chromosomal localization by comparison at genomic database allowed us to identify two prospective gene–protein systems not related to the ergosterol biosynthesis and capable to confer wild-type cells resistance to ITZ–CTZ after transfection. We expected that this approach can open new insights for a better understanding of mechanisms of ITZ–CTZ action and resistance in Leishmania resulting in new strategies for the leishmaniasis treatment.  相似文献   

In the present work, we describe the sequence, organization and expression of histone H4 genes in the protozoan parasite Leishmania infantum. The predicted L. infantum histone H4 is a polypeptide of 100 amino acids with a molecular mass of 11.5 kDa. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of Leishmania histone H4 with the rest of histone H4 sequences indicates that this is the most divergent sequence reported to date. The genomic distribution analysis of histone H4 genes indicates that there must be up to seven gene copies. A single size-class histone H4 mRNA of 0.6 kb was detected, whose level dramatically decreases from logarithmic to stationary phase. However, the Leishmania histone H4 mRNAs do not decrease in abundance following treatment with inhibitors of DNA synthesis, suggesting a regulation by a replication-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Virus encoded tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) have been demonstrated to facilitate virus to escape from apoptosis or other host immune response for viral replication. Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV), a large DNA virus which belongs to genus Ranavirus, is a major pathogen resulting in heavy economic losses to grouper aquaculture. Here, SGIV ORF096 (VP96) encoding a putative homolog of TNFR was identified and characterized. Multiple sequence alignment indicated that SGIV-VP96 contained two extracellular cysteine-rich domains (CRDs) with conserved four or six cysteine residues, but lacked the transmembrane domain at the C-terminus. SGIV-VP96 was identified as an early (E) gene and localized in the cytoplasm in transfected or infected cells. Overexpression of SGIV-VP96 in vitro enhanced cell proliferation, and improved cell survival against SGIV infection. Furthermore, virus infection induced apoptosis and caspase-3 activity were inhibited in SGIV-VP96 expressing FHM cells compared to the control cells. Taken together, our results suggested that SGIV might utilize virus encoded TNFR like genes to modulate the host apoptotic response for effective virus replication.  相似文献   

Dad S, Østergaard E, Thykjær T, Albrectsen A, Ravn K, Rosenberg T, Møller LB. Identification of a novel locus for a USH3 like syndrome combined with congenital cataract. Usher syndrome (USH) is the most common genetic disease that causes both deafness and blindness. USH is divided into three types, USH1, USH2 and USH3, depending on the age of onset, the course of the disease, and on the degree of vestibular dysfunction. By homozygosity mapping of a consanguineous Danish family of Dutch descent, we have identified a novel locus for a rare USH3‐like syndrome. The affected family members have a unique association of retinitis pigmentosa, progressive hearing impairment, vestibular dysfunction, and congenital cataract. The phenotype is similar, but not identical to that of USH3 patients, as congenital cataract has not been reported for USH3. By homozygosity mapping, we identified a 7.3 Mb locus on chromosome 15q22.2‐23 with a maximum multipoint LOD score of 2.0. The locus partially overlaps with the USH1 locus, USH1H, a novel unnamed USH2 locus, and the non‐syndromic deafness locus DFNB48.  相似文献   

Early‐onset dystonia is associated with the deletion of one of a pair of glutamic acid residues (c.904_906delGAG/c.907_909delGAG; p.Glu302del/Glu303del; ΔE 302/303) near the carboxyl‐terminus of torsinA, a member of the AAA+ protein family that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen and nuclear envelope. This deletion commonly underlies early‐onset DYT1 dystonia. While the role of the disease‐causing mutation, torsinAΔE, has been established through genetic association studies, it is much less clear whether other rare human variants of torsinA are pathogenic. Two missense variations have been described in single patients: R288Q (c.863G>A; p.Arg288Gln; R288Q) identified in a patient with onset of severe generalized dystonia and myoclonus since infancy and F205I (c.613T>A, p.Phe205Ile; F205I) in a psychiatric patient with late‐onset focal dystonia. In this study, we have undertaken a series of analyses comparing the biochemical and cellular effects of these rare variants to torsinAΔE and wild‐type (wt) torsinA to reveal whether there are common dysfunctional features. The results revealed that the variants, R288Q and F205I, are more similar in their properties to torsinAΔE protein than to torsinAwt. These findings provide functional evidence for the potential pathogenic nature of these rare sequence variants in the TOR1A gene, thus implicating these pathologies in the development of dystonia.  相似文献   

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