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D I Buckley J Ramachandran 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》1981,78(12):7431-7435
The binding of corticotropin (ACTH) to receptors on isolated rat adrenocortical cells was investigated with the aid of [[125I]ITyr23, Phe2, Nle4]ACTH-(1-38) (125I-ACTH analog) which retained full biological potency and had a specific radioactivity of 1800 +/- 75 Ci/mmol. Binding was highly specific to adrenocortical cells, and the radioactive peptide was displaced by low concentrations of ACTH but not by other basic peptides. Binding was rapid, reversible, and linearly related to the number of cells. 125I-ACTH analog was not significantly degraded by incubation with the cells at 23 degrees C for 1 hr. Scatchard analysis of the binding was compatible with a single class of binding sites with Kd = 1.41 +/- 0.21 nM, and the number of sites was estimated to be 3840 +/- 1045 per cell. The binding curve was superimposable on the concentration-response curve for cyclic AMP. Small, but significant amounts of 125I-ACTH analog were bound at concentrations sufficient for maximal stimulation of steroidogenesis. For a series of ACTH analogs, the concentrations of the peptides required for half-maximal stimulation of cyclic AMP production were in excellent agreement with the concentration required for half-maximal inhibition of binding. These results suggest that the adrenocortical cells contain only one class of ACTH receptors and that stimulation of a small fraction of these receptors (less than 3%) is sufficient for maximal steroidogenesis. 相似文献
Short-term 20-second exposure to hair sprays A and B failed to show significant decreases in maximum expiratory flow rates at low pulmonary volumes in normal subjects; however, significant decreases were observed with hair spray B in eight subjects with hyperractive airways (abnormal response to inhalation of methacholine). On the partial flow-volume curves, flows at 40 percent and 25 percent of forced vital capacity decreased 8.9 to 10.3 percent and 14 to 18.7 percent, respectively. The hair sprays differed in their content of perfume and plasticizer, and since the latter is generally considered nontoxic at room temperature, the perfume may be the responsible agent. It would appear from this study that normal healthy individuals are at little risk, at least from brief exposure to hair spray; however, in the presence of hyperreactive airways, as seen in asthmatic subjects and in some people with allergic rhinitis and viral respiratory infections, an immediate response of the airways may result from exposure to some hair sprays. 相似文献
B J Sobol C Emirgil J R Waldie A Reed 《The American review of respiratory disease》1974,109(2):290-292
Morita H Isomura Y Mune T Daido H Takami R Yamakita N Ishizuka T Takeda N Yasuda K Gomez-Sanchez CE 《Metabolism: clinical and experimental》2004,53(1):89-94
Two isozymes of the 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11-HSD) are responsible for the interconversion of cortisol (F) and cortisone (E). The type 1 isozyme, 11-HSD1, acts mainly as a reductase in vivo, activating E to F, whereas the type 2, 11-HSD2, acts as a dehydrogenase, inactivating F to E. 11-HSD1 is the most abundant in the liver and 11-HSD2 in the kidney. In this study, we attempted to determine which isozyme and organs primarily contribute to equilibrium of plasma F and E concentrations in the peripheral circulation and to clarify differences in 11-HSD activities among adrenocortical disorders. Upon selective catheterizations for adrenocortical and renovascular disorders, plasma F and E concentrations in the femoral vein were closer to those in the renal vein than those in the hepatic vein. Values for mean plasma F/E ratios in the peripheral vein were in-between those of the adrenal and renal veins. A double reciprocal plot between peripheral plasma F and E concentrations in patients with various adrenocortical tumors was almost identical to that in normal subjects. Mean plasma F/E ratio in peripheral blood was higher in patients with Cushing's syndrome and was lower in patients with primary aldosteronism and nonfunctioning adrenocortical adenoma than that in normal subjects. These results suggest that renal 11-HSD2 is a main factor controlling the equilibrium of plasma F and E concentrations in the periphery and that cortisol and aldosterone excess do not change the equilibrium of plasma F and E concentrations in the peripheral circulation, but may alter expression of 11-HSD2. Alternation of 11-HSD2 activities as well as corticosteroid levels may be important in the pathophysiology of adrenocortical disorders. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To confirm the hypothesis that the ventilatory response to hypoxia (VRH) may be abolished by hypocapnia. METHODS: We studied four healthy subjects during intermittent positive-pressure ventilation delivered through a nasal mask (nIPPV). Delivered minute ventilation (Ed) was progressively increased to lower end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PETCO(2)) below the apneic threshold. Then, at different hypocapnic levels, nitrogen was added to induce falls in oxygen saturation, a hypoxic run (N(2) run). For each N(2) run, the reappearance of a diaphragmatic muscle activity and/or an increase in effective minute ventilation (E) and/or deformations in mask-pressure tracings were considered as a VRH, whereas unchanged tracings signified absence of a VRH. For the N(2) runs eliciting a VRH, the threshold response to hypoxia (TRh) was defined as the transcutaneous oxygen saturation level that corresponds to the beginning of the ventilatory changes. RESULTS: Thirty-seven N(2) runs were performed (7 N(2) runs during wakefulness and 30 N(2) runs during sleep). For severe hypocapnia (PETCO(2) of 27.1 +/- 5.2 mm Hg), no VRH was noted, whereas a VRH was observed for N(2) runs performed at significantly higher PETCO(2) levels (PETCO(2) of 34.0 +/- 2.1 mm Hg, p < 0.001). Deep oxygen desaturation (up to 64%) never elicited a VRH when the PETCO(2) level was < 29.3 mm Hg, which was considered the carbon dioxide inhibition threshold. For the 16 N(2) runs inducing a VRH, no correlations were found between PETCO(2) and TRh and between TRh and both Ed and E. CONCLUSION: During nIPPV, VRH is highly dependent on the carbon dioxide level and can be definitely abolished for severe hypocapnia. 相似文献
R D Catalano L Stuve J Ramachandran 《The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism》1986,62(2):300-304
[125I-Tyr23,Phe2,Nle4]ACTH-(1-38) ([125I]ACTH analog), which is equipotent with ACTH, was used to characterize ACTH receptors in human adrenocortical cells. Adrenals were obtained from brain-dead patients at the time of renal harvest with permission. Binding of [125I]ACTH analog to human adrenocortical cells was highly specific, rapid, reversible, and saturable. Analysis of the inhibition of binding of [125I]ACTH analog by ACTH was compatible with a single class of binding sites with an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of 1.6 nM and a mean binding capacity of 3560 sites/cell. Concentration-response curves for cAMP and cortisol production were shifted to the left of the binding curve, with ACTH concentrations required for half-maximal stimulation being 20- and 720-fold less, respectively, than those for binding. Extracellular calcium was essential for binding and stimulation of cAMP production. These results indicate that human adrenocortical cells contain a single class of ACTH receptors which are highly similar in affinity, capacity, and calcium requirement to those of rat adrenocortical cells, but differ from the rat receptors in the concentration of ACTH needed for cAMP generation. 相似文献
The cardiac response to isoproterenol after propranolol withdrawal was studied in six normal persons. Serial isoproterenol infusions were done before and after oral propranolol administration, 160 mg daily for 2 days. Changes in electromechanical systole corrected for heart rate (QS2I) and pulse pressure were used to assess the inotropic response to isoproterenol, and changes in heart rate were used to assess the chronotropic response. As shown in previous studies, the negative inotropic effect of propranolol lasted only 12 to 15 h, while the negative chronotropic effect lasted 24 to 36 h. After the disappearance of blockade a hypersensitivity to isoproterenol was found 24 to 48 h after propranolol withdrawal in all three measured determinants. The explanation of this phenomenon most likely lies in the nature of adrenergic receptors that become activated during long-term blockade. 相似文献
H. Daidoh H. Morita T. Mune M. Murayama J. Hanafusa H. NI H. Shibata K. Yasuda 《Clinical endocrinology》1995,43(3):311-315
OBJECTIVE The standard ACTH test in clinical use employs a pharmacological dose of ACTH which assesses the maximum secretory capacity of the adrenal cortex. We have investigated the responses of plasma adrenocortical steroids including cortisol, aldosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to physiological doses of ACTH (ACTH 1–24, tetracosactide, Cortrosyn) and determined the minimal dose which induces a response equivalent to that induced by a pharmacological dose of ACTH. DESIGN Rapid ACTH tests at various physiological (0.1, 0.5, 1 and 5μg) and standard pharmacological (250μg) intravenous doses. SUBJECTS Seven healthy normal volunteers. MEASUREMENTS Plasma cortisol, aldosterone and DHEA were measured. Peak value and the increment from basal value were used as indices of responses. RESULTS Each steroid responded to physiological doses of ACTH in a dose dependent manner. The minimum dose inducing an equivalent response to 250μg ACTH was 0.5μg for peak and incremental values in cortisol and DHEA, while that for aldosterone was 0.1μg. The time to peak for each steroid was delayed as the dose increased. Plasma aldosterone and DHEA peaked significantly earlier than plasma cortisol in 1–5μg and 0.5–5-μg ACTH tests, respectively. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that the sensitivity of secretion to physiological doses of ACTH in descending order is aldosterone > DHEA = cortisol. When peak and incremental values are used, sufficient doses of ACTH are 0.1μg for plasma aldosterone and 0.5μg for plasma cortisol and DHEA in the rapid ACTH test. 相似文献
T Onishi K F Itoh K Miyai K Shima Y Kumahara 《The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism》1976,42(1):148-151
The effect of arginine on serum prolactin concentrations was studied in 18 normal subjects and in 7 patients with hyperthyroidism in normal subjects, arginine infusion produced an increase of serum prolactin at least 6 ng/ml from the baseline, and the mean peak level (25.2 +/- 3.3 ng/ml, mean +/- SE) was significantly higher than the basal level (8.6 +/- 5.2 ng/ml, P less than 0.001). There was no significant difference in the peak levels between sexes. Unlike prolactin, concomitant serum thyrotropin levels did not change after the arginine infusion. In hyperthyroid patients, the increment of serum prolactin after arginine infusion at 30 min (3.9 +/- 1.5 ng/ml) was significantly lower than that of the normal controls which were matched by age and sex (17.1 +/- 4.4 ng/ml, P less than 0.05). After treatment when these patients were euthyroid, the increment of prolactin after arginine infusion at 30 min was significantly increased (16.3 +/- 4.3 ng/ml, P less than 0.05) and had reached the level of control subjects. These data indicate that the prolactin response to arginine in hyperthyroidism is diminished. 相似文献
Oral mucosal stimulation modulates intensity of breathlessness induced in normal subjects. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
P M Simon R C Basner S E Weinberger V Fencl J W Weiss R M Schwartzstein 《The American review of respiratory disease》1991,144(2):419-422
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often report an increase in breathlessness when they breathe through a mouthpiece. We hypothesized that stimulation of receptors in the oral mucosa modulates the sensation of breathlessness. We studied 10 normal naive volunteers in whom breathlessness was induced by having them breathe for 4 min with an inspiratory resistive load (18 cm H2O/L/s) while breathing was stimulated by CO2 inhalation (end-tidal PCO2 maintained at 55 mm Hg). Initially, subjects breathed with a tight-fitting face mask and inspiratory flow was displayed on a storage oscilloscope. In subsequent trials, the subjects were asked to match this trace, which controlled ventilation and the pattern of breathing. Subjects performed eight trials, four with the tight-fitting mask only (M) and four with a mouthpiece and the mask (MM). M and MM were alternated; the initial condition was chosen at random. Following each of the trials, subjects rated the intensity of their breathlessness by choosing a number from a modified Borg scale. On the average, subjects were more breathless while breathing with the mask and mouthpiece than with the mask alone (mean ratings of breathlessness 6.6 +/- 1.1 and 5.6 +/- 1.8 units, p less than 0.01). Six subjects repeated the protocol on 2 additional days: 1 day with inhalation of warm (34 degrees C), humidified air and 1 day after topical application of 4% lidocaine to the oral mucosa. Both these interventions abolished the differences in breathlessness between mask and mouthpiece and mask alone. We conclude that afferent information from oral mucosal stimulation influences the intensity of breathlessness. 相似文献
Kennon B Ingram MC Friel EC Anderson NH MacKenzie SM Davies E Shakerdi L Wallace AM Fraser R Connell JM 《Clinical endocrinology》2004,61(2):174-181
OBJECTIVE: Aldosterone synthase, a key enzyme in the terminal steps of aldosterone synthesis, is encoded by the CYP11B2 gene. A polymorphism in the 5' coding region of this gene (-344 C/T) is associated with hypertension, particularly with elevation of the aldosterone to renin ratio. A second polymorphism (a conversion in intron 2 to resemble that of the neighbouring 11beta-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) gene) is found in close linkage dysequilibrium with the variant at -344 C/T. The mechanism by which these variants predispose to cardiovascular disease and the precise intermediate phenotype associated with them remains speculative. DESIGN: We performed a focused physiological study in normal volunteers stratified by CYP11B2 genotype. PATIENTS: Twenty-three subjects homozygous for the T allele and 21 homozygous for the C allele of the -344 C/T polymorphism of CYP11B2 were studied. MEASUREMENTS: Basal and angiotensin II stimulated plasma and 24-h urinary steroid excretion during low (60 mmol/day) and high (160 mmol/day) sodium intake and plasma steroids after ACTH stimulation were measured. RESULTS: No influence of polymorphic variation on basal or stimulated plasma cortisol or aldosterone or other plasma steroid concentrations during either dietary phase was seen. However, excretion of tetrahydro-11-deoxycortisol (the urinary metabolite of 11-deoxycortisol), which is the precursor of cortisol) was increased in TT subjects during sodium restriction, consistent with impairment of zona fasciculata 11beta-hydroxylation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that this polymorphism has no major influence on normal zona glomerulosa function but is associated with a change in 11beta-hydroxylation in the zona fasciculata. The mechanism remains uncertain, but alteration of 11-deoxycortisol levels without change in cortisol suggests altered efficiency of 11beta-hydroxylation. In the long term, this may lead to a minor but chronic increase in ACTH drive to the gland, which may have consequences for steroid synthesis and predispose to the risk of cardiovascular disease. 相似文献
The serum gastrin responses and the integrated gastrin responses to eating three meals of very different composition were studied in the same normal subjects on different days. Two meals, a milk meal of 500 ml, and a breakfast of eggs, toast, butter, marmalade, fruit juice and coffee, were eaten at breakfast time. The serum gastrin responses to these meals were compared and contrasted with the concentrations observed when the subjects fasted over the same time of day. A steak meal was eaten at lunch time. There were no significant differences between the mean serum gastrin concentrations to the three meals but each meal produced a significant increase in serum gastrin above fasting levels. When the prefeeding gastrin concentration was subtracted from the gastrin responses then the integrated responses to the steak meal were greater than those to either of the breakfast meals. Considerable variability in response to any one meal was observed within the group of subjects, but those subjects who produced high serum gastrin concentrations to one meal did so to the others. Conversely, at low response to one meal was reflected in low responses to the other two meals. Fasting serum gastrin concentration was correlated with the age of the subject. Repeatability of the response to one meal was tested in two subjects who ate the same meal on four separate occasions showing their responses to be repeatable. 相似文献