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To study the role of B-cell antigen CD40 in immune responses, mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells in which both copies of the gene encoding CD40 had been disrupted by homologous recombination were injected in RAG-2 (recombination-activating gene-2)-deficient blastocysts to generate chimeras in which all mature lymphocytes are derived from the CD40-deficient ES cells. T- and B-cell number and phenotype were normal in the CD40-/- chimeras. However, B cells failed to proliferate and undergo isotype switching in vitro in response to soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) with interleukin 4 (IL-4) but responded normally to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with IL-4. CD40-/- chimeras completely failed to mount an antigen-specific antibody response or to develop germinal centers following immunization with the T cell-dependent (TD) antigen keyhole limpet hemocyanin. In contrast, CD40-/- mutant mice responded normally to the T cell-independent (TI) antigens, 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP)-LPS and TNP-Ficoll. The most noticeable alteration in the serum immunoglobulin levels of young (6-8 weeks old) CD40-/- animals was absence of IgE and severe decrease of IgG1 and IgG2a. These results confirm the essential role of CD40- CD40L interactions in the antibody response to TD antigens and in isotype switching.  相似文献   

Extracts of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae support DNA replication on exogenous yeast 2-microns plasmid DNA templates. A crude extract from a S. cerevisiae cell division cycle mutant, cdc8-1, expressed the temperature-sensitive phenotype since it could be inactivated at 42 degrees C in vitro. This heat-inactivated extract was fully complemented by the addition of either wild-type or cdc8-1 single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). restoration by SSB of the activity of the mutant cell extract allowed replication like that of a wild-type crude extract, as shown by bidirectional DNA synthesis from the in vivo origin. The DNA binding protein specifically stimulates the reaction catalyzed by yeast DNA polymerase I, a true DNA replicase, using the hybrid of phi X174 single-stranded DNA and a restriction endonuclease fragment as a template. It also increases processivity of DNA polymerase I at least 10-fold. Escherichia coli SSB, but not T4 gene 32 protein, can substitute for yeast SSB. Both restoration of DNA synthesis in the heated mutant cell extract and stimulation of the DNA polymerase I reaction by SSB from cdc8-1 cells are inactivated at nonpermissive temperatures, suggesting that yeast SSB is the CDC8 gene product.  相似文献   

Two major problems have to be solved in studies of genes near breakpoints of chromosome abnormalities and in large-scale genomic mapping projects: (i) the identification of genes within the large amount on nontranscribed DNA and (ii) the determination of the tissues in which the identified genes are transcribed. In situ hybridization to mRNA is ideally suited to assess gene expression in all tissues but probe preparation presents major difficulties for adapting the technique for rapid screening. Here, we present a procedure to easily generate strand-specific DNA probes for in situ hybridization. In this method, a DNA fragment to be tested in uniformly labeled, denatured, and prehybridized to an excess of competitor single-stranded DNA corresponding to either positive or negative strands of the test fragment. No sequence information is needed. The prehybridized mixture is used directly for hybridization to whole embryo or tissue sections. We demonstrate the utility of this approach for any nonrepetitive fragment by using cDNA probes, intronless genomic probes, or genomic probes comprising transcribed and nontranscribed DNA. As an example, we show that mRNA for the recombination-activating genes (RAG) RAG-1 and RAG-2 is found in thymus of dE16 mouse embryos. Within the thymus, high levels of expression of RAG-1 and RAG-2 are detectable in the cortex but not in the medullary region. This supports the view that RAG-1 and RAG-2 expression is associated with cells known to actively rearrange antigen receptor loci.  相似文献   

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) caused by mutations in RAG1 or RAG2 genes is characterized by a complete block in T- and B-cell development. The only curative treatment is allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which gives a high survival rate (90%) when an HLA-genoidentical donor exists but unsatisfactory results when only partially compatible donors are available. We have thus been interested in the development of a potential alternative treatment by using retroviral gene transfer of a normal copy of RAG1 cDNA. We show here that this approach applied to RAG-1-deficient mice restores normal B- and T-cell function even in the presence of a reduced number of mature B cells. The reconstitution is stable over time, attesting to a selective advantage of transduced progenitors. Notably, a high transgene copy number was detected in all lymphoid organs, and this was associated with a risk of lymphoproliferation as observed in one mouse. Altogether, these results demonstrate that correction of RAG-1 deficiency can be achieved by gene therapy in immunodeficient mice but that human application would require the use of self-inactivated vector to decrease the risk of lymphoproliferative diseases.  相似文献   

Chicken B cells diversify their immunoglobulin genes by gene conversion in the bursa of Fabricius. The avian leukosis virus-induced B-cell line DT40 continues to diversify its immunoglobulin light chain locus by gene conversion during in vitro passage. Since a variable(diversity)joining recombination-activating gene, RAG-2, is specifically expressed in chicken B cells undergoing immunoglobulin gene conversion, it has been suggested that RAG-2 may be involved in the immunoglobulin gene conversion process. We previously reported high ratios of targeted to random integration after transfection of genomic DNA constructs into DT40. This allows us to easily investigate the function of a gene product by gene disruption. We show here that subclones of DT40 maintain the ability to diversify their immunoglobulin light chain locus by gene conversion even after both copies of the RAG-2 coding regions are deleted. These results demonstrate that the RAG-2 product is not required for gene conversion activity in the immunoglobulin light chain locus.  相似文献   

A complementation assay is described that can be used with relative safety to quantitate rapidly inhibitory effects of potential anti-HIV-1 drugs on virtually any stage of the HIV-1 life cycle by measurements of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) activity. Of particular interest is that this system is also capable of detecting inhibition of the viral trans-activator Rev, an important potential target for drug intervention. Other applications of the system may include studies to identify domains of the envelope glycoprotein that determine infectivity and tropism or that define epitopes recognized by neutralization antibodies.  相似文献   

As an approach to the purification of adenovirus-encoded DNA replication proteins, we have developed in vitro complementation assays that make use of viral mutants defective in DNA replication in vivo. Nuclear extracts prepared from cells infected with H5ts36 or H5ts125, two such mutants belonging to different complementation groups, were found to be defective in viral DNA replication in vitro. However, replication activity could be restored by mixing the two extracts. Replication activity in either extract also could be restored by addition of appropriate replication-deficient fractions purified from cells infected with wild-type adenovirus. By using such assays, H5ts36- and H5ts125-complementing activities were extensively purified. As expected, purified H5ts125-complementing activity consisted of a single major polypeptide, the 72-kilodalton (kDal) adenovirus DNA binding protein. The purified H5ts36-complementing activity consisted of the 80-kDal adenovirus terminal protein precursor and two other major polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 140 and 65 kDal. Formation of the 80-kDal terminal protein-dCMP complexes, the proposed initial step in adenovirus DNA replication, required components in the purified H5ts36-complementing fraction and a cellular factor(s) but did not require the adenovirus DNA binding protein. The complete in vitro adenovirus DNA replication reaction was reconstituted from the purified H5ts36-complementing activity, the adenovirus DNA binding protein, and an extract from uninfected cells.  相似文献   

By using clones of murine T cells reactive with alloantigens as well as soluble antigens, it has been possible to demonstrate that Ia antigens, Ir gene phenomena (defined as the ability of immune T cells to recognize antigen), and mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR)-stimulating determinants encoded within the I-A subregion are different manifestations associated with same product. These studies utilized the I-Ab mutant mouse B6.C-H-2bm (bm12), whose defect in the normal expression of the cell surface products of the I-Ab subregion can be partially circumvented through trans-complementation by deriving hybrids between bm12 and mice expressing normal I-A subregion products. Such mice [e.g., (bm12 X B10.A)F1] express several serologically normal I-Ab products but have defects in certain I-A subregion gene products normally expressed on cells of H-2a X H-2b heterozygote mice that are used as restricting elements for antigen recognition by antigen-reactive T cell clones or recognized as alloantigens by alloreactive T cell clones. This defect in cell surface expression of certain normal I-Ab products on the mutant bm12 cells has allowed us to suggest that there exist trans-complementing products on H-2a X H-2b heterozygote mice consisting of Ab alpha Ak beta and Ak alpha Ab beta that restrict antigen recognition by cloned T cells, stimulate MLR responses by cloned T cells, and react with certain anti-Ia antisera.  相似文献   

Mutations in the ZAP-70 protein tyrosine kinase gene result in a severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) characterized by a selective inability to produce CD8(+) T cells and a signal transduction defect in peripheral CD4(+) cells. Transplantation of genetically modified hematopoietic progenitor cells that express the wild-type ZAP-70 gene may provide significant benefit to some of these infants. The feasibility of stem cell gene correction for human ZAP-70 deficiency was assessed using a ZAP-70 knock-out model. ZAP-70-deficient murine bone marrow progenitor cells were transduced with a retroviral vector expressing the human ZAP-70 gene. Engraftment of these cells in irradiated ZAP-70-deficient animals resulted in the development of mature CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. In marked contrast, both populations were absent in ZAP-70(-/-) mice undergoing transplantation with bone marrow progenitor cells transduced with a control vector. Importantly, ZAP-70-reconstituted T cells proliferated in response to T-cell receptor stimulation. Moreover, these ZAP-70-expressing T cells demonstrated a diverse T-cell receptor repertoire as monitored by the relative usage of each T-cell receptor beta chain hypervariable region subfamily. The presence of ZAP-70 in B cells did not affect either lipopolysaccharide- or lipopolysaccharide/interleukin-4-mediated immunoglobulin isotype switching. Altogether, these data indicate that retroviral-mediated gene transfer of the ZAP-70 gene may prove to have a therapeutic benefit for patients with ZAP-70-SCID.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte chemotaxis is a complex process by which cells move within tissues and across barriers such as vascular endothelium and is usually stimulated by chemokines such as stromal cell-derived factor-1 (CXCL12) acting via G protein-coupled receptors. Because members of this receptor family are regulated ("desensitized") by G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-mediated receptor phosphorylation and beta-arrestin binding, we examined signaling and chemotactic responses in splenocytes derived from knockout mice deficient in various beta-arrestins and GRKs, with the expectation that these responses might be enhanced. Knockouts of beta-arrestin2, GRK5, and GRK6 were examined because all three proteins are expressed at high levels in purified mouse CD3+ T and B220+ B splenocytes. CXCL12 stimulation of membrane GTPase activity was unaffected in splenocytes derived from GRK5-deficient mice but was increased in splenocytes from the beta-arrestin2- and GRK6-deficient animals. Surprisingly, however, both T and B cells from beta-arrestin2-deficient animals and T cells from GRK6-deficient animals were strikingly impaired in their ability to respond to CXCL12 both in transwell migration assays and in transendothelial migration assays. Chemotactic responses of lymphocytes from GRK5-deficient mice were unaffected. Thus, these results indicate that beta-arrestin2 and GRK6 actually play positive regulatory roles in mediating the chemotactic responses of T and B lymphocytes to CXCL12.  相似文献   

Immune cells are exposed to low oxygen tensions as they develop and migrate between blood and different tissues, but the mechanisms by which lymphocytes adapt to hypoxia are poorly understood. Studies reported here of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha) in lymphocyte development and functions suggest that it has a critical role in regulation of these processes. HIF-1alpha deficiency in Hif1alpha(-/-) --> Rag2(-/-) chimeric mice results in dramatic and cell lineage-specific defects, which include appearance of abnormal peritoneal B-1-like lymphocytes, with high expression of B220 (CD45) receptor-associated protein tyrosine phosphatase and autoimmunity (accumulation of anti-dsDNA antibodies and rheumatoid factor in serum, deposits of IgG and IgM in kidney and proteinuria) as well as distortions of maturation of B-2 lymphocytes in bone marrow.  相似文献   

A bioassay, based on tumorigenicity, has been developed to determine the mechanism whereby the blastocyst of the mouse controls malignant expression of embryonal carcinoma. The assay is based upon the incidence of tumors obtained when known numbers of cells of the 402AX strain of embryonal carcinoma are injected into strain 129 mice, compared to the incidence obtained when the same number of embryonal carcinoma cells are incorporated into Swiss-Webster blastocysts that are then injected in strain 129 animals. The results indicate that the blastocyst can regulate one embryonal carcinoma cell consistently; it may have a slight effect on three, but it cannot regulate four or five of them. The position of the embryonal carcinoma cell in the blastocyst is important. Regulation occurs if the embryonal carcinoma cell is placed in the blastocoele cavity, but enhancement of tumorigenicity is obtained if it is placed between the zona pellucida and the trophectoderm. By contrast, the blastocyst is unable to regulate a single B-16 melanoma cell placed in the blastocoele cavity, indicating a degree of specificity for the regulatory process.  相似文献   

We have developed a color complementation assay that allows rapid screening of specific genomic DNA sequences. It is based on the simultaneous amplification of two or more DNA segments with fluorescent oligonucleotide primers such that the generation of a color, or combination of colors, can be visualized and used for diagnosis. Color complementation assay obviates the need for gel electrophoresis and has been applied to the detection of a large and small gene deletion, a chromosomal translocation, an infectious agent, and a single-base substitution. DNA amplification with fluorescent oligonucleotide primers has also been used to multiplex and discriminate five different amplified DNA loci simultaneously. Each primer set is conjugated to a different dye, and the fluorescence of each dye respective to its amplified DNA locus is scored on a fluorometer. This method is valuable for DNA diagnostics of genetic, acquired, and infectious diseases, as well as in DNA forensics. It also lends itself to complete automation.  相似文献   

Intracistronic complementation in the simian virus 40 A gene.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
A set of eight simian virus 40 mutants was constructed with lesions in the A gene, which encodes the large tumor (T) antigen. These mutants have small deletions (3-20 base pairs) at either 0.497, 0.288, or 0.243 map units. Mutants having both in-phase and frameshift mutations at each site were isolated. Neither plaque formation nor replication of the mutant DNAs could be detected after transfection of monkey kidney cells. Another nonviable mutant, dlA2459, had a 14-base-pair deletion at 0.193 map unit and was positive for viral DNA replication. Each of the eight mutants were tested for ability to form plaques after cotransfection with dlA2459 DNA. The four mutants that had in-phase deletions were able to complement dlA2459. The other four, which had frameshift deletions, did not. No plaques were formed after cotransfection of cells with any other pair of group A mutants. This suggests that the defect in dlA2459 defines a distinct functional domain of simian virus 40 T antigen.  相似文献   

cdc28, one of several genes required for cell division in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been isolated on recombinant plasmids. A recombinant plasmid pool containing the entire yeast genome was constructed by partial digestion of yeast DNA with the four-base recognition restriction endonuclease Sau3A to give the equivalent of random fragments, size selection on sucrose gradients, and introduction of the fragments into the yeast vector YRp7 by use of the homology of Sau3A ends with those generated in the vector by cleavage with BamHI. Recombinant plasmids capable of complementing cdc28 mutations were isolated by transformation of a cdc28ts strain and selection for clones capable of growth at the restrictive temperature. Plasmids responsible for complementing the cdc28ts phenotype were shown to recombine specifically with the chromosomal cdc28 locus, confirming the identity of the cloned sequences. In addition, one of the recombinant plasmids was capable of complementing a mutation in tyr1, a gene genetically linked to cdc28. This method of gene isolation and identification should be applicable to all yeast genes for which there are readily scorable mutants.  相似文献   

The steady-state level of both RAG-1 and RAG-2 mRNA, the number of Pre-B cells, and the number of Pre-B cells expressing RAG-2 protein decrease in the bone marrow of old mice. These differences appear to be due, at least in part, to increased apoptosis of bone marrow Pre-B cells. To determine whether the age-associated increase in apoptosis reflects the impaired expression of the Pre-B cell receptor required for the survival of Pre-B cells, we examined the recombination of D to J and V to DJ in bone marrow from young and old mice. Both D to J recombination, which occurs early in the Pro-B cell stage of development, and V to DJ, which occurs just prior to the transition to the Pre-B cell stage, are diminished with age. These findings support the view that immunoglobulin recombination may impair the expression of the Pre-B cell receptor and may contribute to the increased rate of apoptosis of Pre-B cells in the bone marrow of old mice.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is caused by a defect in nucleotide excision repair. Patients in the complementation group E (XP-E) have the mildest form of the disease and the highest level of residual repair activity. About 20% of the cell strains derived from XP-E patients lack a damaged DNA-binding protein (DDB) activity that binds to ultraviolet-induced (6-4) photoproducts with high affinity. We report here that cell-free extracts prepared from XP-E cell strains that either lacked or contained DDB activity were severely defective in excising DNA damage including (6-4) photoproducts. However, this excision activity defect was not restored by addition of purified DDB that, in fact, inhibited removal of (6-4) photoproducts by the human excision nuclease reconstituted from purified proteins. Extensive purification of correcting activity from HeLa cells revealed that the correcting activity is inseparable from the human replication/repair protein A [RPA (also known as human single stranded DNA binding protein, HSSB)]. Indeed, supplementing XP-E extracts with recombinant human RPA purified from Escherichia coli restored excision activity. However, no mutation was found in the genes encoding the three subunits of RPA in an XP-E (DDB-) cell line. It is concluded that RPA functionally complements XP-E extracts in vitro, but it is not genetically altered in XP-E patients.  相似文献   

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