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Liposomes for drug delivery are often prepared with maleimide groups on the distal end of PEG to enable coupling of homing devices, such as antibodies, or other proteins. EDTA is used to stabilize the thiol group in the homing device for attachment to the maleimide. However, when using a homing device that contains a metal, EDTA inactivates this by scavenging of the metal. Holo-transferrin (Tf) containing two iron atoms (Fe3+), has a much higher affinity for the Tf receptor than apo-Tf (which does not contain any Fe3+). To couple Tf to a liposome, the introduction of a thiol group is necessary. During this process, by using N-succinimidyl S-acetylthioacetate (SATA), followed by 2–3 h coupling to the liposomes, Fe3+ is scavenged by EDTA. This causes a decreased affinity of Tf for its receptor, resulting in a decreased targeting efficiency of the liposomes.

Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) hydrochloride is a sulfhydryl reductant that is often used in protein biochemistry. We found that TCEP (0.01 mM) does not scavenge Fe3+ from Tf and is able to protect thiol groups for the coupling to maleimide. Furthermore, TCEP does not interfere with the maleimide coupling itself.

In this communication, we describe the preparation of liposomes, focussing on the coupling of Tf to the maleimide linker at the distal end of PEG, without loosing Fe3+ from Tf. This method can be applied to other metal-containing homing devices as well.  相似文献   

A series of studies have been conducted to develop a heat-stable liquid oxytocin formulation. Oxytocin degradation products have been identified including citrate adducts formed in a formulation with citrate buffer. In a more recent study we have found that divalent metal salts in combination with citrate buffer strongly stabilize oxytocin in aqueous solutions (Avanti, C.; et al. AAPS J.2011, 13, 284-290). The aim of the present investigation was to identify various degradation products of oxytocin in citrate-buffered solution after thermal stress at a temperature of 70 °C for 5 days and the changes in degradation pattern in the presence of divalent metal ions. Degradation products of oxytocin in the citrate buffer formulation with and without divalent metal ions were analyzed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). In the presence of divalent metal ions, almost all degradation products, in particular citrate adduct, tri- and tetrasulfides, and dimers, were greatly reduced in intensity. No significant difference in the stabilizing effect was found among the divalent metal ions Ca(2+), Mg(2+), and Zn(2+). The suppressed degradation products all involve the cysteine residues. We therefore postulate that cysteine-mediated intermolecular reactions are suppressed by complex formation of the divalent metal ion and citrate with oxytocin, thereby inhibiting the formation of citrate adducts and reactions of the cysteine thiol group in oxytocin.  相似文献   

We compared zinc, copper and cadmium concentrations and the operationally defined geochemical partitioning of the three metals in sediments enriched with biofilm versus sediments without obvious biofilm present (reference) sampled from five locations within the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada. Two-way ANOVA’s with site and biofilm (enriched or reference) as the two factors were applied to determine if metal concentrations or the partitioning of the metal was dependent on the two factors. Sediment enriched in biofilm contained greater amounts of aqua regia extracted zinc and copper and tended to have greater amounts of reducible cadmium as compared to reference sediments. By contrast, reference sediments had greater concentrations of easily reducible copper suggesting differences in speciation between the two sediment types. Greater concentrations of reducible cadmium within biofilm may provide a route of contaminant exposure to shorebirds whose diet is dependent on biofilm.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the speed of onset of bronchodilation following salbutamol administered via a metered-dose inhaler with a spacer (pMDI + Volumatic) and a dry-powder inhaler (Diskus), as well as the relative potencies of these devices in asthmatic patients with methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction. METHODS: Eighteen patients inhaled methacholine (MCh) until FEV(1) decreased by 35% of control. Following administration of placebo, 200 microg salbutamol or 400 microg salbutamol through the pMDI + Volumatic or the Diskus, we calculated the time elapsed from drug administration and the appearance of a 90% increase in post-MCh forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV(1) and volume-adjusted mid-expiratory flow (recovery times). The salbutamol doses to be delivered by the two inhalation devices to achieve similar recovery times and the relative potencies of the devices were calculated by using the 2-by-2 Finney parallel regression method. RESULTS: For all functional variables, recovery times were significantly (P < 0.01) shorter in pMDI + Volumatic than Diskus trials. The salbutamol doses to be delivered by the Diskus to achieve recovery times for FVC, FEV(1) and volume-adjusted mid-expiratory flow similar to those obtained with 200 microg salbutamol administered via the pMDI + Volumatic were 558 (95% CI 537, 579) microg, 395 (95% CI 388, 404) microg and 404 (95% CI 393, 415) microg, respectively, and corresponded to relative potencies of 2.79 (95% CI 2.68, 2.90), 1.98 (95% CI 1.94, 2.02), and 2.02 (95% CI 1.96, 2.07). CONCLUSIONS: Administration of salbutamol via the pMDI + Volumatic provides faster reversal of induced bronchoconstriction than via the Diskus. The salbutamol dose targeting the lungs with the pMDI + Volumatic is approximately twice that with the Diskus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: While alcoholics with social phobia comprise a substantial portion of the alcoholic population, little is known about how they differ from alcoholics without social phobia in their substance use and psychiatric health. The present study was conducted to examine baseline differences between alcoholics with and without social phobia on substance use and psychiatric variables. METHOD: Alcoholics without social phobia (n = 397) were chosen to match those with social phobia (n = 397) on several variables, including age and gender. All subjects were participants in Project MATCH, a large clinical client-treatment matching study. RESULTS: Exploratory/Confirmatory analyses revealed that alcoholics with social phobia had higher scores on the alcohol dependence scale and endorsed more dependence symptoms on the SCID, although they did not drink greater amounts or more often than alcoholics without social phobia. They also reported drinking in order to improve sociability and enhance functioning more than did the comparison group. Alcoholics with social phobia were more likely to conform to social norms than alcoholics without social phobia. They also had more symptoms of depression as indicated by higher scores on the Beck Depression Inventory and higher incidence of a major depressive episode from the C-DIS. CONCLUSIONS: Alcoholics with social phobia enter treatment with some problems that are more severe than those expressed by alcoholics without social phobia. Whether these problems affect treatment efficacy is an important area for future research.  相似文献   

1. The presence of A1 adenosine receptors in CHO-K1 cells transfected with the human brain A1 sequence was confirmed by ligand binding studies using 8-cyclopentyl-[3H] 1,3-dipropylxanthine ([3H]-DPCPX). 2. Alterations in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) were measured with the calcium-sensitive dye, fura-2. 3. N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA), the selective A1 agonist, and 5'-N-ethylcarboxaminoadenosine (NECA), a relatively non-selective adenosine receptor agonist, elicited rapid, biphasic increases in [Ca2+]i which involved both mobilisation from intracellular stores and calcium entry. 4. The calcium response to CPA was significantly inhibited by the selective A1 antagonist DPCPX. The non-selective adenosine receptor, xanthine amino congener (XAC), was less potent. 5. The calcium response to CPA was completely prevented by pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin implicating the involvement of Gi in the receptor-mediated response. 6. In summary, we present evidence for the coupling of transfected human brain A1 adenosine receptors in CHO-K1 cells to mobilisation of [Ca2+]i via a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein.  相似文献   

PEGylation is one of the most successful strategies to improve the delivery of therapeutic molecules such as proteins, macromolecular carriers, small drugs, oligonucleotides, and other biomolecules. PEGylation increase the size and molecular weight of conjugated biomolecules and improves their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodinamics by increasing water solubility, protecting from enzymatic degradation, reducing renal clearance and limiting immunogenic and antigenic reactions. PEGylated molecules show increased half-life, decreased plasma clearance, and different biodistribution, in comparison with non-PEGylated counterparts. These features appear to be very useful for therapeutic proteins, since the high stability and very low immunogenicity of PEGylated proteins result in sustained clinical response with minimal dose and less frequent administration. PEGylation of liposomes improves not only the stability and circulation time, but also the 'passive' targeting ability on tumoral tissues, through a process known as the enhanced permeation retention effect, able to improve the therapeutic effects and reduce the toxicity of encapsulated drug. The molecular weight, shape, reactivity, specificity, and type of bond of PEG moiety are crucial in determining the effect on PEGylated molecules and, at present, researchers have the chance to select among tens of PEG derivatives and PEG conjugation technologies, in order to design the best PEGylation strategy for each particular application. The aim of the present review will be to elucidate the principles of PEGylation chemistry and to describe the already marketed PEGylated proteins and liposomes by focusing our attention to some enlightening examples of how this technology could dramatically influence the clinical application of therapeutic biomolecules.  相似文献   

To study the quality of toad venom dried on different metal plates by heating at 105 degrees C, each 20 g sample of fresh toad venom collected in Hei-Long-Jiang Province, China, was dried on (1) brass, (2) copper, (3) glass, (4) acrylic resins, (5) aluminum and (6) stainless-steel, respectively. Twelve bufadienolides, including bufalin and bufotalin, in each sample were then quantitatively analyzed by HPLC. The total levels of bufadienolides in 1000.0 mg of the dried samples were (1) > (2) > (3) > (4) > (5) > (6), varying from 303.44 mg to 420.72 mg. Besides, the color of dried venom became darker in the order of (2), (4), (6), (3), (1) and (5). Though (1) was not in good color, it was superior to the others in chemical quality. These results suggest that it is possible to dry toad venom in short period by heating it at a high temperature on a tray made of brass. This will be a better method for making high quality toad venom than the traditional method. Moreover, the removal of impurities in the fresh venom by the process of filtration through silk succeeded in raising the bufadienolides content significantly.  相似文献   

Dietary metal uptake in fish is determined by metal bioavailability in prey and the metal requirements of the fish. In this study zebrafish were fed the intertidal polychaete worm Nereis diversicolor (3% wet weight day(-1)) collected from Ag, Cd and Cu-impacted Restronguet Creek (RC) or a reference site, Blackwater estuary (BW), for 21 days. On days 0, 7, 14 and 21 fish were fed a single meal of RC or BW N. diversicolor labeled with (110m)Ag or (109)Cd for measurements of metal assimilation efficiency (AE). Zebrafish intestines were also taken for mRNA expression analysis of copper transporter 1 (ctr1), divalent metal transporter 1 (dmt1) and metallothionein 2 (mt2). No significant difference was observed in the AE of (109)Cd in metal na?ve fish at day 0 between RC and BW worms, 11.8±2.1 and 15.3±2.8%, respectively. However, AE of (110m)Ag was significantly greater in fish fed worms from BW compared to RC, 5±1.2% and 1.6±0.5%, respectively at day 0. Fractionation analysis of radiolabeled metal partitioned in N. diversicolor from RC revealed a greater proportion of Ag (40±1.1%) in a fraction containing protein and organelle bound metal, associated with high trophic availability, compared to BW polychaetes (24±2.5%). Lower AE of (110m)Ag from RC polychaetes is therefore unlikely due to speciation of (110m)Ag in N. diversicolor from RC, but to the high concentration of Cu, a potential Ag antagonist. Exposure to RC polychaetes significantly increased the AE of (110m)Ag (6.2±1%), but not (109)Cd, from RC worms, after 21 days. AE of (110m)Ag and (109)Cd was unaffected by pre-exposure to BW. Elevated concentration of intestinal Cu and increased expression of ctr1, dmt1 and mt2 after 14 days exposure in fish fed worms from RC suggest altered Cu handling strategy of these fish which may increase AE of Ag via shared Ag and Cu transport pathways. These data suggest metal exposure history of invertebrates may affect metal bioavailability to fish, and fish may alter intestinal uptake physiology during chronic dietary exposure with implications for the assimilation and toxicity of dietary metals.  相似文献   

The interfacial properties and stability of water-in-oil emulsions containing protein were studied using micromanipulation. Micropipettes were used to produce individual water droplets in oil in a controlled manner on the micron scale. The pipettes were then used to bring two droplets into contact in order to observe fusion. The occurrence of fusion was investigated as a function of the compositions of both the continuous (oil) and dispersed (aqueous) phases. Various proteins, i.e., insulin, growth hormone, or serum albumin, were dissolved in the dispersed phase. When low concentrations of surfactants or no surfactant were present in the oil phase, a condensed protein film was formed at the surface of the droplets, which was revealed by the irregular topology of the droplet surface viewed with contrast microscopy. At higher surfactant concentrations, this topology was not observed nor was the stability apparently affected; emulsion droplets coalesce immediately upon contact with each other. There seems to be a limiting surfactant concentration, which stabilizes the droplets toward fusion and prevents formation of a condensed surface film, when the droplets contain protein. The technique exhibits potential for examination of the effects of various excipients on the coalescence stability of emulsion droplets.  相似文献   

We have previously described compound 1a as a high-affinity subtype selective alpha(1a) antagonist. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of compound 1a showed its major metabolite to be a mu-opioid agonist, 4-methoxycarbonyl-4-phenylpiperidine (3). Several dihydropyrimidinone analogues were synthesized with the goal of either minimizing the formation of 3 by modification of the linker or finding alternative piperidine moieties which when cleaved as a consequence of metabolism would not give rise to mu-opioid activity. Modification of the linker gave several compounds with good alpha(1a) binding affinity (K(i) = < 1 nM) and selectivity (>300-fold over alpha(1b) and alpha(1d)). In vitro analysis in the microsomal assay revealed these modifications did not significantly affect N-dealkylation and the formation of the piperidine 3. The second approach, however, yielded several piperidine replacements for 3, which did not show significant mu-opioid activity. Several of these compounds maintained good affinity at the alpha(1a) adrenoceptor and selectivity over alpha(1b) and alpha(1d). For example, the piperidine fragments of (+)-73 and (+)-83, viz. 4-cyano-4-phenylpiperidine and 4-methyl-4-phenylpiperidine, were essentially inactive at the mu-opioid receptor (IC(50) > 30 microM vs 3 microM for 3). Compounds (+)-73 and (+)-83 were subjected to detailed in vitro and in vivo characterization. Both these compounds, in addition to their excellent selectivity (>880-fold) over alpha(1b) and alpha(1d), also showed good selectivity over several other recombinant human G-protein coupled receptors. Compounds (+)-73 and (+)-83 showed good functional potency in isolated human prostate tissues, with K(b)s comparable to their in vitro alpha(1a) binding data. In addition, compound (+)-73 also exhibited good uroselectivity (DBP K(b)/IUP K(b) > 20-fold) in the in vivo experiments in dogs, similar to 1a.  相似文献   

Cationic liposomes are generally considered as the non-viral counterparts of the more common viral vectors used in several gene therapy protocols, but their use as delivery vehicles is limited by their efficiency even if they display a lower toxicity. However, cationic liposomes are promising delivery systems in cell biology due to their ability to incorporate small molecules into their inner aqueous spheres and to deliver them into cells. Additionally, on the external surface they can bind therapeutic molecules such as nucleic acids, oligonucleotides, plasmids, etc. through electrostatic interactions. The aim of this work was to study the diffusion properties of such vehicles in vivo with a non-invasive technique and to monitor their tissue migration in order to collect information to be further used in gene therapy procedures. For this purpose, cationic liposomes containing the paramagnetic contrast agent Gd(DTPA)2- (Gd(III)-diethylenetriamine-N,N,N',N",N"-pentaacetic acid) were investigated because of their extended paramagnetic persistency in vivo, compared to the use of the contrast agent alone, and they were used to monitor the diffusion of such vehicles in an animal model (rat model). In particular, these vectors were injected into the rat brain through a stereotactic frame in a preformed cavity mimicking the lesion which had originated after surgical removal of the primary tumor. For the purpose of comparison, the same injection procedure was also applied to a control series of animals without a preformed brain lesion. Pattern diffusion and steadiness of the reported paramagnetic cationic liposomes were studied by means of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which allowed us to monitor their diffusion and assess their intracerebral time availability up to 24 hours.  相似文献   

The size of liposomes has been shown to be an important factor in the efficient delivery of an antitumor agent to a tumor. In this paper, the effects of the size of liposomes on the pharmacokinetics of liposomes and liposome-encapsulated drugs are discussed with reference to: (1) the circulation amount and residence time of liposomes in the blood, (2) the accumulation of liposomes in the tumor, and (3) in vivo drug release from liposomes. In addition, the effect of size on therapeutic activity (antitumor efficacy and toxicity) of a liposomal anticancer preparation is discussed. Finally we discuss the importance of liposome size in the design of a more effective liposomal antitumor preparation.  相似文献   

Nucleoside analogs conjugated with galactosyl-terminating peptides selectively enter liver cells and after intracellular release from the carrier partly exit into bloodstream, resulting in higher concentrations in liver blood than in systemic circulation. The aim of the present experiments was to ascertain whether, in mice injected with non-toxic doses of a 5-fluoro 2'-deoxyuridine (FUdR) conjugate with lactosaminated poly-L-lysine (L-poly(LYS)), the drug was released by hepatic cells in high enough amounts to be pharmacologically active on neoplastic cells infiltrating the liver. We observed that L-poly(LYS)-FUdR inhibited the growth of hepatic metastases induced by intrasplenic administration of murine colon carcinoma C-26 cells. L-poly(LYS)-FUdR was not toxic for C-26 cells in vitro, was selectively taken up by mouse liver, and was stable in mouse blood, indicating that the effect on the metastases was due to FUdR (and/or its active metabolites) released in liver blood after the conjugate was taken up by the hepatic cells. These results suggest that L-poly(LYS)-FUdR might be useful in adjuvant chemotherapy of tumors giving liver metastases. The drug released from hepatic cells into liver blood following conjugate administration via the peripheral venous route might accomplish a locoregional, non-invasive treatment of micrometastases nourished by liver sinusoids.  相似文献   

Daphnia magna was used as a test organism for assessing the toxicity remaining in simulated effluents containing cadmium, zinc, and a cadmium‐zinc mixture, after these metals were removed with suspended and immobilized Chlorella vulgaris cultures. The percentage of removal was higher (84.7%) for cadmium in the metal mixture with immobilized cultures. The LC50 value was lower for the residual cadmium (single and in the mixture) in the effluent after treatment with suspended cultures. The acute toxicity response observed in D. magna, indicates that zinc has an antagonistic effect on cadmium toxicity. According to the results, the treatment system can modify the Cd acute residual toxicity. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Environ Toxicol 15: 160–164, 2000<  相似文献   

Liver fibrosis and its end-stage disease cirrhosis are a main cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Thus far, there is no efficient pharmaceutical intervention for the treatment of liver fibrosis. Liver fibrosis is characterized by excessive accumulation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Transglutaminase (TG)-mediated covalent cross-linking has been implicated in the stabilization and accumulation of ECM in a number of fibrotic diseases. Thus, the use of tissue TG2 inhibitors has potential in the treatment of liver fibrosis. Recently, we introduced a novel group of site-directed irreversible specific inhibitors of TGs. Here, we describe the development of a liposome-based drug-delivery system for the site-specific delivery of these TG inhibitors into the liver. By using anionic or neutral-based DSPC liposomes, the TG inhibitor can be successfully incorporated into these liposomes and delivered specifically to the liver. Liposomes can therefore be used as a potential carrier system for site-specific delivery of the TG2 inhibitors into the liver, opening up a potential new avenue for the treatment of liver fibrosis and its end-stage disease cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Marine copepods have recently been recognized as important organisms in ecotoxicity testing for regulatory purposes. The harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus japonicus has a wide geographical distribution along the coast in the Western Pacific including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. This study evaluated the acute toxicity sensitivity profile of Tigriopus japonicus against 12 common toxic substances including six endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), three biocides and three trace metals. Through standard acute toxicity test procedures, toxicity endpoints LC(50), LC(10), and no observed effect concentration (NOEC) of each chemical were obtained. Although T. japonicus depicted different sensitivities towards different chemicals, a dose-response relationship was consistent in all cases. T. japonicus was particularly sensitive to most of the EDCs, but relatively less sensitive to molinate (a thiocarbate herbicide). Across all tested chemicals, tributyltin (TBT) was the most toxic to the copepod with the LC(50), LC(10), and NOEC of 0.05, 0.03, and 0.02 mg/L, respectively. A comparison made with available data on acute toxicities of these chemicals to other marine copepod species revealed that T. japonicus is generally more sensitive to EDCs and in particular to TBT. We, therefore, strongly advocate that T. japonicus shall be adopted as a benchmark marine species for routine ecotoxicity testing and ecotoxicological studies in Western Pacific coasts.  相似文献   

Indigenous unionid molluscs, Pyganodon grandis, were collected from nine lakes in the Rouyn-Noranda area (Quebec, Canada) along a polymetallic concentration gradient (Cd, Cu, Zn). After excision, the gills were gently homogenised and the cellular compartments were separated by a differential centrifugation procedure that yielded the following particulate fractions: "nuclei + cellular debris", "mitochondria", "lysosomes + microsomes" and "granules". The supernatant remaining after the final ultracentrifugation step, i.e., the operationally-defined cytosol, was separated into a "heat-denaturable proteins" (HDP) fraction and a "heat-stable proteins" (HSP) fraction containing metallothionein (MT). The Cd, Cu and Zn content of each particulate and cytosolic fraction was determined and gill metallothionein was quantified independently by a mercury saturation assay. Cytosolic Cd concentrations were significantly related to the dissolved Cd concentrations at each site, but cytosolic Cu and Zn (essential metals) were not related to their respective ambient dissolved metal concentrations. Metallothionein concentrations increased along the metal contamination gradient and were related to cytosolic Cd (and Zn) in a concentration-dependent manner. However mass balance calculations showed that binding to metallothionein could only account for a small proportion of total gill metal ( approximately 10% Cd; approximately 3% Cu; approximately 1% Zn). Under these chronic exposure conditions, the three metals (Cd, Cu and Zn) were mainly located in calcium concretions present in the gills (respectively 58 +/- 13% of the total gill Cd, 64 +/- 6% of the total gill Cu and 73 +/- 6% of the total gill Zn). The overall contribution of granules to the total gill dry weight remained relatively constant among the different lakes, suggesting that lake-to-lake variations in granule synthesis were independent of the metal contamination gradient, i.e., these constituent elements of unionid gills act as non-inducible metal sinks at the cellular level. Metal concentrations increased proportionally in both the granules and the MT pool along the polymetallic gradient, suggesting a constant partitioning between these two compartments. Overall, despite an increase in Cd in the "mitochondria" fraction, metal sequestration mechanisms seem to be reasonably effective in detoxifying cadmium: in the cytosol, Cd concentrations in the potentially metal-sensitive HDP fraction remained relatively low and constant, even in specimens collected from the most contaminated lakes.  相似文献   

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