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The presence of an injury or the selective degeneration of specific neuronal populations is commonly assumed to be a necessary prerequisite for the survival and the integration of grafted neurons in the recipient brain. In the present study we have placed solid grafts of cerebellar anlage in the fourth ventricle of adult rats, in close contact with the host cerebellar cortex, to assess the capacity of embryonic Purkinje cells to interact with adult neurons and integrate in the unlesioned cerebellar cortex. Numerous grafted Purkinje cells are indeed able to leave the implant and migrate into the host molecular layer, where they develop adult structural features. In addition, such cells are able to elicit the growth of host climbing fibre sprouts which end in newly formed arborizations impinging upon their dendritic trees. Climbing fibre collateral branches also penetrate the implant to innervate Purkinje cells which have not migrated in the host cerebellum. These results show that embryonic Purkinje cells are able to survive and integrate in an adult unlesioned cerebellar cortex. In addition, adult olivary axons respond to the increased size of the target population by expanding their terminal domain to innervate grafted Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine, as precisely as possible, the topography and the density of host afferents to visually responsive grafts of occipital embryonic cells implanted in block form into the occipital neocortex of adult rats. The presence of visual activity in the grafts was assessed through field potential and single unit electrophysiological recordings. Field potentials appeared triphasic in shape, had low peak-to-peak amplitude (= 100 micro V), and had normal time latencies (? 30 msec). Polarity reversal was never observed. Single unit recordings showed that graft neurons exhibited normal (desynchronized) spontaneous activity, had discrete receptive fields (? 20 masculine in dia.), and responded to small stationary light flashes. A topic projection of the visual field in the grafts was also observed. Injections of cholera toxin sabunit B (CTB) into these responsive grafts induced retrograde labeling in almost all the brain regions normally projecting to the occipital cortical areas. The visual related cortical (Oc 1, Oc2) and thalamic (LP, LD, LGB) regions of the host provide the largest contingent (70-75%) of afferents to the graft. Finally, one of the major findings of this study is that 93-97% of the labeled cortical cells were found in cortical layers V and VI with a net preference for layer VI. A noticeable proportion of these layer VI labeled neurons (15-20%) was systematically observed in sublayer VIb, very close to, or even within, the white matter. We suggest thus that grafts inserted into the occipital cortex of adult rats receive functional visual inputs through various neuronal circuits. Visual inputs could be conveyed to graft eells by: (i) regenerating axons of geniculate neurons previously innervating the injured cortical site; (ii) formation of collateral branches from thalamic axons ending normally in the host cortex close to the graft boundary; and (iii) development of neuronal processes from cells located in the host cortex, mainly in layers V and VI of the occipital areas. Depending on multiple factors, yet unknown but very likely related to the host-graft integration, the cortical circuits might be either the principal afferent inflow to the graft or only a complement to the thalamic input.  相似文献   

We have investigated the long-term structural changes which affect Purkinje cells exposed to a single dose of kainic acid. Following intraparenchymal injection of the excitotoxin in the cerebellar cortex (1 μ1 of a 1 mg/ml solution), Purkinje cells which survived within the lesioned area or close to its edges showed remarkable axonal abnormalities, involving the formation of torpedoes, hypertrophy of recurrent collaterals and atrophy of the corticofugal portion of the axon. In addition, their dendritic trees were often affected by conspicuous regressive alterations. The climbing fibres contacting these Purkinje cells were characterized by thick perisomatic plexuses, whereas their peridendritic branches were atrophic. The dendrites innervated by such atrophic olivary arbours were studded with huge numbers of newly formed spines. These alterations were already present a few days after kainic acid administration and persisted for the total period of observation of 6 months after the lesion. The remarkable similarity between the abnormalities of Purkinje cells exposed to kainic acid and those observed after axotomy indicates that in these two conditions common mechanisms determine analogous long-lasting modifications in the affected neurons. It is proposed that kainic acid-induced intracellular calcium overload disrupts cytoskeletal components and impairs axonal transport, thus depriving the affected Purkinje cells of retrograde trophic influences from their target neurons. As a consequence the affected neurons undergo long-lasting regressive modifications and compensatory remodelling phenomena.  相似文献   

The projection from the inferior olivary nucleus to the forelimb-related regions of the c1, c2 and c3 zones within rostral folia of the paramedian lobule of the cat cerebellum was studied using a combined electrophysiological and neuroanatomical tracing technique. In each experiment, the cerebellar cortical zones were identified by their receipt of spino-olivocerebellar input evoked by percutaneous electrical stimulation of the limbs. A small (15 – 30 nl) injection of wheatgerm agglutinin – horseradish peroxidase (WGA – HRP) was then made into the centre of one of the zones. The olivary regions projecting to each zone were compared with the regions within the olive that have previously been shown to project to the corresponding cortical zones within lobule V of the anterior lobe. The results show that some (but not all) of the paravermal zones in the anterior lobe are also represented in the paramedian lobule (PML). The most medial (c1) zone in rostral PML receives climbing fibre input from an area in the rostral dorsal accessory olive which overlaps partially with the area that projects to the medial half of the C1 zone in lobule V. A zone equivalent to the lateral half of the c1 zone (the cx zone) in lobule V does not appear to be present within rostral PML. A middle (c2) zone within rostral PML receives olivary input from a region within the rostral medial accessory olive that overlaps partially with the area that projects to the c2 zone in lobule V. The presence of a c3 zone within rostral PML was found to be variable between animals and it could be identified electrophysiologically in only two out of a possible nine cases. In summary, the results demonstrate that, although a number of similarities exist between the olivocerebellar projections to corresponding cortical zones in the two forelimb-receiving regions of the cat paravermal cortex, the differences in olivocerebellar connectivity between the two regions suggest that functional differences between them may also exist.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that embryonic Purkinje cells grafted extraparenchymally into an intact cerebellum, in the absence of any sign of damage, are able to migrate into the host molecular layer where they receive a climbing fibre innervation. Using the same technique, we investigated the development of the electrophysiological properties of the synapses between the grafted cells and their main afferents. Purkinje cells either in the graft or having migrated into the molecular layer of the host were recorded using the whole-cell patch-clamp method in acutely prepared slices 17–112 days after grafting. Spontaneous postsynaptic currents with a single-exponential decay and mediated by GABAA receptors were very similar to those described in normal Purkinje cells. Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) evoked by climbing fibre and by parallel fibre stimulation were blocked by an α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA)/kainate antagonist, and displayed the linear current-voltage relation typical of postnatal Purkinje cells. The attainment of normal functional properties by the adult axons at the newly formed synaptic sites was shown by the expression of short-term facilitation of parallel fibre EPSCs and of short-term depression of climbing fibre EPSCs. The grafted Purkinje cells showed climbing fibre polyinnervation 17-20 days after grafting which evolved to monoinnervation at 23-45 days, confirming the completion of the developmental programme up to maturation. Our experiments support the view that the adult intact brain is able to accept and integrate an additional number of neurons which show fully mature electrophysiological properties which are electrophysiologically indistinguishable from those of the host neurons.  相似文献   

To investigate the afferent projections to the flocculus in a nonhuman primate, we injected horseradish peroxidase into one flocculus of six rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and processed their brains according to the tetramethylbenzidine protocol to reveal retrogradely labeled neurons. Labeled neurons were found in a large set of nuclei within the rostral medulla and the pons. The greatest numbers of labeled neurons were in the vestibular complex and the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi. There were neurons labeled bilaterally throughout all the vestibular nuclei except the lateral vestibular nucleus, but most of the labeled neurons were in the caudal parts of the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei and in the central part of the superior vestibular nucleus; the nucleus prepositus was also labeled bilaterally, primarily caudally. Modest numbers of labeled neurons were found in the y-group, most ipsilaterally, and many neurons were labeled in the interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve. No labeled neurons were found in the vestibular ganglion following a large injection into the flocculus. A second large source of afferents to the flocculus was the medial, paramedial, and raphe reticular formation. Dense aggregates of labeled neurons were located in several pararaphe nuclei of the rostral medulla and the rostral pons and in the nucleus reticularis paramedianus of the medulla and several component nuclei of the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis bilaterally. Several groups of cells within and abutting upon the medial and rostral aspects of the abducens nucleus were labeled bilaterally. There was a modest projection from two parts of the pontine nuclei. Both a dorsal midline nucleus ventral to the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and a collection of nuclei in a laminar region adjacent to the contralateral middle cerebellar peduncle contained labeled neurons whose numbers, while modest, were large compared to the projections to the flocculus in other animals. This generic difference may be due to the greater development of the smooth pursuit system in monkeys and the consequent need for a more substantial input from the cerebral cortex. As in other genera, the inferior olive projected to the flocculus via the dorsal cap of Kooy and the contiguous ventrolateral outgrowth. The projection was completely crossed and large injections labeled virtually every neuron in the dorsal cap, suggesting that the dorsal cap is the principal source of climbing fiber afferents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Golgi cells are the only elements within the cerebellar cortex that inhibit granule cells. Despite their unique position there is little information on how Golgi cells respond to afferent input. We studied responses of Golgi cells to mechanical stimulation of the face, in Crus I-II of ketamine-xylazine anaesthetized rats. In 41 rats, 87 putative Golgi cells were identified, based on spike characteristics and on location of electrolytic lesions in the granular layer. They displayed a slow firing rhythm at rest (8.4 spikes/s). Most Golgi cells (84%) showed excitatory responses to tactile input. Their receptive fields (RFs) included, in 78%, the entire ipsilateral infraorbital nerve territory, and extended, in 14%, to other trigeminal nerve branches and, in 48%, to the contralateral face. Excitatory responses consisted of multiple, precisely timed (+/- 1 ms) spikes. Most peristimulus time histograms (PSTHs) (69%) showed an early (5-10 ms) and a late (13-26 ms) excitatory component, with each component consisting of a single PSTH peak. In some PSTHs the early component was a double peak (< 4 ms interval). In others, only one, early or late, PSTH peak was observed. The excitatory components were followed by a silent period (28-69 ms latency), the duration of which (13-200 ms) varied with response amplitude. In single cells, response profiles changed with stimulus location. In simultaneously recorded cells, evoked profiles differed for identical stimuli. Differences in RF size between early 'double' and 'single' peaks suggested that they resulted from direct mossy fibre and parallel fibre input, respectively. Late PSTH peaks were assumed to reflect corticopontine activation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to study if the connectivity of fetal neocortical tissue blocks placed in ischemic brain infarcts of adult rats would be enhanced in rats housed in an enriched environment. We also investigated whether the enriched housing conditions could enhance the postischemic and postgrafting functional outcome, in terms of motor behavior. This part of the study has been published recently. The middle cerebral artery was ligated on the right side in 37 inbred, adult male spontaneously hypertensive rats. The rats were placed at random either in an enriched environment (groups A and B) or in standard laboratory cages (group C). Three weeks after the artery occlusion, blocks of fetal sensorimotor cortex (Embryonic Day 17) were transplanted into the infarct cavity of rats from groups B and C. After 9 weeks all transplanted rats received an injection, into the graft, of a mixture containing the two tracers Fluoro-Gold and biotinylated Dextran amine. The transplants revealed a structured morphology with whorls and bands of cells reminiscent of normal neocortex. Tracing of efferent transplant to host fibers with biotinylated Dextran amine showed pronounced intrinsic transplant projections, as well as fibers, although significantly fewer, to the host ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex, striatum, and thalamus. Host to transplant projections were revealed by Fluoro-Gold-labeled cells found in the ipsilateral host sensorimotor cortex, the basal nucleus of Meynert, the thalamic ventrobasal, ventrolateral and posterior nuclei, and in the dorsal raphe nuclei. We conclude that fetal frontal neocortical block grafts placed in brain infarcts of adult rats develop a morphology reminiscent of normal neocortex and that both afferent and efferent neural connections, although sparse, are established with the host brain, whether the rats are reared under enriched housing conditions or not.  相似文献   

Cultured Schwann cells were implanted into the thoracic spinal cords of adult rats inside thin tubes made of polycarbonate film coated with poly- -lysine. Additional control tubes were implanted which did not contain cultured Schwann cells. Some of the control tubes were coated with poly- -lysine and others were not. One week to 2 months later the animals were perfused with fixatives and the tubes were prepared for light or electron microscopy. Immunocytochemical studies of the Schwann cell tubes reveal that they contain axons. Most of these axons are grouped in fascicles that run longitudinally through the tubes. The distribution of these axons matches precisely the distribution of basal lamina within the tubes as displayed by immunolabeling with an antibody to laminin. Surprisingly, the same patterns of labeling are seen in the control tubes, although they contain fewer axons. Control tubes lacking poly- -lysine contain the fewest. Electron microscopy verifies that the tubes, including control tubes, contain Schwann cells and axons of different diameters. Furthermore, the Schwann cells ensheathe and myelinate the axons. These results strengthen the hypothesis that Schwann cells can support axonal growth in the spinal cords of adult animals. They also demonstrate that these Schwann cells can be implanted or they can be derived from the host animal. This finding raises the possibility that therapies could be devised for bridging spinal cord lesions that are based on maximizing migration of endogenous host cells into the sites of lesions.  相似文献   

The paravermal cerebellar cortex contains three spatially separate zones (the C1, C3 and Y zones) which form a functionally coupled system involved in the control of voluntary limb movements. A series of 'modules' has been postulated, each defined by a set of olivary neurons with similar receptive fields, the cortical microzones innervated by these neurons and the group of deep cerebellar nuclear neurons upon which the microzones converge. A key feature of this modular organization is a correspondence between cortical input and output, irrespective of the zonal identity of the microzone. This was tested directly using a combined electrophysiological and bi-directional tracer technique in barbiturate-anaesthetized cats. During an initial operation, small injections of a mix of retrograde and anterograde tracer material (red beads combined with Fluoro-Ruby or green beads combined with biotinylated dextran amine or Fluoro-Emerald) were made into areas of the medial C1 and medial C3 zones in cerebellar lobule V characterized by olivo-cerebellar input from the ventral forelimb. The inferior olive and the deep cerebellar nuclei were then scrutinized for retrogradely labelled cells and anterogradely labelled axon terminals, respectively. For individual experiments, the degree of C1-C3 zone terminal field overlap in the nucleus interpositus anterior was plotted as a function of either the regional overlap of single-labelled cells or the proportion of double-labelled cells in the dorsal accessory olive. The results were highly positively correlated, indicating that cortico-nuclear convergence between parts of the two zones is in close proportion to the corresponding olivo-cerebellar divergence, entirely consistent with the modular hypothesis.  相似文献   

The present stud y examines the capacity of fetal neocortical grafts placed in a brain infarct to exchange axonal projections with the host brain. Five to 7 days after a middle cerebral artery occlusion in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats, dissociated neocortical primordium from fetuses of gestational age 15-16 days was implanted into the infarcted area. Four to 11 months later, the neural tracers Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin and Fluoro-Gold were injected in the grafts and host neocortex. An extensive axonal network was present in the transplants but only one of eight rats with appropriate placed injections displayed efferent connections from transplant to host. The sparse axonal outgrowth indicates major limitations for fetal rat cortical grafts to form connections with host neural circuitries after an ischemic insult.  相似文献   

Motor cortex and somatosensory afferents of climbing fibers (CFs) which terminate in the two rostral folia of the paramedian lobule of the cerebellum were studied in pentobarbital-anesthetized cats. CF responses were elicited in all but one Purkinje cell recorded within the paramedian lobule by stimulation of one or more pericruciate sites; 67% of these also had a peripheral receptive field or were excited by stimulation of the superior radial, sciatic, or infraorbital nerve. CFs responded to stimulation of peripheral nerves at either short latency (14 to 34 ms) or long latency (<120 ms), or gave a mixture of both responses. Those responding at long latency generally did not have peripheral receptive fields. The forelimb was predominantly represented in folia a and b, although it was noted that the relationship between bodily representation and surface landmarks was variable between cats. The proximal portion of the limb was represented medially and the distal part laterally. A clear relation was established between the location of the lowest-threshold cortical site and the peripheral afferents which evoked a CF response in any given cell. The cortical site was generally in a region controlling movements of the body parts on which the peripheral receptive field was found. Two populations of CFs exist in this region, one receiving convergent and complementary cortical and peripheral information and another which, under the present experimental conditions, is excited only from the cortex. It is suggested that these two populations may project as interdigitating bands which run across the long axis of the folia.  相似文献   

To study the function of GLAST, a glutamate transporter highly expressed in the cerebellar Bergmann astrocytes, the mouse GLAST gene was inactivated. GLAST-deficient mice developed normally and could manage simple coordinated tasks, such as staying on a stationary or a slowly rotating rod, but failed more challenging task such as staying on a quickly rotating rod. Electrophysiological examination revealed that Purkinje cells in the mutant mice remained to be multiply innervated by climbing fibres even at the adult stage. We also found that oedema volumes in the mutant mice increased significantly after cerebellar injury. These results indicate that GLAST plays active roles both in the cerebellar climbing fibre synapse formation and in preventing excitotoxic cerebellar damage after acute brain injury.  相似文献   

Intrastriatal grafts of tissue obtained from the striatal or neocortical primordia of rat fetuses have been studied with respect to their intrinsic organization and connectivity using antibodies to DARPP-32 in combination with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunocytochemistry, and anterograde and retrograde axonal tracing techniques. The striatal grafts were characterized by distinct patches of DARPP-32-immunoreactive neurons, which were identical to the densely AChE-positive patches stained in adjacent sections from the same specimens. The non-patch areas possessed only few DARPP-32-positive neurons and contained only sparse AChE-positive fibres. The cortical grafts, by contrast, contained no neurons with clear-cut DARPP-32-positivity and they exhibited a sparse, evenly distributed AChE fibre network, similar to that seen in the non-patch areas of the striatal grafts. The host dopaminergic afferents, as revealed by TH immunostaining, had grown selectively into the DARPP-32-positive patches in the striatal grafts, where they formed a dense terminal network around the DARPP-32-positive cell bodies. The non-patch areas, as well as the cortical grafts, received only sparse TH innervation. By contrast, the host cortical afferents, labelled by Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin from the host frontal cortex, were seen to extend into both the patch and non-patch areas of the striatal grafts. Transplant neurons projecting into the host brain were labelled by Fluoro-Gold injections into the ipsilateral host globus pallidus. These injections labelled large numbers of medium-sized neurons within the striatal grafts and the vast majority of them (over 85%) were confined to the DARPP-32-positive patches. Similar Fluoro-Gold injections labelled only few graft neurons in the cortical grafts. The results indicate that the striatal grafts are composed of a mixture of striatal and non-striatal tissue, and that the striatal graft compartment selectively establishes afferent and efferent connections with the host nigro-pallidal system. These graft connections demonstrate a remarkable specificity in the formation of graft - host connectivity. The results, moreover, suggest that developmental properties of the grafted striatal primordium are retained and expressed in the implanted cell suspension, and that the neuronal systems of the lesioned adult host brain, at least to some extent, remain responsive to growth regulating mechanisms normally operating during ontogenetic development.  相似文献   

Organization of Auditory Callosal Connections in Hypothyroid Adult Rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Callosal connections were studied with tracers (horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP)) in normal rats and rats deprived of thyroid hormones with methimazole (Sigma) since embryonic day 14 and thyroidectomized at postnatal day 6. In hypothyroid rats, the auditory areas, in particular the primary auditory area, showed cytoarchitectonic changes including blurred lamination and decrease in the size of layer V pyramidal neurons. In control rats, callosally-projecting neurons were found between layers II and VI with a peak in layer III and upper layer IV. In hypothyroid rats, labelled neurons were found between layers IV and VI with two peaks corresponding to layer IV and upper layer V, and in upper layer VI. Quantitative analysis of radial distribution of callosally-projecting neurons confirmed their shift to infragranular layers in hypothyroid rats. Three-dimensional reconstructions showed a more continuous tangential distribution of callosally-projecting neurons in hypothyroid rats which may be due to the maintenance of a juvenile 'exuberant' pattern of projections. These changes in cortical connectivity may be relevant for understanding epilepsy and mental retardation associated with early hypothyroidism in humans and to clarify basic mechanisms of cortical development.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular administration of kainic acid in the adult rat, a widely used model for studying human temporal lobe epilepsy, results in widespread degeneration of CA3-pyramidal neurons. Transplantation of specific fetal hippocampal CA3 cell grafts into the lesioned CA3-region at a prolonged post lesion delay of 45-day leads to 31% graft cell survival at 1 month postgrafting and significantly facilitates appropriate recovery of the lesioned host hippocampus. However, the capability of hippocampal CA3 cell grafts for enduring survival in this model is unknown. We hypothesize that a significant fraction of fetal CA3 cells grafted into the lesioned CA3 region of the adult hippocampus at 45-days postlesion exhibit long-term survival. We measured the extent of cell survival within 5'-bromodeoxyuridine-labeled CA3 cell grafts at 1 year postgrafting, following their transplantation at 45 days postlesion into the lesioned CA3-region. Quantification of absolute graft cell survival using BrdU immunostaining and the optical fractionator counting method revealed survival of 36% of grafted cells at 1 year postgrafting. Thus, over a third of fetal hippocampal CA3 cells transplanted to the lesioned CA3-region at 45 days postlesion exhibit long-term survival. Further, the extent of cell survival in these grafts is highly analogous to the degree of cell survival in CA3 grafts analyzed earlier at 1 month postgrafting, suggesting that specific fetal cells that survive the first month of grafting into the lesioned CNS area are capable of exhibiting enduring survival.  相似文献   

The organization of pontocerebellar projections to the paravermis and hemisphere of the posterior cerebellum of the rat was studied in relation to the organization of climbing fibers. Small injections of cholera toxin subunit B were placed in the cerebellar cortex at locations predetermined by evoked climbing fiber potentials from selected body parts or based on coordinates. The injection site was characterized with respect to the zebrin pattern and by the distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons in the inferior olive. The following zones were studied: hindlimb-related zones C1 and C2 of lobule VIII; forelimb-related zones C1, C2, and D0/D1 of the paramedian lobule; and face-related zones A2 of the paramedian lobule and C2 and D0 of crus 2B. The results show that the distribution of pontine neurons is closely related to the climbing fiber somatotopy. Injections centered on face-related zones result in distribution of pontine neurons within the pontine core region. Forelimb regions surround this core, whereas hindlimb regions are mostly supplied by caudal pontine regions and by a single patch of more rostrally located neurons. This distribution fits well with published data on the somatotopy of the corticopontine projection from the rat primary somatosensory cortex. However, apart from differences in the participation of ipsilaterally projecting cells, the distribution of pontine neurons does not change significantly when the injection covers different zones of the same lobule such as C1 and C2 of lobule VIII; C1, C2, and D0/D1 of the paramedian lobule; A2 of the paramedian lobule; and C2 and D0 of crus 2B.  相似文献   

Efferent projections from the lateral reticular nucleus in the rat were investigated with anterograde transport of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin. Besides the well known mossy fibre connections to the cerebellar cortex and collaterals to the cerebellar nuclei, a substantial bilateral projection to the lateral vestibular nucleus was found. Terminal arborizations found within this nucleus appeared to detach from the reticulocerebellar fibres in the cerebellar white matter and enter the lateral vestibular nucleus from dorsally. This projection may have functional relevance for the control, by ascending spinal pathways, of the descending lateral vestibulospinal tract.  相似文献   

Climbing fibre projections to cerebellar paramedian lobule activated from structures in medial midbrain tegmentum were studied in chloralose anaesthetized cats. Three sagittal zones were identified, from medial to lateral c1, c2 and d1 zones. The c1 and d1 zones were activated, at the same short latency, from a dorsal tegmental region with a location similar to the composite bundle called the central tegmental tract. The d1 zone is probably activated via rubro-olivary fibres and the c1 zone via some other fibres in this bundle. The path to the c2 zone seemed to proceed only partly within this dorsal tegmental region. The d1 zone was also activated, at longer latency, from a region ventral to the red nucleus.  相似文献   

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