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Local public health departments have variable access to a public health intelligence function, and information skills are scarce. Public health observatories are supporting the development of professional standards for public health intelligence specialists and offer training opportunities for both defined public health specialists and generalist public health specialists. In addition observatories support public health practice through educational programmes in health impact assessment, health equity audit, public health intelligence, and the provision of toolkits and advice on methods. Observatories have a key role in supporting and developing networks, in particular public health analysts, and the use of interoperable websites is enhancing these opportunities.  相似文献   

Health impact assessment (HIA) is a process that aims to predict potential positive and negative effects of project, programme or policy proposals on health and health inequalities. It is recommended by national government and internationally. Supporting health impact assessment is one of the roles of English Public Health Observatories. The few centres in England with accredited health impact training centres have inadequate resources to meet demand. Currently, the London Health Observatory is providing the bulk of the training nationally. Some Public Health Observatories are currently investigating the preferences for support of those commissioning or conducting health impact assessment within their regions. The availability of published guidance on how to conduct health impact assessments has increased substantially over the past few years. The Department of Health has funded a research project led by the London Health Observatory to develop advice for reviewing evidence for use in health impact assessment. Completed health impact assessments can be useful resources. Evaluation of the process and impact of health impact assessment is important in order to demonstrate its usefulness and to learn lessons for the future. The focus for Public Health Observatories is to train and support others to conduct health impact assessment according to good practice, rather than undertaking health impact assessments themselves. The aim is to create sufficient skilled capacity around the country to undertake health impact assessments. The London Health Observatory plans to share its support models and to roll out a train the trainer programme nationally to enable effective local delivery of their national health impact assessment programme.  相似文献   

采用描述性研究,收集了优秀青年对象三年培养期间(2007-2009年)的相关数据及培养前三年期间(2004-2006年)的基线数据进行比对分析,结果显示培养对象在职称、学历、公共卫生实践能力和综合素质上都得到明显提高,说明"优秀青年人才"培养项目的实施对提高公共卫生人才实践能力起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Alcohol consumption places an increasing burden on health services, criminal justice agencies and private industry throughout the UK. Despite a national strategy to tackle alcohol-related harm, there remains a lack of epidemiology on alcohol use and related harms at local levels. Utilising national data sources and existing research studies, Regional Public Health Observatories are appropriately placed to calculate such measures and examine their relationship with deprivation. METHODS: For the North West of England, borough and health locality data were extracted from national sources. Alcohol consumption utilised lifestyle survey data and estimates of related harm were calculated by applying existing alcohol attributable fractions to deaths, hospital episodes and crime data. Contribution of alcohol to reduction in life expectancy was also calculated and all measures were correlated with deprivation. RESULTS: For the North West, the annual burden of alcohol was estimated at over 3700 deaths, 56,700 hospital episodes and 71,000 crimes. Annual alcohol-related death rates for men varied from 0.43 to 1.17 per 1000 between Local Authorities and there was a six-fold variation in alcohol-related crime rate between areas. For males, alcohol reduced life expectancy by more than five months in the area worst affected. For both sexes, more deprived areas had significantly higher levels of alcohol-related hospital episodes, crime, and contribution to reduced life expectancy. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol-related harm requires urgent, multi-agency attention at local levels throughout the UK. Applying appropriate research methods to national data sources provides limited but valuable local measures of alcohol use and its impact on health and crime. Regional Public Health Observatories can facilitate partnership working through such provision of national intelligence tailored to support local and regional action. Application of these techniques also helps identify additional requirements for better local intelligence on health-related behaviours and the necessity for consistency across local health and behaviour surveys.  相似文献   

Chapman J  Abbott S  Carter YH 《Public health》2005,119(3):167-173
OBJECTIVES: To identify issues surrounding the future training needs of the specialist public health workforce following the most recent restructuring of the National Health Service (NHS) in England. METHODS: All directors of public health (DsPH) based in strategic health authorities and nine senior staff working in public health at the regional level were invited to participate in a semi-structured telephone interview. RESULTS: Twenty-six people were interviewed. Many interviewees expressed concern that because consultants and specialists in public health will be working in much smaller teams than hitherto, they will have to generalize their skills to cover a much wider range of functions (including board-level duties). This may result in a loss of specialist expertise. Successful public health practice in the new structures will require new ways of interorganizational working that will add an administrative burden to specialists in public health. Also, the creation of a board-level post in each primary care trust (PCT) has resulted in more time spent on corporate responsibilities and less on public health for DsPH, who are often the only fully trained specialist in public health in their PCT. Furthermore, interviewees expressed their anxiety about the lack of diversity in the posts available to specialists in public health and particularly to those newly completing their specialist training. Generally, interviewees felt that traditional public health roles and responsibilities were being eclipsed by corporate and managerial ones. Professional development activities were being carried out, but in a rather ad-hoc fashion. Interviewees were hopeful that public health networks would lead professional development initiatives once they were more established. CONCLUSIONS: It is important that excellence in public health is maintained through a set of accreditable standards, whilst corporate skills, essential to successful public health practice in the new UK NHS, are developed among specialists in public health.  相似文献   

This paper discusses waste management in the UK and its relationship with health. It aims to outline the role of health professionals in the promotion of waste management, and argues for a change in their role in waste management regulation to help make the process more sustainable. The most common definition of sustainable development is that by the Brundtland commission, i.e. "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Managing waste sites in a manner that minimises toxic impacts on the current and future generations is obviously a crucial part of this. Although the management of waste facilities is extremely complex, the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control regime, which requires the input of public health professionals on the regulation of such sites, means that all waste management installations should now be operating in a fashion that minimises any toxicological risks to human health. However, the impacts upon climate change, resource use and health inequalities, as well as the effects of waste transportation, are currently not considered to be part of public health professionals' responsibilities when dealing with these sites. There is also no requirement for public health professionals to become involved in waste management planning issues. The fact that public health professionals are not involved in any of these issues makes it unlikely that the potential impacts upon health are being considered fully, and even more unlikely that waste management will become more sustainable. This paper aims to show that by only considering direct toxicological impacts, public health professionals are not fully addressing all the health issues and are not contributing towards sustainability. There is a need for a change in the way that health professionals deal with waste management issues.  相似文献   

Since the NHS reforms, health authorities have been purchasing health care and have been advised that publichealth considerations must inform all NHS activities, and that the Director of Public Health must be supported by a team of qualified support staff. This survey of directors of public health and health authority chief executives in England shows the skills currently available to support health authority purchasing, and the perceived importance of this wide range of skills to the purchasing process. Future models of purchasing will need to ensure access by purchasers to public health and multi-disciplinary advice.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a conceptual model for public health practice by proposing the three domains as a framework to organize and to deliver public health programmes. The model builds on the recognition that public health is everybody's business and therefore, needs a common definitional base. Different levels of skill and a wide range of contributions are needed if public health programmes are to make the most impact. The different domains of practice help to construct a basis for understanding the necessary elements of the public health system and their interactions. Using teenage pregnancy as a case study of a public health programme highlights the characteristics of the model. It demonstrates not only the importance of the role of directors of public health in taking a population-based overview, but also the need for multi-sectoral, multidisciplinary working. The relevance of the public health approach not only to primary care but also to the hospital-based sector becomes apparent, as does its relevance to communities, voluntary sector and local government. Integration of the three domains, a common definition and the framework for the public health system will support effective delivery of health improvement.  相似文献   

Advances have been made in public health nutrition, but there is still a long way to go. Alliances and synergies are needed on a global scale and among various stakeholders: scientists, (non-) governmental organizations, healthcare professionals, food industry, media, consumers, and regulators. Partnerships are critical to innovatively combine competencies and resources to address persistent global health problems. The I World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, held in Barcelona from 28 to 30 September 2006, aimed to foster a sound scientific evidence base as well as to provide a forum for networking and alliance building. Participants from 79 countries met to discuss issues and to set conclusions and guidelines for the future. The World Public Health Nutrition Association was founded within this platform to continue these important tasks.  相似文献   

Wilkinson J  Coyle E 《Public health》2005,119(4):227-234
Public Health Observatories are a new phenomenon in the United Kingdom and Ireland. However, similar institutions have been operating in other countries for many years. The nature and development of PHOs in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland are described, and how they are supporting the growing public health movement in Europe is considered.  相似文献   

目的探讨全球公共卫生信息采集系统在国际旅行健康与传染病信息工作中的应用。方法通过全球公共卫生信息采集系统,实现国际传染病疫情信息收集的自动化和系统化。结果利用全球公共卫生信息采集系统所收集的国际、国内传染病疫情信息,可正确指导国境口岸一线传染病卫生检疫查验工作,协助完善口岸传染病风险评估预警体系,以及为出入境人员提供国际旅行信息,提高传染病防控意识。结论全球公共卫生信息采集系统推进了卫生检疫工作的电子化,是国境口岸传染病卫生检疫查验工作的坚实基础和有力支撑。  相似文献   



Public health policies aim to improve and maintain the health of citizens. Relevant data and indicators are needed for a health policy that is based on factual information. After 14 years of work (1998–2012), the multi-phase action on European Community Health Indicators (ECHI) has created a health monitoring and reporting system. It has generated EU added value by defining the ECHI shortlist with 88 common and comparable key health indicators for Europe.


In the 2009-2012 Joint Action for ECHIM project the ECHI shortlist was updated through consultation with Member State representatives. Guidelines for implementation of the ECHI Indicators at national level were developed and a pilot data collection was carried out.


67 of the ECHI Indicators are already part of regular international data collections and thus available for a majority of Member States, 14 are close to ready and 13 still need development work. By mid-2012 half of the countries have incorporated ECHI indicators in their national health information systems and the process is ongoing in the majority of the countries. Twenty-five countries were able to provide data in a Pilot Data Collection for 20 ECHI Indicators that were not yet (fully) available in the international databases.


The EU needs a permanent health monitoring and reporting system. The Joint Action for ECHIM has set an example for the implementation of a system that can develop and maintain the ECHI indicators,, and promote and encourage the use of ECHI in health reporting and health policy making. The aim for sustainable public health monitoring is also supported by a Eurostat regulation on public health statistics requiring that health statistics shall be provided according to the ECHI methodology. Further efforts at DG SANCO and Eurostat are needed towards a permanent health monitoring system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the capacity and development needs, in relation to key areas of competency and skills, of the specialist public health workforce based in primary care organizations following the 2001 restructuring of the UK National Health Service. STUDY DESIGN: Questionnaire survey to all consultants and specialists in public health (including directors of public health) based in primary care trusts (PCTs) and strategic health authorities (SHAs) in England. RESULTS: Participants reported a high degree of competency. However, skill gaps were evident in some areas of public health practice, most notably "developing quality and risk management" and in relation to media communication, computing, management and leadership. In general, medically qualified individuals were weaker on community development than non-medically qualified specialists, and non-medically qualified specialists were less able to perform tasks that require epidemiological or clinical expertise than medically qualified specialists. Less than 50% of specialists felt that their links to external organizations, including public health networks, were strong. Twenty-nine percent of respondents felt professionally isolated and 22% reported inadequate team working within their PCT or SHA. Approximately 21% of respondents expressed concerns that they did not have access to enough expertise to fulfil their tasks and that their skills were not being adequately utilized. CONCLUSIONS: Some important skill gaps are evident among the specialist public health workforce although, in general, a high degree of competency was reported. This suggests that the capacity deficit is a problem of numbers of specialists rather than an overall lack of appropriate skills. Professional isolation must be addressed by encouraging greater partnership working across teams.  相似文献   

目的了解哈尔滨市基层疾病预防控制体系中突发公共卫生事件应对能力的现况,并评估其机构和人员应对能力的强弱,找出应急体系建设的相关问题,针对问题提出改善措施。方法采用统一的调查问卷对哈尔滨市18所区(县)疾控机构及相关应急管理人员进行调查,并对每项调查结果赋分,最终汇总计算的分值,作为每个疾控中心的最终结果。结果各疾控机构学历、职称分布不均衡;应急准备和响应能力整体情况较好;各辖区疾控部门协作较少;各疾控部门检验能力、演练频次、业务培训内容有待提高。结论通过对区(县)级疾控机构应对突发公共卫生事件能力进行全面评价,找出其特点和薄弱环节,进而采取有针对性的改进措施,以提高突发公共卫生事件应对能力,完善基层疾控机构完善应急体系。  相似文献   

Pilkington P 《Public health》2008,122(10):1047-1050
This paper examines some of the challenges facing public health education and training in the UK, especially those relating to the wider workforce. It identifies key drivers for the need to improve access to and provision of public health education and training, such as the establishment of the Voluntary Register for Public Health Specialists and the launch of the Public Health Skills and Career Framework. The paper also touches briefly on developments in public health education and training in the USA, noting where lessons could be learnt by both countries. The paper notes how the traditional approach of structured training, while still valuable for those wishing to work at the specialist level, needs to be combined with an approach that enables other workers to achieve competence in public health. This challenge is being met, in part, through provision of online resources and teaching, and the development of Teaching Public Health Networks. The challenges facing the UK are similar to those facing the public health sector in the USA. As such, the two countries can learn from one another in order to address this important workforce development issue.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析当前公共卫生医师培养现状及其影响因素,探究制度根源并提出相应建议以完善公共卫生医师培养制度。方法:通过文献法及专家咨询法,厘清当前我国公共卫生医师培养现状,并运用解释结构模型对影响公共卫生医师培养的因素进行分区和分层,追溯问题根源。结果:当前我国公共卫生医师培养模式包含院校教育、毕业后教育、继续医学教育三部分,解释结构模型将影响公共卫生医师培养的13个因素划分为7个层级。结论:当前我国公共卫生医师培养由于底层因素政府投入的不足,导致激励机制不健全以及指导性标准制定滞后,三阶段制度待完善;继而影响到各阶段教育任务的落实,以及与之相随的师资结构、教学设计及生源质量问题。  相似文献   

Public health policy has arguably taken a new direction in the UK since 1997. This is typified by a review of the public health workforce. A key profession within this workforce is that of health visiting. Starting Well, a Scottish National Health Demonstration Project is one attempt to develop the public health role of health visitors. The project aimed to improve child health by providing intensive home visiting to families in Glasgow. This paper reports on a process study focused on whether Starting Well, an intervention exemplifying contemporary public health policy, could be operationalised through health visiting practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 44 staff responsible for developing and implementing the programme. Whilst greater contact with families allowed health visitors to develop their understanding of the life circumstances of their case-load families, the evaluation raised issues about the feasibility of systematically changing practice and demonstrated the difficulties of implementing an approach that relied as much on individual values and organisational context as formal guidelines and standardised tools. Furthermore, the ability of the systems and structures within which practitioners were operating to facilitate a broad public health approach was limited. The policy context for public health demands that increasing numbers of health workers are familiar with its principles and modus operandi. It remains, however, a contested area of work and its implementation requires change at a number of levels. This has implications for current policy assumptions about improving population health.  相似文献   

目的 通过现状调查了解健康中国进程以来江苏南京地区公众健康教育实施的问题和不足,为我国公众健康教育可持续发展提供积极的路径参考。方法 2020年8月至2021年6月,选取南京地区5所三甲医院,采用整群随机抽样方法,针对医患双主体人群,开展公众健康教育相关问题调查,并对调查数据进行统计分析。结果 在内容上,医患双方在涉医的公众伦理、心理、法律教育评价上呈现统计学差异(P<0.05); 在方式上,医患在公众健康教育媒介选择上具有统计学差异(P<0.05),医方更希望采用群体教育方式(=19.003,P<0.001),患方更希望采取个性化教育方式(=136.196,P=0.001); 在责任上,医患对公众健康教育的责任主体评价存在差异(网络媒体=63.863,P<0.001; 医院及医护人员=46.197,P<0.001); 在重要性评价上,医方的概念认知水平高于患方(Z=-3.815,Z=-3.530,P<0.001),不同学历患者在公众健康教育认知上呈现统计学差异(高中b=-0.010,大专b=-0,201,本科b=0,硕士b=0.002,博士b=0.234,P<0.05)。结论 明确公众健康教育中的政府主导与多方合力,强化医学专业人员公众健康教育的意识和能力,提升医学教育中公众健康内容的针对性和有效性,充分利用新旧媒介的复合传播功能推进技术升级,从而形成医院、大学、政府、社会多方参与的公众健康教育发展模式。  相似文献   

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