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Supraspinal effects were investigated in interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as Ia inhibitory interneurones). It was revealed that volleys in the vestibulospinal tract may evoke mono- and disynaptic EPSPs in interneurones monosynaptically excited from extensor muscles, i.e. extensor coupled Ia inhibitory interneurones. Flexor coupled interneurones instead received disynaptic inhibition. Volleys in the rubrospinal tract evoked a dominating polysynaptic excitation, usually mixed with inhibition, in flexor as well as extensor coupled interneurones. Disynaptic rubrospinal EPSPs and IPSPs were also revealed. The pyramidal tract also gives rise to a dominating polysynaptic excitation, usually mixed with inhibition, in flexor as well as extensor coupled Ia inhibitory interneurones. Rubrospinal and pyramidal volleys were shown to facilitate transmission in various segmental reflex pathways to the Ia inhibitory interneurones. A detailed comparison reveals a striking parallelism of segmental and supraspinal effects on alpha-motoneurones and Ia inhibitory interneurones connected to the same muscles. This considerably strengthens the hypothesis of an "alpha-gamma-linkage in the reciprocal inhibition".  相似文献   

1. The investigation was aimed at defining the function of the interneurones which, according to indirect evidence, mediate the reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (Hultborn, Jankowska & Lindstrom, 1971 b) by studying their direct synaptic actions. These actions were tested by recording post-synaptic potentials in motoneurones following spike activity of single interneurones activated by iontophoretic application of glutamate. The interneurones were found to produce unitary monosynaptic IPSPs in those motoneurones in which disynaptic IPSPs are evoked by the group Ia afferents which monosynaptically excite the interneurones.2. Unitary IPSPs were found in more than 80% of the motoneurones impaled in the immediate vicinity of the axonal branches of the investigated Q interneurones in the PBSt motor nucleus. It is estimated that each interneurone might inhibit about every fifth PBSt motoneurone. The amplitudes of the unitary IPSPs ranged between 8 and 220 muV and were 10-200 times smaller than the maximal Ia IPSPs evoked in the same motoneurones.3. The synaptic delay in the generation of unitary IPSPs was measured in relation to the spike potentials recorded from the terminal branches of interneurones in the immediate vicinity of the impaled motoneurones. The synaptic delays ranged between 0.28 and 0.42 msec.4. From chloride reversal tests and an analysis of the time course of the unitary IPSPs it was concluded that the terminals of the investigated interneurones make synaptic contact predominantly on the soma and/or on the proximal parts of the dendrites of the motoneurones, their distribution being, however, not quite uniform.  相似文献   

Interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as "Ia inhibitory interneurones") were recorded in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat. Volleys in ipsilateral and contralateral high threshold muscle afferents, cutaneous and high threshold joint afferents evoked a mixture of polysynaptic excitation and inhibition. These effects were ascribed to pathways activated by flexor reflex afferents (FRA) and in addition a specific ipsilateral low threshold cutaneous pathway. Ia inhibitory interneurones excited monosynaptically from flexor nerves received stronger net excitation by volleys in ipsilateral FRA than did extensor coupled interneurones, while the opposite pattern was seen from the contralateral FRA. These patterns are similar to those found in flexor and extensor motoneurones respectivey. The FRA inhibition in Ia inhibitory interneurones was partly mediated by "opposite" Ia inhibitory interneurones, i.e. those which are mediating the Ia inhibition of Ia inhibitory interneurones. The extent to which the FRA inhibition is transmitted by Ia inhibitory interneurones was roughly estimated by its susceptibility to recurrent depression by antidromic ventral root stimulation. The main conclusion is that most segmental pathways seem to evoke their effects in parallel to motoneurones and Ia inhibitory interneurones which are monosynaptically linked to the same muscle. The functional importance of this conclusion is discussed in a following report.  相似文献   

1. Interneurones identified by physiological criteria (Hultborn, Jankowska & Lindstr?m, 1971b) to mediate Ia reciprocal inhibition of motoneurones in the spinal cord of the cat were stained by intracellular injection of a fluorescent dye (Procion Yellow).2. The somas of the stained cells were found in Rexed's lamina VII, just dorsal or dorsomedial to the motor nuclei. Their size was about 30 x 20 mum. The cells had four to five slender, weakly branching dendrites. The total extension of their dendritic trees was about 600 mum dorsoventrally, 400 mum mediolaterally and 300 mum rostrocaudally.3. The axons originated from a separate axon hillock or from the base of a dendrite. They were myelinated with external diameter of about 6-14 mum and projected to either the ipsilateral ventral or lateral funiculi. Early collaterals were found only exceptionally. Some axons bifurcated into an ascending and a descending branch within the funiculi.4. The possibility of identifying the Ia inhibitory interneurones on purely morphological grounds is discussed.  相似文献   

The contribution of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) to exercise hyperaemia remains controversial. Disparate findings may, in part, be explained by different shear stress stimuli as a result of different types of exercise. We have directly compared forearm blood flow (FBF) responses to incremental handgrip and cycle ergometer exercise in 14 subjects (age ± s.e.m. ) using a novel software system which calculates conduit artery blood flow continuously across the cardiac cycle by synchronising automated edge-detection and wall tracking of high resolution B-mode arterial ultrasound images and Doppler waveform envelope analysis. Monomethyl arginine ( l -NMMA) was infused during repeat bouts of each incremental exercise test to assess the contribution of NO to hyperaemic responses. During handgrip, mean FBF increased with workload  ( P < 0.01)  whereas FBF decreased at lower cycle workloads  ( P < 0.05)  , before increasing at 120 W  ( P < 0.001)  . Differences in these patterns of mean FBF response to different exercise modalities were due to the influence of retrograde diastolic flow during cycling, which had a relatively larger impact on mean flows at lower workloads. Retrograde diastolic flow was negligible during handgrip. Although mean FBF was lower in response to cycling than handgrip exercise, the impact of l –NMMA was significant during the cycle modality only  ( P < 0.05)  , possibly reflecting the importance of an oscillatory antegrade/retrograde flow pattern on shear stress-mediated release of NO from the endothelium. In conclusion, different types of exercise present different haemodynamic stimuli to the endothelium, which may result in differential effects of shear stress on the vasculature.  相似文献   

Interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as “Ia inhibitory interneurones”) were recorded in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat. It was revealed that the Ia inhibitory interneurones themselves receive disynaptic Ia inhibition. The muscles from which this inhibition is evoked are strictly antagonistic to those supplying their Ia excitation. Similar to the Ia inhibition in motoneurones the Ia inhibition in the Ia inhibitory interneurones is decreased when preceded by an antidromic stimulation of ventral roots. Furthermore, transmission of Ia inhibition to the Ia inhibitory interneurones is facilitated from ipsilateral and contralateral primary afferents as well as several supraspinal pathways analogous to earlier findings for the Ia inhibition of motoneurones. The pattern and control of the Ia inhibition of motoneurones and of Ia inhibitory interneurones display so striking similarities that it is suggested that identical interneurones are responsible. The conclusion thus emerges that “opposite” Ia inhibitory interneurones (i.e. interneurones monosynaptically connected to antagonistic muscles) are mutually inhibiting each other. The functional significance of this organization is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The neuronal mechanism of disynaptic inhibition of spinal motoneurones by the corticospinal tract was investigated in Macaca irus. Surface stimulation or weak intracortical stimulation was used in order to evoke the inhibition. Intracellular records were taken from motoneurones in lumbar segments. 2. Both the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s evoked from group Ia afferents and the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s evoked from corticospinal fibres were found to be depressed by conditioning stimulation of motor axons to antagonistic muscles. Mutual facilitation of the actions from these two fibre systems occurred when nerve impulses set up in them reached the explored spinal segment synchronously. These observations led to the conclusion that disynaptic i.p.s.p.s from group Ia afferents and from the motor cortex are mediated by common interneurones. 3. No evidence either for or against projections of the same pyramidal tract cells to motoneurones of one motor nucleus and to interneurones interposed between group Ia afferents and motoneurones of an antagonistic muscle could be obtained by comparing cortical areas from which monosynaptic e.p.s.p.s and disynaptic i.p.s.p.s were evoked in the different motor nuclei. 4. The areas from which the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s were evoked in individual motoneurones appeared to be similar in size to the areas of cortical monosynaptic projections to motoneurones and showed similar degrees of overlap, indicating that the projections of pyramidal tract cells to Ia inhibitory interneurones are as extensive as to motoneurones and that they are similarly organized.  相似文献   

1. The effects of impulses in recurrent motor axon collaterals on reflex transmission from different types of primary afferents to motoneurones were investigated in the cat by conditioning of PSPs evoked in motoneurones.

2. IPSPs evoked by volleys in large muscle spindle (Ia) afferents were effectively decreased when preceded by an antidromic stimulation of ventral roots. Some IPSPs from group II muscle afferents and low threshold cutaneous afferents were also slightly depressed, while other PSPs were unaffected.

3. The depression of the IPSPs could be evoked by antidromic volleys, which produced neither conductance changes in the motoneurones nor depolarization of Ia afferent terminals.

4. The effect on the Ia IPSPs is most likely due to post-synaptic inhibition of the Ia inhibitory interneurones, evoked through α-motor axon collaterals and Renshaw cells. The depression of some IPSPs from flexor reflex afferents is explained by a convergence of excitatory effects from these afferents on the Ia inhibitory interneurones.

5. The results indicate a selective recurrent control from motor axon collaterals of the interneurones in the reciprocal Ia inhibitory pathway to motoneurones.


Summary Tectal and cortical effects on abducens motoneurones were examined with intracellular recording techniques in cats under chloralose anaesthesia. Abducens motoneurones exhibited disynaptic EPSPs after stimulation of the contralateral superior colliculus and cerebral peduncle. The tectal disynaptic EPSPs were observed invariably in all motoneurones tested, while the peduncular EPSPs were observed only in 40% of motoneurones after stimulation of the contralateral cerebral peduncle. However, the tectal disynaptic EPSPs were consistently facilitated by conditioning pedunclar stimulation in all motoneurones tested. These results indicated that the disynaptic excitatory tecto-abducens and cortico-abducens pathways shared common premotor interneurones. The common interneurones which mediated the tectal and cortical disynaptic excitation of abducens motoneurones were explored in the pons. These interneurones were identified by the criteria that they were fired monosynaptically from both the tectum and the cerebral peduncle and were activated antidromically from the abducens nucleus. Systematic threshold mapping for the antidromic activation in and around the abducens nucleus indicated that they gave off many collateral branches in the nucleus. Such neurones were found in the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, being distributed in the area extending 0.8–3 mm rostral to the rostral pole of the abducens nucleus, 1.3–2.7 mm deep from the dorsal surface of the brain stem, and 0.8–1.8 mm lateral from the midline. The present experiments strongly suggest that a group of neurones in the paramedian pontine reticular formation make direct excitatory connexions with abducens motoneurones and play a role of common interneurones that transmit both tectal and cortical commands.  相似文献   

Summary Interneurones which mediate disynaptic inhibition from la muscle spindle afferents of the quadriceps nerve to lumbar alpha-motoneurones were stained with intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. Seven best stained and most satisfactorily preserved cells were selected for analysis, and the light microscopic morphology of their cell bodies and dendrites were quantitatively investigated in parasagittal sections. The perikarya were located dorsal or dorso-medial to the motoneurones; they had mean diameters of 51 × 27 m and a mean volume of 35820 m3. The cells had 3 to 7 dendrites, which were arranged asymmetrically around the parent somata. The dendrites extended mainly in the dorso-ventral direction, in which the mean tip to tip distance for each cell was 1742 m. The dendrites had few spines and they branched almost only in bifurcations. On the average, each process divided 3.5 times and in each cell they gave rise to 14.9 branching points as well as a total combined length of more than 7000 m. Primary dendrites had a mean length of 193 m which was generally shorter than the lengths of the branches of higher order. A more detailed analysis of two cells revealed the mean width of primary dendrites to be 5.6 m while that of the 5th order processes was 1.5 m. The mean tapering of individual dendritic branches per unit length was 17%, being somewhat more pronounced for the distally located segments, while at branching points the sum of daughter processes approximately equalled the diameter of the parent process. The surface area and volume of the dendrites constituted 90% and 83% of the total surface area and 46% and 37% of the total volume of the two cells, respectively, excluding the axons. The Ia interneurones differed considerably among themselves with respect to the quantitively investigated parameters. They resembled the inhibitory Renshaw cells of the cat with regard to the number of dendrites, the poverty of spines, and the relationships between cell body diameter and width of primary dendrites.  相似文献   

The effects of ramp stretches applied to triceps surae muscle on the discharge patterns of single Ia inhibitory interneurones, monosynaptically invaded from various nerves, were studied in either decerebrate or anesthetized cats. Interneurones which received direct excitatory Ia input from the stretched muscle exhibited augmented activity both during the dynamic and static phase of stretch, which was, however, interrupted by a transient inhibitory influence during the dynamic phase of stretch. The influences on Ia inhibitory interneurones, monosynaptically invaded from hamstring or tibial nerve, were exclusively inhibitory. These stretch-induced inhibitions were better demonstrable in decerebrate than in anesthetized preparations. The timing of the discharge patterns of additionally recorded Renshaw cells during stretch, and the disappearance or reduction of the above described inhibitory effects after administration of DHE, strongly support the idea that these inhibitory actions are caused by Renshaw inhibition. In Ia inhibitory interneurones, monosynaptically activated from the antagonistic peroneal nerve, stretch induced also pronounced inhibitory effects, which were most probably caused by mutual inhibition between Ia inhibitory interneurones. The suppression of agonistic Ia inhibitory interneurone activity below the tonic resting activity corresponded to an enhancement of the monosynaptic reflex amplitude of the antagonistic motoneurone pool. The findings suggest that normal orthodromic activation of Renshaw cells, and consequently the recurrent inhibition of the Ia inhibitory interneurones, is predominantly linked with rapid phasic, rather than slow tonic, motoneuronal firing. The functional role of this mechanism for the performance of rapidly alternating movements and the damping of ballistic agonist contractions is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recording has been made in spinal cats from more than 100 interneurones in the dorsal horn and intermediary region of the lumbosacral spinal cord. The majority of interneurones receive not only EPSPs but also IPSPs from primary afferents. The IPSPs are evoked from three different systems, group I muscle afferents (probably Ib), low threshold cutaneous afferents and the FRA. The shortest central latency of the IPSPs indicates a disynaptic linkage from primary afferents. Interneurones with monosynaptic EPSPs from group I muscle afferents may receive IPSPs from all the above mentioned afferent systems. Interneurones with monosynaptic EPSPs from cutaneous afferents receive their inhibition from the two latter afferent systems. Convergence of EPSPs and IPSPs from the FRA may occur on the same interneurone. The results are discussed mainly with respect to inhibitory interaction between spinal reflex pathways.This work was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project No 14X-94-02A).IBRO-Unesco fellow  相似文献   

1. Interneurones monosynaptically excited from large muscle spindle (Ia) afferents and inhibited from motor axon collaterals were searched for in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat.2. Monosynaptic Ia excitation was found in sixty-seven of sixty-nine interneurones inhibited by antidromic volleys. These interneurones were excited from Ia afferents from one or a few muscles (mainly close synergists). Volleys in high threshold muscle and skin afferents (FRA) evoked polysynaptic excitation or inhibition. Weak inhibition from Ia afferents (from antagonists to those giving Ia excitation) was seen in a few cells. Monosynaptic excitation was evoked from the ventral quadrant of the spinal cord and polysynaptic excitation from the dorsal quadrant.3. Inhibition from motor axon collaterals was evoked with a latency (1.2-2.0 msec) suggesting a disynaptic linkage and had the same time course as in motoneurones. It prevented synaptic activation of 60% of interneurones and decreased the firing index and delayed generation of spikes in the remaining.4. The interneurones with convergence of monosynaptic Ia excitation and inhibition from motor axon collaterals were found in the ventral horn dorsomedial to motor nuclei. No inhibition by antidromic volleys could be detected in interneurones located in intermediate nucleus and activated monosynaptically from Ia, Ib, group I or cutaneous afferents.5. It was concluded that the ventral Ia interneurones inhibited by volleys in recurrent motor axon collaterals mediate the reciprocal Ia inhibition to motoneurones.  相似文献   

Summary The H-reflex technique was used to collect indirect evidence for changes in excitability of the interneurones mediating reciprocal Ia inhibition between wrist extensors and flexors. Stimulating the radial nerve results in an inhibition of the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) H-reflex and evidence has previously been presented that the early phase of inhibition is mediated by extensor-coupled Ia interneurones (Ext Ia INs), i.e. by inhibitory interneurones fed by muscle spindle Ia afferents from wrist extensors. Variations in the level of this inhibition were used to assess changes in excitability of Ext Ia INs. Stimulation of group I fibres from flexors was shown to depress the reference Ia inhibition, i.e. to inhibit the Ext Ia INs. The central latency of this interneuronal inhibition was compatible with a disynaptic linkage between flexor Ia afferents and Ext Ia INs. Its threshold and time course profile could almost exactly be superimposed on those of reciprocal Ia inhibition from flexors to extensor carpi radialis (ECR) motoneurones (MNs). This suggests that the Ia inhibitions to extensor MNs and extensor Ia INs are collateral effects mediated by the same flexor-coupled Ia interneurones. In two subjects, in whom it was possible to elicit an H-reflex in the ECR, inhibition of flexor-coupled Ia interneurones by activation of extensor Ia interneurones could similarly be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The action of volleys in contralateral primary afferents on transmission in the Ia inhibitory pathways to motoneurones was investigated with intracellular recording from motoneurones. Ia IPSPs in flexor as well as most extensor motoneurones were regularly facilitated by volleys in contralateral high threshold muscle, cutaneous and joint afferents in spinal cats under chloralose anaesthesia. In decerebrate cats with a low pontine lesion transmission in Ia inhibitory pathways was not facilitated but rather depressed by volleys in these afferents. The recurrent effects from motor axon collaterals were investigated on inhibitory transmission from different contralateral afferents to motoneurones. Previous investigations have shown that the interneurones mediating the reciprocal Ia inhibition receive recurrent inhibition via motor axon collaterals and Renshaw cells. Now a strong positive correlation was revealed between recurrent depression of IPSPs evoked from different contralateral afferents and facilitation of Ia IPSPs by the same afferent volleys. These results suggest that the recurrent depression of IPSPs from different contralateral primary afferents depends on their excitatory convergence onto the Ia inhibitory interneurones, which then partly mediate the IPSP evoked in the motoneurone from these afferents.  相似文献   

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