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Plasma triglycerides and cholesterol concentrations were determined for 18 young women using the same brand of oral contraceptives (OCs) at 2 different estrogen levels and for 10 women never having used the pill. Dietary intakes of lipids and calories were similar for all subects. OC brands used Ortho-Novum and Norinyl 1/50) contained either .05 or .08 mg of mestranol plus 1 mg of norethindrone. Test subjects had taken the OCs for at least 1 year. A 12-hour fasting blood sample was taken on Days 20-25 of a menstrual cycle. Plasma samples were frozen for later analysis. Samples were analyzed for simultaneous determinations of triglycerides and cholesterol with a Technicon Auto Analyzer 2 system by the Rush et al. procedure. OC users, particularly those taking the higher estrogen dose, had elevated plasma triglycerides which were significantly higher than controls. Plasma cholesterol levels of OC users were similar to controls.  相似文献   

The effects of the use of oral contraceptives on serum lipids and blood pressure were studied among young women who participated in a longitudinal survey of risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) in the Netherlands. Fifty-three participants, ages 14 to 24 years, initiated oral contraceptive use during follow-up to the primary study on CHD. They continued oral contraceptive use for at least 2 subsequent years. From 53 age-matched control subjects, who did not use oral contraceptives, data were obtained for the same follow-up period. Women using oral contraceptives showed a significantly greater rise in serum total cholesterol levels than did the reference subjects (14 mg/100 ml/2 year vs 4 mg/100 ml/2 year; 95% confidence interval of the difference was 0.1 to 19.6). The increase in systolic blood pressure (4.7 mm Hg/2 year vs 2.1 mm Hg/2 year; 95% confidence interval of the difference was -1.8 to 6.9) did not differ between the groups. These findings suggest that oral contraceptive use may be associated with an enhanced rise in total cholesterol during adolescence.  相似文献   

Differences in vitamin E status between young Caucasian women using oral contraceptives (OCs) for 1 yr or more and control females were obtained with regard to the following parameters: 1) hemolysis, 2) plasma total tocopherols by spectrophotometric analysis, 3) individual tocopherols by a thin-layer gas-liquid chromatographic (TLC-GLC) technique, and 4) dietary intakes of vitamin E, polyunsaturated and saturated lipids, cholesterol and kilocalories. Ten subjects were on Ortho-Novum- or Norinyl-1/50, 8 on Ortho-Novum- or Norinyl-1/80, and 10 had never taken OCs. Analyses of 24-hr recalls and 7-day dietary records revealed no significant differences among groups for intakes of nutrients listed above. No significant differences among groups were observed from hemolytic values. Plasma total tocopherol concentrations measured by spectrophotometric and TLC-GLC techniques revealed that OC-1/80 subjects had significantly lower values than controls. Marginally inadequate vitamin E status as assessed by the various techniques was observed in approximately one subject in the control and OC-1/50 groups and in 2 of the OC-1/80 women. Large individual variations in vitamin E status were observed for subjects in all groups on similar estimated vitamin E intakes. TLC-GLC measurements of total tocopherols in plasma seemed to be perhaps a more sensitive indicator of vitamin E status of subjects than spectrophotometric analysis of tocopherols.  相似文献   

Effect of oral contraceptives on serum apoprotein levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of oral contraceptives on serum lipoprotein concentrations, as assessed by their cholesterol content, is determined by the doses of estrogen and progestogen and the type of progestogen they contain. Assay of the apoprotein content, instead of cholesterol content, measures a different aspect of lipoprotein metabolism. Changes in serum concentrations of apoproteins A and B in women using oral contraceptives are similar to those obtained by measuring low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
Resumen El efecto de los anticonceptivos orales en concentraciones de lipoproteínas séricas, evaluados por su contenido en colesterol, es determinado por las dosis de estrógeno y progestágeno y el tipo de progestágeno que contienen. El análisis del contenido de apropoteína, en vex del contenido de colesterol, mide diferentes aspectos del metabolismo de las lipoproteínas. Los cambios en las concentraciones séricas de apoproteínas A y B en mujeres usando anticonceptivos orales, son similares a aquellas obtenidas midiendo el LDL y el HDL-colesterol.

Résumé L'effet des contraceptifs oraux sur les concentrations de sérum lipoprotéique, déterminé par la teneur en cholestérol, est fonction des doses d'oestrogènes et de progestogènes et du type de progestogènes qu'elles contiennent. L'évaluation chimique de la teneur apoprotéique, et non pas de la teneur en cholestérol, permet de mesurer un aspect différent du métabolisme lipoprotéique. Les changements de concentration du sérum d'apoprotéines A et B chez les femmes qui utilisent des contraceptifs oraux sont du même ordre que ceux obtenus par la mesure du cholestérol à faible densité en lipoprotéines et à forte densité en lipoprotéines.

A study has been made of the serum 25-hydroxy cholecalciferol(25-HCC)levels in six groups of women. Significant differences were found between the one pregnant group and the two reference groups as well as between the one pregnant group and two of the three groups using oral contraceptives. No significant differences were found between the reference groups and the ones taking oral contraceptives with oestrogenic concentrations of 0.05 mg or 0.03 mg ethinyl oestradiol for more than one year.It can therefore be concluded that in contrast with most other vitamins, the serum 25-HCC levels are not influenced by the use of oral contraceptives with different oestrogenic concentrations, even over a long period of time.  相似文献   

The effects of various combined oral contraceptives (OCs) on plasma, leukocyte, and urinary levels of ascorbic acid were studied in 10 well-nourished women. Based on dietary records, prestudy ascorbic acid intake ranged from 100 to 500 mg/day. By the end of the 1st day of treatment, no marked alterations in plasma or leukocyte ascorbic acid levels, or in tissue ascorbic acid absorption, were observed. After the subjects had lived in a metabolic unit for 8 or 12 days, in which they received a constant diet containing about 155 mg/day ascorbic acid, there was still no marked differences between the treatment group and controls in plasma, leukocyte, and urinary ascorbic acid. The results are contrary to previously reported findings which suggest that OC use adversely affects ascorbic acid status.  相似文献   



Little is known on fracture risk in young women using oral contraceptives.

Study Design

Case-control study (64,548 cases, 193,641 controls).


Overall, no major association with risk of fracture was present. Only in a few age groups a limited increase (OR 1.1-1.5) was seen in those using low average doses (less than one tablet per day — i.e., intermittent use). Neither 20 nor ≥30 mcg per day of ethinylestradiol was associated with risk of fractures, while changing from 20 to ≥30 mcg per day or vice versa was associated with a limited increase in fracture risk (OR 1.1-1.4) in some age groups.


In general, use of oral contraceptives in young women did not seem to be associated with an increased risk of fractures. The isolated increase seen in some strata with low average doses may be linked to factors associated with discontinuation of oral contraceptives rather than pharmacological effects.  相似文献   

There are studies suggesting that in young women strenuous physical activity and inadequate daily energy intake cause unfavorable changes in lipoprotein profile. However until know data concerning this issue are contradictory, possibly due to small number of participants. This study aimed at evaluation of lipoprotein profile in young men and women with different weekly physical activity together with their dietary habits. A total of 202 subjects volunteered to participate of the study--54 female and 56 male students of physical education and 46 female and 49 male students representing other specialization. Daily energy and macronutrient intakes were assessed using FOOD 2 computer program. Plasma TG, TC and HDL-C were assayed colorimetically using Randox commercial kits (Great Britain). It has been demonstrated that high physical activity adversely affects lipoprotein profile in young women characterized by higher TC and LDL-C in comparison with women with low physical activity and with men with high physical activity. The effect of high physical activity on plasma lipoproteins is equivocal. Active men are characterized by higher HDL, but also by higher frequency of unfavorable plasma TC and similar frequency of unfavorable plasma LDL-C C as compared with their less active counterparts. The mean daily energy intake in highly active men and women covered 82% and 72.2% recommended intake, respectively. It seems feasible that in both sexes high physical activity and inadequate energy intake brings about unfavorable changes in plasma lipoproteins.  相似文献   

The distribution of alpha-tocopherol was studied in female rats receiving .052 mg/day Enovid E for 4 days, and maintained on Vitamin E deficient, adequate, or enriched (10%) diets. The administration of Enovid produced slight increases of alpha-tocopherol in the liver and ovaries of Vitamin-E-deficient animals, and decreases of alpha-tocopherol in the plasma, erythrocytes, adrenals, and kidneys of Vitamin-E-supplemented rats. The magnitude of response of different tissues varied with increasing levels of dietary tocopherol. The results support previous findings on the effects of oral contraceptives on plasma cholesterol levels and lipoprotein distribution.  相似文献   

Young women who smoke and women over age 35 are considered to be at high risk for cardiovascular complications associated with oral contraceptive use. This study evaluated the effects of low-dose oral contraceptives on lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in 45 high-risk patients before, during, and after 6 months of treatment. Neither group showed a significant change from baseline in cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol or cholesterol ratios. Triglycerides increased and HDL2a levels decreased significantly in both groups but returned to baseline after treatment was discontinued, with the largest changes in both triglycerides and HDL2a levels occurring at 1 month. The change in triglyceride and HDL2a blood levels were within the laboratories' reference range. The lipid profile of these patients, therefore, was not worsened significantly through 6 months of oral contraceptive use. The young women who smoked did have consistently lowered levels of HDL cholesterol and its HDL2a subfraction when compared to their elder non-smoking cohort.  相似文献   

The diet in southern Nigeria is unusually high in carotenoids and low in preformed vitamin A. We studied the changes in serum vitamin A carotene and cholesterol induced in women in this region by the use of 3 types of contraceptives: IUD, injectable progestogen (INJ), and oral combination estrogen-progestogen (OC). The mean serum vitamin A and carotene levels were high in all groups. As expected, the serum vitamin A level in OC users was higher than in the other groups, but unexpectedly, the serum vitamin A was lower in IUD users. Serum carotene was lower in OC users than in other groups. Serum cholesterol was lower in the IUD and INJ groups than in the control and OC groups. A more detailed study of plasma transport forms of vitamin A is needed to determine if the very high serum vitamin A levels seen in some OC users in this population are potentially harmful.  相似文献   

目的:观察16~18岁女性应用妈富隆和炔雌醇醋酸环丙孕酮对骨矿物质密度(BMD)的影响。方法:选择376例16~18岁青春期女性,其中127例女性应用妈富隆,134例应用炔雌醇醋酸环丙孕酮,115例应用非激素避孕(对照组),应用双能X线吸收法测量腰椎和股骨颈BMD,比较口服复方避孕药者与对照组女性BMD的改变。结果:用药24个月,应用妈富隆的女性腰椎、股骨颈BMD与基础值相比轻度降低,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);而应用炔雌醇醋酸环丙孕酮的女性腰椎和股骨颈BMD与基础值相比轻度增高,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与对照组相比,腰椎和股骨颈BMD增加幅度减小。应用妈富隆和炔雌醇醋酸环丙孕酮者与对照组女性相比,腰椎和股骨颈BMD没有明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:16~18岁青春期女性应用妈富隆或炔雌醇醋酸环丙孕酮2年对BMD没有不利影响,但是继续应用是否影响BMD峰值的获得有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Increases in blood pressure and weight are consequences of increased fluid retention following oral contraceptives administration. Hypertension and weight increase are particularly frequent in women over 35 years of age. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical and hormonal effects of a new extra-low dose oral contraceptive [15 microg ethinyl estradiol (EE) and 60 microg gestodene (GSD)] on the renin-aldosterone system in a group of women aged 35-39 years treated for 3 months compared with a formulation containing the same hormones at a higher dose. Eighteen healthy women, age 35-39 years, were divided into two groups. The first group (10 women) used Arianna, Schering, 15 microg EE/60 microg GSD (EE15/GSD60); the second group (8 women) used Fedra, Schering, 20 microg EE/75 microg GSD (EE20/GSD75). Blood samples were obtained before the study and after 3 months of contraceptive use for assay of renin and aldosterone. Blood pressure was also measured on both occasions. No significant changes in plasma renin activity (PRA) or plasma concentrations of aldosterone were observed between the two groups after 3 months of contraceptive use. The mean increase in body weight after 3 months of contraceptive use was 350 +/- 100 g for EE20/GSD75 and 300 +/- 50 g for EE15/GSD60. There was a mean increase of 4 mm Hg for systolic pressure and 2 mm Hg for diastolic pressure in women on EE20/GSD75 and corresponding increases of 3 and 2 mm Hg in women on EE15/GSD60. The changes were not significant in any case. The results of the present study show that the formulations were well tolerated and provided good control of the menstrual cycle in all 18 women. The contraceptive formulations EE20/GSD75 and EE15/GSD60 have no clinical impact on blood pressure, PRA, or aldosterone in this age group.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary cholesterol on plasma cholesterol levels, its distribution among lipoproteins, and apoproteins of high-density lipoprotein subclasses in individuals who did and did not demonstrate response in plasma cholesterol levels were studied in 21 healthy middle-aged men for 3 mo. After consumption of 3 eggs/day in addition to their habitual diets for 28 days, 21 subjects were divided into 8 hyper- and 13 hypo-responders. The average plasma cholesterol level of the 21 subjects was changed from 188 +/- 36 to 199 +/- 36 mg/100 ml over the 28-day classification period. During the same period the mean plasma cholesterol level of the hyper-responders was significantly increased (p less than 0.025) from 170 +/- 41 to 199 +/- 29 mg/100 ml while that of the hypo-responders fell slightly. The addition of six eggs to the daily diet of the hypo-responders did not alter the mean plasma cholesterol level but resulted in a wide difference in response of plasma cholesterol concentration. The 13 hypo-responders were divided into hypo-hyper-responders (n = 6) and hypo-hypo-responders (n = 7) depending upon the degree of change in plasma cholesterol level. The present study illustrated the variabilities of plasma cholesterol level among free-living subjects who demonstrated two-stage thresholds of response to dietary intake of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Caffeine consumption increases the urinary excretion of calcium and other minerals. Factors that affect caffeine metabolism such as steroid hormones may modify this effect. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of oral contraceptive (OC) use on the 4-h urinary excretion of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium and caffeine metabolites in response to a high caffeine dose given as coffee beverage. Adult women, 20-29 y, users (+OC, n = 15) and nonusers (-OC, n = 15) of oral contraceptives, with calcium intake approximately 500 mg/d, participated in two tests, caffeine load (5 mg/kg body weight) and no-caffeine control, in a randomized crossover design. The net increase (caffeine load corrected by no caffeine) in urinary excretion of most minerals was significantly higher in -OC than in +OC (P < 0.05), with the larger group difference for calcium (ninefold) followed by magnesium (twofold), zinc (onefold) and potassium (onefold). Net increases in urinary excretion of 1-methylurate and paraxanthine were about three- and fivefold higher, respectively, in -OC than in +OC (P < 0.05) whereas net increases in urinary excretion of 5-acetylamino-6-formylamino-3-methyluracil (AFMU) and 1,7-dimethylurate were over twofold higher in the +OC than in -OC (P < 0.05). Following the caffeine load, most urinary minerals showed negative correlation with urinary 1-methylurate in -OC (R 相似文献   

The relation between breast-feeding and plasma cholesterol level in adult life was examined in a longitudinal study of a sample of people born in 1946. One hundred and seventy-two subjects whose breast-feeding history had been recorded during infancy were examined when they were 32 years old. Women who had been breast-fed had significantly lower mean plasma cholesterol than women who had been bottle-fed (5.4 mmol/l compared with 5.9 mmol/l). For men the difference was smaller and not significant. An unexpected finding was the higher mean weight and skinfold thickness in men who had been breast-fed. These results support the hypothesis that factors acting very early in life affect the risk of disease in adults.  相似文献   

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