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Titanium(iv) bis(ammonium lactate)dihydroxide (TiBALDH) is a commercially available reagent frequently used to synthesize TiO2. Particularly, for the biomimetic synthesis of TiO2, TiBALDH is the preferred precursor because it can be mixed in aqueous solutions with no apparent hydrolysis or condensation reactions. Thus, proteins or other biomolecules can be used as a template in aqueous systems for the synthesis of TiO2 from TiBALDH. Nevertheless, there is evidence that TiBALDH is in equilibrium with TiO2, and even, the principal structure of the complex has been suggested as [Ti4O4(lactate)8]8−. Since that chemical equilibrium depends on the polarity of the solvent, in this work we explored a diversity of media to test the chemical stability of TiBALDH and its equilibrium with TiO2 at room temperature. TiBALDH (2.078 M) contains particles of 18.6 ± 7.3 nm in size, if it is diluted with deionized water, the particles reach a size of 5.2 ± 1.7 nm, which suggest that intermolecular interactions form polymers of titanium lactate complexes reversibly, reaching equilibrium after 10 hours. Typical buffer systems were tested; TiBALDH reacted rapidly only with phosphate groups, even if the source came from DNA. Therefore, phosphate buffer must be avoided in biomineralization TiO2 synthesis. In solutions of TiBALDH at basic pH, condensation reactions are promoted to form a gel containing anatase nanoparticles, but if the solutions are acidic, monodisperse anatase nanoparticles of ∼5 nm were observed. The results show that the commercial reagent TiBALDH contains many species of titanium lactate complexes in equilibrium with TiO2, and it is affected by the concentration, time, pH, and several ions. This peculiar behavior must be taken into account when this precursor is used and it could be useful to develop novel synthesis routes of macrostructures with biomolecules in aqueous systems.

Factors affecting TiO2 biomineralization using TiBALDH as precursor.  相似文献   

Selenium and its compounds in high concentration are toxic for humans, especially selenate (VI) is the most toxic due to its high solubility in water. To promote the reductive reaction of Se(vi) to Se(iv) or Se(0), which is relatively easy to remove in water, noble metal particles were added as reaction sites with a reductant. The highest removal performance of selenate in aqueous solution was achieved using rhodium particles supported on TiO2 (Rh/TiO2). Selenate was rapidly reduced with hydrazine on the metal particle, leading to a selenium deposition on the particle inhibiting the stable reductive reaction. On the other hand, when a weaker reductant such as formaldehyde was used for the selenate reduction, the selenium deposition was suppressed due to its low reactivity, resulting in a stable reductive reaction of selenate in water.

Rh metal particles supported on TiO2 could reduce Se(vi) to Se(0) in aqueous solution. Although a hydrazine reductant caused deactivation due to covering, a formaldehyde reductant led to a stable reaction due to deposition in isolation.  相似文献   

This study reports the synthesis, characterization, and mercuric ion detection ability of novel tribenzamides having flexible and rigid moieties. N-{4-[2-(1,3-Benzoxazolyl)]phenyl}-3,5-N,N′-bis(4-alkyloxybenzoyl)benzamides (TBa-TBc) were synthesized from newly synthesized diamine, N-(1,3-benzoxazol-2-yl-phenyl)-3,5-diaminobenzamide (BODA) and p-alkoxybenzoic acids (p-ABA) by amidation reaction. Structural characterization of the synthesized compounds was done through spectroscopic techniques (FT-IR and NMR). The synthesized tribenzamides along with silver nanoparticles were used for modification of a glassy carbon electrode. Square wave anodic stripping voltammetry was carried out to test the performance of the modified electrode for mercuric ion detection. The designed sensor was found to demonstrate the qualities of sensitivity, selectivity, reproducibility and anti-interference ability. The sensing platform helped in detecting femtomolar concentrations of mercuric ions which are much below the level declared toxic by the World Health Organization.

This study reports the synthesis, characterization, and mercuric ion detection ability of novel tribenzamides having flexible and rigid moieties.  相似文献   

Indazolone derivatives exhibit a wide range of biological and pharmaceutical properties. We report a rapid and efficient approach to provide structurally diverse 2-N-substituted indazolones via photochemical cyclization in aqueous media at room temperature. This straightforward protocol is halide compatible for the synthesis of halogenated indazolones bearing a broad scope of substrates, which suggests a new avenue of great importance to medicinal chemistry.

A straightforward protocol for the rapid construction of privileged indazolone architectures suggests a new avenue of great importance to medicinal chemistry.

The indazolone ring system constitutes the core structural element found in a large family of nitrogen heterocycles as exemplified by those shown in Scheme 1.1 Indazolone derivatives have been receiving much attention due to their promising pharmacological activities. Given the unique bioactive core skeleton, indazolone derivatives exhibit a wide range of biological and pharmaceutical properties such as antiviral and antibacterial activities (1–4),2 new prototypes for antichagasic drugs (5),3 antihyperglycemic properties (6),4 TRPV1 receptor antagonists for analgesics (7),5 anti-flammatory agents (8),6 angiotensin II receptor antagonists (9),7 highly potent CDKs inhibitors for anticancer (10)8 and so on.9 The privileged indazolone structures have high potential as core components for the development of related compounds leading to medicinal agents.Open in a separate windowScheme 1Biologically active molecules containing indazolone skeletons.Due to their versatility in pharmaceutical applications, many synthetic approaches have been developed for the construction of indazolone skeletons (Scheme 2), including CuO-mediated coupling of 2-haloarylcarboxylic acids with methylhydrazine,10 cyclization of N-aryl-o-nitrobenzamides through Ti(vi) reagent or Zn(ii) reagent,11 Cu(i)-mediated intramolecular C–N bond formation or a base-mediated intramolecular SNAr reaction of 2-halobenzohydrazides,12 Cu(i)-catalyzed oxidative C–N cross-coupling and dehydrogenative N–N formation sequence,13 Rh-catalyzed C–H activation/C–N bond formation and Cu-catalyzed N–N bond formation between azides and arylimidates,14 Friedel–Crafts cyclization of N-isocyanates using Masked N-isocyanate precursors,15 PIFA-mediated intramolecular oxidative N–N bond formation by trapping of N-acylnitrenium intermediates,16 and recently reported reaction of o-nitrobenzyl alcohol with primary amines in basic conditions.17 These approaches are complementary providing avenue to access various substitution patterns,18 however most methods rely on the requirements for transition-metal catalysts. In fact, the procedures for synthesis indazolone skeletons from Friedel–Crafts cyclization of N-isocyanates and Davis–Beirut derived reaction still suffer from harsh reaction conditions such as high reaction temperature (i.e. more than 150 °C or 20 equiv. of KOH at 100 °C for 24 h).15,17b Very recently, one photochemical route was reported for preparation of indazolone skeletons from o-nitrobenzyl alcohols and primary amines,19 however, this approach still need long reaction time (24 hours) and halogen substituted substrate could not be compatible in the reaction conditions.19b Thus, the efficient and general methods tolerating a wide scope of readily available starting materials for synthesis of indazolones without a transition-metal catalyst involved are still in great demand.Open in a separate windowScheme 2Representative approaches for the preparation of indazolone skeletons. o-Nitrobenzyl alcohol derivatives have shown many applications in material science and chemical biology area as a photolabile protecting group (Scheme 3a).20 Upon UV light-activation, o-nitrobenzyl alcohol derivatives generate corresponding aryl-nitroso compounds via photoisomerization.21 Based on the distinguishing feature of highly reactive of these photogenerated intermediates, we assumed that the reaction conditions would be crucial for the photoisomerization,20,22 thus the reactive intermediates should spontaneously and rapidly form indazolone structures via cyclization in the presence of primary amines in suitable reaction conditions (Scheme 3b). Herein, we report a rapid and efficient approach to provide structural diversity 2-N-substituted indazolones via photochemical cyclization in aqueous media at room temperature. This photochemical cyclization reaction is halide compatible for synthesis of halogen substituted indazolones, bearing a broad scope of substrates. This straightforward protocol for rapid construction of halogenated indazolone architectures suggests a new avenue of great importance to medicinal chemistry.Open in a separate windowScheme 3Synthesis of indazolone derivatives via photochemical cyclization.The initial investigation to develop a method for synthesis of indazolone derivatives via photochemical cyclization started with 4-(hydroxymethyl)-3-nitro-N-propylbenzamide 11 and heptan-1-amine 12 upon UV light-activation in methanol, smoothly leading to the formation of indazolone 13 in 52% yield (
EntrySolvent11 : 12Time (h)Yieldf (%)
1MeOH2.5 : 1352
2THF2.5 : 1358
3 n-BuOH2.5 : 1357
4CH3CN2.5 : 1361
5CH3CN : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1367
6CH3CN : PBS = 3 : 12.5 : 1361
7 n-BuOH : H 2 O = 3:1 2.5 : 1 3 82
8 n-BuOH : PBS = 3 : 12.5 : 1356
9MeOH : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1338
10i-PrOH : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1363
11 tBuOH : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1355
12THF : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1349
13DMF : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1345
14Dioxane : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1367
15b n-BuOH : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 13<10
16c n-BuOH : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1322
17d n-BuOH : H2O = 3 : 11.5 : 1345
18e n-BuOH : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1328
19 n-BuOH : H2O = 3 : 12.5 : 1685
20PBS2.5 : 1319
21 n-BuOH : H2O = 3 : 11 : 2.5346
Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: heptan-1-amine (12, 0.3 mmol), 4-(hydroxymethyl)-3-nitro-N-propylbenzamide (11, 0.75 mmol), solvent 6 mL, exposed to UV lamp with 365 nm, at R.T.bUV lamp with 254 nm.cUsing blue light.dThe ratio of 11/12 = 1.5/1.eReaction carried out at 50 °C.fIsolated yield.With the optimal conditions in hand, we investigated the generality for the scope of o-nitrobenzyl alcohols and primary amines ( Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: primary amines (15, 0.3 mmol), o-nitrobenzyl alcohols derivatives (14, 0.75 mmol), solvent 6 mL, isolated yield.Many drug candidates and drugs are halogenated structures. In drug discovery, insertion of halogen atoms on hit or lead compounds was predominantly performed, with the aim to exploit their steric effects and structure–activity relationship, to form halogen bonds in ligand–target complexes, to optimize the ADME/T property.23 Given the versatility of halogen atom on bioactive molecules, we next investigated the halogen substituted o-nitrobenzyl alcohols as starting materials for construction of indazolone skeletons (17b as well as aniline failed to give product in the recently reported photochemical approach (see ESI, Fig. S1).19b Of note, in the recently reported photochemical approach, the reaction of chloride substituted o-nitrobenzyl alcohol with alkylamine gave indazolone with low yield, possibly because photocleavage of aryl halide bond is involved in that reaction conditions.19b These outcomes are significant in view of the challenges in construction of indazolone skeletons, in which additional halogen substitution on substrates is incompatible for indazolones synthesis.10,19b Importantly, our reaction condition is compatible with halide substrates, suggests a new protocol of importance to photochemical reactions, in which dehalogenation of aryl halide is known to be radical-mediated and exist in some reaction conditions.24Scope of halogen substituted o-nitrobenzyl alcohols for indazolone formationa
Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: primary amines (15, 0.3 mmol), o-nitrobenzyl alcohols derivatives (14, 0.75 mmol), solvent 6 mL, isolated yield.With developed and optimized protocol, we rapid synthesis of indazolones 1 and 2 with antiviral and antibacterial activities with good to excellent yields,2 in aqueous media at room temperature for 3 hours (Scheme 4), respectively. This rapid and efficient access to the privileged indazolone architectures will have great usefulness in medicinal chemistry.Open in a separate windowScheme 4Straightforward synthesis of indazolones (1 and 2). Reaction conditions: primary amines (0.3 mmol), o-nitrobenzyl alcohol (0.75 mmol), isolated yield.Finally, we could detect the aryl-nitroso compound as photogenerated intermediate on UPLC-MS analysis (see ESI, Fig. S2). The proposed mechanism for this photochemical cyclization begins by generation of the aryl-nitroso compound which can rapidly undergo cyclization with primary amines, subsequent for dehydration and tautomerization (see ESI, Fig. S3).17In summary, we report a photochemical cyclization approach to provide 2-N-substituted indazolones up to 99% yield with structural diversity from the reaction of o-nitrobenzyl alcohols and primary amines in aqueous media at room temperature. This photochemical cyclization reaction is rapid and halide compatible for synthesis of halogenated indazolones, bearing a broad scope of substrates, while previous reported photochemical reaction has met less success.19b In addition, our reaction condition is compatible with halide substrates, suggests a new protocol of importance to photochemical reactions, in which photocleavage of aryl halide bonds is exist in some reaction conditions. The current transformation enabling rapid and efficient access to the privileged indazolone architectures has great usefulness in medicinal chemistry and diversity-oriented synthesis, thus will provide promising candidates for chemical biology research and drug discovery.  相似文献   

AlN epitaxy on SiC by low-temperature atomic layer deposition via layer-by-layer,in situ atomic layer annealing     
Wei-Chung Kao  Wei-Hao Lee  Sheng-Han Yi  Tsung-Han Shen  Hsin-Chih Lin  Miin-Jang Chen 《RSC advances》2019,9(22):12226
AlN thin films were epitaxially grown on a 4H-SiC substrate via atomic layer deposition (ALD) along with atomic layer annealing (ALA). By applying the layer-by-layer, in situ ALA treatment using helium/argon plasma in each ALD cycle, the as-deposited film gets crystallization energy from the plasma, which results in significant enhancement of the crystal quality to achieve a highly crystalline AlN epitaxial layer at a deposition temperature as low as 300 °C. In a nanoscale AlN epitaxial layer with a thickness of ∼30 nm, X-ray diffraction reveals a low full-width-at-half-maximum of the AlN (0002) peak of only 176.4 arcsec. Atomic force microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and Fourier diffractograms indicate a smooth surface and high-quality hetero-epitaxial growth of a nanoscale AlN layer on 4H-SiC. This research demonstrates the impact of the ALA treatment on the evolution of ALD techniques from conventional thin film deposition to low-temperature atomic layer epitaxy.

The schematic diagram of the processing cycle including the atomic layer annealing (ALA) to achieve low-temperature epitaxial growth of AlN on SiC.  相似文献   

A new method for the aqueous functionalization of superparamagnetic Fe2O3 nanoparticles     
Fernando Herranz  Mª. Puerto Morales  Alejandro G. Roca  Ramón Vilar  Jesús Ruiz‐Cabello 《CONTRAST MEDIA & MOLECULAR IMAGING》2008,3(6):215-222
A new methodology for the synthesis of hydrophilic iron oxide nanoparticles has been developed. This new method is based on the direct chemical modification of the nanoparticles' surfactant molecules. Using this methodology both USPIO (ultrasmall super paramagnetic iron oxide) (hydrodynamic size smaller than 50 nm) and SPIO (super paramagnetic iron oxide) (hydrodynamic size bigger than 50 nm) were obtained. In addition, we also show that it is possible to further functionalize the hydrophilic nanoparticles via covalent chemistry in water. The magnetic properties of these nanoparticles were also studied, showing their potential as MRI contrast agents. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Controllable TiO2 coating on the nickel-rich layered cathode through TiCl4 hydrolysis via fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition     
Xinxin Li  Hebang Shi  Bo Wang  Na Li  Liqiang Zhang  Pengpeng Lv 《RSC advances》2019,9(31):17941
Surface coating of metal oxides is an effective approach for enhancing the capacity retention of a nickel-rich layered cathode. Current conventional coating techniques including wet chemistry methods and atomic layer deposition are restricted by the difficulty in perfectly balancing the coating quality and scale-up production. Herein, a highly efficient TiO2 coating route through fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition (FBCVD) was proposed to enable scalable and high yield synthesis of a TiO2 coated nickel-rich cathode. The technological parameters including coating time and TiCl4 supply rate were systematically studied, and thus a utility TiO2 deposition rate model was deduced, promoting the controllable TiO2 coating. The FBCVD TiO2 deposition mechanism was fundamentally analyzed based on the TiCl4 hydrolysis principle. The amorphous and uniform TiO2 coating layer is compactly attached on the particle surface, forming a classical core–shell structure. Electrochemical evaluations reveal that the TiO2 coating by FBCVD route indeed improves the capacity retention from 89.08% to 95.89% after 50 cycles.

Surface coating of metal oxides is an effective approach for enhancing the capacity retention of a nickel-rich layered cathode.  相似文献   

Scalable synthesis of high-purity TiO2 whiskers via ion exchange method enables versatile applications     
Mingxu Wang  Qiang Gao  Hao Duan  Mingqiao Ge 《RSC advances》2019,9(41):23735
In this work, high-purity titanium dioxide (TiO2) whiskers with different crystal forms were synthesized via ion exchange and controlled calcination methods. TiO2 whiskers are of 5–10 μm in length with a length-to-diameter ratio of 10–20. A systematic investigation was established to explore the hydration process of K+/H+ exchange, anatase-rutile transformation in the calcination process and the applications of TiO2 whiskers. Compared with the other strategies previously used for the synthesis of TiO2 whiskers, it was found that large-scale production was obtained under mild reaction conditions, which represented a facile and mild route for industrial production and expanded the versatile applications of TiO2 whiskers. Moreover, with the addition of nano TiO2 colloid as a special accelerant, the calcination process yielding uniform morphology and controllable crystal form was explored. Confirmatory experiments indicated that anatase and rutile TiO2 whiskers respectively show excellent photocatalytic activities and unique carrier performance for fabricating functional whiskers.

In this work, high-purity titanium dioxide (TiO2) whiskers with different crystal forms were synthesized via ion exchange and controlled calcination methods.  相似文献   

Rapid and continuous fabrication of TiO2 nanoparticles encapsulated by polyimide fine particles using a multistep flow-system and their application     
Takayuki Ishizaka  Maya Chatterjee  Hajime Kawanami 《RSC advances》2021,11(4):2083
PI fine particles encapsulating a large number of TiO2 nanoparticles (PI FPs/TiO2 NPs) were successfully fabricated rapidly and continuously by the emulsion re-precipitation method using a multistep flow synthetic system. The fabricated material, PI FPs/TiO2 NPs, was spherical in structure with a diameter of 214 nm, and the mean size of TiO2 NPs was 5.2 nm. Line scan elemental analysis with SEM-EDX showed that the TiO2 NPs were disproportionately embedded near the surface of the PI FPs. UV-vis transmission spectra revealed high UV shielding efficiency of the PI FPs/TiO2 NPs as the NPs are located near the surface.

We rapidly and continuously fabricated TiO2 nanoparticles encapsulated by polymer fine particles, and the fabricated nanomaterials showed high UV shielding efficiency.  相似文献   

Enhanced removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous media using a highly stable and magnetically separable rosin-biochar-coated TiO2@C nanocomposite     
Balal Yousaf  Guijian Liu  Qumber Abbas  Ruwei Wang  Habib Ullah  Md Manik Mian  Amina  Audil Rashid 《RSC advances》2018,8(46):25983
Recently, nanosized metal-oxides have been extensively investigated for their ability to remove metal ions from aqueous media. However, the activity and capacity of these nanosized metal-oxides for removing metal ions decrease owing to their agglomeration in aqueous media. Herein, we synthesized a highly stable and magnetically separable rosin-biochar-coated (RBC) TiO2@C nanocomposite through a facile and environment-friendly wet chemical coating process, followed by a one-step heating route (pyrolysis) for efficient removal of Cr(vi) from aqueous solution. An array of techniques, namely, TEM, HRTEM, TEM-EDS, XRD, FTIR, VSM, BET and TGA, were used to characterize the prepared nanocomposite. The pyrolysis of rosin into biochar and the fabrication of Fe onto the RBC-TiO2@C nanocomposite were confirmed by FTIR and XRD examination, respectively. Moreover, TEM and HRTEM images and elemental mapping using TEM-EDS showed good dispersion of iron and carbon on the surface of the RBC-TiO2@C nanocomposite. Sorption of Cr(vi) ions on the surface of the RBC-TiO2@C nanocomposite was very fast and efficient, having a removal efficiency of ∼95% within the 1st minute of reaction. Furthermore, thermodynamic analysis showed negative values of Gibb''s free energy at all five temperatures, indicating that the adsorption of Cr(vi) ions on the RBC-TiO2@C nanocomposite was favorable and spontaneous. Conclusively, our results indicate that the RBC-TiO2@C nanocomposite can be used for efficient removal of Cr(vi) from aqueous media due to its novel synthesis and extraordinary adsorption efficacy during a short time period.

A biochar-coated RBC-TiO2@C nanocomposite was synthesized using a wet chemical coating followed by a one-step heating route (pyrolysis) for the efficient removal of Cr(vi).  相似文献   

Preparation of high-concentration substitutional carbon-doped TiO2 film via a two-step method for high-performance photocatalysis     
Jun Wu  Xudong Jiang  Yupeng Zhang  Qiang Fu  Chunxu Pan 《RSC advances》2018,8(64):36691
In this paper, we present a facile two-step method for preparing a high-concentration substitutional carbon-doped TiO2 (TiO2−xCx) film. First, the titanium substrate undergoes gas carburizing, followed by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) to form a carbon-doped TiO2 film on the surface. The process can be described as direct oxidation of titanium carbide (O→TiCx). The experimental results reveal that compared with traditional thermal annealing, this process could increase the carbon doping concentration to 6.07 at% and x to 0.24 in TiO2−xCx. The TiO2−xCx film exhibits a significant red-shift in the band-gap transition, a narrow band gap of 2.77 eV, and excellent photocatalytic performance, more than two times higher than that of undoped TiO2 film. This method is simple, efficient, economical, environmentally friendly, and adapts to mass production. This experimental strategy can also be used in preparing other doped elements.

In this paper, we present a facile two-step method for preparing a high-concentration substitutional carbon-doped TiO2 (TiO2−xCx) film.  相似文献   

Rutin-modified silver nanoparticles as a chromogenic probe for the selective detection of Fe3+ in aqueous medium     
Mayra S. Coutinho  Eloah Latocheski  Jannyely M. Neri  Ana C. O. Neves  Josiel B. Domingos  Lívia N. Cavalcanti  Luiz H. S. Gasparotto  Edgar P. Moraes  Fabrício G. Menezes 《RSC advances》2019,9(51):30007
The development of nanoprobes for selective detection of metal ions in solution has attracted great attention due to their impact on living organisms. As a contribution to this field, this paper reports the synthesis of silver nanoparticles modified with rutin in the presence of ascorbic acid and their successful use as a chromogenic probe for the selective detection of Fe3+ in aqueous solution. Limits of detection and quantification were found to be 17 nmol L−1 and 56 nmol L−1, respectively. The sensing ability is proposed to proceed via an iron-induced nanoparticle growth/aggregation mechanism. A practical approach using image analysis for quantification of Fe3+ is also described.

The use of rutin-modified silver nanoparticles for selective detection and sensitive quantification of Fe3+ in aqueous solution is described.

Metal ions are key species in nature due to their essential functions in living organisms.1,2 On the other hand, heavy metals as well as essential metals at abnormally high levels are toxic.2 Iron, for instance, in addition to its popular use in industry and construction, is essential to the human body and active in biological processes. Although the trivalent form of iron is particularly important for oxygen transport in blood and the mitochondrial respiratory chain, high levels of this cation are associated with important pathologies.3,4 The detection of metal ions in aqueous solution is traditionally performed by methods including atomic absorption spectrometry,5 electrochemical measurements,6,7 and inductively coupled plasma techniques,8 among others. However, these techniques have important drawbacks, notably the need for sophisticated instrumentation, in addition to being time-consuming and requiring laborious procedures. To overcome these issues, the development of chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors for the selective detection of metal-targets has attracted great attention, especially due to the possibility of fast, sensitive and non-expensive analysis.9,10 In the last decade, nanoscaled materials have been reported as selective probes for metal ions, including Fe3+.11–24Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are of particular interest because of the affordable price of starting materials, ease of controlling size and morphology, possibility to functionalize their surface with organic molecules, and optical properties that enable detection of a variety of analytes via simple UV-vis spectroscopy and digital image analysis. Furthermore, applications of AgNPs are also biotechnologically relevant due to the possibility of green synthetic protocols, including the use of plant extracts,25 natural sources,26 glycerol,27 among others.Flavonoids are secondary metabolites naturally found in fruits and other vegetables with relevant roles due to their nutritional, pharmaceutical and medicinal properties.28 Because of their adequate structural features, flavonoids are candidates to be employed in the synthesis of AgNPs.26 Rutin (RU), a sugar-based flavonoid, may be employed as reducing agent in the synthesis of AgNPs along with a stabilizer such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)26 or used as crude plant extract component.29,30This paper reports the use of RU-modified AgNPs (RU-AgNPs) as a chromogenic probe for Fe3+ in aqueous medium in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA). Sensing ability of RU-AgNPs for the selective detection of Fe3+ toward other metal cations was investigated with UV-vis spectroscopy analysis. These data and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) results allowed a mechanistic proposal involved in the selective detection of Fe3+ by RU-AgNPs. Furthermore, a practical approach based on correlation of images of solutions obtained with a conventional smartphone and chemometrics was employed for a simpler quantification of Fe3+ in aqueous medium.Initially, the order of reagent combination was investigated in the synthesis of RU-AgNPs. Concentration of RU ranged from 0.10 to 0.50 mmol L−1, while concentrations of other components were fixed at 0.20 mmol L−1 AgNO3, 0.10 mmol L−1 AA and 0.10 M NaOH. Water was used as solvent in all cases. Narrower surface plasmon resonance (SPR) bands were obtained from adding a solution of AA and NaOH to a solution containing RU and AgNO3 (Fig. 1a) against the addition of RU, AA, and NaOH to AgNO3 solution (Fig. S1a – ESI), or the addition of RU and NaOH to a solution of AA and AgNO3 (Fig. S1b). RU-AgNPs obtained from the condition presented in Fig. 1a are small (4.1 nm average diameter) and considerably polydisperse (standard deviation of 4.7 nm), however, presenting only one population (Fig. 1b and S2). A study of the influence of RU concentration (0.10 to 0.50 mmol L−1) on the stability of RU-AgNPs over time indicated that 0.10 mmol L−1 RU generates more stable RU-AgNPs (Fig. S3). Next, a study on the influence of pH indicated that RU-AgNPs are only stable under strong alkaline conditions (pH 12.5 or higher) (Fig. S4).Open in a separate windowFig. 1(a) UV-vis analysis of RU-AgNPs under strong alkaline condition (pH > 12.5) based on the order of adding reagents (RU, 0.10 to 0.50 mmol L−1; AgNO3, 0.20 mmol L−1; AA, 0.10 mmol L−1; NaOH, 0.10 mmol L−1); (b) TEM image of RU-AgNPs under the selected condition.The ability of RU-AgNPs to sense metal cations was investigated by both naked-eye and UV-vis spectroscopy analysis (Fig. 2). The separate addition of 10 μmol L−1 of several metal cations (Fe3+, Co2+, Zn2+, Sr2+, Cu2+. Al3+, Ba2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Mg2+, Hg2+, Cu+ and Cr3+) to solutions of RU-AgNPs (prepared according to Fig. 1a) indicated that only Fe3+ induces a significant colorimetric change in the final aspect of solution after 50 minutes (Fig. 2a).Open in a separate windowFig. 2Naked-eye (a) and UV-vis (b) analysis of RU-AgNPs in absence (control, C) and presence of 10 μmol L−1 of selected metal cations (Fe3+, Co2+, Zn2+, Sr2+, Cu2+. Al3+, Ba2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Mg2+, Hg2+, Cu+ and Cr3+) after 50 min; (c) calibration curve obtained by the addition of different amounts (0 to 10 μmol L−1) of Fe3+ to solutions of RU-AgNPs; (d) TEM image of RU-AgNPs after addition of Fe3+ (10 μmol L−1). In all experiments, RU-AgNPs were prepared in the presence of ascorbic acid.The results presented in Fig. 2a are consistent with the UV-vis spectroscopy analysis (Fig. 2b). Co2+ ions also induce some change in the system, however at a considerably smaller extension than Fe3+. In this study, AA played a crucial role in the selective detection of Fe3+ by the referred nanoprobe. In the absence of AA, Co2+ (mainly) as well as other cations induce stronger colorimetric and spectral changes (Fig. S5a and b, respectively) in the analysis of solutions of RU-AgNPs when compared to the system containing AA. This selectivity may arise from two possible reasons: (i) preservation of RU by avoiding its oxidation in the reduction of Ag+ ions; (ii) coordination of ascorbate anion to cations other than Fe3+.Interaction of RU-AgNPs and Fe3+ (10 μmol L−1) stabilizes after approximately 40 minutes (Fig. S6). Next, a calibration curve was built from the direct relationship between the absorbance at 396 nm and the concentration of Fe3+ (Fig. 2c), presenting a good correlation (R2 = 0.9929). The limits of detection and quantification were found to be 17 nmol L−1 and 56 nmol L−1, respectively, which is very satisfactory.13,14 The influence of other cations in the detection of Fe3+ was investigated by UV-vis spectroscopy. Fig. S7 clearly demonstrates that there are only small changes when a second cation (30 μmol L−1) is added together with Fe3+ to the RU-AgNPs solution.Mechanistically, the detection of Fe3+ by RU-AgNPs in aqueous medium proceeds via a growth/aggregation-combined process. This proposal is first evidenced by UV-vis analysis due the suppression of SPR band (Fig. 2b), a behavior consistent with the literature.31,32 Interestingly, TEM analysis clearly shows a growth in AgNPs size after addition of Fe3+ to the solution (Fig. 2d), resulting in a final single AgNPs population with average diameter of 14.7 nm ± 8.9 nm. Due to the strong alkaline medium, the main specie responsible for the behavior of NPs is likely to be Fe(OH)3. A schematic illustration of the mechanism involving aggregation of RU-AgNPs induced by the addition of Fe3+ is presented in Fig. 3. AgNPs are initially formed by adsorption of anionic RU to the silver surface via deprotonated 5-hydroxychromen-4-one moiety. This is supported by the literature33 and confirmed by alteration in the 1800–1500 cm−1 region of the RU infrared spectra before and after coordination with silver (Fig. S9). Afterwards, the addition of Fe3+ induces the formation of a coordination complex through an anionic catechol group, in which at least 2 : 1 ligand–Fe3+ stoichiometry is required for an aggregated effect.Open in a separate windowFig. 3Mechanistic proposal for growth/aggregation of RU-AgNPs in the presence of Fe3+. Insert: binding model for RU-AgNPs.Due to increasing interest in image processing as an analytical tool for many purposes,34,35 Multiple Linear Regression was employed to verify the capacity of the RU-AgNPs to probe Fe3+ standards at distinct concentrations, as presented in Fig. 4. The curve was obtained by plotting the color absorbances RGB-based values versus the concentrations of Fe3+ standards after RU-AgNPs interaction. Predicted iron is a vector based on RGB values that were then extracted from the filtered images and inserted in the equation described by Beer–Lambert law in order to generate the absorbances for the construction of the analytical curve. A linear behavior between the predicted response and the measured concentrations was observed (R2 = 0.9806).Open in a separate windowFig. 4Calibration curve for Fe3+ analysis showing the predicted iron (RGB) vs. iron(iii) concentration (1 to 8 μmol L−1). Adjusted R2 = 0.9806.Regression coefficients of the calibration model (using the R, G and B channels simultaneously) obtained by MLR method are shown in eqn (1):[Fe3+] = 44.5R − 4.9G − 16.4B + 5.11where Fe3+ concentration is the dependent variable (Predicted Iron), 5.1 is the intercept (β0), 44.5, −4.9 and −16.4 are the regression coefficients of the independent variables (R, G and B channels, respectively).It is possible to observe an interesting performance of the method using the three RGB color channels allied with MLR to quantify the Fe3+ content, which presented reasonable deviations in its responses considering that it is simple and low-cost. The good linearity is similar to other colorimetric methods such as sodium determination in seawater and coconut water (R2 > 0.91) by Moraes and coauthors,36 or iron(ii) in simulated seawater (R2 = 0.9993) by Gasparotto et al.37Second order regression was applied to the dataset to obtain a better adjustment, resulting in an adjusted R-squared of 0.9955. RGB values were then inserted in eqn (2) in order to generate the construction of the correlation:[Fe3+] = 14.4R + 30.7G − 23.4B − 398RG − 348RB − 0.8BG − 978R2 + 695G2 + 26.9B2 + 4.52This paper reports the use of AgNPs functionalized with RU as nanoprobes for selective detection and sensitive quantification of Fe3+ in aqueous solution. The synthesis of RU-AgNPs is reproducible, easily performed and requires no stabilizer agent other than RU. AA has a crucial role in the selectivity by either the avoidance of oxidation of RU by silver and/or coordination of ascorbate with other cations. The literature brings relevant examples of chromogenic and fluorogenic chemosensors for selective detection of Fe3+ in solution. Many of these artificial organic receptors present high selectivity and relevant limits of detection, requiring, however, very specific reagents and laborious synthetic procedures.38–41 Metal-based nanoparticles have emerged as potential probes for detection of Fe3+.11–16 Although effective in Fe3+ sensing, the synthesis of these nanoprobes require some toxic reagents, such as NaBH4 or PVP, use plant extracts, which may lead to some drawbacks, such as the understanding of the sensing mechanism. In contrast, our method is based on commercially available, nontoxic, low-cost reagents. Fe3+ sensing performed satisfactorily in the 1–10 μmol L−1 range, and the limit of detection obtained with this method (17 nmol L−1) is comparable to the most sensitive methods reported in literature. A mechanism for the detection of Fe3+ by RU-AgNPs involves a combined growth/aggregation of the NPs. There is a still limited number of nanoscaled systems reported as being selective and sensitive in the detection of Fe3+, which reinforces the relevance of the method reported herein. The linearity range obtained by both UV-vis spectroscopy and image analysis comprises the maximum of residual Fe3+ in drinking water according to the European and US legislations.15,42  相似文献   

Poly(adenine)-mediated DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles for sensitive detection of mercury ions in aqueous media     
Jinjin Yin  Jiuchao Wang  Xiyue Yang  Tao Wu  Huashan Wang  Xiaoming Zhou 《RSC advances》2019,9(33):18728
In this work, a facile and sensitive colorimetric sensor for Hg2+ ions based on poly (adenine)-mediated DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) is reported. One DNA sequence consisting of poly-A and T-rich DNA was designed rationally. Poly-A was used as an anchoring block to bind tightly to Au NPs, and T-rich DNA was utilized for specific recognition of Hg2+ ions. With the assistance of poly-A, T-rich DNA was easily introduced onto the surface of Au NPs and kept an upright orientation. In the presence of Hg2+ ions, T base binding with Hg2+ ions results in the formation of “T–Hg2+–T” among the Au NPs, which caused aggregation of the Au NPs and a subsequent change in the color of the solution, from wine red to grayish blue. On this occasion, the limit of detection (LOD) was 3.75 nM Hg2+ ions with a linear range from 5 nM to 200 nM, as measured by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Moreover, successful application of this method for the detection of Hg2+ ions in real samples was demonstrated.

In this work, a facile and sensitive colorimetric sensor for Hg2+ ions based on poly (adenine)-mediated DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) is reported.  相似文献   

Evaluation of novel Griess-reagent candidates for nitrite sensing in aqueous media identified via molecular fingerprint searching     
Linda Vradi  Michael Breedon  Fiona F. Chen  Adrian Trinchi  Ivan S. Cole  Gang Wei 《RSC advances》2019,9(7):3994
The Griess reaction is the most often exploited colorimetric method for the quantitative analysis of nitrite in aqueous media. The application of the currently used reagents are associated with limitations (e.g. linear response range). Herein, molecular fingerprint searching on well-known Griess-reagents was used as a tool for the identification of structurally similar, new reagent candidate molecules. Rapid and high-throughput experimental evaluation of the newly identified Griess-reagent candidates revealed that 14 of the 18 tested reagent candidates had equal or superior response displaying broader linear ranges and/or increased response gradient against various nitrite concentrations in aqueous media when compared to the parent compounds at room temperature.

Novel Griess reagents were identified using molecular fingerprint searching and rapid experimental evaluation for the detection of nitrite in aqueous media.  相似文献   

Controllable growth of three-dimensional CdS nanoparticles on TiO2 nanotubes to enhance photocatalytic activity     
Guo-Min Liu  Wen-Yuan Jia  Qiu-Shi Jiang  Zhi-Qiang Cheng 《RSC advances》2020,10(28):16776
Exploiting photocatalysts with characteristics of low cost, high reactivity and good recyclability is a great significance for environmental remediation and energy conversion. Herein, hollow TiO2 nanotubes were fabricated by a novel and efficient method via electrospinning and an impregnation calcination method. With the hydrothermal method, the CdS nanoparticles were modified on the surface and in walls of the TiO2 nanotubes. By changing the reaction conditions, the morphology of CdS nanoparticles presents a controllable three-dimensional (3D) structure. The morphology of the samples was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The structure and components of samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The light absorption efficiency was detected using UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and photoluminescence (PL). The photocatalytic properties were evaluated by degradation of methyl orange (MO) and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation. From the results, the TiO2/CdS nanotubes exhibit better photocatalytic activity than the pure TiO2. The synthetic mechanism of TiO2/CdS heterostructures and a possible photocatalytic mechanism based on the experimental results were proposed.

Exploiting photocatalysts with characteristics of low cost, high reactivity and good circularity is a great significance for environmental remediation and energy conversion.  相似文献   

Polymer microgels for the stabilization of gold nanoparticles and their application in the catalytic reduction of nitroarenes in aqueous media     
Muhammad Arif  Muhammad Shahid  Ahmad Irfan  Jan Nisar  Weitai Wu  Zahoor H. Farooqi  Robina Begum 《RSC advances》2022,12(9):5105
Polymer microgels containing a polystyrene core and poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) shell were synthesized in aqueous media following a free radical precipitation polymerization. Au nanoparticles were fabricated into the shell region of the core–shell microgels denoted as P(STY@NIPM) by the in situ reduction of chloroauric acid with sodium borohydride. Various characterization techniques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-visible) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used for the characterization of Au–P(STY@NIPM). The catalytic potential of Au–P(STY@NIPM) toward the reductive reaction of 4-nitrophenol (4NP) under various reaction conditions was evaluated. The Arrhenius and Eyring parameters for the catalytic reduction of 4NP were determined to explore the process of catalysis. A variety of nitroarenes were converted successfully into their corresponding aminoarenes with good to excellent yields in the presence of the Au–P(STY@NIPM) system using NaBH4 as a reductant. The Au–P(STY@NIPM) system was found to be an efficient and recyclable catalyst with no significant loss in its catalytic efficiency.

A core–shell microgel system was synthesized and used as a micro-reactor for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles. The resulting hybrid system has the ability to catalyze the reduction of various nitroarenes in aqueous media.  相似文献   

High electrocatalytic activity of Pt on porous Nb-doped TiO2 nanoparticles prepared by aerosol-assisted self-assembly     
Xin Fu  Ruisong Li  Yucang Zhang 《RSC advances》2022,12(34):22070
This study explores an aerosol-assisted method to prepare an efficient support for the Pt catalyst of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Titania nanoparticles and mesoporous niobium-doped titania nanoparticles were prepared by aerosol-assisted self-assembly using titanium(iv) isopropoxide and niobium(v) ethoxide as the titanium and niobium sources for application as non-carbon supports for the platinum electrocatalyst. The structural characteristics and electrochemical properties of the supports were investigated by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, and dynamic light scattering. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method was used to calculate the specific surface areas of the samples, and the pore size distribution was also examined. The results demonstrated that under a radial concentration gradient, the aerosol droplets self-assembled into a spherical shape, and mesoporous supports were obtained after subsequent removal of the surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide by annealing and washing. The hydrothermal technique was then used to deposit platinum on the TiO2-based supports. The electrical conductivity of the non-carbon support was enhanced by the strong metal–support interaction effect between the platinum catalyst particles and the porous niobium-doped TiO2 support. The half-wave potential, electrochemical surface area, mass activity, and specific activity of the obtained Pt/Nb-TiO2 catalyst all surpassed those of commercial Pt/C.

A niobium-doped titanium dioxide electrocatalyst support for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells was prepared by an aerosol-assisted method and then loaded with platinum nanoparticles in the presence of ethylene glycol as a reducing agent.  相似文献   

Turning over on sticky balls: preparation and catalytic studies of surface-functionalized TiO2 nanoparticles     
Sven A. Freimann  Alessandro Prescimone  Catherine E. Housecroft  Edwin C. Constable 《RSC advances》2021,11(10):5537
We have investigated the reactivity of rhodium(iii) complex-functionalized TiO2 nanoparticles and demonstrate a proof-of-principle study of their catalytic activity in an alcohol oxidation carried out under aqueous conditions water in air. TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) have been treated with (4-([2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridin]-4′-yl)phenyl)phosphonic acid, 1, to give the functionalized NPs (1)@TiO2. Reaction between (1)@TiO2 NPs and either RhCl3·3H2O or [Rh2(μ-OAc)4(H2O)2] produced the rhodium(iii) complex-functionalized NPs Rh(1)2@TiO2. The functionalized NPs were characterized using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry, 1H NMR and FT-IR spectroscopies; the single crystal structures of [Rh(1)2][NO3]3·1.25[H3O][NO3]·2.75H2O and of a phosphonate ester derivative were determined. 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to follow the reaction kinetics and to assess the recyclability of the NP-supported catalyst. The catalytic activity of the Rh(1)2@TiO2 NPs was compared to that of a homogeneous system containing [Rh(1)2]3+, confirming that no catalytic activity was lost upon surface-binding. Rh(1)2@TiO2 NPs were able to withstand reaction temperatures of up to 100 °C for 24 days without degradation.

A proof-of-principle investigation of the reactivity of functionalized NPs Rh(1)2@TiO2 (1 = (4-([2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridin]-4′-yl)phenyl)phosphonic acid, 1) is reported, using their catalytic activity in an alcohol oxidation in aqueous conditions water.  相似文献   

Comparison of Fe2TiO5/C photocatalysts synthesized via a nonhydrolytic sol–gel method and solid-state reaction method     
Qianqian Zhao  Guo Feng  Feng Jiang  Shanfang Lan  Junhua Chen  Mengting Liu  Zuzhi Huang  Jianmin Liu  Qing Hu  Weihui Jiang 《RSC advances》2020,10(71):43762
Fe2TiO5/C photocatalysts were synthesized by a solid-state reaction method (Fe2TiO5/C(S)) and nonhydrolytic sol–gel (NHSG) method (Fe2TiO5/C(N)), where C was introduced by external carbon and in situ carbon sources, respectively. The Fe2TiO5/C(N) photocatalyst with in situ carbon has much better photocatalytic degradation efficiency than that of Fe2TiO5/C(S) synthesized by doping external carbon. The superiorities of in situ carbon were demonstrated by SEM, EDS, BET and photoelectrochemical analysis. Compared with Fe2TiO5/C(S) using external carbon as a carbon source, Fe2TiO5/C(N) with in situ carbon exhibits more uniform elemental distribution, much larger surface area, higher photocurrent density and lower resistivity of interfacial charge transfer. The results show that the introduction of in situ carbon via the NHSG method more easily promotes the separation of photogenerated electron–hole pairs, owing to the uniformity of the carbon element, thereby improving the photocatalytic activity of the photocatalyst.

Two different methods were used to prepare Fe2TiO5/C photocatalysts, demonstrating the superiorities of in situ carbon introduced by a NHSG method.  相似文献   

Correction: Poly(adenine)-mediated DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles for sensitive detection of mercury ions in aqueous media     
Jinjin Yin  Jiuchao Wang  Xiyue Yang  Tao Wu  Huashan Wang  Xiaoming Zhou 《RSC advances》2021,11(37):22691
Correction for ‘Poly(adenine)-mediated DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles for sensitive detection of mercury ions in aqueous media’ by Jinjin Yin et al., RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 18728–18733, DOI: 10.1039/C9RA03041G.

The authors regret that an incorrect grant number was shown in the Acknowledgements section of the published article. The corrected section should read:This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin [No. 18JCQNJC06000] and the Youth Innovation Foundation of Tianjin University of Science and Technology [No. 2016LG16].The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.  相似文献   

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