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Cancer of the urinary bladder is the fourth most common cancer in men and the ninth in women. Approximately 67,000 people (50,000 males and 17,000 females) develop bladder cancer each year in the United States, and 13,750 individuals (9,630 males and 4,120 females) are expected to die from it. In the showing of the morphologic characteristics of the tumors, authors underlining the increasing of the incidence, pathogenesis, premalignant lesions and the risk factors of disease.  相似文献   

目的 :系统评价中国人脊柱原发肿瘤的流行病学特征。方法 :计算机检索Pubmed、Medline、Ovid、Science Direct、Embase、Web of Science、万方、中国知网(China national knowledge infrastructure,CNKI)、维普(vip citation databases,VIP)、中国生物医学文献(China biology medicine disc,CBM)数据库,检索时间为1980年1月~2017年6月,收集有关中国地区脊柱原发肿瘤流行病学特征及临床病例分析的研究,对文献所报道的各肿瘤占比、男女比例、年龄分布、解剖学部位分布等数据进行提取,按照澳大利亚循证护理中心推荐的标准(JBIcriteria)对文献质量进行评价,采用Rev Man 5.3软件对数据进行Meta分析。结果 :纳入符合标准的中英文文献23篇,文献质量评分均在7分以上。对文献中报道的3462例脊柱原发肿瘤进行Meta合并分析,结果显示:(1)在脊柱原发肿瘤中,良性肿瘤所占比例为61%(95%CI:56%~66%),恶性肿瘤所占比例为39%(95%CI:34%~44%)。(2)良、恶性肿瘤分类中,男性所占比例均高于女性,但骨巨细胞瘤中女性所占比例为52%(95%CI:47%~58%),男性为48%(95%CI:42%~53%)。(3)良性肿瘤21~40岁患者占40%(95%CI:35%~45%),恶性肿瘤41~60岁患者占44%(95%CI:40%~48%),超过70%的脊柱原发肿瘤患者年龄在21~60岁。(4)颈、胸、腰、骶椎肿瘤分别占25%、26%、22%、27%,良性肿瘤好发于颈椎,恶性肿瘤以骶椎多见。敏感性分析结果显示,Meta分析结果可靠,除解剖学分布外漏斗图基本对称,不存在较大发表偏倚。结论:中国人脊柱原发肿瘤中,良性肿瘤比例高于恶性,男性比例高于女性;良性肿瘤好发于21~40岁,恶性肿瘤好发于41~60岁;脊柱原发肿瘤在颈、胸、腰、骶节段的分布大致相当,良性肿瘤颈椎居多,恶性肿瘤骶椎居多。  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of 422 stone-formers who visited our hospital from 1997 to 2001 was conducted. The mean annual prevalence and incidence of both upper and lower urinary tract stones were higher than what was found in a nationwide urolithiasis survey carried out in Japan in 1995. The incidence of upper and lower urinary tract stones was 90.8% and 9.2%, respectively. The frequency of lower urinary tract stones was higher than that found in the previously mentioned nationwide study. The male-to-female ratio of upper and lower urinary tract stones was 1.68:1 and 2.25:1, respectively. The frequency in females was higher in this study than that found in the nationwide survey. The peak age for incidence of upper urinary tract stones is 50s in males and females. In the treatment of upper urinary tract stones, ureteroscopic lithotripsy was carried out more often than shock wave lithotripsy (SWL), because our hospital had no SWL device. Many endoscopic lithotripsy procedures were performed to treat stones located in the lower urinary tract. Of the upper urinary tract stones 83.7% were composed of calcium, the incidence of uric acid stones was high (6.6%), whereas the incidence of infectious stones was low (1.9%). For lower urinary tract stones, the frequency of infectious stones was high (52.6%). In the present study, the epidemiological features were as follows: high annual prevalence and incidence, high frequency of lower urinary tract stones, high frequency in females, many endoscopic treatment procedures and high frequency of uric acid stones in the upper urinary tract.  相似文献   

In this study, a model system was designed to investigate the metastatic potential of intramuscularly implanted bladder tumor cells in mice. Of the 4 FANFT-induced murine bladder tumors investigated, MBT-2 and -8 metastasized to the lung.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to review the current clinical experience and pathological characteristics of cardiac tumors. We retrospectively reviewed 33,108 consecutive cases of cardiac operations performed at our institution from October 1996 to March 2005. There were 242 cases confirmed histologically as cardiac tumors. Among them, 234 patients were diagnosed with primary heart tumors, revealing a prevalence of 0.71% among the corresponding period cardiac operations. Of primary cardiac tumors, the incidence of benign neoplasm was much higher than malignant masses (90.6% vs. 9.4%, P<0.01). The most common benign cardiac tumor was myxoma (86.8%). Mesenchymoma and angiosarcoma were the most common primary malignant cardiac tumors. The prevalence rates of cardiac tumors were quite different among age groups. Rhabdomyoma and fibroma are prone to children. The number of female patients with myxoma was higher than that in male (P<0.01). Myxomas have a special predilection for the left atrium (93.5%). Benign non-myxoma tumors are more likely to occur in the ventricular (64.3%). The primary malignant tumors have a tendency to be of multi-center origination (23%). All the secondary cardiac tumors were located in the right side of the heart. This study, using a relatively large sample, reveals the clinical incidences and pathological characteristics of various cardiac tumors in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

背景与目的:腺瘤型息肉是结直肠癌的主要癌前病变,早期发现腺瘤型息肉对预防结直肠癌具有重要的意义。本研究分析湖南省长沙、湘潭两地无症状体检人群结直肠腺瘤型息肉的检出率及分布特点,以期发现易感因素,从而进行早期筛查和预防。方法:回顾性分析2016年1月—2020年12月在中南大学湘雅医院及湖南省湘潭市中心医院健康体检中心行肠镜检查,且检出结直肠息肉的无症状体检者资料,通过病例对照研究比较腺瘤型与非腺瘤型息肉间流行病学指标的差异。结果:9235名无症状体检者中检出结直肠息肉1584例(17.15%),其中腺瘤型息肉881例。腺瘤型息肉患者中男性708例,女性173例,与非腺瘤型息肉性别构成差异无统计学意义(P=0.486);45~<60岁为腺瘤型息肉最常见的年龄段,与非腺瘤型息肉年龄构成差异有统计学意义(P=0.033);腺瘤型息肉检出者中,405例(45.9%)超重、353例非肥胖(40.1%)、123例肥胖(14.0%),与非腺瘤型息肉之间差异无统计学意义(P=0.859)。乙状结肠(37.5%)是结直肠腺瘤型息肉最常见的部位,而非腺瘤型息肉多见于直肠,差异有统计学意义(P=0.009)。结论:结直肠腺瘤型息肉好发于乙状结肠,发病与性别和肥胖程度无关,而与年龄有关,建议45岁以上人群定期进行肠镜筛查。  相似文献   

A total of 429 patients with urinary tumors have been operated on in the past 10 years, 80 of them have been undergone cystectomy. Intestinal plasty of the urinary bladder was performed in 38 patients. These one-stage operations in 15 patients yielded a high postoperative mortality rate (33.3%). Two-stage surgeries in 23 patients largely reduced mortality (8.9%). The authors provide recommendations how to conduct the two-stage surgery and limited indications for one-stage interventions.  相似文献   

Multiple and recurrent epithelial tumors of the bladder in a child   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the course of a disinterment of an ancient Avar burial place at Székkutas-Kápolna near Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary, the archaeologist conducting the excavations, Miss Katalin B. Nagy, noticed a lithoid body of oval shape in the pelvis of a skeleton. The find was identified on morphological and chemo-analytical grounds as a bladder stone. In view of its rarity and its palaeopathological interest, it is described in detail. It is also expected to draw the attention of archaeologists to the possibility of similar findings. A brief review of the pertinent literature is given.  相似文献   

Bladder myofibroblastic inflammatory tumors are rare benign proliferative lesions that can simulate both urothelial and connective tissue malign neoplasms, making a preoperative diagnosis nearly impossible. Conservative treatment appears to be curative, even though local recurrences have been reported, and so malignancy should be ruled out above all by means of an accurate follow-up. Two cases are described, 1 of which with the longest follow-up period reported so far (8 years).  相似文献   

Experience with surgical and combined treatment of bladder tumours are reported. 587 patients were subjected to operation only, 71 received complex therapy. The patients were classified according to the TNM system, assessment of the results was based on five-year survival. In the group in which the tumour involved only the mucous membrane and did not infiltrate the bladder wall, the results were favourable (85%), while in the group when the bladder wall was deeply infiltrated, there was no five-year survival irrespective of the treatment having been purely surgical or surgical combined with cytostatic or X-ray therapy.  相似文献   

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