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正尺动脉在前臂、臂部发出和走行变异有较多文献报道~([1~4]),作者在做手指再植,行前臂浅静脉移植时,发现1例尺动脉在前臂中下段走行变异的特殊病例。现报道如下。患者,男性,28岁,因右示指离断伤入院,急诊行"清创,末节再植术"。术中缝合皮下静脉时,见静脉断端有缺损,无法直接吻合,予以游离前臂浅静脉桥接修复。于前臂远端正中稍偏尺侧作皮肤切口,切开皮肤,切取长约1.0 cm皮下静脉做移植。在切开皮肤时,发现在切口皮肤深筋膜下见一异常  相似文献   

双侧高位尺浅动脉变异1例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在正常情况下,腋动脉自第1肋外缘由锁骨下动脉延续而来,至背阔肌下缘续为肱动脉;肱动脉在下行途中发出肱深动脉、尺侧上副动脉、尺侧下副动脉等分支,互肘窝桡骨颈平面分为桡动脉、尺动脉两支.作者在解剖一老年男尸时发现其左、右两侧尺动脉高位分支,右侧高位尺动脉在肘平面处通过一交通支与肱动脉相连,同时肱动脉发出桡动脉、骨间总动脉,其变异形式较罕见.现报道如下:  相似文献   

高位桡动脉与尺浅动脉变异1例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解剖一老年女性右上肢标本发现高位桡动脉与尺浅动脉,并在肘窝处形成一个动脉交叉。此类变异较少见,现报道如下,以供临床工作者参考。  相似文献   

在解剖一具成年男性标本时,发现其右侧低位尺浅动脉,桡动脉发骨间总动脉的异常,此种变异较为少见。现报道如下:  相似文献   

作者在为1例砸压撕拉性断掌进行再植手术中,行肌腱移位替代伸指总肌腱时,发现高位尺浅动脉走行变异,临床其为少见,现报道如下: 患者,男性,21岁,以右手掌砸压撕拉性离断急诊入院。查:右手掌部近端平面离断,仅存屈指肌腱,正中、尺神经相连;尺侧伸腕、伸指总、示、小指固有伸肌腱,均由近端肌腹处抽出、患手末稍已无血运,感觉完全丧失;入院后行急诊断掌再植术;术中在行环小指屈指浅肌腱转位替代伸指总肌腱时,将环小  相似文献   

掌浅弓、拇指尺侧动脉变异1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>掌部血管的形态变异较为多见,作者在解剖手部标本时,发现1例成年男性尸体右侧掌浅弓及拇指尺侧动脉形态特殊,现报道如下。(1)桡动脉掌浅支缺如,桡动脉从手背进入手掌处分出拇主要动脉。拇主要动脉沿第1掌骨掌尺侧下行,沿途分为2支:1支  相似文献   

尺浅动脉是臂和前臂动脉主干变异之一。这种异常的分型及临床意义已有报道。我们将在实习中遇到的1例右侧为高位尺浅动脉,左侧为低位尺浅动脉,报道如下:中年男性标本。右侧尺浅动脉在胸小肌下缘处起自腋动脉,直径2.8mm,跨过正中神经内、外侧根结合浅层,于肱二头肌内侧沟下行,穿肱二头肌腱膜深层至前臂深筋膜深层,沿前臂肌肉浅层斜行向下内到豌豆骨外侧,直径1.5mm,于腕掌侧韧带深层进入手掌。左侧尺浅动脉的起点在髁间线以下2.5mm处起自肱动脉,在前臂行程同右侧(图1)。左侧腋动脉于正中神经内、外侧根结合处浅层向作者单位:266021 青…  相似文献   

正在解剖29具尸体(男性尸体25具,女性尸体4具)时,发现1具男性尸体存在双侧尺动脉高位分支,骨间总动脉发自肱动脉及尺动脉走行变异(图1)。国内此三种变异均有文章分别报道,但此三种变异同时存在的情况较为罕见,为丰富解剖学资料,现报道如下:肱动脉(左、右侧外径为3.88mm、3.76 mm)自大圆肌下缘续于腋动脉,左侧、右侧分别在距大圆肌下缘80.3mm、53.2mm处发出尺动脉。左侧尺动脉(外径为1.96 mm)在臂部位于正  相似文献   

制作教学标本时,发现右侧尺侧浅动脉一例,此种变异较少见。女性标本,14岁左右,身高156cm,体形略胖,四肢无畸形。左侧尺、桡动脉及骨间总动脉未见异常。变异的尺浅动脉,在右侧髁间线上,离桡骨颈约4.0cm处,从肱动脉发出。尺浅动脉外径2.3mm,穿肱二头肌腱膜,于旋前圆肌、桡侧腕屈肌、掌长肌、指浅屈肌浅面与深筋膜下之间下行,沿尺侧腕屈肌的桡侧,伴尺神经至腕部,沿途发出数支皮支,肱动  相似文献   

Anomalous superficial ulnar arteries were found bilaterally during routine dissection of the upper limbs of a 60-year-old male cadaver. In the left arm, the superficial ulnar artery originated from the axillary artery. It crossed the median nerve anteriorly and ran anteromedial to this nerve and the brachial artery. The superficial ulnar artery was also rudimentary and gave rise to only a narrow muscular branch to the biceps brachii. In the hand, it anastomosed with the radial artery, completing the superficial palmar arch. The radial artery was larger than usual and the deep palmar arch was formed only by the radial artery. In the right arm, the superficial ulnar artery originated from the brachial artery at the level of the inter-epicondylar line. Additionally there were “inverse palmaris longus muscles” bilaterally. This was a rare case in which the superficially ulnar artery originated from a different source on each side accompanied by anomalies of the palmar arches on one side.  相似文献   

正掌浅弓的构成形式具有多样性,但优势正中动脉型掌浅弓并不常见~([1-2])。作者在解剖1具成年男性福尔马林灌注的标本时,发现左前臂正中动脉起自尺动脉与正中神经紧密伴行,在拇短屈肌内侧和桡动脉掌浅支合成1/2的掌浅弓(图1)。现报告如下。1资料与方法经福尔马林固定的男性尸体1具,年龄约60岁,身高175 cm,体型标准,发育正常。采用大体解剖方法切开皮肤,清除臂前区和前臂前区浅筋膜,观察血管、神经的走行与分支。  相似文献   

During the dissection of an 86-year-old male human cadaver, superficial ulnar arteries were found in both upper limbs. These arteries branched from the axillary arteries. In the left arm, the artery crossed ventral to the medial root of the median nerve before running towards the medial part of the arm. The persistence of the median artery was noted. In the right arm, the ulnar artery had a common origin with the subscapular artery. It crossed anterior to the lateral root of the median nerve and then, in the arm, ran alongside the anterolateral aspect of the median nerve, near the biceps brachii muscle, which was supplied by this superficial ulnar artery. Then the artery crossed the median nerve and the brachial artery. The embryology, incidence and clinical relevance of this anatomical variation are discussed. So this was a rare case where the ulnar arteries originated from the axillary artery on both sides, but then followed different courses in the arm and, on the right side, the superficial ulnar artery partly supplied the biceps brachii muscle.  相似文献   

A rare variation of the ulnar artery is presented on routine anatomical dissection in one male cadaver. The superficial ulnar artery was found to originate from the axillary artery. The free forearm flap is increasingly popular among plastic surgeons. As a result of this case, and a review of the literature to gain further knowledge of anatomical variations, it is advised that more attention should be paid clinically to this artery to prevent its injury.  相似文献   

在制作标本的过程中,对一成年男性右上肢进行解剖时,发现其手部桡动脉变异合并桡正中尺动脉型掌浅弓.现报告如下. 本例标本的桡动脉主干在"鼻烟窝"处穿第1骨间背侧肌进入手掌深部的同时,发出一桡动脉变异支(图1).  相似文献   

<正>手部血液供应主要是由桡动脉和尺动脉的终支相互吻合形成的掌浅弓和掌深弓,及它们所发出的分支支配。但是掌浅弓和掌深弓的类型多变,尤其是掌浅弓,大体可分为完全弓和不完全弓~([1~5])。作者在制作一成人男性标本时,发现其左侧手掌为不完全掌浅弓,并且桡动脉走行分支异常,为积累解剖学资料,报道如下:该标本的尺动脉末端未与其他血管吻合,而是单独形成不完全掌浅弓,营养手掌尺侧半。尺动脉起始外径3.02 mm,  相似文献   

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