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A longitudinal three-wave study among a large representative sample of 1519 employees of various companies in The Netherlands examined how organizational justice (as measured by distributive and procedural justice) was related to depressive symptoms and sickness absence. It was predicted that perceived justice would contribute to lower depressive symptoms and sickness absence, whereas depressive symptoms and absenteeism in turn would contribute to lower perceptions of organizational justice. In line with the predictions, we found that both distributive and procedural justice contributed to lower depressive symptoms, and distributive justice contributed to lower sickness absence in the following year. With regard to reversed effects, sickness absence contributed to lower perceptions of distributive justice to some extent. Moreover, sickness absence was related to higher depressive symptoms a year later. This research shows the importance of justice in organizations as a means to enhance the wellbeing of people at work and to prevent absenteeism.  相似文献   

目的:分析组织因素对杭州市三级公立医院多学科团队合作行为的影响,以及团队氛围和团队领导力在其中的作用机制,为充分调动团队合作的积极性、提升团队合作效能提出建议。方法:2022年1—3月,采用目的抽样对杭州市三级公立医院中的多学科团队成员进行问卷调查,共回收有效问卷452份;应用SPSS 26.0软件中的Process插件对有调节的中介模型进行检验。结果:积极的组织因素对多学科团队合作行为具有正向促进作用(β=0.128,P<0.001),团队氛围在组织因素和多学科团队合作行为之间起中介作用(β=0.063,P<0.001),团队领导力在组织因素和团队氛围之间起负向调节作用(β=-0.011,P<0.001)。讨论和建议:多学科团队合作行为受组织因素、团队氛围和团队领导力的多重影响,院方应积极探索符合本院特色的多学科团队合作长效运行机制,完善顶层设计、加强组织投入,在团队内营造融洽的合作氛围,增强团队凝聚力,运用共享式领导进行团队决策,授予团队成员足够的自主权与决策权。  相似文献   

For demographic reasons and as a result of a number of high profile health incidents in recent years, much of the health research and policy focus is on the younger cohorts of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. A critical examination of recent demographic trends reveals, however, that older cohorts of the Aboriginal population are increasing at a faster rate than younger cohorts, primarily due to improvements in life expectancy and declining fertility rates. Yet, there are surprisingly few health studies that have recognized the aging of the Aboriginal population. The overall goal of this paper is to examine differences in health status, use of conventional health care and traditional approaches to healing between older and younger cohorts of the Aboriginal population as well as to examine the importance of age as a determinant of health and health care use. Using data from the 2001 Statistics Canada Aboriginal Peoples Survey and contingency tables and logistic regression, the results demonstrate that older Aboriginal people face unique challenges - e.g. loss of traditional approaches to healing, geographic isolation, identity politics, constitutional and legal divisions within the Aboriginal community - with respect to their health and access to health services. These outcomes result from a colonial past and contemporary policies that affect all Aboriginal people.  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省高中生健康素养水平及其影响因素。方法采用多阶段抽样方法,运用卫生部编制的“2009年中国公民健康素养调查问卷”对高中生进行问卷调查。采用MLwinN 2.19软件对资料进行多元多水平分析。结果广东省1606名高中生知识与理念性、行为性、技能性素养的平均分分别是69.08±14.81、60.05±16.85和74.99±21.17。三方面健康素养均存在一定的相关性,且班级水平相关性(0.972、0.715、0.855)明显高于个体水平相关性(0.565、0.426、0.438)。结论来自经济欠发达地区、普通中学、学习成绩差、零花钱较多、低年级、男性学生的健康素养水平较低。  相似文献   



Individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) are at an increased risk for inactivity-related diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. According to protection motivation theory, perceptions of disease risk predict motivation to engage in health-protective behaviors such as leisure time physical activity (LTPA).


The purposes of this study were to (1) examine changes in perceived risk for disease following an individualized health information intervention and (2) examine changes in perceived risk for disease as a predictor of changes in LTPA.


Perceived risk for disease and LTPA were measured at baseline among 62 people with SCI. Objective disease risk information (e.g., waist circumference, BMI, blood glucose) was collected and individual risk information was mailed to each participant. Perceived risk for disease and LTPA were remeasured 1 and 2 weeks following receipt of individualized information, respectively.


Changes in perceived risk of heart disease and obesity were dependent on objective risk status. There were no significant changes in perceived risk of diabetes. Changes in perceived risk of heart disease negatively predicted, while changes in perceived risk of diabetes positively predicted, changes in LTPA. Changes in obesity did not significantly predict changes in LTPA.


Among people with SCI, individual health-risk information can change perceptions of disease risk. Increased perceived risk of diabetes may motivate LTPA, while increased perceived risk of heart disease may encourage avoidance behavior regarding LTPA.  相似文献   

目的:探究影响中非卫生合作的主要因素,为进一步深化中非卫生合作提供参考。方法:采取问卷调查法,对2018年中非卫生合作高级别会议的中国与非洲国家参会代表进行调查;采用χ^2检验、Logistic回归等方法进行分析。结果:92.3%的调查对象支持中非卫生合作;83.3%的非方代表和73.2%的中方代表有卫生合作意向;中非双方合作意向重点领域为疾病防控和医学人才培养。通过政府协议或接洽被认为是最有效的合作途径;影响非方合作意向的主要因素是合作支持度、伙伴关系和医学人才培养,而影响中方合作意向的主要因素是资金的便利性和合作渠道。结论:中非卫生合作未来应该以疾病防控和医学人才培养为合作重点。中非双方应在政府引导支持下,巩固伙伴关系,加强产品质量与认证,疏通合作渠道,促进资金融通、技术交流与信息共享,进一步深化中非卫生合作。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Coffs Harbour AIDS Information Network was set up to co-ordinate care planning and support service delivery for HIV/AIDS patients. This paper describes a collaborative model of care that brought together private general practitioners, a community nurse and a sexual health counsellor. Time involved in delivering services was monitored for each of the health professional groups during a 6 month period.
Twenty-three patients were involved in our study. Doctors averaged 23 min per consultation over 57 occasions of service. Travel or telephone contact took up 17% of the time spent on these patients. Corresponding figures for the nurse and counsellor were an average of 67 min over 144 services and 71 min over 16 services. They spent 16% and 27% of their time travelling or on the phone, respectively.
HIV/AIDS care is time consuming for health professionals but comprehensive care can be given in rural areas with adequate support and integration.  相似文献   

The quality movement is gaining momentum worldwide in the field of health care. Initiated in industrialized countries, it steadily grows in Africa. However, there is no evidence that approaches designed to address issues in a given organizational context have the same effect in another one where issues present differently. Along the epistemological paradigm of realistic evaluation proposed by Pawson and Tilley, we use Mintzberg's organizational models to compare the configurations of European and African health care organizations and the trends followed by the quality management movement in both contexts. We illustrate how European health systems traditionally emphasize professional autonomy while African health systems are structured as command and control hierarchical systems. We illustrate how the quality movement in Europe emphasizes standardization of procedures, a characteristic of a mechanistic organization, while excessive standardization is part of the quality problem in Africa. We suggest that instilling professionalism may be a way forward for the quality movement in Africa to improve patient focus and responsiveness of responsible professionals. We also suggest that our interpretation of broad trends and contrasts may be used as a useful departure point to study the wide contextual diversity of the African experience with quality management.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether individuals with different socioeconomic status (SES) should be provided differently tailored health messages to promote healthy dietary behaviour (HDB). Prior research has suggested that people with different SESs tend to exhibit different types of beliefs about health, but it remains unclear how SES interacts with these beliefs to influence health outcomes. To better understand the differences in HDB between high‐ and low‐SES populations and propose effective intervention strategies, we examined (i) how SES is associated with HDB, (ii) how internal health locus of control (HLC) and powerful others HLC are associated with HDB, and (iii) how SES interacts with internal and powerful others HLC to influence HDB. Using data from the Annenberg National Health Communication Survey, collected from 2005 to 2012 (= 6,262) in the United States, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted. Education level was found to be positively associated with HDB, while income level was not. Both internal and powerful others HLC beliefs were positively associated with HDB. The positive relationship between internal HLC and HDB strengthened as the level of education and income increased, whereas the positive relationship between powerful others HLC and HDB weakened as respondents' education level increased. These results suggest that the design and delivery of communication messages should be tailored to populations' specific SES and HLC beliefs for effective public health interventions. For example, messages enhancing internal HLC (e.g. providing specific skills and knowledge about health behaviours) might be more helpful for the richer and more‐educated, while messages appealing to one's powerful others HLC beliefs (e.g. advice on health lifestyles given by well‐known health professionals) might be more effective for less‐educated people.  相似文献   

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