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We studied the inhibitory (PPI) and facilitatory (PPF) behavioural effects of brief light flashes presented as prepulses just prior to the acoustic startle reflex (ASR) in intact rats and in rats that had a bilateral excision of visual cortex (VC). The VC-lesioned and control groups (n=5, 5) were near identical in PPF for flashes presented 5-20 ms before the ASR and near identical in PPI for flashes presented 60 ms before the ASR. These findings differ from those of a case report of a human patient following occipital cortex resection, for whom light flashes failed to produce either acoustic startle PPF or PPI if the flash were presented to the portion of the visual field in which she could not see; they differ also from data obtained in functionally decorticate rats, for which a light flash produced no startle PPI, but instead a late-appearing exaggerated PPF. In the present experiment the lesion was restricted to VC, while in contrast the occipital resection in the human patient included posterior areas of the parietal and temporal lobe, and functional decortication in the rat disengaged the entire cortex. The greater extent of these two effective surgical procedures may have been responsible for their greater behavioural effects; otherwise, the complete loss of reflex control by photic stimulation in the human patient but not in the rat may reflect the greater functional importance and anatomical complexity of the VC in humans.  相似文献   

The authors recorded the acoustic startle response in 32 patients with stroke, 6 patients with incomplete cervical cord lesions, and 26 controls. Increased startle occurred in about one quarter of both stroke and spinal cord injury patients. The response in biceps demonstrated the greatest deviation from normal, with less marked changes in tibialis anterior. Increased startle in spinal cord injury suggests that changes at the segmental level may contribute. Symptomatic increased startle occurred only in pontine lesions.  相似文献   

The startle reflex protects animals from blows or predatory attacks by quickly stiffening the limbs, body wall and dorsal neck in the brief time period before directed evasive or defensive action can be performed. The acoustic startle reflex in rats and cats is mediated primarily by a small cluster of giant neurons in the ventrocaudal part of the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis (RPC) of the reticular formation. Activation of these RPC neurons occurs 3–8 ms after the acoustic stimulus reaches the ear. Undetermined neurons of the cochlear nuclei activate RPC via weak monosynaptic and strong disynaptic connections. The strong disynaptic input occurs via neurons of the contralateral ventrolateral pons, including large neurons of the ventrolateral tegmental nucleus that integrate auditory, tactile and vestibular information. RPC giant neurons, in turn, activate hundreds of motoneurons in the brain stem and the length of the spinal cord via large reticulospinal axons near the medial longitudinal fasciculus. To hindlimb motoneurons, monosynaptic connections from the reticulospinal tract are weak, but disynaptic connections via spinal cord interneurons are stronger and show temporal facilitation, like the startle response itself.  相似文献   

Seizures are common sequel to brain insults in cases such as stroke, trauma and infection where there is a certain neuroinflammation. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces an inflammatory state in brain that is used as a model of neuroinflammation. We studied the effect of LPS (0.25 and 2.5 microg/rat, i.c.v.) on development of electrical kindling of the amygdala and on fully-kindled seizures. LPS, at the doses used, had no effect on fully-kindled seizures and afterdischarge (AD) duration at 0.5, 2 or 4h after administration. However, daily injection of LPS (2.5 microg/rat) retarded acquisition of kindled behavioral seizures. This antiepileptogenic effect could be due to the release of inflammatory mediators from microglia and the related morphological and functional changes in synaptic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

The present investigation assessed the propensity of an acute psychogenic stressor exposure to induce behavioral change in paradigms assessing fear/anxiety (acoustic startle) and motivation/anhedonia (intracranial self-stimulation) in CD-1 mice. In the acoustic startle paradigm, a 10-min exposure of 2-4 month old mice (young adult mice) to fox odor (2,5-dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline; TMT) was associated with decreased acoustic startle relative to mice exposed to the control odor, butyric acid (BA), immediately and relative to both saline and BA exposure 24 h following odor exposure in the home cage. In contrast, a 2-min exposure of young adult mice to TMT was associated with an increase in startle relative to saline and BA during the immediate post-odor test session only. In young adult mice a 2-min and a 10-min exposure to BA resulted in a startle profile of mice reminiscent of saline-treated mice. In comparison to young adult mice, a 2-min exposure of mature adult mice (5-7 months old) to TMT enhanced startle for up to 48 h relative to both saline and BA, while a 10-min exposure of mature adult mice to TMT enhanced startle for 168 h post-odor exposure relative to saline-exposed mice only. However, the greatest increase in startle amplitude (i.e. 48 h) was acquired following the 2-min exposure of mature mice to TMT. Among mature adult mice, a 10-min exposure to BA in the home cage eventuated in enhanced startle relative to saline-exposed animals 168 h following odor exposure. In comparison, exposure of mice to 10 min of TMT depressed responding for VTA brain stimulation at the initial 80 Hz frequency, but was ineffective in elevating reward thresholds relative to mice merely exposed to saline. Mice assessed in the ICSS paradigm were approximately 2-4 months old at the time of surgery and 5-7 months old at the completion of testing. These data suggest that acute odor exposure may induce a fear gradient dependent upon the perceived stressor severity and that the resultant anxiety-like effects are dependent on the duration of odor exposure, age of the animals and the temporal interval between odor presentation and behavioral testing. Moreover, the anxiogenic properties of psychogenic stressors can be separated from their anhedonic effects. The implications of these data for clinical psychopathology are discussed.  相似文献   

Clavulanic acid (CLAV) inhibits bacterial β-lactamases and is commonly used to aid antibiotic therapy. Prompted by the initial evidence suggestive of the potential anticonvulsant and neuroprotective properties of CLAV, the present study was undertaken to systematically evaluate its acute effects on seizure thresholds in seizure tests typically used in primary screening of potential antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). In the present study, 6-Hz seizure threshold, maximal electroshock seizure threshold (MEST) test, and intravenous pentylenetetrazole (i.v. PTZ) seizure tests were used to determine anticonvulsant effects of intraperitoneally (i.p.) administered CLAV in mice. Acute effects on motor coordination and muscle strength were assessed in the chimney and grip-strength tests, respectively. Doses of CLAV studied in the present study were either comparable or extended the doses reported in the literature to be effective against kainic acid-induced convulsions in mice or behaviorally active in rodents and monkeys. CLAV had no effect on seizure thresholds in the 6-Hz (64 ng/kg to 1 mg/kg) and MEST (64 ng/kg to 5 mg/kg) seizure tests. Similarly, CLAV had no effect on seizure thresholds for i.v. PTZ-induced myoclonic twitch, clonic convulsions, and tonic convulsions (64 ng/kg to 5 mg/kg). Finally, CLAV (64 ng/kg to 5 mg/kg) had no effect on the motor performance and muscle strength in the chimney and grip-strength tests, respectively. In summary, CLAV failed to affect seizure thresholds in three seizure tests in mice. Although the results of the present study do not support further development of CLAV as an AED, its beneficial effects in chronic epilepsy models warrant further evaluation owing to its, for example, potential neuroprotective properties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possible association between the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD) and exposure to organochlorine pesticides in the mouse model. Animals were treated with a single subcutaneous injection of either dieldrin (40 and 80mg/kg) or 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (100 and 200mg/kg, 2,4-D) and levels of dopamine (DA) and DA metabolites were measured in the striatum at the 7-day time point. Dieldrin exposure did not affect the striatal concentrations of DA, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA). Administration of 2,4-D did not produce any changes with the exception of a slight (15%), but statistically significant decrease in DOPAC using the higher dose of the pesticide. No neurochemical signs of dopaminergic injury were found following the combined treatment with either dieldrin or 2,4-D plus diethyldithiocar-bamate (DDC), a compound known to potentiate the effects of the dopaminergic toxicant 1-methyl-4-phenyl-l, 2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Furthermore, neither dieldrin nor 2,4-D caused additional damage in animals previously lesioned with MPTP. Data failed to support the hypothesis that acute exposure to organochlorine compounds or synergistic interactions involving these pesticides may cause significant damage to dopaminergic terminals and therefore contribute to nigrostriatal degeneration in PD.  相似文献   

Mirtazapine is an antidepressant exhibiting both noradrenergic and serotonergic activity. We have investigated the effects of mirtazapine on pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)- and maximal electroconvulsive shock (MES)-induced seizures in mice. Mirtazapine (1.25-20mg/kg) or saline was administered, and locomotor activity was evaluated for 30 min. One hour after administration of mirtazapine (1.25-5mg/kg) or saline, PTZ (80 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally into the mice. Immediately afterward, times of onset of the first myoclonic jerk (FMJ), generalized clonic seizures (GCS), and tonic extension (TE) were recorded. In the MES groups, we used the MES protocol to induce convulsions characterized by tonic hindlimb extension. Similarly, 1h after mirtazapine or saline administration, an electroshock was evoked by ear-clip electrodes to induce convulsion. Mirtazapine, at 10 and 20 mg/kg, depressed locomotor activity. Doses of 1.25-5mg/kg had no significant effect on the time of onset of FMJ, GCS, or TE induced by PTZ; on the duration of GCS and TE; or on the latency to reinstatement of the righting reflex after MES administration. Our results suggest that mirtazapine neither aggravates nor alleviates PTZ- or MES-induced seizures in mice.  相似文献   

We quantified swim postures of mice in relation to their cognitive performance. After training in a water maze, young (5-6 months) and aged (14-16 months) female apolipoprotein E-knockout (apoE0/0) mice and wild type controls were video taped while swimming. Subsequently, angles of body points with the water surface were calculated. Mice with a more horizontal swim posture (young and aged apoE0/0, aged wild type mice) also showed an increased body weight. However, swim posture was not related to cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Assessments of prepulse inhibition and habituation of the acoustic startle response have proved to be valuable tools for assessing deficits of sensorimotor gating and information processing in schizophrenia patients. Recent studies, however, have reported inconsistent results regarding startle habituation deficits in schizophrenia using block-to-block analyses. Some of these inconsistencies may be due to abnormal initial sensitization effects to startle-eliciting stimuli. In a longitudinal study during the course of an acute psychotic episode, 34 medicated inpatients were examined with regard to sensitization and habituation effects in a trial-by-trial analysis and compared with 18 normal control subjects. On two examinations--10 days after admission and after psychopathological improvement 2-3 weeks later--schizophrenia patients exhibited an exaggerated magnitude increment across the first few startle-eliciting stimuli and habituation deficits that were evident when the effect of sensitization was removed from analysis. In the present study, both increased sensitization and reduced habituation appeared to be trait markers of schizophrenic psychoses. The enhanced sensitization effect--presumably due to an abnormal arousal modulation--reflects abnormal stimulus processing in schizophrenia, i.e. the diminished ability to learn the irrelevance of simple identical stimuli. In addition, the present data have important implications for designing startle studies to assess sensitization, habituation and prepulse inhibition in one session.  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性不可预见应激大鼠的听觉惊跳反射和弱刺激抑制变化情况以及帕罗西汀对其的影响.方法 将24只大鼠按随机数字表法分为阴性对照组(8只)、慢性不可预见应激组(8只)和帕罗西汀组(8只).阴性对照组:静养21 d后给予蒸馏水灌胃;慢性不可预见应激组:先给予慢性不可预见应激21d后再给予蒸馏水灌胃21 d;帕罗西汀组:先给予慢性不可预见应激21 d后再给予帕罗西汀灌胃21 d.3组大鼠均接受体质量测量、自发活动、糖水偏好、惊跳反射和弱刺激抑制测试.结果 (1)慢性不可预见应激组大鼠体质量[(380.50±22.23)g]、10 min旷场自发活动[ (5765.57 ±2942.28) mm]、糖水摄入量[(19.09 ±7.16) ml/kg]均低于阴性对照组[(426.38±33.73)g、(12 272.15±2343.02) mm(42.58±11.68) ml/kg,P<0.01];帕罗西汀组体质量[ (353.62 ±29.37)g]低于阴性对照组(P<0.01).(2)惊跳反射实验结果3组大鼠之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).(3)慢性不可预见应激组大鼠弱刺激抑制[( 30.50±14.84)%]小于阴性对照组和帕罗西汀组[ (57.80±13.32)%、(42.32±15.82)%],帕罗西汀组弱刺激抑制小于阴性对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.01);82 dB时的弱刺激抑制高于70、64、58 dB时的弱刺激抑制(P<0.01);76 dB时的弱刺激抑制高于64、58 dB时的弱刺激抑制(P <0.01);70 dB时的弱刺激抑制高于58 dB时的弱刺激抑制(P<0.05).结论 随着弱刺激强度增加,弱刺激抑制逐渐增加;慢性不可预见应激大鼠存在弱刺激抑制的缺失,帕罗西汀能够缓解这一状况.  相似文献   

A group of persons with dissociative identity disorder (DID) was compared with a group of persons with other dissociative disorders, and a group of nondiagnosed controls with regard to prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex. The findings suggest maladaptive attentional processes at a controlled level, but not at a preattentive automatic level, in persons with DID. The prepulse occupied more controlled attentional resources in the DID group compared with the other two groups. Preattentive automatic processing, on the other hand, was normal in the DID group. Moreover, startle reflexes did not habituate in the DID group. In conclusion, increased PPI and delayed habituation is consistent with increased vigilance in individuals with DID. The present findings of reduced habituation of startle reflexes and increased PPI in persons with DID suggest the operation of a voluntary process that directs attention away from unpleasant or threatening stimuli. Aberrant voluntary attentional processes may thus be a defining characteristic in DID.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular infusion of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) (0.1-1.0 micrograms) produced a pronounced, dose-dependent enhancement of the acoustic startle reflex in rats. This excitatory effect began about 20-30 min after infusion, grew steadily over the 2 hr test period, and lasted at least 6 hr. Higher doses of CRF (10 micrograms) often produced marked facilitation and then inhibition of startle that oscillated repeatedly with a period of 10-20 min. CRF-enhanced startle did not result from an increase in sensitization produced by repetition of the startle stimulus or from a blockade of habituation. Peripheral injections of the autonomic ganglionic blockers hexamethonium (10 mg/kg) or chlorisondamine (3 mg/kg) slightly attenuated the magnitude of CRF-enhanced startle, suggesting a partial role of peripheral sympathetic activation. Intracerebroventricular infusion of the CRF antagonist alpha-helical CRF9-41 (alpha hCRF; 25 or 50 micrograms) blocked CRF-enhanced startle when infused 5 min prior to CRF, indicating a central site of action. CRF-enhanced startle also was reversed when alpha hCRF was given 90 min after infusion of CRF. This suggests that exogenously applied CRF remains in the brain for a very long time after administration or that CRF given exogenously initiates a process that results in a long-lasting activation of endogenous CRF. Because the startle reflex is elevated by both conditioned and unconditioned fear, these data lend further support to the idea that CRF infusion produces a behavioral state that resembles fear or anxiety. Because startle is mediated by a well-defined neural pathway, CRF-enhanced startle may provide a useful behavioral assay to analyze the neural systems upon which exogenous CRF acts to produce its behavioral effects.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that electromyographic activity in the orbicularis oculi muscle occurring in response to sudden acoustic stimuli consists of two overlapping components: the blink and the startle reflex. The aim of the present study was to identify these two components in acoustically elicited eyeblink responses and to analyze their differential modulation by weak acoustic prepulses. The prevalence, latency and amplitude characteristics of double EMG peaks in pulse-alone and prepulse-pulse trials (PP) with 30 ms and 100 ms interstimulus intervals were assessed in 16 healthy volunteers. EMG responses with two peaks were registered in 42.6 % of the pulse-alone trials and in 56.2 % of the PP30 and 48.7 % of the PP100 trials, respectively. Prepulse inhibition of the amplitude was greater for the second peak (14.2 % (P2) vs. -11.5 % (P1) in PP30 trials; 62.6 % (P2) vs. 32.3 % (P1) in PP100 trials), resulting also in higher P1/P2 amplitude ratios in prepulse-pulse trials (P1/P2: 62.9 % in pulse-alone, 92.6 % in PP30 and 100.1 % in PP100 trials). In conclusion, double peaks are a common phenomenon in human studies of acoustically elicited blink responses. It is postulated that the first peak represents the auditory blink reflex, whereas the second peak corresponds to the startle reflex, which may be more susceptible to prepulse inhibition. This complexity should be taken into account in clinical studies of the modulation of the startle reflex. Received: 15 November 2001 / Accepted: 14 June 2002  相似文献   

目的 探讨汉族人群精神分裂症患者是否存在听觉惊跳反射缺陷及抗精神病药的影响.方法 第1代药物组:服用第1代抗精神病药的慢性精神分裂症男性患者25例;氯氮平组:服用氯氮平的慢性精神分裂症男性患者25例;对照组:身体健康的男性25名;3组的年龄和受教育年限均匹配.对上述3组进行听觉刺激惊跳反射检测,并使用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)评定精神分裂症患者的临床精神病理症状.结果 (1)第1代药物组惊跳反射的反应波幅(SR)[(553.6±516.9)mV]明显低于对照组[(942.0±447.3)mV,P=0.009],氯氮平组的SR[(755.9±439.4)mV]介于上述2组之间,但与2组间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);(2)第1代药物组惊跳反射的适应性(HAB)[(17.8±35.8)%]明显低于对照组[(44.9±28.9)%,P=0.027],氯氮平组的HAB[(22.9±34.1)%]介于上述2组之间,但与2组间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);(3)当时间间隔(LI)为120 ms时,第1代药物组的惊跳反射弱刺激抑制(prepulse inhibition,PPI)显著小于对照组(P=0.024),氯氮平组的PPI值介于上述2组之间,但与2组间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);LI为30 ms或60 ms时,3组间PPI的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(4)第1代药物组和氯氮平组患者不同LI的PPI与其临床病理症状可能不存在相关(P>0.05).结论 精神分裂症患者可能存在听觉惊跳反射弱刺激抑制的缺陷;氯氮平可能能部分改善精神分裂症患者对惊跳反射的脱抑制.  相似文献   

We carried out a prospective study to analyze the diagnostic potential of acoustic startle reflex (ASR), acoustic blink reflex (ABR) and electro-oculography (EOG) in early stages of atypical parkinsonian syndrome. The study was carried out in a consecutive series of 41 patients clinically diagnosed as atypical parkinsonism (mean time from first symptoms of 38 months and follow-up of 26 months). The three procedures were carried out immediately after the first clinical evaluation. ASR and ABR were elicited by auditory stimuli while the patient was attending to a simple reaction time task. Outcome measures were: ASR (absence/presence, latency), ABR (absence/presence, latency) and EOG (suggestive/not suggestive of progressive supranuclear palsy [PSP]). Final clinical diagnosis was carried out by two neurologists blind to the neurophysiological results. A study of diagnostic sensitivity and odds ratio (OR) calculation for the PSP diagnosis was carried out. Neurophysiological examination showed the following sensitivity/specificity (%) for the diagnosis of PSP: ASR: 100/89; ABR 85/89; EOG 100/72. OR values were: ASR: 0.011; ABR: 0.037; EOG: 0.038. The three tests taken simultaneously showed a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 95%. The three neurophysiological tests investigated provided sensitive and specific measures with predictor value in early stages of atypical parkinsonian syndrome.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is the normal suppression of the startle reflex when an intense stimulus is preceded by a weak non-startling prestimulus. PPI is widely used as a model for sensorimotor gating processes and has been shown to be impaired in various neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia. We have reproduced startle-like behavior and basic PPI modifications with a neural network. The network design was constrained by the attempt (1) to use as few connections as possible and (2) to relate neuroanatomical structures to the simulated network. Performance of the network was evaluated by the behavior of the simulated motor neurons in response to prepulse and pulse stimuli presented with various lead intervals and prepulse intensities. A delayed inhibitory pathway via the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPTg) to the caudal pontine reticular nucleus was found to be a necessary but insufficient requirement to reproduce basic PPI output patterns. Additional requirements included (a) a low threshold at or below the caudal pontine reticular formation, (b) signal amplification in the inhibitory pathway and (c) prolongation of activity in the inhibitory pathway. On the grounds of the most appropriate output patterns of the simulations, we propose a mechanism of sustained activation in the PPTg due to recursive connections. Relations between stimuli, behavior (motor output) and the underlying architecture are discussed. Potentially, this modeling technique can be extended to investigate the impact of drugs and higher brain regions on PPI.  相似文献   

Tactile, acoustic and vestibular systems sum to elicit the startle reflex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The startle reflex is elicited by intense tactile, acoustic or vestibular stimuli. Fast mechanoreceptors in each modality can respond to skin or head displacement. In each modality, stimulation of cranial nerves or primary sensory nuclei evokes startle-like responses. The most sensitive sites in rats are found in the ventral spinal trigeminal pathway, corresponding to inputs from the dorsal face. Cross-modal summation is stronger than intramodal temporal summation, suggesting that the convergence of acoustic, vestibular and tactile information is important for eliciting startle. This summation declines sharply if the cross-modal stimuli are not synchronous. Head impact stimuli activate trigeminal, acoustic and vestibular systems together, suggesting that the startle response protects the body from impact stimuli. In each primary sensory nucleus, large, second-order neurons project to pontine reticular formation giant neurons critical for the acoustic startle reflex. In vestibular nucleus sites, startle-like responses appear to be mediated mainly via the vestibulospinal tract, not the reticulospinal tract. Summation between vestibulospinal and reticulospinal pathways mediating startle is proposed to occur in the ventral spinal cord.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex has been proposed as a neurophysiological measure of sensorimotor gating. There is high test-retest reliability of both startle magnitude and PPI in non-psychiatric subjects. The present study examined the stability of the acoustic startle reflex and its modulation in patients with schizophrenia. Startle measurements were performed in 19 chronic schizophrenic patients on stable medications and 24 healthy control subjects, three times at one-month intervals. PPI trials with various intervals between the prepulse and the startle stimulus (30, 60. 120, 240, and 2000 ms) were used. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were computed to assess stability. There was a good test-retest reliability of PPI in both schizophrenic patients (Mean ICC: 0.75) and control subjects (Mean ICC: 0.71). Acoustic startle magnitude was the most stable measure across sessions (Mean ICC schizophrenics: 0.89; Mean ICC controls: 0.89). In both groups, a good test-retest reliability was found in the startle latencies. Habituation and prepulse-induced shortening of latencies exhibited moderate stability. Schizophrenic patients exhibited significantly less PPI than control subjects in the 60 ms prepulse condition. This PPI deficit was evident in all three sessions. These results indicate that PPI is a stable neurobehavioral measure in chronic schizophrenic patients in the absence of changes in clinical state.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex is an operational measure of sensorimotor gating. The dopamine receptor agonist-mediated disruption of PPI in rats is widely used as a model of the sensorimotor gating deficiencies demonstrated in schizophrenia patients. As a possible tool for validation of a pig model of psychosis, we wished to verify the existence of PPI in landrace pigs and investigate the potential disruption of PPI by d-amphetamine (AMPH) in these animals. PPI of the acoustic startle reflex and its potential disruption by AMPH were investigated using three doses 0.5-1.5mg/kg with a paradigm including two levels of prepulses (82 and 88dB) and a prepulse (PP) interval of 60 and 120ms. We found an average PPI of the startle reflex of 25.6% and both of the investigated PP intensities and PP intervals were equally effective in this PP-inhibitive paradigm. AMPH significantly disrupted PPI and, in spite of only the 0.5mg/kg dose proved statistically significant, the results indicate this to be dose-related. We have demonstrated the phenomenon of PPI of the startle reflex in landrace pigs and its disruption by d-amphetamine. Studies of sensorimotor gating defects could be a valuable additional tool in assessing pig models of neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

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