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IL-6、IL-1和PDGF对大鼠肾小球系膜细胞生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-1(IL-1)和血小板源生长因子(PDGF)对大鼠肾小球系膜细胞(MsC)增殖的影响。方法:采用改良的MTT法和BrdU掺入法检测SD大鼠体外MsC悬液中加入IL-6、IL-1及PDGF后12h及24h的增殖情况。分7组进行观察。结果:IL-6组、IL-1组和PDGF组12h及24h的光密度(OD值)与标记指数(LI)均为2%FCS组也均高,但所有实验组均不能达20%FCS组的细胞增殖水平。联合应用双因子刺激12h及24h均未见明显的协同促增殖作用。结论:IL-6、IL-1及PDGF均能在一定程度上刺激大鼠肾小球MsC增生。联合应用双因子刺激无明显的协同效应。  相似文献   

目的观察肝脏枯否细胞、肺泡及腹腔巨噬细胞在急性重症胆管炎(ACST)时分泌TNF、IL-1的变化,以及应用活血清解灵进行治疗的调节作用.方法通过胆总管远端结扎,近端注入菌液并封闭的方法,造成大鼠ACST模型.采用单纯胆管减压、胆管减压配合抗生素、胆管减压配合活血清解灵三种不同方法治疗.分离和培养肺泡巨噬细胞、腹腔巨噬细胞、肝脏枯否细胞,收集培养上清液,采用MTT法测定细胞因子活性.结果模型组上述巨噬细胞分泌IL-1、TNF的水平显著升高(P<0.001),中药治疗组虽明显高于假手术对照组,但明显低于ACST模型组(P<0.05),减压组和氨苄组与造模组无差异(P>0.05).结论活血清解灵能抑制ACST时炎性细胞因子的过度分泌,对大鼠巨噬细胞功能有明显的调整作用.  相似文献   

药物对痛风性关节炎模型IL-1、IL-6的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
痛风是由于嘌呤代谢紊乱所致的风湿病。临床上以高尿酸血症伴痛风性急性关节炎反复发作 ,痛风石沉积 ,痛风性慢性关节炎和关节畸形 ,肾小球和肾小管等实质性病变和尿酸结石形成为特点。我们曾用外用中药治疗临床痛风性关节炎取得良效 ,推测其治疗所起的抗炎镇痛活血化瘀作用与某些炎症因子有关。参照现代炎症机理 ,通过对动物痛风性关节炎模型治疗后检测局部关节组织IL - 1、IL- 6 ,来探讨其抗炎作用的机理。材料与方法1 动物 Wistar雄性大鼠 40只 ,体重 (180± 30 )g ,由北京医学科学院实验动物中心提供。饲养于浙江中医学院…  相似文献   

IL—1,TNF和IL—6与骨关节炎   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
骨关节炎患者关节滑液中可检测了高水平的IL-1,TNF和IL-6,这是参与滑膜炎性病变,关节软骨基质降解及干扰软骨细胞功能的重要细胞因子,对其采取有效的抑制措施可能是早期防治骨关节炎的新途径。  相似文献   

大鼠骨质疏松模型血清中一氧化氮和IL—6水平及意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:测定骨质疏松模型大鼠血清中一氧化氮(NO)和IL-6水平,探讨其意义。方法:8月龄成年雌性SD大鼠随机分假手术对照组和去卵巢骨质 疏松模型组,术后第12周测量全身骨密度后处死,取血清用硝酸还原酶法测定NO水平,放免法测定IL-6和雌激素水平,结果:去卵巢骨质疏松模型组大鼠与假手术对照组相比,骨密度下降,胫骨骨小梁宽度变窄,间距变宽,小梁占视野面积比降低,血清中雌激素和NO含量显著下降,IL-6含量明显升高,大鼠骨密度与血清中雌激素和NO含量正相关,与IL-6含量负相关,结论:大鼠骨质疏松模型血清中NO水平降低,IL-6水平升高,NO和IL-6在骨质疏松的发生发展中起重要作用。  相似文献   

卵巢切除大鼠椎体松质骨中IL-1β、IL-6免疫组织化学研究韩利华,王全平,刘建,朱潇玲绝经后骨质疏松症的发病机制目前尚不清楚,研究发现IL-1、IL-6等细胞因子参与骨代谢调节。细胞因子主要通过自分泌与旁分泌的方式参与调控骨的吸收与形成,而对骨质疏...  相似文献   

TNF,IL—1和IL—6在急性胰腺炎患者血中的变化及临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着有关急性胰腺炎(acutepancreatitis,AP)炎症免疫学研究的不断深入,以肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)、白介素1(IL1)和白介素6(IL6)为代表的细胞因子(cytokine,CK)在AP发生发展中的作用日益受到关注。初步的研究表明[1~3],AP时伴有血中某些CK的升高,其中部分指标可作为判断AP病情轻重、估计预后的依据。AP时大量CK的释放与胰腺局部炎症的恶化和胰外器官损害的发生有密切关系。但它们在AP患者病程中的变化规律及与病情演变的关系尚无详细报道。本研究筛选了发病时…  相似文献   

近年来,挥发性麻醉药异氟醚及七氟醚对动物心肌缺血/再灌注损伤的保护作用受到关注。本文观测并比较了异氟醚及七氟醚在体外循环下对成人心脏手术中血清IL-6、IL-8、IL-10及IL-1ral浓度的影响。 资料与方法 选择拟行瓣膜置换手术成年病人24例,随机分为异氟  相似文献   

肿瘤患者免疫功能低下[1],麻醉和手术可进一步加重此趋势[2],我们采用四种麻醉方法行乳腺癌根治术,观察患者围术期细胞因子变化趋势,探讨其内在机制,为保护围术期肿瘤患者的细胞免疫功能提供临床依据。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨大黄素治疗重症急性胰腺炎 (SAP)的作用机理。 方法 :用胰胆管内逆行注射去氧胆酸钠法制作大鼠SAP模型 ,随机分为对照组、SAP组、大黄素治疗组 ,动态测定术后 0h、6h、12h各组血清TNFα及IL - 6浓度 ,并取胰组织作病理学检查 ,同时应用TUNEL技术分析大鼠胰腺腺泡细胞凋亡的变化。 结果 :发现大黄素给药后 6h及 12h时血清TNFα、IL - 6水平明显降低 ,腹水量减少 ,胰组织病变程度改善 ;术后 6hSAP组胰腺腺泡细胞凋亡指数为 (3 92± 0 94 ) ,大黄素治疗组为(2 6 5 0± 6 72 ) ,两组比较 ,P <0 0 5。 结论 :大黄素可明显抑制大鼠胰酶及TNFα、IL - 6的释放 ,并且诱导已受损的不可恢复的腺泡细胞凋亡 ,从而改善大鼠重症胰腺炎的病情发展。  相似文献   

The release of inflammatory cytokines caused by a disrupted disc may play a critical role in pain production at nerve endings, axons, and nerve cell bodies. Herniated disc tissue has been shown to release inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 beta (IL-1beta), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and other algesic chemicals. This study was designed to characterize the effects of these proinflammatory cytokines on the somatosensory neural response at the dorsal root level in rats. It is hypothesized that their effects on nerve endings in disc and adjacent tissue contribute to low-back pain, and the effects on dorsal root axons and ganglia contribute to radiculopathy and sciatica. Surgically isolated sacral dorsal roots were investigated by electrophysiologic techniques. IL-1beta, IL-6, or TNF (100 ng, each) were applied onto the dorsal roots. Neural responses and mechanosensitivity of the receptive fields were evaluated over time. The results showed that 3 h after each cytokine application, the neural activity was statistically decreased. The mechanical sensitivity of the receptive fields increased at 90 min following IL-1beta or TNF application, and returned to normal more than 3 h after IL-1beta application. IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF may be neurotoxic to dorsal root axons. Furthermore IL-1beta and TNF may sensitize the peripheral receptive fields. This study suggests that dorsal roots may be impaired by these proinflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the changes of interleukin-1 β(IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels in brain and plasma after brain injury and to assess the relationship between the cytokine levels and injury severity in rats. Methods. A total of 51 male Wistar rats, weighing 280-340g, were anesthetized with chloral hydrate(400 mg/kg body weight) through intraperitoneal injection and fixed on a stereotaxic instrument. Severe brain injury was created in 16 rats (severe injury group) and moderate brain injury in 18 rats (moderate injury group) by a fluid percussion model, and cytokine levels of IL-1β, TNFα and IL-6 were measured with biological assay. And sham operation was made on the other 17 rats (control group). Results: In the control group, the levels of IL-1β,TNFα and IL-6 were hardly detected in the cortex of the rats, but in the ipsilateral cortex of the rats in both injury groups, they increased obviously at 8 hours after injury.The increasing degree of these cytokines had no significant difference between the two injury groups. The levels of IL-6 in the plasma of all the rats increased slightly, whereas the levels of IL-1β and TNFα were undetectable. Conc|usions: The increase of IL-1β, TNFα and IL-6 levels is closely related to brain injury. The increased cytokine levels in the central nervous system are not parallel to those in the peripheral blood. It suggests that inflammatory cytokines play important roles in the secondary neural damage after brain injury.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize the effects of low doses (0.5–5 ng) of pro-inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), on the neural activity of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in rats. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF) on the somatosensory neural response of DRG. The release of inflammatory cytokines by an injured disc may play a critical role in pain production at nerve endings, axons, and nerve cell bodies. Herniated disc tissue has been shown to release IL-1β, IL-6, TNF, and other algesic chemicals. Their effects on nerve endings in disc and adjacent tissue may lead to low back pain and their effects on dorsal root axons and ganglia may lead to sciatica. Exposed lumbar DRGs were investigated by electrophysiologic techniques. Sham (mineral oil), control (carrier solution), or IL-1β, IL-6, or TNF at doses of 0.5, 1, and 5 ng were applied over the DRG. Baseline discharge rates as well as mechanosensitivity of the DRG and peripheral receptive fields were evaluated over 30 min. Applications of IL-1β at 1 ng resulted in an increase in the discharge rate, 5 ng resulted in an increased mechanosensitivity of the DRG in group II units. Similarly, after 1 ng TNF applications, group II units also showed an increase in mechanosensitivity of DRG and peripheral receptive fields. At low doses IL-1β and TNF sensitization of receptive fields were observed. The responses observed in the group II units indicate that a sub-population of afferent units might have long-term effects modifying the sensory input to the central nervous system. This study provides added evidence to the role of cytokines in modulating afferent activity following inflammation.  相似文献   

Background and aims There is growing evidence that cytokines and their antagonists are important in the pathogenesis of various malignancies. While there are several reports on interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) gene polymorphism and tissue expression, there is only little data available on the impact of IL-1ra serum levels. Therefore, we performed a prospective study, analyzing IL-1ra in thyroid cancer patients. Materials and methods We measured preoperative IL-1ra serum levels of 52 consecutive patients with thyroid cancer, 15 with benign adenoma and 27 healthy volunteers. The final histological diagnosis revealed 21 patients with papillary and 8 patients with follicular carcinoma (FTC), while 12 cases of medullary and 11 cases of anaplastic carcinoma (ATC) were observed. Results Compared to the control group, serum concentrations of IL-1ra were significantly higher in ATC and FTC patients. Concerning gender differences, this effect reached significance only in women with ATC and FTC. Except for the stage IV disease in ATC, there was no correlation between IL-1ra levels and International Union Against Cancer staging. Conclusion The findings of our study indicate that IL-1ra may play an important role in the development of ATC and FTC. Future efforts should focus on the possible application of IL-1ra as a biomarker for the above-mentioned thyroid malignancies.  相似文献   

contributiontothetreatmentofdeepandextensiveburns.ThedoctorsintheBurnUnitofShanghaiRuijinHospitalhavemadeamodificationintheperformanceofthesocalled“alternatestrip”methodintroducedbyJackson.Sincethen,manypatientswithmorethan50%thirddegreeburnshavebeentre…  相似文献   

目的探讨补肾活血类中药骨康预防去势大鼠骨质疏松症的作用.方法本实验研究建立了切除卵巢诱发绝经后骨质疏松症的清洁级SD大鼠模型,运用随机对照分组原则,以血清IL-6、E2和BGP含量指标,观察骨康预防去势大鼠骨质疏松的作用.结果给药4个月后各组大鼠血清雌二醇含量差异有显著性意义,各组均明显高于模型组,正常组、骨康组、阳性组比较无明显差异.各组大鼠血清骨钙素含量差异有显著性意义,各组均明显高于模型组,骨康组明显高于正常组,而阳性组又明显高于骨康组.各组大鼠血清IL-6在给药后4个月差异有显著性意义,各组均明显低于模型组.结论骨康能有效提高去势大鼠体内雌二醇、骨钙素含量,降低体内IL-6含量,具有抑制骨吸收和促进骨形成的双重作用.  相似文献   

白细胞介素—6在突出的腰椎间盘中的表达及其意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的对白细胞介素-6(IL-6)在突出的腰椎间盘组织中的含量及产生IL-6的组织细胞类型进行研究,并对其意义进行探讨.方法对12例正常及突出腰的椎间盘组织进行体外培养,用放免方法测定培养液上清中IL-6含量;并在20例突出的腰椎间盘组织中用免疫组化方法对产生IL-6的细胞类型及组织学定位进行研究.结果突出的腰椎间盘组织产生IL-6的量为(987.53±594.44)pg/g,正常对照组IL-6的量为(114.21±63.91)pg/g,两者统计学有显著性差异(P<0.001),免疫组化结果显示白细胞介素-6阳性细胞在突出椎间盘周围的肉芽组织中表达最强,主要以成纤维细胞、淋巴细胞及软骨细胞为主.结论腰椎间盘组织可自身合成IL-6,IL-6在突出的腰椎间盘组织明显增高,其IL-6主要由突出的腰椎间盘周围的肉芽组织所产生.  相似文献   

Cytokines are known to be important mediators during renal graft outcome. The present study was therefore, conducted to determine the impact of IL-1beta and its receptor antagonist polymorphism on allograft outcome. We evaluated single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in interleukin-1 gene cluster, IL-1beta (promoter region -511 and exon-5 +3954) and IL-1Ra (86-bp VNTR) in 136 renal transplant recipients and 150 normal healthy controls by polymerase chain restriction based (PCR-RFLP) analysis. Recipients were HLA matched and clinically characterized including delayed graft function (DGF), rejection episode (RE) and stable graft function (SGF). Haplotypes and linkage disequilibrium (LD) were determined using SNPAnalyzer software. Significant difference was observed for the frequency distribution of the three sites of IL-1 gene among patients and controls (p<0.001, 0.022 and <0.001 respectively). When RE and DGF were compared to SGF, only IL-1Ra showed significant differences among RE and SGF (p=0.014) and DGF and SGF (p=0.020). The presence of 1/2 genotype showed 18 folds risk in RE and 10 folds in DGF (OR=18.000 and OR=10.667 respectively). The majority of recipients with SGF had 1-4 HLA mismatch whereas RE had 5-8 mismatches. Risk for rejection increased >6 folds (OR=6.571; p<0.01) for 5-8 mismatches. Haplotypes constructed with the combination of three polymorphisms in IL-1 gene cluster showed significant difference between RE and SGF group. LD value for IL-1beta (promoter region) and IL-1Ra and IL-1beta promoter and exon-5 gene in the control group indicated strong association among the variants (D'=0.37, p<0.0001 and D'=0.29, p=0.002). Our study demonstrate that genetically determined low production of IL-1Ra may be a risk factor for RE and DGF and that IL-1beta/IL-1Ra haplotype influences the impact of allograft outcome. These findings may significantly abet in better perception of the survival of the graft.  相似文献   

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