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Whole blood dried onto filter paper constitutes a potentially useful material for molecular testing of viruses, including dengue. In order to assess the stability of viral RNA, we carried out dengue-RNA detection in whole blood infected with dengue virus that had been previously spotted onto filter paper. Filter papers were stored at room temperature, 4 and -70 degrees C and processed for PCR assay at intervals of 2, 4, 6 and 9 weeks. Our results demonstrated that dengue-RNA was stable in filter paper for 9 weeks at all tested temperatures. Furthermore, we evaluated these conditions using frozen sera and dried blood samples onto filter paper from 52 patients with confirmed clinical diagnosis of dengue infection. PCR results showed a 100% specificity and 93% sensitivity for dried blood samples. This storage method facilitates the transportation and analysis by nucleic acid amplification techniques even when freezing conditions are not available.  相似文献   

A method for detection of proviral human immunodeficiency virus DNA in dried blood spots on filter paper by direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been developed. To develop the method, a standard system was used which was prepared from cells each containing a single integrated provirus and titrated with normal donor blood. This rapid procedure provides virtually quantitative yields of nuclear DNA and exploits most of the standard methodology described for blood specimens. A nested PCR using SK38-SK39 gag as the internal primer pair was also designed; this PCR detected a single copy of provirus per filter at near theoretical frequency with SK19 probe. The utility of the procedure was demonstrated with clinical specimens. Blood spot filters from human immunodeficiency virus-infected and uninfected individuals were readily and unequivocally discriminated. The method is designed for ultimate use with large (1.5-ml) sample preparation tubes that are compatible as PCR tubes with thermal cyclers. This will permit convenient, direct single-tube PCR of dried blood specimens on filters. It should be adaptable to analysis of dried blood spots for a variety of infectious or genetic diseases.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for thyroxine (T4) in dried blood samples spotted on filter paper. The assay is carried out on microtiter plates without extraction or centrifugation steps. The detection limit of the assay is 5 pg/disc/well, equivalent to 1.25 micrograms/1 of whole blood or 2.5 micrograms/1 of serum. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation for various T4 concentrations are 2.4-9.0% and 5.9-17.5% respectively. Correlation between the proposed ELISA method and the RIA is good (r = 0.900, n = 62, y(RIA) = 0.99x(ELISA) + 9.90). The ELISA method is useful for mass-screening of neonatal congenital hypothyroidism using dried blood samples on filter paper, is very simple and one person can assay more than 300 samples per day.  相似文献   

An ELISA for Brucella abortus antibody detection using blood collected on filter paper is described. The method gave similar results to the complement fixation test. The signal-noise ratio was good. The system offers considerable advantages when transport of serum samples to the laboratory causes problems.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most sensitive test to diagnose HIV-1 infection among infants born to HIV seropositive mothers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of dried blood spot (DBS) specimens for PCR and to compare it with whole-blood stored in tubes for HIV-1 DNA PCR. Five hundred and seventy-seven whole-blood infant samples were tested using HIV-1 qualitative in-house nested DNA PCR. Three hundred and fifty-nine samples were from infants at 48 hours of birth and 218 samples at second month. All positive samples tested from whole-blood and every fifth negative sample were coated onto filter paper. DNA was extracted from the filter paper and was amplified using in-house nested PCR. Among the whole-blood samples tested using HIV-1 DNA PCR, 19 of 359 (5.29%) samples were HIV-1 positive and 340 (94.7%) were negative at 48 hours of birth. At second month, 19 (8.7%) of the 218 samples were positive and 199 (91.2%) were negative. Using dried filter paper, 18 samples (95%) tested positive from 19 positive samples (using whole-blood) and 1 tested negative at 48 hours of birth. The 68 negative samples tested using whole-blood were also negative in the DBS test (sensitivity 95% and specificity 100%). At second month, 19 were positive and 40 samples (every fifth sample of 199) were negative (sensitivity and specificity, 100%). PCR performed using DNA extracted from filter paper permits the diagnosis of HIV-1 infection among infants born to HIV-1 seropositive mothers. This assay is simple, rapid, sensitive and specific and can be used in resource limited settings.  相似文献   

To assess dried plasma spots (DPSs) as a source of material for virus quantification, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA levels were quantified in matched DPS and liquid plasma samples from 73 infected patients, including 5 neonates and 4 adult patients with acute HIV-1 infection. Quantifications were performed by commercially available assays (NASBA [nucleic acid sequence-based amplification] or Amplicor, or both). There was a strong correlation between HIV-1 RNA levels in plasma and DPSs. More importantly, there was no decline in HIV-1 RNA levels in DPSs stored for as long as 2 weeks at 20 degrees C. Similarly, storage of DPSs for 3 days at 37 degrees C resulted in no decrease in viral RNA levels. For patients with primary infection, the DPS method allowed for the measurement of RNA levels in plasma during the initial spike in the level of viremia and in the subsequent period of suppressed viral replication. DPS quantification was equally informative in the neonatal setting, with all five newborns showing HIV-1 RNA loads of greater than 4.991 log10 copies/ml. We conclude that the viral RNA levels in DPSs are equivalent to those measured in fresh-frozen plasma. The ease and economy of DPS sampling, the minute volumes required, and the unexpected stability of dried RNA suggest that the use of DPSs will be particularly valuable for small-volume neonatal samples and large, population-based studies in which cold storage and transportation present special problems, as is often the case in developing countries. The ability to measure viral changes during primary infection suggests that the method will be useful for assessing vaccine efficacy in large field trials.  相似文献   

PCR, and two different ELISAs were used to detect measles virus on blood dried on filter paper samples from Equatorial Guinea. Sensitivity was 40% by PCR, 57.1% by indirect ELISA and 86.7% by micro chain capture ELISA. Genotype B3 was found in two positive samples by PCR.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) or Hunter syndrome is a lysosomal storage disease caused by deficiency of iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS). A convenient single-step fluorometric microplate enzyme assay has been developed and validated for clinical diagnosis of MPS II using dried blood spots (DBS). The assay compared well with a recently reported digital microfluidic method, from which it was adapted. Results show that this DBS assay is robust and reproducible using both technologies.  相似文献   

We studied the use of dried spots of bodily fluids (plasma, whole blood, and mother's milk) on filter paper as a means of sample collection and storage for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) viral load testing under stringent field conditions. Plasma placed directly in lysis buffer, which is customarily used for viral load assays, was used for comparison in all our experiments. Utilizing reconstruction experiments, we demonstrate no statistical differences between viral loads determined for plasma and mother's milk spotted on filter paper and those for the same fluids placed directly in lysis buffer. We found that the addition of whole blood directly to lysis buffer was unreliable and could not be considered a feasible option. However, viral load measurements for whole blood spotted onto filter paper correlated with plasma viral load values for both filter spots and lysis buffer (Pearson correlation coefficients, 0.7706 and 0.8155, respectively). In conclusion, dried spots of plasma, whole blood, or mother's milk provide a feasible means for the collection, storage, and shipment of samples for subsequent viral load measurement and monitoring. Virus material spotted and dried on filter paper is a good inexpensive alternative for collecting patient material to monitor the HIV-1 viral load. Measuring the HIV-1 burden from whole blood dried on filter paper provides a suitable alternative for low-technology settings with limited access to refrigeration, as can be found in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

An enzyme immunoassay of 21-deoxycortisol (21-DOF) in plasma and dried blood spotted on filter paper has been developed. 21-DOF was conjugated to horseradish peroxidase by the mixed anhydride method. Separation of free and bound fractions was done by the use of insolubilized antibody, prepared by coating polyacetal beads with purified IgG of goat anti-rabbit IgG serum. The enzyme activity was measured by the fluorophotometric method using 3-(p-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid and H2O2 as substrates. The sensitivity of the present method was 0.5 pg/tube for 21-DOF. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were 3.2 and 8.2, and 7.9 and 9.2% respectively. The present enzyme immunoassay could be applied to mass-screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

There are several organic acid disorders that require information on alpha-ketoacids, such as maple syrup urine disease or alpha-ketoadipic acidemia. The recovery, stability and diagnostic availability of alpha-ketoacids in dried urine filter paper analyzed by GC-MS with oxime-trimethylsilyl derivatization was studied for organic acidemia screening. The recovery of all nine types of alpha-ketoacids tested, but for phenylpyruvate, 2-ketoadipate, and p-OH-phenylpyruvate, from filter paper samples was acceptable. The stability of pyruvate, branched-chain alpha-ketoacids, alpha-ketoadipate and alpha-ketoglutarate was stable for at least 28 days, although some alpha-ketoacids such as succinylacetone were unstable. It indicated it was difficult to diagnose only tyrosinemia type 1 among nine specimens from organic acidemia patients tested. The method could be applied to global organic acidemia screening.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe use of simplified methods for viral load determination could greatly increase access to treatment monitoring of HIV patients in resource-limited countries.ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to optimize and evaluate the performance of the Roche COBAS Taqman assay in HIV-RNA quantification from dried blood spots (DBS) and dried plasma spots (DPS).Study designEDTA blood samples from 108 HIV-infected women were used to prepare 129 DBS and 76 DPS on Whatman 903 card. DBS and DPS were stored at ?20 °C. HIV-1 RNA was extracted from DBS/DPS using the MiniMAG system (bioMerieux). Amplification and detection were performed using the Roche COBAS TaqMan assay. Plasma viral load results were used as standard.ResultsThere was a high correlation between measures of viral load in plasma and in DBS/DPS (r = 0.96 and 0.85 respectively, P < 0.001). Overall, viral load values in DBS and DPS tended to be lower than in plasma with mean (SD) differences of 0.32 log (0.22) for DBS and of 0.35 (0.33) for DPS. Detection rates were 96.4% for DBS and 96.1% for DPS in samples with corresponding plasma values >3.0 log copies/ml. Samples with HIV-RNA below 50 copies/ml were correctly identified in 18/19 DBS and in 7/7 DPS.ConclusionsBoth DBS and DPS provided results highly correlated to the plasma values. High detection rate was obtained with both DBS and DPS when HIV-RNA was >3.0 log copies/ml. Our results support the use of DBS/DPS to detect virologic failure in resource-limited settings.  相似文献   

Elevated circulating levels of total immunoglobulin E (IgE) are associated with both allergic disease and repeated macro-parasitic infections. Population-based research on IgE has been limited by the logistical constraints associated with obtaining and processing venipuncture blood samples. In this short report, we present an enzyme immunoassay protocol for quantifying circulating total IgE levels in capillary whole blood, collected from a finger prick and dried on filter paper. The assay demonstrated acceptable levels of accuracy, precision, and reliability. IgE remained stable at room temperature for only 2-4 days and degraded rapidly at higher temperatures suggesting that samples should be refrigerated or frozen within 1-2 days of collection. It is hoped that the relative ease of blood spot collection will expand opportunities for population-based research on IgE.  相似文献   

Undertaking a HIV seroepidemiological survey in Sahel is logistically problematic, since countries like Niger or Mali are very large with scattered populations and harsh climatic conditions. Therefore, the replacement of serum samples by whole blood dried on filter papers has been studied for HIV-antibody testing with commercial kits that are commonly used. In Niger, two tests ELISA (Genscreen HIV1/2 version 2, Vironostika HIV Uni-Form II Ag/Ab) and two rapid tests (Determine HIV1/2 et Immunocomb II HIV1&2 Bispot) were used to compare the dried blood spots and serum samples from 43 control individuals. Both ELISAs gave an excellent correlation (r = 0.99 et r = 0.98) between the dried blood spots and serum absorbance values. Using the rapid tests, the HIV status was found 100% concordant with dried blood spots and serum samples. An algorithm using three out of the four mentioned tests was defined then validated on the dried blood spots of 163 control individuals (100% concordant). In conclusion, dried blood spots may accurately and profitably replace serum samples for the serodiagnosis of HIV infection and for mass serosurveys in Sahel.  相似文献   

目的探讨荧光测定法测定滤纸片干血斑标本G6PD酶活性的可靠性。方法随机选取43例门诊孕前咨询者为检测对象,每人采集2ml静脉血抗凝保存同时制备滤纸片干血斑标本。采用G6PD/6PGD比值法测定抗凝血G6PD/6PGD比值,同时采用荧光测定法定量测定滤纸片干血斑标本G6PD酶活性,比较两种方法测定结果。结果荧光测定法检测43份滤纸片干血斑标本,检出1例缺乏(1.57 IU/gHb);比值法检测43份抗凝血标本,检出1例缺乏(0.76);两种方法符合率为100%。结论荧光测定法定量测定G6PD酶活性准确性高、简单、快捷、费用低廉,可对滤纸片干血斑标本进行G6PD缺乏症的大规模筛查,适于在G6PD缺乏高发区推广应用。  相似文献   

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