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We are sad to report that following this issue, Dr. Li-Wei Chou will no longer be able to contribute to this quarterly literature overview. Unfortunately, his work responsibilities have increased to such an extent that they need to take priority. On behalf of the team, we would like to thank Dr. Chou for his thoughtful and balanced reviews during the past few years. Not only were we able to include an occasional Chinese-language study, he also was able to assist us in interpreting more complex medical studies. Li-Wei, we wish you all the best professionally and personally, and of course, we cannot wait until our paths will cross again sometime in the future!You may have noted that this overview article was missing from the January 2020 issue of the journal due to an administrative mix up. With the current issue we aimed to catch up and therefore, you will find a greater number of reviewed articles than usual. It becomes increasingly challenging to cover the wide range of the published myofascial pain and trigger point (TrP) literature just due to its volume. In this edition, we included 10 basic research articles, 4 reviews, 14 articles on dry needling (DN), acupuncture, and injections, 3 on manual therapies, and 4 on other clinical approaches.  相似文献   

The majority of papers included in the quarterly review discuss various aspects of dry needling (DN), which continues to be of interest to researchers and clinicians. A study by Liu et al. is the first paper to examine the effects of DN of acetylcholine, esterase and receptors. The study provides support for the integrated trigger point hypothesis and for DN. A paper by Hightower and colleagues found an intriguing link between low magnesium levels in the drink water supply, vitamin D, and myofascial pain, cancer, tendon ruptures, and colon polyps. Contributions originated in the Brazil, China, Germany, Iran, India, Poland, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and the US.  相似文献   

Twenty-four basic and clinical studies and case reports are included in this quarterly review of the myofascial pain literature. The majority of publications focus on invasive techniques, especially dry needling. We hope, that this not suggest that clinicians and researchers are slowly moving away from manual trigger point (TrP) approaches. While some physiotherapists have bought into the notion that hands-on approaches are a thing of the past, since “pain is in the brain” and “the issues are not in the tissues,” there is also a body of research that aims to combine so-called top-down and bottom-up therapies. Combining manual therapy and dry needling with pain neuroscience education is likely the preferred method using a multimodal approach (Puentedura and Flynn, 2016; Lluch Girbes et al., 2015).  相似文献   

This edition of the overview of current myofascial pain literature features several interesting and important publications. From Australia, Braithwaite and colleagues completed an outstanding systematic review of blinding procedures used in dry needling (DN) studies. Other papers tackled the interrater reliability of the identification of trigger points (TrP), the presence of muscle hardness related to latent TrPs, pelvic floor examination techniques, and the links between TrPs, headaches and shoulder pain. Israeli researchers developed a theoretical model challenging the contributions of the Cinderella Hypothesis to the development of TrPs.As in almost all issues, we included many DN, injection and acupuncture studies, which continue to be the focus of researchers all over the world.  相似文献   

We are starting 2020 with 6 basic research studies, 9 review articles, 14 dry needling/injection studies, and one manual therapy paper for a total of 30 new papers. Topics range from studies on mechanisms, inflammatory mediators in myofascial pain, fascia, screening, Platelet-rich plasma intramuscular injections, and temporal summation to clinical studies on patients with tension-type headache, chronic pelvic pain, knee osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, generalized musculoskeletal pain, neck pain, breast cancer, tendinopathies, thoracic outlet syndrome, and canine dry needling, among others.  相似文献   

Due to a change in the production schedule of this journal, two issues of this article were due within a month of each other, which precluded the usual group of authors from contributing to the current paper, but they will participate in this review in the next issue. This overview includes several articles questioning the use of dry needling (DN) by non-acupuncturists, which continues to be a controversial topic especially in the United States. Several researchers examined the effects of manual trigger point (TrP) techniques applied to TrPs in the upper trapezius muscle. The results were mixed and not necessarily consistent among studies. The research of the clinical management of TrPs is still limited, because of small sample sizes, insufficient power, the inherent risk of the introduction of bias, and poor study methodologies.  相似文献   

With this edition, we welcome Dr. Orlando Mayoral from Toledo, Spain as a new contributor to this quarterly myofascial literature review. Dr. Mayoral has been studying myofascial pain since the early 1990-ies. He translated the Travell and Simons Trigger Point Manuals into Spanish (Simons et al., 2004), and contributed to many scientific studies, case reports, book chapters, and books (Mayoral del Moral and Salvat Salvat, 2017). In the current review, we included several trigger point (TrP) prevalence studies as well as the usual high volume of dry needling (DN) studies. But of particular interest are the basic research studies that increasingly support multiple aspects of the integrated TrP hypothesis.  相似文献   

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), trigger points (TrPs), and dry needling (DN) continue to be of interest to researchers and clinicians worldwide. In this quarterly overview, we included studies from 19 countries, including Pakistan, Iran, Spain, Israel, the US, Australia, Turkey, the UK, China, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Denmark, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, India, New Zealand, and Thailand. As encouraging as it may be that myofascial pain is being considered worldwide, it is frustrating how many studies do not include a proper control group making them not very useful. It is not clear why researchers would go through the trouble of setting up a study, which requires many hours of work and dedication, and not produce a meaningful paper for clinicians and researchers alike. Fortunately, several papers are high quality studies. This overview covers 39 basic research studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, clinical studies, and a few case reports.  相似文献   

After two years of having contributed to this overview series of articles, we sadly say goodbye to Dr. Rob Grieve. We would like to thank Dr. Grieve for his insightful contributions and analyses of the myofascial pain literature. Dr. Grieve would have preferred to continue, but his many university and research responsibilities had to take priority. We are looking forward to reviewing his future research endeavors in this article. We are pleased that Dr. Li-Wei Chou, MD, PhD has agreed to replace Dr. Grieve and join our team. Dr. Chou is Assistant Professor at China Medical University in Taichung, Taiwan and he has an impressive publication record with many research studies and book chapters.In this edition of the overview article, we once again have included articles from around the world with a combination of basic research and clinical studies and case reports. The majority of papers deal with dry needling, but there are also several more basic research studies and manual therapy papers.  相似文献   

This is the first issue of this review column since the passing of Dr. Leon Chaitow. We would like to take a brief moment to acknowledge how much his mentorship, friendship, and confidence have meant to us. Leon was a force in osteopathic and naturopathic medicine and his influence reaches to all corners of the musculoskeletal realm crossing over many disciplines through his lectures, workshops, and of course, his many books, editorials, and articles. In the foreword to one of his books, Jan Dommerholt wrote that “Leon Chaitow […] continued the work of Travell and Simons, but also of many others, whose contributions he has skillfully woven into an intricate tapestry of clinical pearls, practical tips, and solid evidence-informed research.” Dr. Chaitow was a synthesizer, who always considered what different clinicians and researchers could possibly contribute to a better understanding of pain and dysfunction and provide real solutions to real problems. Even when he would not necessarily agree with all suggested remedies, he maintained an open mind and was able to take a step back and consider the bigger picture. For example, Leon was not a big fan of dry needling, yet, he valued the importance of this approach and encouraged the inclusion of dry needling papers in this review article and in his journal. The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies became his baby and, considering the growth of the journal, there is no question that Leon's intense focus and efforts are appreciated by many around the globe. We wish to extend our condolences to Leon's wife Alkmini and daughter Sasha. He will surely be missed, but we can find peace in knowing that his legacy will stay with us forever.In this issue, we have included several basic myofascial pain research articles. As usual, dry needling (DN) studies and case reports are the most commonly referenced papers, but we also included neuroscience and electromyography studies, sleep studies, interrater reliability studies, and case reports of adverse events.  相似文献   

IntroductionMyofascial release (MFR) is a form of manual therapy that involves the application of a low load, long duration stretch to the myofascial complex intended to restore optimal length, decrease pain and improve function. MFR is being used to treat patients with a wide variety of conditions, with favourable evidence supporting its efficacy. Critical appraisal of the recent research trials or reviews aims to improve the quality and reliability of future works in this field.ObjectiveThis work attempts to examine and categorize the strength and limitations of current MFR research by critically appraising recent systematic reviews (SRs) to synthesise recommendations for improving quality and reliability of future clinical trials.MethodologySRs on MFR published until 2018 were selected for this analysis. The methodological qualities of the SRs were assessed by AMSTAR II tool.ResultsThe SRs demonstrated moderate methodological quality. The overall confidence rating of the results of the review by AMSTAR II was low to moderate, mainly due to the omission of a risk of bias analysis in two of the reviews.ConclusionThis review concludes that the SRs analysed were completed with moderate methodological quality, but with procedural weaknesses and interpretation biases. The most recent review was qualitatively superior due to the inclusion of risk of bias analysis and effect size calculation. This critical appraisal and the derived recommendations can act as ‘stepping stones’ on which high quality future MFR trials and evidence can be built.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The chest pain observation unit (CPOU) has been developed in the United States to allow rigorous assessment of patients presenting with chest pain, thus expediting their discharge if assessment is negative. This review aims to examine the evidence for effectiveness and economic efficiency of the CPOU and to explore whether data from the United States can be extrapolated to the UK. METHOD: Search of the literature using Medline and critical appraisal of the validity of the data. RESULTS: Five studies comparing outcomes of CPOU care with routine practice showed no significant difference in objective measures including mortality or missed pathology. Eleven studies described outcomes of a cohort of CPOU patients. Follow up was comprehensive and demonstrated no clinically significant evidence of missed pathology. Nine studies comparing CPOU costs with routine care demonstrated impressive cost savings that were more modest when randomised comparisons were made. CONCLUSION: CPOU care is safe and costs are well defined. There is no strong evidence that a CPOU will improve outcomes if routine practice is good. Cost savings have been shown when compared with routine care in the United States but may not be reproduced the UK.  相似文献   

Objectives—The chest pain observation unit (CPOU) has been developed in the United States to allow rigorous assessment of patients presenting with chest pain, thus expediting their discharge if assessment is negative. This review aims to examine the evidence for effectiveness and economic efficiency of the CPOU and to explore whether data from the United States can be extrapolated to the UK.

Method—Search of the literature using Medline and critical appraisal of the validity of the data.

Results—Five studies comparing outcomes of CPOU care with routine practice showed no significant difference in objective measures including mortality or missed pathology. Eleven studies described outcomes of a cohort of CPOU patients. Follow up was comprehensive and demonstrated no clinically significant evidence of missed pathology. Nine studies comparing CPOU costs with routine care demonstrated impressive cost savings that were more modest when randomised comparisons were made.

Conclusion—CPOU care is safe and costs are well defined. There is no strong evidence that a CPOU will improve outcomes if routine practice is good. Cost savings have been shown when compared with routine care in the United States but may not be reproduced the UK.


Thalidomide was introduced as a sedative and antiemetic agent to the European market in the late 1950s. However, it soon became clear that a hitherto unheard-of incidence of severe birth defects was due to the maternal use of thalidomide and the drug was withdrawn from the market. Despite its teratogenesis, thalidomide is currently being rediscovered because of its known spectrum of anticachectic, antiemetic, mildly hypnotic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, and analgesic properties. The mechanism of action of thalidomide is probably based on its immunomodulatory effect, namely the suppression of production of tumor necrosis factor alpha and the modulation of interleukins. A striking but not well-known finding is the effectiveness of thalidomide as an analgesic or analgesic adjuvant. During the early era of thalidomide use, the drug was shown to enhance the analgesic efficacy of a combined treatment with acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin, and caffeine (APC) by testing "normal volunteers, using electrical stimulation of teeth." The combination of thalidomide and APC was superior to other combinations (APC alone, APC and codeine) with respect to both the total analgesic effect and the duration of this analgesic effect. In 1965 thalidomide was found to be effective in treating the painful subcutaneous manifestations of the leprosy-associated erythema nodosum leprosum, a condition for which it eventually was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 1998. In an animal model of neuropathic pain (chronic constriction injury), thalidomide was shown to reduce both mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia.Recent studies documented the analgesic efficacy of thalidomide in treating painful mucocutaneous aphthous ulcers associated with HIV syndrome and Behcet's disease.However, to date there are no recent clinical trials that are specifically designed to explore the analgesic potential of thalidomide.In view of the current basic research and clinical findings,we suggest to investigate the potential benefits of thalidomide in severe pain conditions that respond poorly to common pain management approaches such as neuropathic pain, postherpetic neuralgia, or central pain phenomena.Because its mechanism of action is distinct from that of other drugs such as steroids, thalidomide offers the possibility of a combined treatment with other agents with nonoverlapping toxicities.We conclude that thalidomide, when used properly,may enrich the therapeutic regimen in the management of some pain-related conditions.  相似文献   

Preuss R  Fung J 《Manual therapy》2005,10(1):14-20
This paper provides a review of the current literature supporting the hypothesis that segmental spine buckling resulting in tissue damage may be a primary cause of sudden onset low back pain, even during activities that are sub-maximal with respect to loading and muscle activation. While a temporal link exists, it is supported primarily by anecdotal and clinical reports. More pertinent to this review is the biological plausibility of segmental spine buckling as a mechanism of acute injury, supported by modelling studies as well as current knowledge of tissue mechanics and neurophysiology. One antithesis, however, is the low incidence of low back injuries reported during sub-maximal tasks. In order to account for this discrepancy, several predisposing factors are addressed, both constant and situation-dependent, which may contribute to the occurrence of segmental spinal buckling during sub-maximal activities.  相似文献   

BackgroundEnd-of-life decision making in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), can be emotionally challenging and multifaceted. Doctors and nurses are sometimes placed in a precarious position where they are required to make decisions for patients who may be unable to participate in the decision-making process. There is an increasing frequency of the need for such decisions to be made in ICU, with studies reporting that most ICU deaths are heralded by a decision to withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment.ObjectivesThe purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature related to end-of-life decision making among ICU doctors and nurses and focuses on three areas: (1) Who is involved in end-of-life decisions in the ICU?; (2) What challenges are encountered by ICU doctors and nurses when making decisions?; and (3) Are these decisions a source of moral distress for ICU doctors and nurses?Review methodThis review considered both qualitative and quantitative research conducted from January 2006 to March 2014 that report on the experiences of ICU doctors and nurses in end-of-life decision making. Studies with a focus on paediatrics, family/relatives perspectives, advance care directives and euthanasia were excluded. A total of 12 papers were identified for review.ResultsThere were differences reported in the decision making process and collaboration between doctors and nurses (which depended on physician preference or seniority of nurses), with overall accountability assigned to the physician. Role ambiguity, communication issues, indecision on futility of treatment, and the initiation of end-of-life discussions were some of the greatest challenges. The impact of these decisions included decreased job satisfaction, emotional and psychological ‘burnout’.ConclusionsFurther research is warranted to address the need for a more comprehensive, standardised approach to support clinicians (medical and nursing) in end-of-life decision making in the ICU.  相似文献   

Veterinary professionals must maintain a high level of knowledge about all patients. Rabbit ownership is dramatically increasing and continues to do so, so it is essential to continue research and review current literature. Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVN) and Veterinary Surgeons (VS) must understand the factors that contribute to anaesthetic recovery in rabbits, as emergencies and fatalities during the recovery stage are higher in comparison to cats and dogs. Improvements in care for rabbits has increased life expectancy and owners expect the same level of care for all patients; therefore, research must continue as rabbit surgery is increasingly common.  相似文献   


Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common causes of disability and work loss in Western society, yet there exists little consensus about its most effective management. Undoubtedly, one of the greatest contributing factors to this confusion has been the inadequate and conflicting research base upon which clinical management decisions are made. This paper is aimed at discussing the common problems inherent within low back pain research, identifying some avoidable pitfalls and many unanswered questions. Some helpful directions for further research, including improvements in the research methodology, are also included. Finally, the review considers the physiotherapist's role in research of the management of LBP.  相似文献   

AimThis paper examines that examines content, process and outcome of spirituality teaching programmes for nursing students.BackgroundIncreased secularisation in Europe and resulting ambivalent attitude towards spirituality and religion is contrasted with increased professional and public interest in this topic. Additionally there are concerns that patient's spiritual needs are not being met and nurses are often ill equipped to provide this care. Nurses while positively disposed towards spiritual care delivery, and often carrying out spiritual care in practice, do so with little preparation. While teaching spiritual care to nursing students is advocated there is little research on this topic.MethodA search was conducted using CINAHL database spanning the years 2007–2012 using the key words ‘spirituality’ and ‘education’.FindingsThree papers were identified that examined teaching approaches with nurses and nursing students. Due to methodological issues such as small sample sizes and limited testing generalising from these studies is difficult. Approaches used were firmly rooted in a religiosity framework.ConclusionFurther research is required, using rigorous approaches, examining the benefits of teaching approaches. Analysis of the need for spiritual education is also required. Issues that are of concern to educators are the definitions and understandings of spirituality, assessment and how, best to teach this topic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Receiving care in an intensive care unit can greatly influence patients' survival and quality of life. Such treatments can, however, be extremely resource intensive. Therefore, it is increasingly important to understand the costs and consequences associated with interventions aimed at reducing mortality and morbidity of critically ill patients. Cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) have become increasingly common to aid decisions about the allocation of scarce healthcare resources. OBJECTIVES: To identify published original CEAs presenting cost/quality-adjusted life year or cost/life-year ratios for treatments used in intensive care units, to summarize the results in an accessible format, and to identify areas in critical care medicine that merit further economic evaluation. METHODS: We conducted a systematic search of the English-language literature for original CEAs of critical care interventions published from 1993 through 2003. We collected data on the target population, therapy or program, study results, analytic methods employed, and the cost-effectiveness ratios presented. RESULTS: We identified 19 CEAs published through 2003 with 48 cost-effectiveness ratios pertaining to treatment of severe sepsis, acute respiratory failure, and general critical care interventions. These ratios ranged from cost saving to 958,423 US dollars/quality-adjusted life year and from 1,150 to 575,054 US dollars/life year gained. Many studies reported favorable cost-effectiveness profiles (i.e., below 50,000 US dollars/life year or quality-adjusted life year). CONCLUSIONS: Specific interventions such as activated protein C for patients with severe sepsis have been shown to provide good value for money. However, overall there is a paucity of CEA literature on the management of the critically ill, and further high-quality CEA is needed. In particular, research should focus on costly interventions such as 24-hr intensivist availability, early goal-directed therapy, and renal replacement therapy. Recent guidelines for the conduct of CEAs in critical care may increase the number and improve the quality of future CEAs.  相似文献   

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