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This paper uses the results of a household survey conducted in Cairo, Egypt in 1992 to examine the factors that influence the demand for inpatient and outpatient health services. Multi-stage discrete choice models of the demand for health care, which identify the importance of individual, household, and facility level variables on each treatment decision, are estimated separately for outpatients and inpatients. Consumers are assumed to decide whether to seek any treatment and then choose between three categories of providers: a large public hospital (Embaba Hospital), all other public providers, and private/charitable providers. The results confirm that more affluent consumers prefer the higher cost, higher quality private and charitable hospitals. Age, sex, education, and insurance are also found to strongly impact the use of medical services. The results are suggestive but do not conclusively show that inpatient care is less price responsive than outpatient care. Price responsiveness of inpatient and outpatient demand are imprecisely estimated because price is highly correlated with quality, and the available data on facility quality do not permit us to adequately control for quality variations across facilities.  相似文献   

Producing services efficiently and equitably are important goals for health systems. Many countries pursue horizontal equity – providing people with the same illnesses equal access to health services – by locating facilities in remote areas. Staff are often paid incentives to work at such facilities. However, there is little evidence on how many fewer people are treated at remote facilities than facilities in more densely settled areas. This research explores if there is an association between the efficiency of health centers in Afghanistan and the remoteness of their location.Survey teams collected data on facility level inputs and outputs at a stratified random sample of 579 health centers in 2005. Quality of care was measured by observing staff interact with patients and determining if staff completed a set of normative patient care tasks. We used seemingly unrelated regression to determine if facilities in remote areas have fewer outpatient visits than other rural facilities. In this analysis, one equation compares the number of outpatient visits to facility inputs, while another compares quality of care to determinants of quality.The results indicate remote facilities have about 13% fewer outpatient visits than non-remote facilities, holding inputs constant. Our analysis suggests that facilities in remote areas are realizing horizontal equity since their clients are receiving comparable quality of care to those at non-remote facilities. However, we find the average labor cost for a visit at a remote facility is $1.44, but only $0.97 at other rural facilities, indicating that a visit in a remote facility would have to be ‘worth’ 1.49 times a visit at a rural facility for there to be no equity – efficiency trade-off. In determining where to build or staff health centers, this loss of efficiency may be offset by progress toward a social policy objective of providing services to disadvantaged rural populations.  相似文献   

To study the organization of private health services in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, a survey was carried out in 1994 involving 174 facilities registered at the Brazilian Institute of Statistics and Geography - IBGE. Health services characteristics studied were the following: number of physicians, hospital beds, production and cost of outpatient services, and legislative aspects. Health services were classified according to the amount of resources each type of granting agency contributed to support outpatient care. We found that the majority (51.1%) of private health care services in Salvador do not depend on public funds. The main sources of revenue for health services are private health insurance (41.9%) and other kinds of private health plans (54%). These changes in the organization of health services challenge health planners to review strategies for municipalization of health care and the relations between public and private health services in Brazil.  相似文献   

我国公立医院的功能运行状况与改革进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过多年的发展,我国公立医院的服务能力逐步提高,服务功能不断完善,提供了大量的门诊、住院及疑难杂症和危重症诊治服务,承担公共卫生服务、应对突发公共卫生事件、医学教育和科研、对口支援贫困地区基层卫生机构等具有社会功能性质的任务。但我国公立医院在运行中也出现一些问题,如应有的功能和责任履行不到位,布局、规模和结构不尽合理,职工收入与经济效益挂钩,负债经营现象普遍等。为促进我国公立医院良性发展,近年来进行了一系列改革探索,并取得了部分进展,主要包括:1)决策权的变革,主要体现在扩大人员聘用自主权和薪酬分配自主权;2)筹资领域实行融资改革;3)市场环境方面,进行支付方式的改革和对医院支持系统进行社会化改革;4)治理模式改革方面,政府通过任命医院领导团队实施管制;实施新型治理模式的改革,如建立医院管理中心和医院管理理事会,实施“管办分开”等;建立医院集团、推进功能整合等治理模式。  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to investigate the efficiency of a set of small-scaled Greek hospitals known as hospital-health centers (HHCs). These facilities naturally provide primary and secondary care but are also expected to function as health centers addressing mostly preventive medicine, hygiene and other public health issues. They are located in remote rural areas and serve the relatively small local populations. This study aimed to obtain insight on their productive efficiency in light of their particular role. The sample consisted of 17 from the 18 units existing in the Greek NHS. Variables chosen to characterize production were numbers of doctors, nurses and beds as inputs, and admissions, outpatient visits and preventive medical services as outputs. The DEA model was input oriented, allowed for constant returns to scale and units were ranked according to a benchmarking approach. Analyses were performed with and without the preventive medicine variable and the results demonstrated technical inefficiencies 26.77 and 25.13%, respectively. Location appeared to affect performance, with remote units, e.g. on small islands, more inefficient. This raises the question if correcting reduced efficiency compromises equity of service access for highly dependent populations. Moreover, we observed superior performance of units additionally offering preventive medical services. This generates another question as to the role these facilities should play in our currently changing health care system.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings at baseline in a multi-phase project that aimed at reducing maternal mortality in a local government area (LGA) of South-West Nigeria. The objectives were to determine the availability of essential obstetric care (EOC) services in the LGA and to assess the quality of existing services. The first phase of this interventional study, which is the focus of this paper, consisted of a baseline health facility and needs assessment survey using instruments adapted from the United Nations guidelines. Twenty-one of 26 health facilities surveyed were public facilities, and five were privately owned. None of the facilities met the criteria for a basic EOC facility, while only one private facility met the criteria for a comprehensive EOC facility. Three facilities employed a nurse and/or a midwife, while unskilled health attendants manned 46% of the facilities. No health worker in the LGA had ever been trained in lifesaving skills. There was a widespread lack of basic EOC equipment and supplies. The study concluded that there were major deficiencies in the supply side of obstetric care services in the LGA, and EOC was almost non-existent. This result has implications for interventions for the reduction of maternal mortality in the LGA and in Nigeria.  相似文献   



Little is known about the cost recovery of primary health care facilities in Bangladesh. This study estimated the cost recovery of a primary health care facility run by Building Resources Across Community (BRAC), a large NGO in Bangladesh, for the period of July 2004 - June 2005. This health facility is one of the seven upgraded BRAC facilities providing emergency obstetric care and is typical of the government and private primary health care facilities in Bangladesh. Given the current maternal and child mortality in Bangladesh and the challenges to addressing health-related Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets the financial sustainability of such facilities is crucial.


The study was designed as a case study covering a single facility. The methodology was based on the 'ingredient approach' using the allocation techniques by inpatient and outpatient services. Cost recovery of the facility was estimated from the provider's perspective. The value of capital items was annualized using 5% discount rate and its market price of 2004 (replacement value). Sensitivity analysis was done using 3% discount rate.


The cost recovery ratio of the BRAC primary care facility was 59%, and if excluding all capital costs, it increased to 72%. Of the total costs, 32% was for personnel while drugs absorbed 18%. Capital items were17% of total costs while operational cost absorbed 12%. Three-quarters of the total cost was variable costs. Inpatient services contributed 74% of total revenue in exchange of 10% of total utilization. An average cost per patient was US$ 10 while it was US$ 67 for inpatient and US$ 4 for outpatient.


The cost recovery of this NGO primary care facility is important for increasing its financial sustainability and decreasing donor dependency, and achieving universal health coverage in a developing country setting. However, for improving the cost recovery of the health facility, it needs to increase utilization, efficient planning, resource allocation and their optimum use. It also requires controlling variable costs and preventing any wastage of resources.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Patient satisfaction with care received is an important dimension of evaluation that is examined only rarely in developing countries. Evidence about how satisfaction differs according to type of provider or patient payment status is extremely limited. OBJECTIVE: To (i) compare patient perceptions of quality of inpatient and outpatient care in hospitals of different ownership and (ii) explore how patient payment status affected patient perception of quality. METHODS: Inpatient and outpatient satisfaction surveys were implemented in nine purposively selected hospitals: three public, three private for-profit and three private non-profit. RESULTS: Clear and significant differences emerged in patient satisfaction between groups of hospitals with different ownership. Non-profit hospitals were most highly rated for both inpatient and outpatient care. For inpatient care public hospitals had higher levels of satisfaction amongst clientele than private for-profit hospitals. For example 76% of inpatients at public hospitals said they would recommend the facility to others compared with 59% of inpatients at private for-profit hospitals. This pattern was reversed for outpatient care, where public hospitals received lower ratings than private for-profit ones. Patients under the Social Security Scheme, who are paid for on a capitation basis, consistently gave lower ratings to certain aspects of outpatient care than other patients. For inpatient care, patterns by payment status were inconsistent and insignificant. CONCLUSIONS: The survey confirms, to some extent, the stereotypes about quality of care in hospitals of different ownership. The results on payment status are intriguing but warrant further research.  相似文献   

E Friedman 《Hospitals》1981,55(9):52-55
Fewer psychiatric inpatients in public institutions, more patients in private inpatient and outpatient facilities, and increasing interest in comprehensive hospital-based services are all leading to changes in hospital psychiatry.  相似文献   

To reduce mortality from common childhood illnesses such as diarrhoea and upper respiratory infections, it is important that health services are available and used appropriately. Physical accessibility to a health facility may influence its use, particularly in rural areas. We assessed whether use of government services for treatment of the three most common acute childhood illnesses (fever, diarrhoea and upper respiratory infections) was influenced by the physical accessibility of the government primary health care centres. We analyzed data from a household survey which was collected between November 1992 and January 1993, from 139 randomly selected villages located around 14 government facilities in Thatta, a rural district of Pakistan. There were 691 children under 5 years of age who suffered from the three acute illnesses; 85% of these children used either a government or a private service. Children living at less than 4 km from a government facility made 22% less use of that facility than those living 4 km or more away. After controlling for the effects of distance from a private facility and treatment cost in a multiple logistic regression model, children living less than 4 km from a government facility were no more likely to use the facility than those living 4 km or more away (Adjusted Odds Ratio: 1.01, 95% Confidence Interval: 0.68-1.50). These results suggest that factors other than distance are the primary determinants of use of government services for treating children in the Thatta district. To increase the use of government health services, policymakers should assess carefully the factors determining the use of existing facilities, before they plan the building of more health facilities. Further studies are needed to examine the management of health facilities and the clients' perception of health-care providers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND User fees for primary care tend to suppress utilization, and many countries are experimenting with fee removal. Studies show that additional inputs are needed after removing fees, although well-documented experiences are lacking. This study presents data on the effects of fee removal on facility quality and utilization in Afghanistan, based on a pilot experiment and subsequent nationwide ban on fees. METHODS Data on utilization and observed structural and perceived overall quality of health care were compared from before-and-after facility assessments, patient exit interviews and catchment area household surveys from eight facilities where fees were removed and 14 facilities where fee levels remained constant, as part of a larger health financing pilot study from 2005 to 2007. After a national user fee ban was instituted in 2008, health facility administrative data were analysed to assess subsequent changes in utilization and quality. RESULTS The pilot study analysis indicated that observed and perceived quality increased across facilities but did not differ by fee removal status. Difference-in-difference analysis showed that utilization at facilities previously charging both service and drug fees increased by 400% more after fee removal, prompting additional inputs from service providers, compared with facilities that previously only charged service fees or had no change in fees (P = 0.001). Following the national fee ban, visits for curative care increased significantly (P < 0.001), but institutional deliveries did not. Services typically free before the ban-immunization and antenatal care-had immediate increases in utilization but these were not sustained. CONCLUSION Both pilot and nationwide data indicated that curative care utilization increased following fee removal, without differential changes in quality. Concerns raised by non-governmental organizations, health workers and community leaders over the effects of lost revenue and increased utilization require continued effort to raise revenues, monitor health worker and patient perceptions, and carefully manage health facility performance.  相似文献   

Interorganizational linkages have assumed more import for mental health service systems during the past three decades because of increased levels of complexity in service delivery patterns. This analysis examines these linkages from a relational perspective, with network of patient referral patterns as the basic unit. Multidimensional scaling is employed to discern patterns of interorganizational linkages in national patient referral data collected by the National Institute of Mental Health in 1975 and 1980 for patient samples from inpatient psychiatric services of state and county mental hospitals, private psychiatric hospitals, and public and nonpublic general hospitals. The multidimensional scaling techniques distinguish two structural characteristics of the interorganizational linkages of psychiatric inpatient services--public vs private services, and drift over time in referral patterns. Public and private inpatient psychiatric services are differentiated principally in terms of degree of interaction with legal agencies and private practice psychiatrists. Chronological change in referral patterns is characterized principally by changes in the degree of interaction with other inpatient or outpatient psychiatric services. Methodologically and theoretically, the techniques and findings described can enhance our understanding of interorganizational linkages and dynamics.  相似文献   

In the USA, substantial geographic variation in health care utilization exists in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. Utilization of health care services is especially important for veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI&D) who are often at high risk for secondary complications related to their SCI&D. Due to impaired mobility, access to health care for veterans with SCI&D may be even more challenging. The goal of this cross-sectional study was to describe health care utilization relative to SCI&D veteran residential geographic proximity to VA health care facilities. A negative binomial regression model was used to examine VA outpatient utilization. Veterans with SCI&D utilized outpatient services less frequently when VA facilities were farther away from their residences (p<0.000). Female (p<0.000), older (p<0.000), and non-white veterans (p<0.000), and veterans with history of respiratory (p<0.000), kidney/urinary tract (p<0.005), circulatory (p<0.000), or digestive system diseases (p<0.003) were more likely to utilize outpatient care during the study period. A Poisson model was used to examine inpatient utilization. Inpatient utilization decreased when travel distance to VA facility increased (p<0.000). Contrary to outpatient, age did not significantly affect veterans' likelihood of using inpatient health care. Marital status, gender, race, and level of injury were not related to inpatient utilization. However, history of prior illnesses including respiratory (p<0.000), kidney/urinary tract (p<0.000), circulatory (p<0.005), digestive system (p<0.015), or skin/subcutaneous tissue/breast-related illnesses (p<0.000) were associated with a greater likelihood of inpatient utilization. Geographic proximity and other factors on health care use must be considered in order to meet the health care demand patterns of veterans with SCI&D.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To promote access to mental health services, policy makers have focused on expanding the availability of insurance and the generosity of mental health benefits. Ethnic minority populations are high priority targets for outreach. However, among persons with private insurance, minorities are less likely than whites to seek outpatient mental health treatment. Among those with Medicaid coverage, minorities continue to be less likely than whites to use services. AIMS OF THE STUDY: The present study sought to determine if public insurance is as effective in promoting outpatient mental healthtreatment as private coverage for ethnic minority groups. METHODS: The analysis uses data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey to model mental health expenditures as a function of minority status and private insurance coverage. An interaction term between the two highlights any differences in response to private and public insurance coverage. The analysis uses a two stage least squares method to account for endogeneity of insurance coverage in the model. RESULTS: Minorities are less responsive to private insurance than whites in two ways. First, minorities are less responsive to private insurance than to public insurance whereas whites do not show this difference. Second, minorities are less responsive to private insurance than whites are to private insurance. DISCUSSION: Results suggest that there is a difference in the effectiveness of public and private health insurance to encourage use of mental health services. Among minorities but not among whites, those with private coverage used fewer mental health services than those with public coverage. Minorities were not only less responsive to private insurance than public insurance, but among those who were privately insured, minorities used fewer mental health services than whites. These results imply that insurance may not be as effective a mechanism as hoped to encourage self-initiated treatment seeking particularly among minority and other low income populations. IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVISION AND USE: These results suggest that increasing private insurance coverage to minority populations will not eliminate racial and ethnic gaps in professional help-seeking for outpatient mental health care. Although the total number of people receiving treatment might increase, these results suggest that whites would seek care in greater numbers than minorities and the size of the minority-white differential might grow. IMPLICATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: Areas for further research include the impacts of alternative definitions of mental health services, the dynamics of the substitution of inpatient for outpatient mental health care, elucidation of nonfinancial barriers to care for minorities, and determinants of timely help-seeking among minorities.  相似文献   


Nepal has pledged to substantially reduce maternal and newborn death by 2030. Improving quality of intrapartum health services will be vital to reduce these deaths. This paper examines quality of delivery and newborn services in health facilities of Nepal.


Data were sourced from the Nepal Health Facility Survey 2015, which covered a national representative sample of health facilities. The datasets were analysed to assess service readiness, availability and quality of delivery and newborn care in a sample of 992 health facilities.


Of the 992 facilities in the sample, 623 provided delivery and newborn care services. Of the 623 facilities offering delivery and newborn care services, 13.3% offered comprehensive emergency obstetric care (CEmONC), 19.6% provided basic emergency obstetric care (BEmONC) and 53.9% provided basic delivery and newborn service. The availability of essential equipment for delivery and newborn care was more than 80% in health facilities. Except for the coverage of vitamin K injection, the coverage of immediate newborn care was more than 85% in all health facilities. The coverage of use of chlorhexidine ointment to all newborns was more than 70% in government hospitals and primary health care centers (PHCCs) and only 32.3% in private hospitals.


These findings show gaps in equipment and drugs, especially in PHCCs and private health facilities. Improving readiness and availability of equipment and drugs in PHCCs and private health facility will help improve the quality of care to further reduce maternal and newborn mortality in Nepal.


大型三级甲等医院与区政府联合举办社区卫生服务中心,缓解医院门诊压力,解决居民看病难问题,同时为出院患者提供延续治疗服务。此模式社区卫生服务中心业务用房和医疗设施设备的配置均由地方政府免费提供,交由医院独立经营管理,服从地方卫生主管部门的行业管理。该中心成立三年以来,随着知晓率不断提升,业务工作量逐年呈现大幅度上升,相当于成都相似规模其它社区卫生服务中心的3倍以上,病人满意度大于99%。三甲医院与区政府联合举办社区卫生服务中心,高水平的基本医疗技术赢得了社区居民的高度信任,极大的提高了中心的知名度,促进了公共卫生服务的开展;公共卫生服务的有序开展进一步提升了中心基本医疗业务的知晓率,促进居民选择就近就医,真正实现了分级诊疗。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the rankings for health care utilization performance measures at the facility level in a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) health care delivery network using pharmacy- and diagnosis-based case-mix adjustment measures. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: The study included veterans who used inpatient or outpatient services in Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 20 during fiscal year 1998 (October 1997 to September 1998; N = 126,076). Utilization and pharmacy data were extracted from VHA national databases and the VISN 20 data warehouse. STUDY DESIGN: We estimated concurrent regression models using pharmacy or diagnosis information in the base year (FY1998) to predict health service utilization in the same year. Utilization measures included bed days of care for inpatient care and provider visits for outpatient care. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Rankings of predicted utilization measures across facilities vary by case-mix adjustment measure. There is greater consistency within the diagnosis-based models than between the diagnosis- and pharmacy-based models. The eight facilities were ranked differently by the diagnosis- and pharmacy-based models. CONCLUSIONS: Choice of case-mix adjustment measure affects rankings of facilities on performance measures, raising concerns about the validity of profiling practices. Differences in rankings may reflect differences in comparability of data capture across facilities between pharmacy and diagnosis data sources, and unstable estimates due to small numbers of patients in a facility.  相似文献   

Multiple parties influence the choice of facility for hospital‐based inpatient and outpatient services. The patient is the central figure, but their choice of facility is guided by their physician and influenced by hospital characteristics. This study estimated changes in referral patterns for inpatient admissions and outpatient diagnostic imaging associated with changes in ownership of three multispecialty clinic systems headquartered in Minneapolis‐St. Paul, MN. These clinic systems were acquired by two hospital‐owned integrated delivery systems (IDSs) in 2007, increasing the probability that hospital preferences influenced physician guidance on facility choice. We used a longitudinal dataset that allowed us to predict changes in referral patterns, controlling for health plan enrollee, coverage, and clinic system characteristics. The results are an important empirical contribution to the literature examining the impact of hospital ownership on location of service. When this change in ownership forged new relationships, there was a significant reduction in the use of facilities historically selected for inpatient admissions and outpatient imaging and an increase in the use of the acquiring IDS's facilities. These changes were weaker in the IDS acquiring two clinic systems, suggesting that management of multiple acquisitions simultaneously may impact the ability of the IDS to build strong referral relationships. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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