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The cytoarchitecture and axonal projection pattern of pallial areas was studied in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis by intracellular injection of biocytin into a total of 326 neurons forming 204 clusters. Five pallial regions were identified, differing in morphology and projection pattern of neurons. The rostral pallium receiving the bulk of dorsal thalamic afferents has reciprocal connections with all other pallial areas and projects to the septum, nucleus accumbens, and anterior dorsal striatum. The medial pallium projects bilaterally to the medial pallium, septum, nucleus accumbens, mediocentral amygdala, and hypothalamus and ipsilaterally to the rostral, dorsal, and lateral pallium. The ventral part of the medial pallium is distinguished by efferents to the eminentia thalami and the absence of contralateral projections. The dorsal pallium has only ipsilateral projections running to the rostral, medial, and lateral pallium; septum; nucleus accumbens; and eminentia thalami. The lateral pallium has ipsilateral projections to the olfactory bulbs and to the rostral, medial, dorsal, and ventral pallium. The ventral pallium including the striatopallial transition area (SPTA) has ipsilateral projections to the olfactory bulbs, rostral and lateral pallium, dorsal striatopallidum, vomeronasal amygdala, and hypothalamus. The medial pallium can be tentatively homologized with the mammalian hippocampal formation, the dorsal pallium with allocortical areas, the lateral pallium rostrally with the piriform and caudally with the entorhinal cortex, the ventral pallium with the accessory olfactory amygdala. The rostral pallium, with its projections to the dorsal and ventral striatopallidum, resembles the mammalian frontal cortex.  相似文献   

In urethane-anesthetized rats a 0.36-mm metallic cannula for infusion was positioned in the somatosensory component of the thalamic reticular nucleus (sTR), where movement of the vibrissae evoked neuronal discharge. Infusion there of 0.125-0.5 microliter of a 50 mM solution of glutamate over a 1-min period suppressed both spontaneous and evoked discharge of neurons in the ventrobasal complex (VB), but only for those which also responded to vibrissal stimulation. VB neurons activated by somatosensory stimuli at other locations were unaffected. Thus, excitation of neurons in sTR inhibits those in VB, but the effect appears to be highly coordinated somatotopically.  相似文献   

The thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) is a unique brain structure at the interface between the thalamus and the cortex. Because the TRN receives bottom‐up sensory input and top‐down cortical input, it could serve as an integration hub for sensory and cognitive signals. Functional evidence supports broad roles for the TRN in arousal, attention, and sensory selection. How specific circuits connecting the TRN with sensory thalamic structures implement these functions is not known. The structural organization and function of the TRN is particularly interesting in the context of highly organized sensory systems, such as the primate visual system, where neurons in the retina and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (dLGN) are morphologically and physiologically distinct and also specialized for processing particular features of the visual environment. To gain insight into the functional relationship between the visual sector of the TRN and the dLGN, we reconstructed a large number of TRN neurons that were retrogradely labeled following injections of rabies virus expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) into the dLGN. An independent cluster analysis, based on 10 morphological metrics measured for each reconstructed neuron, revealed three clusters of TRN neurons that differed in cell body shape and size, dendritic arborization patterns, and medial‐lateral position within the TRN. TRN dendritic and axonal morphologies are inconsistent with visual stream‐specific projections to the dLGN. Instead, TRN neuronal organization could facilitate transmission of global arousal and/or cognitive signals to the dLGN with retinotopic precision that preserves specialized processing of foveal versus peripheral visual information. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:1273–1290, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We characterized the type of eye movements evoked by electrical stimulation of the thalamic internal medullary lamina in alert cats. For comparison, other thalamic nuclei were studied: the lateral posterior, lateral dorsal, pulvinar complex, and ventral lateral nuclei. Three types of eye movements were distinguished: (i) Direction and amplitude-specific saccades were the most common type of eye movements evoked by electrical stimulation of the majority of the explored nuclei with the exception of the ventral lateral nucleus. Mean latency and threshold were 45 ms and 50 to 100 μA, compared with 60 ms and 200 to 300 μA for the same type of saccades evoked by electrical stimulation of the posterior thalamus. (ii) Saccades which appeared goal directed were evoked in 25% of the stimulations in the region of the internal medullary lamina. Their latency and threshold depended on the initial position of the eyes: The more deviated the eyes were from the “goal area,” the shorter the latency (minimum, 35 ms) and the lower the threshold (minimum, 16 μA). (iii) Centering saccades were evoked by stimulation of the ventral lateral nucleus. They were always accompanied by other movements. The minimum latency and threshold were, respectively, 90 ms and 200 μA. The finding that goal-directed saccades were selectively produced from certain internal medullary lamina sites is consistent with the view that a translation of spatial coordinates occurs at this level in the programming of eye movements.  相似文献   

An EM-autoradiographic technique was used to identify the ultrastructural features and synaptic sites of nigral afferents to the ventral anterior nucleus pars magnocellularis (VAmc) of the rhesus monkey thalamus. The findings demonstrate that the nigral boutons are of medium-sized to large, with the majority being of the en passant type. These boutons form symmetric synaptic contacts, and contain pleomorphic or entirely flat vesicles and numerous mitochondria. The nigral input is heavily biased towards thalamocortical projection neurons (PN), whose somata and dendrites represent about 82% of the postsynaptic sites of labeled boutons. The distal dendrites of local circuit neurons (LCN) comprise 13% of the postsynaptic sites. Nigral terminals appear to represent a single extrinsic afferent input to the somata and primary dendrites of thalamocortical projection neurons. A nigral input to LCN somata was not demonstrated but the possibility could not be excluded. Although the basic ultrastructural features of nigral boutons in the monkey are similar to those described earlier in the cat (Kultas-Ilinsky et al.: J. Comp. Neurol. 216:390-405, '83), essential species differences exist in the intensity of the nigral input and its distribution on thalamic neurons.  相似文献   

Neuronal cell bodies in the reticular thalamic nucleus (R) were labeled with wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) which was injected contralaterally into the posterior column nuclei (PCN) in the cat. The tracer was assumed to be transported to the posterolateral ventral thalamic nucleus (VPL), where it could escape from axon terminals of the PCN neurons and then be taken up by axon terminals of R neurons to label retrogradely the cell bodies of the R neurons.  相似文献   

The avian nucleus lentiformis mesencephali (LM) is a visual structure involved in the optokinetic response. The LM consists of several morphologically distinct cell types. In the present study we sought to determine if different cell types had differential projections. Using retrograde tracers, we examined the morphology and distribution of LM neurons projecting to the vestibulocerebellum (VbC), inferior olive (IO), dorsal thalamus, nucleus of the basal optic root (nBOR), and midline mesencephalon. From injections into the latter two structures, small LM cells were labeled. More were localized to the lateral LM as opposed to medial LM. From injections into the dorsal thalamus, small neurons were found throughout LM. From injections into the VbC, large multipolar cells were found throughout LM. From injections into IO, a strip of medium-sized fusiform neurons along the border of the medial and lateral subnuclei was labeled. To investigate if neurons project to multiple targets we used fluorescent retrograde tracers. After injections into IO and VbC, double-labeled neurons were not observed in LM. Likewise, after injections into nBOR and IO, double-labeled neurons were not observed. Finally, we processed sections through LM for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Small neurons, mostly in the lateral LM, were labeled, suggesting that projections from LM to nBOR and midline mesencephalon are GABAergic. We conclude that two efferents of LM, VbC and IO, receive input from morphologically distinct neurons: large multipolar and medium-sized fusiform neurons, respectively. The dorsal thalamus, nBOR, and midline mesencephalon receive input from small neurons, some of which are likely GABAergic.  相似文献   

The baroreflex pathway might include a glutamatergic connection between the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and a segment of the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) called the caudal ventrolateral medulla. The main goal of this study was to seek direct evidence for such a connection. Awake rats were subjected to phenylephrine- (PE-) induced hypertension (N=5) or received saline (N=5). Neuronal activation was gauged by the presence of Fos-immunoreactive (Fos-ir) nuclei. Fos-ir neurons that contained vesicular glutamate transporter 2 mRNA (glutamatergic neurons) or glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA (GABAergic neurons) were mapped throughout the medulla oblongata. Saline-treated rats had very few Fos-ir neurons. In PE-treated rats, Fos-ir neurons were detected in both NTS and VLM. In NTS, 72% of Fos-ir neurons were glutamatergic and 26% were GABAergic. In the VLM, 41% of Fos-ir neurons were glutamatergic and 56% were GABAergic. In VLM, Fos-ir glutamatergic neurons were evenly distributed and were often catecholaminergic, whereas Fos-ir GABAergic cells were clustered around Bregma -13.0 mm. This region of the VLM was injected with Fluoro-Gold (FG) in eight rats, four of which received PE and the rest saline. Fos-ir NTS neurons retrogradely labeled with FG were detected only in PE-treated rats. These cells were exclusively glutamatergic and were concentrated within the NTS subnuclei that receive the densest inputs from arterial baroreceptors. In conclusion, PE, presumably via baroreceptor stimulation, induces Fos in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in both NTS and VLM. At least 29% of the Fos-ir glutamatergic neurons of NTS project to the vicinity of the VLM GABAergic interneurons that are presumed to mediate the sympathetic baroreflex.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (VIM) is a powerful surgical option in the treatment of tremor-predominant Parkinson’s disease. However, its therapeutic efficacy depends on the tremor distribution. DBS is highly efficient in relief of distal appendicular tremor but not other types of tremor. Also, it is generally thought that DBS of the VIM has no significant beneficial effects on other motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. We report two hemiparkinsonian patients, in whom unilateral VIM DBS combined with posteroventral pallidotomy produced long-lasting suppression of not only hand tremor, but also leg or jaw tremor and other motor symptoms.  相似文献   

The thalamic projection to the ventral striatum was examined in the rat by immunohistochemistry after iontophoretic injections ofPhaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) into the parataenial thalamic nucleus. A continuous dense terminal field was observed in the nucleus accumbens and the striatal cell bridges, as well as in the adjoining striatal parts of the olfactory tubercle. These observations provide further evidence of the relevance of the ventral striatal concept.  相似文献   

Injections of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) into the amygdala evoke fear-related behaviors and antinociceptive effects. In the present study we therefore characterized CGRP-containing amygdaloid afferents by injecting the retrograde tracer FluoroGold (FG) into subnuclei of the amygdala and adjacent divisions of the extended amygdala, namely, the lateral (LA) and central (CE) amygdaloid nuclei, interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure (IPAC), and the amygdalostriatal area (AStr). The distribution of retrogradely FG-labeled neurons and colocalization of CGRP-immunoreactivity with FG-labeling were mapped in the posterior paralaminar thalamic complex and parabrachial nuclei. The analysis of the posterior thalamus revealed that about 50% of CGRP-containing neurons projected to the AStr, the projections originating in the medial part of the medial geniculate body, posterior intralaminar nucleus, parvicellular subparafascicular nucleus, and peripeduncular nucleus. However, the percentage of CGRP-containing thalamic neurons projecting to the adjacent LA, medial part of the CE, and ventrocaudal part of the caudatoputamen rapidly dropped to 3-9%. There were no double-labeled cells after injections into the lateral and capsular parts of the CE and the IPAC. Thus, the AStr received the heaviest CGRP-containing projection from the posterior thalamus. CGRP-containing parabrachial neurons projected to the AStr and lateral, capsular, and medial parts of the CE, the projections originating in the external, crescent, and central parts of the lateral parabrachial nucleus and external part of the medial parabrachial nucleus. The results demonstrate a distinct projection pattern of CGRP-containing thalamic and parabrachial neurons to subnuclei of the amygdala and extended amygdala.  相似文献   

The ability to sense and respond appropriately to increases in ambient and body temperatures is critical for the survival of all animals. Although evidence suggests that brain serotonergic systems play a role in thermoregulation, including thermoregulatory cooling, evidence for activation of brainstem serotonergic neurons in vivo, in unanesthetized animals, during heat exposure is lacking. In this experiment we tested the hypothesis that populations of serotonergic neurons in the midbrain and medullary raphe complex are activated following exposure to warm ambient temperature. Rats were exposed to an incubation chamber at either warm ambient temperature (37 °C) or room temperature (RT; 23 °C) for 105 min. Brains then were removed and processed for immunohistochemical detection of the protein product of the immediate-early gene c-fos (as a marker of neuronal activation) and tryptophan hydroxylase (as a marker of serotonergic neurons). Exposure to warm ambient temperature increased body temperature and c-Fos expression in topographically organized populations of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Activation of the dorsal raphe nucleus serotonergic system was positively correlated with body temperature following exposure to the incubation chamber. In the medulla, exposure to warm ambient temperature, compared with exposure to RT, decreased c-Fos expression in serotonergic neurons in the raphe pallidus nucleus and in non-serotonergic cells in the rostral ventrolateral medulla. Together, these results provide evidence for multiple but anatomically discrete thermosensitive serotonergic systems that may have implications for the regulation of body temperature, as well as, via projections to forebrain targets, cognitive and affective functions.  相似文献   

The intermediate nucleus (InM) in the preoptic area of the human brain, also known as the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) and the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus-1 (INAH-1) is explored here. We investigated its population of galanin-immunoreactive (Gal-Ir) neurons in relation to sex, age, and gender identity in the postmortem brain of 77 subjects. First we compared the InM volume and number of Gal-Ir neurons of 22 males and 22 females in the course of aging. In a second experiment, we compared for the first time the InM volume and the total and Gal-Ir neuron number in 43 subjects with different gender identities: 14 control males (M), 11 control females (F), 10 male-to-female (MtF) transsexual people, and 5 men who were castrated because of prostate cancer (CAS). In the first experiment we found a sex difference in the younger age group (<45 years of age), i.e., a larger volume and Gal-Ir neuron number in males and an age difference, with a decrease in volume and Gal-Ir neuron number in males > 45 years. In the second experiment the MtF transsexual group presented an intermediate value for the total InM neuron number and volume that did not seem different in males and females. Because the CAS group did not have total neuron numbers that were different from the intact males, the change in adult circulating testosterone levels does not seem to explain the intermediate values in the MtF group. Organizational and activational hormone effects on the InM are discussed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed at high resolution the neuroanatomical connections of the juxtaparaventricular region of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHAjp); as a control and in comparison to this, we also performed a preliminary analysis of a nearby LHA region that is dorsal to the fornix, namely the LHA suprafornical region (LHAs). The connections of these LHA regions were revealed with a coinjection tract-tracing technique involving a retrograde (cholera toxin B subunit) and anterograde (Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin) tracer. The LHAjp and LHAs together connect with almost every major division of the cerebrum and cerebrospinal trunk, but their connection profiles are markedly different and distinct. In simple terms, the connections of the LHAjp indicate a possible primary role in the modulation of defensive behavior; for the LHAs, a role in the modulation of ingestive behavior is suggested. However, the relation of the LHAjp and LHAs to potential modulation of these behaviors, as indicated by their neuroanatomical connections, appears to be highly integrative as it includes each of the major functional divisions of the nervous system that together determine behavior, i.e., cognitive, state, sensory, and motor. Furthermore, although a primary role is indicated for each region with respect to a particular mode of behavior, intermode modulation of behavior is also indicated. In summary, the extrinsic connections of the LHAjp and LHAs (so far as we have described them) suggest that these regions have a profoundly integrative role in which they may participate in the orchestrated modulation of elaborate behavioral repertoires.  相似文献   

Efferent projections from the basal forebrain to the prefrontal cortex of the lesser bush baby (Galago senegalensis) were traced with the retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique. Different areas of the prefrontal cortex of six bush babies were injected with small amounts of horseradish peroxidase. The entire basal forebrain was then screened for labeled neurons. Following all six injections, many retrogradely labeled neurons could be detected in the nucleus basalis of Meynert. These results indicate a strong innervation of the bush baby's prefrontal cortex by the nucleus basalis of Meynert. The observed projections seem comparable in strength and topography to those found in another primate species, the rhesus monkey. Anatomical and functional implications of these projections in the bush baby are discussed and related to findings in other primates and species of other orders.  相似文献   

The anterior dorsal fin in rocklings consists of a fringe of 50-80 delicate, vibratile rays, which are densely beset with epidermal chemosensory cells. The innervation of these cells is from the dorsal branch of the recurrent facial nerve, which also innervates all other fins and the skin of the trunk. This nerve carries at least three classes of fibres: small (0.5-1.5 micron in diameter), medium (1.5-4 micron), and large (greater than 4 micron). Approximately 12,000 small and weakly myelinated nerve fibres from the recurrent facial nerve innervate the anterior dorsal fin organ. Application of HRP at different locations of the recurrent facial nerve labelled three different sizes of sensory perikarya within the geniculate ganglion--small (6-15 micron in diameter), medium (18-24 micron), and large (greater than 25 micron)--which corresponds to the different size classes of fibres present within the nerve. Retrograde transganglionic transport of HRP revealed somatotopy within the brainstem facial lobe: the delicate nerve fibres innervating the chemosensory anterior dorsal fin terminate exclusively in a distinct, dorsal portion of the facial lobe. Fibres innervating the posterior dorsal fin, the anal and caudal fins, as well as the skin of the trunk terminate within caudal and dorsal areas of the ventral facial lobe; pectoral and pelvic fins are represented in the ventral and caudal portions of the ventral facial lobe. Innervation by a distinct type of fibre and exclusive representation within a distinct, dorsal part of the facial lobe may indicate a peculiar biological role in the anterior dorsal fin chemosensory organ in the rocklings.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to give a morphological basis for the study of the terminal nerve system and its relation to the whole gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunoreactive (ir) neuronal system. We examined the GnRH-ir neuronal system of a tropical fish, the dwarf gourami, by using a recently developed monoclonal antibody against GnRH (LRH13) which recognizes the amino acid sequence common to all known variants of GnRH (Park and Wakabayashi, Endocrinol. Jpn. 33:257-272, '86). The ganglion cells of the terminal nerve (TN-ggl cells) in the transitional area between the olfactory bulb and the telencephalon reacted strongly with the LRH13. A distinct bundle of axons emanating from the TN-ggl cells ran caudally through the ventral telencephalon and the preoptic area. Some of these axons entered the optic nerve and innervated the retina. The remaining axons continued caudally to enter the hypothalamus and the midbrain. A second group of GnRH-ir cell bodies was found in the preoptic area. A distinct bundle of GnRH-ir fibers originating from these cell bodies innervated the pituitary. This pathway is equivalent to the preoptico-infundibular pathway of other vertebrates, and the GnRH in this pathway is presumed to function as hypophysiotrophic hormone to facilitate the release of gonadotropins from the pituitary. The distribution of GnRH-ir fibers in the brain was extensive. Most fibers apparently originated from the TN-ggl cells and covered various brain regions from the olfactory bulb to the spinal cord. They were especially abundant in the olfactory bulb, ventral telencephalon, preoptic area, optic tectum, and some hypothalamic areas. Thus, GnRH might function as a neuromodulator and/or neurotransmitter in these areas. The abundant GnRH-ir fibers in the ventral telencephalon and the preoptic area might affect some aspects of sexual behavior, since these areas have been suggested to be involved in the control of sexual behavior in teleosts.  相似文献   

In rat thalamus, histamine H(1) receptor and isoforms of H(3) receptor were expressed predominantly in the midline and intralaminar areas. Correspondingly, higher H(1) and H(3) receptor binding was also detected in these areas. All isoforms of H(3) receptor were expressed in several thalamic nuclei, but there were minor differences between their expression patterns. H(1) mRNA expression was high in the ventral thalamus, but the H(1) binding level was low in these areas. Since increased brain histamine appears to have an antiepileptic effect through the H(1) receptor activity, kainic acid (KA)-induced status epilepticus in rat was used to study modulation of H(1) and H(3) receptors in the thalamus following seizures. After systemic KA administration, transient decreases in mRNA expression of H(1) receptor and H(3) receptor isoforms with full-length third intracellular loops were seen in the midline areas and the H(1) receptor mRNA expression also decreased in the ventral thalamus. After 1 week, a robust increase in mRNA expression of H(3) receptor isoforms with a full-length third intracellular loop was found in the ventral posterior, posterior, and geniculate nuclei. The changes indicate a modulatory role of H(3) receptor in the sensory and motor relays, and might be involved in possible neuroprotective and compensatory mechanisms after KA administration. However, short-term increases in the H(3) receptor binding appeared earlier (72 h) than the increases of H(3) mRNA expression (1-4 w). The elevations in H(3) binding were evident in the intralaminar area, laterodorsal, lateral posterior, posterior and geniculate nuclei, and were likely to be related to the cortical and subcortical inputs to thalamus.  相似文献   

The retinohypothalamic tract is one component of the optic nerve that transmits information about environmental luminance levels through medial and lateral branches to four major terminal fields in the hypothalamus. The spatial distribution and organization of axonal projections from each of these four terminal fields were analyzed and compared systematically with the anterograde pathway tracer PHAL in rats where the terminal fields had been labeled with intravitreal injections of a different anterograde pathway tracer, CTb. First, the well-known projections of two medial retinohypothalamic tract targets (the ventrolateral suprachiasmatic nucleus and perisuprachiasmatic region) were confirmed and extended. They share qualitatively similar projections to a well-known set of brain regions thought to control circadian rhythms. Second, the projections of a third medial tract target, the ventromedial part of the anterior hypothalamic nucleus, were analyzed for the first time and shown to resemble qualitatively those from the suprachiasmatic nucleus and perisuprachiasmatic region. And third, projections from the major lateral retinohypothalamic tract target were analyzed for the first time and shown to be quite different from those associated with medial tract targets. This target is a distinct core part of the ventral zone of the anterior group of the lateral hypothalamic area that lies just dorsal to the caudal two-thirds of the supraoptic nucleus. Its axonal projections are to neural networks that control a range of specific goal-oriented behaviors (especially drinking, reproductive, and defensive) along with adaptively appropriate and complementary visceral responses and adjustments to behavioral state.  相似文献   

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