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The functional half-life (t1/2) of different complexes formed by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules and antigen on the surface of target cells was measured using specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones in cytolysis, and interferon-γ-production and Ca2+-mobilization assays. Functional t1/2 values of 5–10 h were obtained, which are in accordance with some previous estimations obtained from biochemical and immunochemical measurements. Moreover, these values were independent of the type of target cell, fixation of the target cells, or proteases able to degrade the peptides, suggesting that the unfolding of the peptide/MHC complexes at the cell surface alone determines the functional t1/2 of the CTL epitopes.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we identified T cell receptor and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) contact sites on the pigeon cytochrome c p43-58 peptide. Positions 46 and 54 of p43-58 were shown to be the MHC-binding sites. Specific amino acids were identified on the MHC-binding sites which bound to the relevant I-A molecule. In the present study, using NOD (I-Ag7) mice, we established a T cell hybridoma, NOE33-1-2, specific for a p43-58 analog 46R50E54A with arginine (R) and alanine (A) at positions 46 and 54, respectively. Interestingly, NOE 33-1-2 recognized 46R50E54A in the presence of not only I-Ag7, but also I-Ad, s, u and v. In contrast to previous reports that promiscuous T cells were able to recognize peptide antigens with various HLA-DR or I-E molecules consist of monomorphic α and polymorphic β chains, the promiscuous T cell clone NOE33-1-2 recognized peptides with various I-A molecules lacking the monomorphic chain.  相似文献   

Anchor residues in peptides determine the specificity of binding to major histocompatibility complex class I molecules through interactions of their side chains with pockets in the peptide-binding groove. We have compared the kinetics of association of a Sendai virus nucleoprotein-derived peptide (FAPGNYPAL, termed SV9) with H-2Kb class I molecules, and the same peptide iodinated on the anchor residue tyrosine (125I-SV9). Even though the association rates were too rapid for direct measurements, competition studies indicated that they were similar for SV9 and 125I-SV9. To measure the binding of non-radioactive SV9 directly, SV9 was tritiated (3H-SV9). 3H-SV9 remained stably associated with H-2Kb molecules, whereas 125I-SV9 dissociated in a temperature-dependent fashion. Thus, modifications on anchor residues do not necessarilly have to affect the specificity and association kinetics of peptide binding to class I molecules but can affect the stability of the resulting class I-peptide interaction. The dissociation of peptides with modified and, more generally, suboptimal anchor residue side chains may explain the presence of empty class I molecules and free class I heavy chains at the cell surface.  相似文献   

We have previously described the induction of murine CD8+ major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells (CTL) recognizing the 20-amino acid repeat region of the human mucin 1 (MUC1) variable number of tandem repeats region (VNTR), a mucin greatly increased in expression in breast cancer and proposed as a target for immunotherapy. In that study, CTL could detect MUC1 peptides associated with the MHC of all nine strains examined, and we now report the different epitopes presented by five different MHC class I molecules. The epitopes were defined in CTL assays using peptide-pulsed phytohemagglutinin blasts or MHC class I-transfected L cells as targets; in addition, peptide binding assays and T cell proliferation studies were performed. Within the 20-amino acid VNTR, nine potential epitopes could be defined. The epitopes for the four MHC class I molecules [Kb (three epitopes), Dd, Ld and Kk] were closely related, all containing the amino acids PDTRPAP. For Db, three epitopes were identified, all containing APGSTAP. Most of the epitopes did not contain a consensus motif for the particular MHC class I allele, and bound with low ‘affinity’, compared with known high-affinity peptides. CD8+ T cell proliferation also occurred to the same MHC class I-presented epitopes. Finally, when conventional anchor residues were introduced into the peptides, peptide binding increased, whereas CTL recognition was either retained (Kb) or lost (Db) depending on the epitope.  相似文献   

A peptide corresponding to amino acids 1 through 23 of Ras protein containing a mutation at position 12 was used to induce cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mice. Although the CTL were CD8+ and expressed α, β T cell antigen receptors (TCR), their major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restriction was unconventional. They recognized peptide-treated murine cells of different H-2 haplotypes, but not MHC class I-negative cells. Human HLA class I molecules did not present Ras peptides and hybrid human/mouse MHC molecules revealed that all three extracellular domains α1, α2 and α3 were required for recognition by peptide-specific CTL. Shortening the 23-mer peptide by 5 residues at either the amino or carboxy terminus resulted in loss of CTL recognition. This demonstrates an unusual form of antigen recognition by mouse CTL in which peptide presentation requires murine H-2 class I molecules but is not class I allele restricted, and the peptides recognized are much larger than peptides in conventional class I-restricted responses.  相似文献   

Activation of helper T cell has been implicated in a number of autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis. The underlying mechanism that initiates and promotes disease progression remains unclear, but it is apparent that helper T cells and autoantigens play prominentroles. Identification of the autoantigens has proven to be extremely difficult, and therefore strategies for promoting tolerance induction remain limited. Since autoimmune diseases are closely associated with specific major histocompatibility complex class II molecules such as HLA-DR4, the use of competitor peptides is an alternative strategy. A limitation of competitor peptides, however, is that they are ineffective in vivo. In the studies presented here, we demonstrate that coupling competitor peptides to a cell-surface receptor ligand, transferrin, enhances their ability to block helper T cell responses using the DO11.10 transgenic mouse as our model system.  相似文献   

To determine the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction of the T/B cell interaction involved in a negative regulation of Ig production, we used mouse model of T cell-induced IgG2ab suppression in vivo. Normal or specifically triggered T splenocytes from mice of the Igha haplotype, when neonatally transferred into histocompatible Igha/b heterozygotes, are able to induce a specific and total suppression of the IgG2ab allotype. Nevertheless, only transfer of IgG2ab-primed Igha T splenocytes induces this suppression in Ighb/b homozygous congenic mice in which the whole IgG2a isotype production is inhibited. This suppression is chronically maintained by CD8+ T cells, but can be experimentally reversed. We have established that the suppression induction required a CD4+CD8+ T cell cooperation and operated via the recognition by the involved TCR of Cγ2ab-derived peptides presented by the target B cells in an MHC haplotype-restricted manner. Here, by using Ighb mice genetically deficient for MHC class I (β2-microglobulin%, or β2m%) or class II (I-Aβ%) molecules, we demonstrate functionally that the suppression induction implicates an MHC class I-, but not class II-restricted interaction. Indeed, the anti-IgG2ab T cells transferred into Ighb H-2b I-Aβ% mice carry out the suppression process normally, while in Ighb H-2b β2m% recipients, their suppression induction capacity is significantly inhibited. Moreover, the Cγ2ab 103–118 peptide, identified as the sole Cγ2ab-derived peptide able to amplify the anti-IgG2ab T cell reactivity in Igha H-2b mice, is also able to stabilize the H-2Db, but not the H-2Kb class I molecules at the surface of RMA-S (TAP2?, H-2b) cells. These results indicate that, despite the CD4+/CD8+ T cell cooperation during the induction phase of suppression only MHC class I molecule expression is required at the surface of IgG2ab+ B cells for suppression establishment.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire found in the major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the protein ovalbumin (OVA). Despite skewing towards the expression of Vβ5.2+ TCR by OVA-specific CTL from C57BL/6 mice, we found a relatively high degree of diversity in V(D)J usage in both TCR α- and β-chains. Closer examination showed that the majority of these sequences encoded negatively and positively charged residues at their respective TCR α- and β-chain VJ or VDJ junctions. These junctions form the third complementarity-determining regions (CDR3) of the TCR polypeptides involved in the direct interaction with the class I-bound peptide. Crystallographic analyses of Kb-peptide complexes predict that the major determinant from OVA, peptide OVA257–264 (SIINFEKL), contains two exposed charged side chains which can contact the TCR. These are the negatively charged glutamic acid at determinant position 6 (P6) and the positively charged lysine at P7. To examine whether the TCR α-chain makes contact with P7 lysine, we established a single chain TCR transgenic C57BL/6 mouse line where all T cells express a TCR β-chain derived from the Vβ5.2+ clone B3. OVA-specific T cells derived from in vivo primed transgenic mice preferentially expressed TCR α-chains that also contained negatively charged junctional residues despite some further variation in Vα and Jα sequences. Stimulation of naive TCR β-chain transgenic T cells with a P7 substitution peptide analogue induced a T cell response that was no longer cross-reactive with the wild-type OVA257–264 determinant, sugesting that the TCR α-chain from the T cell clone B3 can determine the specificity for this residue. Consequently, these results reveal the existence of conserved residues in the CDR3 of TCR α- and β-chains specific for OVA257–264 and identify their possible orientation over the peptide-class I complex.  相似文献   

In this study we have investigated the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules on T cells from various lymphoid compartments in the sheep. Monoclonal antibodies which react specifically with sheep MHC class II molecules homologous to the human DQ and DR molecules have been characterized. These antibodies have been used, together with the monoclonal antibodies specific for sheep CD4-, CD8- and T19-positiveT cells, to quantitate DQ and DR expression on T cell subsets in adult and fetal peripheral blood, afferent lymph, lymph node and efferent lymph. The results show that expression of class II by T cells depends on the age of the animal and the physiological location of the T cell. In fetal blood there is no expression of class II on CD8+ or T19+ cells and very low expression on CD4+ T cells. In adult peripheral blood and efferent lymph a significant proportion of cells express DR but not DQ. A very different situation is found in afferent lymph and the peripheral lymph node: in afferent lymph the majority of T cells in all three subsets express both DQ and DR molecules; in the lymph node over 50% of T cells express DR and 30 % are DQ+. These results suggest that within all T cell subsets there is a progression from DQ? DR? to DQ?DR+ and DQ+DR+ which correlates with physiological stages of T cell differentiation in vivo.  相似文献   

Human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen E (HLA-E) and mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ib antigen, Qa-1, share the same substitutions at two normally conserved positions 143 and 147, which are likely to affect binding of the C terminus of peptides. Qa-1 is able to bind a peptide derived from the leader sequence of H-2 D and H-2 L molecules. We developed a peptide binding assay in vitro to compare the binding specificity of HLA-E with the mouse MHC class Ib molecule Qa-1. We demonstrate that HLA-E binds, although poorly, the peptide which binds to Qa-1 and that it also binds nonamer signal sequence-derived peptides from human MHC class I molecules. Using alanine and glycine substitutions, we could define primary anchor residues at positions 2 and 9 and secondary anchor residues at position 7 and possibly 3.  相似文献   

In the present study the analysis of functional activity and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) binding of two adjacent MHC class II-restricted epitopes, located in the C-terminal 306–329 region of human influenza A virus hemagglutinin 1 subunit (HA1) conserved with subtype sequences and not affected by antigenic drift, was undertaken to explore the hierarchy of local immnodominance. The functional activity of two T cell hybridomas of the memory/effector Th1 phenotype in combination with in vivo immunization studies provided a good tool for investigating the functional characteristics of the T cell resonse. The in vitro binding assays performed with a series of overlapping, N-terminal biotinylated peptides covering the 306–341 sequence enabled us to compare the relative binding efficiency of peptides, comprising two distinct epitopes of this region, to I-Ed expressed on living antigen-presenting cells. Our studies revealed that (i) immunization of BALB/c mice with the 306–329 H1 or H2 peptides resulted in the activation and proliferation of T cells recognizing both the 306–318 and the 317–329 epitopes, while the 306–329 H3 peptide elicits predomonantly 306–318-specific T cells, (ii) the 317–329 HA1 epitope of the H1 and H2 but not the H3 sequence is recognized by T cells and is available for recognition not only in the 317–329 peptide but also in the extended 306–329 or 306–341 peptides, (iii) the 306–318 and the 317–329 hemagglutinin peptides encompassing the H1, H2 but not the H3 sequence bind with an apparently similar affinity to and therefore compete for I-Ed binding sites, and (iv) the 317–341, the 317–329 peptides and their truncated analogs show subtype-dependent differences in MHC binding and those with lower binding capacity represent the H3 subtype sequences. These results demonstrate that differences in the binding capacity of peptides comprising two non-overlapping epitopes located in the C-terminal 306–329 region of HA1 of all three subtype-specific sequences to MHC class II provide a rationale for the local and also for the previously observed in vivo immunodominance of the 306–318 region over the 317–329 epitope in the H3 but not in the H1 or H2 sequences. In good correlation with the results of the binding and functional inhibition assays, these data demonstrate that in the H1 and H2 subtypes both regions are available for T cell recognition, they compete for the same restriction element with an appearently similar binding efficiency and, therefore, function as co-dominant epitopes. Due to the stabilizing effect of the fusion peptide, peptides comprising the 306–341 or 317–341 H1 sequences are highly immunogenic and elicit a protective immune response which involves the production of antibodies and interleukin-2 and tumor necrosis factor producing effector Th1 cells both directed against the 317–329 region. Based on the similarity of the I-Ed and HLA-DR1 peptide binding grooves and motifs, these results suggest that amino acid substitutions inserted to the H3 subtype sequence during viral evolution can modify the relative MHC binding capacity and invert the local hierarchy of immunodominance of two closely situated epitopes that are able to bind to the same MHC class II molecule.  相似文献   

Peptides binding to a particular class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule can inhibit the activation of T cells by other peptides binding to the same molecule, a phenomenon termed class II MHC blockade. All class II-binding peptides exert MHC blockade in vivo in depot form with adjuvant, and some also retain their blocking properties in soluble form. We demonstrate here that soluble peptides, when used at doses causing short-term MHC blockade, can also induce long-term antigen-specific T cell tolerance to themselves. The tolerogenicity of soluble peptides correlates with their antigenicity in adjuvant, but it is not necessarily related to their capacity to act as class II blockers in vivo. The tolerant state is manifested in a decreased production of both T helper cell 1 (Th1)-type and Th2-type lymphokines, and it cannot be reversed by interleukin-2. Once T cells are primed with a peptide in complete Freund's adjuvant, they are resistant to tolerization with the same peptide applied in soluble form. Tolerance induction is partially impaired in B cell-deficient μMT−/− mice, suggesting a role for B cell antigen presentation in this process. The results suggest that the potential immunogenicity of class II MHC blockers could be circumvented by choosing a tolerogenic mode of application.  相似文献   

This study extends our previous observation that glycopeptides bind to class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules and elicit carbohydrate-specific CTL responses. The Sendai virus nucleoprotein wild-type (WT) peptide (FAPGNYPAL) binds H-2Db using the P5-Asn as an anchor. The peptide K2 carrying a P5 serine substitution did not bind Db. Surprisingly, glycosylation of the serine (K2-O-GlcNAc) with N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), a novel cytosolic O-linked glycosylation, partially restored peptide binding to Db. We argue that the N-acetyl group of GlcNAc may fulfil the hydrogen bonding requirements of the Db pocket which normally accomodates P5-Asn. Glycosylation of the P5-Asn residue itself abrogated binding similar to K2, probably for steric reasons. The peptide K2-O-GlcNAc readily elicited Db-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), which did not cross-react with K2 or WT. However, all Db-restricted CTL raised against K2-O-GlcNAc cross-reacted strongly with another glycopeptide, K3-O-GlcNAc, where the GlcNAc substitution is on a neighboring P4-Ser. Furthermore, Db-restricted CTL clones raised against K2-O-GlcNAc or K3-O-GlcNAc displayed a striking TCR conservation. Our interpretation is that the carbohydrate of K2-O-GlcNAc not only mediates binding to Db, but also interacts with the TCR in such a way as to mimic K3-O-GlcNAc. This unusual example of molecular mimicry extends the known effects of peptide glycosylation from what we and others have previously reported: glycosylation may create a T cell neo-epitope, or, conversely, abrogate recognition. Alternatively, glycosylation may block peptide binding to MHC class I and finally, as reported here, restore binding, presumably through direct interaction of the carbohydrate with the MHC molecule.  相似文献   

The peptide-binding properties of the nonclassical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class 1b molecule Qa-1 were investigated using a transfected hybrid molecule composed of the α1 and α2 domains of Qa-1b and the α3 domain of H-2Db. This allowed the use of a monoclonal antibody directed against H-2Db whilst retaining the peptide-binding groove of Qa-1b. By comparison with classical MHC class I molecules, intracellular maturation of the chimeric molecule was inefficient with weak intracellular association with β2-microglobulin. However, at the cell surface the hybrid molecules were stably associated with β2-microglobulin and were recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones specific for the Qa-1b -presented peptide Qdm (AMAPRTLLL). A whole-cell binding assay was used to determine which residues of Qdm were important for binding to Qa-1b and CTL clones served to identify residues important for T cell recognition. Substitutions at position 1 and 5 did not reduce the efficiency of binding and had little effect on CTL recognition. In contrast, substitutions at position 9 resulted in loss of MHC class I binding. Mass spectrometric analysis of peptides eluted from immunopurified Qa-1b/Db molecules indicated that Qdm was the dominant peptide. The closely related peptide, AMVPRTLLL, which is derived from the signal sequence of H-2Dk, was also present, although it was considerably less abundant. The mass profile suggested the presence of additional peptides the majority of which consisted of eight to ten amino acid residues. Finally, the finding that a peptide derived from Klebsiella pneumoniae can bind raises the possibility that this non-classical MHC class I molecule may play a role in the presentation of peptides of microorganisms.  相似文献   

We describe the effect of the proteasome specific inhibitor lactacystin on the metabolic stability of influenza nucleoprotein (NP) and on the generation of antigens presented by human and murine class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We show that cells treated with lactacystin fail to present influenza antigens to influenza-specific CTL, but retain the capacity to present defined epitopes expressed as peptides intracellularly by recombinant vaccinia viruses. This block in antigen presentation can be overcome by expressing the viral protein within the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, confirming the specificity of lactacystin for cytosolic proteases. We also show that the effect of lactacystin on antigen presentation correlates with the block of breakdown of a rapidly degraded form of the influenza NP linked to ubiquitin. These results demonstrate that proteasome-dependent degradation plays an important role in the cytosolic generation of CTL epitopes.  相似文献   

The peptides recognized by an H-2Db-restricted CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clone which is specific for the 60-kDa mycobacterial heat shock protein (hsp) and cross-reacts with stressed host cells were characterized. None of the nonapeptides from hsp60 conforming to the H-2Db binding motif were able to sensitize target cells for lysis by this CTL clone. Sequence analysis of the stimulatory fraction from a trypsin digest of hsp60, together with synthetic peptide studies, defined a cluster of overlapping epitopes. Carboxy-terminal extension by at least one amino acid of the nonamer predicted to bind best to H-2Db was essential for CTL recognition. Two such elongated peptides, a 10-mer and a 12-mer stimulated the clone at similarly low concentrations in the 100 pM range. We assume that these two peptides comply best with the natural epitope. In contrast, the 11-mer was inactive. The stimulatory 10-mer bound to H-2Db with an efficacy similar to that of the nonapeptide corresponding to the H-2Db motif, as revealed by peptide induced major histocompatibility complex (MHC) surface expression on RMA-S cells and competitive blocking of epitope recognition by the nonamer. Binding of these carboxy-terminally extended peptides to the MHC groove can be explained by anchoring through the amino acid residue Asn in position 5 of the peptide and by intrusion of the hydrophobic carboxy-terminal Ala (10-mer) or Leu (12-mer), but not Gly (11-mer), into the hydrophobic pocket of the H-2Db cleft. Because the carboxy-terminal part is thus larger than predicted this region of the peptide may arch up from the binding groove. We assume that recognition of steric components of the MHC/peptide complex broaden the range of epitope specificity for a single T cell receptor. This flexibility not only promotes recognition of several overlapping peptides from a single antigen, but may also increase the chance of cross-reaction with similar peptides from unrelated proteins, including autoantigens. Consistent with this latter assumption, the T cell clone cross-recognizes mycobacterial hsp60 and stressed host cells.  相似文献   

Two soluble invariant chain (Ii) peptides with overlapping sequences had contrasting effects on the presentation of antigenic peptides by murine Ad, Ak, Ed, and Ek major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Naturally produced class II-associated invariant chain peptides human (h)Ii81–104/murine (m)Ii80–103 inhibited antigen presentation on these MHC class II alleles in a manner consistent with competitive inhibition. The Ii-4 peptides hIi77–92/mIi76–91 enhanced presentation of antigenic peptides on I-E class II alleles by promoting the exchange of peptides at the cell surface. Treatment of antigenpresenting cells (APC) with Ii-4 before the addition of antigenic peptide greatly enhanced subsequent T cell responses, while treatment of APC with Ii–4 after antigenic peptide binding decreased subsequent T cell responses. The hIi81–104 and mIi80–103 peptides inhibited T cell responses in both types of assays. The binding of biotinylated antigenic peptide to MHC class II-transfected L cells, as measured by flow cytometry, was inhibited by mIi80-103 and enhanced by mIi-4. Segments of Ii fragments remaining associated with MHC class II, or released Ii peptides, appear to regulate the formation of stable antigenic peptide/MHC class II complexes either positively or negatively through interactions at or near the antigenic peptide binding site. These findings open a pathway for the design of novel therapeutics based on the structure and function of natural and rationally designed fragments of Ii.  相似文献   

This study characterizes antigen-induced phenotypic and functional aspects of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II expression on recirculating T cells in efferent lymph. In vivo secondary, but not primary challenge is associated with both kinetic and phenotypic alterations in class II expression by T cells. All three major T cell subsets, CD4+, CD8+ and T19+ (γδ T cell receptor), show an approximate four fold increase in the level of MHC class II expression during secondary responses. No changes in B cell expression of class II were seen. Resting efferent lymph T cells are predominantly either class II? or DR+DQ? but this changes to DR+DQ+ after antigenic challenge. The antigen-presenting function of these class II+ T cells was investigated at daily intervals after in vivo antigenic challenge. T cells from non-activated lymph nodes could not induce proliferation of antigen-specific T cells with soluble antigen but were weakly stimulatory in allo-mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) at high (> 2:1) stimulator cell ratios. Activated T cells isolated during secondary in vivo responses, and expressing increased quantities of MHC class II, were positive stimulator cells in the MLR. In contrast these cells could not present soluble antigen or trypsin-digested antigen to the T cell lines. In the MLR assays, the relative stimulation by class II+ T cells correlates with the levels of class II expression. We conclude from these experiments that both quantitative and qualitative changes in MHC class II, induced on T cells under physiological conditions, play a role in the regulation of the immune response in vivo but that that role is not simply one of presentation of soluble antigen.  相似文献   

The engagement of the T cell receptor (TCR) to its ligand, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide complex, leads to T cell activation. The molecular mechanisms leading to this activation are still unknown. Dimerization or substantial conformational changes following TCR ligation have not been observed by classical biochemical methods or by X-ray crystallography of the TCR/MHC complex. However, most of these experiments have used reductionist approaches in which only MHC and TCR molecules were taken into account. In fact, the TCR is only one of many molecules forming the TCR complex (TCRC), and the interplay among the components of this larger complex have not been studied in depth. The reconstitution of a complete TCRC using recombinant molecules is our goal and will be the first step to new structural and functional studies.  相似文献   

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