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To assess the cellular and molecular substrates for cholinergic axon growth in the adult central nervous system (CNS), we implanted grafts of control and nerve growth factor (NGF)-producing genetically modified fibroblasts within the striatum of rats. Sprouting cholinergic axonal processes that grew into grafts of NGF-producing fibroblasts were fasciculated and followed the surface of astrocytic processes for long distances within the grafts. The close and long distance anatomical relationship between the sprouted axons and the astrocytes supported previous ultrastructural evidence that astrocytes may serve as a cellular substrate for sprouting cholinergic axons in vivo. The sprouted axon processes were associated with the expression of nerve growth factor-inducible large external (NILE) glycoprotein on their surfaces. NILE expression was not seen in control grafts where there was an absence of cholinergic ingrowth. NILE has been demonstrated to play a role in axon fasciculation in a number of other neural systems. The astrocytic processes in both control and NGF-producing fibroblast grafts expressed neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), suggesting that NCAM-mediated adhesion may be responsible for the close relationship between the axons and astrocytes within the grafts. NGF-induced heterotypic interactions between neuronal NILE and astroglial NCAM may also be required for adult cholinergic axonal sprouting. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Formation of axonal pathways involves a variety of molecules that influence cell-cell interactions. The polysialic acid (PSA) moiety of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is present on neuronal surfaces during process outgrowth. Our studies reveal that the removal of PSA causes a decrease in the rate of elongation of retinal cell processes on a substrate of neuronal membranes derived from chick tectum. This effect was partially reversed by antibodies against the L1 adhesion molecule, but not by antibodies against NCAM, N-cadherin, or beta 1-integrins. This predominant effect of PSA on L1 was also observed in short-term, cell-cell adhesion assays, suggesting that PSA promotes optimal outgrowth on neuronal substrates by limiting the consequences of L1-mediated adhesion.  相似文献   

L1- and NCAM-type cell adhesion molecules represent distinct protein families that function as specific receptors for different axon guidance cues. However, both L1 and NCAM proteins promote axonal growth by inducing neuronal tyrosine kinase activity and are coexpressed in subsets of axon tracts in arthropods and vertebrates. We have studied the functional requirements for the Drosophila L1- and NCAM-type proteins, Neuroglian (Nrg) and Fasciclin II (FasII), during postembryonic sensory axon guidance. The rescue of the Neuroglian loss-of-function (LOF) phenotype by transgenically expressed L1- and NCAM-type proteins demonstrates a functional interchangeability between these proteins in Drosophila photoreceptor pioneer axons, where both proteins are normally coexpressed. In contrast, the ectopic expression of Fasciclin II in mechanosensory neurons causes a strong enhancement of the axonal misguidance phenotype. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that this functionally redundant specificity to mediate axon guidance has been conserved in their vertebrate homologs, L1-CAM and NCAM.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule L1 plays a key role in nervous system development including neuronal migration, neurite growth, and axonal fasciculation. L1 is expressed on most developing axons, and homophilic binding of L1 molecules on adjacent axons is likely to play a key role in axon extension. It is now well documented that a number of second-messenger systems are involved in L1-stimulated neurite growth in vitro. However, it is unclear how L1 homophilic or heterophilic binding trigger signals that regulate the mechanical forces that produce axon extension. In this report, we will review recent advances in understanding L1-associated signals, L1 interactions with the cytoskeleton, and the molecular mechanisms underlying growth cone motility. J. Neurosci. Res. 49:1–8, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

During the initial assembly of the olfactory pathway, the behavior of olfactory axons changes as they grow from the olfactory epithelium toward the telencephalic vesicle. The axons exit the epithelium singly or in small fascicles, and their growth cones are simple and bullet-shaped. Outside the epithelium, they make a sharp dorsal turn and fasciculate into a single nerve; the growth cones remain simple. Upon entering the ventromedial telencephalon, the axons defasciculate, branch extensively, and end in complex, lamellate growth cones which extend toward the ventrolateral aspect of the telencephalic vesicle. The distribution of laminin, collagen-IV, and fibronectin varies in register with these changes in olfactory axon and growth cone behavior. Each of these extracellular matrix molecules influences olfactory neurite outgrowth and growth cone morphology in vitro consistent with its distribution in vivo. The distribution of E-cadherin, L1, neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and the polysialated form of NCAM also varies in register with changes in olfactory axon behavior. In vitro, L1 modulates embryonic olfactory neurite outgrowth and growth cone morphology consistent with its distribution in vivo. Thus, olfactory axon trajectory, fasciculation, and growth cone morphology change within distinct adhesive environments in the nascent olfactory pathway, and some of the molecules that characterize these environments have differential effects upon olfactory neurite growth and growth cone morphology. Consequently, the patterned expression and activity of extracellular matrix and cell surface adhesion molecules may contribute to the initial assembly of the olfactory pathway. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Calcium has long been recognized as a key player in the control of axonal growth and guidance. Recent studies lend support to this pivotal role by showing that local changes in calcium can directly induce the formation of filopodia in vivo and turn a growth cone in vitro. Under normal growth conditions, the L1 adhesion molecule has now been shown to induce local rather than global changes in calcium in growth cones, and this suggests that cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) use localized calcium transients to stimulate axonal growth and guidance. A number of recent reports have demonstrated that the neurite outgrowth response stimulated by L1 and other adhesion molecules (NCAM, N-cadherin, laminin) also depends in part upon the integrity of the MAPK cascade in cells. In this review we consider the recent data and suggest that calcium and the MAPK cascade might be required for very distinct growth cone functions. Finally, we will consider the contentious issue of how the above CAMs activate signaling cascades in growth cones and review the recently available data that support the hypothesis that at least one of these CAMs (N-cadherin) might promote growth cone motility by directly interacting with the FGFR in growth cones.  相似文献   

Studies of the cell-cell adhesion molecules NCAM and L1 have indicated that their combined action is an important determinant in establishing normal patterns of muscle innervation. Moreover, they participate in activity-dependent changes in axonal sprouting. Recent findings in vivo, however, suggest that the central variable in both events is not altered NCAM or L1 expression, but rather changes in the amount of polysialic acid (PSA) at the cell surface. This finding is consistent with the proposed role of PSA as a regulator of cell-cell interactions. Because these molecular entities are present in most of the nervous system, it is likely that this mechanism can influence many aspects of axonal behavior during development and regeneration.  相似文献   



Cell adhesion molecules have long been implicated in the regulation of axon growth, but the precise cellular roles played by individual cell adhesion molecules and the molecular basis for their action are still not well understood. We have used the sensory system of the Drosophila embryo to shed light on the mechanism by which the L1-type cell adhesion molecule Neuroglian regulates axon growth.


We have found a highly penetrant sensory axon stalling phenotype in neuroglian mutant embryos. Axons stalled at a variety of positions along their normal trajectory, but most commonly in the periphery some distance along the peripheral nerve. All lateral and dorsal cluster sensory neurons examined, except for the dorsal cluster neuron dbd, showed stalling. Sensory axons were never seen to project along inappropriate pathways in neuroglian mutants and stalled axons showed normal patterns of fasciculation within nerves. The growth cones of stalled axons possessed a simple morphology, similar to their appearance in wild-type embryos when advancing along nerves. Driving expression of the wild-type form of Neuroglian in sensory neurons alone rescued the neuroglian mutant phenotype of both pioneering and follower neurons. A partial rescue was achieved by expressing the Neuroglian extracellular domain. Over/mis-expression of Neuroglian in all neurons, oenocytes or trachea had no apparent effect on sensory axon growth.


We conclude that Neuroglian is necessary to maintain axon advance along axonal substrates, but is not required for initiation of axon outgrowth, axon fasciculation or recognition of correct growth substrates. Expression of Neuroglian in sensory neurons alone is sufficient to promote axon advance and the intracellular region of the molecule is largely dispensable for this function. It is unlikely, therefore, that Nrg acts as a molecular 'clutch' to couple adhesion of F-actin within the growth cone to the extracellular substrate. Rather, we suggest that Neuroglian mediates sensory axon advance by promoting adhesion of the surface of the growth cone to its substrate. Our finding that stalling of a pioneer sensory neuron is rescued by driving Neuroglian in sensory neurons alone may suggest that Neuroglian can act in a heterophilic fashion.  相似文献   

GABA (γ-aminobutyrate) is the most prevalent inhibitory transmitter in the mature hypothalamus. In contrast, in the developing hypothalamus, GABA may exert depolarizing actions leading to neuronal excitation. To determine whether GABA is present in hypothalamic neurons early in development, and whether there is a preferential expression in axonal growth cones, immunogold and peroxidase studies were used with light and whole mount transmission electron microscopy. At embryonic day 15, a stage of development at the beginning of hypothalamic neurogenesis, histological sections showed GABA immunoreactivity in fibers and weakly stained perikarya. Hypothalamic neurons (13%) cultured at embryonic day 15 were immunoreactive after 1 day in vitro. The percentage of neurons stained, and the intensity of staining increased during the next few days to 39% at 4 days in vitro. Neuritic growth cones, including lamellipodia and long filopodia, showed strong immunoreactivity before synaptogenesis. By using neuronal whole mounts studied with transmission electron microscopy and GABA silver-enhanced immunogold staining, a quantitative comparison of growth cones after a day and a half in culture revealed that the growth cone of the longest process, the putative axon, had a greater level of immunogold labeling than that of the shorter processes, the putative dendrites. This finding is one of the earliest biochemical differences between putative axons and dendrites. Astrocytes in the same cultures showed no immunolabeling. These results indicate that GABA is present very early in the development of hypothalamic neurons and is in a position to be released. J. Comp. Neurol. 383:178-188, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, is an important regulator of neuronal process outgrowth and synaptic plasticity. Transgenic mice that overexpress the soluble NCAM extracellular domain (NCAM-EC) have reduced GABAergic inhibitory and excitatory synapses, and altered behavioral phenotypes. Here, we examined the role of dysregulated NCAM shedding, modeled by overexpression of NCAM-EC, on development of GABAergic basket interneurons in the prefrontal cortex. NCAM-EC overexpression disrupted arborization of basket cells during the major period of axon/dendrite growth, resulting in decreased numbers of GAD65- and synaptophysin-positive perisomatic synapses. NCAM-EC transgenic protein interfered with interneuron branching during early postnatal stages when endogenous polysialylated (PSA) NCAM was converted to non-PSA isoforms. In cortical neuron cultures, soluble NCAM-EC acted as a dominant inhibitor of NCAM-dependent neurite branching and outgrowth. These findings suggested that excess soluble NCAM-EC reduces perisomatic innervation of cortical neurons by perturbing axonal/dendritic branching during cortical development.  相似文献   



Long-distance axonal growth relies on the precise interplay of guidance cues and cell adhesion molecules. While guidance cues provide positional and directional information for the advancing growth cone, cell adhesion molecules are essential in enabling axonal advancement. Such a dependence on adhesion as well as guidance molecules can be well observed in dorsal commissural interneurons, which follow a highly stereotypical growth and guidance pattern. The mechanisms and molecules involved in the attraction and outgrowth towards the ventral midline, the axon crossing towards the contralateral side, the rostral turning after midline crossing as well as the guidance along the longitudinal axis have been intensely studied. However, little is known about molecules that provide the basis for commissural axon growth along the anterior-posterior axis.


MDGA2, a recently discovered cell adhesion molecule of the IgCAM superfamily, is highly expressed in dorsolaterally located (dI1) spinal interneurons. Functional studies inactivating MDGA2 by RNA interference (RNAi) or function-blocking antibodies demonstrate that either treatment results in a lack of commissural axon growth along the longitudinal axis. Moreover, results from RNAi experiments targeting the contralateral side together with binding studies suggest that homophilic MDGA2 interactions between ipsilaterally projecting axons and post-crossing commissural axons may be the basis of axonal growth along the longitudinal axis.


Directed axonal growth of dorsal commissural interneurons requires an elaborate mixture of instructive (guidance) and permissive (outgrowth supporting) molecules. While Wnt and Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling pathways have been shown to specify the growth direction of post-crossing commissural axons, our study now provides evidence that homophilic MDGA2 interactions are essential for axonal extension along the longitudinal axis. Interestingly, so far each part of the complex axonal trajectory of commissural axons uses its own set of guidance and growth-promoting molecules, possibly explaining why such a high number of molecules influencing the growth pattern of commissural interneurons has been identified.  相似文献   

The polysialic acid (PSA) moiety of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) participates in a variety of developmental processes, including axonal guidance and cell migration. PSA's function in these contexts stems from its ability to reduce cell interactions. The present study examines the regulation of PSA expression during formation of the calyciform synapse by the oculomotor axons on chick ciliary neurons. Prior to synaptogenesis, PSA is abundantly and uniformly expressed on the surface of the ciliary neuron body. However, at the time synaptic bonds start to form, as reflected in the localized accumulation of synaptic vesicles, PSA is lost from the point of synaptic contact. Thereafter, PSA is progressively lost from the ciliary neuron surface as the calyx grows. The dense mats of pseudodendritic-like somatic spines, which extend from the postsynaptic cell body, form an exception. These spines, which are known to undergo morphological remodeling, retain PSA expression until the end of embryogenesis. The experimental removal of PSA did not affect synaptogenesis itself, in that no significant changes were observed in the surface covered by the calyx, the number of spine aggregates, the size of acetylcholine receptor clusters, the cell surface area covered by these receptors, or the ultrastructure of the calyx, spine mats, and active zones. Together, these observations suggest that the synapse eliminates PSA as a part of its normal development and that the loss of PSA from the site of axon-target interaction may serve to stabilize structures formed during synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

RA175 is a new member of the immunoglobulin superfamily with trans interaction activity, and it plays a role as a tumor suppressor in lung carcinoma (TSLC1) and as a cell adhesion molecule promoting the formation of functional synapses (SynCAM). Little is known about the biological function of RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM neural network formation during neurogenesis. We examined the distribution and colocalization of the RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM protein with other members of the immunoglobulin superfamily such as NCAM, L1, and TAG-1 in the mouse developing nervous system. Consistent with the expression of RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM mRNA, the protein was localized in the brain neuroepithelium at embryonic day (E) 9.5, neural crest at E10.5, motor neurons at E10.5, and olfactory epithelium at E16.5. In contrast with its mRNA, the protein was intensely detected on the fasciculated axons in the floor plates, ventral root, and dorsal funiculus in the E10.5-11.5 spinal cord and colocalized with NCAM and L1 on the ventral root and dorsal funiculus and partly colocalized with TAG-1 on the commissural axons and dorsal funiculus. In the E13.5-15.5 brain, RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM colocalized with NCAM and L1 on the developing thalamocortical fibers from the internal capsule (IC) and partly colocalized with TAG-1 on the cortical efferent axons in the intermediate zone (IZ). RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM was localized on the axons of some of the cortical neurons cultured in vitro. Thus, in addition to cell adhesion activity in the neuroepithelium and the synapses, RA175/TSLC1/SynCAM may be involved in neuronal migration, axon growth, pathfinding, and fasciculation on the axons of differentiating neurons.  相似文献   

We have examined expression of L1 and the polysialic acid-associated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) in mouse embryos during the major period of axon growth in the retinofugal pathway to determine whether they are expressed in patterns that relate to the changes in axon organization in the pathway. Immunostaining for L1 and PSA-NCAM was found on all axons in the retina and the optic stalk. In the chiasm, while L1 immunoreactivity remained high on the axons, PSA-NCAM staining was obviously reduced. At the threshold of the optic tract, L1 immunoreactivity was maintained only in a subpopulation of axons, whereas PSA-NCAM staining was dramatically elevated in axons at the caudal part of the tract. Further investigations of the tract showed that both L1 and PSA-NCAM were preferentially expressed on the dorsal but not ventral optic axons, indicating a regionally specific change of both adhesion molecules on the axons at the chiasm-tract junction. Moreover, intense PSA-NCAM expression was also observed in the tract of postoptic commissure (TPOC), which lies immediately caudal to the optic tract. Immunohistochemical and retrograde tracing studies showed that these PSA-NCAM-positive axons arose from a population of cells rostral to the CD44-positive chiasmatic neurons. These findings indicate that, in addition to the chiasmatic neurons, these PSA-NCAM-positive diencephalic cells also contribute axons to the TPOC. These early generated commissural axons together with the regionally specific pattern of cell adhesion molecule expression on the optic axons may control formation of the partial retinotopic axon order in the optic tract through homophilic or heterophilic interactions that involve PSA-NCAM.  相似文献   

Olfactory ensheathing glia (OEG) express cell adhesion molecules and secrete growth factors that support newly generated olfactory axons and are a promising therapeutic treatment to facilitate axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI). To study the molecular mechanisms underlying the ability of OEG to enhance axonal outgrowth, we designed an outgrowth assay using spinal cord myelin as a substrate to mimic an injury environment. We asked if olfactory bulb-derived OEG could enhance outgrowth of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) axons on myelin. When grown on myelin alone DRG axons have limited outgrowth potential. However, when OEG are co-cultured with DRG on myelin, twice as many neurons generate axons and their average length is almost twice that grown on myelin alone. We used this OEG/DRG co-culture to determine if a cell adhesion molecule expressed by OEG, L1, and a factor secreted by OEG, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), contribute to the ability of OEG to enhance axonal outgrowth on myelin. Using OEG and DRG from L1 mutant mice we found that L1 expression does not contribute to OEG growth promotion. However, both BDNF and its receptor, TrkB, contribute to OEG-enhanced axon regeneration as function-blocking antisera against either component significantly decreased outgrowth of DRG axons. Additional BDNF further enhanced DRG axon growth on myelin alone and on myelin co-cultured with OEG. This simple mouse outgrowth model can be used to determine the molecules that contribute to OEG-enhancement of axonal outgrowth, test therapeutic compounds, and compare the outgrowth potential of other treatments for SCI.  相似文献   

Passages: 1996     
The spatial and temporal expression patterns of several extracellular matrix molecules—laminin and fibronectin and cell surface molecules, neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), L1, tenascin, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, and peanut agglutinin (PNA) binding sites—were investigated during early olfactory nerve development. NCAM and L1 have similar patterns: They are expressed in the olfactory nerve and on the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) commencing with the earliest olfactory axon outgrowth (E12-E15). Their expression patterns suggest that both NCAM and L1 are associated with extension and fasciculation of olfactory axons. A comparison of L1 and olfactory marker protein suggests that L1 is expressed predominantly on immature ORNs. Laminin has an unique punctate staining pattern in the developing olfactory pathway as early as E12. These laminin puncta might play a role in olfactory neurite outgrowth and guidance. At E14, when pioneer olfactory axons enter the brain, the laminin-positive meninges on the surface of the olfactory bulb primordium break down but remain intact in the rest of the telencephalon. This suggests a functional interaction between the olfactory axons and the glial-pial barrier. Fibronectin staining is diffuse throughout the cranial mesenchyme but is absent from the olfactory nerve pathway. No specific patterns of tenascin or chondroitin sulfate, were observed during early olfactory development. PNA binding sites were associated with olfactory axon fasciculation. The expression of several extracellular matrix molecules and cell surface molecules is spatially and temporally regulated in the developing olfactory system. These molecules, thus, may play functional roles in olfactory axon outgrowth, fasciculation, and/or guidance. ©1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During development of the adult olfactory system of the moth Manduca sexta, olfactory receptor neurons extend axons from the olfactory epithelium in the antenna into the brain. As they arrive at the brain, interactions with centrally derived glial cells cause axons to sort and fasciculate with other axons destined to innervate the same glomeruli. Here we report studies indicating that activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is involved in axon ingrowth and targeting. Blocking the EGFR kinase domain pharmacologically leads to stalling of many axons in the sorting zone and nerve layer as well as abnormal axonal fasciculation in the sorting zone. We also find that neuroglian, an IgCAM known to activate the EGFR through homophilic interactions in other systems, is transiently present on olfactory receptor neuron axons and on glia during the critical stages of the sorting process. The neuroglian is resistant to extraction with Triton X-100 in the sorting zone and nerve layer, possibly indicating its stabilization by homophilic binding in these regions. Our results suggest a mechanism whereby neuroglian molecules on axons and possibly sorting zone glia bind homophilically, leading to activation of EGFRs, with subsequent effects on axon sorting, pathfinding, and extension, and glomerulus development.  相似文献   

The localization of the cell adhesion molecules L1, neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM), and myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) was studied immunohistologically at the light and electron microscopic levels and immunochemically in the developing and adult mouse optic nerve and retina. The neural adhesion molecule L1 is strongly expressed on the shafts of fasciculating unmyelinated axons at all ages studied from embryonic day 15 through adulthood. Growth cones of retinal ganglion cell axons were weakly L1-positive or L1-negative when contacting glial cells. Unmyelinated axons were not only L1-positive when contacting each other but also when contacting glia, whereas contacts between glial cells were L1-negative at all developmental unmyelinated retinal nerve fiber layer or in the unmyelinated optic nerve head became L1-negative when enwrapped by myelin in the optic nerve proper. At all stages of development N-CAM showed profuse labeling on fasciculating axons, growth cones, and their contact sites with glial cells as well as contacts between glial cells. In contrast to L1, axons remained N-CAM-positive when becoming myelinated. Sometimes, N-CAM was found in compact myelin. However, N-CAM was absent from glial surfaces contacting basement membranes at the interface to meninges, blood vessels, and the vitreous body of the eye. MAG was first detectable intracellularly in oligodendrocytes associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus before it became apparent at the cell surface. There it was present on oligodendrocytes prior and during the first stages of ensheathment of axons, both on cell body and processes. After formation of compact myelin MAG remained strongly expressed periaxonally and was only weakly detectable in noncompacted myelin including inner mesaxon and paranodal loops. None of the adhesion molecules was detectable on extracellular matrix, in the meninges, or on endothelial cells. Immunochemical analysis of antigen expression at different developmental stages was in agreement with the immunohistological data. We infer from these observations that L1 is involved in stabilization not only of axon-axon, but also axon-glia contacts, while the more dynamic structure of the growth cone generally expresses less L1. A differential expression of L1 along the course of an axon--being present on its unmyelinated, but absent on its myelinated part--further supports the notion that L1 may be involved in the stabilization of axonal fascicles but not of axon-myelin contacts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily promote cell aggregation and neurite outgrowth via homophilic and heterophilic interactions. The transient axonal glycoprotein TAG-1 induces cell aggregation through homophilic interaction of its fibronectin repeats. We investigated the domains responsible for the neurite outgrowth promoting activity of TAG-1 as well as its interactions with other cell adhesion molecules. Binding experiments with Fc-chimeric proteins revealed that TAG-1 interacts with L1, NrCAM, and F3/contactin. The membrane-associated as opposed to the soluble form of TAG-1 behaves differently in these assays. We demonstrate that both the immunoglobulin as well as the fibronectin domains promote neurite outgrowth when used as substrates. Furthermore we investigated the putative role of L1 and NrCAM as the neuronal TAG-1 receptors mediating neurite extension. DRG neurons from L1-deficient mice were found to extend neurites on TAG-1 substrates and blocking NrCAM function did not diminish the TAG-1-dependent neurite outgrowth. These results indicate that neither L1 nor NrCAM are required for TAG-1-elicited neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Cell surface adhesion molecules are thought to play a necessary role in axon guidance and fasciculation in the developing nervous system. We have studied a potential adhesion molecule using the zn-5 monoclonal antibody, which recognizes the surfaces of zebrafish spinal motoneurons. We show that zn-5 recognizes zebrafish DM-GRASP. DM-GRASP is a cell adhesion molecule of the immunoglobulin superfamily that mediates homophilic adhesion and neurite outgrowth in vitro. It is necessary for correct axon routing and fasciculation in the Drosophila visual system. In zebrafish, primary motoneurons pioneer the peripheral motor nerve pathways, and the axons of secondary motoneurons follow the routes established by the primary motoneuron axons. We show that, of the two classes of zebrafish spinal motoneurons, only the later growing secondary motoneurons express DM-GRASP. The secondary motoneurons restrict DM-GRASP protein to their cell bodies and fasciculated segments of their axons. Expression of DM-GRASP is transient: The protein is present during the period of axonal growth and disappears after axons have reached their muscle targets. Thus, homophilic adhesion mediated by DM-GRASP may play a role in fasciculation of secondary motoneuron axons but not in pathfinding by the pioneer axons of the primary motoneurons or in guidance of secondary motoneuron axons to their targets.  相似文献   

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