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We have previously demonstrated that grafting of CBF1(H-2b/d) fetal thymus (FTG) under the kidney capsule of congenitally athymic nude mice of BALB/c background (H-2d) generates a substantial number of T cell receptor (TCR) γδ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) that were of FTG origin (H-2b+) (see accompanying report). Here we investigated the characteristics of these FTG-derived TCR γδ IEL and compared them to the extrathymically derived TCR γδ IEL found in nude mice. Phenotypically, FTG-derived TCR γδ IEL were similar to their extrathymically derived counterparts in that most were Thy-1 ?, CD5? and CD8αα (homodimer). Vγ and Vδ gene usage in thymus-derived and extrathymically derived TCR γδ IEL were found to be virtually the same. Functionally, FTG-derived TCR γδ IEL were similar to the TCR γδ IEL found in euthymic mice as both were relatively anergic to TCR cross-linking in vitro. However, FTG-derived TCR γδ IEL differed slightly from extrathymically derived TCR γδ IEL, which were completely nonresponsive to the same in vitro stimulation. Overall, these findings support the view that FTG-derived and extrathymically derived TCR γδ IEL are almost indistinguishable. Lastly, we demonstrate that despite their thymic origin, development of FTG-derived TCR γδ IEL partially takes place extrathymically; that is positive selection of FTG-derived Vδ4 IEL occurs extrathymically. In addition, we demonstrate that the CD8 molecule is not necessary for development and homing of FTG-derived TCR γδ IEL. This later finding suggests that the CD8αα molecule develops extrathymically for FTG-derived CD8αα TCR γδ IEL.  相似文献   

Cell transfer experiments in congenic chick strains, one of which expresses the ov antigen marker, indicate that intestinal γ δ T cells are derived from γ δ + thymocytes in embryos and newly hatched birds, and this early intestinal colonization occurs in two discrete waves. Here, we extend these studies to show that splenic colonization by γ δ T cells occurs in essentially the same way. Following the engraftment of ov+ thymic lobes in thymectomized ov? recipients, γ δ T cells migrate both to the spleen and intestine. By 1 week after hatching, a third generation of thymus-derived γ δ T cells begins to migrate to both peripheral lymphoid organs, and this thymus-dependent seeding process is sustained over the first weeks of life. The survival time for splenic γ δ migrants is significantly less than for the intestinal migrants. Tissue section analysis indicates that γ δ T cells enter the intestinal epithelium at all villus levels. A shift in the γ δ intraepithelial lymphocyte distribution toward the villus tip in thymectomized birds suggests the comigration of enterocytes and γ δ intraepithelial lymphocytes. However, survival kinetics of the donor γ δ population and a relatively high division rate of intestinal γ δ T cells indicate that founder thymic migrants produce relatively long-lived clones of intestinal γ δ T cells.  相似文献   

In celiac disease large numbers of γδ T lymphocytes infiltrate the intestinal epithelia. We have isolated intestinal γδ T cell clones from patients with celiac disease and have analyzed their T cell receptor repertoire. T cell lines and clones were obtained from jejunal biopsies of 14 celiac patients and 12 individuals without celiac disease. These were analyzed by staining with monoclonal antibodies against CD3, αβ and γδ T cell receptor, by Southern blot with γ and δ specific probes and by polymerase chain reaction using Vδ-specific oligonucleotides. Intestinal γδ cells from patients with celiac disease differed from those of controls with normal jejunal histology in that Vδ1+ cells and Vδ Vδ2 cells were significantly increased. There was no evidence of the expansion of one or more clones expressing particular types of γδ T cell receptor.  相似文献   

In conventional mice, the T cell receptor (TCR)αβ+ CD8αα+ and CD8αβ+ subsets of the intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) constitute two subpopulations. Each comprise a few hundred clones expressing apparently random receptor repertoires which are different in individual genetically identical mice (Regnault, A., Cumano, A., Vassalli, P., Guy-Grand, D. and Kourilsky, P., J. Exp. Med. 1994. 180: 1345). We analyzed the repertoire diversity of sorted CD8αα and CD8αβ+ IEL populations from the small intestine of individual germ-free mice that contain ten times less TCRαβ+ T cells than conventional mice. The TCRβ repertoire of the CD8αα and the CD8αβ IEL populations of germ-free adult mice shows the same degree of oligoclonality as that of conventional mice. These results show that the intestinal microflora is not responsible for the repertoire oligoclonality of TCRαβ+ IEL. The presence of the microflora leads to an expansion of clones which arise independently of bacteria. To evaluate the degree of expansion of IEL clones in conventional mice, we went on to measure their clone sizes in vivo by quantitative PCR in the total and in adjacent sections of the small intestine of adult animals. We found that both the CD8αα and the CD8αβ TCRαβ IEL clones have a heterogeneous size pattern, with clones containing from 3 × 103 cells up to 1.2 × 106 cells, the clones being qualitatively and quantitatively different in individual mice. Cells from a given IEL clone are not evenly distributed throughout the length of the small intestine. The observation that the TCRαβ IEL populations comprise a few hundred clones of very heterogeneous size and distribution suggests that they arise from a limited number of precursors, which may be slowly but continuously renewed, and undergo extensive clonal expansion in the epithelium.  相似文献   

Several cytokines including stem cell factor (SCF) and interleukin (IL)-7 are known to be required for development of γδ T cell receptor (TCR) intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (i-IEL) in mice. We show here the effects of IL-15 on the proliferation and maintenance of murine γδ i-IEL in vitro. γδ i-IEL constitutively expressed a high level of IL-15 receptor α mRNA and proliferated in response to IL-15 more vigorously than αβ i-IEL. Vγ/δ repertoire analysis revealed that IL-15, like IL-2, induced polyclonal expansion of γδ i-IEL, whereas γδ i-IEL responding to IL-7 showed a Vγ/δ repertoire skewed towards Vγ1/Vδ4, Vδ5. IL-15 efficiently prevented γδ i-IEL from apoptosis induced by growth factor deprivation. This rescue was accompanied by up-regulation of Bcl-2 expression. These results suggest that IL-15 plays important roles in proliferation and maintenance of γδ i-IEL.  相似文献   

The negative selection of T cells expressing the γδ T cell antigen receptor (γδ T cells) was studied using transgenic mice expressing a γδ receptor with specificity for an H-2T-linked class I major histocompatibility complex molecule from H-2b mice. The potentially self-reactive γδ thymocytes in H-2b/d transgenic mice are larger and have lower levels of γδ T cell receptor expression than γδ thymocytes from H-2d mice. H-2b/d γδ thymocytes do not respond to H-2b antigen-presenting cells, and thus are inactive compared to H-2d γδ thymocytes. However, the H-2b/d γδ thymocyte population, but not the H-2d γδ thymocyte population, undergoes a high rate of programmed cell death when placed in overnight culture. These observations constitute the first direct evidence that self-reactive γδ thymocytes undergo programmed cell death. This in vitro programmed cell death of self-reactive γδ thymocytes may reflect the clonal deletion process that results in a depletion of γδ T cells in the peripheral lymphoid organs of adult H-2b/d mice. We also present evidence that self-reactive γδ T cells, similarly to αβ T cells, undergo a lesser degree of clonal deletion in neonatal mice compared to adult mice.  相似文献   

Following intraduodenal priming of mice with reovirus, precursor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (pCTL) rapidly appear in intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and Peyer's patches. These cells express CTL activity after secondary in vitro stimulation with reovirus-infected cells. Adoptive transfer of Peyer's patch lymphocytes from normal BALB/c mice into reovirus-infected CB.17 severe combined immunodeficiency mice results in the infection-dependent appearance of large numbers of both CD8+Thy-1+ and CD8?Thy-1+, IEL that express the α/β T cell receptor (TcR). Phenotypic and functional characterization of IEL derived from conventionally reared, reovirus-infected mice also points to extensive similarities in the pCTL derived from Peyer's patches and IEL. As in the Peyer's patches, pCTL are persistent in the IEL compartment for up to 4 weeks after infection. A large percentage of IEL that are recovered from reovirus-primed mice after in vitro culture are CD8+Thy-1+ cells that express α/β TcR. Furthermore, depletion experiments demonstrate that the CD8+Thy-1+ population mediates the virus-specific CTL activity. Using limiting dilution analyses, it was estimated that 7 days after intraduodenal infection the average frequency of virus-specific pCTL was 197/106 CD8+Thy-1+ IEL and 190/106 CD8+Thy-1+ Peyer's patch lymphocytes. Taken together, these observations provide evidence that specific cellular immunity to reovirus in IEL is mediated, at least in part, by conventional cytotoxic T lymphocytes and that these cells are functionally and phenotypically similar to the pCTL derived from the Peyer's patches.  相似文献   

TL1A is a proinflammatory cytokine, which is prevalent in the gut. High TL1A concentrations are present in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and in IBD mouse models. However, the role of TL1A during steady‐state conditions is relatively unknown. Here, we used TL1A knockout (KO) mice to analyse the impact of TL1A on the intestinal immune system and gut microbiota. The TL1A KO mice showed reduced amounts of small intestinal intraepithelial TCRγδ+ and CD8+ T cells, and reduced expression of the activating receptor NKG2D. Moreover, the TL1A KO mice had significantly reduced body weight and visceral adipose tissue deposits, as well as lower levels of leptin and CXCL1, compared with wild‐type mice. Analysis of the gut microbial composition of TL1A KO mice revealed a reduction of caecal Clostridial cluster IV, a change in the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio in caecum and less Lactobacillus spp. in the mucosal ileum. Our results show that TL1A deficiency impacts on the gut microbial composition and the mucosal immune system, especially the intraepithelial TCRγδ+ T‐cell subset, and that TL1A is involved in the establishment of adipose tissue. This research contributes to a broader understanding of TL1A inhibition, which is increasingly considered for treatment of IBD.  相似文献   

We reported that T cell receptor (TcR) γδ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (i-IEL) of host origin increased transiently, then decreased drastically at the early stage of non-irradiated acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in mice. We investigated the role of the TcR γδ i-IEL of host origin in the pathogenesis of the intestinal lesions that occur during acute GVHD. The acute GVHD was induced in mice which had been depleted of TcR γδ by in vivo administration of hamster monoclonal antibody (mAb) against TcR γδ. Although the degree of splenomegaly after the induction of acute GVHD in mice treated with anti-TcR γδ mAb was similar to that in control mice treated with hamster anti-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl mAb, infiltration of donor-derived T cells into the epithelium, and mitosis and apoptosis of crypt cells in the intestinal mucosa were dramatically suppressed in these mice. This suggest that host TcR γδ T cells in i-IEL contribute to the development of enteropathy in acute GVHD in mice.  相似文献   

We have studied the in vitro activation of chicken γδ T cells. Both splenic αβ and γδ T cells obtained from complete Freund's adjuvant-primed chickens proliferated in vitro when stimulated with mycobacterial sonicate or purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When CD4+ cells or αβ T cell receptor (TcR)-positive cells were removed, both the proliferation and the blast formation of γδ T cells in response to mycobacterial antigens were abrogated. The response was restored if supernatant from concanavalin A (Con A)-activated lymphocyte cultures (CAS) as a source of helper factors was added together with the specific antigen purified protein derivative. The CD4- or αβ TcR-depleted cells still proliferated in response to Con A, although a decrease of the response was observed. To analyze the γδ T cell response more specifically we stimulated peripheral blood cells with immobilized monoclonal antibodies against T cell receptor. Anti-γδ TcR antibody alone did not induce significant proliferation. When CAS was added together with the anti-γδ TcR monoclonal antibody, a strong proliferation of γδ T cells was observed. In contrast, both Vβ1- and Vβ2-expressing αβ T cells proliferated in vitro in response to stimulation with the relevant anti-TcR monoclonal antibody alone. Depletion of either Vβ1+ or Vβ2+ T cell subset alone had no negative effect on the proliferation or blast formation of γδ T cells stimulated with mycobacterial antigens. Taken together our results suggest that CD4+ αβ T cells (both Vβl- and Vβ2-expressing) play a role in the activation and response of chicken γδ T cells.  相似文献   

The majority of peripheral blood γδ T cells in human adults expresses T cell receptors (TCR) with identical V regions (Vγ9 and Vδ2). These Vγ9Vδ2 T cells recognize the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-deficient B cell line Daudi and broadly distributed nonpeptidic antigens present in bacteria and parasites. Here we show that unlike αβ or Vγ9? γδ T cells, the majority of Vγ9Vδ2T cells harbor natural killer inhibitory receptors (KIR) (mainly CD94/NKG2A heterodimers), which are known to deliver inhibitory signals upon interaction with MHC class I molecules. Within Vγ9δ2 T cells, KIR were mainly expressed by clones exhibiting a strong lytic activity against Daudi cells. In stark contrast, almost all Vγ9Vδ2 T cell clones devoid of killing activity were KIR?, thus suggesting a coordinate acquisition of KIR and cytotoxic activity within Vγ9Vδ2 T cells. In functional terms, KIR inhibited lysis of MHC class I-positive tumor B cell lines by Vγ9Vδ2 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and raised their threshold of activation by microbial antigens presented by MHC class I-positive cells. Furthermore, masking KIR or MHC class I molecules revealed a TCR-dependent recognition by Vγ9Vδ2 CTL of ligands expressed by activated T lymphocytes, including the effector cells themselves. Taken together, these results suggest a general implication of Vγ9Vδ2 T cells in immune response regulation and a central role of KIR in the control of self-reactive γδ CTL.  相似文献   

Discovered 30 years ago, γδT cells remain an enigmatic T‐cell subset. Although they account for a small portion of the total human circulating T‐cell pool, their associations with other immune cells and their potential regulatory roles in related diseases have been explored but still require further investigation. γδT cells which are MHC‐unrestricted innate‐like lymphocytes with more unique antigen receptors than αβT cells and B cells are considered to bridge innate and adaptive immunity. They have APC functions and initiate adaptive immunity. Due to their distribution in specific tissues, secretion of Th1‐, Th2‐, and Th17‐type cytokines, and other characteristics, they are involved in a variety of physiology and pathology processes. They are barometers in HIV infection. However, different γδT cell subsets play opposing roles in HBV infections, autoimmune diseases, and several types of tumors. Moreover, decidual γδT cells have protective roles during pregnancies by synthesizing several cytokines. This emerging evidence provides an improved understanding of the immune mechanism of infection, autoimmunity, cancer, and other related disorders and better insights regarding the potential roles of γδT cells in immunological therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Three-color flow cytometric analysis was carried out with intraepithelial lymphocytes from mice deficient in expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. These experiments were done to address the possible role of MHC class II molecules in the positive selection of Vδ4+ γδ T cells. By analyzing mice deficient MHC class II antigens alone or in combination with MHC class I antigens, no evidence was found for positive selection of Vδ4+ cells among CD8a+ or CD4?CD8? subpopulations of γδ T cell receptor-positive cells. Because V54+, CD8a+ cells were reported to be positively selected on I-Ek and hybrid I-Ek/b molecules, class II-deficient animals were crossed with I-Ek transgenic mice and progeny examined for Vδ4 expression. Again, no evidence for positive selection was found. Interestingly, in MHC class I-deficient animals, the total number of γδ T cells was about twofold higher than in control and MHC class II-deficient mice and the proportion of V8δ-expressing cells was correspondingly decreased. Taken together, these results cast doubt on a major role for conventional MHC antigens in shaping the γδ T cell repertoire of intraepithelial lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Although the patterns of lymphokine (LK) secretion by CD4 and CD8 αβ T cells have been extensively studied, the question of whether γδ T cells display patterns of restricted LK production and whether these patterns are the same as seen in conventional αδ T cells has not been previously addressed. In this study we generated panels of γδ T cell clones from normal C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice using a lectin-driven system and compared their patterns of secretion of nine LK with those of CD4 and CD8 αβ T cell clones generated in the same system. The results showed that γδ T cell clones displayed nonrandom patterns of highly restricted LK production with a strong bias towards the production of type 1 LK. The dominant pattern was one of high level secretion of interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), with variable production of interleukin (IL)-2, and little or none of the type 2 LK IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-10. This pattern differed significantly from that of CD4 Th1 clones in that γδ clones showed a striking deficiency in the production of IL-3 and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor. A small subset of γδ clones displayed a novel pattern, in which the only LK produced in substantial quantity were TNF and variable amounts of IL-2. The bias of γδ T cells towards type 1 LK production was not an artefact associated with cloning because bulk populations of splenic γδ T cells behaved in the same way, even when activated in the presence of high concentrations of IL-4.  相似文献   

T cells belong to two separate lineages based on surface expression of αβ or γδ T cell receptors (TCR). Since during thymus development TCR β, γ, and δ genes rearrange before α genes, and γδ cells appear earlier than αβ cells, it has been assumed that αδ cells are devoid of TCR α rearrangements. We show here that this is not the case, since mature adult, but not fetal, thymic γδ cells undergo VJα rearrangements more frequently than immature αβ lineage thymic precursors. Sequence analysis shows VJα rearrangements in γδ cells to be mostly (70 %) nonproductive. Furthermore, VJα rearrangements in γδ cells are transcribed normally and, as shown by analysis of TCR β-/- mice, occur independently of productive VDJβ rearrangements. These data are interpreted in the context of a model in which precursors of αβ and γδ cells differ in their ability to express a functional pre-TCR complex.  相似文献   

Splenic γδ T cells (CD4?, CD8?) increased more that 10-fold upon resolution of either Plasmodium chabaudi adami or P. c. chabaudi infections in C57BL/6 mice compared to controls. Similarly, a 10- to 20-fold expansion of the γδ T cell population was observed in β2-microglobulin deficient (β2-m0.0) mice that had resolved P. c. adami, P. c. chabaudi or P. yoelii yoelii infections. In contrast, increases in the number of splenic αβ T cells in these infected mice were only two to three-fold indicating a differential expansion of the γδ T cell subset during malaria. Because nucleated cells of β2-m0/0 mice lack surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class I and class Ib glycoproteins, our findings suggest that antigen presentation by these glycoproteins is not necessary for the increasing number of γδ T cells. Our observation that after resolution of P. c. adami malaria, C57BL/6 mice depleted of CD8+ cells by monoclonal antibody treatment had lower numbers of γδ T. cells than untreated controls suggests that the demonstrated lack of CD8+ cells in β2-m0/0 mice does not contribute to the expansion of the γδ T cell population during non-lethal malaria.  相似文献   

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