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In order to identify a common region of deletion on chromosome 17 potentially containing a tumor-suppressor gene, 27 ovarian carcinomas and 3 ovarian tumors of low malignant potential (LMP) were examined for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 6 p arm and 10 q arm loci. Ninety percent of all tumors had deletions at one or more loci. On the p arm, there was a single near-common region of deletion on 17p 13.3 (D/7S30/ pYNZ22.1; 86% LOH), an intervening locus with a low LOH rate, and a more proximal locus on 17p11.2 (D/7S58/pEW301; 82% LOH) with a high LOH rate. In less aggressive tumors, LOH at Df 7S30 was not accompanied by LOH at p53. The q arm had a common region of deletion for high-stage carcinoma at D/7S579 (Mfd 188; 74% LOH) on q21, a locus tightly linked to the familial breast-ovarian-cancer syndrome (BRCAI) locus. D/7S579 was lost in all informative high-stage carcinomas and retained in all low-stage carcinomas and tumors of LMP. There may be at least 2 tumor-suppressor genes, an early-acting gene on the p arm and a gene on the q arm involved in tumor progression and metastasis.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer type in women and allelic loss constitutes one of the commonest genetic alterations in mammary neoplasias. Frequent detection of Loss of Heterozygosity indicates genes with putative tumour suppressor activity in breast carcinomas. Imbalance between two alleles might also be related with increased expression of an oncogene within a locus. Loci exhibiting frequent allelic loss in breast cancer have been detected, spread throughout the genome, and may contain genes with potential significance in breast carcinogenesis. Loss of Heterozygosity patterns in breast cancer give evidence for multiple clonality of the disease, and that accumulation of such lesions is probably implicated in disease development. Studies on deletions of known breast cancer genes suggest interactions with other common genetic events during disease initiation and progression. Allelic loss has been repeatedly associated with adverse characteristics and poor outcome in breast neoplasms. Detection of allelic loss in the serum of breast cancer patients and in premalignant breast lesions could herald the potential for diagnosis of the disease at an early, and thus curable, stage.  相似文献   

Allelic imbalance and mutations of the PTEN gene in ovarian cancer   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The PTEN/MMAC1/TEP1 tumor-suppressor gene, which maps to chromosome 10q23.3, is mutated and homozygously deleted in a variety of human tumors, including endometrioid-type ovarian tumors. We examined 33 primary ovarian cancers and 3 ovarian borderline tumors for allelic imbalance (AI) of the 10q23.3 region using 5 polymorphic markers, including an insertion/deletion-type polymorphic marker identified in intron 4 of the PTEN gene. AI at one or more loci was detected in 12 of 31 (39%) informative ovarian cancers and none of 3 ovarian borderline tumors. The commonly deleted region was mapped between the D10S215 and D10S541 loci, including the PTEN locus. Moreover, the incidence of AI at the PTEN locus (38%) was the highest among the 5 loci examined. Therefore, we searched for mutations in the entire coding region of the PTEN gene by PCR-SSCP and sequencing analyses in these tumors and 7 ovarian cancer cell lines. Mutations were detected in 3 of the 33 (9%) ovarian cancers: 2 cases with double mutations and 1 case with a mutation on 1 allele accompanied by deletions on both alleles in the poly T tract preceding the splice acceptor site in intron 7. An intragenic deletion was detected in 1 of the 7 (14%) ovarian cancer cell lines. PTEN mutations were detected not only in the endometrioid type but also in the serous and mucinous types of ovarian cancer. However, PTEN was not mutated in the 12 tumors that showed AI of the PTEN locus. Our results suggest that the PTEN gene plays an important role in the development of a subset but diverse histological types of ovarian tumors. However, it is possible that another tumor-suppressor gene in the close vicinity of the PTEN gene is also inactivated by AI of the 10q23.3 region.  相似文献   

Allelic loss on chromosome 6Q in primary prostate cancer.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Molecular genetic analyses of human prostate cancer (CaP) has revealed frequent loss of specific chromosome regions suggesting the presence of putative tumor suppressor gene(s) (TSG) on these chromosome loci whose inactivation may play a role in prostate tumorigenesis. To understand the role of 6q alterations in CaP, we have undertaken a comprehensive analysis of proximal 6q. Genomic DNA from tumor and normal prostate tissues from radical prostatectomy specimens of 38 patients were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci on 6q. Allelic losses of 1 or more polymorphic loci were detected in 11 of 38 patients (29%). Six of 11 tumors showing any 6q deletion were found to have allelic losses at D6S1056 and D6S300 loci. Our results revealed a 1.5 megabase interval between D6S1056 and D6S300 at 6q16.3-21 as the minimal region of deletion, which may contain the putative TSG involved in prostate tumorigenesis. One of the tumor samples demonstrated homozygous deletion at a distal location D6S314 (6q23-24), suggesting another locus potentially associated with CaP. Although the relationship of 6q loss of heterozygosity (LOH) with various clinico-pathologic variables, i.e., cancer recurrence or pathologic stage, did not reveal a statistically significant association, the risk for 6q LOH to non-organ confined (pT3) disease was 5-fold higher than for organ confined disease.  相似文献   

Allele loss from chromosome 17 in ovarian cancer   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In a number of human cancers genes capable of suppressing tumorigenicity have been identified and in some instances cloned. Successful isolation of such tumour suppressor genes has depended upon either the mapping of a locus which confers susceptibility to a specific tumour, or the finding of specific allele loss in the tumour cells of heterozygous individuals. In ovarian cancer it is known that a small proportion (approximately 5%) of tumours are due to inheritance (Lynch et al., 1989). However, as yet the locus responsible has not been mapped. The only incidence of allele loss in ovarian tumours reported is on the short arm of chromosome 11 using a c-Ha-ras I probe to detect an RFLP (Lee et al., 1989), and on 3p and 6 in a small number of cases (Ehlen & Dubeau (1990)). We describe here the results of analysis of 19 tumours for allele loss using a probe for a hypervariable locus on the long arm of chromosome 17. Approximately 77% (10/13) of tumours from informative patients showed complete or partial allele loss at this locus. Using a probe for the short arm of chromosome 17, 31% (4 of 13 informative patients) demonstrated allele loss at this position. These results suggest that possible involvement of more than one chromosomal locus in the development of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Forty-eight samples of primary non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and normal tissue from the same patients were analyzed for allelic deletions on chromosome 11p. Five polymorphic loci were assessed to determine the incidence of 11p sequence deletions and to define hot-spots of deletions. Information was obtained from all patients in at least one locus. Our data show that the deletions observed were not randomly scattered over the short arm of chromosome 11. Rather, 2 hot-spots of deletions were observed: one in the area of the genes for catalase and beta-FSH corresponding to band 11p13, the other close to the IGF-II locus corresponding to band 11p15. A high incidence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was found with the probe for catalase (21/29), a locus flanking the centromeric region of the Wilms' tumor locus. Most of the samples exhibiting LOH of one or more of the alleles analyzed remained heterozygous for at least one other chromosome 11p allele. Furthermore, duplication of the intensity of the remaining allele was rarely observed. Our results indicate that LOH on the short arm of chromosome 11 is a common event in NSCLC and that the chromosomal region containing the Wilms' tumor locus is most commonly involved.  相似文献   

Allelic loss in the progression of myelodysplastic syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To elucidate the genetic events that may play an important role in the progression of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), we performed allelotype analysis of 24 individuals using matched MDS and AML samples from the same patients. Because the evolution can take years to occur, we used DNAs extracted from archival samples. These samples were analyzed with 79 microsatellite markers, which mapped to each of the autosomal arms except the short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes. Loss of heterozygosity on at least one locus was observed in 18 of the 24 cases (75%) as the disease progressed. Frequent allelic loss in >20% of the informative cases was observed on chromosome arms 6q (31%), 7p (23%), 10p (31%), 11q (27%), 14q (25%), and 20q (23%). Although cytogenetic information was available for many of our cases with allelic loss on 6q, 7p, 10p, 11q, 14q, and 20q, no deletions were observed on these arms. Fractional allelic loss, calculated for each sample as the total number of chromosomal arms lost per total number of arms with information, showed a median value of 0.06 and a mean of 0.15 (range, 0-0.59). No microsatellite instability at more than one marker was found in any of the samples. These results suggest that tumor suppressor genes exist on 6q, 7p, 10p, 11q, 14q, and 20q that have an important role in the evolution of MDS to AML when they are mutated.  相似文献   

We performed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis on matched lymph nodes before and after progression of follicular lymphoma (FL), and found novel LOH on chromosome arm 12p. This LOH has not been previously reported in association with FL transformation. Other sites of frequent LOH include chromosome arms 6q and 9p. LOH was observed in both transformed FL and relapse FL. These data suggest that altered tumor suppressor genes exist on 6q, 9p, and 12p that have an important role in the progression of FL. Genetic changes accumulated in relapsed FL in the absence of histological changes compared to initial diagnosis.  相似文献   

Allelic expression of p73 in human ovarian cancers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Background: The p73 gene is structurally related to the tumor suppressor gene p53. The role of p73 in tumor development is still unclear and no data on ovarian cancer are so far available. For this reason we have analyzed, in a panel of ovarian cancers, the allelic distribution and expression of p73.Patients and methods: Fifty-one samples from ovarian cancers and five human ovarian cancer cell lines growing in culture were analyzed. Allelic origin was analyzed by PCR after digestion with the restriction enzyme Sty I. Heterozygous, informative cases were selected for studies aimed at evaluating allelic expression of p73.Results: We found an allelic distribution similar to that previously reported. LOH was found in two patients with ovarian cancer. In one case in which normal ovarian tissue was available biallelic expression of p73 was found.Conclusion: In comparisons of ovarian cancers and borderline tumors, no differences in allelic distribution and/or expression were found, suggesting that p73 does not play an important role in the pathogenesis and development of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Parathyroid tumors may occur in a sporadic fashion or, more rarely, as part of a familial syndrome (such as familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type I). The MENI gene has been mapped by linkage analysis to chromosome 11 at band q11-q13, and presumably acts as a tumor suppressor gene. In the present study, which is an extension of our previous studies, we examined 41 parathyroid tumors from patients with familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type I and 61 sporadic parathyroid tumors with markers on chromosome 11, to assess the extent of allelic loss in those tumors. Twenty-four of the MENI-associated tumors (58%) and 16 of the sporadic parathyroid tumors (26%) displayed allelic loss from chromosome 11. The region of overlap of the allelic losses in the MENI-associated tumors enables us to place the MENI gene between PGA centromerically and INT2 telomerically, a region spanning about 7.5 cM. Taken together with locus ordering by linkage analysis, this clearly localizes the MENI gene telomeric to the PGA locus. Our inability to detect allelic loss on chromosome 11 in some parathyroid tumors suggests the existence of other genes involved in the development and/or progression of this subgroup of presumably monoclonal tumors; or that localized events involving the 11q tumor suppressor gene have occurred in some parathyroid tumors whose detection is beyond the sensitivity of our analysis; or that at least some of the specimens analyzed were in fact primarily hyperplastic parathyroid tissue.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at loci from the short arm of chromosome 8 has been shown to occur in several types of carcinomas. The consensus deletion region has been recently mapped at 8p21-p22, distal to D8S283 and NEFL loci, and proximal to LPL and D8S265 loci. We report LOH at D8S133, a marker located in this consensus region, in a panel of breast tumor samples. LOH at this locus was observed in about 20% of the tumors.  相似文献   

Allelic losses of specific chromosomal regions in the DNA of tumor cells, which imply loss of tumor suppressor genes normally resident at those loci, may become useful postoperative prognostic indicators for breast cancers that have not yet metastasized to lymph nodes. To examine whether specific allelic losses might correlate with postoperative disease-free survival, we tested tumors from a cohort of 228 node-negative breast cancer patients for allelic losses at 18 microsatellite loci chosen to represent either a known tumor suppressor gene or a region where genetic alterations are frequent in breast tumors. We followed the patients clinically for 5 years or until death (if patient death occurred before completion of 5 years of follow-up). Patients whose tumors had lost an allele at 1p34-36 bore significantly higher risks of postoperative recurrence than those whose tumors retained both alleles of the markers in that region [the 5-year recurrence rate was 15% among patients with losses versus 2% among patients with retention (P = 0.001)]. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that allelic loss at 1p34-36 was an independent postoperative predictor of shorter disease-free survival (hazard ratio, 5.8; P = 0.0117). Thus, allelic losses at 1p34-36 in a tumor might have a potential to serve as a negative prognostic indicator to guide postoperative management of breast cancer patients, especially in the selection of high-risk women who will benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy and endocrine therapy.  相似文献   

To gain a broad spectrum on allelic loss of specific loci in ovarian tumors, we initially examined DNA from 23 pairs of ovarian tumors and matched peripheral blood lymphocyte samples from the same patients, using 27 polymorphic DNA markers distributed on 13 chromosomes. Significant high frequency of allelic deletion (22%-44%) at chromosome 13 loci (D13S31, D13S32, D13S33, and D13S34) at bands q12-q34 was observed in tumor tissues. These results led us to investigate the loss of heterozygosity at the retinoblastoma (RB) locus in ovarian tumors, because the RB gene is a tumor-suppressor gene located at 13q14. Analysis of the variable number of tandem repeat sequence polymorphism in intron 20 in the RB gene revealed that 6 (30%) of 20 patients with informative samples showed allelic loss at the RB locus in their tumor tissues. This loss, of relatively high frequency, suggests that the RB gene, or a closely linked gene, seems to be involved in the development of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Allele loss at the c-Ha-ras1 locus in human ovarian cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent reports have shown allele loss at the c-Ha-ras1 locus on the short arm of chromosome 11 in some types of tumors. To determine whether loss of heterozygosity occurs at the c-Ha-ras1 locus in uncultured human ovarian carcinomas we used Southern blot analysis to study DNA from 17 pairs of ovarian tumors and matched white blood cell samples from the same patients. In one of these 17 tumors, the c-Ha-ras1 locus was rearranged, and in five tumor DNAs from ten informative patients, a c-Ha-ras1 allele was lost. This loss, of relatively high incidence, appears to be an important characteristic of human ovarian cancer and may provide a useful tool for understanding its biological behavior.  相似文献   

Previous work has implicated putative tumour-suppressor (ts) genes at 6q27 and a broad region at 6p12-q23. Here we report the results of a coded, randomised study of allelic imbalance at 12 loci on 6q on 40 pairs of coded tumour-blood pairs from patients with ovarian tumours. Our results provide clear evidence for the involvement of different regions of 6q in tumours of different histological subtypes. The involvement in serous tumours of a ts gene at the distal site is confirmed. However, proximal 6q presents a complex picture, with possibly three further ts genes: one at 6q21-23.3 involved at high frequency in benign and endometrioid tumours, another at 6q14-q15, also involved in endometrioid tumours, and a third suggested by a smallest region of deletion at 6q16.3-q21, between D6S275 and D6S300, that appears to be involved in early stage tumours. These observations point the way to a statistical study of the involvement of 6q in tumours of different histological type and staging performed on larger cohorts of samples.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of chromosome 13 deletions in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) progression and to define the precise localization of putative tumor suppressor genes, we studied tumors from 34 unrelated patients with oral SCC by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-loss of heterozygosity (LOH) assay, using 18 different polymorphic loci. Chromosome 13q allelic losses (LOH) were observed in 67.6% at 1 or more loci. These results enabled the identification of a putative minimal region of deletion mapped at 13q14.3. The commonly deleted region is located close, but telomeric to the RB1 locus. We also examined the same samples for inactivation of the RB1 gene by immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded samples, but no significant variation in RB protein expression was detected. In addition, we also performed PCR-single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to detect any mutation of the RB1 gene using 52 primer pairs, which covers all exons of this gene. We found no mutations of the RB1 gene in our samples. Interestingly, we found significant correlation between LOH of 13q14.3 and lymph node metastasis. Our results indicate that LOH of 13q is a common event in oncogenesis and/or progression of oral SCC, and also suggest the existence of a new suppressor gene near D13S273-D13S176 loci which may play a role in these events. Int. J. Cancer (Pred. Oncol.) 79:312–317, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the stage specificity and heterogeneity of 18p11 alterations in a series of tumors representing 96 microdissected samples. Significant loss of heterozygosity (LOH) (63%) was found, with 56% occurring early in ductal carcinoma in situ. Although most cases indicated LOH was clonally inherited, heterogeneity for 18p LOH occurred in 27% of tumors. When compared with other LOH data, 18p LOH was found in conjunction with allelic deletion on 3p, 9p, 17p and 17q, while 13q, 16q, and 11p were less frequently associated. These analyses suggest chromosome 18p11 alteration is a common and early event in breast disease.  相似文献   

Cervical carcinomas develop as a result of multiple genetic alterations. As the genetic alterations are the cause of malignant transformation, it is likely that specific genetic alterations lead to specific clinical behaviour. The aim of this study was (i) to localise chromosome arms that harbour likely tumour-suppressor genes, by analysing loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and (ii) to study the association of LOH with clinicopathological parameters. To define the regions of interest, we studied the presence of loss of heterozygosity at all chromosomes in 67 cervical carcinomas (stages IB and IIA) with 81 polymorphic markers. In addition, all frequent allelic imbalances were correlated with HPV status and clinicopathologic parameters including survival, FIGO-stage, lymph-node metastasis, tumour size, number of mitoses, vaso-invasion and histologic type. LOH at a frequency over 25% was observed at sites on 9 chromosome arms: 3p21, 4p16.1-15, 6p, 6q22.3-23.1, 11q22-24, 15q11-21.1, 17p13.3, 18q22-qter and Xq. LOH of chromosome 6q14-16.2, 6p22 and 17p13 correlated marginally with HPV-16 positivity. LOH on chromosome 3p21 was weakly correlated with high mitotic activity, while LOH on chromosomes 11q23.3, 15q21.1 and 17p13 correlated with low mitotic activity. LOH at chromosome 17p13 associated marginally with FIGO stage I, while LOH at chromosome 15q associated weakly with FIGO stage II. When chromosome 18q showed LOH in the tumour, the patients had decreased survival (p = 0.024). We conclude that, in carcinoma of the uterine cervix, a novel tumour-suppressor gene may be present on chromosome 15q21 and that patients with LOH on chromosome 18q have relatively poor survival (p = 0.025). Int. J. Cancer (Pred. Oncol.) 79:411–417, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Allelic loss is heterogeneous throughout the tumor in colorectal carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 17p and 18q in colorectal carcinoma has been depicted as a potential prognostic marker for the disease. However, conclusions vary among reports, and evidence of clinically useful genetic prognostic markers is still lacking. As a rule, single biopsies are used. In this study, the authors hypothesized that an important cause of earlier contradictory results was the heterogeneity of colorectal neoplasms. METHODS: In this study, DNA originating in each quadrant of tumors from 64 patients with colorectal carcinoma was analyzed. Microsatellite markers for chromosome 18q and 17p were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and automatically analyzed. RESULTS: The authors found that, regardless of stage, LOH and non-LOH in both 17p and 18q varied among biopsies within the tumors in a random fashion. LOH in 18q was detected in all 4 quadrants in 22% and in 1 of 4, 2 of 4, or 3 of 4 quadrants in 56% of the tumors, whereas 22% of the tumors were homogeneously without LOH in 18q. LOH 17p was distributed similarly throughout the tumors and was present in 1 of 4, 2 of 4, or 3 of 4 of the quadrants in 44%. The authors also reexamined a subset of tumors by subdividing one biopsy from each into four. Analysis of the microsatellite markers then yielded identical results. No correlation between the degree of LOH status and patient survival was observed. CONCLUSIONS: LOH status within a colorectal tumor is extensively heterogeneous. However, it is more homologous on a lower macroscopic level. For relevant genetic analysis, multiple biopsies and DNA sampling preceded by careful morphologic examination must be standard in the preparation of DNA.  相似文献   

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