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We report the capacity of CD40 ligand (CD40L)-negative T cell clones to activate human B cells. CD40L-negative T cells induce a level of B cell proliferation 10–20% of that seen with normal T cells. The signal provided by the negative clones is synergistic with that derived from a CD40L transfectant, and restores B cell proliferation to normal levels, showing that CD40L-negative T cell clones are not inherently inhibitory for B cells. Although their capacity to induce proliferation was much reduced, CD40L-negative T cell clones were still strong inducers of B cell differentiation to plasma cells. This differentiation to plasma cells was inhibited by a CD40L transfectant. The data are discussed with regard to the normal in vivo mechanism for maintaining B cell memory and memory antibody responses to T-dependent antigens.  相似文献   

CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, is an important costimulatory molecule during the immune response. Here, we report a blocking mouse antihuman CD40 monoclonal antibody, mAb 3G3, of which the specificity was verified by flow cytometry and Western blot. It was shown by competition test that 3G3 bound to a different site (epitope) of CD40 from the reported CD40 mAbs, including clone mAb89, 3B2, and 5C11. It was also found that mAb 3G3 could inhibit homotypic aggregation of Daudi cells induced by the agonistic anti-CD40 mAb 5C11. Furthermore, mAb 3G3 effectively inhibited the proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in mixed lymphocyte reaction assay. Finally, a sensitive and specific soluble CD40 (sCD40) ELISA kit was established by matching mAb 3G3 with 5C11, and it was found that the levels of sCD40 in sera from patients with immune disorders such as hyperthyroidism, chronic nephritis, and rheumatoid arthritis were obviously higher than those from normal individuals. Thus, this blocking anti-CD40 mAb provides a novel tool for the study of CD40.  相似文献   

We describe here the derivation of a rat monoclonal antibody (mAb) against mouse CD40 (designated 3/23), which stains 45–50% of spleen cells of adult mice, approximately 90% of which are B cells. Interestingly, some 5–10% of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the spleens of (some, but not all) adult, unimmunized mice are also CD40+, whereas CD40+ cells were not detectable in the thymus, even following collagenase digestion. Some 35–40% of lymphoid cells in the bone marrow of adult mice are CD40+ and virtually all of these are B220+, and hence of the B cell lineage: triple-color flow cytometry showed that CD40 is expressed at low levels on some 30% of pre-B cells, at intermediate levels on 80% of immature B cells and on essentially all mature B cells in the bone marrow. These results, therefore, suggest that in the mouse CD40 is expressed relatively late during the process of B cell differentiation. The mAb induced marked up-regulation of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules, CD23 and B7.2 antigens on mature B cells. It also stimulated modest levels of DNA synthesis in mature B cells by itself: this was markedly enhanced by suboptimal concentrations of mitogenic (but not non-mitogenic) anti-μ and anti-δ mAb, and moderately enhanced by co-stimulation with interleukin-4. Hyper-cross-linking of CD40 (using biotinylated mAb and avidin) also enhanced the proliferative response to anti-CD40.  相似文献   

A fraction of activated CD8+ T cells expresses CD40 ligand (CD40L), a molecule that plays a key role in T cell-dependent B cell stimulation. CD8+ T cell clones were examined for CD40L expression and for their capacity to allow the growth and differentiation of B cells, upon activation with immobilized anti-CD3. According to CD40L expression, CD8+ clones could be grouped into three subsets. CD8+ T cell clones expressing high levels of CD40L (≥80% CD40L+ cells) were equivalent to CD4+ T cell clones with regard to induction of tonsil B cell proliferation and immunoglobulin (Ig) production, provided the combination of interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-10 was added to cultures. CD8+ T cell clones, with intermediate levels of CD40L expression (10 to 30% CD40L+ cells), also stimulated B cell proliferation and Ig secretion with IL-2 and IL-10. B cell responses induced by these CD8+ T cell clones were neutralized by blocking monoclonal antibodies specific for either CD40L or CD40. By contrast, CD40L?? T cell clones (?5 % CD40L+ cells), only induced marginal B cell responses even with IL-2 and IL-10. All three clone types were able to activate B cells as shown by up-regulation of CD25, CD80 and CD86 expression. A neutralizing anti-CD40L antibody indicated that T cell-dependent B cell activation was only partly dependent on CD40-CD40L interaction. These CD40L?? clones had no inhibitory effects on B cell proliferation induced by CD40L-expressing CD8+ T cell clones. Taken together, these results indicate that CD8+ T cells can induce B cell growth and differentiation in a CD40L-CD40-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

B cell subpopulations, as defined by double-labelling techniques with CD5 and CD19 monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs), were serially studied in 335 HIV-1 seropositive patients. At the time of the first consultation, no important modifications in either CD5+ or CD5- subpopulations were observed, whatever the stage of the disease. However, in 18 out of the 335 patients (5.37%), a sharp increase in B cells exceeding 20% and 300/mm3 was observed. This increase in B cells was mainly accounted for CD5-CD19+ B cell subpopulations and was associated with: (i) evolution of the disease, since only four patients presented it at their first consultation (one lymphadenopathy-associated syndrome (LAS) and three AIDS); (ii) advanced stages of disease since, at the time of B cell augmentation, two patients were staged as LAS, four as ARC and 12 as AIDS; (iii) a high incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) since three out of the 18 patients presented a histologically confirmed NHL and three others a clinical pattern compatible with this diagnosis. However, in three patients with B hyperlymphocytosis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) studies of immunoglobulin gene rearrangement revealed the existence of a polyclonal expansion of B cells. These results justify inclusion of a pan-B cell marker in routine phenotypic studies of HIV-infected individuals, as well as the search for NHL among patients presenting this abnormality.  相似文献   

On human B cells the antigen receptor complex is composed of the membrane form of the immunoglobulin molecule and the non-covalently associated Igα/β heterodimer. A small subpopulation of normal B cells and chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells express (analogous to T cells) the transmembrane molecule CD5, a counterstructure of B cell-specific CD72. Numbers of CD5+ B cells are increased in several physiological and pathological conditions. Moreover, CD5+ B cells are being held responsible for the production of autoreactive antibodies and seem to have signaling characteristics distinct from conventional B cells. On T cells, CD5 associates with the T cell receptor CD3 complex and ligation of CD5 leads to the generation of co-stimulatory signals, that act on T cell activation. We here demonstrate that CD5 is associated with the B cell receptor (BCR) complex and serves as substrate for BCR-induced tyrosine kinase activity. Hence, CD5+ B cells have a unique potential to modulate BCR signals.  相似文献   

Great numbers of CD5+ B lymphocytes were detected in the peripheral blood of patients with B-CLL. To study the antibody repertoire of this immune cell subpopulation on a monoclonal level, we fused the lymphocytes derived from five different donors to a highly efficient HAT-sensitive heteromyeloma line (CB-F7). A fusion frequency of up to 10(-5) allowed us to analyse hundreds of initial hybridoma lines per fusion. In all culture supernatants in three out of five fusions IgM lambda antibodies were detected, in two experiments only IgM kappa was measured, suggesting monoclonality of the primary hybridoma cell lines. The later fusions resulted in hybridomas producing multi-specific antibodies against both an autoantigen and an infectious agent: (i) dsDNA/influenza virus haemagglutinin; (ii) dsDNA/class V outer membrane protein type C from Neisseria meningitidis. However, no antibodies of the described specificity were detected in blood sera of patients, indicating a 'switch-on' of the immunoglobulin secretion capacity of malignant B cells during fusion to a myeloma partner. We discuss the results as further evidence for the natural multi-reactive antibody repertoire of CD5+ B cells.  相似文献   

CD154-CD40 interactions are of central importance for the induction of antibody responses to T-dependent antigens. Since most anti-CD40 mAb are only weak B cell mitogens, it is believed that under physiological conditions, signals through CD40 synergize with those from other receptors on B cells to induce B cell activation. We show here that the interaction of either normal B cells, or those from CBA/N (xid) mice, with CD3-activated primary T cells in whole spleen cell cultures markedly reduces the threshold for B cell activation via CD40. Hence, these pre-activated cells undergo vigorous proliferation when stimulated with either optimal or suboptimal concentrations of weakly mitogenic anti-CD40 mAb, or with soluble CD40 ligand. Blocking experiments indicate that the establishment of this priming effect requires stimulation via CD40 itself, plus T cell-derived IL-2. In support of this concept, only CD3/CD28-pre-activated, but not CD3-pre-activated T cells induce this effect, unless the co-cultures of B cells with the latter T cells are supplemented with IL-2. Although B cells activated in this fashion do express higher levels of CD40 than naive cells, we believe that this is insufficient to explain the observed dramatic effects on their proliferative capacity. Rather we propose that T cell-dependent B cell activation induces fundamental changes in the signalling machinery invoked by ligation of CD40. It is likely that this amplification loop could play an important role during the initiation of antibody responses to T-dependent antigens, when activated CD4 T cells only express low levels of CD154.  相似文献   

CD40 cross-linking inhibits specific antibody production by human B cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ligation of CD40 on B cells is a co-stimulatory signal for proliferation,antibody secretion, heavy chain switching and rescue from apoptosisafter somatic mutation in the germinal centre. The importanceof these manifold responses to CD40 activation for humoral immunityis exemplified by the inability of boys with X-linked hyperIgM syndrome to make IgG, IgE or IgA due to a mutation in inthe gene coding for CD40 ligand (CD40L). In the present study,we have investigated the effect of CD40 ligation on specificantibody production by human B cells to influenza virus. Theantibody. response was T cell dependent and specific for thestrain of influenza virus used as antigen. Addition of eitherCD40 mAb or recombinant trimeric CD40L profoundly inhibitedspecific antibody production. Antibody production by unseparatedtonsillar mononuclear cells and by T-depleted B cells stimulatedwith antigen in the presence of T cell replacing factor wereequally inhibited with CD40 antibody showing that the effectwas due to ligation of CD40 on B cells rather than blockingof T cell help. The specific antibody detected in these experimentswas mostly IgG with little or no IgM and was obtained from surfaceIgM B cells consistent with activation of a secondary (memoryresponse. Co-stimulation of tonsillar B cells with CD40 antibodyand anti-IgG induced proliferation of IgG+ B cells. These resultssuggest that CD40 ligation can inhibit specific antibody responsesand stimulate proliferation in the same IgG+ (memory) B cellsubpopulation. Addition of CD40 antibody during the first 24–48h of the response was required for inhibition, suggesting thatthe effect was on early B cell activation and/or proliferationrequired for antibody production. There was no correlation,however, between the ability of CD40 mAb to stimulate proliferationand inhibit antibody production. We suggest that early activationof CD40 in the specific antibody response inhibits the formationof plasma cells and promotes instead the generation of memorycells.  相似文献   

B cells expressing the CD5 marker belong to a subpopulation with potential autoreactive properties. Increased proportions of CD5+ B cells have been reported in autoimmune diseases. In patients with monoclonal gammopathy and demyelinating polyneuropathy, the M-component often consists of autoantibodies reacting with myelin components. We therefore investigated if CD5+ B cells were involved in the production of anti-myelin antibodies. There was no difference of mean value of CD5+ B cells between patients and controls. However, the proportion of CD5+ B cells was significantly correlated with the amount of anti-myelin antibodies. In seven patients, CD5+ B cells were enriched using an immunomagnetic technique. The number of CD5+ and CD5- B cells secreting anti-myelin antibodies was determined by ELISPOT. In two patients with high levels of antibodies, antibody-secreting cells were mainly, but not exclusively, CD5+ B cells. In five patients with low levels of antibodies, most cells secreting anti-myelin antibodies were CD5-. We conclude that CD5 expressed on B cells may be an activation marker, reflecting B cells producing high amounts of anti-myelin antibodies in patients with polyneuropathy associated with monoclonal gammopathy.  相似文献   

Transitional immature B cells undergo apoptosis and fail to proliferate in response to BCR cross-linking, thus representing a target for negative selection of potentially autoreactive B cells in vivo. In agreement with recent reports, transitional B cells were divided into developmentally contiguous subsets based on their surface expression of CD23. When transferred, CD23(+) transitional B cells readily localized to the splenic follicles and the outer PALS. Compared with CD23(-) transitional B cells, CD23(+) transitional B cells proliferated more vigorously and were rescued from BCR-induced apoptosis to a greater degree, by T cell help signals. However, both CD23(-) and CD23(+) transitional B cells failed to up-regulate CD86 (B7-2) in response to BCR ligation. These findings demonstrate that phenotypically defined subsets within the transitional B cell population are functionally distinct. Specifically, responsiveness to T cell help is a late acquisition corresponding to the stage when the B cells gain access to peripheral compartments enriched in antigen and activated T cells. The failure of transitional B cells to up-regulate CD86 to BCR-mediated stimulation suggests a unique interaction between transitional B cells and T cells with implications for tolerance in the T cell compartment.  相似文献   

Stimulation in vitro of murine splenic B cells by lipopolysaccharide, anti-ϰ Sepharose, anti-CD40 or allo-reactive T helper cells all up-regulated CD21 and CD23 surface expression. Neither anti-CD21 nor anti-CD23 antibodies induced B cell growth or differentiation when added in soluble form or coupled to Sepharose. However, anti-CD40-stimulated B cells showed increased proliferation in the presence of anti-CD21 antibodies coupled to Sepharose; co-stimulation via CD21 also induced differentiation to immunoglobulin secretion in a fraction of anti-CD40-stimulated B cells. Furthermore, anti-CD40 antibodies inhibited differentiation to immunoglobulin secretion induced by lipopolysaccharide and, hence, appears to be a dominant negative signal for B cell differentiation.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to different epitopes of the leucocyte common antigen (LCA), CD45, on anti-human immunoglobulin-primed B cell activation. Binding of MoAbs to restricted epitopes present on CD45 glycoproteins of 180 kD and 220 kD (designated CD45R0 and CD45R, respectively) was found to promote B cell proliferation in the presence of T cells. CD45 MoAbs reactive with 'public' determinants on all four constituent members of the LCA family (180, 190, 205, and 220 kD) had either little effect or inhibited the basal B cell response to anti-immunoglobulin priming. Simultaneous immunofluorescent analysis of 5-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and the expression of CD19 (B cell specific) or CD2 (T cell specific) identified the majority of responder cells as B lymphocytes. CD45R MoAbs significantly enhanced the B cell response to sub-optimal concentrations of interleukin-2. CD45 and CD45R0 MoAbs failed to elicit a similar response. Antibody to the interleukin-2 receptor (anti-Tac) partially blocked the CD45R-driven, T cell-dependent B cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Patients with X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome [CD40 ligand (CD40L) deficiency] are prone to infections by intracellular parasites. It has been suggested that this susceptibility is caused by defective macrophage activation through the CD40L-CD40 pathway. We studied the CD40-mediated activation of monocytes and dendritic cells from patients affected with a CD40L+ hyper-IgM syndrome characterized by a defect of B lymphocyte responses to CD40 agonists. We show that the CD40-induced production of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α by monocytes, and IL-12 by dendritic cells, and expression of the activation markers CD83, the co-stimulatory molecules CD86 and CD80, and HLA-DR antigens were all similar in patient and control cells. This observation is consistent with the clinical characteristics of the syndrome: a defect of immunoglobulin switch but no susceptibility to opportunistic infections, as observed in CD40L-deficient patients. These observations suggest that CD40-mediated activation pathways could be, at least in part, different in B and monocytic/dendritic cell lineages.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr (EBV)-immortalized B cell clones were established from CD5+ and CD5- cord blood B cells separated by flow cytometry. We have previously shown that IgM from many of the clones was polyreactive, exhibiting reactivity with a number of autoantigens. In this study, IgM produced by the clones was analysed by MoAb for the expression of cross-reactive idiotypes (CRI) associated with rheumatoid factor paraproteins and from defined VH and V kappa subgroups of immunoglobulin heavy and light chains. IgM produced by clones established from CD5+ and CD5- B cells expressed the VH I associated idiotope G8. Furthermore, IgM produced by both sets of clones exhibited a similar frequency of VH III heavy chain subgroup expression, as determined by reactivity with staphylococcal protein A (SpA) and VH III-associated CRI expression (B6 and/or D12). In contrast, expression of the V kappa III-associated 17.109 CRI was significantly higher in IgM antibodies produced by clones established from CD5+ compared with the CD5- clones (32 versus 5%: P less than 0.05). Analysis of the VH and VL subgroup expression by IgM produced by the CD5+ and CD5- cord blood clones, and their autoantigen reactivity profile did not reveal restriction or selection within CD5+ and CD5- populations. However, our data suggest that differences may exist in the expression of certain germ-line genes between CD5+ and CD5- cord blood B cells and might indicate an expansion of CD5+ B cells within the fetal environment.  相似文献   

Fan Y  Ge Y  Zhu H  Wang Y  Yang B  Zhuang Y  Ma H  Zhang X 《Tissue antigens》2004,64(3):257-263
CD40 ligand, a 33-kDa cell membrane molecule, a member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily, is an important costimulatory molecule during immune response. Here, we report on two functional mouse anti-human CD40L monoclonal antibodies 1B1 and 4F1 characterized by flow cytometry, Western blotting, and competition assay. The antibodies bound to distinct CD40L epitopes and therefore resulted in different bioactivity. Both antibodies could induce CD4+ T-cell alloantigenic hyporesponsiveness ex vivo. The antibodies were matched to develop a two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for soluble CD40L (sCD40L). Using this ELISA assay, we found major differences between plasma and serum sCD40L levels. Because the count of platelet sharply decreased in aplastic anemia (AA) and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), we further analyzed the sCD40L concentration in the plasma of AA and ITP patients. The results showed that the sCD40L in serum was much lower than that of healthy subjects. These data demonstrate that platelets seem to be a major contributor to sCD40L, though not the only source of sCD40L in serum.  相似文献   

Cell-based immunotherapy, in which antigen-loaded antigen-presenting cells (APC) are used to elicit T cell responses, has become part of the search for alternative cancer and infectious disease treatments. Here, we report on the feasibility of using mRNA-electroporated CD40-activated B cells (CD40-B cells) as alternative APC for the ex vivo induction of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell responses. The potential of CD40-B cells as APC is reflected in their phenotypic analysis, showing a polyclonal, strongly activated B cell population with high expression of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules. Flow cytometric analysis of EGFP expression 24 h after EGFP mRNA-electroporation showed that CD40-B cells can be RNA transfected with high gene transfer efficiency. No difference in transfection efficiency or postelectroporation viability was observed between CD40-B cells and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC). Our first series of experiments show clearly that peptide-pulsed CD40-B cells are able to (re)activate both CD8+ and CD4(+) T cells against influenza and cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigens. To demonstrate the ability of viral antigen mRNA-electroporated CD40-B cells to induce virus-specific CD8+ T cell responses, these antigen-loaded cells were co-cultured in vitro with autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for 7 days followed by analysis of T cell antigen-specificity. These experiments show that CD40-B cells electroporated with influenza M1 mRNA or with CMV pp65 mRNA are able to activate antigen-specific interferon (IFN)-gamma-producing CD8(+) T cells. These findings demonstrate that mRNA-electroporated CD40-B cells can be used as alternative APC for the induction of antigen-specific (memory) CD8(+) T cell responses, which might overcome some of the drawbacks inherent to DC immunotherapy protocols.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that CD5+ B cells produce more interleukin (IL)-10 than CD5 B cells and that CD5+ B cells confer significant protection against experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The objective of the present study was to determine whether CD5-positive B cell populations are associated with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) and to explore which subsets on CD5+ B cells are associated with SPMS. A total of 26 patients with SPMS, of whom 11 were treated with IFNβ (IFN-SPMS) and 15 were not treated (non-IFN-SPMS), and 19 healthy control (HC) subjects were included in the study. Expression levels of CD11a, CD23, CD25, CD38, CD49d, CD80, CD86, CD138, CCR5, and CXCR5 on CD5+ B cells in blood samples were examined by flow cytometry. The percentage of CD5+ B cells in the SPMS group was significantly lower than in the HC group. Within the subsets of CD5+ B cells, the expression of CD11a in the non-IFN-SPMS group was significantly decreased compared to the HC subjects. Patients with SPMS showed lower CCR5, CD25, and CD138 positivity on CD5+ B cells than HC subjects. Our results indicate that CD5+ B cell subsets might be associated with pathogenesis of SPMS.  相似文献   

The phycical interaction between the B cell surface molecule CD40 and its ligand, CD40L, is known to be crucial in the development and maintenance of humoral immunity. Recently it has been shown that the CD40L is processed and that its soluble cleavage products are released into the extracellular environment. To study the functions of soluble and membrane-bound human CD40L on human B cells, we generated an uncleavable CD40L cDNA deletion mutant. The activities of transfectants expressing either mutated or wild-type CD40L were then compared on human B cells. Both the soluble and the uncleavable membrane-bound CD40L were able to induce, in conjunction with interleukin-4, B cell proliferation and IgE synthesis. Therefore, membrane-bound and soluble CD40L exhibit the same pattern of activities on B cells and membrane CD40L cleavage is not a prerequisite for its function.  相似文献   

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